TEACHERS' COLUMN Alt coiiimunii'Htions, rolls ot honor, ml monthly school rvports, sliouM be wnt to Mrs. 11. S. Gibson, OroRon City. Tho gnuhMtintr exercises of the Oswo o el8 ere held in rroxsor's hall on the cveniuK o( Juno Uth. At eiht o'clock the hall whs entirely filled, and noon afterwards the sweet girl graduale filed through the hall in lovely rolves of w hite. The young gentlemen who gnullMted with them looked very ilinitiod, but Managed to secure seats behiml the young ladies. (They forgot to ai(Har bashful when the time came for petfonn ance.) Elsie Walling open d the ex ercises with a piano solo, which was mttch appreciated by the audience. Kev. R. M. Jone followed with a abort prayer. Superintendent H. S. Gibson haJUeen chosen by the claw to deliver the grad uating address. Ills address was well received by the audience and listened to by the class with the closest attention. The salutatory by Willie Webb, was not only well written and unmistakably original, but it showd earnest thought and painstaking study. Willie has a bright future before him. ''The Launching of the Ship" was re cited by May Mark in a pleasing manner. The essav on "Books as Companions," by Annie Larson is worthy of special remarks, tier ide-is were good and well and clearly expressed. The audience was favored with a beau tiful song with piano accompanent, by Annie Larson, Agnes Nelson and May Mark, with Lillie Hans at the piano. The declamation "Old Times and New," by John Bickner was good. John depicted the amazement of Ye I'ilgrams in a laughable manner. ''Chvs Chronicles" by Lillie Gans brought down the house. The writer was so plainly animated by a spirit of innocent fun that every one was de lighted. Mary Ghortnley recited "The Tide of IVath" in a creditable manner. George Moreland'g declamation "The Nobility of Labor," was also well deliv t red. He seemed to believe every word I e ottered. An iistrumental duet by May Mark and Lillie Gans was also pleating to the audience. The claas prouhecy was written by Pirtlie Cusick in a bright and intelligent style. Miss Cusick was unfortunately too ill to leave her home so Norma Fox read the prophecy. "The Daughter of Athena" was well recited by Elsie Walling. Miss Walling has been under the tuition of Berrie Evans for sometime. Agnes Nelson recited "No Seats in Heaven." Miss Agnes did well. The va'edictorv was delivered bv Annett l'auling, was remarkably good. It was energetic, bright and helpful . The closing address was made by R. II. Wilson, of Oswego. Mr. Wilton's address was very fine and very encourag ing to the graduates. The diplomas were then presented to the graduates by Mr. Miller, of Oswego. Mr. Gans. chairman of the board of director", then addressed the class. He gave them much sound advice and con trasted the present state ot the schools there with rlie state of affairs when he first hec.iine interested in school matters at Oswego. The hull was beautifully decorated with evergreen, ivy and a profusion of flowers. The stars and stripes were draped over the back of the stage. Over the arch at the front shown in silver letters the olass motto, "We'll Row, Not Drift."' Mr. Downs has reason to feel proud of his class. He states that the class average is over ninety per cent. After each performance two cute little giils passed down the isle each with a fancy basket on her arm, to receive flowers for the graduates, and buquets and wreaths were not wanting. The stage looked like a flower show before the ex ercises were finished. Following is the program for the teachers' meeting to be held at Damascus June 23d : PROGRAM. Song By Local Talent Class Drill in Number Work, Miss Forbes Penmanship, E. M. Ward Recitation, Miss Katie Feathers Fractions C. L. Gray A'ocal Solo, Miss Hampton Ifs'ory and discusion of the Kinder garten, Misa Edna Roes and Miss Florence Ohlson. Claris drill in percentage. Miss Ilicken bolhen. Discussion of Supleinentary Reading, . . . Instrumental Solo, Mrs. Gibson Orthography, Miss Porter Talk on the Life of Dr. Arnold, Miss Jennie Rowen. All teachers and friends of education should attend the special meeting of the association which takes place at Spring water on Saturday of this week. Report of school district No. 41, Staf ford, for the munth ending June 6, 1894 : Average number belonging, forty-three; average attendance, forty-one; number of days attended 820; number of days absent, forty-one ; number cases of tardi ness, sixteen. The names of those pres ent every day are, Julius Reichle, Willie Polifka, Don Gage, Edward Kliever, Harry Ellignen, Jakie Schatz, Jennie Reichle, Agnes Sweek, Blanche Philips, Mary Woelfer, Flora, Eva, Emma, Eltnes and Alice Athey, Julia, Emma and Anna Baker, Rosa and Christcna Schata, Ollie Gage. Meitile White, Matilda, Harbra and Saiah Sl.afer. Visitors, Mr. 0. Katun, Mr. Long, Manuel, Francis and Newt Slyter. Friends are invited and patrons urged to visit our school at any time. V. E. Kowton, Teacher. NOTKS. A.C. Strange closed school at Beaver Creek, district No. 15, with appropriate exercises the 8ih inst. Myrtle Taylor closed school at Jones' mill, district No. til, the 8th inst. C. L. Gray closed school at Damascus, district No. SI, the 8th inst. Will 11. Walker closed school at Maple Lane, district No. 27, the 8th inst. Bertha Summer closed term of school in dirtrict No. "Hi, Wilhoit, Juue 1st. D. A. Miller closed school atCnrrins ville, district No. 7, June 8th. H A. Hovis closed school at Molalla corners, district No, :1S, Juno 8th A. B. llibbard closed a four months term of school at Mulino, district No. 84, last Friday. On June 7th, F. L. Skirvin closed school at Elliott Prairie, district No. 2. At the last county examination of teachers, G. W. Stricklin wasdisatisfied with his standing, as he failed to obtain a first grade certificate, and appealed to the t-tate superintendent, K. B. McEIroy. Superintendent McKlroy sustained the action of Supt. Gibson and the board of examination. Justices anil Constables. The vote in the county for justices of the pece and constables, as shown by the official canvas, was as follows : District No. 1 For justice, Brohst, rep. Ill, For constable, Wagner, rep. 44. District No. 2. For juttice, Haines, rep. 14.1; Russell, dein. 75. For consta ble, Smith, dem. 187. District No. 3 For justice. Lakin, rep. 2.V; Longvoy, pop. 119. For constable, Harlow, rep. 104; Lakin, ind. 65; Knox, pop. 97. District No. 4 Dixon, pop. 487 ; Fouts, ind. lt6; lledcee, dem. ICO; O'Connell, rep. 416; White, ind. 0.1. For constable, Fields, dem. 4o2; MuCown, rep. 3t!; Spencer, pop. 487. District No. 6 Foster, rep. 155; Gil more, pop. 155; Hoffl'n, 7. For consta ble, Penman, rep. 167; Schnell, pop. 157. District No. 7 For justice, Ritter.rep. 143;Campail, dem. 11)5 ; Irwin, pop. 84. For constable, Owens, dem. 107 ; Wolfer. rep. 122 ; Zeigler, pop. 104. District No. 8 BlcBkney, rep. 185; Jack, dem. 244. For constable, Garrett, dem, 124; Thomas, rep. 183. District No. 9 For justice, Schuhel, pop. 119; Thomas, rep, 118. for con stable, Guenther, pop. 127; Hughes, rep. 10tf. District No. 10 For justice, Kandle, pop. 138. For constable, Davidson, pop. 143. District No. 11 Armstrong, rep. 115: Funk, pop. 154. For constable, Mat toon, rep. 123; Sprague, pop. 79. District No. 12 For justice, Gardner, rep. 139. For constable, Newell, rep. 139. District No. 13 For justice, Jonsrud, rep. 181; Maroney, iop. 14. For consta ble, Jonsrude, reo. 185; Ewang, pop. 12. District No. 14 For justice, Currin, dem. 215. For constable, Linn, dem. 108 ; Palmateer, rep. 122. The Troy Steam Laundry Have built up a good trade in Oregon City on the merits of their work which is giving general satisfaction. Give them a trial. They pay express charges both ways and give you Portland prices. office at F. A. Waddocks, P. 0. Building. Laundry left at the office on Tuesday will be returned on Saturday. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the Entekcbise and get the the benefit of the reduction in price. A Gentleman Who formerly reilded In Connecticut, but who now resides In llonoliilu, writes: "For ifl) years patt, my wlfs flti'l I have lined Ajer't Hnlr VlKor, and we atiribute to It the dark iiuir which she and I now have, while hun dreds of our acquaint ances, ten or a dozen years younger than we, are either gray-headed. 'vVl J asked how our hair has J... .A lJtftfl l-ptiOiifrrf II. anI MM fullness, we reply, By the use of Ayer'a If air Vigor nothing else. " "In isvs,myafllanced was nearly bald, and ,t-ra the hair KM kept fall ing out every day. I Induced hertouse jyeri Hair Vigor, and very soon, It nut only checked any further loss of hair, hut produced an entirely new growth, which has remained luxuriant and glossy to this day. I can recommend this preparation to all In need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is all that It ll claimed to he." Autoulo Alarrun, Bastrop, Tel. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR A RETIRED BUSINESSWOMAN. A Page From Her History. Tlio Important experiences of other am Interesting. The follow lug I no exception: "I ImU Ihh'H troubled wlin heart IIviim S3 yeurs. much of thai time very aerlouly. Kor Hve rear I wast routed l one pliyslrlancoit llnuouly. I wan In huslne. lut otiltKeil Ui retina on account of my health. A phy atrlaii toltl mv friends that I coulil not lite a month. My feet anil llnilm were hailly nwol Ion, ami I wax Imloeit In a serious condition when a gentleman dlrecte! my attention to IT. Mlli'-i' New Henri Cure, ami salil that hli ulster, who hail been attlli'ted with heart ill eae, hitil heen cureil by the remedy, and wiih attain a Minimi, healthy woman. 1 puivhued a Untie of the lleurt t'ure, and In less than an hour after taking the tl i .t iloo I could feel a decided Improvement In therltvutatlon of my MismI. When I had taken three Iomh I could move my ankleH, Munethlmt I had not done for moutli,aud my llmlm had heen swol leu Milongttutt they at-eiiinl ahmft putrllled itefore I bad taken otic Uutle of the New lienrl I'urv the aaelllute tiad all irone down, and 1 was so imirh Ulter that 1 did my own work tin my rtvomnivndatlou wis others art) taklmt thU valuable remedy." Mr. Morgan, Hell V. Ilurrlsou St.. t'hh aiio. 111. Ir. Mllo' New Heart Cure, a discovery of an eminent afitvlulUt In heart dl-Ma? UmiIiI by all tlriik't;lt.4 on a positive. niiitriiut.e.or M'hl hv the tr. Miles Melli'al l'o.,Klkhart, Ind , on velit of price, a per bottle. H tmtlle-4 U -, evpr pri'tuild. It la nmltlvely frvo fruiu il upla'ea or Uaujvroua Uruiia For sale by Chnnnan it Co. Sunday Services. ST. PAfL'S fHIRflt-Hpim-opal-Rer. J. A. Ecksturm I'a'tnr. Service! at II o cluck m and 7 ) p. m. frayer trrvlct) very Wcdimdny eveniiiK. Flltsr COSGKKO ATION AL CHt'KCH P"Ir luppllvd. Sorvlcei at II k. M. aad 7 JO r. M. Sunday Sclnad alter morning service. Prayer mretins vdnr.day evrnirif at 7 30n,clock. Frayer uut'tliiK of Yeuu PeepVi Society of Chrliiian Endeavor every Sunday (veutuit at S at pratnpt. FIRsr BAPTIST t'Mt'itl'H Ry. 1ils Ptaata Pas'.or Moruluj Service at II Sunday School at i-V Kveuliu Service 6 X); Keitplar prayer meeting VYednenday evening. Muuthly t'ovenaut Meetlnf every Weiluesday evruliif precrllii the flrst Sunday in the mouth. A coruial tuvltation to all. 8T. IOIIS'8 CIII RCH.CATM()I.10.-Ry. A. lliu.tsaiNi), Pa:or. Un Sunday mass at a and lu ;o)i. a. Kverytrconil ami fourth Sunday (ierman sermon alter the S o'clock miu At all other masses English sermons. Sunday Schixil at i.-ju r. a. Vespers, aimloetlcaj subjects, and Benedlctioo at I JOr. a. METHOIUST EPISCOPAL CIII'KCII.-Kiv O. Sykks, Pastor. Morriitif service at 11: Sunday School at 10 00. Hhss meetin alter mortilm service. KvenltK service at 7:30. Knworth League meeting Sunday evening al S .V); Prayer Meeting Thursday eveulug al 30. strangers eordlallv invited. TIRST PRESBYTERIAN CIII RCH.-Rir. O. W. tiiaosgv. Pastor. Services at II a. M. and 7 SO r. a. Sabbath School at 10 a. M. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor meeia every Sunday evening at S 30. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7 30. Heats free. EVASO"!I.ICAL'HrHOH GERMAN - Ato. EaNsT, Pastor. Preaching services every Siiudsy al 11 A. M and 7:30 P. M Sabbath school every Sunday at 10 A. M. (Rev. P. Roll, Hunt.) Weekly Prayer Meeting every Wednesday eveulug UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST.-Preach lug every Sunday, except third bundity of each mouth, at ll:uo n. m. and 7.:io p m.-w It sic Lain, Pastor Sunday school t 10 a. m.- L D, Scares. Superintendent. Prayer meeting every Wednesday eveulug. Postoffice-:- Store. MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY -:- GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notiohs, Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of the best quality. In Prices we meet Portland Competition. Gary & Wissinger. Let us have a trial order JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, 0pp. Iluntliiy's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. NOTICE OF SALE. In the Court of the Htnte nf Oregon, for the County ol Clackamas, sitting In Probate, May term. IWtf. In the Matter nf the Guardianship of James O. Stuart, a Minor. This matter coming before the Court on the fietUlon ol the guardian, for license to sell the ollowing described real estate, towlt; Lots numbered ona (1), two (2), seven (7) and eluht (a), In block numbered one hundred and five (lor., In Oregon City, Oregon. And It appear ing to the Court beneficial to the ward thatsald real estate should he sold. II Is therefore ordered that the Uth day of Juue, ISU4, nt the hour of ten o'clock a m. of said day at the ollice of the County Judge of Clackamas County, ami State of Oro gon, is set as the time ami place for hearing said petition, at which time and place, the next of kin of said ward are directed to he present and show cause, if any there he, why license should not be granted for the sale of said real estate. It is further ordered thiit a copy of this order he published at least three successive weeks In the Oregon City KNTKHeaisg, a news paper circiilsted In (,'lacksmas Couuty, Oregon. Dated this 11th day of May. IH'jI Attest: JOHN W. MKMIKI'M, Gr.n.r IIortoh, Clerk. Couuty Judge. By H. a. strakok, Deputy. Portlaml-Clatskatiie. R-O-U-T-E irmTisi" .. STR. SARAH DIXON, t)Kt, M H11AVKK, Muster. Will lonvo rortlnnd foot of Mad isou strett MonduyH, Wediu'stlays and Fridays, at 8 o'clock A. M. for Clatskanie & Way Landings. Returning tho Htennier will pnsn Oak point at 4:15; Ruiner, (!:0O; Kaliimn, t!:15; St. llolenn, S:(K) A. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Tlio coin puny reserves tho right to change time without notice. For freight or passenger rates apply to dock clerk at Tort land, foot Washington St., or on lwird steamer. This is tho nearest and most di rect route to tho Nehalem valley. Portland Cowlitz River Route, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellogg Trans. Co. STR. JOSKPH KKLLOGti leaves Kelso Monday, Wednesday and Friday, nt G A. M. Leaves rort lnnd, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. NORTHWEST Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow litz river points, returning tho following days. This is tho only direct routo to reach all Cowlitx river jHiints. VM. R. IIOLMAN, Agent. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. GKEATLY REDUCED HATES MADE BY THE COMPANY FOB tiik CALIFORNIA Tl ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Oregoq (JitiJ to 'Frisco AND RETURN, $27.50, EXCUKHION TKIl'H FROM SAN FRANCISCO to other joints in California will he allowed purchasers of special Mid winter Fair tickets at the following round-trip rates: TO STATIONS UNDER 150 MILES FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ONE AND ONE-THIRD one-way fare. TO STATIONS 150 MILES OR MORE FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ONE AND ONE FIFTH one-way fare. For exact rates and full informa tion, inquire of L. 15. MOORE, Agent at Oregon City, Oregon or address tho undersigned. KICH'D GRAY, Gen. Truffle Manager. T. II. GOODMAN, Gen. Passen ger Agent. Sa.n FiiANcifli o Cai.. E. P. Rogers, A. G. F. A P. Agent, Portland, Or. Portland-Oregon City and Yamhill River Route. STP TOLEDO Will leave Salmon street dock Portland, Tuesday, Thursday A Saturday at 6 a. m., for Newberg, Dayton, Lafayetto and McMinnvillo, returning Monday, Wednesday and Uriday. Best of accommodations for pas sengers and fast timo made. Foi freight rates apply at dock or on steamer. in Pacinc mi 1 Socioty Directory. MHKuON CITY IIO.Ulll OK TUAI'K. li'its si Ciuiit llousoiiii Scouiul Mutulsy In vni'h uiiutlli. Visltins HiltMuu0. (', K. IHiNAI.IiMO.N, OKO. 0. lllltiwNM.i. Swrvtsry. !r,'."!l'!i!.'; tIAVK.l. I.OIHIK. NO. !W, A O. I'. W Mwlssnoiind iii fuiirth Hutunlny pvtitllia nl KulHlil'sl lisll.Csuliy. Vlsltlnt krotlivrs iiisiln wiUi'ttiun. K K CsnlTOH. K. 0. M siuhm'K, Rm'onlor. Msstnr Wiirkinsu 'SI'. 'JOHN'S llltAM H, Nil. 7, :. K.ul A. Minus vvry Tui'xUy rvonlus t Ihrlr lull ruriiKr Mnln Mul Tviilll HtruiMs, Ori'iti'li t'lly. N. C. Mu tiKi.s.Hmi'y. T. W. Si' i.i.i vrO'ris MI'l.TNDMAII I.OIHIK. NO, I, A. K A A. M. Ilulils Its rt'sulsr iiuiuuiiliitllniis mi firs! nl llilnl Hstur.lsys i.l vsi'li nuuiili at 7 r. M. Hrcllirsil liiiHHlstnuilluirv luvllivltn sll.mj. (,. L rolt l'Ml, W. M. T. K. KYAN,Ho.-rtry. l l.Al KAMAS CIIAI'TKIt. Clsi'ksmss t'hstr Nil. 1. H A. M llfKUlar Couvui'stluti llill'l UiimUy ul III iiiiuiIU st 7a' I'. M. J, II. WALK Kit, II. I. Sriit'Lrit's, Hso'v. oltKOON I.OlulK, N. i, l.O. O, t. Nwts every Thurs.lsy evvu ,. si 7 i u'rlix-k r. H. In the (Mil fellows' II nil. Main street MeiiiUrrs ul the Orlr are invited l alleu4. OKO 0. Kl.Y.N.O Thot. Hyan, Serrelary. dsWKOo t.ol tiK, No l,xi. o. K Moots at Oil. I Kelliiw's hall, o.wrs.i, every Miuiilay vveuuif. Vlsltliut lirethnui luaile wili'iue. W. J. I'lllNA.KK, N O. J, r. Idsi.itr. Sen. KAU.S KNCAMIMKNT. No. . I. O. Mpm rtr.t anil llilril Tur.ilsysuf eat'lt miuitti, al oli Kelliiws hsll. Meiiitiera ami vI.HIhk iatrlan ha, ronllslly Invllnl tn atleul J. A. 81 KW A HI', W. II iHUVKI.I, Sorllie. I'hlel ralrlart-h. WAi llKSO THIIIK, Ml l.t Meets Tuesilay evening al A.o, I'. W. Hail. Via Itmil tueuiliers Invite I. J. II. Howaku, Sailieiil. Cuts Ksi l.v, C nf K. CANDY LolUlK NO, ttt , I. O, tl. T. Meets Arst ami tlHnl Hsturilay evrulnc il eai li month at Knlitlit s hsll. l.'anliy. Vltllltut ineniliers always maile Weli'oine l l l. KNiuiir. See. (is.), W, KnIiiiit. W.C. Wool'MKN OK TIIK WOlll.tl. Willamette Kails ( aiui No. s. meets 'M ami Ith Tui'.ilsy iiIkIiis In eai li mmuli In k of f hsll. Vl.ltlue uetstilitirs utsile wrlenine. K. K. Matis. Clerk . K. M. Kxi...C r. OSW KtlO (IKANtiK NO. 17) P. of II. Meets the seentul Hslurilav nf earh nnmth al 10 a. ui. O. tiiMK Mailer. J, g. (Una See y. IAMAS('I'S (IIIANiiK P. OK II. N'l. '. Meeta on the Srsl Naiurilay In eeh ntmilh at lUu elm'k a. m. al the liamaM'iis school house.. S Yol'.Nii, Master. T. II. KTllsa. Serrelary. K. OK P. STAR I.OH'iK NO J. K. Hlsley V. ('.; Thomas Nells.,ti, K. of It atnl S, Miyis every Weturilay evening at a iM'l.M-k In (aula hall. I. O. o K. hulliliiif. Hruthera from other K.ol P. lixU'es Invite. I OSWKUO I.OIK1K NO. Hi, A. T. A A. M. Meets the seccrnl ami fourth SaluriUysof earh mouth at 7 p. in All Masons In (oo staiulln are luvlleit to atleml. ll. II. Hiss, W. M. It. J. Ht'ssKi.i., Heo'y. ()S K.OO l.olKiK NO. HH, t. o II. T. Mens every Krlilay eveulti lu the new hall In Old I own J. C. Ilstsis, C. T. Jon Kai'sn, See'y. MISIT.KTOK l.olKiK NO. JU, l. OK II. Meets every Tue.ilsy eveulnt Msav Un smaii, i'. ul II. Kuiat liria, Kee. srsitHK l.oiHiK, Niiri" aTo. i; wT " Meets every seeoml sml fourth Halurilay of earh mouth at Wllsoiivllle, Oregon. M. C. Yomu, M. W. J i st Tvi.'a, Heeonler. PUl lltoN I.oHoK No7i:ijC"Ara iTw! Meets every Thursilsy venltif al O.l.l Kellows hall, Oswe(i. Vlsitlii( bieth'.n always el come. I. MaiMii.uk, Kst Misi, Keeoriler M. VV. Mol.Al.l.A ltlNiK NaXt'nC. Meets flrst ami thlnl ristunlay lu earh month at school house Visiting meinlirri nis.le wel come T. H. HTirr. M. W. J. W. TmiHss. Ree 1 KAI.IJI CITY I.OlKiKOK A ll I'. W. Meets every Hsturilay evening of earh mouth In A. I' W. hsll Till hL All soJoiiriiui brethrru conllally Invite. I to atten.1. T. K. (eAl'I.T, M. W. (io C'Al.irr. Keeoriler. KOI'NI AIN HOHKt'O , No I. KeKular nieetlue seronil Weiiues.lay In earh month al euitlne hou.e, es.t slilu Main sltvut, between Seventh ami Klahlh. J. W.Stkwakt. Her. II Straiuht. K'rm M f 411HN. Koreuian. MOl.AI.I.A tiKANOK, No. 0, P. of II. Meets at their hall at Wrlxht's lirtilte on the seer ml Malur.lay of earh imuilli al 10 a. ni Fellow nieiuliers ma.le welnuue. Jas. .Nri.s.iH, Master. K II. Ciku-sk. See. WARNKK (iltA.NiiK. No. 117, P nf tl. Meet fourth Hatunlay of earh month, at their hall In New Kra. Davlil Mr Arthur, Master Mrs. Mar Waiiln n. See') MR AUK POST. No HI A. It., I'KPAHTMKNT OK OUKiiON. Meeta first Momlay of esoh mouth, at K. nl P. Hsll. Orcgou City. Visiting Comrales made welcuuie. DAVID MrARTIIt'K, Cnmmamler. Ma. Williams, Ailjutaut OKN. CROOK POST. No, tl (). A. K , Ha n nieut ol Oregon. Meets In school house at Neeily nu first Sat urday lu each month al i o'clork p. 111. All cotnrs'les maile wvlroine I, p. Iuli.inus. 11. TlloMi'soN, AUJt. Cnmmamler. SONS OK VKTKRANS. K. D. Ilsker Camp, No. la, meets every flrst suit tnlril I hursilay avetilug ol each mouth, al K. of l. hsll. W. K. Jnhiianti. Csitaln: II. 8. Ilelomy. Itepre siiulstlve Dlv Kuraintiini'iit: (i. 11. W111.I, .t l.leuti'iiant; Aloiiso Wlckhani, M l.leulvuaiil ; t. A Hermnti, 1st HrrKesul, CLACKAMAS I.OIKiK, Nu. 67, A O. UW Meets first ami thlnl Momlay In earh month, at Hlralitht'a Hall. Visiting brethrru welcome. C, K. I'gASK S. HllLCOMa. Hoc. M. W. COLUMBIA HOOK AND I.ADIlKK CO. Meets first Krlilay of aach month at Foil tiLii In engine house. Ciias. ATiirv, Prrs, V. II 1'ii.ujw, Sno'y. Ciias. Ilirr.KH. f'rm CATARACT HOSK CO. No. 2. Meets sernml Tuesilay nl each month at Cat arsrl Kiurlne houe. W, H. Howri.L.Prrs U. H. IIKstow, Seo'y. J. W O'CONNKLI., K'rn ACIIII.I.KH I.ODOK, NO. BX, K OK P. Meets every Krlilny night at the K. of P. hall Visiting Knights invltnl. It. I,.' Hiii.Mam, C, C. K J. Louis, K. of It. and 8 IICTTK CHF.r.K OIIANOK, No. H2, P. of ll. Meets at their hnll In Mnruunm, seaotid Hat- ur.lMy In rsrli moiilh at lu a. m. Visiting mrmners always welcome. J. K JACK, J, It. WHITK, Secretary Muster, MEADK KKLIKK CORPS, No. 18, DEPART- MKNT OF OltKOON. Mrs. M. 8. Pllshury Prosldent Mrs, K. L. Coclirnnii, - Treasurer, Mrs. J. II. Harding, - Secretary. Meets on first and third Tuesdays of each month lu K. of P. Hull. Members of corps from abroad, cordially welcomed. K COMPANY. FIRST KKOIM KNT, O. N, O. Armnry, Third and Main. Regular drill nliiht, Monday. Regular business meetings, first Monday of Caen month. omi mis. J. W. Oauong, ... riaatnln K.S Kelly, - - First Lieutenant L, L. Pickens, - - Second Lieutenant TUALITIN (IHANOK, NO. Ill, P. nf II, Meets lust Saturday of each month at tholr hall lu Wilsonvlllu. It. II. Hrnky, Miss Hkha Hiiaki-, Seo'y. Master. OltKOON CITY IIOHK CO., Ko.S Regular meeting third Tuesday of each month at 7::l P M J, D Hknnkh Pres. H.S. Btkandk, Sua. S. Nkkzukk, F'rra. L. A. S. OF R. I). HA K Kit CAMP, S. OF V. Meets In K. P. Hall on the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month. Mrs W. K. JOHNSON, Prcst. llUi Nobra. Caurr, Veo'y. EAST AND SOUTH TIIKS1IASTAK0UTB Of the SOUTHERN rACH-TC COMPANY. Kxirt-ss TrsliK lesvn Porlliind I'sllr. Hou.iri r 'irirrir I'oiilan.t Ar I a .11 a. u. 7 Ifl r. M. I l.v OrajtouCliy l. J lu 1 . U. 10: lu . 1 Ar S Krsncl.ni l. ; J 7 r;u, DlNINll CAIIH ON OtlDKN IIOl'TK Pullman Duffet Sloopors. ANII Soconcl-Clans Stooping- Carg Allarhetlluall through trains ItoSKHI'lHI MAIL (Dally) .) A . M . I l.v Portland Ar mtr.u s.Ua n I l.v Oresoni'lty l.v jt nr.H M r. M, j Ar l""eh"rgJ., L7. "iUl est sills Division. IIKTWKKN PollTI.ANI) AND COIIVAU.IH. Mall Train, Dally (K.seepl Sundav.l "7 no a 11 f" l.v l'ortlainr"Ar I ilis ri Wliir M I Ar C..rvallls l.v Ur " Al Allwtiy and i'urvallla eonueel with Irallil uf Oregon anil Paelfle Railroad duress Train Dallv iKieeut Hiimlsy) "urn. I lv Portland Ar lW."i 7 jAr. it. I Ar Mi'Mluuvlll l.v lrU. THROUCH TICKETS TO Al l. POIM I" Tllg KASTKIIN STATK.H, CANADA AND Kl'lloplt Csu he obtained al lowest rates Irom L II Moons. Agent. Oregon City, H KOK.HI.KH. Mstisger. K P. ItOOKIIS, Ass'l U. K. and Pass. Ageul. Through TO Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City Chicago, St. Louis, AND ALL Eastern Cities. 31 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO Ntlit'Quickot ti) Chicago ami tho Knst. Jn.rH (Quicker to Omaha nUlilp ami Kansas City. PULLMAN A- TontlST SLKKP- ICRS, FHKKKKCMNINO Chair Cars, l)iiiiii( Cars. a II. II. Clark, ) Oliver V. Mink, Receiver. K. Ellery Anderson, ) For rates mul neneriil iiifurinft tion call 011 or iiililrexs, W. II. IIURLIICUT, Asst. (let.l. Pass. Ant.. L'.V, Washington St., cor. Thinl, 1'ortlaini, Or. TIIK Oregon Pacific Railroad CIIAS. CLARK, Receiver. Direct Linn Quick diHimteh Low freight rnto hctween WiU laniutto Vulley jmintH ami San Francisco. OCUAX STKAMKU SAILINGS. Steamship "IIOaMER." Leaves Sun Francisco March 4, 11 and 21. Leaves ViKiiina March !), ldnnd 21). This Coinuiny reserves tho riht tochano sitilinn duto with out notice. For freight and passenfer rates apply to any aent. CIIAS CLARK, Receiver. Chas. J. Hendrys, Son A. Co., Nos. 2, X, Market St., S. F. COPYRIGHTS. rAIJ I OBTAIN A PATENT f Knr KT'li'L VT.1!! "i ",n "I'lninn, writ In 11 1 N Is A' I tl., who have had nearly lift rears' inarlenea In the patent business, rnmmunlea. tloiissirletlyeonliilentlal. A HanHhooh of In. Tonnallon oonrernuig Pntenla ami how to nli. tain them frul). Alsea esislogu of modiau. leal anil sulentlrlo books sent tree. " Parents taken through Mnnn A Co. reoelva fI.'?,(l'"J ",l0"'n th Hrlentllle American, and if.?'.''? .bru.",1','t "'dely berorothe pol.llo wllh. T.. t2,"m. lnT"ritr. Tills splendid naM.r. rnued weekly, eleaanily lllnatratnl. has l.y far ihi Ef Jr0"1""" t any seientlllo work lu Ui Itutlilliie Killtlon. nioiillilv. a-J uim ..... . v.. m m.r. nMMiinn Ullllllia BtiriL TrtfM Copies. oanta. kvtirv tmniTtM. n....iAa tnngit tlful plates, In oolors. ami photoiiraiilia of n ...... K.. , wi,,,,, ant, iMiinoarapna or new houses, with plana, enabling liullilers to show tua latest desliins and secure isnitrsrts. Address MIJNM i CO, MSW Voiik, UM1 BiioauwA 'liiMUIieil Ih03. t PIONEER Transfer1 and Epfe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. CJW Tickets YADHMROUTE N, IB