Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 11, 1894, Image 7

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lliltlil Wulilin In ijlllto Nick mul lliri'llt
I'licl with run nl lover,
Mr. F, W, ('mmiiIiII m iim down from
HhJimh tliti Hint of Iim work.
(ii'o. ('lurk of 1'iirlliiiiil ww in tliu
i lly lust Tliiirsilny on iihIikhh.
Kil. TrnlliiiKiT nf Union MIIU wim In
Iim city on Hulunliiy on Iiiiniiii'm,
K. A. II. Murium mul I. N. lUicH of
Itwlow worn In lliiully on Moiuliiy
Jmlyd T. A. Mrlltiilu liuit licmi in
Astoria IkiIiIihu cDiut ilurinn Urn wm-k.
W, h. Kiinymi, niicrraaful incrrUnt
of Clu kitmuH, wa In this city Momlny.
lvil Kulimiaan of Mi'iiilow llrixik
intuit) tlila ollliut ili-uHM nt lull on Mon
Jolirt W. Walanii, it prominent rrnl in
tuit) mu 11 of l'oillmul win In town on
Jolin Iti'itcl, of HpiliiKwuliir, win In
town tli In wii'k vlaltlng lili ulaltir, Mm.
II. H (ilUm.
C. V. Clink of Clm kmimH was up on
Moiuluy on IiiikIim'rh. I In r-r t m Mr.
I'Urk iiill III.
Jr. J. V. Nun In who linn not Nun
wi'll for tlm '"t two wifka U alowly lin
firuvl itf in IhmiIiIi,
0. I. I.tloiiri'ltv who very "Irk
lust Wfck In alilu to Iki wlmut lilt ai'i'im
tonivil Until' ugiiilt . '
J. H. flmw, wlio who lm Wn adni'iit
kt hi old liniiii' lii 'l illiiiiiiKik county fr
Mivcrut week, In Iiiiiiih ngulii.
Mr. K. K. KiOlot-rf li ft tlio IhhI of l hi.
wcrk fur Cullm, VIiIhkIoii lo l wIMi
licr father wlio i repot toil vury ill.
Tim pli'nl fm o ot It, H. Mrl-anvli
lln of Milwrnikft) wn won upon our
Nlri'i'U for fnw liotir liwt Saltinlnv.
Aiiiiihk tlic inHcm nt tlm Kxtkni-hiiik
olllco (nl Monilny wiiii J, Iturtlt-iiniy, win
of tliu wcll lo do faHncra of KuIh Cri ck.
K 1'. Pcliiinii of Cli kmnim, km in
tlm city on hutiinliiy. IIm ri'Mirt lli
priiiH'i l fur fruit in til locality if kxI.
Y nlitor of ilia CUifkmilc Chief, K.
I". llii kfonl, w up front Mow on Sitl
iirdny anil hhmId tlii olllce a plcnnmit
tieorKu I Vilmni). a former Clm kmom
county boy who I now living In Port
lam! wa in tint city on Tucmluy on Inml-
Dr. II. K. IVrrin ha Ihcii In Iurllanl
novtiral day tlm pant wrtk attunJinic the
annuo) ti linC ' ,lie lloiiuopthk'
A. 8. IrM'r exix-ctn to go to St.
UtOxna next TiiiHliiy lo altrml court a
he han mine IwpoiUnl legal btuitirM
pending there.
Mr Mury liicharilmiii, who ha broil
vlalting Mi T. W. Claik for tha nasi
two wei-k returneil lo her home at
Iluker Citv on Tucilay.
K. (i. Win. tiihoiiry ha Wit Invi
ted to deliver the haiTalaiirvale mrtiion
at Albany collcgi) at the cuinniciii cineiit
which occur early In June.
Geo. ltolierl Cuirn. the 'evanuelliit,
'for the lluptint church on the 1'aciflu
coanl njH-iit Tnuraday will) ltev. (iiluian
Tatker and J. K. Groom of Uladntone.
Cispt Johnnon. ii'rliitenlent of the
Mainuioth mine in Arizona accompanied
by K. K. ItaU-r, a friend of Charnian
brother wag In the city the lurjt of the
I,. C. Irigg wa called Kant the flrat
of the week lo the U'dnide of hi mother
who ia very Hit k in Cuand Hapid, Mich
igan. Ho Iiom' to lie hack in a couple
of week.
Mi Clura l'olter left on the aloamer
Monday evening for California, She will
to a fur aoiith a Iw Angule tit-fore her
return, and will upend aoinu time at the
mid-winter fulr.
Sam ()giehy of Iturlow precinct wa
in the city one day thi week looking
for the acalp of Hie in mi who aaid lliat
lie I not a lepuhlican. Sinn 'a repuhli
caniiilii i loo well gnniniled to he driven
out of him by a fiilne report.
The friend of K. It. Clinminn will he
pli'imed to learn that he took advantage
of the warm minnhineo I Wednemlay und
got down upon Main atreet. He i how
ever lill fueling very weak and has a
chill every other day.
T. W. (Jlmke returned from Bimdon
the firHt of the week and will remain in
town for a few day. He report all the
Oregon City people, at Itundon well and
aaya that they expect to be turning out
good from the mill inutile of aixty day.
Mr. C. H. Pye relumed from the
mid-winter fair on Wednesday and re
port a inoHt enjoyable time. She found
the fair very good and report that the
woman's congreHa wiih well a' tended and
inttireiitiiig. Her paper wa well re
ceived.. T. V. Ryan and T. P. Kanilall will
leave on Mondav evening for Pendleton
aa delegate to the grand encampment of
Odd Follow. On TueHiliiy evening C.
II. Dye will go up and all will attend tlio
uniiual aRHHion of the grand lodge I. O.
O. F. which convene on Vodneday.
Mr. Wiiugh, BiHtiint city engineer In
xOinaba, Nehraaka, wa In town one day
Pn piiat week inspecting the fall, the
illH and Main street. Del making a
:mr of the coant and exprenaed hlmaalf
f much pleaed with the outlook for
' Oregon City. Speaking of our street, he
f laid that It was the best that ho had
Joiind on the coast.
Krult J'riiii.rt anil I'oIhIii I'lanllri(-Nfvrl
Hrrliiui Arrlilf lit.
Damanim', May 7. Farmer are liu
pioving Ihe few good liny plaiillng pj
lntiicH, Mr. liohiia and hi Hon, Albert,
Will put III about twelltv-oue at'ie be
twecll them, Mi'NH'N. I'alea, Morton,
Fmbieti and olbii'. wa uiiderKtaud, are
loing to pliuit a number of at ie each.
The (irmer In thi aection of tbe
country muikct iiionI of their prodm e in
Port land,
Mont of the earlier fruit tree are In
bloom and Hie farmer are expecting a
good fruit crop. I lie apring i o lain
that (here I no great danger of the fruit
lieltig killed by heavy froti.
l:d Selver and family moved Into
John Ililleary' Iioiimi lat Frlduy. Mr.
Heiver i liiti-ndilig to build a bonne
near Mr. Derrv',
Will Skirvln left here Tlmraday for
Alaaka, where he I going to work in a
cannery. He doe not exiect lo relurn
before OeUilier at the earlleiit. He uil
on the Chilchart.
Hilly Cooke cut hi bait badly lat
week, nearly cutting oil- hi wi-oiid toe
and cutting all the way acroa the foot.
He und another boy Mere trying lo cut a
calf lixiwi that wit funtened in a log. A
Hilly wa barefooted, when the ax Tipied
he got the full foice of Ihe blow.
Iiun'l tiriiiiin came veiy near having
aeriotia accidanl laat week, He waa
going down Ihe new road along the
Clackaina when Iim hoiaea mireij and
commenced flouiitlerliig and atiugKhng,
until they aere badly tangled up. When
Mr, Oruiiui uiulcrtook to cut them Iooh
one of the iiorae kicked him over, hull
ing him conaiderably. The liorae then
ml ! t and lumbled down a bank, but
were extricated without any lurticulur
damage lo (bum, only being bruiaed up
I.nl Sunday the frli'lid of Mr. (iriiiuu
wereinvited to a dinner at hi t h''u
honor of Ida til tit birthday.
Ciegg Slringley' friend received
word Irom hi wife, of her liUHbalid'a
death aboiil two wtek ago in aoiilbern
Oregon. The ileceaaed had conauiiiption
and went lo noutherti Oregon for hi
health I tiin anrinu. Shortly alter hi
arrival there he died.
F.ltuer Onman while out with hla,
fiilher alna bg on a claim that they
bad Jin-t taken up, had a lever that waa
latween two log lly up and Rtrike hi '
arm, breaking it in two placea. He ia j
in tlm honpiul at Vancouver at pre-ent, i
hutrxpecta to return to hi home aa j
aooii aa be ia able to travel. .
A gentlemen direct from Portland,
formerly Irom Chicago wa in tlie
vji 'nity lln week looKing lor lanti.
Pearl Ixivelme ia tpiiie Hck with
eryaiindat. We boie aire will la- around
Mr. Uier and wlfefrom Uoaa acminary
at Seatlle, paid J C Mc.Murray and wile
a flyina- viait the ftrat of the week . They
are on their way to California.
Damam-I'i May 8 A aawmlll will lie
elected by llouglaa Hroa.. of Kagle Creek
on the obi tooke claim in the near future,
which will lai a great bent-tit to the
Will Hooknian went to Portland on
Thmmlay and purcbaaed a bicvcle
which he brought out the following day.
There will be a grand ball at Mr.
Paulaon'a barn on the evening of the
ll'iti of tin month.
Dr. Hickman of Clackama wa out
tin way Monday evening
Mr. I low lei t of Kagle Creek paaeed
through Damaacua Tlmraday evening.
faiiby t'ulllnp.
Mr. Miller, Mipuliat candidate (or con
greaa, addream-d a small audience Mon
day afternoon in Knight' hall. He
sKike on the money question, two per
cent, money, national bank, etc., ignor
ing the tarilt Ihe main queatiou at issue
The ladiea of the Christian church gave
an entertainment in Kvana' hall Monday
evening. The hall wa well tilled and it
wa a auccea linancially .
The contract to lurniah material and
build the city iail, which wa let lo the
loweat bidder last Monday evening, was
awanled to John Itytlman, of this place.
Ilia bill waa seventy-live dollar. The
council bought a lot from II. A. I.ee, in
U-e'a addition to Canby. on which the
jail I to la built.
On the 21 we had a heavy frost which
killed nearly all of the early straw lairrle.
peachea, a-aia and potatoes, hut did not
hurt the apple, prunes and cherries
much. On the I'th we bad another heavy
frost Irom which the extent of diimage
done to fruit i not known yet, but ex
im.i'1 it to he beavv.
Mr. and Mrs. Alba Shank attended Ihe i
Siintbiy chool convention held at Salem
lust week. Mr. Shank went a a dele
gate from this pluce.
Our old friend, S. A. D. (iiirley, who
formerly resided hern, but now live at
Arlington, was seen on our streets tins
week. Kuslern Oregon eem to agree
with Ii) in as he look well and he euys he
exK'cts to be admitted lo the bur soon.
Wo wish hltn prosperity in his new
Held. .
Letter I,lt.
The following Is the Hat of letters remain
ing in the post olllee at Oregon Oily, Oregon,
May 10, IstU:
Jerome Coekelreaa, W. K. Fricke, Harry
Jones, Win. O'Connor, Thus. Kiatler, W.
T. rjmllli. K. h. Thompson, W. A. Work,
hn.lie Cox, Mrs. Mary .Miller, Mrs. .Ittne
If called for please slate when advertised
'K. M. It AS US, P. M.
School Order Sntloe Hist. No. HI.
All parties holding orders against
school Dial. No. 34 will be paid upon
presentation. Interest will cease from
date. K, A. Smith, Clerk.
Dalotl May 8, 1SH4.
Cocoa-Colleo E. E. Williams, the
TAKE -.--
rilDrrnM Rr nnnPi imnrR
asaiBSaaassaaaaaaaaaasaaa.awa.a. urir J
lililieimty """"Smilill
Spring - Medicine.
OUditno OamjimaatJn;.
An old tlluil iiilurdeiiolulliatiolial
camp meeting will tut held in (iladalone
Paik near Oregon City, Clackainaauoiin
ly, Oregon, beginning JuneKih, lo hint
from two to four week, a God may indi
cate. The great object of Iheae liiuelinga
i the converaion of rimer, and the
aaiictiflcalion of bclievera,
Jt doe iiia r certainly that we ure In
Ihe litat diiv of Ihia age, a lime mirely
when God'a people, hoiild be In eami'Mt.
We Ibeiefore cordially Invite all, far
and near, to come out and join with u in
thi "feaat of talairnaclea" in tin beau
tiful grove. J'eraon wiahing tent for
the met'tiiiic abould at once write to Win.
Palteraon Kif), N. Kith, street, Portland
Meala .'iiruiahrd on the gi-omid for 12!
cent, good paaturage for horHefor2 00
per month. Ground may 1 reached
by moter from Portland and Oregon City,
getting off at Gladatone Station, or by 8.
P. H. K., stopping at Paper Mill (Station.
A number of ininiHtera will he on the
ground and take part in the meeting,
among whom are i. W. Ketehnni, and
Cha. Haireinlen, of Portland ; T. II. Or
gan, Ml. Talior; Win, Kelloway, "aloni ;
J. T. Anderaon, Hillaboro; W. II. Snv
der, Kinn county; A. U. Dix, Multno.
mail county; and other
Mraw will b fiirniNhed on the ground,
but lie aure and bring plenty of bedding.
Jaik Knife Whlttllii.'t.
Faoi.k Chkkk fir., May H, 1H!H.-Thc
cold weather and light froat of the paal
week cauaed nine little anxiety fur
tha fruit crop here among the farmer
and fiuit grower.
They think all I
,.- r.n
Jiihn DoiiL'laa met With unite Kcriou
accident lust week while g' ing in from
the field at main with hia two little lioys
riiling the borne. The horse became
frightened and tried to run away. One
line broke and bv pulling on the other
he turned the team around. A he
tried to catch them he ticcauie entan
gled in the harness and was thrown
with the tesult of a sprained wriit and a
very badly sprained ankle.
Under the auspice of the Rattle Creek
republican club the people ofthia place
will be addresjed by Hon. U.K. Mc
Ginn of Portland Saturday afternoon,
May 12th at 1 :3. All are invited.
Mall street Aaaesmetit.
Notice l hereby given that
balance of the assessment for the im
provement ol Main elreel has been or
dered paid by the city council of Oregon
Citv and that if the same ia not paid by
Julie 15, 1H!M, a warrant will be isaued
for the collection ol the same.
L L. Posts. a,
Itecordcr ot Oregon City, Or.
May 2, 1H1H.
raoTKCT Yot Bai.r. Inure you rprop
erty in the Guanlian Assurance compa
ny of London. Cash asset -,J,0o0,(HX).
F. E. IKinaldson, Agent,
Oregon City, Oregon
tiarfleld drillings.
a it. l 1 . t .
CiAHKIKLII, MaVB. We hail a heavy
frost Monday night, which wa some
thing unusual lor tins timeol tne year.
Hon. J. W. Palmateer il on the sick
list, but ia not considered dangerously ill.
Trout fishing in the Clackamas ia very
good this spring.
The pupils of the Garfield school, as
sisted by their teacher, Ii. 8. Swtlaer.
gave very enjoyable entertainment at
the school house last Saturday evening.
The attendance wa unusually large, oyer
200 being present, including a number
from a distance.
John Johnson, Emerson Surface and
Jack Iligbaum left to lay for Oregon City
to attend the teachers' examination.
They are yeung men of ability and will
make excellent teachers.
Itelow is given the Oregon City Market
ItcKirt. corrected March 1, 1'miii ipiolationa
furnislied the KsTKKi'aiaa by lixal mer
chants: DRAIN.
Wheat, valley, ler hitahel -til
Oats, kt hiishfl 30i.'4
Oregon City Mills, Portland brand. .. 2 i3
Shorts, -r ton I" W
llrau I
Clover hav, lulled
Timothy bay. baled 12 to IS 00
we will send you
a Brilliant Gem
of unusual color, M"M
. THIS Hit
and a copy of
"The Great Divide" so you can so
what a wonderful journal it is, pro
vided you name the paper you saw thi
in. It's a real Jewel we'll send you.
The Oregon City Sash & Door Co.
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc.,
Special sizes of doors and windows made to order. Turning of all kinds.
Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts
Furnished on application. Builders give us a call and see if our work
is not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest. Price
sent on application.
Factory Cor. Main and 11th Sts , Oregon City.
OMttnnt Ohanhigi.
(ii.AiiaTOMK, May 7, lM'il. The Miea
Mehker and Utter have purcbaaed aeven
lot ii mi which they intend to erect a
hoxpital. One only ha to know the
Indie who are at the head of (hi enter
piixe lo be a-Hured of ita unci chb.
II. T. Sladen ha llnproveil the look I
of hla place very much by placing a neat
picket fence around Ida grounds.
The park preaenl a very beautiful j
apH'aiauce now with It iniiiiitune oi
a ild flower and aa it i only a fiftern
in in u U) run on the electric car which
irakc hourly tri from Oregon City.
It t a place eay of arccas and a lovely
place for a dav's outing.
Tli fiillowlijf platform waa nnanlraoiuly
Ii,i,ii-i al Hid l',eiilillran Hula Couveulloli,
bui lo funlaiiii, AKfll II, Hw4:
Tli ri ,rfniilllf nl the rrpulillrani of the
Hralo ol Ort-fuu, In iiiiivcriilnu awmliln, call
il. iilli.ti coii'lltlorii lol utrjr anil butn
throiiKh lh country at inI nl the iieemilty o(
n-ttiriilii Ui lli iiillr)r ol Die reiiililir.in 'rtf
uiiilnr ttiilclr tlirrt prniprll)rluriri thirty
W' n-nfnrm th pririelIra of the repnhllcan
national lntlorm of xl, anl aiTt thai Ihe
re.iilo Ihnl ha folli.wi-d the decree by the
elreilnn of that yenr be Juilflel ourpniteat
iralimt Ihe iialiotial illcy anriouuced by the
(Jt-niiM'railr pMrty,
W e renfflrrn that a policy of ciilatut protec
tion In neeemry for a'lviiricemeiit ami conser
vation of our Iti'tuftlrlnl lhtertu, tor aNinrartre
toliilHtr of vteily employintftit arid ailfrilte
KRKt-i, for promotion atol riiHlno-iiinireor rt
lriiy. lenl anil vurr. We potnt to Ihe ml
ami the com rt foritielieil by the preaetit, In
viipfxirt t f irim. arel we e'iiiiire and coudt-rnn
the tli-rnoerailc hroararn. devehtt! In con-
ri-. highly Injiirloim Ui the productive and
lmlulrll liilerrnu of the country, and In par
Ocular ti ii rt I ul to thote of our own ate.
We deiiotinre the action of the democratic
party In roinrrew tor Ita riifrlmluntlon avafnat
Iticera in our neida, loreata anil niiin-a aim
n favor of oartlenlar la- of maiiufiu'tiirea
j n,e ..i.ih.
..f,t. L . .,.,4 ,.f i..,u.- i..
'e reaffirm the dortrlne of tha renuwi
tVe reaffirm the dfrf-trlne nt tha republican
party In ri-latlou lo money
' tional ulatlonn of ifL l.anli uUrly aa followa,
to wit: i lie American iieoiue. irom iraumou
1 and Intereata, lavor blnirtalllam. and the re.
I pu 1)1 Iran party d-inanda lh uae ol both (old
I and alii it aa ataixlaid money, with tuch re
I atrletlona and under inch provlalona, Ui be
,l,.i, rnilii,l be lealalation aa will aeetire the
nialnlenaiire of Ihe parity of valnea nl the two
inetala. so thai Ihe puichsaiiit and debt paylna
power of the dollar, whether It lie silver, told
jt paper, ilo.ll le a: all times eiial. Thelu
lerraia of the nrislticers of the country. He (arm
; era and Us wurkmenlemsrid that every dollar.
paper or roin, hiuei ny tne government, anaa
lie aa f1 aa any trther." We demand the
efforia made by the (overnrnent hllherto to
retire an International couferetiee to ailopt
inch measures as will iiiMire parity of value
tieiwnn (old and silver throtiarniiil Ihe world,
and call upou It to renew and coatluue aui-li
The conatriicilon of the Nlcarartia canal is of
the hlcht-st Importance to the American people,
both ss a measure ot national defense and lo
build lip and maiDtsln American commerce.
It la moreover of sin-ctal Importance to our
pacific state, slid we favnr it construction as
speedily aa possible by Ihe government ot the
lulled Stales.
We demand the enactment ot rigid restriction
on forelKb Immlaration both for protection of
our country aaainit Illiterate and vicious
clssses from forelin lands, and for protection
of our lalior anil preservation for our own
pcopl of the remainder of our national do
main: audio these euda we call for a suitable
capitation tax upon all Immigrants.
In our stale affairs wedemand closest scrutiny
and economy in eipendllurea. We condemn
the r.rodlealliv and eccess ot past hdalaturea.
and call upon Ihe next legislative assembly to
keep all appropriations within limits of the
most economical administration consistent
with eftlclcnet. The otticera of the administra
tive departments of the slate have become too
epeiilve. their eipenses must Dereaueeo.
When the constitution Dies the aalarv, only
the constitutional salary should be paid, with
out additional emoluraeuis. The practice of
employing unnecessary clerks ami of paying
tees lu erreas ot just payment for services
needed or rendered, has necome an abuse that
must be cut on, and we pledge the republican
party lo prosecution and accomplishment of
i lllll reiotm. losiriri auorucja mu uwicr
,llcl,i, ,10uld be paid fixed salaries, since
payment of lees encourages litigatlou and en
tails upon Ihe taxpayers heavy and needless
We commend the policy of the republican
party III relation to the internal Improvements
snd in particular In opening our waterways lo
commerce, and we denounce the liberality ol
Ihe democratic party lu these linponenl mat
ter. Kxperlments In our fisheries has shown that
to prevent wholesale dlstrnctlon of Rah. all
Ash traps, flab wheel and Ash-seines: and all
oilier gear now In use except the gill net should
be abolished.
A f.-w doses or
Moore's Kevcalcd
Will brace you up, put the bloom in
your cheek and the sparkle in your
9ve. Strictly non-alcoholic, its effect
upon persona suffering from liquor
habit is wonderful
Wm. Kossen, ol Portland. Ore,, writes:
"MiHirc's Kovealcd Remedy cured me ot
drunkenness and maile a now man of trie. All
who ara cursed with the llijuor nault should
lake It."
A. B, Case, of Monterey, Cal.. aaya:
"Il entirely destroyed my taste for iplrlttiou
Trv It once, fold by all (triiKulsts, or Stewart
Unimex Prug Co., Seattle. Waali.
1 have now In my hands fun, la applicable to
Ihe payment of all warrants endorsed prior to
February -I. IWi. Itileiest will cease fnun date
of this notice. 8. H. t'AI.IKK,
County Treasurer.
Paled Oregon City. May 3, 1MH.
The Red Front Stores.
RECKIVElJ: A fine lut ofnho'fffrniii the factory prineH way'dowitj
alno from the factory, Hosiery, iiiiilirt-ll;in.g paraHolH,J.i'tc, prices
to ftuit the hard timet. Ariothr lot of ntoiic niflk'jiarift at lG
cciif.H per gallon.
Treat prunei- piT pound, .()', pIuniH .('.', Mi eillfHS raiHens, .0.1, gercnea
.02, l'st Hour, .70, 42 05 jK.r barrel, 17 lb. dry granulated sugar l, 12
bunches matches .25, oranges, dozen, .10, va-elino .03 per box.
Thread .01, 7 for .25, colored silk thread .05, good cotton socks .05,
light and dark calico, per yard .05, 18 yards Turkey red calico, II, 13
yards indigo blue $1,15 yards outing flannel 81, and bargains too
numerouH to mention.
All kinds of produce taken.
HAMILTON BROS., Oregon City and Park Place
is the advocate of the use of elec
tricity as a means of domestic
lighting, cooking and heating; for
commercial and domestic power
purposes, for street cars, mining,
canal boats and the running of all
kinds of machinery, both light and
heavy. The probability is that
1 .J4 will produce
Wonderful Achievements
in the field of electricity, and every
intelligent person fchould
Read Electric Power,
and keep posted; Subscription 42 a
year. Every subscriber is entitled
to a special discount on books pur
chased. Address,
3G Cortlandt Ft., New York City.
rise PerfimerlH asi Toilet irtlclet
Also full stock of
Main Street, near Fifth.
A strictly first class resort conduct
ed under American principles.
All the Best Brands of Cigars.
ueen Citv Incubator.
Cannot be overheated and has no equal. Seud
for illustrated catnlof ue ot
Thoroughbred Poultry.
Krs for hatchtns;, DOUltry luppltea of ill
kluds. Kneliah setters, Irish setters. Fox ter
terlors, Skye terriers and Pugs Our stock has
won elrhty-thre premiums lo the last three
seasons. CALI'WKLL tt LARKINS.
1510 Front St., Seattle, Wash.
Mention this papr
Notice Is hereby (Iren, that the undersUned
has been appointed by the County Court of the
state of Oregon fur t'lai kamaa couuty. admin
istrator ot the estate of Oliver Achorn, deceased.
All persons bavins- claims against said estate
are hereby notified tu present the same duly
verified for payment to the undersigned at my
office In Oregon cityAJregon, within six mouths
from date. L. L. PORTER,
Adm'r of the estate of Oliver Achorn. dee'd.
April Id, m. 4-13:6-11
Corner of Front and Morrison,
For general repairing he stands
without a peer. For first-class, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Trv him I
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.
00 worth ot lovely Music tor Forty
full size Sheet .Music of the
latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular
is" selections, tajth vocal and instrumental, J
- potten up in the most elepant manner, in-
s- eluding four iarRe slie Portraits.
- CARHItMCIT, M Spanish Danctr,
tZ PADEUfWSKI, the gnat Pianist,
suh)mah cunma. r3
aooasaa ail. osoa.a to
- Broadwsv Theatre Bldg.. New York Oty. -J ,
Notlrc Is hereby given, that on MnniUr th
4'h lisy of June. Is1, st Ihe iiaml t.lareof .
Iriff in the severs! preelricts of (.'Wrkftmftaeoiisv
tr, stslenf Oregon, an elert'on will be beld O.r
state, liatri..-t, county and prclnct ortirers,
Memlx r ol f'o.if res 1st district.
Kecrenry of Stale,
Mute Treasurer,
Stale Kiioerlntendentof Public Intrnetio,
Hme fruiter.
Attorney fieiwral,
One Juailee of the H'tpreme Conrt.
litrlet Attorney Fifth Judii-lal trlstriet,
One Wi-ml-r btnle Bosrd of Equalisation. ",tfl
One Joint Setiator, illstrirt Clackamaa iiJ
larl"U eoiinliea,
I me Senator.
Ihr- Mernlers of House of KeprrseuUlives,
C"iiniy Judge,
One County t'omratsslnner.
t'ouniT Clerk,
Cmnty bnperlnten.lent of Schools,
line Justice of the Peace for each magisterial
One Constant for each msrlaterfal district.
Which election will be held at H o'clock In the
mornine. snd will continue until 6 o'clock I
' the afternoon ol said day.
' lsied thi riil day of M
OEO. F. HOKTON. County Clerk.
V.ntn bllohrd 1S.
Transfer1 and Ep e$,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
If you are interestedjn
you ought to be a sub
scriber ot Pkinters' Ink:
a journal for advertisers.
Printers Inlc
is issued weekly and is
filled with contributions
and helpful suggestions
from the brightest minds
in the advertising busi
ness. Printers' Ink
costs only two dollars a
year. A sample copy will
be sent on receipt of five
to Spvuee St., - Haul York
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and sad
dle horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose stock.
' nil"'""1"" r?jariiiiii any kiiiu or
j gt.ij promptly attended to by person ol
horses Bought and Sold.
Sunday Services.
ST. PATL'S CU! KDH-r.oiseooal-Kev. .A.
; Eck storm Pastor. Services at Uo'clork sm.aiid
j 7:30 p. m. Praver Mrvlcs) ivery WetluesiUY
I evenlug.
Pastor mipplteil. Sorvires at 11 A. at. and
1 7 .80 r. M. Hunilay School after morniuir
servlre. Player meetina; Wednestlay eveoini at
7:30o,clwk. Prayer lneetim of Youn PeopTi ,
Society of Christian Endeavor every Sunday
svemug at 6:3C prempt.
Pakkkr Pastor Morning Service at tl:Suuilny
School at l'M5; Eveulug Service 6:M; Rcgutiir
prayer meeting Weiluekitay evening. Monthly
Covenant Meeting every Wednesday eveuiiitf
preceding the first Sunday tu the mouth. A
coruial invitation to ail.
Hlu.tBKAM). Pas'.or. On Sunday mass at 8 ami
10:30 a. M. Every second and fourth SiiLitay
Oermau sermou after the Ii o'clock mass
; At all other inaases kugnsn sermons. rjunilRT
i School at 2:;tU r. M. Vesiiers, apologetit'iu
situjvcis. ana tieneaiciioD at i mt.u.
0. Sykks, Pastor. Morning service at II:
Sunday School at 10:011. CWss meeting after
morning service. Evening service at 7:tt(lL
Epworth League meeting Sunday evening at
6:30; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 6:30.
strangers cordially invited.
W. Oiboney. Pastor. Services at 11 a. M. and
7:30 r. M. Sabbath School at 10 A. kt. Youiig
People's Society of Christian Endeavor nice is
every Sunday evening at 6:S0. Wednesday
evening prayer meeting at 7 :30. Seats free.
Ernst, Pastor. Preaching services every
Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:80 P. il.
Sabbath school every Sunday at 10 A.M. (Rev.
P. Holt. Supt.) Weekly Prayer Meeting
every Wednesday evening
ing every Sunday, except third Suuilay of ecrt
t u:uu a. m. ano 7.su p m h
Pastor Sunday school at 10 a, 1.
St'Krns, Superintendent.
Prayer meeting ttj
Wednesday eve uiug.
I 1