Oregon City tntcrprisc. KKIDAV, MAY 4, 1HIM, tWlhn war lo bullil up On-iron fjljr la lo flri Orrituu (lly iwli your pniruiiuirr, I OJtEGON CITY DADS. CIncknmns Co. Directory. CUUNTV OKKIt'KllH, ft Jill KJIars nl Courts, HlmrllT, kiMNiritir, Yri.aiiriir, Asaasaor, HnliiMii MiimrliilUitiim, uinmyor. Dorouar, Cnmnilil.iiiin, J, J. W Mnl'trutn iii. K, Iliirlnii C, W. limning a, si Knmahy J, (J Wl'llll-ridl J. (!. Hrailln II. H. UII....H Hl.lni.jf Hmirih H. I.. lfl!MIll Kli'lmrii Hri.it uriiMllua II. Ir (tegular May Term Held iiewliiy livcnliitf. Wed. To Meet (lit 11 Tim miliHi rlilli)ii price fur tlio Kntkii tiiihk Iihn Ihmiii ri-dmcd lo fl.no (Kir ymir; 76iH'iilM fur tilx iiioiiIiin, Caali in ail vaiuti. HuWrllmra paying at tlio entl of tlm yuar will not bo enlltlril to tliia re i m l Ion. Tin) low prli a in inn. In to K't tlio lint on ii mull Iiiuih mnl lnilum nil milmerlln'ra to fiiy up, ami iiccUlly to prevunt tli'ttil Iii'uIh from lakintf tlm Vx r Mini nut inyliiK for it dy rruauii of tlii'ir ImiIhk law rHif. ilnrii print will only I'oiiiiiii'iirH wltli ilntnof ri'iicwul, I'lila make tlm KNrKkieu it Dm clieaie t Mtr in Clatkitinua county ululil imuoa ull lioiiiu prim ami full of live local nw CHAT ABOUT TOWN. I'wi Ccilur Cmiiilior for iiioIIih. ChmIi puid for o.its, TimvkhA Al.i'KM. lloiiiu iiiwlii liri'U'l from tlio la-at flour in tlm nmiknt lit llio Kliivoly llakery. Watihi-s, cliN'ki mill jnwrlry rrpalrvil t IliiriiinlHiiir A Ainlri'i'irii. All work warraiitml. -It lti'ail tin i-ampal:'l ollor, lln'ii mimhI In your 2.1 nuiiii for tlio Kntkiicmimk from now till f(lr cli'rilun. I'ultyjnlm'a ISti-aklaal (iciu liua no iial. Cook tlioroiitilily in a few mm ula. K. K. Wii.i.iamii, tlio (irmpr. Coilnr Camphor for moths at S.'iu. per foiitnl ran In fifur tiimta cliir ml tx-t -tor tli mi mmplior nl I.auoliavia Ihuf i'o., 1'ortliiiiil. IVraoni wUlilim fine work in photo! portrait or vlowi, lniiriora unit citpriora , hi oath A l.lvclr Tilt lli'lwoi n the Council himI (lly Altonir-r-IIIIU Allowi-d-Ollipr llimlncwi. Tlio ri'Kiilnr A)ny niKi'tinuof tlm council wim cuIImiI lo orilor by Mayor Htruljlit ami all coiinllmim ami ollli'ura foiiuii U lo pntnt. Tlio application of M. If. 1'lannuaii for continuance of lila Honor licence Itrantml. Aillcntion of C. ll,( inill"M for fu- fuiiii of ;.'", tlm amiiiiiit pul l for ci'ino tury lot, urantiul for tlio tlio roumiii that ImrliiU liuvo iH-cri allowiil hIiico tlio mlu of Muiil lot to him for Mr Kuntlnim, Coiiiinutiicaii'jn from A C lilt' J. Iiorumimetal rcliitivo to cowa runiiliiu at luruii ami iliiiiorallr.in)( fciinlfim, n forri'iilmck to tlm aulliorM with Hie in formation that If I liny will Hwcur out coiupliilntH aiiuiimt tlio partii'ii permit- tliiM lliior cow a to run, that the matter will ho alU'tiilcil to. Petition rowl from many clii.i!.ia ak- inu that the aalaiy of Iho poln e do In- crcaxcil no a to mulntulii cllii lent police Iho NUtntfl Imwn alrcmly cover the (found ami that It waa iimiiiroHHary and imoracti cahlo Um miihh it could not ho loifon i-il und ri'coiMiiinii(.'il tiiat it lie laid on the tllhlrl, Wllil'll wiin iloiio, Onliii.iiM c iiitruiliii'i.il fixing the H.ilnry of city licapincr at f IIX) MTBiilinm and piTiiutliiiK an Iiiciimimi of nalnrv ty roH- olutiou to a auin not cxri-vdiiiK 'M) per annum rwornul to tho linunie com. lull tut.. Ili'COfili-r liiHtriicli'il to puhliiili nolico in the paporN of the clly calling for the IihIiiiii h of the Main atroot aNCniimiit. Coiiiii'ilmi-n Kti'Vi'iia. Kelly, Alhriuht and lirotixhto'i voted aye and Jukk'T, (ireeiiman and Howell no. The recoi der waa Iriotructod to make out ftlutemcnta relative to all paymontN I lllilllll mi M..fn ttliil liflli illr..il filflilM The ;oiiri'il then proi-eeded to elect tho atai.iliiiK coiuiiiitleeM in ai'cordunre Willi tho proviaioiiN of recent reaolutiuni kn followa : ! limin e KmIIv, Htevcna and Alhnuht, Klreet and I'lihliu rroarty toveni, IlroiiKlilon and lireeninan. Kiroaml Water Alhriht, Cook and ileiilili and Police ireenman, I low oil and Kelly. At ID o'clock the council went into committee of tho wholo with Council man Kelly in the chair to comiider the proportion of II. W. (ioodiu Ix'half of tlio rorlluiKl lieneral r.lcctrlc company to fiirnikh IikIiIii for the city at Portland WIIOLI5SALK GROWERS AND DEALERS. Cannot be Under-wold. Immense Stock! wrvlce on the aiieel during the iUv, ! !'; Alter duo comndimition the read and on liiollou of Cooke, Iho com milli-o on health and police wun imiiruc ted to draw up an nnliiiiiiice ciiiIxmIvii tlio provimoiiN of tho M-tillon. Ill II nf Wvclillo, the coutructor for tho lower Main Mrcct tri-rillo lor 11:10 Ml, helnK amemlixt u0. Kd by ) Kiiinaiid fur .'io 4H, and a wnrrant iihiii the Main alreut fund ordo'vd drawn for that amount. Cily Atlorney K. ('. Irim roMirtl that Iho c of Mn. WiiiHolt aKuinxt the city for foOtio dumuKeii on account of tho death of her hunhund, hud been dlnmiiucd, and that tho rae of tho ,-ily on apix-ul fiom the county court relative to tho licciiKK fee for Htn-ct luilwaya ha I laien ariueil anil MiiliinilleiC Hint wmil.l I hi deciileil in a dny or two. Kejutive to Iho order of tho council direciinK him aa cily attorney to turn over all inoneva collected br him, and proKett hia hill 1 j for Mrvicea rendered, tho city attorney clalmeil that In not pnyitiK over tlinl money to tho treamirer he had acted aa i In cualomary anil in accordanco with tho law, thoimh ai lie admitted in opponi tioii to tho proviidona of the charier. Councilman Kelly claimed that the city attorney waa actiiiK aa cily attorney under Iho charter which ho had taken an owtn to uphold and that he had thereforo no ritiht to violate liolli tho charter and comuilllco reiiorteil inlavor M acceptmir the propoxition and I lie council adoiited thori'iiorl Thia will yii the city il arc li'iilN at (tl per iiionth iiiNiead of flu aa heretolore and ita incandeaeenta at f I. OH innU-ad of M. 1 hero are now in uno about 10 aic and 'M incandeaceiit liK'ila. The council then adjourned. ( Hill I f ( Ol'KT IMtOI DKDIX.i. old Sole Crowors of the Now PACIFIC r5sr0-- PRUNE, I'.arlicat, Mont Prolific and licut drying prune grown. Send for Catalogue Mount Tabor, Oreson. Write Uwt RpiTr- SWETLAND'S RANDIES, You Have Heard of Them. Uncle Bam Will Deliver Them Anywhere. Morrinon Ft. Belween H & 3d, PortlM TRKE HOME 7 BOX. will aave money by koIiik to Potter'a photo pailora, :! Klral atrwit, Portland, tf iluckiiixhain'a f-vo for the Whlakera can be applied when at home, and In uni formly aucceaafu! In coloring a brown or black. Hence ila great popularity. Largo ahM'k of clx.'ka jtiat received at Iluriiieintcr A Androaen'a. Oriiainenlal and uwftil, eintirai'liiK all the latent do alna from the fluent nynx to nickel. Wyandotto and Urown and White LcKhorn eiiiti at 1 per Netting for aalo at the Steele place, alioiit four mllea ImiIow OroKon City, on thin aide ol tho river. JUI. Oi.im. There will be preaching at the little church at Kly, Orogon, on tho aocond Hunday In May at 11 A. M. and 5 P. M. by 1.. F. Klephena of tho Cbrlatian church, All are Invited. Hon. (iordon K. Ilayei and republican nominee for county judge and (ieo. Itiiicaraon, nominee for repreaentutive -will addreaa the people ol Tualatin precinct at the urange hall on Monday evening, May 7th. The old veteran, Captain Rumly, bun Ma new hunt liotiae all lilted up In run lug order and la now prepared to furninh at all timea tlio fluent lino of pleanure boat lo bo found In tho litnte. Prh en roaaonahlo and the bent of treatment ac corded nil patrona. Foot of lltll atroet. The man w ho called narnuparilla a fraud, bad goml reiiaon ; for ho got hold of a worlblenn mixture at "reduced ratea." He chu'wil hia opinion, however, when he begun to take Ayer'n SaiHaparilla. It paya to bo caielul, when buying niedi cino. Tho Coiigregutioiml hidiea who bad the management of the concert on A prll ntli, winh to thank all who no kindly nniHted in tl.e program. Hy their nblo cll'ort tho concert wan a aplondid aticccna in eiitertainmont, and a gonoroua public made It a financial auccena for which we aro deeply grateful. Progrenno Itulio Americano, New York City, Htutea that it ii ploiiaod to hear of tho appreciation of Signnr Ferrari's tuluut in IVnver Colo. The gcntlomen bus won luurola w ith hia lyric art In Now York na well n in San Francinco, Milan, Italy, and wherever ho ban been, not only for hia talent, but alno on account of hia gonial and ciurtooiiN dlnpoaition. It will cum you if taken in time and putt) frenh energy into the HVHtem by making new, rich blood. The Oregon Illood Piirillor bin no eipial aa a prevent ative of any diaoHHe that in caiiHod by impurities of the blood. It will purify tho blood, roatore the bowels to their natural function and bring buck the life current to its normal condition. Iio wnru of Imitations. Sold everywhere. Now mlllinoiy, fancy straw sailors, '20 centa, children's trinirr.od sailors, 20 cents The "Daisy Roll" now the rage in Now York, in plain and fancy straw 75, this is a low crown sailor with short brim in buck. I.ace bats biinilHomelv trimmed $5 and fit. Hibbons, luces, flowers and trimmings at unequalled prices. Insect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Mourning huts, bonnets and veils a speciulty. The Nonpareil, 3H1 Morrison street, Muruuum block, Portland. 1 lie recorder reported lor April one cane for iliaonlxily conduct in hia comt for which a fee ol (ft Waa nioned and not collected. City engineer D. W. Kinnaird reKrted the amount duo Hnmnhaw Si Helun aa I'.IIL'l.H, and a warrant for the amount waa ordered drawn on tlm Main street fund for the amount. Aa there waa no money initio fund and the city would have to otand any loaa auniained on account of diecount of warrants, and the contractora bad slguiflml their willing nenn lo accopt general warratila at par for the amount. The rocoriltir waa autliorl.ed to redeem tho Main street warrant with fnce value genorul war want in luvor of lliimnhaw A ltehm. The following hilU were re id and re ferred to the linance commiltco, which reMjrted favorably and they wore al lowed : J WO'Connell f 2 00 M.Porter 75 00 Port. (ien. Klec. Co ('baa. K Hurna K I. Shaw jein: shuw Chun Uuln'ock A W Sch wan 1) W Kinnaird, Main St. fund. CIikn Welch, " " " . l'po A Co, Ni-werfund licllomv A IliiMch Tho lant of a slow Utiii of court w as flninhed on Wednenday when Judge MtHrnle adjourned court till next Sat urday morning when it in understood that he will bund down such decisions aa have In en taken under advisement, among them being the street railway iicrnne caae. The jury was discharged on Sunday Immediately after it Uad re turned tho verdict in the (ironhong suit in which cane they were out from 10 o'clock at night tills the following after noon. Jurors Kchulpius, Itinley, lioylan and Walker were reluined for the June term to draw to if required. The follow ing business was Irunsucted since last week : II. K. Cross vs. Clackamas Alliance No. 85. Default in the sum of $:i78.17 and execution. J. P. Log". u Insolvent di.vtor, hav ing paid over 60 cents on the dollar was released and tho ansignee discharged. Jas. Humphiey vs. J. J. Fowler etal. Sale confirmed. Stale vs. Edward Boylcs. Proceed ings dismiased. Luella MvFarland vs. Jno. I. aland. Dismisned and coats taxed to plaintiff. F.llie vs. K. L. Jonea. lieferrod to Chan. liunyon to take testimony. Oak (irove Imp. Co vs. C. B. Brn mell. Iteferred lo C. II. Sholea by stip ulation to take testimony and icport. J. bridges vt. II. Arudt, Default eniered. IViiinn Sullivan vs. D. M. Tracey. Dis missed. W. J. Tavlor vs. M. J. Rroderiek. Suit pnixned. Defendant to pay costs, I). Soils Cohen et al. vs. II. F. Oisen et al. Judgment rendered by default for $1112.47 and costs. State vs. Wm. Wallens. Indicted for 74 '.'5 practicing ilvntinlry w ithout certificate. Connmied tor term. John Lund vs. William Neeves et al Suit to quiet title. Verdict for plaintiff. J. B. Bridges vs. II.Arndt. Judgment for -.'M 75. State vs. George Oorshong. Found guilty of assault only and fined $75. II, C. Stevens vs. II. M. Foote etal. 174 45 5 0.1 0 00 2 00 8il 35 1 711 62 50 l;l 50 Orrgeii's Big t'lierrlra. Under the bead ol ' Promising New Fruiis."in the reort ef Hon. J. M. Busk, Secretary of Agriculture, for 1802, appears a description of the Bing cherry, originated hy Seth Lewelling, of Milwau- kee, accompanied by a verey baudnome colored flute which does full justice to this cherry in eviy respect except as to mte. The description eavs that the Bing is the largest cherry ever received at thut office. In quality it is classed as very good, and is also pronounced an ex cellent shipper; season, first half of July in Oregon. For comparison with the Bing an illustration is given on the same page of the Napoleon, a popular old va riety of European origin, w idely grown in Culilorniaand Oregon under the name of "Iioyal Ann." This is a fine picture of the Koyal Ann, but in size not equal to muny cherries of that kind seen here. In the same article appear descriptions of the "Matilda," "Quaker," "Vesta," seedling cherries, originated by C. E. Hoskius, of Newbeg. Oregon is likely to inuintuin its supremacy over all other states in tho matter of big and fine cherries. ) i him. Councilman Slovens moved lo amend hy requiring him to pay interest upon money thus withhold. Several speeches were made upon this question bv the city attornev, members of tho council and the mayor, in tho course of which Mr. Driggs proposed tociedit the citv the amount cluimud to be duo the cily. The original motion was with drawn and Councilman Stevens moved to accept this deduction, and allow $.'0, as tho cily attorney's fee in tho East Side Huilwuy enso instead of $150 as claimed. Upon this motion Councilman Howell voted no, all others aye. The city attorncy'schiiiii of $75 in the Wineset cuso waa reduced to $50. Kolativo to the cases in the mayor's court against Armstrong and Pioston for gambling and the hill of tho city at torney for prosecuting the sumo it was ordered to defer action till tho cases had been reported bv the mayor. The bill of E. F. Driggs for $:tl for making colloo tionri of rnites was referred to the finance committeo. The report of U. L. Holrnun, cily treasurer wus reported unsutisfactory by tlio flnunciul uommitUe on account of its incompleteness, and it wus referred buck to the llnnnco committee for them to secure a satisfactory report. Tho committee on atreots ami public property reported relative to the over charge 'nuulo against W. K. Cooke in tlio Seventh street assessment thut they found thut ho bad been overcharged tho umuunt of $51 but that there waa due from him for interest on assessment for about two years the sum of $150 leav ing a balance due the city of $105 which the recorder was instructed to notify him to pay at once. Estimate, of T. M. Miller for repairing and painting roof of council building submitted and tlio committee on streets and public property was authorized to act in tho matter of having the whole building repaired and painted. Kolativo to the claim of K. Olusspool the committee on health and police re ported that the matter bud been amica bly adjusted by the contractors, Hum shaw & Bohin . The committee on health and police reported relative to the ordinance pre sented to the council some time since prohibiting the transaction of business within the city for profit on Sunday, that Total ...$5(i5 05 As to the hills of E. F. Driggs, as city attorney, the committee rtqiorted the same without recommendation. Kola tivo to this bill Councilman Brunghton moved that inasmuch as the cily attor ney is holding ba'k money which be loiiirs to the citv. thut bis hills he nut ... v. ...vii'ii. .a. ... . w.w v t nil paid till such a time as the city attorney j,,.!...,,.,.,, f... ir.ti -t ....i i... shall turn over the money collected bv , , oi sine. Mary E. Winston vs. L. J. Fletcher. Order ol foreclosure entered. Portland General Electric Co. vs. J. Y. Humphrey et. al. Injunction modi lied so as to permit defendants to fish in waters and to tie neis or bouts any whore Mow low water line. Daniel vs. Juliet Trullinger. .".uintiff allowed until June 11 to pay alimony of $100 heretofore ordered paid defendant. Pearl vs. U. T. Walts. Decree of di vorce entered. Opal vs. Cbas. Bitzer. Decree of di vorce entered. Virginia vs. C. E. Campbell, Decree of divorce iu fuvor of defendant. Court adjourned Wednesday until Sat urday morning. It read, Bread. Of all things the average housekeeper is particular about, it is the quality Oi bread for ber table. Good home made bread is not equaled by the ordinary bakery and to meet this requirement, Mr. II. Feight of the Shively bakery, has put on the market bis celebrated home made bread. This bread is made from the same kind of Hour that is ground for export and none of the processoa are used in ita manufacture that, while giv ing the bread a fine appearance, ruin its quality. The uiinobt cleanliness is ob served in all departments and the pa trons of the bakery are invited to in spect it at any time, that they may see for themselves how their bread is pre pared and handled. Eastern Mur fleeting. A regular meeting of Pioneer Chapter No. 28, O. E. S., will be held at Masonic hall next Tuesday, May 8th, at 7:30 P. M. Grand Master Patron N. B. Crane! is expected to be present. Special mett ing for drill Monday evening at 7:30. All officers are requested to be present at drill. Bv order of the W. M. Letter List. The following is the list of letters remain ing in the post ofllce at Oregon City, Oregon, May 4, WM: Epperson, Oeo K Gibson, G K Grose, Win II Junson, Herman Kcotler, Thos A McFadden, J W I.umlnnch, Gust Morgan, H J Hlineer, Aleck James, Miss Maggie Hamilton, Mrs Jessie Miler, Miss Frances Miller, Mrs Maud. If called for please state when advertised E. M. RANDS, P. M. The Chicago Tribune says of the Milan Opera Company. The charm in their performance will be found in their pres enting Italian Opera in true Italian stylo. The audience was enthusiastic in their appreciation of Signor G. Ferrari's bari tone, and Signer Lainbardi's tenor. Their magnificent voices and artistic ren dering of music wus beyond criticism.." Saturday! We will have strawberries, bananas, lettuce, radishes, new cabbage, green onions, asparagus, new potatoes, etc. E. E. Williams, the Grocer. Last week mention waa made of the fact that Davis A Ambler of Clackamas were going to Douglas county to run a saw mill. Since then C. P. Merrill lias arranged to go into business with them and will have cbai go of the machinery. The trade which Thos. Gunlt had made for a farm south of Molalla has fallen through and he will return to his old position as engineer in Broughton's saw mill. The last of the week M. L. Shaner was hurt by having bis hand severely cut with a lever which he wa using to stop the machinery at night iu the wood pulp mill whore he is foreman. Several stitches were necessary in dressing it, but ho is now back in the mill looking after the work though he is not yet able to use his hnnd. KrpnlilirNn Meetings. The following dales have been set for holding meetings in the various precincts of Clackamas county during the cam paign, and at which places the candidates on the republican ticket will address the voters on the questions of the day: Barlow, May 10th. 7:30 p. m. Clackamas, May 11th, 1 :30 p. m. Milwaukee, May 11th, 7:30 p. iu. Oswego, May 12th, 7:30 p. m. Needy, May 14th, 7:30 p. in. Maiquam, May 15th, 1 :30 p. in. Soda Springs, May 15th. 7:30 p. m. Upper Molalla, May 10th, 1:30 p.m. Lower Molalla, May 10th, 7:30 p. m. Milk Creek May 17th, 1 :30 p. m. Beaver Creek. May 17th 7:30p ni. lola, May 18th, 7 :30 p. m. Hardings, May 19th, 7:30 p. m. Damascus, May 21st, 2 :00 p. m. Sandy, May 21st, 7:30 p. m, Eagle Creek, May 22d. 7:30 p. m. Garfield, May 23d, 1:30 p. m. Springwater, May 23d, 7 :30 p. m. Highland, May 24th 7:30 p. m. Canby, May 20th, 7 :30 n. m. Pleasant Hill, May 28th, 7:30 p. m." Wilsonville, May 29th, 7:30 p. m. New Era, May 31st, 7:30 p. m. Park Place, June 1st, 7:30 p. m. Oregon City, June 2d, 7:30 p. m. The speakers at each of the above named meetings will be Geo. C. Brown ell, G. E. Haves, Geo. O. Kinearson, F. L. Mintie and C. B. Smith. Speakers will continne to address republican clubs throughout the county during tho cam paign, independent of the campaign meetings. Ha.NBT MeLDKl'M, Chairman Cential Committee. Gno. L. Story, Secretary. BICYCLE RIDER4, Aarnta "'ol Dralfirti An your ere. oprn? Ara yon kMplna hr ut of the time? Ar. you iwu. ol Uia loot that eemviiied tire, have goat with loa orumarv" and Iha olid and eunlilon tlrat? Ar you nwara alio that tha ''Kambiar" clincher tlreu arc being purehntod and uae I bv the lending naken of the world ? I iial the "Knmbler" in the lik'ht Ml, ntroiiirent. fumrnt and !iaudoiiiet bicycle tm.ile f.nn earth? Thut It received jiive nwaril. at tue world's .J.nir? fcxamnie the ten i icitrihiff uoiutn that are on rj U do other machine but the w "Kuiimr" and joa are aonvlnced, "tclc" etth ellnrher t re from 141 to $. Kamtiler" rowlntera, OS to 0. Licht road-term fin. '"Sr.M- h r' ('.'4, 'ii ml i:7 poiinila). $'2 (Eastern li.t rtr-a; no hi it I il.t w-ith a hie dinco.itit.1 C&tuloue und elr nl.-ir free tor tli. . mi i ne-. We w.ut tlve syeni uii I dealt r eierjw.ierw iu ir ynii, W aahiimt 'ii mill i .uho Write u at um w FavD. T. A.IHKILt, L'ycl Co., 327 Wunhiiiicton utrot t, t'ortland. Or. V t. I - 1 i . . . " uuir. i - nau rou.il r Hrestuiauvea ra lino N.ntliw.i. I Unaraatee inaile rood in Portland Miss A. S. Jorgensen, Importer and Ileah-r in Fiqe French MilliqenJ of all descriptioriB. 171 3d et., bet. Morrison & Yamhill. ' VTA II .5 ft mm TROUER To Order a e M6t To ByG0nT THE TAILOR 292 Morrison St., Portland Oregon. M. Steffen, Man'gr. AH- MME. B. A. EOLFSON, ucceiior lo O. W. Im.) Artistic DRESSMAKER. The largest and most complete drees making parlors in the city. Full line of trimmings and furnish ings carried in stock. 131 Fifth street, Portland, Or. HILDERBRAND. IMPORTER OF FINE MILLINERY 274 Washington St., Cor. Fourth, Washington building, Portland, Or. Orders from the country solicited. Mrs. II. H. Hilderbrand, Manager. FREEBORN & CO. -DEALERS IS Wall Paper & Room Mouldings. Fresh Stock. New Designs. Hard Times Prices. Call and examine stock The Troy Strain Laundry Have built np a good trade in Oregon City on the merits ol their work which is giving general satisfaction. Give them a trial. They pay express charges both ways and give you Portland prices. office at F. A. Waddorka, P. 0. Biillilln?. Laundrv left at the office on Tuesday will be returned on Saturday. Work is progressing fairly well at the electric light station on the went side of the river where they begun putting in cement on Wednesday. The plan of procedure is to cross section and put in a short piece of the wall at a time. The worst trouble which is being encountered now, is the high waterand the pockets in the foundation. Pastor Parker of the ISapiist church will preach his fourth annuul sermon next Sunday morningandln theevening on the popular mistakes about the church. J. H. Fehler of Corvallia has pur chased 50 acres of the Walker place fiom J. A. Thayer and has already com menced improving and building a neat house thereon. The Now Era republicans will meet on Friday evening of this week aud will be addressed by II. S. Strange. Get the political news by sending 25 cents for the Entkhprisk for three months. 295 Alder St., cor. 5th, Portland. Farm for Sale. A farm of 56 acres on Pudding river 2 miles east of Woodburn, part cash, balance on time to suit purchaser or will trade for city proprtv. Apply to John j Ukapkr, Uharman lililg. or biD.ssY Smyth. Hard Times Prices. Scripture & Cronin have reduced horse shoeing to $1.50 per horse for new shoes until further notice. Twenty years ex perience as a practical horse shoer in sures first class work. 159. TAKE Sl Kf U MULrOt i Oregon Blood PuRiriER. KIDNEY OLIVER DISEASCS. DYSPEPSIA, m lira ret eu mnurc lunt'irw mcrn-rc1 HEADACHE5 COSHVENESS vfl,t IS l COUNTY TKEASUKEK'8 NOTICE. I have now In my hands fundi applicable to the payment ol all warmutt eudorsed prior to February Inyi. Interest will cense Imm date ot thi notice. 8. B. CALIKf, Comity Treaaurer. Dated Oregon City, Mkj- 3, Spring ": Medicine. For District Attorney, E. F. Driggs, OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY. Regular Democratic Nominee. EMPORIUM OF FINE Millinery & Hair Goods. Large assortment of latest de signs of trimmed hats. Trimming Done to Satisfaction. Ostrich feathers dyed and KID GLOVES CLEANED Hat work in all its bran ches done with neatness and dispatch. a-R. BECKER, 220 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, - OREGON, T7UDED MACKINTOSHES AND ALL KINDS ; ot ladles' and gems (-lathing dyed, cleaned ami renovated al low price. U 8. Steam Dye Works, 106 Slith street, Port land Oregon. R U. 8 STKYKER, DENTIST, HAS KE moved to Odd Fellows' temple 8. W. Cor. 1st aud Alder, Portland, Oregen. DK. E. GBROWN, EYE AND EAR SURGEON Glasses Fitted snd Furnished. 169 First Street, Portlsnd, Oregon. DR. CHAS. T. PREHN, DENTIST, HAS REMOVED. Vltl!?.ed Air snd a new process (or painless extracting. All ork at lowest rafis. 19, Hamil ton blk , Third street, over Egbert A Young's shoe store. FOR SALE OR TRADE. rr Tracts of CLACKAMAS FRt'IT LANDS. T Good house, barn, eto. Also O LOTS JN GLADSTONE Z f J. k. tiltOOM, Psrk Plsce, Oregon.