Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1894)
HOW TO WASH TABLE LINEN. Cam ShnuUI I'.imI In Wuhlni Whit. Colored, Kmnrolilrml ami latiiaak. Do sure that your llm'ii rim into no vessel that is not cIouumihI froslily rlii Kl. Stt that it is (nit to Iniil Inutile a bng of cliiiu vIuhwo cloth. If stiiiuitl, HOW TO GET GOOD ROADS, Coloiml A. A. r SiiKcmitii Snemaloa Ta Komi Khinwrliij. In tlio oonK'rosn ou good romls at Chicago recently, Colonel A. A. Pope of Boston presented a paper which was at tentively listened to. Auionir other . ...... " i - " lumifs ne saia: "Aside rrom questions : wot the spots with alcohol, ami wnh of material gain, which Is perhaps the 1 out In clear cold water before allowing lowest standpoint, to consider the good ; i.nls to touch it. Stains of milk or fc.ft mat comes rrom easy means of com- ggn must Ih soaked in clear cold w. munion. there is to be borne in mind , vr for 10 minute, theu washed out. that good roads are the great highways Use a mild white soap, or the Drown for the advancement of social life, edu-1 Windsor that come in long bar. Make cation and Christianity. The visits of ; a strong lather, only letting the soap mends, the attendance of children at : touch the fabric at some obstinate chxl and tho gnthorinjj together Bt grease spot. Tea cloths or others with chnrrh, are all governed to a greater delicate colors wash brighter if a hand or leas extent by the condition of the fn 0f salt is added to the first suds, ruus, ana me auannonmetil ol llie which should be ban' v lukewarm. The farms and the crowding of people in the cities is due largely to the isolation caused by bad means of communication to and from the farm. But the problem to be. solved is to provide money to build good roads. ; lecond may lie hotter. Wash quickly through both. Fold smoothly for the wringer, th u pop into your bag and set I to boil in cold water for 10 minutes, Kinse first iu hot, then in lukewarm water Have vmir hlnim., .i- 'Many furnuTs are opposed to the good 'ad free from" spooks of color. Dip road movement because they believe it yonr iien ln verv thin starch contain means to them increased taxation, and in g a suspicion of bluing, and hang, if some section of the country agricultural possible, in the sun. See that tho line interests Hre so depressed that they don't , cun. Take pains to hang euch feel able to bear financial burdens. It rjeC() w,mins , jf ,lritHl awr it wi has been estimated that the state of nii- to very hard to make it even again, tuns loses every year (100.000.000 because J Let everything dry .thoroughly and or bad roads. do uot (a,llIH.n or (oKl nti, ,ittje ow I am going to urge a plan fore ironing time. After a cloth is prop which I b, lieve to be the leiist burden- eriy wet ,ml) ,ho diagonal corners as some and the most effectual and eqni- bard ag possible and fold with a length table for providing good roads. Let each wise crease tliromrh th n...l,ll Rll state establish a graduate succession tax that is, a tax on property jxtssing by succession, by inheritance or by legacy. Such a tax might be arranged as follows: On all estates valued at (10,000 up to $100,000. 1 per cent: on estates of over $100,000 tip to fWO.000, 1 per cent on the nrst $100,1X10 and 2 per cent on the re- mmuer. an.i so on, gradually increasing anJ iron on ,he ri 1)t auiviiiii no mv luiiruutlivu MH rrasetl. The succession tax will not fall on the poor. Those whose estates amount to $10,000 can well afford to give $100 to the state in return for all the protection of its laws which has enabled wealth to be accumulated and enjoyed. "Good roads, when rightly construct ed, can be maintained at comparatively small cost, and as the wealth of the nates increases the succession tax would furnish sufficient revenue to meet all ex penses of the state after paying for the maintenr.nee of the road. Of equal interest was a paper by Pro fessor Lewis II. Hanpt of Philadelphia on road engineering and construction. He gave a statement of the total tonnage How Tattoo Mark. May lie Taken off. of the railroads in the United States in Wash a bunch of six or eight cambric 1801, amounting to 704,399.000 tons car-: needles bound togetlier with silk thread neil an average distance or 115 miles, i dip them in glyecrole of papoid and j "ennui uu Bn iuB a iou miieBe 01 oi.i-iu.iw,-: anve tiiem with a sharp blow into the 000. Th;s movement cost the shippers; tattooed part. This is repeat! over the $735,2.j4.-1S0. . . . . i entire Btain and. must be thorough tn smooth and tight and let it lie for 20 . minutes. For rich damask or embroid ered cloths put an extra blanket on the ironing table under its muslin cover. Lay the embroidered part smoothly over it, right side down and press with a heavy iron just below scorching heat. j When almost dry and very smooth, turn side, nsinir very ; light irons on the embroidery and heavy ones on the plain round. Stretch the fabric well with the hands before press ing embroidery. When tho right side is properly done, fold it lengthwise along the middle, then begin at one end and layabout six inches lightly over; do uot fold it down but roll nntil all the length is coiled. Uo over the cloth twice or thrice with . a hot iron, changing irons frequently. Iron till the pattern shows plain on a glossy white surface. If not thoroughly dry wheii ironed, hang njion the horse for an honr or two, then fold or roll to such compass as required for the closet. A NARROW ESCAPE! How it Happened. The fullnwl life will liiti'nwl ili.Vn,i7,i.,p".V... i ". V 7 hml a i.irrllili' pain nt my ii.mrl, wht.-h h,I leivtl n in,,t lnii,Miiiitlv. i i... .i n nn.l coiil.l not 1 wniil.l h ooiiiih.II.mI to sit U, ,i IkhI and belrh from ,y Htoin arh until I HuHiKlit evi'rv tnlmiie vtnulil U my last. Ihi'tvwai i r....l,,,f ,,r inn nreain. I tnultln t tvi-vp n mhiu lth imh hiiuiik iiimii anil n-siinit; Inil, tlinnk JmxI. by llie helpiif Vw II.Mirt l urti nil Hml Is past ami 1 f..l like nnolli.T ttuimui H. tor.' iisImi tlit New llvan t un- I ImO tak. n tlliii'rtint h'h 14I r.Mn..ii., twu, ...... i ! .'"V!rH wlih.iut any ln-m iit unill I ii. piniiiiMurainil ami (llau,i,.,. v Iiu,I himI Uiiiuht iimaUntlo of !r. MIV ,i II. url l ii re. ami am happy to any I iit-vcr ri'crtiivil II. at 1 now liavu a upli iidul appeuu. an.l sleep well. I wrU-lieil lis poumli wn I K tan tnklnic tho remeilv. ami mm I ixh HI1.. U eiTis-i Iu my i'ti hits hwn truly inartei. jhw. It rur nrijw- any tiiir tnnlu-liu, I have evur tukvn or any (M'lii'lll I evrr rr relvtHt from phyli luii."- Mr, Harry hiarr. i'oltavllli., 'a., tk-totuT 13, Isir.i. lr. MIIim' Now Hpart Cure la xilil on pml tlye Kunranli'ti hy all ilruitKUta, or by the hr. Miles Mwllral Co.. Klkhart. I ml., ou nv.'lpt ol pn.-e. tl xt bottle, U bottle M, f pn. prt palil. Thl itwit dlsi ovcry by an mliirnt 1H-Ialll In heart illsiMie. conlalua IhilUiol opiatva nor dauKeroua drug. BROWN The ptiotograplie Ik prt'pitrotl to ninko iiliotogrnplm til nil kinds promptly ami in FIRES CLASS STY LI Habit's 1 iiml Children ft SjHviuly. I'icturoH Cull nml examine his work At the Old New York Gallery Sooonil iliior Prun Storo. north of HanlingM NOVELTY ji Candy -:- Factory NOW OPEN. For gale by Chnrnmn it Co. Sunday Services. 8T. PAl'L'S Cllt Kl ll-Kpi.c-opai-Kv. J. A. Crkatortn Plr. Sorviri-i i II n'l-liM k m ami 7 .10 p. m. I'nyur iwvun verjr Weiliiemlay evening. Flltvr CON'liKEUATIONAL CIII'Kril. Kev. J. W. Cnwitii Fatur. Nirvli'f. at ID :m . m ami ! 00 r. a. ttumlajr Si-hiail alier murium nerneo. Player nieeiiim Weilnrmlaysrrniui at Prayer ineellmj o( Vouni Henplr Six-leiy nl ( lirlniuii Kinlcavnr every Hiiutla'y veil ilia at?. 01 prompl. riK.ST BAPTIST flltKCII.-Ky. OilkaK F' P:nr Mnrnliir jlervlre ai II. Sunday 8eh.l at I: j; KvenliK Servlre Krimliir prayer meellim Weilornla) evening. Xoiilhly Covenant Meeilnu every We.n-,.y evenlni preeeilinu llie flr-l Kuinlay In tho niomli. A curnlal Invlutlnu to all. ST. JOHN'S Cllt'ki'H CATII1.IC.-Kir. A IIili.ibrod. P:nr. un Sumlay mui S ami '" r.very apiMtin ami Imirlli Similar lermon after the n n'el,u.b ma.. m mi inner niiii r.iiKiiMn aermmift. Ntinilay Hchiail at i si r. a. Venter, apnlufeileal subjects, an.l BeiitJIotlou at T MlUlllfjU'ltiriT of I High Grade French and Home Mailo CnnilifH, Ico Cream and Water Ices. Families, Parties and Sociables Supplied with loo Cream in any (junntity; niton reaHnnal.le. Try Our Ice Cream Soda. Tropical Fruits ami Nut. Main Street, opp. Commercial Imnk II. S. Cram, Manager. r-ELLOH J To produce this there has been 1 .ffw-ti v Th r,,un,.i ...;.i invested in railroads the incomprehensi- i no iuflamwatory reaction. The diKet ble mm of tlO.880.8SI.S28, an average of iTe nrinri,,!. of h. ,...m i. mJE?, !!lf8 lZm?Tl lb" ltTT- ?ted abont the of P,gment, thus !,r-iKMn,i;,r.r',r eve,"", " ' ,. wa ,j berating it. a portion is absorbed in a enormous economy resulting from re- finely divided state bv the lv.n,,hHH duced resistances of locomotion, as in-1 Bnther part probably finds its way into me upper layers or the epidermis and close to the surface, ln this wanner the pigment disappears. stanced by the waterways, and cited the case of the improvements on the great lakes, where a total expenditure of $30,-, 000,000 had saved in the cost of trans-1 portation by water, as compared with j rail, nearly $150,000,000 in one year. In closing his paper he said that "while ' the rapid progress made by the United i States since 1830 was due largely to the instrumentality of her railroads, the greatness of Great Britain was attribut-' able mainly to her foreign commerce, in which she utilized the cheapest known methods of transportation, while the thrift, frugality and wonderful reenper ative powers of both France and Ger-' many were dne chiefly to their good roads and numerous internal waterways, ' as well as to their policy of protecting home industries. , .V itl, liTtoral o r. ft nafnnlii. ! legislation, with onrnnlimited resources, J withoverl80,000milesofrailway8,25,000 The Trny Steam l.aonilry miles of coast line and 16,000 miles of Have built up a good trade in Oregon navigable rivers in the Mississippi basin I City on the merits of thtir work which alone, with unrivaled physical possihili-ji8 giving generai .atjfa(.tjon. Give ties for intracoastal cana s, there is no i. , - ,i Ti , , , . ' . ! them a trial. Thev pav express cliarues reason why our glorious country should i . ,, , . " ' ' , ' , . not rise to the zenith of her greatness by I both "" 8nd lve -vou Prt'nd prices. comoining all t..e elements wliicn nave How to Select Geese and Dock. Geese and ducks should be young. Both should have white, soft fat; yel low feet and tender wings. The wind pipe should be brittle, breaking easily when pressed with the thumb and fin ger. Wild and tame are usually easily distinguishable. Tame ducks have thick, yellowish feet, while wild ones have feet of a reddish tinge. The canvas back is distinguished from the others by the feathers of the head being short and smooth, and the bead and neck cf a deep chestnut color. The bill is entire ly greenish black, while that of the red head is dull blue. MKTIIOIUST KI'ISCOPAI. CIM'KCH.-kar 0. Hyi, fnntiir. Mnriiliif serviee at II Siimtay Hehixil at 10 on. l li meetlni ader morning senile. fcvenliK service at 7:31). Kpworth Lesmit merlins; Huuilay evening at F1KST PKKSHYTEKI AN CIU'KCH.-Rir. Q. n.UiBONiY. Fsntnr. Services at 11 . . and 7:30 P. m. Salihaih at 10 . u. Young People's Society ot Chrlsilaii Kmleavnr meeu every Sunday evening at :k WeilnesUay evening prayer meeting at 7:). Heals free. EVAXlCiUCAI.CIIfHCII-liKKMAN - Aro ENr, Pantnr. Preaching services evejy Sunday at 11 A. M am! 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school every Sunday at 10 A. M (Rev P. Hott Hum.) Weekly Prayer Meeting every weilues.lsy evening CMTKM HKKTHKKN IN CM RIHT. Preach lug every Sunday, except third SiniiUy nt each month. atll:0Ua. m. ami 7.3U . in.-VV II sic Lain. Pirntor Siinilny schcnil at 10 a. ai.- L I, Hi-Rri-s, Siiperlnieiiilent. Prayer meelliig every Wednesday evening. OFFICE AT F. A. W'addorkH, P. O. Buililing. Laundrv left at the otlice on Tuesday will be returned on Saturday. I A dollar saved is equal to two dollars ! earned. Pay up your sutisciption to the conspired to enrich and ennoble the older nations of the eastern hemisphere. "Our people as a whole need to be im pressed with the importance of securing 1 cheaper transportation and be made to realize that our common roads are a mof. BArimiH ntwtrnptinn lr r,m. rtfticv. wise phenomenal growth. When that ! K"rK,"'RIHK Hn'1 f, t ,,1H ,1,e ,'"flt ' is accomplished, and from present indi-1 t,le reduction in price. cations the leaven is working rapidly, the road problem will be satisfactorily solved. ashington btar. A Typical Country Road. A short time ago a Mr. Waterman, who runs the wagon express between j Albany and Schenectady, N. Y., while ! on his trip between these cities with a load of about 1,400 pounds drawn by two horses, came to a dead standstill in one of the deep, soft spots which abound in Albany county. Mr. Waterman had to nnload his en tire cargo and carry it piece by piece over the entire distance of 200 feet, after which his team managed to struggle through with the empty wagon, and Mr. Waterman finally succeeded in putting his load back into the wagon and moving along on his journey. This is the old stage road and should be one of the best in the world, but for many years has been entirely neglected and is now in a deplorable state. Mr. Waterman says that road has cost him more work, wear, tear and trouble than the road taxes' would amount to on all the farms in Al bany county. Exchange. A Good Boad Would Be Cheaper. Harvey M. Sigafoos, a milkman resid ing near Carpenterville, N. Y., while driving on the public highways leading to Phillipsborg recently, had his arm broken by the upsetting of his wagon, which be alleges was caused by the bad condition of the public road. Mr. Siga foos baa employed counsel to bring suit against the Greenwich township authori ties for $1,500 damages. The suit will be a teat case. PostoHicc-:- Store. MILWAUKEE, Oil. FAMILY-:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries aie Fresh and of the bent quality. In Prices vre meet Portland Competition. Gary & Wissinger. Let us have a trial order I.HIK) inilcH of loiij; dis tanco telephone wire in Oregon and Wellington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Sjnv i ft, ... Kane, laeonia, MUetn, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and ill! other towns in tho two stated on tho line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All tho satisfaction of a jxTsonal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. So kane as eanily heard n Portland. Oregon City oflico ut Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER. Cooke's Stables, W. H.COOKE, Manogor, HuiVM.iir II, II T al. Co. Corner Fourth am OKI'X.ON Main Streets, CITY. llie I.KAPINd I.IVKHY 8TAW.R ol tlm City. Ki,; of any iliwilpllou fiirniNliml mi short notice, All kin. In of Truck and IVIivmy lliml- llt'SH promptly uttutiilml to, Hi)iMis Hoarded Mini Ked on reiiaoii- able tonus. IT iHooru's GIVES YOU HEALTH. Jtevealed ltcincriy. Astounding In its KilWtH in the cure of niiiMimiiliNin, A h 1 1 1 1 1 u , M.iluiia, llli lioliaiiima or any other ttiHOMHt sriHlllK from dcrwiKcil Liver, Mumucli or Kid neysIt drives till Impuritim from the Wood. Mra t'haa A. Ilucl. w hit ! IttVttralilv Ifin.Hrn Itiroiiahiiul Ilia Nutlhwc.l uyi: Vfari I uraia ..,tiklat,l atilfMrM. with anthill without hmv rHi.f w.t'i.i t,i ,.i,. Uluv hjr eiuiaiaiil 1'hango ul lMalltr, Two par t trlcl M.hihi ll.u,,v ami tlm honrfti. nu'nivail Irom it worrlhnmnat Krnl i r S liti II ! mo rfllol Iriiiu llir (Ir.l au, hraviMiici ihr Icrrlh ii ilinrioi i., ih. iin-amr uiai uia.lK lilr allllml lllilHaralila Ally 1110 who hR evt'r hail a.llunn.nati iiit.lnMiHM.l Hi" aralliiMlu I Irt-I toward ilila rcmnly lin- or. ma ii na. a,mr,i iii a.nhl yer to m Ilia I imvt not lii'.tutrHl to m'oiiintniKt II l ,11 lll.M uirrrrra, ami alwaya with lliv unit lia i.i.y l0. illta." k.i l.n hal n( all itruriilila, nr anil to aar ihi ii t'o . N. alila. .h. EAST AND SOUTH TIIKSllIlSTA KOtJTK Of the SOUTIIHKN TACII IC COMl'ANY. MxjircuM TrnliiH leave l'lirtliind lully, l NoVlli, H.iii.h ii l.' r ia. I r io r. h. Ill H.H. I l.r Ar I'orllniol Ar Oriitf. in I'll , H. Krani'liii'ii l,v ft . a. 7 ID AD. 7 l C tt. I'ININtI CAIIH ON OOHKN lilll'IK Pullman Buffet Sleepers. A all Socond-ClasH Slooplnu Cars Allaehfil In all lliroiiuh Irnlna IIOriKllt'llll MAIL (I'.lly) . i. a. II 4. m . ft M IT. M. l.r l.v Ar I'lirllaml Ar Ori'aoiu'ltjr ,y Ho.i.niw .r :m r. I Jv r. M (7 1 7 ."I . 1 I. 'i C. M Ml.l Hlilv I 'I V I ! ill. IIKTWKKN roltll.ANII AMI I'OllVAU.IH. Mall Train, lially lKicr,t Humlav.l l.v I'oriUnd Ar 1 mrtt Ar t'ortallla , I r M AI Alhanr ami I'orvallla eoiiuvnl Willi Iralna nl lliiu"li ami 1'ai'llli' llallroail. Kipri'ta Train I 1 1 v (Kii'i'M Hun.larl : ii r a. l.v 7 x. I Ar I'.iriUn.l Ar MrMlllliWIlo l.v at I Ma. THROUCH TICKETS Til Al l. I'lUN'lt IN Til K KAHTrllN MTATKH. CASAHA AM Kl'lliiflt ( ll l,o iiliialuril a nwia rali'a Irmn I, II Miaira, Aarut, Orrtnii t'llv. It KOKIII.KIt, K IV Knur KM. Maiiaaor. Aaa'l tl. K. ami I'a.a. Aul, Tli rough H mm Tickets 4 TO OR- ABSOLUTELY "' TUBE DRUGS On To A. HARDING Denver Salt Lake, Omaha, Kansas City Chicago, St. Louis, AND ALL u. I'ortlanil, Oregon. A FRIEND Speaks through the Boothbay (Me.) JlgUlrr, of the beneflflal results he lias received from a regular use of Ayer'a Pills. Unsays: "I was feeling slrk and tired and my stomach seemed all out of order. I tried a number of remedies, but none seemed to give me relief until I was Induced to try the old relia ble Ayer'a Tills. I have taken only one box, but I feel like a new man. I think they are the most pleasant and May to take ot anything I ever used, being so finely sugar coated that even a child will take them. I urge upon all who are In need of a laxative to try Ayer'a Pills. They will do good." For all dlseaaea of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, take AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Or. J. C. Aycr k Co., Lowali, Ilaaa, Every Dose Effective JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. Portland-Oregon City and Yamhill River Route. STP "TOLEDO Will leave Salmon street dock Portland, Tuesday, Thursday fe Saturday at 6 a. m., for Jnewberg, Dayton, Lafayette and McMinnvilIe, returning Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Best of accommodations for pas sengers and fast time made. For freight rates apply at dock or on steamer. SIXTH YKAIt. ELECTRIC POWER is the advocate of tho uho of elec tricity as a means of dotnenkrc lighting, cooking and heating; ftr commercial and domestic jkit purposes, for street cars, mining, canal boats and tho running of nil kinds of machinery, both light and heavy. The probability is that in'.ii will produce Wonderful Achievements in the field of electricity, and evr y intelligent, person Miouid Read Electric Power. and keep posted; .Subscription $2 a yvar. i-very suDHcrilier IS entitled to a special discount on books our ii.ii cmmeti. Aduress, ELECTRIC POWER, 30 Cortlandt St., New York City NoNK IICT OOMPITENT PHARMACISTS IMP OVID Flue Perromeries m Telle. Artlclei. Alan a full alnrk nl FA.I3STTB- OILS KTC THE BON TON Main Street, near Fifth. A strictly first class resort conduct ed under American principles. IMPORTED AN!) DOMESTIC WINES AND LKH'ORS All tho Rest IlranJs of Cigars. the" improved" Queen City Incubator, Cannot be nvurhralrit anil ttaa iiniial. or uiiiaira4 catalogue or Hand Thoroughbred Poultry for hairliliif , nouttrr aunulli-a ol all kliKla. amii-ra, aeiirra, I'm tr- wriora, nayn irriora anil i'ua inir aliM k haa won alKlitjr-llirut prrinluma In Ilia laat thru aaaiii. i Al.uwhi.i, A I.AKKINH. , , 1.110 KrouS SI., Sralllo, Waah, Mviillon thla pp-r JOHN AaBEOK, THE RELIABLE . JEWELER Corner o( Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON KAKTII. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trvhiml GUARDIAN'S SALE. Notice la hereliv irlven. that I anonlHrof the (,'ouiity Court uf thl county of Clackamaaand atati! ol Oreiron, duly mao ami euti'ri'il on the Mil day of Jtiiui, ltll. I will iroin aim aurr moiiday, July Kith, lll'il, at the iiuuroi iu o i oi:a 01 aa 11 iihv npnu., in ... I prlvat hIo on the pn-mla to the hlifhtat ami beat hlililvr, an Mont to nniiUmi.iinn , ..i.i ...mmi., i.w.iri, uie loiiowing aoacrlhea real eatnte, tn wit: Lota numbered one (1), two (2), aovon (7) and elirht m, In lilork nuinlinnvl lllf, in ,,...,. City, Clackamaa comity, Ore(oii. lermaof anlo: One hall caah at time of tale, and balance note of purchaser lor one year ae cured by mortKHire on the nromlaea, Intcreat at ten percent ner aniium the nnr..l, ..... coat of making deed and morlaRe. A. HTI7AKT, Ouardlan of Jamoa O. Stuart, minor. Dated June , lll'jj, H IIS 713 WII.LAMK'ITK KKIIKKAH DKCKEE LODI1K. NO. . Mcetatheaeoond and fourth Monday In the month at 7:80 P M., Ill L 0. O. K. Hall M. (i. ClIARMAN, M, M. ClIAEMAM. Secretary, u. 0, If you are interestedin A(lvertlHliif4 i you ought to lie a sub- scriber ot Puintkks' Ink: a journal fur advertisers. Printers' Ink is issued weekly and is filled with contributions and helpful siiL'ireHtions i from tho brightest minds in tho advertising busi ness. Printers' Ink costs only two dollars a .year. A sample copy will bo sent on receipt of five cents. AomtKHS PHINTKUH'INK, IO Spnuna St., - Maul Yonk NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. WJUATKU BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DEPOT. Double and Sintrle Rk's. and sail- die horses always on hand at the owest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information reKanlina anv kind or stock promptly attended to by person ol loner. Horses Bought and Sold. Eastern Cities. 31 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO . . MtlioQiiickct toCliicairo ami tho Knst. Hours (vuicktT to Omaha aiiH Kansn." ('itv. PULLMAN & TOURIST SLKEP KUS, HIKE ItKCM N I. N(. Chair Curs, I lining Cars. S. II. II. Clark, ) Oliver V. Mink, S It. 'ceivers. K. Kllery Anderson, ) For rates ami gem ral informa tion call on or address, W II. IIURLWUT. Asst. Cenl. Pass. Agt., 2 I Washington St., cor. ti.;..i i i i . mi,., . hi ilium, fr. -tiik- YAOUINAROHTE Oregon Pacific Railroad CIIA8. CLAHK, Keceiver. Direct Line Quick disimtcli Low freight rate between WiU bunette Valley points and San Francisco. OCKAX HTKAMKIl SAILINGS. Steamship " HOMER." Leaves San Francisco Marcli 4. 11 and LM. Leaves Viuniiiia March !), 1!) and 2il, This Coniiiiiiiy reserves tho right to change sailing ditto with out notice. ' For freight and liassencrer rates apply to any agent. C1IAS CLAKIC. It reiver. Chas. J. llendrys. Son A Co., IN OB. 2, , Market St., S. F. COPYRIGHTS. MITAIK PATRNTI Wn. . a an hniiiot oinninn, wrlla to no harii lind noarlr iiriy raara' tlmia atrirti. U,,.',.. .'.., "".'""" .voiiimiini.ia- CAli I pniiniit anawnr an aiparlmine in the patent bualmlaa i "'m"l"a bmiki Mint trm. -umum -'"7 "rouiaiiun or aiiri "r"t.:i arnar. Haini.V Efiir iha lu Ui Inrmiinr. Thla aiilniiilld naiair. Inr,u.. MMiB'iaiiwi, uaa iit rar Hiimitino work miinna anil It, r, ti.MmKM. inliur flfiiitiiiiu !..... A.7. " v""r """"" I'liiuiiira til almw ""' and amnirn remlraMa. Aililm.a J i " ttlllloo. miinllilr, a ,Mr. sinala f!. ri? "!" K'r imiiiliiir oniituiiu bolu. flf il plalua, In oolora, anil lihiiKwraliha of Dt aluiw Ilia Ii. A. 8. OF E. D. RAK KK CAMP, S. OF V Meeta Iu K. P. Hall uu tliu aecnud aud fourth Monday areulnra of each month. E" w- K- JOHNSON, Preat. MIh Noma CiLirr, tw'y. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of small machine promptly maile. Duplicate keyg to any lock manufactured. Hhop on Mala Htreet. next to NoblUt'i Sublet. 'IiiMInIiimI n it n L n mm 1 PIONEER Trangfef and h$i Freight and parcols delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE.