Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME O. C. T. CO.'H NTKAMKII. In KrmiT Iah, a, im. Hlumiiff IIAMllK A. LtiVM (IHIKlllN HTlf. J.BAVKH niNTt.AHU. '' ni, 7 in, m 'J 1,1 l' m. 1 1. mm. in, w . hi. 4 uu n. in. MONDAY. . w, M mi a. m. Jp. m. II in . hi. . mil', hi. an p. in. Mmiinl trip Mcttla. l lmiiaanl aulijmitio diaii. without iiullri. - iht rot fAMMANOKK HTKAMKK, AI.T0NA, hktwrrm Miri.txii,iiii.iiN txn miiirnniiiiiri. 11 I'.irlUnil Taylor Ir.N-l rt.u k al D A A. M. nil loav.a l)r" CKy l.ir Hali-u .UU A. M, I iir.l)r, lliui.lr uid Halurilay. Uaa Ihi.iiii.iii Tt A M mnl Haloin 7 4A A M. mnl iirrKini ctly ml I' M ur 1'iirt Utitl NiimUy, Weilawailay ml dMay. KftM lluii. (immI miriittimUdiitiM ami nw ral'. Nil way Ir.irlit kMnlli-1, H.mill mloi u llimujh Irnlnhl. WM TIIKItN fACinC HAIMVAY. MuKTII HOI' NO. I'allloftila fiiiWMi rtlirniKli) T'l.ai. Kiweliura; l.Kl (way lalliilm) l a.m, Xil Til DiirNII. IliiM-liurx l...rl (wnr uilimi) 9 11 . m I ullliinil Kirv illiiuiiih) 7 10 p ill WIM.AMK.TTK t Al.lJI KI.Kl TWO HAII.WAY. 1 line miila, l.raV Orrtmi ( lly. WIIUnirllrall, vA U i' I. A M. III (!,)" II .! " II II I !' U, I 1111 M, 5 in " It :m A il " 0 in ' t'Mut tin.. iA M Oil A.M. In im 10 s II ll " II M " I im I', M I It I'. U. I . ' I 4 " J l " i l ' 3 11 'i ii " i im ' a id " a mi f.rt M (t 4 III " 4 i III " 6 ll " n Id A mi 6 4.1 " 0 uu " If. " ('. A. Vtll.l.lia, Hiiit. 1 II K MAIM. Mailt rln (nlii N.irlli. I'J ill. S m.lp m. alalia I'lutc uliif HimiiIi, I . m., 6: t. m. ami Kiit'Tna. (rrfon t'lt In 1'iirilaii'l out Kaat ilila Hall way. Iravoa U .11 1', M an. I ft lu V M.arrlvi-a II iVl A M au. Ht V H l arrlra 1'iirllall.l, K wioru, WaalMilo, Kamly ami Highland rMI..' mall. (iri..in Clly lo Kly. ('arm, Mullun. Lltaral and U..lalla Iravaa at U in. ami arltwt al M m. dally Urnfon 'liy In llravrr frrrk. M Ink. Clark. Mihi.Iuw HriH.k. I'iiIuii Mllla. ami ( iinn.li-ai al 10 a. m. Hnmlay YttMlnrwIa and Krl.lay ml frliinuiill li.llnwlni data al J al p m (irritiiu Clly In Vlnia, lfin and Knlland travra (lr.ill Cllr Unliday Wnlllrxlay and Friday at I uu f, M, Uavlnf Viola aaroa dajra al 7 mi A. M, FHIDAY, Jl'NKUl., 1HIU. I;V. J. C. It UK II KUTI'KHKI) Tlie l'it tililn corrfitxnuli iit fur llie On-Knif InnunvB: Hv. J. HwJ, formerly i4lor n( wlmt I now known Hie Si'iriiml liitirt clniri'li, on Kuxt Si'Vt'iilli mnl l'imt Anki-ny hIi-ii-Im, 4irrivtl Sliir- iliiv i'Viniii Iroiii ('lilcik'"i with liia fiiiuilv, mnl fin llin pri'wnt In lyiiit lit I ho ri'Niili-iii'ti of Mr. lltitolilii", on L'liimi uvi'iimi. To n.vurul Mr, Ki'eil nliilri! liu Imn rcliinii'il to. icinuiii, lint it Ih not known wlnllur lio w ill iuukn Port laud or Orison City 1) im Iioiiih. It will I hi roiniiiitHri'il llmt Mr, IlwJ Iim been almoin from Tortluml littlo Urns tlmn two yonm, tnkintt lii" departure y wlmt wild niipimoil li wntor roiltr) t tli footolKriM (illm'n, vi tlin Willmnntte rivor nml tlmt while r'lliTe worn inoiirniiiK liim m una (loud tnd li in IricniU wora driiKlnu (lie rivor for Iiin ronmiiiM, liti wh niH'odiiiK on paluce cht fur Molino, III., whore ho mmle Iiin iiiiiiotiriitirn at Iiin lirotlior n lionie In diiy.oil condition, A dinjiiitcli wu re coived from Mr. Hwd'n hrotlicrtnnimnc liilt Ida nrrlvul, ml Unit lie i yery ill. HnlHoiiHMit inforniulion wan recoivod giinoiiiii liiK that lie wim HufToruiK from tcniporury itWrrathin of mind cminrd hy overwork. He rocowrod from ln Indin iioHition in few nionlliH.and ro-enxitK'! in the n.inintry, and when lie toft wn piiHtorofi UrKe mid inflnonlml church at Htrontar, in lllinoiri. Mr. Kof i is in the liert d hculth nml BpliitH. lid to- turned to Oregon Ikiciiiihu (Iio cliimite UKrooN with 1 1 Ih wilu'd health. RciiArrr in LiMno. Tlio liiHt of tiie week Chiufuf I'olice Hiirnrirwelvod word from HtiHohurrf that tl chief of pollen there had ciiplured ('him. 11. Scliiiller, who forged Kelly, Dunne & Co.'h imme to ii diock himI puriHud it upon l' J. McKittiick a week ngo. Hurin went up and got ScliiifTor, who I mil rviHtered under tho niune of 8huw On Tinwdiiy he wiih nrrulnril heforo Judge Fonts and waived examination. Ho wan bound over to appear before the grand jury in November in the mnn of fttO.I, ami In de fault of homlx wiih committed to Jail where lie will have a good long time to lie. Hnoomn that he paHned a amilar check In Tortland tho Sunday morning after Iiin oM)rationa hero, and that the Portland police have been looking for him for more than a year under the name of Shaw, which be lias been lining in bin proyioua opcrationa. liov on tii Bhake. Quite a crowd gathered about tho mail car on the Bouth bound train Tuemlay evoning attracted by a bright looking boy about thirteen years of age who waa snugly sitting be tween tho forward trucks. The lad was clean and neat and xaid that he was going to Albany, though bo retimed to give bis name. He looked too Intelligent and neat to he leading the life of a tramp and was perhaps making tho bent of a forced chho. A. 0. U. W, (Jhanii Lmm, The grand lodge of Oregon, A, ). V, Vi:loiMid lis annual en!iin Friday afternoon with ths preaeiitatlon to (irarid MiwterT. C. Mm key of a liaiiilx'imo silver service, coimiriting of a pitcher and gohlut, ap propriately Inscribed. Among other hiirtlnoNN transacted was the following: The propositions for the eNtubliHliinnnt of olllcial oruans by Mr. Mnk, of Pallus, ami Z, Wells of I'ortland, wnrs laid on the table. The per capita tax for 1 KM was II mil at :ih, to Ih paid la January and July. A motion was punned peti tioning the supreme lodge to hold trien nial Instead of annual iwiHaiona, The tmwly-elecled olllcers were installed by Past (irnud Master I!. 3. Hawthorn, as sist. by Past (iriinil Master K. L. Nmitb. They are: Grand master woskman, W, W. liianln, of Viola, No, 114, Pendleton; grand foreman, Ii, !. Katimde!!, Indus try, No. 8 Portland ; grand overwMir, William M. Colvlg, Ilantier, No. 211 Jack sonville; grand recorder, Newton Clark, Klyemide, No. OH Hood ltiver; grand receiver, It, 1 Iiurham, IloS), No. 1, Portland ; grand truatee, Willium Arm strong, Valley, No 1.1, Halem ; tupri'tne reproNentallves, J. J . Iale, I'nion. No. L'.'), Dallas ; T. C. Mm key, Hufety, No. 1.1, Alhiiny, mid D. Holis Cobn, I'nity, No. , Portland. The grand loilgn then adjourned, to meet in Portland on the third Wednenhiy in Julv, lHUfi. Jl'UY Ihaiiiii:kk. I'-i'tween his sptdls of awelliug around, or w hen he thinks the dear cople are forgetting all about him and his arduous dutiea us fhh and giiine protector, II. D. Mctiuire riiHln-s up to this or some other convenient point and bus some one arrexteil for violating tho game lawa. Ilia liixt a.illy was to huve V. A. Sclilappl, un employe at the pulp mill, arrested fur throw inn aawdust Into the Willamette. The trlul came oir Moinhiv before Jud'o Fonts, a jury trial having been demanded by the defen dant. After colmiilcring the cane for stiveial hours the jury was discharged as they could not agtee. It is umlerxtood that they Ktood three to tluee. His nibs the protector of all the birds and IIhIi in Oregon can now rout on bis laurels for a few weeks, and the statu will pay him and the coxts, Tiik Tvie Skn-Kiis' IUvknoe. The Sun Publinliilig Co. of Portland has filed articles of incororation with the secre tary of state. The incorporators are Jonn O'lHon, W, F. Osburn, Oeo. Pope, Kenton Killln, and V. D. McKce, and the ohjiH't is to print and publish a daily and weekly nvwNpaer in lint city. The capital stoak is fixed at t-i:,000 dividod into 3,o()0 shares This is said lo be a new iiwr in oppimitlun to the Oregmiian. It is said that the Portland union since the placing of the linotypes in the Orcgoiiiun ollice lias held several ineetiiiKS and that they will organize and runs piier of their own. The above incorporation is probably for that pur- KISO. Fihht Kkiikk aii is Town. The Pacific Odd Fellow in giving a hietory of the work of the Krlx'kah loilges in this state has the following I'oucerning the original Itcla'kuh in this city : "August 27, lstit), (iraud Master John M. Bacon instituted Hcbckah I,i)ilgo No. 2, at Oregon City, in accordance with the following resolution paused at the May session of that year: 'Hesolved, That tho grand muster is authorized to grant a charter to l'ast (irands J. T. Apperson, A, J. Appurson, J. M. Bacon, John 8 brain, E. 11. Fel lows, licorgo Jerome, K. B. Collaid, and SiHters J. T. Aprson, A. J. ApHrson, J. M. Bacon, and such other Kelickah members us may sign the application.' " No Moms Postal Notes. Postal notes will not be isaued after July first when money orders will be used instead at reduced fees. The rate on the new money orders that lake the place of tlie old postal notes an I money orders will lie as follows : $2.fiU or under, 3 cents ; up to fo.OO 5 cents ; up to MO. 00 8 cents ; up to $20.00 10 cents; up to $.10.00 12 cents; up to $10.00 15 cents; $."H 18 cents; $(H) 20 cents; $75 25 cents; $100 30 cents. People having the old form of money order should present them for payment at once. State or Ohio, City ok Toi.kdo, ) l.CCAS Cot'NTY ) Frank . I. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of tho firm of F J. Ciiknky A Co., doing business in the Citv of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot lie cured by the use of ll.u.l.'s Catakuh Ci he. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this (Ith duy of Iecember, A. D , 18S5. jsKAlj A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts drectly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. WSold by Druggists, 75c. Protect Yourself. Insuro In tho oldest Fire Insurance Company In the world, the Sun Insur ance Company, of London. Cash assets $10,270,5:15 . F. E. Donaldson, Agent, Oregon City, Or. If you want an attractive sign see Davis the painter. Portland prices. Shop back of Popo A Co.'s hardware store. Tiisj Oiikhon Hiioht Line. Friday's Oreuonlan says an order wa received at the Union Pitclllc ollice Thursday from bemlipiartcrs in Omaha directing that all motive power belonging to the Union Pacific be returned to the East, and slitting that the engines owned by the Oregon Hallway A Navigation Com pany would lie returned to this division. This change, it is understood, has been contemplated for some time, To many railroad men tlie order lends color to the belief which bos prevailed for reyeral monibs, that the Oregon Railway A Navigation will soon apply for a sepa rate receivership. K. McNeil, who, It Is said, will be apointed receiver, is now on bis way to Portland and Is duo here tomorrow evening. Up to the present time, no one in tho city apiears to have a very definite idea of what is to tie done in the matter, and consequently all kinds of rumors are afloat, There Is more or Ishs apprehension in some qtiarters, too, that the pioHpective ch.'ingti will not be beneficial to the men in all the depart ments. Paoai-Ksoi s Pacific L'mvemsity. Kev. J. W. Cowan who was present at the closing exercises of Pacific University whs much pleased with that inalitution. HereKrts tho commence meiit of Pacific University, held last week at Forest (irove, as an encourag ing end lo a prosperous year. Tlie new life taken on by this excellent institution since the coming of President McClel land, has not yet bad time to tell on the grad'iating cluseM, but is seen in tlie fact that the lower classes are larger than for many years, if not larger than ever before. Tho comer stone was laid Inst week of a new building to cost $'!), 000, the money for which is already rulse-d, and which when completed will be surpassed by few college buildings, est or west. The college has also a promise from an eastern friond of $100, OH) if $100,000 additional can be se cured from others. This will niiike Pacific University financially what it al ready is in other respects, the cor of tho very In-st on the coast. Now a Wheat Pkht Uislney Scott roKirts that tlie small, green insects, that has been noticed in the Douglas county wheat fields, bus speared in Une county, says the F!ugene Guard. Mr Hootl says the insects appear bet ween the rows of grain and are quite numerous in Holds in his vicinity. No one seems to know the nature of tiie pest, but it is feared that l may prove destructive to the wheat crop, It re sembles the sphis that is found on rose leaves. Mr. Willard Simmons, of Har risburg, stated that the wheat fields in that vicinity, are covered with the In sects, hardly a head of grain being free from them. Under a mugnifying glass II imn inu m 'vi. ,,.-u v. w it-v.. a,.".'-" hopper. The head of the whe.it, also magnified, shows no diunage thus far has resulted. Mr. Simmons is of the opinion that the warm weather will caiiBo them to leave the wheat. He says that farmers are greatly alarmed over the possible damage that may be inflicted by the unwelcome visitor. Suit roa Dam auks. Reader of the K.NTtKCKiHK will remember that mention was made last fall of the drowning of a son of A. W. Sefton, who was known to many here, in a Portland sewer. The case of A. W. Sefton against P. II. Frainey and John Keating, contractors, and II. D. G radon, superintendent of streets, resulting from the accident, went to trial before Judge Hurley Mon duy. The plaintiff sues for $5000 damages for the death of his son, who fell through tho sheeting of earth cover ing a sewer on the East Side, constructed by the defendants, and approved by the the defendant Giadon, An Incipient Fihe. The dwelling of C. T, Hickman in the southern part of the city had a close call last Sunday morning w hen the curtains in one of the chambers took fiie from a lamp sitting in the window. In a uiomont the cur tains and everything light ubout the wiudow was a sheot of flames. Fortuna tely water was convenient and almost immediately tlie family had a supply in the room with which the fire was speedily extinguished. It was fortunate for Mr. Hickman that someone was near by when the fire csught and that they hail presence of mind to apply vigo rous remedies at once. Tho damage is merely nominal. Some Pokti.anb Tkacukus. The board of directors of Portland elected touchers for the ensuing year tlie lust of the week and among those chosen were the following named who either live in this city or are all well known here: Frank Rigler to the High school; Miss Grace Baird, Harrison street school; Miss E. L. Henley, Park school; Miss M. S. Burlow, Failing school; Miss Win nie Graham, Stephens school; Miss Metta C. Brown, 'Williams Avenue school; Miss Kate Porter, North Cen tral school. A Game or Ball. In response to the challenge of the Clackamas team, a team composed ol members of the Columbia Hook and Ladder company went down to Clackamas last Sunday and played a matched gamo of ball which resulted in a victory for the hook by a score of 17 to 1. The batteries for the Clackamas nine were Robinson and Holcomb and for the Hooks, Fennimore and bailey. Features of the game wera Fenniiuore's pitching and and Bailey's base throwing, Read This Letter from Chicago Lad; Chicago, 735 W, Adam St. Apr, 20, 1 Mr. Noli mae Liciitv, De Moines, la. Dear Bir: A Hample of Krause head ache capsules was left in my husband's office a lew day since, and as I was subject to headaches, neuralgic, nervous, and In fact every other kind he thought fully brought the sample box home. The very next day I bad a chance to try thern and one capsule relieved rue In less than half an hour. Next day I was attacked again, took another capsule with the same delightful result, in less than half an hour my bead felt a well as ever, with no bad feelings as the result, I have had these Utrrible head aches for twenty years, and have tried every remedy that I ever heard of, but nothing I have ever taken has cured or relieved me as quickly as Kruae's Head ache Capsules. Mas. N. A. Hkinneh. For sale by C'baruian A Co., City Drug fclore. A (ientilne Murguln. 40 seres of good land near Macksburg two new houses, garden, well, etc., 20 acres slashed and seeded to grass. Daily mail. G1 school, etc. Will sell one house or will sell all. Will trade for Oregon City property. This w ill ap pear but twice. Write immediately. Address, J. 8. Woi.eeb, 4t Macksburg, Or. Stockholders .Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annual i meeting of the stockholders of the Oie- gon City Manufacturing Co., will be held at the office of the company in Ore gon City. Saturday, July 14th 18f4, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day tor the pur oee of electing directors of the corpora tion to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other bnsinea as may come before the said meeting U. B. Jacoiis, Secretary. Oregon City, Or., June 1, 18!4. Hard times Price. S. F. Scripture has reduced the price of bo'se shooing to $1.50 per horse until further notice. All work at bottom prices. Many years experience insures first class work. Warrants Ilonght. State and County warrants of Oregon and Washington bought by James E. Davis A Co., 247 Stark street, Portland, Oregon. Have you seen those beautiful Indigo, oil red and light prints, outing flannels, satteens and trimmings just received from Chicago at the Red Front Stores away below any prices quoted in Clacka mas county before. Wedding stationery, the latest styles aod finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Estebpbise office. A child can do as well as you. We try to de Your serve your every day patronage, good w ill and con fidence. Money Back If You Want It. We charge you 40 cents for a 40 cent prescription not 75 cents. We try to keep in stock every thing that can be found in a first class drug store at Huntley's Drug Store, Oregon City, Oregon. STATIONERY Can be purchased at almost any kind of a store except ing perhaps a hardware store. But do you think that the general store, bazaar store or the druggist knows much about the QUALITY or style of stationery? Or that he handles enough to have always fresh, new stock, purchased in the quantity that will enable him to sell it at the right PRICE P If you have been thinking so it will pay you to examine the quality and price at Huntley's Book Store, OREGON CITY. DHVIES TIIE PHOTOGRAPHER, Would be pleased to see his friends and patrons in his new quarters on Third and Morrison Streets, Over Golden Rule Bazaar. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I have now In my hanil. funds applleahte to lie psvmpiit ol all warrants euilnmed prior to May 17, low. Interest will cense from date ol thta u.ules. B. II. CAI.IKF, County Treasurer. Dated Oregon City, June 7, lsw. (APEa. CAPES. Nothing nets off a women as well as a drenHy cape. Are all the go now and tho finest selec tion in Oregon City can he found at TH08. CHARMAN & SON. For summer wear they have a very com plete line of , DRESS GOODS. All the latest styles and weights. To he sold at prices lower than ever offered in this city. -FOR SALE BY- TH0S. CHARMAN & SON, Who have just received a new invoice, alno a full line of the best ladies fine shrxB. We have the finest and best assortment of shoes in the city. Prices low. Call and see. ThePioneerStore TH0S. CHARMAN & SON. SEVENTH - STREET - BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of the Day. All Kinds of Cake Made to Order AND ORNAMENTED FREE OF CHAGE. ter LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR TIIE HOLIDAYS. Jacob Kober, Proprietor. The Argonaut Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published on the Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies- of it pass through the post office every week, remailed by subscribers to their friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. J.J. KRDDERLY, GENERAL - HARDWARE Stoves and Tinware. full line of agricultural implements. tinwore: specialty. Corner Fourth and J Streets, - - East Portland, Oregon. flAVIS THE PAINTER. House and Sign Painting. Good Workmen and the Best of Paints. PEICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. For Wall Paper. Matting, Linoleum, Window Shades and house Decorations see him. Best stock in the city. Portland prices. Store Next Door To Albright's Meat Market. OREQ-OIT CITY, OREGON. A. W. LANDERHOLM successors to Landerholm & Gray, Dealer in and Manufactuer of HARNESS and SADDLES. JUST REMOVED to 92 Union ave. East Portland. Repairing a speclalty-Don't forget him. Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 Per Year in Advance.