Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1894)
Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, MAY 31. lS'H. OKKUOK CITY OFF1CKK9. M ivor, - - ll'rura straight kwWiler, U. L. Porter Creel of Police . CkM. Nolilltl iiir, K S Califf lmuinrer. R. U llnlmitu Tily Mlnrncy. - K. F. Vriftt 8ol CommUnloner, I!. lUN'eok, Jr. 8:ipf .of Water Work, W. II. Howell fljj Riinlnw, - D. Ktnniilnt Couucilmrn-O. O. Albright, Jr.. II. U Kelly, C, K. Oreenmnn. J J. Cooke, B F. Jer, II, C. Mrvnia, 0o, HrotiRhlon, M. Howell council meet drat VVh1ih-(mUj oteach momh In ill bll. KOSWELL G. HOUR WILL SPE.1K AT ORE(W. CIT1WKXT S.iTCJtD.IV ATr.W.Vf. Logl Advertising. Hereafter no leal advertisement will be inserted in the Entkkihisk unless payment for the same is made at the time the aflidavit of publication is ren dered. This rule will be imierative and dead-beat litigants, who make it a prac tice of working the courts, lawyers and newspapers will have to look to some The iiAine of KoMweim. Horrid known throughout the land and he is every where recognised a an ahle writer on tlnance and laritf. He ia one of the moat logical ami convineinir speakers that we have in this country and it la with pleasure that we announce that the com mittee has secured him to deliver an address upon the political issue of the iIhv at thia place on Saturday evening, Slav 12th. No voter can afford to mii hcari'iiir Mr. Horr on that occasion. His speech will not le pleasing hut it will be exceed ingly interesting anil replete in infor nia'ion. The land" and finance are the two great questions confronting the voters toiluy and no one should nuns hearing this speed;. A general invitation is ex tended to everybody to com. The band will furnish fine music, the Multorpor flambeau club in uniform w ill escort the other iNiix'r torn t their notices published. I speaker to the hall and numerous neigh During cmios win anoint, l ou come totj. Company A of the lova brigade of the Hiiplixt church was out parading the street tail Sunday evening Morw (he eveninit meeting for Isiy. It will be oul again the coming Sunday eveuiiiK prior to a meeting tor men. On Saturday of next week this company w ill give a pic nic online to the oilier companies, It of the Presbyterian church and C of the Congregational church at Uladstone park when a plcasitnt time is expected. Last Tuesday Constable K. T. Fields went up to Wilsonvillo und arrested Al. Names Umu a complaint issued by Mrs Kpler chaigtng him with hurglaiv from a building. He wss hrouuht before Judge Fonts Wednenhiv and the trial set for Thursday evening at ":!I0. He Is charged with steuling a harness'and sev eral other things. K'll.HAV t'OMI'A Y WINS. City in. Hie lat Side Hallway He. elded by Judge Mcllrhlt'. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. , Prices the lowest Red Front Stores. Cocoa-Coffee E. K. Williams, the grocer. Miss June and Master Kay, the club fwinrs wi'l surprise yon. inquire what Cocoa-Coffee is. tir-inl Ann; OMcerw. The state encampment of the (irand Army and kindred organization at Koechurg this week is proving a decided success. Dllicers were elected on Wednesday as lollows: (IKAXD ARMY OKFK'KHS. ! lapniin nmsiey, department eoni !msnder;J ti. Hoed, senior vice-corn- Call on E. E. Williams, the grocer and wander; .Myers, of The Italics, vice-coin- ; msmlcr, ami IT. H. r. Ilaiimicl, of Kon i hurg, medical director: chaplain, (i. W. Only 2oo. per pound csn for Cedar j (irannis, of Salem ; i-ouncilman of admin Ctmphor. Soldbv all druggists, i istrstion, H. C. Allen and Kiij-ene Cla.k, " n( Cortland : S. W Taylor, of Eugene: M. Horford of Caiihy was busy On the ' ( A Harding, of Oregon City, and IV streets a few hours the first of the week. ! c- ,nnan, of Salem ; delegates to the I iitttmnai encampment, J. . Maxwell, First clast loans placed without delay at usual W. H. Bl'KUIIARDT. itarnieiatt-r & Andresen keep all kinds il strings for the violin, guitar, banjo, mandolin, etc. 4t Stfydtiun's Soothing Powders pre serve a healthy state of the constitution il iring the eriod of teething. little Kay Williams ami June Char tu.m wili perform an Indian club "duet" ' Mrs. Gray's entertainment on Friday tVfllUlg. ! County warrants Mini cily warrants on the general fund will be taken at par at the Store of Glass & Smith, in exchange or goods. , tf T. 8. Kelly in:ends lo start lor Coni e'.ock, Oiexon. Monday to keep hooks for the saw mill of avis & Ambler at that place Burmeister & Andresen have taken the agency for the sweet toned Kimball Soi l at prices never before given in Oregon Ciiy. 4t This ia the time to set out your bulbs and plants for summer and fall blooming I (To city and C. A. Stephena of l'lJas- ana me best piuce to gel ttiem is at the 'ant Home Clackamas greenhoiiHe, Park Place, Jos, Collin's propiietor. of Tillamook ; J. A. Sladen, of Portland, andJ.T. ApiH'rson of Oregon Citv: al ternates, J S. Smith of Ashland, H. I!. Compson.if Klamath Falls, and It. F. Al ley, of Florence. Oregon Citv was, by a dei idiil vote, c'losen as the place for our next annual I encampment of the Grand Army. j THE I.ADIKS' RKI.IFK COHI'S. I The officers elected by the Ladies' He- net Corps are: Mrs. Nettie Vngerman, president; senior vice-president, Sirs. Jennie S'an ton; junior vice-president Mrs. Allen Mcl'herson; chaplain, Mrs Julia A. I.awton ; lr adorer. Sirs. TallniHe ; exec utive (ward, Sirs. Blunt-he Patterson, SIis. Sarsh Adiiir, Mis. Liixie Smith, .Mrs. Slaigaret Pilsburr and Sirs. Clara Fuller ton ; deletiates-at-Urve of the na tional commit'ee, Sirs. Ada Bulterfield ; delegates for the state, Mrs. Bertie XI. Smith; alternate-at-large to the relief committee. Sirs. Isabel Horner. THE SOXS OF VETERANS. The officers elw-ted were: Com mander, W. H. Bloss, of Corvallis; rrmur viceH-oniiuanoer, n. y.. urown, oi , r(jn j,,,,,, omrui; junior vice-commanuer, j. i-. a; drich, of Silvertou ; division counsel, W. E. Johnson, of Oregon Citv, H. L. Wells, of Portland, M. Hemphill, of Cor vallis; delegates to the national encamp men:, W. S Bt-elie and H. L Wells, of Portlsnd; alternates.!.!. A. Herman, of Caleb Pavis of Corvullis was in the city Wednesday' visiting his daughter, .Mrs. II. S Strange, being on his way to New Yoik us a delegate from the Wil lametto Presbytery of the national general assembly. Sliss Bertha Davis came down with her Uther and n ill re main here for several weeks. J. F. Watson of IbeO. I. & S. Co. of Oswego, wss up from the iron ton on Slonday paying (li.oStt into the county treasury for taxes. He s.iys Ihnt llieie ia nothing doing at the works as the lessees are waiting for times to pick up and lo see what will be done with the in rill. In this issue sptx-ars the announce ment of T. W. Fouls fur ius' ice of the peace of the Oregon Cily district .Mr. Fonts has served fur the last four years as justice and has proven an efficient oi ticer. He consented lo become a candi date only upon the urgent reipiest of many citizens. I. W. Howard, one ol the largest berry and fruit growers in the county was down from Canhy the first ol the week. llereHjrts strawberries injured slightly by froets, but thinks that grow ers will have all that they can sell. Peaches are no where but other fruits he thinks will l a line crop. 0wego turned out en masse lo hear, the Hon. Thos. H. Tongue. Standing mom was at a premium. The speech was a master effort and great enthuni.ism The suit uf Oregon City vs. The Fust Side BuiUiiy coin puny which has passed through the cily, county and circuit courts was decided by Judge Slcllrlih lust Saturday morning at an adjourned session the decision lieiug In favor of the railway company. This suit was brought lo enforce the proisions of the oidinuncu passed by the city council reipilnng ths railway coinpuny lo pay an animal license fee of ;!(H) for the privilege of rum.lng a freight car over their trucks in Ihls city, as the company run Its cars after the ordi nance went Into effect the conductor, Joseph Fields was arrested In accoid uniewith the provisions ol the charter and tried hcfoie Becorder Porter who lined him. Fiom (his decision the com- ! pany took an appeal lo the counlv court j where it was argued and a decision rcn 'dered In favor of the company. This time the city apicalod lo I he circuit ! court and at the last term it was argued and submitted to the judge who passed iip in the ipicstions involved and while j holding thai the cily had the right to tux t thuraihoad c mi puny or lo stop them altogether from ocrati!ig a freight car, ! flreuil, llii'iul. Of all things the average housekeeper Is parllciilar about, it Is the ipiullty of bread for her table, Good home made bread Is not eipiulcd by the ordinary bakery and to meet thia reiiilreiuenl, Mr, J. Egle of the Shlvely hukery' bus put on the market his celebrated home made bread, This bread inude from the same kind of Hour that Is ground (or export and none of the processes are used in lis manufacture that, while glv ing the biuud a line appearance, ruin its quality. The uliiioM cleanliness Is ob served in all departments and the pa trons of the bakery are Invited to in sS'ct It ut any time, Ihnt they may see (or llieinselves how their bread is pre pared and handled. IMOlI.K 11111X114, AvMita nml l,tlr Ara your mm on Am yu kpnt l.r nil of tlm llurnar Ar r"U ol I Ik (not that etmiviiiml llrna liatr yuan llli oik iinoiinry anil nlUI ami iialdoii tlrasr Aro fun HHnrti nlao H,m lli liauililr" rl.imlmr llrts, nrv hinir mroli,.a si ml iihi I lit llm leuilliiy IttaHfirtnf Ilia wurlil f lia I In. iiiil.l,r" la llip 1 1 u I, . Ml, alr.n,t. .l, tal, .1 .ml liaiiiUiinir.l lnti)ilti maila II rill III Hull rislta. ounaarila al tuvwurM'a kamina Ida imi noiia iliat art mi llirr tiiai-lilna Inn tUn" anil vuu ara aonviiirao, T.l i i 1 r i Yi "-s'l"'!! I'1" !M J tin ellit-r tut mP" w "" could not collect under the ordinance. decided that II had not been leg illy ilmie ' I r-l- wl'h nllnpliar I r fr.un In i .... !HV "loll'il'ler 'rna.lalera. isM.i HI, ,lt l,l III this ca-e and I hat tliereloie the city , r.mili..r.. "M,r l r' t;t. .'.) i ? i,iuielal, SI-. (Kalii, h.l ' , a hi, Ji , ll-l Willi It liltf tllaieillil.l ( '.tliihi . lira ,tltl It was claioied by the company that '! "I r fi-.-e lor n, , .him.-. v M.u,t ;i. tlielolloW- Hualilnut ti iiixl . . ill. i Wilt. ....... Fin ii. I. Mi loin i. ( vi I. i n,, M.'T VV..alil i.Ii.ii atrvi l. I'm iiaiiil, Or. Wliuu-ai nml r.'iMll r -prfai uiaiitaa IIUl' till III .al. It will Ih to til" 111 llPMt of lllH tllX- puyiTH uf Cliickii initM t'oiiiily ti vole A. J. Washburn, Regular IVmotratic Nominui' for Tivasint'r. For District Attorney, E. F. Driggs, OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Regular IViikh ratic Numimy. T. W7Fout Indopondont Candidate tor jusuco. Fmirtli Mnu'islcriiil Dintrict om- lirniMiitf Oii'k'kii ('ity, (iiiiptiiith, Abcriiptliy, Ky uml Wi st Hiile. I. S. MILLER, MANUFAOTUHCN OP 13ro-ixx - Tilo. the ordiiiume was invalid !r the tollow- vi , ing reasons: i I. It violates the agreement of the: city that no tax should le iiiiMised for j 10 years. i. There is no power given in the charier to license a railway car. :i. Kvi-n if the citv has the right to license, fiiOO is a t xcessive amount and therefore void. 4. Providing the city has the ri.'lit lo license all wheeled vehicles and iiniawe u license on the compiny's freight car, It has not done so and the license is il legal because it is imposed Upon the business without respect to the numU-r of curs used. I' oon I he llrst of these ixiints the judge j holds that the fiauchise to (ciale af street railway applies only to passenger j ami not lo freight business, and that It I Uitaruatee imiila auo.1 li, Ptirtlapil See at the head of the im al column the toniltiions by w hlch you can get the F.vTkMi'Hisg at a reduced rate. BRICK AND LUMBER TILING Is of tlio N'st quiiliiy nml sul'l at pricpa to SUIT THE TIMES. Yard ninl mill four miles casl of llul'linnl, On giiti. PECIAL SALE. follows that the company was never, s j, ,; t) , , ... . ... !-..!.!. . 1 ' prevailed. Oswego is getting ready to cast a nigger repuhlican vote in June mllH ,,e right lo operate freight car than they did at the primaries. land that no agreement ha ever been Il has been deemed bent to use a dress- entered into hv the citv not to license ing of washed gravel on lower Slain street the mm pany ' car, and the contractors began getting a sup j Itelative to the sgumenl that the srti- jp:y Irom Moore s island on Scows It is.fiesoi incorioiaiion ueg nun ineiniu- lo the sand bank and then 'V intetp's to operate freight curs and S UJ? Children's and Youth's Suits Wo are goiiitf to sell our Hlm-k of cliiMreiiV cltitliing ut iriieH that etiiiiii't I' I it j i 1 Umi t t-s 1 in this city or I'nrtliunl. Suits, 11 to 1" yp.irs Itculiir Suits, .r to I I years, Ilcijiiliir Suits, (J to 10 years Ui'Kiilitr Suits, 5 to 13 years, Kcgulur Suits, 7 to 12 years, Iteular Suits, 0 to II years Uiulnr . . ICKular $7 .V) for H l (1 M fur ft 00 for 1 oO for -I 00 for a 50 for i m for IK) (XI '.'." 7." m hauled from there to the street. Armstrong's llody Fonnd.' Word has reached here frwn Salem .Kruest Mathiss who opened up the brewery Isi-er hall the llrst of the month for the sale of beer in quantities of one quart or more reports trade very gxl . Farmers lind his hall a pleasant place to lunch. Jas. Nicholson ol Highland i iroui a two weca. b vittu iu laqiiiim There will lie a meeting of Willamette ,,"it ,he o( William Armstrong, the ! lhe ,iril ot the wet,k (i JZebekah lodge Friday, Slay 11th at 7:30 t the I. O. U. F. hall, at which time the by-lews will lie considered and adopted. Ity order of Noblk Ghand. Bewie II. Itcdloe, Burlington, Vt., had disease of the scalp,, causiug her hair te become very harsh and dry, and to fall bo fieely that he: scarcely dared -to comb it Ayer's Hair Vigor gave ber a healthy scalp, removed the dandruff, and wade the hair thick and glossy. Xnst received a fresh lot of genuine extra Urge, N rway bloater rn u keral. wluta ftsli anehoviaa in hulk Mil,.), no Overboard. ..errrng i, bulk and kegs, Marinerte her- i ?"tWZ?'j 'T. 7," I dial the right is therefore Included in the franchise, Lie opinion is that such right is neither granted mr implied. ' As the company bus never ls-en granted the right to opt rate freight cars on the street it i held Ihnt the com isinv's cars are there illegu'ly and that 'the cily bus the lower lo grant a fran- returned ..l,: I.,- l,ul iinnaaui ninin ani-h t.iritia '")' ih Ihev mav dictate or to stoi) lhe W. Parish: ., f,,.; .ri. The Itrow nsvillc grxxls are not iiu.luileil in these irivn. I : . w, wi ni.i. wi ins weva, . , at inn ' .w.mtiunu M.-COHI1 engineer oi ine mcanier r.iwoou, ,ti ."-"-"i ) who disappeared from the boat while on ,,u acconipmneu nun -tin remain i mo ; ,tKet,Hr. her up trip, about four weeks ago, was coast for some mouth. , lound luesdav morning at the saw- . jn(1 WHP (oiiimisioners have inal mill boom, at Mission landing, -everal ! -. trues had all arrangeineti's lo 1,,) the contracl for a lot ol new cat miles north of that city. A the steamer j move from Slolalla down lo Kly the last iron pipe with '.he (. 1. 8. Co., to be El wood was passing on her up trip the of th week uhen anew duiudiier iHirn used in extemlinr and improving the captain was notified of the discovery of L trlUv f, ,,, ws'er system. The price paid Is :'H.Sft A REDUCTION OF 10 PER CENT Will he Hindu in all lines of- BROWNSVILLE GOODS. GLASS & SMYTH. the body. A slop was made, and the first engineer went ashore and identified the boil). When found, the gold watch of the unfortunate man was hanging by a chain attached to his vest. Two large scars were fonnd upon his head, show irg that he must have been struck by the wheel while oiling the crankshaft. The bodv was discovered about 18 miles below w here it was supped that il fell His lather who has been on Saturday present. speak on Saturday night at Miiveley's. ring. Also, a full assortment of canned fob both domestic and imported. Mail us your orders. We deliver goods free to boat and car landings. F. Dkksseh a Co., 520. Washington street. Have you seen the latest? The place to find it is at the niamoth store of Char- nan Afion where they have just received a fine block of the latest novelties in dreec ,.l.l l i.: i i .. -.t . i win iiuiuc tu vuiuui un couinv 11 wuuni r. OKC".er m. a iui. .me o, me ia- n,)t nwwwy (or , to a;y m my loveiues in iiircuiirigK, inciuuing theoelcbrated Hercules braid. Tbe but tons to match are something new and unique which vou should not miss seeing. body was in a fair state of preservation and that the funeral would he on Friday at the family burial ground east of Silver ton . Sir. Spencer Corrected To the KhiTOK : Word has come to niethat li. J.. fepencer announced to aldidiite for n I i M o i .1 V o V 8 " town Tuesdav and Wednesduy. on asf Mnmlav Avenint lliur I a-ai nnu 3 of the hist convert to populism. In my 'ier ton which is seven dollars less than ' the city of Portland pay for that used in 1 .ft. I TI Ill I t I... If TI. ..est political secti of the season IXZightS hh h wd, Ued l will that of the Hon. Riwwell O. Horr Hvin? IM11jn ( ,ie punin, and thn-e-of the New York Tribune, who will (iliarlers of a mile of six-inch which will i m used in extending the line toward ' l-v Th tieu iiliiiit, la wnrlcinif tn tin Miss Lizzie Williams, of Woodbridge, entire satisfaction of the commission, Culifomia, and Mis Ciussie Folgor. of i who cotitetn"laie pmting in a small res- 8t(x:kton, are yisiling Miss Williams's,"" ""'"'"""" sister, Sirs. T. H. Fuller of this city. j A most enjoyable time was had by the , - 7 rrr , . , . ' members of the I. O. O.K. in this city W ilbert Davidson, an oldtime friend of Kri.ttty evering last, when a hslge of K. U. Farnswoith, who is out from Ohio Hela-kuh's was organized here wil h eighty doing tbe coast, was visiting in town member. The ollicers are, Mr. SI Kf.,l SI. Channan, noble grand ; Mr. C, O. Won,"iV- ,T. William, vice grand; Mrs. F. U. Gooru-e J. Currin. lhe democratic can- tharman, secretary ; M iss S I,. rUevens, county commissioner, was in ESTABLISHED 1883. TENTH YEAR 1893. Last Friday the case of the State vs. Lewis iJavis in which defendant was charged ith assaulting Henry Gilhau een was tried before Judge Fonts. After being out a few minutes the jury re turned a verdict finding him guilty of ; (Ji.htonk a-sanlt and battery and he was fined $:'.) and costs. As be could not pay the line and in consideration of bis youth thecourt suspended sentence indefinitely. a falsehood. .My repuhlinaiiisin is of too long a grow th and burned into me too deep lo be so easily uprooted and for gotten. Koine immature bov mijlit be I influenced by the persistence of Brother Kjiencer. but to me tbe old path marked out by Lincoln and Grant and crimsoned and made glorious by the blood of thous- I ands of soldier boys is a surer and better I way. Commend me lo the old ways ; eternal tru:h changes not. Nathan TlNfil.n. May 8, !S!4. Several cases have been tried during the past week before Judge Fouts which were brought by employes of Mr. Henry Melcher of Stafford against her for wages due them. The complainants 'We B. C. Trager, H. Witmer, Geo. Walker and Albert Hawklnson respect ively. The first case was contested be fore a jury and a verdict found for the jJaintifl. The others were permitted to go by default. Tbe Cram Brothers, who are practical candy makes announce that they are now prepared to serve their customers wilh any thing needed in the line of sweetmeats, as they have just opened up neat confectionery, ice cream and oys ter parlor next door south of the I. 0. O. F. building. Tbey will make their own candies and have their parlors very neatlv furnished with the best of furni- land Monday to ture. Don't fail to visit them. ' the street work, Political Pointers. Political shaking under the auspices of the several clubs will be held as follows: Highland Friday May 14, at 7:30, H. H. Strange. Elliott Prairie Slonday May 14, 1 : P. SI. P.rownell and Hayes. Milwaukee Friday Slay 11, 7:30. Candidates. Clackamas Friday Slay 11, 1:30, Candidates. Eagle Creek Saturday May 12, 1 ;30, Hon. Henry McGinn. Sandy Saturday May 12 7 :30 Hon. H. E. McGinn. Marquuin May 15. 1 :30 Brownell and Hayes. Last Sunday the house of E. Mereese on Madison street was entered in the ab sence of the family by a burglar, but he seems to have been frightened away be fore securing any booty, for upon the return of the family nothing was discov ered missing. F. T. Ilanishaw came up from Tort- Sirs. T. A. SIcBride of this citv, is lnding a few days with relatives and friends in Columbia county. L. B. Moore was stepping higher than usual on Sunduv on account of the new girl at his home. Our old-time friend, C. W. Arm strong of Canhy spent Thursday in the city. W. C, Ward, the Viola merchant, was doing the city on Tuesday on business. W. W. Porter has moved from tow n to a ranch in Sit. Pieasant. Board of trade next Monday night. Don't forget it. treasurer; T. F Kyaii, It. S, N. (J., and Mrs. (!. N. Grecmiian. I. H. N. G. Over 150 were pteseht from Portland lo assist tc in me cereuiomes. rtiier me msiiiunoi installation and initiation a sumptuous banquet was served und then those who wished repaired to the armory for a so cial und dunce and a gloiious time was much eni,,ved The stute convention of the ChrisiiHii Endeavor x:ietie i in session at Cor vallis. Those attending from here are, Slisses F. C. Andrews, Slintue Berry, Fannie Mandeville and Henrv Andrews of the Congregational church ; Sliss Nan n ie Wilkinson of the Congregational Jun ior Endeavor; Sliss Slatlie Grey of the Baptist Endeavor; J. II. Black and It Pritchardof the Presbyterian Endeavor, Thev went up on the Ellwood on Tues dav. Something Newt Cocoa-Collee lhe great food drink. Call on E. E. Williams, the grocer, Fri day and Saturday and try a cup. Conni-ColTce Is absolutely harmless ami is an elegant drink. Call and try a cup tomorrow. E. E. Williams, the Grocer. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. assist in looking after 3" rift Bakin Powden Tbe only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. 500,000 TREES Oswego flijr$eri8 Oiler f"r the coming season one of the largest and most comk-to utock of trees to lo found in the Northwest, consisting of the, following: 100,000 apple all tlio lending vurictics. l.r)it,0O0 prune With Itiiliuti mid IVtet in tf ieiul. 7.r),(Hi(i Penr Bnrtlct and many others. 40,000 cherry best sweet and sour kinds. 21,000 peach Karly Crawford ami many others. 2r,fMXJ plum all of the hest. 5,000 Japan plum both old and new sortH. 10,(XK) aprciot best kinds for thin climate. Also small fruit, grape vines, hIiikIc, nut ami evergreen triM-s, roses Send for new descriptive oiitalogui' now ready. Address WALLING & JARISCH, Oswego, Oregon. ADULTERATION Is carried out to a degree never before known in all kinds of products in order that they may be sold GROCERIES CHEAP. Have not escaped the per nicious effects of this latest scheme to catch the frugal buyer. MARR & ROBERTSON. - Make a specialty of carrvintr Only First Class Family Groceries of whose purity and quality there is no doubt. The are not undersold by any other grocery in town.