Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 29, 1894, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Myor. - - . Hmm SiikIrIiI
Rtvnrdor. .. i i i'(n.T
Cblf of Police - CkHK. K. Ilurn
r!?.0!' " V1' the Colfax schools ia
t.liy Attorney. K. K. Iri)!
8tretl'immWlrMi(r. V. KHNvK-k. Jr.
Btip't.(WirrVork, W. H. llow.-ll
fiiy Kntlnrvr. P. Ktnnalril
CounrMlmrn C. O. Albright. Jr.. H. I. Kcllv. (".
N (ir.vnmmi,J J. Cook, B K. Jncsn'r, II.
C. Sltrveii. Hn)uitHnu, M. HowoU.
v.'oiiiioll meetnilm tt'edueUy oIech month
In city hull.
Hon. F. L. Mintio of Oswego was In
tho city on Monday of thi week.
J. M. Campbell and w ife of Cancmah
left for the East tl.e tirnt of the week.
Miss Jessie McClvmond, a teacher in
visiting friends in
the eitv.
J. K. Morton ami M. W. Gardner of
Damascus were busy upon the streets on
T. J. Gary, of the firm of Gary A Wis-
ttitiLtr of Milwunkt'O uiw in thrt itv tlio
I . . . i i
III SI 01 1110 WCCK.
A. S. Dresser has been invited to
deliver an oration at Deleiia, Cohiinhia
Legal Advertising.
Horeafter no legal advertisement will
lie inserted in the Entkkihisk unless
payment for the came, is made at the t o'"ty n Iho Funrtli
time the affidavit of publication isren-' Prof. V. II. Powell has pine down to
dered. This rule will be imperative and , his home in Pittsburg, Columbia county
dead-beat litigants, who make it a prac- to spend the vacation,
tice of working the courts, lawyers and J jM Myrtle Henderson of McMinn-
uewspai-ers win nave to look to some ville w as the guest of Miss Cora Ml- , .b,v ( , ,i...
other paner tonet their notiv published.
On Friday evening of last week there
was an lniorlaut meeting at the home
of E. E. Charman. tho object of which
was to take the preliminary steps to
ward organining a Chautauipm assenuily
foi this place. The preliminary organi
sation was effected by the election of
Rev. G. Parker us president, Rev.J.W,
Cowan a vice-president, Chas, Meseive
secretary and 1. C. l.atourctto treasurer.
An executive committee consisting ol It.
A. Miller, II. E. Crosa, II. S. Strange,
II. E. Ferrin and Mra. C. II. Dye was
chosen, h ia the plan to have the Hist
meeting at that beautiful spot, Glad
stone Park on the "UK, "Mil and 2tlth of
July at w hich time iu addition to the
bwst local and Portland talent there will
be present workers fioin the Ashland
assembly of national reputation. A suc
cessful meeting ia assured.
Rev. J. A. Eckstorm and wife took
j the afternoon (rain lor Portland on Mon.
left for the
Prices the lowest Red Front Stores.
Only2."e. jht pound can for Cedar
Camphor. Sold by all druggists.
Capl. and Mrs. J. W. cianonic rejoice
in the advent of an infant son to their
Buruieister A Andresen keep fine
assortment of strings for the banjo, vio
lin, guitar and mandolin.
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
all other blanks at the Entkki'hisk of
fice. Portland prices.
I own me past week. k..ih, ,,, Kanl(, t,v,lllin(, u, Mwn ,0
Mrs. Win. Dalton and Mis. C. E. j former home in Chicago where he is
Miller of Portland were the guests ol j needed on account of sickness in the
Mrs. G. W. Chuich on Friday of last I family. A la rite paity of friends
week. j gathered at the train to with them God-
Judge Haves went to Salem the ftnt n their journey. IMh Mr.
of the wel'k to assist in a law case which F.ckstorm and his estimable wife
An Outline nf the Hoik for the Nalul
Hiijf In Oregon City,
Stydmana Soothing Powders success
fully used for children, during the teeth
ing period, for over fifty years.
E. E. Williams, the Grocer, has se
cii'ed the agency for the Vancouver
Creamery Butter, and recommends it
above all other brands.
When the hair has fallen out, leaving
the head bald, if the scalp is not shiny,
there is a chance of regaining the hair
by uiing Hall's Hair renewer.
HeaJoinrtfrs for Fourth of July Fire
Works w ill be at 'he Star Grocery, where
jou can (tet everything from a cracker to
a rocket at Tort land rnces.
H. E. Cross has for rent one of the
most desirable lesidenees in Oregon City.
Finely located and commands a beauti
ful view. Hot and cold water, bath and
good stable.
Buy your groceries of F. Dresser A Co.,
329 Washington St., Portland, and get
the "Wonders of the World's Fair" abso
lutely ftve of expense. Every $3.50 pur
chase secures one portfolio. Goods
delivered at boat and car landings at
Oregon City.
I have a new Improved Fast Running
Loom for Carpet Weaving. Will fur
nish warp and weave for 20 cents per
yard. Quality of work guaranteed.
Drop card or see J. M.Graham in Oregon
Citv. Address Mrs. Henry Hughes,
Beaver Creek.
Impure blood is the cause of innumera
ble maladies. Hence, one of the greatest
- benefactions to humanity was the dis
covery of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which,
more than any other medicine, has saved
America from becoming a nation of
The vei'Jii-t is against us and for the
next thirty days I'll oiler vou an unheard-of
proposition. If you want to
clear land and take your pay in land,
come and see me or write me at sheriff's
office. I mean business.
E. C. Hackett, Oregon City, Or. 4t
Have you seen the latest? The place
to find it is at the mamoth store of Char
man A Son where they have just received
a fine stock of the latest novelties in dres
g'od8 together with a full line of the la
test novelties in trimmings, including
the celebrated Hercules braid. The but
tons to match are something new and
unique which you should not inissaeeing.
"Shall the Republic Do Ita Own
Work" is the title of the famous speech
of Hon. !. P. Jones, U. S. S. of Nevada
which has just been re-issued by the
American Protective Tariff League.
The speech makes a pamphlet of 98
pages, aad is of great value. Send
stamps to cover coat of printing, Ad
dress W. F, Wakeman, General Secre
tary, No. 135 West Twenty-third Street,
New York.
W. A. Mack, the Condon horseman,
w ho has been in the county tor the past
month succeeded in disposing of about
seventy head of good horses and re
ceived a fair price for them considering
the dullness of the market. He pur
chased at Damascus of S. Palinquist,
the thoroughbred "Jack" Beacher and
will take him to Eastern Oregon for
breeding purposes, Mr. Mack will re
turn here in about two months with
fifty head of horses which he will put on
the market
Died, at Woodland, California June
25th Keel, wife of C. B. Welsh, aged 25
years 3 months and 10 days. Several
weeks since Mr. Welsh and his wife left
far Woodland, where her mother lives,
honing that the change would benefit
her health as she had been ill for some
time with rheumatic dropsy. On Tues
day W. T. Welsh of this city received a
telegram from bis son stating that death
had claimed big wife. She was a pleas
ant and estimable woman who will be
much missed. She leaves a child 11
months old to mouin the loss of a
mother. The remains have been in
terred at Woodland.
will detain him there till the tint of next
Mrs. Judge McHride went to Astoria
the last of the week to remain with her
husband a few davs before his return to
this city.
kutherfor I Whitlock returned the last
of the week from Forest Grove where he
has been attending Pacific University
during the past year.
Fred Hedges who has been putting in
a studious vear at the State University
at Eugene returned last Friday to spend
his vacation at home.
Rev. R. F. M vers of the Evanmdieal
church united Miss Lottie Sayger and
Mr. E. S. Keables in marriage at the
parsonage on the loth.
Miss Nora Conyers of this city and
Miss Lillian Fuller ot Portland left last
Friday for Clatskanie where they expect
to remain for several weeks
E. M. Ward and J. K Glover, two
promising young men of Eagle Creek
were in the city the first of the week and
called upon the Entkrpkisk.
Nello Johnson has gone from Stanford
Univeisity to Arizona where he will
spend in vacation in hopes that the
climate will benefit his health.
made many friends while here
were extremely sorry to se them leave.
His pastorate while with St. Paul's
church was happy and successful and
his influence in the community very
At break of day the latum of the
cannon is expected to wake all the cltl
xenN of Iho city and surrounding country
as it peals forth the National salute.
Promptly at 10 o'clock the procession
will form, the following being the order,
arrangement and lain of march dcslg
hated by Grand Marshal II. E. Smith:
The procession will form on Main sheet
south ol Fourth with the right renting
oh Fourth street. Tho order will be,
Oregon City band followed by company
F acting as an escoit, followed by the
liberty car, olllcer of tho day, speakers
and invited guests in carriages. Socie
ties and other participants will form in
the following order: G. A, It. on West
Fourth street w ith (rout resting on Main,
A. O. V. W. and U. It. K. of P. on En-l
Fourth street with front on Main. Firu
Department led By Park Place baud on
West Fifth stieet with front on Main.
The brownies will accompany this
WooJmen of the World on east Fifth
stieet with (runt resting on Main.
lks' lhiLMde, three companies, led
who ,v ,ri Cl,riia oi. east Sixth street with
V Your V
g Heart's Blood g
la the moat Important nart of V
V your organism, three-fourths of tf
it... .... I .1.... .1.- . V
The bonds of mosl uf the county ohVers
elect have been tiled and they w ill lake
their seats on Wednesday of next week.
The clerk gave bonds in the sum of $1(1,
01)0, the sheriff ilO.OOO, tho treasurer
f2'i,000 ami the recorder 3,000. It fs
given out that Mr. llorlon will continue
his present deputy in the clerk's ollice,
that J. M. Lawrence w ill work in the
rei order's office and N. M. Moody in the
sheriffs office.
I.ast Tuesday morning as Fred Terry
was at work around one of the wheels at
the paper mill he had the misfortune, lo
get his left hand caught in the cogs and
an instant later he had lost a part of one
finger down to the first Joint, and found
the rest of the finger badly lacerated.
Dr. Carll patched him up in uuod shape j
front resting on Main. Other societies
whose acceptances have not yet U-en re
ceived by the com mil lee will form on
west Sixth street together with all chi
le ns and others who are coidially in
vited to join iu making tho parade a
siecial feature of the day's attractions
The line ol march will be duwn Main
street to Jloss, then countermarch to
First and hack to thegmvo on Tenth
street. Special attractions of the parade
w ill hi the liberty car with the rcpresen
tat ion of slates and territories, the God
desa of Liberty mid the Graces, Justice,
Wisdom, Fortitude and Plenty. In con
junction with the Brownies, Uncle Sam
will apjiear appropriately dressed lo over
see pigmy iH'oplo. Other ss-clal atlrat-
lious which we are not permitted to an
hoiiuce aill appear. The procession will
he in charge of Grand Marshal II. E.
: Smith assisted l.y Aids G. A. Harding
j J. U. Campbell and J. P. Shaw.
At I lie grove the exercises will com
la the. moat
your organism. Three-fourths of
hat nmti1 ilula !. h iK
t" im nn iu w ii n ii i uc nyn
V tcm la subject ate due to Impurl-
T I.. 1.1 1 V .1.
I-y fore, realize how vital It ia to f3
lpfn It lnr T
Keen It Pure
For which purpose nothing can V
equal JoPT-i It cllcciu.illy re- tf
iiu)vcsaa-2CJSall Impurities,
cleanses the blood thomuclily v
.....i i. ..ii i. i i i ... i.i.
Mini uumiBup inc gcurrai iirsitn,
Out TlVftlla
I ,H nuuui tH.MblntlUMtM lltl
ri iit, i.nM,
Victor : Bicycles.
llofore contracting
your crop it will lie
to your interest to
Al'IIOUA, OllltllON,
I.IMpiillial A Co., luu nix! H'J Kmnl Hlrri'l, Han
MIU'iiili.l Mr... . s mut 10 W lOtr hi. Nvw Vurk.
;.J llnrutinh HUH si., Lunlsii
In Oregon City Every Saturday. Leave
orders at Enterprise Dice.
4M E. Market St., Portland, Or.
T ImhmI Iiiiiim. iMtru, no. Al
J. K iillotiM, I'ark Hare. rrou.
I T AN TKMPuahliK l'nr..rr nl t" Ail
II ilrrva. Ulmral alary and i-iplna lianl
wi-i'kly. Ivrmnnriil tiiiilnii liKuW.N lUlliH.
CO., Niiraeryiui'ii, rnrtlaint, Orrgmi.
li:ai)thi: wokld
Cash or Installment,
Liirgest nttK'k of Holiil and cushion
tiro wheels on the coast from
10 to ;io,
(iivo us ii call before Inlying
:t:i Wariiington St., I'orllan.l, Or.
;Niilli'Huf Aiillrlln for Nnlmin Urmiw.
Notice is hereby given, Hint tho under
signed will apply to the city council of
Oil-nun City.Oii'gnii, at the regular meet
ing in July, for (he coutlmnilioil ul the
llci'iise for a sal'sin at the corner ol Mala
mid Fourth streets in said city.
John It. THKMiurn,
Oregon Cily, Or., JiiiibH, IHU4.
anf Mrlli'Ular.
Musky itttrrNincn by
any riHr,
Mini in HoaTLaati it
Closset& Devert.
A( nn. i is i.mim,k, no. w, k or f
Mvla vrrrr Krlitay 111(1)1 al Hi K. ul I', hall,
Vlalllut kuliflio liivllnl
It I. Iliu M.S. (', O.
r J. IH'ia. K l it anJ I.
New Goods.
Lowest Prices.
and he
will now take a rest for
inenee at II o clock and Will consist of
j singing of patriotic airs by a full chorus,
was a special meeting of the
court to finish some matter
iH'rtaining to the roads before the old
j court should go out of ollice. It was the
C. A. Nash came up from his claim on I ''tn,'"n of the court to ride out over
the lower Nehaleni on Monday ami will
return the last of next week accompanied
by his wife to spend the summer on his
Capt. T. F. Cowing and wife went to
Hubbard last Saturday to spend Sunday
with a cousin, Mrs. Mary McCausland,
whom they have not seen for thirty
I years.
Miss Kale Casto of Carus who has
been attending the Agricultural college
at Corvallis was a caller at this office on
her way home to sjiend the vacation, on
Friday last.
Miss Ana Baird who has been on a
visit to the state Normal school at Mon
mouth where she spent a week, paid the
Enterprise a pleasant visit on Friday on
her way home.
Walter L. Tooze of Woodburn left las'.
Friday evening for Denver to act as a
delegate at lare from Oregon to the con
vention of republican clubs which is in
session at that place.
E. II. Cowing and family left on Mon
day for Bethany in Washington county
near which place he has a fruit farm
upon which he has a large cherry patch
which he will look after.
Ernest Rands returned last Thursday
from Foie'tt Grove where he has been
for more than a year past and on Thurs
day ol this week he started out with a
party to assist in surveying townships
Ave and seven in six east. He expects
to be away till tne middle of September.
Mrs. Earnest Loll surprised her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoberg last
Sunday morning when she walked into
their house accompanied by her three
children. She with her husband had
just returned from Coos Bay where he
has been stationed for several years on
a government tug.
A. I). E. Elmer of Clarkes a graduate
of the Oregon State Normal s:!iool,
Wilbur Wade of Currinsville and Miss
Minnie Harrington of Highland, Myrtle
Breithaupt of Damascus, Amanda Reed
of Logan and Madge Hill of Park Place
returned to their homes after a success'
ful year's work on Friday last.
F. J. Louis who has lived in this city
for the past six years left last Friday
for his old home in Iowa City, Iowa
where it is his intention to take a course
of medicine for which he has been pre
paring for some time. He left by
steamer for California where he will
visit with Dr. O. W. Yeargain for a short
time More going East. Many friends
here wish him success.
Since being thrown from a horse two
months ago whereby he sustained very
severe and painful injuries, Mr. Morey
has suffered with nervous prostration
caused by the shock at that time. On
this account hp left last Tuesday for a
trip to Alaska to be gone about two
weeks. It is hoped by his family and
physicians that the trip wilt result in
much benefit. He is accompanied by
Mrs. Morey and their daughters, Misses
Florence and Helen.
some of the roads in the northern part of
the county on Fridiy to inspect the
work which has been done on them
this spring.
The Portland ConureKational club held
a meeting- at the First church, that city,
last Friday evening. It was addressed
by Prof. F'oster, of Pacific Theological
Seminary, Oakland, California. L. 11.
Andrews and his son Henry and Key.
J. W. Cowan, were present from this
The Willamette Pulp A Paper com
pany have secured from the lower river
on the present rise three million feet of
spruce and cottonwowd lints which they.
will convert into paper. They have
about the same amount yet to secure be'
fore the back water subsides.
Redland is coming to the front with
attractions for the Fourth. Among
other thirnts the citizens there advertise
a free barbacues, a basket dinner, a ball
game, potato nice, young ladies' race
etc. A pleasant time may be assured.
The social at the grounds of Peter
Paquet which was to have been given on
Friday evening for the benefit of tl.e
order of the Eastern Star has been post
poned indefinitely on account of the
threatened inclement weather,
That neat residence in Bolton which
can be seen from nearly all points on
this side of the river is being built by K.
L. Greaves w ho will soon have as pleas
ant a home as one would wish.
j singing by the Brownies, an oration by
Hun. C. W. Fulton, of Astoria, reading
of the Declaration of lmleH)iideuce by
Miss Bessie Evans of Oswego, and other
Immediately following the parade and
before the exercises at the gruve Coin
pany F will give an exhibition drill
which promises to lie an attiactivo (e
lure of ttie day's program. This will he
follow! by a prfze drill by the several
companies of the Boys' Brigade.
Alter the grove exercises al the cor
ner of Tenth ami Water streets timo will
be given for a picnic dinner after which
the contests and races the full program
for whljh is published elsewhuio and
which has been spread broadcast upon
the small bills will be presented, and It
is confidently believed that it furnisl
I so much and so great a variety that
can be suited. Full programs of the
races and contests will be found Uhii
the ground the morning of the Fourth
when an official program will be ilis-
For the convenience of visitors tho gen
erel committee has determined to pro
vide ice water in convenient localities
and to provide a place w here wraps and
lunch baskets can be chtcked and kept
As the committee has not heard from
all of the societies which had been in
vited to particnato in the parade it was
impossible to assign all who may m in
tending to participate to positions but
they can report to the Grand Marshal
on the morning of the Fourth and they
will be assigned to positions in the line
of march.
Cotton chiillic fijo yl; wool dinllies (worth Il'ic) for 'JtV;
black uiul tigurerl sati'ens I'.'jo ytl; dark jirints .V; rein
mint rintn lo and .'c; remnants 1 cashmere nt llo yd;
Jc cashniercH for l"o lawns for ID; indiugo blue
prints "w, turkey red prints "Jo; unbleached muslin .lo;
ladies' seamless fast black lioso LV; ladies', gents' ami
childron'H nIiim'h nt iulur prices; IS sitindH dry grnn
u luted ciigar fl; Arbiicklcs nnd I, ions cnflei '2.1c; plumx
prunes: and N'iirs "; xr anind.
Hamilton Bros.,
Oregon City and Park Place. Or.
1776. GREAT 1894,
34th of JULY Celebration!
F. A. Meinig's Park and Hall,
The youngest bicycle fiend in the cily
is litttle Kay Williams, son of E. E.
Williams, who proudly pedals his safety
up and down the street with the greatest
of ease and skilh
Miss LoiB M. KiebhofT and C. K.
Lewthwaite were married at the resi
dence of the bride's parents on Arthur's
Prairie the first of the week, Itev. T. II
Organ ofliciating.
Kimball organs are admitted to be the
sweetest toned and most durable organ
made. Bee Burmeister A Andresen
about prieerandJcrmS;
K. Gilhousen recently sold his 20 acres
beyond Ely to a German from Dakota for
$3000 and will go to California to live.
Gordon Williams rode up to Salem
on his safety the last of the week and
spent a few days visiting friends.
Mid-Winter Fair excursion tickets,
Oregon City to Kan Francisco and return,
via (Southern I'acilic Co's Hhasla Houte,
will te placed on sale January 23rd.
Kate $27.60, including five admissions
to the fair. Tickets good for thirty days
from dato of sale.
Refresh yurself theso hot days with a
dish of ice cream soda at the Novelty Ice
Cream parlors, second door to Jiurmcis-
ter A Andiesen b.
Mii)I)I,ktown, Fa., April 14, 181)1.
Mh. Nohman Liqiity, Des Moines, la.
Dkab Hik: Please send me four dozen
Krause's Headache Capsules. They are
the best headache remedy we ever
handled. Yours,
John W. 8tab.
Instrumental Mimic, - - Metropolitan Hand, of Portland
Oiator of tho Day, - (leo. C. Hrowncll, of Oregon City
Reading Declaration of Independence, JolmCollett, of Sandy
Dancing on the platform in the afternoon, and circle swing
ing day and night in the park.
Grand hall in the hall, commencing with grand march at
8:30 p. m., under the supervision of Mr. K. A, Stern,
Master of Ceremonies and Floor Manager.
T. G. JONSRUD, President of tho Day,
ELI C. MADDOCK, of New Era, Grand Marshal.
Receipt, note and order books at the
Entkrpkisk ollice.
ADMISSION: For Dancing on Platform, SO cents. For
Mali in Hall, 75 cents. Supper Extra.
5rilcfrcHhmcnts of all kinds convenient.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
"0 Ul
Iwimi, lii&Sis,Pf's
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used ia Millions of Homes 40 Years the Suudard.
TO STRANGERS Sandy is located 27 "miles east of
Portland, on the Mount Hood road. Tho Sandy fctago leaves
tho Portland postofiico every morning at G:40 o'clock.
JQcTProf. G. L. Eastman, of Portland, will ho present and
prepared to make photographs of all kinds.