Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 20, 1894, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Ctalelol Police -
T ren n rtr,
OUj AtlnmfT, -
Blreoi imuillnnr,
Sup'l. o( Wmcr Worfci,
ll'.mm Slrnichl
U L. Votivt
CkM. Nohlltt
K. 8 Callff
K. U llolmnu
R. K Drtftta
V. H.txsx-k, Jr.
W. II Howell
D. Ktnnnlnl
Councilmrn-C. O. Albrlfht. Jr., H. U Kelly, 0.
N.dwiimli.J J. Cooko, B F Jmr, II.
C. Blven, Geo, Brouihiou, M. Howell
iXMinell mtflmt Wednesday oleich mouth
la oily hull.
Cheapest ind Best.
That is what the Fntkiii-risk offers
you for the campaign. You want to be
informed relative to all that is going on
in the county and to do that you will
want the Kxtkki'kisb, In order to
place it within the reach of every one in
the county even in these hard times, it
w ill be sent from now until after the
June election for 25 cents. This is an
unparalleled otTer ta you can get all the
news of the county at a time when you
want to keep posted for only a quarter of
a dollar. tend in your campaign cluhs
at once.
Legal A'lrertlsiiiir.
Hereafter no legal advertisement will
be inserted in the Kxtkkihisk utile
payment for the same is made at the
time the affidavit of publication is ren
dered. This rule will be imperative and
dead-beat litigants, who make it a prac
tice of working the courts, lawyers and day in Portland attending
newspapers will have to look to some
other patter toeet their notices' published
rrices ti e lowest Red Front Stores.
The Fnterfrisk until after election for
25 cents.
Only 25c. per pound can for Cedar
Camphor. Sold by all druggists.
What do vou think ! Shaving 15 cents
at Farnsworth's barber shop.
First class loans placed without delay
at usual rates.
W. H. Ri-Rin.RDT.
(iet the political news by sending 25
cents for the Entkhi'Wsk for three
Sick but not knocked out.
barber w ith ' his first class
clean towels.
Parker the
shave and
C. Andrea has his new house across
the river nearly completed and ready
for occupancy .
Mrs. Dr. Patterson, clairvoyant and
test medium at Mrs. wetherelrs near
the court houe. It
T. R. A. Sellwood has been appointed
executor of the estate of J. R. V. Sell-
wood, deceased.
Thursday was another of the beautiful
spring davs for which Oregon is noted
when in her natural mood.
8tedm:m's Soothing Powders relieve
fererishness and prevents fits and con
vulsions during the teething period.
Germrn Dill pickles, preserved sweet
pickles, Ta-ge and small pickles in vine
gar. E. E. Wiluahs, The Grocer.
Cleanliness, good flour and skillful
handling is what makes the home made
bread from the Shively bakers so readily
Frederick Wolf, executor of the estate
of Qtistav Bauman has been instructed
to make his final report at the May meet
ing of the court.
E. G. Caufield is having back stairs
built on the north side of the Huntley
drug store building. Jones 4 Son are
doing the work.
The Alton a took up a monstrous live
sturgeon for one of the fish markets at
Salem, on Monday which proposes show
ing its patrons not only a live fish but
a live firm.
This is tLd time to set out your bulbs
and plants for summer and fall blooming
and the best place to get them is at the
Clackamas greenhouse, Park Place, Jos.
Collin's proprietor.
Now is the time to renovate yonr
bouses and Charman & Co. will sell you
the paints, oils, varnishes and alabastine
and brushes at Portland prices. Re
member the place, Charman & Co., City
Drug store.
County Clerk Horton issued mar
riage licenses during the week to the
following named parties: Mrs. Minnie
Hallam and J. W. McGregor, Alice Gri
der and A. R. Lenon: Melinda Lehman
and Bernard Fiscke.
A. Newell of Damaiicua was in the
city on Saturday.
K . D. Barker and family left for I .a
Grande last Wednesday.
D. Zimmerman, the well known tanner
and tanner of Needy was about town on
J as. P. Shaw who has been away for
the past two weeks in the east returned
Morton Barin has been spending some
time in the city visiting friends during
the past week.
Judge Julius Moreland of Portland
was in the city on Monday for a few
hours attending to legal business.
Col. R. A. Miller went to Astoria
Monday night ti witness the democratic
convention in its labors at that place.
Mrs. T. W. Clark returned from San
Francisco on Monday's steamer after a
pleasant two weeks at the great fair in
that city.
lion. Alomo Gesner of Salem re
publican candidate for joint senator was
iathecitv Wednesday on business and
making acquaintances.
S. A. Clarke the well-known horticul
turist of Salem spent last Saturday in
the city the guest of Mrs. C. II. Dye
with whom he was discussing pioneer
Mrs E. M. Rands and Mrs. A. E.
Donaldson spent Tuesday and Wednes-
state mis
sionary meeting of the Presbyterian
Mrs. R. A. Miller has received an
invitation from her old pupils in the
Saleru school to deliver the graduating
address at the time of the completion of
their studies and has consented.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Reynolds of
Pendleton were in the city on Monday
and Tuesday visiting Mr and Mrs. E.
M. Mack to whom they are related.
They were on their way home from the
Mid-winter lair at which they reported
a good time.
Rev. J. W. Cowan of Tabor, Iowa,
who some time since accepted the call
extended to him by the Congregational
church of this city to take the pastorate
of the church here, is expected to arrive
in time to preach his first sermon the
first Sunday in May.
Peter McGrath, who died Sunday
morning of lung trouble, was an old and
well known resident of this place having
been for years one of the keepers of the
locks across the river. He had not been
in good health for some time previous to
his death though not considered danger
ously sick up to a short time prior to
death. The funeral occured on Tuesday
from the Catholic church of which he
was a member, but under the auspices
of the society of Ancient Order of Hiber
nians, of Portland, to which he belonged.
The funeral was lamely attended.
Lajt week Wednesday as the Elwood
was making a trip up the river In the
vicinity of the mouth af the Yamhill it
was discoverd that Wm. Aimstrong
assistant engineer on the boat was miss
ing and it is supposed that he was
drowned. An effort was made to find
him but it seems to be the opinion of
the hands upon the boat that he had
been missing a good while before his
absence was noticed. His folks live in
this city, and bis untimely death is much
regretted by all who knew him.
After the Entkki'kixk went to press
last week the republican state convention
finished Its bikini by nominating dis
trict otllcers and selecting the central
committee. W, N, Barrett was renom
inated by acclamation for prosecuting at
torney and G. Wingnte (or member of
the state hoard of equitlixation, A Ion no
Gessner of Salem wa nude, the nom
inee (or joint senator for Marion and
Clackamas counties and Chas. Ilohuan
was named for member ol the state cen
tral committee. The state central com
mittee oryanUod by the election of 0. A.
Steel as chairman and II. L. Wells as
assistant secretary. No secretary was
ehosen. In selecting the chairman Mr.
Steel had one more vote than Thos.
Tongue, chairman of the convention.
On Monday the contractors, Ilamshaw
A Behm resumed work on Main street
which had to le stopped last December
on account of the rains. A small force
ot men and a few teams were put to
work at the Seventh street crossing pre
paring the street for the gravel founda
tion and on Wednesday they began
hauling gravel from the pit . The brick
for the block between Sixth and Seventh
street are on the ground and with good i
weather that block will soon he ready
(or travel. S.me work is being done on
lower Main street hut it is not the intun- j
tion of the contractors to push work till
the weather is well settled.
What mil. lit have been a serious ac
cident occured at the improvement
work across the river Wednesday even
ing when II iuIi Brennnn was struck by
a heavy timber swinging from a derrick
and knocked into the river. He had
hardly struck the water before W. B.
Dooley was in beside and hold o( him.
Other workmen Seedily fished them
from the water and Brennan was brought
acro-ts to Drs. Carll & Somen's ollice
w here it was found that in addition to
some severe bruises he had several ribs
fractured. On Thursday morning he
was getting along well. i
District Court Notes.
Court convened at the usual hour on
Monday with Judge McUrldo on the
bench. Prosecuting Attorney Barrett
mid Court Reporter Runyon were both
In attendance. T. W, Fonts la acting as
general ballilV, T. M. Miller M Jury
ballill'and Jas. Bingmaii as grand jury
bail ill'. The grand jury was drawn and
coi.slsts of the following named persona:
0. R, II. Miller, foreman, C. N. Green
man, Enoch Midlam, Thoa. Armstrong,
W. II. Cooke, K, E, Bohall and E. New
kirk. They at once began their latmr
but as yet havo returned no true bills.
The trial jury was excused on Monday
morning until next Monday as uhii the
call of the docket there were found no
eases ready for trial. So (ar the week In
court has been a very quiet one, action
having been confined In the main to tak
ing judgment in a few defaults
Dates fur Club Meetings.
New Era, Friday evening, April 20,
Spoken Riuearson and F. I.. Mlntie.
Milwaukee, Saturday evening, April
21st. Several candidates will ho present.
Faille Creek, Saturday April 28 at 2
p. m.
Maple Lane. Thursday April 2tl. A.
S. Dresser and Geo. Riuearmiu.
Pleasant Hill, Tuesdsy, April 24th at
the school house. Speakers, Gordon
E. Hayes and J. U. Campbell.
Barlow, Thursday, April 2tith, Speak
ers, Bev. Thos. Brown, a colored orator
of ability and other speakers from Ore
gon City.
Highland. Friday, April 27th.
Reaver Creek, Wednesday, April 2tilh.
At most of these meeting shakers
either from Oregon City or other points
will bo present.
For Constable, DM. No. 3.
V. Harris, Prop., Successor to Fields & Sons,
Next door to Vopo A Co.'h Hardware Store.
The Enterprise was misinformed in
regard to the contract having been let
for C. II. Dye's house as mentioned last
week. The contract has since been let
to the Messrs. White Bros., who have
already begun work thereon.
Many rise in the morning with a head
ache and no inclination for breakfast.
This is due to torpidity of the liver and
a deranged condition of the stomach.
To restore healthy action to these or
gans, nothing is so efficacious as an oc
casional dose of Ayeis Pills.
Still more attraction has been added
to the program for the concert on
Friday April 20. Dr. Emil Shubert bas
kindly consented to play a violin obligato.
The doctor's ability and taste as a
musician is too well known to need
further comment. You will pronounce
him a master of the bow.
Chas. Porter, who is at present located
at Prairie City where he is running a
grist mill, came down the last of the
week for the purpose of purchasing a
plant for a grist mill which he and his
partner are putting in for the people of
Drewsy, in Harney county, who although
they can raise fine wheat have to pay $7
per barrel for flour. The people have
raised a bonus of 3,000 for the mill.
Charley brought a few fine apples down
with him just to show what the country
up there can do.
Sometime in the "wee sma" hours
of Wednesday night or about the early
dawn of Thursday the contingent of
Coxey's army which started from Cali
fornia by way of Oregon and Washing
ton for the East passed through this city
on a freight train. Their last stop was
al Salem where they were given a warm
meal and permitted to go on their way
rojoicing, it being their intention to take
the midnight freight for Portland.
Work bas been resumed at the coffer
dam, it being the intention to get a
small section at the upper end of the
works cut off before the June rise and a
part of the concrete work in. False
work is also being placed to keep back
as much water as possible so that work
may be prosecuted with all vigor later
in the season.
Last Friday evening there was a pre
liminary meeting at I. 0. O. F. hall (or
the purpose of making a preliminary
organization for a Rebckah lodge. Mrs.
M. M. Charman was chosen noble grand ;
Mrs. C. O. T. Will'ann, vice-grand ; Mrs.
F. R. Charman, secretary and Miss S.
L. Stevens, treasurer. They will meet
again on the evening of the-lth of May
(or the purpose of instituting the lodge.
It was intended to have the institution
of the lodge on the 27th of this month,
but as the degree teams from Portland
couid not be present at that time it was
deforred one week.
Major Thos. Cnaruian who was one
of the delegates to the state convention
from this county was a member of the
first republican convention held on the
Pacific coast. There was barely enough
present at that convention to take the 1 corded all patrons
places on tne ticket yet so rapid was the
growth of republican principles that at
.1... l..... ( .11. ....... I l. . I, .!,..(
HID C1CVIIUI. ft Mill! lUUUWmi IIIU IH HU ' ., . , . ... .
, , , , , . ... ... citv on Saturday from St. Jo. county
onlv lacked a lew votes of being elected. , . , .....
He had been nominate! for treasurer
and came within twenty votes of winning.
Bv the request o( many friends
announce myself as a indciidcnt candi
date for the ollice of constable (or justice
district No. 3, Clackamas county, Ore
gon. E. C. Lakin. tf
At the Electric hotel on Wednesday
evening April 18ih by Rev. G. Win.
!i:ih.,nu Mr It.ilit I.'.,.... an. I MiuM
Bertha Schoen.
Wanted, organizers with good refer
ence rn either salary or commission to
represent a well known and established
fraternal benefit order with a well in
vested reserve benefits to $23 per
week in case of sickness or accident, final
benefits $100 to $.VI0. Write for terms
toW. F. Lander, Sup., Sec'y, suit seven
Mansur block, Indianapolis, Ind.
The old veteran, Captain Bundy, has
his new boat bouse all fitted up in rim
ing order and is now prepared to furnish
at all times the finest lino of pleasure
boats to be found in the state. Prices
reasonable and the best of treatment ac-
Foot of 11 th street.
500,000 TREES
Osuedo fjr5eris
Oiler for tlio coming scumm one of tho largest ami most ciiiuVto "lock
of trees to bo found in tho North went, consisting of tint following:
100,000 apple nil the lending varieties.
150,000 jirutie With Italian and IVtet in tho h ad.
75,(M0 IVnr Ilartlet and many others.
10,000 cherry lent sweet and Hour kindn.
25.1)00 jK'iieh Karly Crawford and many others.
25,000 plum all of the best.
3,01)0 Japan plum both old and new sorts.
10,000 nprciot hest kinds for thin climate.
Also Hiniill fruit, grnjie vines, hhade, nut and evergreen trees, roses
etc. Send for new descriptive catalogue now ready.
Oswego, Oregon.
Nelson I lower ami wile, cousins of the
Huntley brothers, are expected In tho
Inquiries are constantly coming to the
land office in this city as to when the
Sileti reservation will be opened to settle
ment. As the bill providing for the
opening of this reservation is still More
congress it is in no way certain that it
will be thrown open. At best it will be
some time before homesteaders can make
On Thursday II. S. Strange received
a telegram from his brother at Wilbur
stating that their mother, who has been
sick for some time, was at the point of
death and asking him to notify his
younger brother, A. C. Strange, who is
teaching at Beaver Creek. He took the
evening train, hoping to arrive in time
i to sae his mother alive.
A force of men have been busy all the
past week fixing the tirade cf the electric
line at 14th street and putting in the
switch at that point. This they com
pleted Tuesday evening. The trolly
wire has yet to be placed and the track
cleared before the switch will be readv
for use.
Michigan, and are intending to remain
about a week to look about the country
and visit. They will then proceed to the
fair in San Francisco.
K. C. Laltin whoannouces Inmseii as
an independent candidate for constable
for the Milwaukee and Clackamas
district has filed a very strong petition
in the county court. It contains many
of the best names in the district.
County Clerk Hoiton says that a peti
tion is being circulated somewhere in
the county asking to vote upon restraining
sheep from running at large and that if
it is to be inserted in the ballots it must
be returned soon.
Judge W . L. White wishes to inquire
for a lest turkey gobler which he thinks
must have strayed from the premises of
Mrs. Rhodes on the lull last Saturday.
He can not think any one has been so
mean as to appropriate the bird for culi
nary purposes, and would like to bear
bis goble once more about the place.
Chas. Kelly has the carpenters at
work on a neat cottage which be him
self will occupy. It is near Chas. Burns'
place at Green Point.
The subject of Prof. Shorey's sermon
in the Congregational church next Sun
day evening will be "The Commonweal
or Coxey's Army."
Geo. O. Rinearson will address the
republican club of New Era on Friday
evening of this week in place of U.K.
Strange who was called to the bedside
of his dying mother in Douglas county,
The report of Mrs. J. II. Barratt,
guardian of John II. Barratt has
been filed and approved as it showed
expenditures far in excess of the re
ceipts from the estate.
Governor Pennoyer and two other
gentlemen slipped off the rear end of the
Roseburg local Wednesday afternoon
and being joined by some local populist
leaders, hastily mounted the Fifth street
steps presumably to seek some quiet
place for a conference. The old man is
sbv, but he was too slow.
Harry Greaves this city was lucky
enough to draw the eight Examiner
prize which is a fine $1200 piano.
"Ceylon Blend"
Is a fancy Roasted Codes which will suit
the most fastidious. Try it if you want
the best. E. E. Williams, the Grocer.
Have you seen tl at new cigar case
which C. G Huntley has just added 7 It
is a daisy, as besides holding a lot of fine
cigars it will keep them as fresh as when
made. Ti y one and see.
F. R. Charman and C. G. Huntley
were invited down to the opening of the
new Multorpor republican club room on
Thursday of last week and report having
had an excellent time.
C. V. Cooper, of Portland, was in this
city on Thursday on business.
A. F. Parker bas been on the sick list
for a week but is some better.
The Hon Ton
Coffee, in two-pound, air-tight, tin cans,
is the best Java and Mocha Coffee in
the market. E. E. Williams, the Grocer.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
Is carried out to a degree
never before known in all
kinds of products in order
that they may be sold
Have not escaped the per
nicious effects of this latest
scheme to catch the frugal
Make a specialty of carrying
Only First Class Family Groceries
of whose purity and quality there
is no doubt. The are not undersold
by any other grocery in town.
Do You Need a Legal Blank?
Tho ENTERPRISE liafl tho only complete stock
in Clackamas county.
Nearly 200 Different Blanks
to Make Selections From.
Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus
tice, Lawyer, Keal Estato Dealer, Fanner or
One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE PAID at Portland
Prices to Your Address.
Notice is hereby given that I will
make application to the city council of
Oregon City for a license to suit spiritous
and malt liquors in quantities not less
than one quart, at tho north east corner
of Eight and Main streets.
h. matiuab.
Oregon City, April 12.1HU4.
The best and purest candies in the
market are sold by E. E. Williams, the
fihiloh'g Vitallzer is what vou need for
Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow fcikin or
Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satixfurtion. Trice 75c. Hold
by C. O. Huntley.
Scripture & Cronin,
QtM bar boim? Dmi if
Urmul mule wltb
imam FtmwK
M iiiifxiiurml by CLOHSKT & UKVKKS, I'orW
laud. Oi twin.
Particular attention given to
formed and deseaHed feet
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
General IMacksmithingft Keparing
Shop on Fifth street near Albright's
meat market.
we will send von
a Brilliant Gem l&U
of unusual color. 0AM1
and a cony of tH"
"The Great Divide," so you can so
what a wonderful journal it is, pro
yided you name the paper you saw thi
in. It's a real Jewel we'll send you.(