Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1894)
BMNG. BOOM. BHNG. ,et the Crackers Oracle I annon ear the G n oar Oregon Oity Hai ICngaLgedL tine JFoiirtln. of .July foi? ai Grand Parade and Street Pageant. Plug Uglies Will Parade in Uniform. SEE THE LONG LIST OF GAMES AND. CONTESTS : Cuiiik' Knee, J-iuilu ami return. J'ri.i's, two met liili, firHt und second; three or inoro to enter; l. Swimming Race, 100 yards. Fivo to ; (U'ccind prize, I2..ri(). Saw I,og Knee, 200 yards. Three or second prize, 2,,ri(). Log Rolling Contest. Three or more prize, :$; tliird prize, 2. Skiff Race, single skill", one pair oars enter; first prize, $5; oeeoiu prize, HON. O. W. FULTON, Orator of the Day, MISS BESSIE EVANS, Reader, E. M. RANDS, President of the Day, H. E. Smith, Grand Marshal of the Day Grand Ball On TiiewUjr evening Chief of Police Uiirn arrentcil fellow hy the nme ol Wilfohl It col who IiikI iimii hi per in hell tuiut'thliiK like f l!H) of oor counterfoil money which ho wna trying to puss, lie first tried to nhove five dul lurs of hi iii'iT iiHn K. K. William who refuceil it. A the fellow wns goinu out of tlio tloor Kuril cute red and hi attention was railed to the umil. He followed li i in and at TriMiihitth'i saloon lie shook dice and got hcatun when he olfered a tad coin whereupon he waa ar rested ty Mr. Hums and held till the next day when ho wns Nken to Portland. The Kvangtdieal llietlirun congrega Iioiih of ClittkuiiiH county and those from Portlund will hold a mission festi val in itludHtone 1'ark on Buntlsy, July 1, 1HU4. Tlioro will he preaching in both the KligliNh and (icrniiin langimge, also Ringing hy a l'ortlund choir. Service to he held in the forenoon and afternoon. Morning services to hrgin promptly at 10 o'clock, and iu the afternoon at 2 o'clock. As soon as Judge Hayes assume the olllcial duties of county judge he will give up hi ollice where he is now located which will be occupied by Geo. L. Ktory who will attend to any legal busi ness which may bo presented. A he hus been associated with Mr. Hayes In the olllco for some timo he is well fitted to take the work of the ollice in hand. On Wednusdiiy evening the members of Company F niiide a line appearance hn they waited in line to bo iiiHoclod hy (ieueral Compson who was present with his stair to inspect the company. He found an excellent representation and both tho members and their equipments in tine condition. K. C. Maddock has moved into the Juggur h ou hb on Main street across the alley from the council chambers and is now ready to take charge of the sheriffs ollice. . E. L. Shaw is building a new house on sixth street near High which will be very neat and convenient. John Kelly bus boon appointed by the mayor to arrest and impound all kinds of animals including dogs. It Is well. . Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bellows wore over from Vancouver and spent Sunday with hor brother, C. L. Perry of Mt. I'leaBant. John Wise, administrator of the es tate of Jus. Wise, was In the city on Thursday attending to the estate. Tarker, the barber, can't be beat. He's the boss. Give him atrial. Cloan towel with every shaye. enter, three to finish; first prize, more to enter; first prize, 15; to enter; first prize, $5; Hecond and one steersman. Three to 12.50. Liberty (Jlrl and llrownle. The young ladies and children who are to assist in tho Liberty car represen tation are requested to meet promptly at O.UUon the morning of the Fourth at Pope's hall, brownies are requested to meet at I) at I'opc' hull. MllS. F. L. ClK'IIRANK, Chairman of Committee. ""Hawl Kirk." A strong company will present this beautiful drama at tho opera bouse on the liftcrnoon and evening of the Fourth. The afternoon matinee will give an op portunity for the children to enjoy the delights of a "real play." The d. K O. sign will no doubt he displayed at the door at the evening Krformance for everybody will want to see "Hanoi Kirk." Firemen Attention. The members of the Oregon City Fire Department will reKrt July 4th, at 0 :30 o'clock a. m. in regular uniform, and with their company apparatus at Fifth treet corner main, to H. W. Trembath, Assistant Chief Engineer, of Oregon City Fire Department. J. W. O'Connkll, Chief Engineer 0. C. F. D. Dreud, lit cud. Of all things the average hotisekeeer is iarticular about, it is the quality of bread (or her table. Good home made bread is not equaled by the ordinary bakery and to meet this requirement, Mr. J. Egle of the Shively bakery' has put on the market his celebrated home made bread. This bread is made from the same kind of flour that is ground for export and none of tho processes are used in its manufacture that, while giv ing tho bread a flno appearance, ruin its quality. The utmost cleanliness is ob served in all departments and the pa trons of the bakery are invited to in spect it at Buy time, that they may see for tnomselvt'S how their bread is pre pared ami handled . Lost. Apurso containing some money and valuables. Tho Under will be liberally rewarded by leaving at this ofllce. Lost somewhere near llaptist church or Main street, Orogon City. A (iennliie Itnrgnin. 40 teres of good land near Maeksbtirg two new houses, garden, well, etc., 20 acres slashed and seeded to grass. Daily mail, Good school, etc. Will sell one houso or will sell all. Will trade for Oregon City property. This will ap pear but twice. Writo immediately. Address, J. S. Woi.fkb, 4t Macksburg, Or. jFut Man's Race, 100 yards. Weight coldet; value '. 100 Yard Dash. Three or more to enter, (amateurs); prize, silver pitcher; value $10. 220 Yard Race. County entrieH only; two medals; first and second prizes; value flr. Potato Race, 25 yards. Three or more to enter; first prize $3; second prize 12. Obstacle Kace, 100 yards. Four entries; prize two Bilver cups; first and second; value $10. Hicycle Kace, road race, measured at the Rvmovy, 8 p. m. Ekiiitkin Poinds granulated sugar, $1 ; tahle plums, oysters, and all kinds of vegetables, 3 cans, 23c; rice, split peas and raisins, 4 pounds, 25c; 10 pound sack of graham flour, coin meal, hominy, cracked wheat, etc., 25c J 7 pounds eoall white beans, 25c. Call and see our full weight creamery butter, 40c and 45c a roll ; choice dairy, 25c and 30c a roll ; Arbiickle cofleo, 25c per lb. Try our Gold Bee Tea, 15c. It is as good as any tea. If not return and money refunded. Ilo'.ogna and ham sausage. 8c a pound, or 4 pumls, 25c; leaf lard, 10c a pound. Try our teas and coffees. Simmons, 848 Washington and 63 Union avenue, Port land. A tired woman, just as much as a sick and ailing one, needs Dr. Pierce ' Favorite Prescription. That builds up, strengthens, and invigorates the entire feinule system. It regulates and pro motet all proper functions of womanhood, improves indigestion, enriches the blood disKls aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep and restores health and strength. It's a powerful restorative tonic and soothing nervine, mado especially for woman's needs, and tho only guaranteed remedv for woman's weakness and ailments. In all "female complaints" and irregulari ties, if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. A great many medicines relieve Catrrah in the Head That means that; it's driven from the head into the throat; and lungs. But by its mild, soothing, clemming and healing properties. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy perfectly and permanently cures. Card of Thanks. To the many friends who cheered and comforted us in our recent affliction and bereavement, and to our belovt-d daugh ter's schoolmates and friends who were bo kind to her in sickness, and remem bered her with such beautiful floral trib utes in death, we extend heartfelt thanks. Mb. and Mrs. II. N. Edmiston. W hy Nt Use the best butter. "Vancouver Creamery" is the best. Try it and be convinced. E. E. Williams, The Grocer. Portland Chronicle; Oregon City is to have a grand celebration on July Fourth. There is no kind or misfortune tliat can dunn this plucky little city or its enter prising citizens. Sunday Welcome; There are no flies on Oregon City. Our neighbor proposes to have a celebration on the Fourth of July ami it will be a good one too. The Kails city will be viaited by numerous .l'ort huulers. If yon want an attractive sign see Davis the painier. Portland prices. Shop back of Pope & Co.'s hardware store. not less than 200 Kunds; prize, distance about 4 J miles. Time prize NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF KbAL ESTATE. In the County Court of the Suite of Oregon for the Couutjr of Clackamas. In the mutter of the estate of F. W. Campbell, deceased. Notice in hereby given. that In pursuance of a tered of record in the above entitled Court on license ami order 01 tale amy maue aua ra I the llth Jy of June. H. llceniln- the sale of the real estate ht-reinatier oescrmeu. 1 win. on Monday, the ,ith day of July. 1M. at the hour ol one o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court house In Oregon Cily. Clackamai coutity. Ore (ou, sellal public auction, to the highest bid der, the following dearrtbed real eitaie. situated InClackamaa pounty. Oregon, to wit: TUe aouth half of the north well quarter and the wcat half of the north-east quarter of section sixteen (Hi), In township three aouth. range oue east of the Willamette meridian, containing one hundred aLd sixty acrea, more or leaa. to salary the clalma and charges agslnst the said eatate. Termsof sale: One-halt, or any greater sum down, and the bnlance on or More one year with interest at the rate or etgnt per cent per annum, secured bT a mortgage on the I premises. SARAllA. CAMPRELL. Adm'x St of the Mid estate. NOTICE Notice is hereby Riven, that the following Hat ol warrants, which were Issued more than seven yeara prior to the 1st day of July. and which were taken from the Clerk's nltlce. but still remain unpaid, will, tf not presented for payment within sixty day from July 1st. 1MM, Ih canceled, and oavment thereof be refused . Towhom issued. No Warrant Kale Issued. Ain't W. 8. Young 1M4 July7,liti H10 July. 2 00 Aug.J. " 100 Dec. 8. " 2 Dec. , " 1 SO Dec SI, " 6 00 Feb. 10, 1W7 2 00 J W Covev O P Miller J K Tliomptou Ira Smith W J Dills Ira Moodv 1!W) lh1 47 (KM M7 J il Groshong ll'JO Aprl I, 17 1 ou 2t GEO. F. 110RTON, County Clerk. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. All persons having claims against the estate ol James W ise, deceased, are hereby n tilled that I have been this day appointed by the I'mintv court of Clackamas comitvand stateof KKld James Wise, deceased, and that all per sons having claims acalnst tne sain estate must present the sxme, properly verified, to me at the law ollice ol C. D. A D. O. I.atoiirctie, in Oregon City. Oregou, within six months of the dale hereof. JOHN WISE, Adin'r. Dated June 28, 1S94. 6-:7-27 J S. MILLER. MANUFACTURER OF Xx-a,ixi - Tile. I 3 BRICK& LUMBER. Tiling is of the best qual ity and sold at prices to SUIT - THE - TIMES. Yard and mill four miles east of Hubbard, Oregon. Society Directory. OREGON CITY BOARD OF TRADE. Meets at Con it House on Second Monday la each month. Visitors welcome. F. E. DONALDSON, GEO. C. BROWNELL Secretary. President. GAVEL LODGE. NO. 55, A 0. U. V ets second and fourth Saturday evening! at Knigbt'st hall. Cauby. Visiting brothers made welcorue. E E Carlton, E C. MnnicK, ItVcorder. . Master Workiuau. value 17.50; first prize racing time $15; second prize silverware $7.50; third prize cyclometer $6; fourth prize sweater $5. One-half Mile Bicycle Kace, county entries only. Two medals valued at $15. Rag Muflin or Plug Ugly Parade. Ugliest plug silver cup; value $5. Hose Contest. Run 200 yards, couple to hydrant, lay 100 yards hose, attach nozzle and get water; time to be taken from time of start to time water is thrown from nozzle. Total distance 300 yards; prize a silver pitcher, value $25. Exhibition Drillby Company F. Cash prize of $25. Exhibition Drill by Boys' Brigades. Frize, a flag. K. OF P. 8TAR LOIXiE NO. so. J. F. Kialey. C. C; Thomas Neilaon, K. of R. and 8. Meets every Wednesday evening at g o'clock in Castle hall, L O. O. F. building. Hrothera from other K. of P. lodgea invited. OSWEGO LODGE NO. 10U, A. F. A A. M. Meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each mouth at 7 p. m. All Maaout in good "lauding are invited to attend. D. B. KEia. W. M. E. J. Ri'SSELL, Sec'y. OSWEGO LODGE NO. 88, 1. O. G. T. Meets every Friday evening In the new hall in Old Town. J. C. Ha I His, C. T, Johm Karsg, Sec'y. MISTLETOE LODGE NO. 20, D. OF H. Meets every Tuesday evening. Mary BicKroRD, C. of H. Flora Dtir, Rec. 8LNKISE LODGE, NO. IS. A. O. V- W , Meets every second and fourth Saturday of each month at Wilsonville, Oregon. M. C.Yoi'XQ, M.W. Johm Ttlkr, Recorder. FIG IRON LODGE NO. 1 A. O. V. W. Meets every Thursday evening at Odd Fellows hall, Oswego. Visiting brethren always wel come. T. MacMillan, Earl Mark, Recorder M W. MOLALLA IXlIHiK No. 0, A.O. U. W. Meets first aud third Saturday In each month at school house. Visiting members made wel come. T.8. STtpe, M. W. J. W. Thomas, Rec. FALL8 CITY LODGE OF A. O U. W. Meets every Saturday evening of each month In A. O V. W. hall 7th bt- Ail sojourning brethren cordially invited to attend. T. E. UAI LT, U. W. Gro Calijt, Recorder. FOUNTAIN HOSE CO.. No. I. Regular meeting second Wednesday In each month at engine house, east side Main street, between Seventh and Eighth. J. W, Stiwart, Sec. H Straight, F'rm M. P. Qt'tss, Foreman. MOLALLA GRANGE. NO. 0, P. of H. Meets at their hall at Wright's Bridge on the seceud Saturday of each month at 10 a. m. Fellow members made welcome. J as. Nrlson, Master. E H. Cooper. 8ec, WARNER GRANGE. No. 117, P. of H. Meet fourth Saturday of each month, at their hall iu New Era. David .McArthur, Master Mrs. May Waldrt.n, Sec'J MEADE POST, No 2. G A. R DEPARTMENT OK OREGON. Meets first Monday of each month, at K. of r. Han, uregou city. Isitinc comrades mane welcome. DAVID McARTHUR, Commander. Mr. Williams, Adjutant GEN. CROOK POST, No, 2 G. A. R , De art ment of Oregou. Meets In school house at Needy ou first Sat urday iu each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All comradea made welcome. 1. P. Rillinos. H. Thompson, Adju Commander. SONS OF VETERANS. E. D. Baker Camp, No. IS, meets every first and third Thursday evening of each month, at K. of P. hall. W. E Johnson, Captain; B. 8. Belomy. Repre sentative Dlv Encampment; G, O. Wood, 1st Lieutenant; Alonso Wlckham, 2d Lieutenant; C. A Herman, 1st Sergeant. CLACKAMAS LODGE, No. 57, A O. U W Meets first and third Monday In each month, at Straight's Hall. Visiting brethern welcome. C. E.PIABR 8. HOLCOMR. Kee. M. W. COLUMBIA HOOK AND LADDER CO. Meets first Friday of each month at Fountain engine house. Chas. Athry, Prea, C. B. Pillow, Sec'y. Chas. Bitzir, F'rm CATARACT H08E CO. No. 2. Meets second Tuesday of each month at Cat aract Engine house. W. H. HowgLL.Pres G. H. Bsstow, sec'y. J. W. O'Conkrll, F'rn MEADE RELIEF CORPS, No. 18. DEPART MENT OF OREGON. Mrs. M. 8. Ptlsbury ... President Mrs. F. L. Cochrane, - - Treasurer. Mrs. J. B. Harding, - - Secretary. Meets on first and third Tuesdays of each month In K. of P. Hall. Members of corps Iroin abroad, cordially welcomed. GREATLY REDUCED made RATES BY THE COMPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Ofegoq Citj to Tfigco AND RETURN, $27.50, EXCURSION TRIPS FROM SAN FRANCISCO to other points in California will be allowed purchasers of special Mid winter Fair tickets at the following round-trip rates: TO STATIONS UNDER 150 MILES FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ONE AND ONE-TIIIRD one-way. fare. TO STATIONS 150 MILES OR MORE FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ONE AND ONE FIFTH one-way fare. For exact rates and full informa tion, inquire of L. B. MOORE, Agent at Oregon City, Oregon or address the undersigned. RICH'D GRAY, Gen. Traffic Manager. T. II. GOODMAN, Gen. Passen ger Agent. San Francisco Cal. E. P. Rogers, A. G. F. & P. Agent, Portland, Or. F COMPANY. FIRST REGIMENT, O. N, 0. Armory. Third and Main. Regular drill night, Mouday. Regular business meetiugs, first Monday of each month. OFriciRs. J.W. Ganong, ... Captain F.8 Kelly, - - First Lieutenant L. L. Pickens, - - Second Lieutenant BUTTE CREEK GRANGE, No. 82, P. ol II. Meets at their hull in Marquam, second Sat urday tu each month at 10 a. m. Visiting members al ways welcome. J.E.JACK, J. R. WHITE, Secretary. Master, Win Fa M t -