Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 20, 1894, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
0. tl. T I'O.'M KTKAHKIi.
In KrrriT Jn, , intii,
Hlimtiir IUMONA.
I.KA Va ilKK-loM l ltV. I IIVIl foiTI.itl
' IM, 7 Win in.
'1 1,1 l in. II an. III.
A UU. III. t.Wp III.
V 1. Ill, H ni.
atii, in. II ki a, m.
It N" li. in. a ;kj n. Ill,
II, mini Irlp lift imhiK,
Tlum imnl iil,)'i i nlmuta wlllnmt In, I Ira
- Th. K-l
miwmiN roHTi,Mn.i.KM and iiiiiriiiii.
).ve hirllaiiil. Tyli.r alrfnt Wi M t iA A. M.
ml lva (iriii Clly lr Halnni ou A M,
'I ii.,ly, Tliur.iLy ami Naliuilay,
J.aart lml.i,cmlFiiia ID 1 M ami Malum T it
A M. ami llrmMii I lly l ull I' M l.r I'iiU
laml Muiiilay, W mini.., lay ami Krlilay.
Faiil lime, ,mhI ari'miiiMtallnua ami low ratoa.
Nit May Iraiahl liamlla l. H.ooll mlf on
lliroiifli If olatltt.
Nnarii kiii'nii.
Callliirnla Kinrt'.i (ilirniiahl
ttoavlmr) Ih'aI (way ilall'Hia)
kmth mnnn.
Kiwrtiiirit I.,,.) (way Xallnna)
( allli. n,la Ki.rm. illiiiilij
7 IK a. m.
l ' p. Rl.
Ml a.
7 in .
MalU rl,,. (,li,( N'Hlh.t a. in., I l m., H p m.
Mailt oli.ia (mIii) Hniiili, V . in , 7. jo p. m.
11,1 Kiit'Tia.
Orrtmi ( llylii Kly.t'arua, Mulliinaml Molalla
Irate, al U in ami arnvva al II m. dally.
(irrrmi I'lly ( Kly. Mink Clark Mati,llnu,li,
I'lilon M Ilia. Mullii,, ami .,H..ii, Ixavvt al 10 a.
ni. Tupailay, llinrxlay ami Haiurilay, ami re
luruaou liiiluwliia ilava al V M p. in
Kki'I'iiui'anCm'h lUniiK Tim exicu
live coiiitiiilt- of tlin Young Mim't
Hlalo Ki'iiiililimil I'luli Ima rwrlvitl
IiiiiiiIht ol lii(ulrii' l(iul IihiIh of
button to lie worn ilurinu I lie iui,lKn
mid rtwainiiii'iiili'il tlial t!i litllluil ol
tlio lti'itilili-an lak'no of lliti United
Hili- lie rixnirt'l. Kvi'ry iikmiiIht of (
republican club ill Omwhi, alfltlutlnn
lili tint titl t'liili, la iiu-iiiIht of the
National lli',ulillriitt U'ltttns nil en
titled In wear I It tat hut ton. The tuition
la Iminlaotiie one. It la guld vulured
iiii.IhI frame, with It. 8. V. H. in litun
lu the iijHuI, mill "old itlory" in red,
w hite mid ttlti.- niaiiii-l . It in U-auti-ful
button, ml k It U-iirii the flan It i
peculiarly A'r"i'inlo ili'vire mid rumie
thing wry ri'iihllrmt will want to wear.
Thli hut Ion nmy le procured kt lite
rt of flU n t loo, with 25 wtili ddi
tional fur oUt ArraiiKrmenU are
bo in K mmle by Captuin II. L. WuIIh,
aiMTi'Ury ol the iluUi i-ltih, liy which lie
will I aiilii-d with r-tok of tliprw
button liy the nmniilm-Uiri.ra for to
local rluliit. ()rdi m-ii! to him (udii.
jmiilcd ly the cah, will U itomilly
lllli'.l. Ilo in.iy Imi ,l.lnm'.l nl V. U.
iioi ;ns, ruitiund.
CoxvuTKii or SK.nt i tion. The jury In
the rawi of WuH.T Wyhinil, who Iiiih
l.ci.n on triul Morn Jii'ln Munly durltiK
the iiat twu diiVH on it churgu of awlnc
tiott, rvltlincd a verdict ol K'"liy
iliarucd yeatir,hty nflnioon. Theyepcut
Imt live tiiinuii'M in tint jury hux and the
flrnt Imllot wan drclriive. Wyiund, who
hua Ittti-n out on hail for twu wrvkk, wa
reinnndod to the niHhxIy of the aheritT
and coiiiinhii'd to the county jail. At
torneyH (or lha dcfciiho unked for two
wei'k in which to move for a new trial,
and their rvjtuMt wit Kf"nl'd. The ahovo
waf taken from ISatiirtluy'a OnKinian.
It really applies to Clackamaa county
parliea alnco the defendant ha lived for
many yeara in the aouihern partofUie
county, where both iwrtiei to the auit
lived for a time, It 1m euld, in oKn viola
tion of tho luws of the ntalo (urbiddiiig
adultery .
A I'oHTi.ANDKa IsiiKiiiTa Tho Ore
Konlnn any: "It. K. lrrall, of this city
who but a few duya two was 'itniUn,
deal Unto and nlnioRt in duapuir, now
llnda hiuiHiilf the iiuiBtcr of a aplondid
forltme, etiniaU-d by bin uttorneya at
.'KKI,0(H). Thin Midden truitHit from kiv
ertv to opulence wan oi-caHlniied by the
ludden deuth of the young mnn'a uncle,
Colonel J P. Taylor, of lloltoinb, Mo.,
a cotton-planter, wbone weullh mm
timuted at clone upon 1,IXK),000. Dar
rall wur nuidu a joint heir with the two
married daughter of the d weaned, and
will therefore receive one-third of the
entate. lie waa a nephew and adopted
on of the old phinter, but had quar
reled with him year ago, and gradu
ally drifted Into the went, to curve out a
fortune for himself.
An piiKooN Iniii btiiv. The Atttorian
noto that there I an Industry In Oregon
which bit reached quite a proMrtlon
that 1 little thought of by tho majority
of people, und that in the trade in Ore
gon grape root. This Ib uliown by an
advertiHement w hich appear In one of
the up-valley paper that 10,000 pound
uro wanted, for which $:10 per ton will
be paid. Tho root intuit be cut in
piece from two to four incite In length,
free from pith and of good color. Large
root growing on the bottom aro pre
ferred. Havb Moved to 8Ai.KM.-Tbe 8alem
HtateHinnn note that Mr. and Mr. Jan.
Atheyand Mr. Frank Campbell and
family have moved to that city from Ore
gon City and taken up theirrenidence in
tho Willard hotine on Fourteenth gtreot.
The flrnt named are parent of Mr. II.
B. Holland of Palom. Mr. and Mr.
A they are Orogou pioneer and had lived
in Clackamas county almoHt since their
arrival in Oregon in the lortles.
Jam, Hiikak at Bai.km, On Monday
evening a fellow by the name of Fried
Nellinlil, win) wa placed in the county
Jail on March Hull, accitned of the crime
of burglary In Hllvmtun, unwed IiIh
Way out of the Marlon coiiitly Jull. Iur
lug the night lime he occupied n of
Ihe iielU on the south side of the jail,
and in the daytime wan allowed to oc
cupy the corridor ulong Willi llio oilier
primmer, Through Home mean he got
hold of a cane knl'e, that once wn i
ver iliileil, mid thl be transformed Into
a uw filing teeth on each edge of the
bladti. With thl be sawed olT two of
the Iron rod of hi cell door just under
neath one of the crossbar and bending
these to one side ciawlud through, Pro
ceeding to Ihe door at the rust entrance
lie then sawed through a chain that
served to lock the Inner wooden door and
then out about half way through (woof
the Inch rod on the other door. With
a heavy bar be pryed the rod aside and
then quietly crawled through and "flew,"
To th it I'kon.k, House cleaning is
the rage, to complete the work well you
must have your room pieied, also a
new shade or two and yon may w ant a
chenille curluin or a flrst-clus piece of
Linoleum to put on your kitchen floor
and If not that you may need some of the
latest Jpnese or Chinese mattings
which every cmon ought to have for the
summer month a it Is cool and clean,
and then for your pantry shelves you can
find shelf oilcloth also if your stuircarst
I loo, good to have spoiled or too
shahny to be seen von can find all the
above good at Waller J . Iavis' More at
l'ortlund price. Mr. Iavia dor all
kinds of house ami sign painting and hi
mH'ilng cannot bo lieat. Hi stick Is
of the lutest put terns. Khop and store
on Main street next door to Albright's
Meat Market, Oregon t'ily.
Anotiikk Ikmim'kii; F.viikkk. A
person wlio has Intel visited the big
ranch of the Italdwin HheepA IjukK'o.
on Hay creek, and saw the flock being
sheared Suva, according to the Orcgoiilali
that wool is not accounted so valuable
I here a it used lo he. The refuse Irom
the (leeeea, horny and matted lock,
which used to lie saved, and after being
cleaned or scouted, used to bring in
quite a large sum, was this year loaded
on wagon and hauled away to fill up
hole in the roads. When wool i used
for road-mukiiig there can he no impro
priety In calling (hi the wild and w oolly
Tn Altona on Hi'UDAT. The States
man notes that the steamer Altona ha
Imiugiirulrd a too! convenient and satin
factoiy regulai Sunday punengcr service
between Salem and liih.iendi'ncn. Two
and sometime thtce round trip aie
made each Hominy. Slops are made at
all way landings and Ihe schedule is
sH-ciully arranged with an eye to the
accommodation of thoxe who may wish
to spend a few bouts or the day at Inde
(lemleiice or oiut along the river.
l!i ri nut'AN Statk Committke . The
republican state central committee have
taken rooms on the third floor of Tux
OimioNUK building. These rooms,. Nos
Jill to UN, inclusive, are spacious, well'
lighted and will he furnished to suit the
need of the committee for the campaign.
Seme I'.N. Mull Kote.
Special to the Kntkhchihk.
Wsiiin(iton, D. C, Ajiril 18. After
June 30, IK!M, the ecial mail arrvice
from Currinsvillo to Leon, Clackamas
county, will be discontinued. A star
service for which a four year contract
ha been let will take it place.
Apiil llllh 1'ontmanter General Kisscll
established a railroad mail service from
Portland, by Scllwood, and Milwaukee,
to Oregon City on the l')at Side Kailway
and back, six time a week, or a much
oftener a train may run. This doe
away w ith two tiir route service be
tween Scllwood and Portland, ono of
which was dropix'd April 14th, the other
lo cease June 110. The ntur route
service from Portland to Scholl's Ferry,
after April 21 will embraco the poHtoltlce
at Progres next to Garden Homo.
Hew' i'lil.
WoolTcrOne Hundred Hollars reward
for any cae of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hull' Catarrh Cure.
F.J. ClllCNEY A CO. prop. Toledo.
We the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last fifteen years and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transaction and Hnunciully
able to carry out any obligation made
by their firm.
West A Trnax, Wholesale Druggist,
Toledo, Ohio.
Wulding.Kinnan A Marvin, Wholesale
DrogiriatH, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall'sCuturrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly llMin the blood and
muctioR surface of the system. Prico,
75 cents a bottle. Sold bp all Druggists.
TeNtimonial free.
For Sale.
A fine brood mare, good to work any-
wliero, woight about l-'OO pounds, a fine
family animal. AIho a good threo-lnch
Mitchell wagon, almont new. A first
cla fresh milch cow would be taken in
part payment for bore.
W. F. Brayton,
Maple Lane Ely Postofllce.
Karl' Clover Koot, tho new Blood
Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion and cure Constipation.
25c, 60c. and fl.OO. Sold by C.Q.
AllllOlt 111 V r XF.Itf ISF.M IIKf.I) AT
An Insfrtifllve Adilres llillvercil on
Hon f li America Home Interesting
Nclionl Niilcs,
Tho day wa gloomy and moist, hut
our exercise were interesting and drew
out nineteen visitor. We planted a
mountain ash tree and dedicated it to
Washington Irving.
Our Arbor Day exercises, includ'iig a
very interesting talk on plant life by Mr.
Wilson of this place, occupied the time
from 1 until 2:30 o'clock p. m.. After
reces Captain A. K. Kvans, jr., deliv
ered an Instructive and intensely inter
esting addres to the uptier grade upon
his personal experience and observ
ation in South America and Mexico. It
was an addres long to be remembered
by all who heard it. Following is the
pkookam :
Kong The Gipsies' Festival School.
Heading of Ihe law relating to the day.
Arbor Day Hymn Mis Fox's room.
Hecitutiona -Agues Hallinun, KutieCan-
Clusa Recitation Little Nut People
Seven Pupil from Mr. Iow n' loom.
Song Buy My Flowers Florence Har
nett, Clara Duehcr.
Itecitations Winnie Cunby and John
Fox. ,
Recitation The Wayside Inn Gladys
Song The Old Mountain Tree School.
Itecitations Carl Betlike, Lillie Bickner
and Alice TufU.
Address-K. II Wilson.
Remarks Mr. Tuft.
Vote on Slate Flower Oregon Lily, 45;
Hoe, 34; Oregon Grae, 2fl.
Marching Song Primary Department
w bile marching out to tree.
at THKX.
Recitation Planting Trees Primary
Class Tree Song Fifth, Sixth, Seventh
and Kighth Grades.
Selections Twenty-one Filth to Kighth
(irado Pupil, w hite pupil are each
deKiting a spadeful of dirt about tree.
Song In Praise of the Natural World
Mins Fox's room.
kOMX school pact.
Following is the districts clerk rejiort
for the year ending March, 1894.
According to the report received from
the clerks of the several districts in the
county for tho year ending March, 18! M
there bus been a decided increase in the
number of census cuildrcn, the enroll
meiit, aveiage daily attendance, average
nmnlK-rof months of school and money
received and paid out for building and
oilier sclnsil purpose.
Number census children for 18!4,
7714; enrollment, 4015; average daily
atreudauce, .'IL'73; estimated value of
school property, 100,r,40; average
wage paid male teacher $44.28; aver
ago w age paid female teacher Ui 50;
average number of month taught 7;
total receipts during the year $73,8111.32;
totul disbursements, $77,303,113.
AVIiot is good order in school? Sup
Kis we imagine ourselves in the school
room. The teacher looks worried and
frowns half the time. There is a sound
like unto a dozen infuriated geese. The
pupils aro not whispering but studying.
All at once there is a sound as of explod
ing firecracker. The teacher seem to
understand this sign language and
hastens to learn w hat the pupil needs.
Before she can cross the room another
pupil calls "Teacher! may I getadrink?"
By the time comparative quite is restored
the finger-snapping begin in another
part of the room. When the hour for
recitation arrive the teacher strike the
call boll a though it were responsible
for nil the unpleasuntnes of teaching.
Now have we witnessed a scene cf good
order? Remember tharo has boon no
whiHHring and no rules have been
broken. One of the best teacher I ever
knew allowed a moderate amount of
whispering about the particular subjects
which the pupil were studying at the
time, honor required that nothing else
should bo mentioned. Calling and fin
ger snapping to attract the attention of
tho toucher wa positively forbidden.
Pupi's were taught from the first that
each one should solve difficult problems
for himself when possible, and if other
wise that the upraised hand brought the
toucher's assistance. He treated his
pupils with perfect courtesy at all time,
and even Ihe most unruly pupils felt an
unspcukable dread of offending him. The
results of bis teaching was all that could
be desired. Many of his pupils are
among the best and most successful
teachers iu Oregon today solf-resiioct-
ing and self-reliant. The teacher who
flies into a passion over trival offenses
can never win and retain the respect of
his pupils. Ofttimes a hasty word or an
ill-chosen or ill timed reproof is sufficient
to destroy the moral ascendency of the
teach or in the minds of his pucils. We
cannot over estimate the importance of
self contiol. Children are often keen
eyed and discriminating judge.
Mr. H. S. Gibson.
Report of school in district No, 61 is as
follows: Number enrolled, thirty-one;
average daily attendance during the
month ending April 13, wa twenty-six.
Those who have been present every day
ro Carry Oard, Ev Gard, Cbetor Gurd
Myrtle (iard, Fred Meindl, JoeMeindl,
and Ora Welsh. M f htlb Tavi.ok,
Belle Hibbard of Marqumn b'gun the
spring term of school at Meadow Brook,
April 2.
Nettie A. Olds begun buihing the
New F.ia school, district No. 70, last
Theresa Orr began teaching in the
Stricklin school, district No. 70, last
H. Hammond closed school at Con
cord last Friilay.
Arbor Day was wa duly observed in
district No. 61, Holcomb district. All
enjoyed a good time, there lieing a large
number of visitor present.
Pheina McDonald began a three month
term of school in district No. 79, Aurora,
the Oth of April.
Stiierintendent J. H. Ackerman of
Multnomah county, wa in town last
Resolution nf Condolence.
Whkkka,, It ha pleased Almighty
God to remove from our midst, Brother
C. II. Thompson, therefore lie it
Resolved, That in the death of our
brother, Damascu grange ha lost a
wotthy member.
Resolved, That the -members of this
vrange extend Iheir sincere sympathy to
the bereaved family of the deceased,
Resolved, That a a tribute of respect i
we drae our charter thirty day. Also
that a page in our journal be set apart to
the memory of our brother.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to the family of the de
ceased brother and copies lie sent for
publication to Tub Entehi-uisk and to
the Northwest Pacific Farmer.
M. W. Gakdnkb,
II. Nkwell,
Mrs. N. H. Morton,
The latest in visiting cards at the F.x
teri'Kisk Okpick. Prices to suit you.
Are you thinking about
painting your house this
ppring? Do you want to
use the very bent paint
made? And clo you want
to get it for a very reason
able price? If you do,
come to our store and get
a color card of Masury'e
Mixed Paint and let us
tell you about it.
If you think of mixing
the paint yourself or in
other wordu using white
lead and linseed oil you
will purely want the best,
and the right way to pet
the best, is to buy of a
firm you can depend on.
We know of a wholesale
house in Portland that
put out what they claimed
to be a pure linseed oil,
and when tested by a com
petent chemist it was
found to contain almost
fifty per cent, of fish oil.
The linseed oil we sell you
we guarantee strictly pure,
and we also guarantee our
price to be equally as low
as that charged for the in
ferior oil. Come and see
us before buying.
ds vies
Would be pleased to see his friends
and patrons in his new
quarters on
Third and Morrison Streets,
Over Golden Rule Bazaar.
1800 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon and Washington
now in operation by the
Oregon Telephone and Tel
egraph company.
Portland, Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Salem,
Walla Walla, Pendleton,
Albany and S'6 other towns
in the two states on the
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect on a
clear understanding. Spo
kane as easily heard aa
Oregon City office at
Huntley's Drug Store.
Portland, - Oregon.
rn U Til I.:-!. 1 ITTl
' i ttH m
Wet Feet are Dangerous
At any time especially at this season of changes. If you would
have your children well aliod buy the
Who have just received a new invoice, alno a full line of the best ladies
fine shoes. We have the finest and best assortment of
shoes in the city. Prices low. Call and see.
Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of the Day.
All Kinds of Cake Made to Order.
Jacob Kober, Proprietor.
0 rr -!&
Columbias, Clevelands, Crescents.
Ranging in price from $25 to $125. Sold on the
installment plan at cash prices.
Wheels, Catalogues & Information
At Clackamas County Agency
W. A. HUNTLEY, Oregon City, Oregon.
Next Door to Commercial Bank.
Stoves and Tinware.
Corner Fourth and J Streets, - - East Portland.'Oregon.
dEALED letters answered without breaking the seal, and life reading
p From the same, $3.00; Private settings $2.00; Official
Medium for the First Spiritual Society. Public test
meetings every Sunday and Thursday evenings at Good
Templars hall, corner Second and Yamhill streets. Resi
dence at 2G9J First street, Portland, Oregon.
When Writing Mention This Paper-
A. W. LANDERH0LM successors to LanJcrholm & Gray,
Dealer in and Manufactuer of HARNESS and SADDLES.
JUST REMOVED to 92 Union ave. East Portland.
Repairing a specialty Don't forget him.
Tost Medium and lycliometrist.