n:NKovt:it i'iikaciikh I'om.iNM. MiuckIIh' (iM Soiik too M i'ii ii to I'liy Hull Itrnl, riintinyir ixlilliltnl IiIn Clovuliuiil lnnljtti wltt'ii Iiii i-kIiim-iI U lilru hull In thia city on Muiiiluy mi tlmt "llm pour liiliorlnu until mill llm lurnuir" wliiwu (rlmul nml NilviH-nlii lin i'H ii, mlht Imvti eliunce to ri'l wlillr linliniii Iti lilt piillllrul tliuiln Hgulnallliii old uiU' mnl In luvor ul liU I'ltmlliliti'y (or llm I'nllcil Hluli'N aiMiiile. liiHtfu.il of liiriiiK liull where IiIn luarora nilulil lit coin fotUliln lie took tlimn up on tlio hill tu a iilln ul alone where tlmy could ellliin in 11 I'i llnil tliti auft ulilii of rock, t i t tip on tlmlr Iihiiih Ikh or aland orouml kiiil shiver in tlm rolil wlml ami rain while lio prtMicliml ropiillNiu mi rtuinoy frlam. A crowd ol not lo exceed 700, bout liulf o( whom were Kipulii)U Mini tliu utlii'r liulf rpulillrmm ami (Iciii'xmta sliout iM(ully (IIvIiIihI, wore ifullicrod shout the speaker mid listened to till lirli (or hii dour mul ft lil( with hut llltlu eitthUHlsam. A lew of hi moil ardent Milliliters hml their Wine nikunlly I UK ((C't'uli'H on mnl thought the eiowil an Imiiicliae hub. Stripped ol the stories ol iluiihifiil hiH-h tlon mnl hid self lamia- tory ri'inmliN thorn wits very littlii to tlm aieori tlmt wntilil Inlliieiire a re puhllrmi or tli'tnix-nii to i-iimiue hl vole In favor of popullain. Ti:e ll)' llilmule Oil Halurtluy ol thia week ('oinpuiiv 1 A of tlm H"V' Hrluaile will tvn a picnic to the other riimpaitli- In thia city l (ilalnloiiu Turk, Thn tirinioln Ima now IxM-oiim an established fai-tur in tho Christian work of tlm city, Co. A ol the llnpliitt church, A. K. ritulth, captain, L. Case, Fiiat I.leiikMiant ami Sam Jtoakn, Second Lieutenant, ntitiiherintf members, Co. II of Ihe I'resbyterlun clmri'li, AriK'iiN MstlifMin, captain anil John 1'ntthsrd, First Lieutenant, 35 members kiiil Company C of llm (Nm ltr uiitliiiml cliurrh, lieu. Falieher, rap Will Itoake, Kirnt Lieutenant and S. Ni'f'tP'r, Second Lieutenant,!!" iiteniliere. It la llm Intention lo have a halation drill lu llm nioriiliiK at (iladatoim after inari'hlnn down, under tlm command of Captain liaimiiK and Lieut. I.. I.. Fit li ens alter which llm companies will ho disbanded and a kmI Hum enjoyed. (In Monday evening tlm iiieinlier ol Co. A will have a competitive drill at tlm armory under Urn auierviloii ol some ( the oflloera o Co. F, O. N.tl. The boy drilling the Itest will be awarded a medal which lie will he r rulttod lo carry three niontha when It will be attain contented (or. It iaet peeled thai it will be a Very Interesting drill. The Molalla saloon, Itrady A Mi-lfcm-oiikIi proprietor, wit entered Tueaday nlghl, llm nam opened and TlX)eKtarted. The thief entered by breaking pane ol Itlaxa in a rear window, when bo reached in and loowned the catch and rained the ah, after which Im coolly entered and opened llm iale by tnriiinn the combina tion. Aa It waa changed auinei( wenka ao, he miiat have lieen an expert at aale crackliiK, No clue la bad to the burglar. On Thuraday inorniiin the old Ilartlett houae on the weat aideuf the river in the bend Mow town waa diacovered lo be on (Ire and In a abort time it waa In rulna. Mr. Catta, the milkman, lived thereat the time. No particulars aa to eauae or loaaea are known. II. Clone, the popular brid'inan at the Clacknmaa entertained a nurulxr of liia railroad (ricml on a llahlnKex curalon lunt Sundiiy. Them waa a pleaNimt dance at the Seventh alreet hull on Saturday evening. Hcillaml kavtliu(. IiKin.ANii, May 1(1. The long talked of, much needed road work haa at hint commenced. A lary force of men ia at work jilat liclow Wm. Htone'a farm, blaming out alnnipa, widening tho road, etc. We underHand ttiat tho work ia lo ho of a aiibalHiilinl character und to bo planked and graveled in many plucca. llev. Sylvanua ol Spriugwater will prwwU at Hi r-trickland acliool Iiouih) f next Snndnr. Kev. (iillett of Wood i burn will bold a aoriea o( meetings at tho auino achixil hotiHO next week, begin nlng Monday, the 2Ut. There will he wvival meetinga at the Hethel church commencing Juno 5th, conducted by Rev, Korbp of I'ortliind. MIhh Cora Swayno of Portland baa come out to stay with her mother, Mra. Zurcher, for a couple ol weeka. Miwi Anna Funk arrived from Wiaeon ain IhhI week to viait her parents whom Vhe bud not aeen aince they left Wiacon 'ain over three years ago. S. K. Hjiragne's whoie (umily, except ilng hlmaelf, are having a aicge with the Lrlp, tho buhv enpcciully having brim very nick. Mra. Molloy spent several days in 'Portland recently. I II. E. Ciirtwright is Improving his place In fine stylo, the neat picket fences Jumund bla hoiiNO and fluids making the 'nnimiuiti 1ftf.tr vnrv Mt.t.ritcr.ivA. The (roHt dainuged all tho strawberries that were in bloom and bud. Currants that were on exposed branches are also gone. riums ana vncrrios were conum 'oralily dumnged too. i Mnaquorade balls are nil the rage here (now. The one at Mnn'8 lust Saturday 'jiigtit was a great success, there being tiwenty-seven numbers sold, and all en jjoyed themselvea. HUIIOOI, AITOIITIONMKNT Will. Knllowlng la nlvnn tin niiiutier of dlalrlct, inline of clerk, ponlnlllce adilrena, liuinlier of (ilillilron and ainiiiimnl of portloninimt in their order of tliu acliiaila ol Clai kamaa county i I i H 4 A II 7 H II ((car Wlmliiger Kltoli Colilreii, , Cliua. I), ItoMi, , I'reil (ierlicr. , , C. I'. Him ' J. r. I'liinicr , . (). J. Currln ... Mllaiiukea I'll I'll .lliiMiftnl ... IW 1 IH .Oregon :uy l-ft 17ft h.Kllll M PHI Manpiaiu ... Ill 111 , Maripiain, , , 47 H7 CiirriiiHvlllo Ml l.'tO J. ('. H,riiniin I ;! .... ('. It. Uwtliwalt,,('lni'kmnaa H7 117 II 114 A. KiiKle Mra. M. K. Krrr . Molnlla W 70 Mi'nilow HriMik 40 HO . Currlnavllle M l" ..Halnioii..., 21 71 . Viola 7.1 12ft . HeatarrVrek H .' , Mnriiaiu , . Ill 11.1 . Haul Creek 70 120 ). A. Joura .. . Thoa. llm hill 0, (I.Hliine Ilenry llilghea ... K. M. Ilartmaii . . !. W, Hluirord.. (Irorgo Koelilcr . , T. (I. Jnimrilll A I. Wing A. II. I.lnn I.. J. IVrilua, . . . . lima. K. Wagner., Jamea A. Hhililny JntiiM Dickey K. M. Uxliurn .... K. M. Taylor Ida Hlarkaeatlier l.'i 14 Ift HI 17 IH III 191 '.'I a a i it jn K7 ! fit : :l : st , Cftnhy .... HI 1.11 70 120 102 1.12 47 07 2 7S Hi) 110 .Handy .Mackntiurg . Oregon City Orvllle .... Wilnonvllla Nprlngwaler IUI ,V( .Molalla . Iiaiiiawua . Orrgon Cliy Milwaukee . . IH IIM no no 7ft 12ft ,'rll 100 Krank Jangar ('arua III 141 ! H. t' Voiing II. W.tiraca .. It. Itullierford . K. A.Huiilti. .. 1 1. W. ltohhlna William Hkren M. I.oiig llmuaM'iia . Clnrkri lligliland . . Oregon City Molalla .... Miillno.. , Oiiwego 82 1.12 if! 142 Ilia Ifta .14 ,11 HI 17 :w in 4l 41 4'.' I.'t 44 4ft 4U 47 4M 411 ,'iO :l .12 M M .'II .17 .1(4 .yi lu .f, ut t IH JiM 02 112 H XX 44 IM 47 7 41 (U u Ml l2 112 K. K. CiiniiiiiKhaoi Aurora . John Korreer J. II. Itlller ... K. I' Karnen 1. V.. 1-oi'K C. I., l'arry John A. III. hey K. V. Ami.... K. A. MelnlK .. J. C. Ilaluea... KKle Creek . Neely . rtiatlnrd .... . Cherry villa .. 87 87 . .OreR-ou City 711 12 . . Paiiiawiin . Hamly .... ..Handy ... . 0i'o.. . 83 Kl 4 3 Ul M 10.1 :ft7 :w7 XII 2H nm i.vi 41 l'3 40 tai 3.1 Kl (ini. A. lUmitlon. I'ark 1'laca . (I. II. WlM. J. I". Woodia .. Joaeph Heir Jamea fleHhaner Jim. Iteea Mra. M. Hlevena Krank Hawtell . 1'. M. Ilo.vle..... J. ('. Hiliinlilt... K. W. Ilaminett A. C. JohliMiu I. A. Sllley ... . Arnliella Imel. . . T. K. Ityan , Milwaukee . Kattla Creek . OreKon City. , Hamly Mcftilow lliixik . .Canity Molalla . Wlllmlt . lieorye . HiKliland .. . Iluhhard .... ..WIIoiivllle . . (Ireijon City. 32 H2 4.1 IO .17 107 2!l 7 4H (IX 3H 8H M 10.1 32 82 Ml ion no Ill 02 m IV4 ili on ..On-Kiin Clt)ti7 1017 . Orettoii City 70 120 ..Clx kamaa ..120 170 II. A. Wftldron.. K. I'. iNNlniin.... Henry I. Tboinaa Kreil Helvem, Hr., II. Iderholl I). W. Fak-alla .. II. C. Ulaml John liiman K. II. Cbrintlan .. W. K. Ilonney .. SI hi haw Ixxmey. V. II. Cx:hran . Jamea Fxllam .. A. Amlermin .... J. A. Hover J. I. H'Kiea (1. W. N. Taylor K. W. ll.iriihhnh II. H. C. I'liclpa.. Allaon Ilaker .... Ilenry lUKIiater V. Krlcka.ni II. 0. (ireen U I). Shank I.. A. Illeakney.. C. 8. I'orter K. II. Ilurghardt J. T. Kvana J. K. Miller J. J. Voder Wllhoil ... lift 111 Marmot .... V 8.1 Mlatronl 40 l .Currlnavllla. !VI Wt ttn-Kon City. !W Wan 32 82 Hiiunyaiile .. I 14') 117 IW in 70 71 72 73 74 7.1 70 77 7a 711 xO HI Collon ... . New Kra . .Needy .... Viola. . . . Martiiaiu Ilaiuaacua jtrry .... . Aunira .. . Mink ... .. At SO ..48 OS . . M KKl .. U 114 . tiS 1IH . 75 12.1 . 41 01 .. :u si ..132 1H2 .. SO ll . New Kra . .Wllaoliville . .IHtver ..Mullito H2 8.1 H4 xa H7 KH Kl 110 111 t2 U.I 114 lift 00 H7 IH (I! I Ml mi n 10 45 H't 27 77 fill 100 . Ileavar Creek 30 Ht Canity 140 1! .Wllholt 21 Currinavllla . 21 71 71 mi 75 SI DO (tt 82 77 Ilamatxnia . Mulino .... 40 25 HI 4(1 45 32 . . Nvady ...Newly ...MackabttrK . . .. lOK'an J. It. Cola . . . C. W. lllchey W. (1. Kleinainilh Clarkea 27 It. Ityniynakl New Kra .... 27 27 77 67 107 (HI I HI 4!l ll!) 78 128 K. K. Irvln Ilarlowa J. Doieuun Dn-gon City Herman C. I'lrlch Lenta A. P. Todd Mitldlelon joixt niaTHirra. llrndley rieaaanl Home 42 02 00 U.N K. M. Kmse C. W. Kriian K. A. Itichey .... Jonaa Will J. I!. Henry A. IK Nixwantler O. It. Uiintow.... J. J, Kltmer A. II. Con Joel V. (icer Kdwin Cole K. S. Cot tin F. h. KKK Wilwmvillt) .11 (12 0.1 i.i i.i si 20 :tl rvt Kiillon ... .Hyeamore . Aurora .... Tualatin .. , Hherwixtd . ..Midilleton. . Alma . .lliitteville . . Ilulteville . .WillshurK . . Sciilta Mil In , .tirealiaui .. 47 81 01 1.1 27 10 (I 0 41 I) 12 00 40 78 4(1 20 52 00 20 58 4.1 14 1!) 00 41 70 ll 20 48 00 4 0 H.1 2.1 55 85 .17 ia 70 7.1 Kl Total ..$12,11118 08 HlatTunl Snarka. STAFKoitii.May 10,18114 The weather la cool hut urowinir. eropa are coming on well. Fruit except atruwherrieadoes not appear to have been iniured by the fioat of the Hth. Tho niiiiiRter'g wife, Mrs. Cleaver ia alowly rw'overiim from her sickneas. Her fatlier, a wealthy farmer of (ileneoe, presenled her with a fine horce and enrriiiUM. Miaa L. Pthrader from Portland is stoppir.n with Mra. Clenver. The event of the paat week or so most talked was the trial of Mttlcher vb grub bers, in which giuhhors ot their pay anil tho other parly paid the costs. It ia thought that the parties who have been borrowinu chickens and ho'S for the ptiNt w inter are beintf run to ground, and it will soon be "root hog or die". H. Koihle is faat clearing up the re mainder of his farm. Tho Larson boys linen irrnliliimr another piece. Mr. D. Athey is also grubbing. Thus Stafford Is Blowly beinu made to blonsom as the roue. Mr. Kowton, the Stafford teacher ia doing good work. Mm succeeded In grading a country school, a difllcull thing to do und the school ia also Maid lo be themoHt iiinl of any in the county, average good, and (lportiiif nt excellent. Wk Us. (mWKiiO OH KMX Klifiitin I'laM Kntrrli.liiiiirntKMtlval Natlmia- Warning- lu K.'a of 1. of Tlia ilenim rntlc caudlilatea held their t aini aigii ineellog at l'ror'a liull TuewUy etnuing. A lair croud at in allemlai U). Tlie elocution etm ov ill give a free ainUir tiilniiipnl I'liuriKlav evening, Mny I7ili. It will Im a (rent to any one. it will coimiat of drill, concert recltallona, illalogurt, etc. '1 ha crowning glory of Hie availing will Imi Ilia recitation liy Mi iv Mum Kvnim. ma u-aenrr. ll lll I lothe Inlereat ol Knlxhlaor l'ytli- iaa lo attend. Miaa Klla Mack la vlnllliig her coualna. Mix Jitimlx lle lrli k anil Mlm Minnie I wm. 'I lion. Kox haa a line new Ixiut maile by T. K. Clinerelier. It la a twauiy. The Ueft'llng It' hi m c.luli will give a May fruiiial in I'ronwr'i hall, TueiMlay evening, May 22d. It will tie an eulertalnineiit en tirely new lo Oawego. No ailinlaaioii let will l) charged, but boothe, reire aeutliig dillereiil natlona ami ireniiled over 0 v lliea and genlleuien In coMumeii ol the iiatioiialiiien, will iliaiinM! wrea of the country they reireaiil, among which will be a Japaneae IhhiiIi wl.nru ten. crackera ami Jnnaiiee ciirloa will he wil'l. 'Hie Turkia t IkhiIIi will erva coltee, aamlwlchra and haraloga olatK-, Holland, ehncolale in every variety. Ine I I . ,.,..! lanifinailH nml cake. Hn erlaiiil, conlecllonn. A liuinlier of other hnotha e-iually a altraeilve will aerve many other ilaliillei. To Ihene vill Ix. a.hlei a curm hall where numlxjr r ulualile euri onltlea will be ilmpla) eil. juilia are to lie rallleil olf. loriunen tiihl, and a general gixei lime in .riini"-u. e- , ,j i,, r:,...llii..,.ii till Mini i:"inui !. . will ifive a dunce at I'rower'a liall Wlne Uuy May 2.'wl, AH are Inviled lo attend. Canity t ulllnri. Canhy, May l.t. (joveruor 1 ennojer , aihlrexaed the tieoplc of Canhy, on Mon day eveninu, at Kninht'a hall. Tl ere waa a lartje crowd of people, many of whom could not find atundinx room in the hall. They came from Aurora, Har low, New Kra, Molalla, Mai kehuru, and the aurroundiiiK country, until the town waa alive with people The popuhat auy l't-nnover made the land allver aa auttdard money, wl n auen re It iinoytr iiimiK no , . .. d ull,t ,ueu nrovliloni. to be heal teech they ever heard. The re-1 puhlit-ana and deunxtrats think it waa j IIieul, , n, ,i,e putrha.ina and debt paylua no K.xxl,full ofa.ale s.oriea, calamity pp-enrf ;!'me!,i;rVb,",d and ahutte of the old lartiea, the OIllV : ter.-aia of the prtMluceta of the country. Ita l.rm ,. ... . . , en aud it. workmenlemnd that every dollar. remedy acioHinn lo the governor, to ' lu ,MUei by the goverumeut. .h.li make gxxl time again ia to put the populiata in power. The good lemplara will give an enter tainment In Knight's hall, Saturday evvniiitf, conaietititi of inufic. singing, recitaliona, a drama, etc. Mr. and Mra. C. Y Draper were made happy If ut Thursday, the 10th, by the arriyal of a new comer, a girl baby. All are well. Mra. Draper of Oregon City viaited her daughter, Mm. C. Y. Draper ol thia plat laat week to aee the new grand daughter. (ieo. Knight has aecured the agency for the Walter A . Wood farming imple uienla. Hampleaof their mowers, etc., can bo aeen at hia warehouse. Miaa Vanilla Kigga this place viaited her friend, Miaa Fryrear at Mackaburg laat week. James Dodges has bought him a new buggy. ClarkaniM Clincher. Clackamas, May 15. About 1 o'clock Friday, May II, the people began to come into Clackamas from all directions and wend their way to the brick build ing where later the braas band played some stirring pieces. Addreases were made by some ol the able republican candidates, and all pronounced it a splendid meeting. It is reported that the democrats had a " glorious o!d si-eaktng" Monday after noon; but it was kept so quiet that but few knew it. Tho populists had a political sneaking in their hall Monday night and the re port Is that they I ad to place guards at the door to keep the boys Irom fastening them in as w.is done at their other speak ing. The republicans were addreseed the ltith by some of their most able speakers. It seems aa if Clackamas is the center of the political light and it is thought that she will decide the result in the county in June. Tho White brothers are clearing thirty acres of land for C. F. Clarke. V. A. Mihs and wife have returned from their visit in Gotdendule, Wash ington, and rejiort this state far ahead of that, as it is very cold and the wind blows a gale there all Ihe tune Mis. W. L. Chapman, who has been visiting friends here, has returned to her home in Salem, Mrs. Storts, of Woodburn, a former resident and teacher of thia place, is here visiting friends. Wlllmlt Whisper. Wiuioit, May 14. The frosts of last week killed strawberries that wero in bloom and slightly injured some other fruits. levi Davis has torn down his old house and ia replacing it with a new one. Mrs. J. M. Ihiyles was thrown from a horse while going to Sunday school and had her collar bone broken. We are glad to say she is recovering rapidly. Mrs. arah Boyles, of Portland, is visiting relatives at this place. Mrs. Geo. C. Ely, ol Oregon City, is the guest of E. T. Carter and family this week. Frank Sherman is enjoying a visit with his mother and niece from San Fan- Lulu. ' CIHt'- F. A. Waihlock moved the first ot the week to the Howell house on the corner ot Twelfth and Jefferson streets. V? Your H I Heart's Blood V I the moat Important part ol tf yourorg.iniam. Three-fourthaof W X the complHints to which theaya- A J tcm is subject are due to impuri- y ties in th': blood. You can, thire- fore, realiie how vital it i to V Keep It Pure V Kor which purpotc nothii. can V V equal IRTl It eflectu dly k n move-tJ all Impurities, 1 y cleansel the blood thoroughly y u and builds up the general health, V (M Tfllllll M io1ll1H lllll fMlUfI v FfM W Ml AflfJiCM. j. V SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. Ga. V v y UKiaKbiaM HTATB PLATFOBM. Tin fiillowlii pUthirm wa unanliri'iiialr a.V,i,livl at the liepiibllcan Xuta Comeutloo, belli In rnrtlaml, April II. Tha reprewntitlvea o( the repultlleana ol the Hinle ol Oreiiit. In contention aaeiiihle'l. all aili-miiiit Uiciiitilltlonaol linlintrir aul bmlneaa tlirouxh tlieotiiiitry ai jirix.1 ( the iiereall)r il reiitriilnr t' Hi poller nl the republican part imler whlili liter w. prttuperlly durili thirty yeaia. u ..afTrtn tha brltinliilea of the republican nalliinal piailiitm til Wl, and aert thai the reiilia that ha lolloweo lite neerr uj hi .leetioo ii thai ye.r ba ju.tirie'i our pr..te.t ...Ittat the n.tl.mal policy announced by the democratic party. W e re.mrni that a policy of rjoniiUtent prrxee tliitt la n;eary lor inlvaiicemeiit ami ciner vallon ol ottr luduatii.l IntrreaUi, lor aaaiiranc to labor l ileatly employment and ilei(it.l w.aea, lor promotion ami inaliiteiiari'e of i;ro perlty. loe.l .ml aener.l. We point tt the paal fwl th fintrant rl I Oil.. .Mil we celiiitre .11, J COIK1VUIU the deioorrailc nroKr.m, aa develoix-d In coo- (.re... lilitlily Inlurloita ui me proum-ove aim 7mlnatrll Inn-rent, til tit country, and In par n.M.i.r.t , 11 11 (ul 01 tho ol our own .Lie. W dennune the action of the democratic party In comreaa lor lie tiincrimiuauoii aaiu i,riHlui'r lu our fielda, loreita audmlneaaitd f.. t.vi.rf.r i.artif-nl.r flaaaea of manufacture chlertyolllt Keat, and of apeeitU luiere.1 In the Huutb. Wa reamm the dwtrine of th republican party In rel.llou to money, a. auted In ll. na tional plailorm of 1HW. particularly aa follow., to-wlt: -Ihe American people. Itttm trailttion and Intereau, favor blmetalll.m. .nil th re publican p.rly demauda th ue ol both (old deiernilmd by :iaitin aa will aecur the be., (ood a. .ity otrter." aeeur an International couiereni-e m au-vv tuch meamre aa will luaure parity ol value hetweiu fold and allver throughout the world. ikiioui 1110 WUIIU. d coatlnue auch and ca! erTorta. and call upon It to renew an Tort. Th. fwm.inir-tlnn ol the Nlcarania canal I. of the hiaheil lniMirUuce to the American people, both aa mranure ol national deleuae and to build up and nialutalu American commerce. It ia moreover of apecial Importance to our Pacific tuate. an.l we tvor ii. ciiuairui-u.m peeillly ai pttaalhle by the (overument ol th tnited State. W demand the enactment of ri(Id reatrlctlon on htreld. Immlaratlon both for protection of ottr Country ixaln.t Hitter! nd Tlcloua claarea Irom foreign landa, and for protection of our labor nd preaervaUon for our own pettpl of Ihe remainder ol our natioual do main: .ndto theae end. we call for iultabl capitation ui upon all Immigrant. In our .tale affair we demand cloaeat aerunny and economy In expenditure.. We condemn Ihe prodlfallty nd ecceaa of paat llalluree, aud call upon the nel lealalatlve embly to keep all appropriation! within limit of the moat economical admiul.irallon con.Uleul with efBclency. The otticer ol Ihe dmlnltnr ttvedei.artmentaotthe ante have betHimebto entx-unlve. ami thelrexpenae. muat be reduced. Wheu Ihe conalilullon Sxea the Mlary, only the conmlttillou! aalary ahould be paid, with out additional molumettl. Th practice of employing unneeeaaary clerk and of paying fern In eccea of Juat payment for aervlce needed or rendered, ha become n buae that muat be cut off. nd w pleda the republican ....... ... nmMf.iinn aud ai'Cimi lililh raellt of tbla refotm Ulairicl ttorney nd other ortlctala hould b paid Sxed aalariea, aincw payment ol lee encouragea uupiiuiii talii upon th Uxpyr hvy and needleaa (Xpenae. We commend the policy of th republican Prty lu relation lo lh Internal Improvement and in particular In opening our waterway to commerce, and we denounce the liberality ol the dentocraito party lu mew iuipuiim mai ler. Experiment In our 8hrle ha howo that to prevcut wholeaale dlatructlon ol flnn. all flab-trap, flub wheel aud fish-aeluea; ud all other gear now In ua except tne (ill net anouta be abiiluhed. NOTICE OF SALE. In the Court of the State of Oreion. for the Couuty ol Clackamas, alttlng lu Probate, May term, 1S1M. In the Matter of the Guardlanthlp o(Jme0. Stuart, Minor Thl matter eomln before th Court on the petition ol the guardian, for liceuae to ell the lollowiiia detwrlbed real eatate, towlt: Lot numbered ou(l. two (i). .even (7) and eight 1st in block numbered one hundred ud Ave in On-Knit City. Oreson. And It appear ing to the Court beuenclHl to the ward thataaid real estate ahould be mid. II ts therefore orUcred that the ih day of June. iM. at the hour of ten o'clock a tn.of aald day at the office ol the Couuty Judge of Clat-kamaa Couuty, ud Stale of Ore gon, ia net aa the time and place lor hearing aald petition. t which time aud place, the next ol kin ol .aid ward are directed to be preacut aud iihow oniae, if any there be. why liceuae altould not be granled for the aale of laid real eatate. It ia further ordered that copy of thia order be pitbllahed at leat three .uccesaive week, in the Oregon City Kntkhhms, newa paner circulated iu t lackama. Couuty, Oregon. Dated till. UUi day of May. liW. Atu-nt: JOHN W. MEI.DRI'M, Gao. K Horton, Clerk. Couuty Judge, By II. S STiUNOi, Deputy Aftet A Hard Night A tVwdeses of Moore's Revealed Kemedy. Will brnee you up, put the bloom in your eheek and the sparkle in your eye. strictly non-alcoholic, its effect upon persons Biilferinn from liquor linbit is wontleilul Win, KoMcn, ot I'orlland. Ore,, writes: "Moore's Revealed Kemedy cured me of drunkenneaa and made a new man of me. All who are cursed with the liquor bablt should tako It." , A. B. Case, of Monterey, Cal says: "It cnltrely destroyed my taste for iptrltuou Honors." Try it onco. Sold by all druggists, or Stewart Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. Wash. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I have now In my hantla fund applicable to the payment of all warrant endorwd prior to February 4, 1N9Z lnteteal will ceae from date ol ttti" notice. 8.B.CAUKF, Cottuty Treasurer. Dated Oregon City. May S, Is. The Red Front Stores. KCKIVKU: A fine lot ofslio H from tho factory priced way down; alno from tlx; factory, IWiury, umbrclliiH, paraHoln. etc, prices to suit tlio harJ timcH. Anothor lot of stone willc pans at 10 R cent". wr gallon. xt prunen rx r ixiund, .0", Jilufim .O.'l. hcc11cs8 rainens, .05, gcrmoa .02, lt flour, .70, 2.C5 Ir barrel, 17 lb. dry granulated nugar tl, 12 bunches matches .25, orangeH, dozen, .10, vaseline .03 ir Ikjx. Thread M, 7 for .25, colored nilk thread .05, good cotton ooeks .05, light and dark calico, per yard .05, 18 yards Turkey red calico, tl, 13 yardu indigo blue $1,15 yards outing flannel $1, and targainu too numerous to mention. All kinds of produce taken. HAMILTON BROS., Oregon City and Park Place BIXT1I VEAB. ELECTRIC POWER is the advocate of the uho of elec tricity as a means of domestic lighting, cooking and heating; for commercial and domestic power purposes, lor street cars, minmK r i . , oil CAna boats ana the running Ol an . , , V.oth licht and kinds of machinery, both light heavy. The probability is that i8;j-i will product Wonderful Achievements in the field of electricity, and every intelligent person should Read Electric Power. and keep posted; Subscription 2 a year. Every subscriber is entitled to a special aiscouni on books pur chased. Address, ELECTRIC POWER, 3G Cortlandt St., New York City. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PURL"' DRUGS OO TO q A. HARDING. nose bi:t COMPtTEHT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED . Flu Perfaicrln ail Toilet Articles. Alao a full atock of IIlTTfc3- OILS. ETC. THE BON TON. Main Street, near Fifth. A Btrietly first class resort conduct ed under American principles. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS. All the Best Brands of Cigars. THE IMPROVED Queen City Incubator. Cannot be overheated and h no equl. Send for Illustrated catalogue ol Thoroughbred Poultry. Egg for hatching, poultry upplte of all klnda. English Mtter. Irlah aettera, Fox ter trriora, 8k ye terrier and rug Our stock bs won eighty-three premiums in the laat three ieuoul CALDWELL ft LAKKINS. 1510 Front SL, Seattle, With. Mention thia paper TWO -CENT STAMPS we will send you a Brilliant Gem of unusual color, and a copy of "The Great Divide, so you can se what a wonderful journal it is, pro vided you name the paper you saw thi in. It's a real Jewel we'll send you. ADDRESS THE CHEAT DIVIDE, Denver, Colo JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him 1 HAS NO SUPERIOR IM any ruirlicular. MONEY REFUNDED BY any grocer, IF NOT SATISFACTORY. Madi in Portland bt Closset& Devers. Golden West Baking Powder JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER 0pp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America, Give me atrial. ELECTION NOTICR. K.if i. herehtr riven, that on Monday, th 4th d.y of June, lvx, at Ihe nattal plae ol vi Oil lu the aeveral preclncta of ClaekamMenun- ty iwleof OreoD, n ieei:on wmwii' i atatn. di.trlirt, county nd precinct olhcer., Dantelv: Member ol Conireaa lat diatrict, (iovernor. Secretary of State, Son Truaattrer, ,, Slate Superintendent of Public loatrnetio) Slate Printer. A Horner General, One Jitatlce of the Supreme Court. ltl-trtnt Attorney Film Judicial Ulatrlct. On Member State Biwrd of KijUaliiatton. ,i(ll dltrlct. ... , One Joint Senator, dlatrtct Clackma aul Marion cottntie., f ,nu UnaO.r 1hre Member of Houaeof Repreaentatlvea, County Judge, One (.irttnty ( omraiMloner, County Clerk, Sheriff. Recorder, Treaaitrer, Surveyor, Aim ror. County Superintendent of School, Coroner. . , , . One Juatie ol th Pec forech manure rial One t'onatabl tor each maglaterfal diatrict. W hich election will be held at "o'clock lo tM morniiir. and will continue until 6 o' clock In the alieruoon of aid day. ' Mated thia fid day ol M reh.lWM. litO. F. HOKTON. Connty ( lerk. I'wfabllfhrd Freight and parcels delivered to all Darts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. p If you are interested in i Advertising i vou ought to be a t?ub- scriber ot Peisteks' Ink: a journal for advertisers. Printers Ink is issued weekly and is rilled with contributions and helpful suggestions from the brightest minds in the advertising busi ness. Printers' Ink ; costs only two dollars a ( year. A sample copy will ( be sent on receipt of five cents. , ADDRESS PRINTERS INK, to Sprue St., - rlca York ' lffiiiAA'fti''l'"0'i NOBLETTS, STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable CRECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THK BH1DGE AND DEPOT Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at tha lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kintl or stock promptly attended to by person of letter. horses Bought and Sold. Sunday Services. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH episcopal Re. J. A. Eckatorm Pastor. 8erica at 11 o'clock a.m.an4 ?:80 p. tu. Prayer aervice every WeduebtUy evening. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Paator uptilied. Service at II A. u. aad 7:30 r. . Sunday School fter morning aervtoe. Ptayer mcetina Weilnesdsy evening ct 7:80o,clock. Prayer meetttift of Younj Peoplc.a Society of Christian Endeavor every Sunday evening: at 8:& pr.tnpt. FIRST BAFflST CMCKCH. Rkt. Gilhaic Pakkkr Pamor Moruinir Service t ll:8uuU.iy Sctiiml at Li-la; Eveiiini? Service 8:30; Rvaular ,.ro,-ur muoiiii. WeilneailHV evenlnK. Monthly 1 Covenant Meelinjt every Wetlnesday eveulug ! nr..alliifr tha flrat Sundav lu the mouth. A cornial invitation to all. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. CATHOLIC Rav. A. Hili.kbraND, Pastor. On Sunday niaas at 8 anj 10 M . M, Every aecond and fourth Sutday Uermnu aermon alter the 8 -'-lock mam At all other masse English K "-lnday SchiMtl at 2:30 T. M. Veapers, . jgeUcal lubjeota, and Benediction at 7:30 F. M. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH.-Rkv 0. SvKaa, Pastor. Morning aervice at It: Sunday School at 10:00. Claaa meeting aftir ntoriiing service. Kvening aervice at 7:80. KpwortG Leaitiie meeting Sunday evening at b SO; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 4:30. Strang era cordially invited. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-Rkv. 8. W Oibonkv, Pastor. Services at 11 A. u. and 7-30 p. at. Sabbath School at 10 A. at. You us; People'a Society of Christian Endeavor meela every Sunday evening at 6:80. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7:80. Seats tree. EVANO'LICALCHCKCH GERMAN AC9. Ekxst, Pastor. Preaching services ever Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:80 P. if. Sabbath school every Stiuday at 10 A.M. (Rev. p. Bolt. Supt.) Weekly Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST.-Prefh-Ing every Sunday, except third BuutUy of each month, at 11:00 . m. nd 7.30 p m. W H lie l .m Pastor Sundav school at 10 a. an -I. U. Si'R"a, Superintendent. Prayer meeting every Wednesday eve ning. C. I wm, PIONEER Itmkf and Expre,