Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1894)
Oregon City Enterprise. r'ltlliAY, JtJNIO iMi, iHin. Incknmas Co. Diroctory, COUNTY OPFICKIIH. ii!"ik cil Courts, Hh.rlir. . Kmoriftir, 1 romiirttr, AftittRttr, ")') Hiiirliiliiiliiiil, ttiirvnyur, Coroner, JomtnUliiiirs, ). W MH.Iriiin (li. Y. Iliirlini C, W. lUiumg H. M l(ni.l.y J. II Wlhnn . J, V.. Mm. Mi. y II, M, Ull, .nil Hllnv Smyth l(. I,. HmIiiinii I Itli'lmrd Mr. ,11 M 'ir nul I us lulr To M. t t tint Time. Tim subscription price for tint K.vmt 'iiihk has been reduced to f 1 .fill mr ycur ; 'Scents for nix iiiimlhs. Cash in ml- t '. Huhm-riber payinif lit the i-nd of year will not Imi eiititld to this rtf ilili'linii, Tim low prli'U in inn. In to (el tlin IihI on a cuhIi luixm ini.l lndui-u all (iilliM-riburs to pay lip, uml (mpcciully tu jircvcni ui-iin Iiciiih irom tiikliitf tlm Pmt iiikI not paving for It ly reason of their iH'iiiK law iriBi. Kedni-ed prlcit win oniyroiiiiiicncK wan tliilent renewal. ibis makes llii IIsikhiuhk t hit cllOll t impir in Clarkiiiniia county club! piikti'null Iioiiio print oinl full of live lal news. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. Vno Cedar Camphor for moths. tttMli pui.l for imi, TiuvkkA Ai.ikn If your watch or cluck need rcpairliiK lake them to HurineUler At Andresen Tin')" -ftiarautiw nil tlmlr work. r i . . i cuur . ainpiior tor motns at -:. r pound can it four times cliMHr Mini Ut tor tlutn camphor at Lauo-lavla I'ruif -Co., Portland. Mm. Itcatrii Mardoitald. assisted )v tliu S.nili Student, will give neon cert ami iluni'd toniitlit (Thursday at Armory liull Admission M cents. Persons wishing lino Work in photo jMrtrnila ur views, Interiors and interior will save money liy K"lii lo Potter's photo pallors, li'Ti First Htreet, Portland, tf I'lii'l are great teta, but you can keep tl.nin out very easily and rliea)ly by buying- a Ret of screen doora and w indow of Jones Hon ovur tli (). C. Iron Work. tf Pled, Htanford Irvlnu-, infant ton of J. K. and Clara Merit) of Ihii city ap-d two weeks. The funeral will occur from tlio residence of F. K Donaldson on the went (ido on Fritlay at 2 o'clock p. m. Tlin Willamette Kalla railway company . lln.l their business yMwiiitf rlnht alonit and have had printed tlckttta for salu at verr low figure allowing, the owner to ride, for the month. They also issue tifty ride ticket at reduced rales, Jan. Prake who was arraigned the Unit of the week for lewd cohabitation with Jennie Ioo had a hearing- on Wed nesday and waa hound over to apM-ar before the grand jury. In default of bond he waa committed to jail. (iood reliable mi-lit wanted to aell (iladHtoiie property . centa fare to Oregon Cily. I.iberiil coinmiitKioii paid. Jli'Ht Helling property on the inurket. i'all on or write to II. K. Croaa, preai dent (iliidNtone lieal l'.Htate Aaitociation. Jaa. Uohitmon who wna convicted a coupln of week ago of itteuling a buggy apring from the bliiMkBiniili nliop In New Kra waa lllHTiited on Tueaday after aervlng a twelvc-duv'M ncnlcnco In lieu of 25 line. The road from I ho linker furry bridge tu the mouth of )eep creek la now oxtu anil ready fur travel, and, according to rut people living beyond who have oci.a hI'ii to travel thill way, it In a ureal Improvement over the, old road around by tlm long Deep creek hill. J'rohaldy for the drat timet in the hintory of the country a load of buy came from Kagle Creek lo tliin city, Ita coming having been made pnililit by the making of thi toad. John (ilover lum the credit of bringing the II rut load of hay over the roiul. H. A, Iioiighia wna iiUo in the llrnt of the week from Kagln Cieck with a load of hogM. Our merchantN ahonld cultivati) inuru friendly relutiona with that part of the county and oiler them audi Inducement in the way of trade a will bring them to thi place, Oil the (lmt of July the pout ollire known a Aim w ill he iliwoiilinni'il. aa Mr. K. H. Ilriimhall who ha dinennei the mail ever ninco the olllce wu ctuh llnlied doe not wind to be bothered w ith it longer. In It pliici) Cnavllle at the mouth of the Hull Hun will be moved to the aoiith end of the bridge acroaa thai Htream leading to the Aim mttleiuent where K. K. Kelly ha oX'iicil a atoru in which the punt dllice will be nituutcd. Till will lat a central and convenient point. I intend of getting mail by way of Handy aa heretofore it will be carried from I'leanalit llomu on Tuemlaya, Wcdmtmlav and Haturday. II. C. Hteveii ha received an Invita tion form the Intemtato Kxponitlon at T aroma to place hi fine collection of In dian relic on exhibition there; but aa no provlaion waa made by those who in vited him tu diilay hi curio for de fraying the exieime he waa obliged to de cline . Mr. Stevena baa the fluent collec tion in thi country, and aa he doc not run It to iiinko money out of thee waa no objis l in taking it to Tacoma at hi own exiH'iiae. McMiunville reporta an awful acci dent in which the twelve-year-old aon of I'rraton K. Smith, late of Dakota, allot the entire head from hi five-year-old brother on Wednesday night, with a hIioIkuii, while playing at caiituring a horcethief. It happs.ied in a cloned room and Irnginenta of the nkull and brain were acuttered over the room. The mother wa apottvd with blood and brain aa ahe tat in range of the shot. They didn't krow it wa loaded. A friend of Mr. Sarah Medio who frequently vihit and annUla her atale that thia esliumlile woman la now lying juite ill and helplen at her home on the hill ami in dentitute circumstance. It la generally known that ahe haa in the pant alwaya been relied upon to amtial in all camm of trouble and ickneia in many of the hoincs of thia city. It ia only JiihI and right that ahe aaonld le ten derly cared for now that ahe ia nick and in need. Partlc Irom below who are Intending to visit Oregon City on the Fourth, will find the river teeming with boat for their accommodation, the Oregon City Transportation company having, besides the regular boat which runs all the time, arranged for three other bouts, which will enable thuin to give a thirty minute service. This will enable parties to leayo either way as often aa they winh through the day. TIIK CMOS NAM III UW. I'Mrlli'iilar n Applied to Chickiinia Count jr Sine .Many Dollar. 1'itrhiip it may not be generally known that w ith tint aKniimpMon of the office by the imwlv elected county olli cura on Monday next that they will be gin working under the salary nvntem which wan adopted at the last acHnion of the IcKinlnture, in what wa then styled the Cron law after Senator ('ron of thi county who prepared the maure and prenned It suit through the leginhituru. A applied to Clitckaiiiu county it naves iniiny dollars to the taxpnyera which in- SHETLAND'S KAKDIES, You Have Heard of Them. Uncle Hum Will IJeHver Them Anywliere. Morriaon Hi, Betweei ii k 34, Portland. THKE HOME n BOX I'atronite home institutions, buy your groceries of Marr A Kolxtrtiton. Kvery thing in the line of fancy or staple gro ceries. Orders called for and delivered. "Wonders of the World's Fair" free of exH'iiHO. Every purchase of $3.50 se t-urea one portlollo. tl. Screen Door. Tlies havo already made their appearance anil to mont ehVctmilly protect yotirnelf against these, you should fit your limine with atrong screen doors which the Oregon Cily Sanh & Door Factory ninkes. Clicap. tf l'allor, laiiguiduess, and the appear ance of ill-health being no longer fitnliion ablo amonir ladies, Ayer's Stirsnparilla is more largely resorted to at a tonic-alterative, nervine, stomachic, and builder-tip of the system generally. Thia ia aa it should 1)0. Ayer's ia the best. The old veteran, Captain Itundy, has Ms new boat house all fitted tip in rim ing order and is now prepared to furnish at all times (lie fluent lino of pleasure boats to bo found in the state. Trices reasonable and the best of treat men t ac corded all patrons, Foot of 11 th street. Ladies, do you know Dr. Mary II. fltanton'a Femaline, the Famous Female Specific, will cure ull those aches and puins peculiar to you, and will cost you only one month's treatment? I will eoiid any lady a trial box, free, who will nend me the names and addresses of tun ladies who are in delicate health. Agents wauled everywhere. Write for full par ticulars to Mrs. L. M. Little, manager wholesale western depot, Houlton, Ore gon. Died, at the home of his adopted daughter in East Portland on Monday, June 2rth, C. M. Kestor of typhoid malaria. Mr. Keater waa formerly a rcttidc nt of this city which he loft about aix years ago since which time he has lived in Portland, lie waa a member of Multnomah lodge, A. F. and A. M. of this city which lodge aBsiatcd him in his laat illnesa and followed him to the cemetery in this city on Wednesday, where he waa buried with Masonic ritea. Intend of going into the pocket of the olliccr in the form of extravagant sal aries will now be saved to the county tieanury to relieve the overburdened taxpayer. The provision of the law a applied to thia county are a follow: "County clerk $I,SH) per annum ; recorder of con veyances, fl.o'H) pur annum, sheriff JIM KM I per annum, Each of thene ollices limy be supplied with a deputy to be paid In full or in part by the county aa tint court may direct, providing they deem the service of a deputy necessary. Fees for filing and serving paper will be charged aa heretofore, but inntead of going Into the pocket of the officer they must be paid to the county treas urer the same day they are received. Thi law- has worked well in other states where good and efficient ofllcers have been secured. It will doubt Ich work as well here a the more contly foe ayatern. TEACHERS' COLUMN At the hint meeting ol Willamette Falls camp of Woodmen it waa voted to turn out in the parade on the fourth and C. Iloberg, I. L. Hodman, I D.Taylor. V, J. Kiild and E. K. Martin were a it- pointed a committee to make all nec essary arrangeuienta. The camp is in a most prosperous condition, and at the meeting on Tuesday evening took ill fourteen new mouthers. ol Ice. The following business men of Oregon City, via: W. A. Huntley, iory 15ro., Cha. Albright, Glass A Smyth, Mayer & Ackerman, Dr. L. L. Pickens, C. 0. Huntley, Holman & Warner, K. E. Williams, I'opo A Co., Iiurmciater & Androgen, Clin. K. Nobhtt, Mins Nellie Watt, Itobt. K. Claveriug and E. J. Mc Kittrick, entered into a contract with Messrs. Middlebrook A Shoemaker, of Portland, to accept aa pint payment on goods wdd and work performed, certain coupons issued by them to suWribers of the Oiegonian Encl.vcloedia Britan ica. Inarinuch as a numlier of the above llrms have retired from business and a few of thot-e remaining have re fused to fulfill their contract, we the uiideraigned hereby give notice that on and after July 1, 1 K4, we shall decline to accept the coupons until the sub scribers compel the (inn of Middlebrook A Shoemaker to secure other firms of Oregon City representing the same line of business as those who have dropped out, to complete the contract. W. A. IllNTLItY, C. (i. llt'NTLKY. ' """ E. E. Williams, Cha. Alhkioiit, jb., Popk & Co., Glass St Smyth, 1!( KMK1HTHK A AXDRRKKN, L. L. Pick kns. At the Congregational ciiurch, Sunday ovemng, tlie pantor la preaching a series of sermons on the Life of Daniel. The topics are aa follows; "The Young Man In a Strange Cily," "The Prophet and the Mediums," "The Three Fanatics," "The Royal Sinner and his Conversion" "God's Balances," "Dare to be a Daniel." The second of these ia in order for next Sunday evening. Last TuVsday evening Wacheno Tribe of Red Men, No. 13, elected oflicers for the coming year as follows : L. A. Nolatl, saclieni ; Henry Meldrum, senior aagl naw; Wade Spencer, junior saginaw; John Kellev, prophet ; Chaa. Kelly and J. II. Howard representatives to the head council which will meet in Oregon City on the third Monday in July. The Toledo, which is giving most sat lufactory service on the upper river with its round trip daily, will bring an excur sion party down on the Fourth, and after arrival here at an early hour in the morning will run on the route betweon hero and Portland in conjunction with tlio Oregon City boats till time to return up tlie river in the evening. Miss Inn Thomas returned Saturday from the Drain Normal school where she haa been attending the paat winter, to Bpend the Hummers' vacation with her parents. She states that the commence ment exercises were exceedingly good with thirty-four graduates. Burmelster & Andresen carry in stock the largest lino of Roger's silverware in the county embracing spoons, forks, knives, tea sets, berry dishes, butter dishes, picket dishes, cake baskets and castors. Wanted, a large room or suite of rooms with board for ladv and infant. Address F.J. B. 103 West Park, Portland. Obituary. DIED June 24'h. ISM, Zetla Edmiston, voungent daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Edmiston. The subject of thia sketch was born at Springwater, January tfth, 1874. At an earlv age she removed to Oregon City with her parents and entered tlie public schools in which she was a bright, faith ful and industrious student and from which situ graduated with credit in the clasa of 1SI2. On the 14th of January, 18!4 she was atllicled with illnesa w hich at first oc casioned no alarm, but consumption fol lowed and alter a lingering illness she quietly passed to the other ahore. Tlie funeral occurred on Tueday. Con tractors Desiring to bid on the one-story brick building to be erected by the under signed will find plans and specifications at the Bunk of Oregon City. C. II. and E. G. Cai-fikld. Creamery Butter. The finest and sweetest butler in the market ia the product of the Vancouver Creamery. For sale by E. E., The Grocer, Telling tlio Trutji. It's common saying that newspapers lie, but when an editor wriles a thing and puts his name to it you may be sure he is telling the truth. Read this; "We have never beforn said one word In favor of any patent medicine advertisement in our columns, but having given Simmon's Liver Regulator R fair trial, we do not hesitate to say that for Dyspepsia and general debility it cannot be excelled." FhkdM. Ciiii.ds, editor "News," Ken ton, Ohio. The Referendum for Conviction. In some villages in Japan robbers are tried and convicted by ballot. When ever a robbery is committed the ruler oi the hamlet summons the entire popula tion and requests them to write on a slip of paper the name of the person they BUHpect as having committed the crime, lite one receiving the largest number of ballots is declared duly elected and is accordingly hanged. A Successful Worker. Work cannot be successfully con- tinned unless there is an active mental interest in it. If the mind is not clear, briirht and buoyant, then the work is drudgery and the worker is a machine' An occasional dose ot Moore s Keveaieu Remedy will put tho body and mind in such harmony that the hardest tasks will seem play. All communications, roll of honor, and monthly school rt-ortH, should be sent to Mrs. II. 8. Gibson, Oregon City, The Teachers' Aasociation of Claclra mas county met at Damascus, Saturday June r:,, The meeting wa called to order by the president, Superintendent Gibson, The minutes of the previous meeting (in-pared by the secretary, Fannie G. Porter, were approved aa read. Miss Hcnrir-t's Holcomb wa elected to inemlx-rship in the association. First on the program was a concert recitation by Miss Annie II icinbot hem's fifth reader class. Next was a class drill in number work by Miss Gertrude Forbes, which wa g'xxl. The little tots understood the work thoroughly. Penmanship wa discussed by E, M. Ward. He think the Spencerian ays somewhat out of date and objects to the number of principle, to be learned and only uses four principles in teaching. He insists on the pure muscular move ment principally. The subject was fur ther discussed by Misses Edna Rims and Annie Hiciubotham, Mr. T. J. Gary, and Superintendent Gibson. A dialogue by three young girls en titled the red, white and blue was loudly applauded by the audience. "Fractions" was assigned to C. L. Gray. As he was not present, the sub ject waa opened by Miss Jennie E. Rowen. She waa followed by Fannie G, Porter, T. J. Gary, Edna Ross and E. M. Ward. As the time for refreshments had ar rived, a recess waa taken and ye teachers were soon invited out under the trees, where one the best dinners ever offered the association was awaiting discussion. It ia tterhaps scarcely necessary to state that justice wai fully done to the delicious coffee, chicken, cake and other delicacies. It has sometimes been said that ye editress devotes too much apace to the auhjent ot "dinners," but those teachers are not by any means slow to respond to the invitation to dine. The teacher w ho attended this meeting must always think kindly of the people of Damaacus school district. Be I ore beginning the afternoon aeasion some of the patrons of the school began to carry plunks to the school bouse to improvise seats. Nearly two hundred people were present in the afternoon. The "History of the Kindergarten' was assigned to Misses Florence Olson and Edna Ross. The subject was in troduced by Miss Olsen and was han dled in an able manner. She thinks children should be trained to think only of high and noble things. She spoke of different ways to amuse and at the same time instruct the little folks. She was followed by Miss Ross, who iudorsed all that Miss Olsen had said. Next was a clasa drill in "Percentage" by Miss Hicinbothem. The work of the class was good and showed that they had been well trained. The class had no special prsparation for tlie day. Mr, Gary spoke in praise of Miss Hio'n bothem's work. Stipplemen'ary Beading waa assigned to T.J.Gary. He believes that it adds to the interest of the whole school. He has his pupils collect work in this line, at home, and bring it to school where it is used lor the benefit of the whole school. He advised teachers to hold school entertainments to obtain supple mentary literature. The chairman of the school board, Mr. Gardner addresses the association. He spoke many kind words to the teacher's and thought the district had been benefitted by the meeting and cor dially invited them to come again. A resolution of thanks was offered to the people of Damascus for the kind and courteous treatment accorded the mem bers of the association. TIIK Ml'LINO MKKTIXO. The following is the program to be held at Mulino, Jene 30, 1894. Instrumental Music Mr. Ogle Address of Welcome Dr. Goucher Response .... U.S. Gibson Quartet Members of Grange. ''How to Prevent absence in the Coun try Schools Miss Finley Solo Miss Nash Recitation Ray Cooper "How to Teach Complements George McArthur Solo George Mallatt Recitation Nellie Bogue Intermission. Instrumental Music Mr. Ogle Recitation Maggie Mulvey paper (bowed that the reader had made a personal stndy of the life and work of the great U-acher. Solo Mrs. Cooper Ennav Mr. Mary Howard Chorus By the Grange Members Gentlemen's Hats Dyed A Cleaned. Ladies' Work a Specialty Hhtwli, Clonk! aud Pree glren good aa appearance m new. Feathers, Gloves, Etc., Cleaned, and (iren njr ihxle dnlred. SCHOOL kKI'OtT. For the Meadow Brook school district No. 11, for the month ending June 22d. Number of davs taught 28; number of pupils enrolled 15; average number be longing 15; average daily attendance 14. Those present everyday were Lillie Ramsby, Bertha Frev, Willie Johnson, Johnnie Frey and Marion Stewart. Visitors during the month were:Amul Fry, F. Zollner, Charlie Daniels, Mr. I and Mrs. Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Leicht- wers, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ramsby, Mr. and Mr 8. Frey, Hattie Johnson, Maude Jonnson, Mrs. Gill, Mr. C. M. Warren, Mr. J. Mulvany and Mr. H. Hibbard. Belli Hibhabd, Teacher. SCHOOL NOTES. June 22nd, C. Y, Draper closed a three months' term of school at Linn's Mill, nistrict No. 21. School closed at Sunnyside, district No. 71, June 20, by T. E. Glaas, Teacher. June 22 school closed at Damascus, district No. 26, Gertrude Forbes Teacher. Miss Madge Hill and Myrtle Breit- da tint Haira rattirnotl f mm MnnmnnfK I where they have been attending the NOtjIltt'S LiVerV SttlblG, Oregon City Dye Works DYEING, Cleaning and Repairing First Class Work. Lowest Rates. WILSON, WELSH & CO., Foot of Fifth St., Oregon City, Or. To Horsemen! The Well Known Full Blood English Shire Home, GROVE PRINCE, Will be on hia regular route and at State Normal. Miss Matilda Reed of Logan has also been attending the Nor-1 mal school during the year. All three have been well pleased with the school. Monday Of E. M. Ward who has been teaching1 at Eagle Creek was In town last Tues day looking after a school. G. W. Stricklin closed school at Whiskey Hill, district No. 59, on Mon day the 25th. Tennie Mayfield closed a three-months term of school at Clarke's, district No. 32, the 22d of June. School closed at Canemah on the 22nd with M. A. Campbell, principal and Miss Maude Salisbury, assistant. On June IS school closed in district No. 87 near Stafford; Katie Miley, teacher. June 21, Mary Young closed school at Garfield district No. 63. Last Friday J. D- Wood closed a very successful term of school at Redland, district No. 75. Miss Katie Feathers closed school in the DeardofT district, No. 99 last Friday the 22d. OREGON CITr, Each Week. Full particulars by address ing Chas. Noblitt or the undersigned. P. S. SETTLEMYRE, ' Owner and Manager. Heavy Sbrm MggZjZ WANT A.. HAT! We sell as low as we can lower than ever before. We have too many. We are after Gash. GLASS & SMYTH, Corner Fifth and Main St., Oregon City, Ob. mm 7t 1 t The Mj WithVMi oino lo 292 Morrison St., Portland Oregon. M. Steffen, Man'gr. Paris Hair store. 135 Fifth St Portland, Or. We are spec ialists in mak ing wigs and toupets for street wear for ladies & gents. Most natural looking. Come and see us if vou need any thing. The best place in Portland. at Febvet & Hanebout, Mfgs. Human Hair Goods. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN. Notice U hereby given, that I have been ap pointed bj the County Court ol Clackamas couuty, Orcifcm, guardian of the person and es tate of E. W. Cressey, a person incapable ol tak ing care ol hia own allaira through imbecility. All nertumi are tti h.v nn tl.Hiiira Chorus By the Granite Members with aaid K. W. Crewey, ai I will not be respon- "Literary Exercises in Country Schools' Chas. Rutherford Oral Lessons in Country Schools Miss Maggie L. Hampton. "Faults in Discipline and How to Remedy Them" was the title of the discussion introduced by Miss Fannie Porter followed by Misses McArthur and Helen Taylor. A talk on "The Life of Dr. Arnold" was the feature of the meeting. The or obligations owing aaid E. W.Cresaey must be uuNUKHFoau, uuamiau. paid to me. June), ItSW. J. C. Breatl made with BAKING POWDER. It makes a light, live, sweet loaf. Dealers sell It on the manufacturers' guarantee, CL04SKT aV DKVKRS, iorUand, Or. FREEBORN & CO. DEALERS IN Wall Paper & Room Mouldings. Fresh Stock. New Designs. Hard Times Prices. Call and examine stock 205 Alder St., cor. 5th, Portland. . DR D. 8 8TRYKER, DENTIST. HAS RI- -moved to Odd Fellows' temple 9. W. Cor. 1st., aud Alder, Portland, Oreg.u. DK. E. CJBKOWN, EYE AND EAR 8URGEON Glasses Fitted and Furnished. 169 First Street. Portland, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon. Kotice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the above entitled Court administrator of the estate of Oumlna Gaedke, deceased; and all persons having claims againxt said estate are herebv notifluu to prereut them, with the prnpor affidavit at tached, to the undersigned at his office In Ore gon City la said couuty and slate within six mouths from the date of this uotiee. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 22d day of June, 1IKH, 8 HL'EI.AT, Adm r 5t of the estate of Gustiue Gaedke.