OR 3GON City Enterprise. VOL.23. NO.. 17. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1891. ESTABLISHED 18CG C'ODIITM, Olrriill nnurl rnnvriiM flrl l!.iiinr In So Vmutwr mill 1I1IM Mmi'lay 1 April, I'rolmioiioiirl In at..lii Aral Miimlay In each Biuiilli, 'nmin ll(.iim cntirt nuvta drat Wwlmtsilajr tflitr tlr.l almnUy of melt iiiiiiitti, "ll.ACKAMAH AHHTIIA'T A Tlil'hT CO. AlKtrai'la nf ('Lrhaitm. manly irnriy a ai.fl laliy. (lul wink, rnaaiiiiiiljln climKca. Hoik nnrnlil.''1 dlvn ua a Irlnl It V l.aluiiii'lt", K t. Imiialilaiin, J, Y, Clark, lilmi ima. untniiN i ity, .... imr.uoK. II II W KINNllHI) II JilllfiniN J INNAIIIII A Jllll.NHON, t I V 1 1. KNiIINKKKhTnI. Ht'KVKVOIt. Kallwny Incatluti aiel niiiatriii'llii I'Ulia aul v.llluatra fur wilrr a lirhliii'a. I'l'ljf. 1 tk I iimk o ami airirl liiiriivi'ini'iit il Wiwua H.n ll attention glvxn in r.raiithlliif ami Mim .r 1 ill I (i r. HAYES, I. attoknf. o.K. citr. V AT LAW, OK(Ooa). Bilomy 9 Bujel?, Ho,.scSi.ers AUK NOW KAIV FOR T1IIC SPRING TRADE. Company These Prices Willi Portland. CIlHIIllllT HIlitH 1'iirlor HiiitH '2d Center tulili'H, larj.'n Lounges, raw hi I k I'imI lounges, raw nil k . . . . t'arjH-t jmti'iit rocker. . . . PivuiiM, oak, I'jilioiHWd M ill nrartlra In all tlii murta nf ilia atale Ortli'V. r.irurr Main ami Hl(htli aireoia, iall cmiri mm. a Extension tehles, nix ft. iJining cliairH Kitchen table Kitchen chairs 1 1 fi 1 1 4 i 1 1 f4 lump Carpets, ycryunl Full lino of crockery. .fs oo :u oo . 1 r . : !K) . 7 ")0 . m . 8 ()0 . 4 m . ;." . 1 00 . 2 nu . 20 P.uhy h.Mingerihs if.'J .10 I'-edHteiuIri 1 .V) SitriiiK woven wire 2 00 MullrcMWrJ, excelsior 2 21 Muttn.HHer, excelsior wool top 2 71 Matt reiser, wool .'1 00 rillowH, turkey down per pnir 2 00 PiliowH, noose, pure w hite. . . .10 Kitchen HafcH 3 .10 SOLDIERS SHOOT Illinois and California UKiickh MAItTlAI. LAW HAH DECMKKI), Outlook IlrlRlilfiiluif In the East Klluutltin ('rlllcal In California Train" Moving Again. broke out litre at 1 o'clock this morning. The train bringing home the militia companies from the encampment at Olympia was assailed by a mob which threw miika. and stone. T!ie train dashed through tbe nvA, ran into some ditched cam, buttering the engine and derailed the biggng car. Aliout the same time the long tressle about a mile east of tho town wan fired. Ffteen di'pntiea wuntout on an engine and ex tin(uinhi'd the flamefi after conaiderahle damaKC had Ix-en done. Kiill anotlier mob piiHlifd a car loaded with kerowne J)UH. 1IICKKY A Illl'KKY, PKNTISTH1, I'tTiiiii in iiMy liN-atnd in 1rV" City at riMiniK ll ('liariiiuii llron blin k. All tho Intent iiiuni'e t tluldelilal rolleaion. All work itnoarantis'd. yr CAKK Y JUIINHON. t.AWYKIt. Cnrnar ami Main airrta, (kxuii. Orrnn Cll)f, ItKAI. KHTATK TOUKM. AM) MoNKY TO LOAN. L. I'OKlKIt, A'miltNKY AT I.AW AnAi-ra of raoraaTY rvaxiainn. Offlr nit lo Ori-imi City tiattk on Hill alrrrl. O. T. HII.UA MH 'llKAl. KHTATK AND U)AN AOKNT. A (nol Una ol liiialnraa, rralilriira ami aubiirliau rrovrly. Farm I'mprny In Irai ta lo mil on ry irrmt. rnrrinnitinra itrnniptly anawiri1. Offlf1. turn itiHir lo ( auflrbl A lliiiillcy'a lrii( t"to. Hvcry Thing in Stock to Furnish a House. Fresh Meat! Wholesome Meat! Tender Meat! AT THE Han Fkaniisco, July 9 The twelfth day of tbe K'ut ittrike on the Southern j "P0" culvert a mile went of town and l'acific clowa with not a wlnel turiiinif 1 "rt'd it. The car and culvert were corn in Northern California. At Sacramento. ; p'etely dentroyeil. Thus the train could Kitclien ctiphoar(H,glahH front 8 ()0j Oakland, Pan J one and (his ioint tbe ! "'ither advanee or return, 'lbe train ammlion U iinchuiiKeil. The Southern IB u" "' up ai ."prague. raeiflc manager are utterly hel,leij MrtTT LairTrocUlmed. and apar to ba rnakinK no effort to Wamiii.hotox.JuIv 9. -The preHi.lent reenme traffic. Tonight there la an tonight inmed a proclamation command added excitement, however, canned by , jog ,i rson who offered obstruction the new that the Unites Stale marines to the operaliona of railroads and the from Mare inland and regular troop I carrving of maila in tbe tate of North have bc-en ordere.I to Oakland j Dakota, Montana. Idaho, Washington, to begin tbe fight that the Southern Wyoming, Colombo and California and lacino managers have no long been the territories of Utah and waiting lor the government to make. Kitchen rocker 1 00 Cixnk ntove, No. 7 7 00 Cook HtovcH, No. 8 8 .10 Set of utcnuilH for ahove 5 00 Seventh Street Meat Market, PETZOLD & CALE, Props. Try our homo cured luunn, nuido from grain fed hogs. Our lard is of our own inako and abaolukly pure. OREGON CITY, OREGON. H.nvK, ATTOKNKY AND , CoUNSKl.OU AT LAW Offlr ovar (lrp(oa City Hank, oaauux riTT, oaioon U. l.C LATUl'HKTIIl, ATTOKNKYH AND COUNSKLOHS AT LAW MAIM kTHKICT, OIIKdON ( ITT, OMKOON. Fiinilah Allrarla of Tula, lmn Motiry, For oluaa Mirtniira. anil Iran.acl Orurral Law Unatnr.a. J K. fitoaa, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Will I'iuitii in All coi ara of th 8tt Krai btata anil Iniurnnra. Omra on Main Htr el. IhL Hlith auJ Hevrntb, naauoN ilTT. n. M. KAN fm, NOTAKY riTltLlC. KEAL FSTATK A IN-sUKANCK. omi'o In Dm I'oat orlloa ilulliUng, 0'fiimi City, ori'tmi. QREGON CITY IRON WORKS, The leaders of the strikers in Oakland ay there will lie no organized reniatanee of troop, but they openly declare that the strikers have resolved to conduct a guerilla war. New Mexico to digperbe and retire peaceably to their repe;tive abodes on or before 4 o'clock I on the tenth day ot July. Illnois had previously been declared under martial law. New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in the beet manner oiible. Promptness guaran- trod on all orders. REPAIRING - - SPECIALTY. Priori the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. r. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. Ota. c. aauwNKi.u A. a Umcioik. J JK0WNKI.I, A DHKHHKH ATTOHNKYS AT LAW, 0iiok ClTV, Oaanoa. Will practice In all the poiirla nf th alate. 01 (lc, lu ll iloor lo Oautlalil A llunlley'i drug mora. awifTT'W'T'aW'Fvi.aiwniwr'iiawiqiniinnniim CMIIK KKI.I.Olid HI IIOOI.OK HKKSS f I 'iiIIIiik..H47 MiirrlaniiHI. I'orlHinl.lir. ILPaaniia art noi iimitcu. r.acn acnoiar can lirlnii III a ilrvaa ami l taenlit to Cut ll iatfl ami Klnlah riuniilite. I'alli'rua out lo onlxr wnrrnnli'il ( ullliiu ami flttliiii a aiirclnliy. onlcra for acconllou I'laltlng will rocclvo irninpt atti'iiltoii. II. IC. IIYIUC.ll.il. Auonl. r. r. whitk. W. A.WHITK WHITE BROTHERS Practical drchiterfs if- Builders- Will prnpar plana, elnvallnua, worklnK 1 1 t lla, ami npop.lflcatlnna for all kluila of uuild llina HpcclKl allontloll Rlveu lo mmleru cot Utnoa. Katlmau-a liirillihcd on application winie. iikom., Oreiion City, 0n Call on or aililroaa rpilB COMMKKCIAL HANK, OF OKKOON CITY. 'apltal, 1100,000 TIUNBAITa A UKNIKAL SANKIN0 BtmlNlaa. Loana mailo. Illlla illanountcil. Makea col loctlima. Iluya and ii'lla exchanRC on all pulnta In the I'nltcd Statca, Europe ami Hour Kong. Dopoalta recol"cd itilijcct to chock Intercut at iiaual ratci allowed on time dopoalta. Bank open from A. a. to 4 r. M. Saturday evonlnga from 6 to 7 T. M. 0. C. LATOURETTE, Proaulont. F K IK)NAI.PSON, Caahlor Uow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buv BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE, Fifty doses Jor twenty-live cents. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The best in tho market. Price 25 cents. For sale at tho CAN BY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. J. JONES & SON, DEALER IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. iki i:n tiii: i.owi:nt. JTJJadhop comer Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope A Co', Oregon City JANK OF ORE0CN CITY, Oldest Banking Hease in the Cllr. Paid up Capital, WOO. rnnainxNT, VICI MKKIDIINT, CAaniKn. MANAOKS. TIIOS. CHARMAM. QUO. A. HARIMNO. (.0 CAtiriKLD, CHA1I.I) H. CAUF1KLD. A general banking bualneai transacted. Dopoalta rocolved aulijoot to check. Approved lillla and nntea discounted. Count: and city warrants bought. Loans mvle on avatlablo security. Exchange bought and sold. Collections made promptly. Drafts sold avallaule In any part ot the world Telegraphic exchanges sold on Fortland, Sao Fraaclaco, Chicago and New York. Interest pal J on time deposits. gub Arentaof THE. LONDON .CHEQUE BANK. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS. Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notions, Optical Goods Full Stock Of Machine Oils, Best and Cheapest. Fine selection of rcrfuniery and Toilet Soaps. And Lead ing Brands of Cigars. imu:ntih'tm4 aiii.i'i i.i.y rii.i.r.ik. Shivoly's Block, Oregon City, Or. GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. Special Bills Cut to Order Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street, OREGON CITY, OR. Aboat till Dalajrei Kails. Portland July 10. The steamer Truckee, Waring eifcrbt pouches of Eantern and California letter mail, arrived at Astoria yeaterday morn ing and at 11 :30 proceeded on her way to Portland. Sbe tears several day's accumulation of mail, tint tbe dates cannot b announced until it is opened. Tbe mail will I diHtriouted this morning. Tbe steamer Columbia, which left San Kranrisco Sunday morning with another lot of mail, ia due here t.iis afternoon. The steamer Wslla Walla, from San Francisco to Seattle, arrived at tbat point yesterday afternoon. She bore paper mail for Portland and Oregon points, wbich was brought to this eity on Northern Pacific passenger No. 6, arriving here at 11 o'clock last night, neatly six hours late. Tbe same train brought six pouches of registered mail from San Francisco, one from St. Paul, two from Chicago and one from New York. Chief Clerk Collier, of the railway mail service, yesterday received a dia patach that the first full lot of Eastern mail over the Great Northern was at Kallispel, and was due to arrive at Seattle at 11 o'clock last v'mH. It con sists of one car of mails. If there are no hitches, Oregon's share of this mail will arrive in l'ortland tonight, over the Northern Pacific. Mr. Collier has also been advised that Ihe regular Great Northern is destined for California points and will be sent down by steamer Though mails are now arriving from the East there is piled up at various points much Eastern mail for Portland and tbe Northwest that will not be received until all trains are running again. It is likely tbat in future during the strike Califor" nia mails will arrive at and leave this point on an average of every 2,lg days. Both the Sound and Portland steamers for San Francisco will carry mail. niTTKR FKFI.1NO AT ASHLAND. Passengers from Ashland report that! the feeling amongst the strikers there is very bitter, and that they are likely at anytime to make a formidable force. Nothing but the presence of deputies last Friday enabled the railroad authori ties to start the delayed overland from that point, and it is declared to be the avowed intention o' the strikers to "cut the air" or remove brake rods or in other ways disable a train if they can possibly do it and escape arrest. Five deputies are still at Ashland, and so far have prevented any overt act. A deputy violently shoved a striker off a train the other night and a riot was narrowly averted. The strikers are bitter against a particular fireman on one of the overland trains, and when ever he appears they surround mm or follow him, and yell and jeer and bowl "scab!" The railroad authorities make it difficult for the strikers to uncouple a Pullman, without interfering with the mail by pulling the train out of Ashland backwards, that is, by switching the locomotive to the rear and attaching to the Pullman, leaving the mail car in tbe rear. The proper switching ia done at a station ten miles this side of Ashland. The Ashland strikers are said to feel especially offended at the non-activity of the Portland men, and to denounce them with the most approbrious epithets. They think the local striking trainmen have shuwn conspicous lack of nerve. JuBt give them half a chance, they say, and they will show the railroad company that as strikers, they are able to make themselves felt. luights of Labor Called Out. Chicaoo, July 10. The Knights of Labor throughout the country, number ing nearly 1,000,000, have been called upon to strike for the cause of organized labor. General Master Workman Sovereign issued an order late this even ing to all the members of the organiza tion to cease work until tbe conflict originating in a strike of tbe Pullman employes shall have been settled. Illiaoia Kilitla All at Work. Si-RistiKiKLO, 111., July 9 Upon the request of Mayor Hopkins, of Chicago. Guv. Al'gpld thi afternoon ordered out all the remaining regiments of the militia in the stale, ordering Gen. Bakley commanding the Second brigade to proceed at once to Chicago with all his brigade, excepting five companies on duty at interior points. As the English View it London, July 10. The Globe this afternoon savs: "Tbe democratic gov. eminent that exists in the United States is now on trial. It has already been proved wanting in our eyes. The strik ers are neither more or less than armed rebels, who have plenty of sympathy from the people and among the soldiers from the Atlantic to tbe Pacific," Fresdergut'i End Approaching. Chicaoo, July 10. Judge Bailey of the Illinois supreme court announced today that he would refuse to issue a supersedeas in the Prendergast case. This apparently makes certain the hanging of Prender gast on Friday July 13th. About tbe only hope for Prendergast is Interference by Gov. Altgeld Tha Tariff Trust Coaferanoe. Wasiiisgton, July 9. The first day of the conference of the democrotic con ferees of the two houses on tbe tariff bill was without practical result or progress so far as can be learned. Seba asd Haward Arrested. Chicaoo, July, 10. President Debs and Vice-President Howard of the A. R. U have been arrested under indictment of the federated grand jury. TEACHERS' COLUMN Rioting Orer In Washington Sfraque, Wash., July 9. Rioting All communications, rolls of honor, and monthly school reports, should be sent to Mrs. H. S. Gibson, Oregon City. School closed at Macksburg district No. 10, July 2 with Miss Berta Gribble, teacher. On July Cth Chas. Rutherford closed n three-months' term of school at Viola. Viola has a new school building which speaks well for the citizens of the dis trict. The directors of the new district, No. 101 near Chirks rented a building and had a two-months' term of school taught by J. L. Gard. School closed tbe 22d of June. Belle Jones closed a four-months term of school at Sherwood, district No. 30, on June 2!)th. J. A. Jennings closed school in dis trict No. 76, Marquaro, June 29. Phema McDonald closed school in district No. 79 near Aurora, June 29. Helen Taylor closed school at Spring water, district No. 24, June 29. School closed at Canby June 22, Miss Eliza Stevens and Mrs. Bates, teachers. On June 2Sth, Miss Annie Hicin bothem closed school at Damascus, dis trict No. 77 . June 2 2d school closed at Greshara, district No. 83, Olla E. Emily, teacher. Miss Fannie Torter who has been for six years a successful teacher in the Ore gon City schools, has been elected to a position in the Mt. Talor school. SCHOOL REPORT. Report of district No. 14, Viola, for the third month ending July 6th, 1894. Those who have been present every day without being tardy are: Samuel Ger b :r, Louis Gerber, John Mattoon, Jane Jubb, Mary Hamilton, Lizzie Zurcher, Urania I-acroy, Ruth Lacroy and Emily Jubb. Names of visitors Mis. Win. Rutherford. Mrs. Robert Rutherford, Mrs. A. Graham, Mrs. J. D. Ley, Hl stone Ley, Misses Minnie Walker, Ten nie Mavfield, Zuri Mayfield, Edna Mat. toon, Janette Hamilton, Agnus Hamil ton, Myra Lacroy and Martha Lacroy; Messrs. John Hamilton, ('has. Hayden, and James Rutherford ; Mesdames J. Gerber, J, II Kevier, J. Hamilton, J. Hayden, D. Zurcher, W. H. Mattoon, W. Ward, and J. Ilea'er. Average daily attendance for the whole term 34. Chas. RcTHEhfORD, Teacher. Sandy, District No 4rt The names of those who have been neither tardy nor absent are Mamie Kopper, Mary and Arlie Mitchell and Elijah Coalman. Those who have not been absent are Emma, Sophie and Paul Gantenbien, Carrie and Edith Lyons, August and Annie Stucky. Number enrolled thirty four; average attendance twenty-eight. Visitors during the month were: Misa Lizzie Gantenbien, Wu. Piielps, Her bert Bosch and Mrs. Devenue. Mas. Bosch, Teacher. Clarkes. District No. 32 Following are the names of pupils who were neither absent nor tardy during tbe term, which closed June 22; Hattie Rinuo, Frank Ringo, and Henry Klelnsmith. Those who were neither absent nor tardy dur ing the last month of school are Henry Kleinsmith, Essie Gard, Edna Gard, Cora Ringo. Hattie Ringo, Frank Ringo, Roy Grace, Eddie Bottermiller, Arthur Bottermiller and David Bottermiller. Tcnnii Mayfield. Teacher. Following ia the report of district No. 47, Stafford, for the month ending June 29: Average number belonging 35; average daily attendance 32 ; number of .'davs taught 19; number of days at tended (J03 : Number of days absence, 62 ; number of cases of tardiness, 4. Roll of honor Blanche Phillips, Julia Baker, Christena Schatx, Don Gage, Agnes eweelr and Jennie Reichle. The names ot those visiting the school during the month are, Miss Martha Sauer, Miss Emma Fiobose, Chairman of Board P. A. Baker, Miss Winnie Moses, Miss Agnes Gage, Miss Lizzie Scha'z, Mi-s Wied, Geo. Biehle, Mrs. Widdle, Minnie Baker, Paul and Hermaa Rtichle, School closed with appropriate exercises. V. E. Rowton, Teacher. Following is the report for the second month ending June 8 for Viola, district No. 14. Those pupils attending every day without being tardy are Samuel and Louis Gerber, Frank Closner, George Rogers, Joel Lacroy, Urban Lacroy, Bert Mattoon, Mary Hamilton, Cora Ward, Lizzie Zurcher, Louise and Ruth Lacroy. Average daily attendance was 3t. The visitors were W. H. Mattoon, O. S.Phelps, Dr. Wm. Wallens. Miss Edna Mattoon, Mrs. Thos. Jubb, Mrs. A. Stormer, Mrs. J. Gerber, Mr. and Mrs. Graham, Jas. Hayden, Mrs. Wm. Rutherford, and Mrs, Robert Ruther ford. Parents are cordially invited to visit the school. Chas. Rutherfobd, Teacher. Report of school district No. 77, Clackamas county, Oregon, for the term ending June 26. Tbe following named pupils were on the roll of honor for the term Ellen Grim, Pearl Hilleary and Pearl Johnson. The average enrollment for the term was 3S54'; average daily at tendance 334 ; number of days attend ance 1992; cases of tardiness 10. For the month the following mimed pupils were on the roll of honor: A mold Schmidt, Francis Johnson, Ellen Grim, Pearl Hilleary, Pearlie Johnson, Gracie Deardorff, Jennie Deardoff, Henry Dear dorff, and Clyde Deardorff. Average daily attendance 31g. Number of cases of tardiness 4 ; time lost 85 minutes. Something Unusual. as a medicine is Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery, and because of that, there's something unusual in tbe way of selling it. Where every other medicine of its kind only promise, this is guaranteed. If it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. It's the only guaranteed remedy for every disease caused by a disordered liver or impure blood. Dyspepsia, Bili ousness, the most stubborn Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous affections, even con sumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages, are all cured by it. It purifies and enriches tbe blood,. rouses every organ into healthful action,, and restores strength and vigor. In building up both flesh and strength of pale, puny, Scrofulous children or to invigorate and brace up the system after "Grippe," pneumonia, fevers and other prostrating acute diseases, nothing can equal the "Discovery.',' The latest in visiting cards at the En TKHi'HisK Oarics. Prices to suit you. Kruse's Hiadachb ranted. Capsules War : I si n