Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 20, 1894, Image 3

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    Oregon City Inter prise.
I'KIDAV, AI'KIL 2), mm.
Clncknmna Co. Diroctory,
Jililan, ,
(ilnrli i.l Courts,
HnhiMil MiiitirluU)Uiiiit,
1. W M. 'Mr il in
tiro. K. Iliirliiu
f. W. llmuitiK
H. M limn. I, y
J. () Wmlwrrll
J, !. Ilrmllny
II. H. (III....H
Hiiii Mnijrtlt
II. L Ilolman
I Kli'lmril Miw ill
ICiiriii'lhiii llalr
To Meet IIim I JuifM,
The niilnM'rliili price for the Kntkm
mime ln Im'oii ri'ilni'i'il in Hr year;
75centa fornix month. CiihIi In ad
Vance, Hiilwrllmrn .uyliiK lit thu end of
the year will not Ixi eiitltld to IIiIh re
duction. Tin) low price In made lof(
the lint oil a cunli tmitlD hih Induce all
anhiu'rlherii to pay tip, mill "Mrially to
prevent tliiitil httat from tukliiK the
lnHr mid not pMylnit for It by rimwui of
their U'Iiiji lnw proof. KkiIui'imI price
will only coiiiini'iii'n with date of renewal.
I'll Im muki'N lli" I'.HTKHVyint 1 1 in rlicu
ct pi(Hr In t'lurkiiiiiim county eluht
IihK1' nil homo print and full u( live
I'M'Ul 11111
I'm CVdar Camphor for mollis.
(ict your (Wiling lui'kle at the City
I irntf elorp.
llomii made bread from the lieat Hour
In tlm iimikiit at the Hhlvi'ly Ilukory.
IM not lotiii'l to hear the child pUiilat,
lleatriie Harlow, April L'O, at Hhlvely'a
A full lillU of I'MII'lll'N, imU, flu, lIutl-H
ami freali fruit, K. K. Williatna, the
ICr m 1 the Campari) olfnr, then aend in
your 25 ecu In for the Mntkmi'mikk from
now till idler election.
(iornian I'M pickle, preaerved weet
plrkhia, large ainl mll pickle In vine
gar. K. K. Vii.i.ui, The (iruoer.
Wo.l.liiiK nUlioticrv, the latet "Ivlca
ami fiwat NHoortiuent ever lirouxtit to
Ori'uon I'lly Nt the Kntukchikk ollire.
if von went a idee hitircut ami un eay
have k) to FariiHWiirlh', tht only II ml
clam "Imp in the city, Hhavlnu IS cent.
When you want a kooiI nhavor a faah
ionahle hair cut call at the Klectrlc lintel
burlier ahop jimt opontnl up adjoining
(he office.
Ueilar ('ainplmr lor inoiiia at Sic. er
found can i four time cheaier ami bet
ter than camphor at Laue-lUvia I irujf
Co.) I'ortland.
Hhlloh'a Cure, the Ureal Cough and
Croup Cure, la lor vale hy ua. Pocket
ite contain twenty-live iloe, only ..'c.
Children love It. C. O. Huntley.
1'eraona winhitiK line work in phuto
Iortraita or viewa, interior end exterior
will aave money hy K"l"l 10 l'otter'a photo
pailora, 'I.'h Flint atreet, I'oriliinJ. If
The beat way to avoid acalp diHraaea,
lialr fullliiK out, and premature haldneaa
ia to line the heel preventive known for
that purpose Hall's lluir licnewer.
Wyandotte and II row n and White
Leghorn 'hk at 1 per aettiiiK for aale at
the Steele place, aUiut four inilcH lielow
Oregon City, on thin aide ol the river.
J. H. Di i'n.
Mine Addice Hkillmau'a rich conlaalto
gave niu hitreRtdi'li.ht In F. I-oul King's
recital in l'ortlund the iiudiuuce would
not be anlinllad until ahe had reniH)ndil
the third time. Minn Muhlu Akin an
accomplished planint will accompany
tier and will alno render a piano nolo.
The "Nonpareil" in the Manjuain
blot k, I'urtland 1 now allow ing one of the
lr((ei)t ntn kt of millinery ever neen on
thin count. New York ntylua and prices.
La. lien blni'k Ince luila liand'omoly
trimmed 5, li'KlioruH trimmed 1,
Minnea ilronn huta f 2. SO, trimmed sailor
liuln r0 ceiiln, children', nnilor hula '20
entn, ntruw garden liutn li) centa. Ilutn
prenNed and trimmed, alno fenthcra
curled and dyed, 331 Morrlaon treet
The Inltinl atory in a volume by Kich
ard Harding Iiuvia thut la Junt annonced
by Harper lirotliern in unlled "The
Kxllea." In it a TumniHiiy chicftiiin who
bun fled to Africa meets, in Tunnier, the
New York lawyer who conducted the
pronecution. In the hunting party
thut ennuen, the animal moet in requont
in not the Ti(?nr, but the wild hour, so
thut we need not ho mirprieed to And
both men among the huntern.
F. Dresner & Co., the well known
wholenule and retuil grocers of l'ortlund,
liuve entered upon a new depurture, and
will hereafter deliver goods free of
liuige on the dock and enr landings at
Oregon City and all intermediate points.
Our stock represents the leading tuhle
luxuries of the world, comprising Kng
llsh, French and Herman delicacies.
We cater to all classes, carrying every
thing a housewife, a hotel steward, or a
onnosiour may wish to eat or serve on
any table, whether rich or poor. Our
line of table luxuries we particularly
recommend. We carry a full line of
Family Winos and Liquors and give
sneciul attention to our Tea and coflce
department. Our Wliito IIouso Java
and Mocha eoflee is sM)ciully puckod for
us, and pronounced by all the most
delicious coffee In the world. We in
vite innpection of our stock, and guar
antee everything first-class as rente
rented. Mail us a trial order or call on
us whon In l'ortlund at Third and Wash
ington streets.
I.iiNt Mon'liiy evening MIm Klla
'u. rln who li lcni:hlii In the J 'ark
I'liicn nchool Invlti'il Hevrnil of the oli
M i 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 imrmitl nclinol olmli'iilM of
lli. j city I" iniuit In r eUuir 1'nuici'n who
Iimn jiml ri'liirni-il from the achool to
U acli at Kpilii.wulor at Mm. II. 1. Hen
tow'a where alio la atopplng. A moHt
pliiuHunt eveuiiiK wua putieid, AtnoiiK
llumipri'Hiiiit were the following namc'l ;
MUm-a Aim Ihilnl, Mntla ami (iertle
Klulcy ami liuth Itoikwixnl ami Mr.
W. li, 1'owull ami Mr. ami Mm. J. W.
With lla Iwiiii) of April Dili the Kluc
Irlcul World puhliHhttd a Ioiik article
voveriiiK aomethltiic like five pnttea lie
voted to a minute di'Hcription of the new
power elation which la helnu erected at
thin place hy the l'ortlund (ieneral
Klcclrie company. The article la
piiineroiiHly ilhtNtratcd and la largely
(IkvdIimI to the mechanical feature of the
plant, ahowlnK the hulliliiiK, aectiom of
the fa I In and the machiencry In lie iilace.
It la a moet liitercMiiiK article, and ea
pecUlly ao to electrical eiiKlneera.
Ntiiervlor I'rowtor luut In-en doinn
aouiii K"ol woik on the roada in hln diw-
tulci which coui)idiriiia: ihe amount which
he haa to iiid on them ehowa up
vcrv fiivoiahly. The main toad lielow
Onmyi) haa hnn l rnlli"l and filled In
with rock wheie practicalilo and the
!ial xja uIouk the road through oilier
part of the illntrlct tmt in fair condition.
Mr. l'rMT miiliTHlanilN road work and
ha" hecu cjimmiiIIhk llm money alloU'd
to him in a liidicioua luanner.
A Mr, Winkle who recently came here
from rennnylvuuiu lias let the contract
for two cotlngea w tilth lie will huve
built at once on the went side of the river.
Mr, Winkle cnine here Isnt full from the
eul and wan mi favoraby liniircnned with
the pioHctn of Ort-Kon City that he
bought anil now that he has returned
to live here wilt build several houses.
Hhree his return he baa purchased other
loin on the name side of tlm river.
The first of the week the woik of haul
ing wood from the camp up the Tualatin
to the mills over the electric line begun
and proved in all particulars most satis
factory an the wood can he Inker) from
the forest w here it was rut and moved
exMditiously and cheaply to the milln
where It is required for lino. Thin
method of hauling promise now that
wissl near by is cut on" to sui?medu
all others.
On Monday the Kant tide Hailwav
company ran their new twenty ton
freight car over the line for the trial trip
and found it admirably adapted to it
work. On Wednesday It took the place
of the smaller car which baa been
ojieraled in the past and begin making
regular tris. It ia speeded to forty
miles per hour and ia said by the ahop
men to be the hottest car en the line.
CIisd. Miller of the firm of Miller
Hrun,, who are operating a saw mill
above I.etin In this county was in the
city on Tuesday to get some ropairs for
their mill. They started up the mill on
Monilny morning ami were expecting to
make tpiito a run when the canting con
nected with Ihe head block broke and he
was obliged to come to town to get it
fixed, which took several days.
Lust Tuesday evening the several
Christian endeavor noddies met at the
Methodist church U)Kn invitation of the
Epwurlh league of that church and spent
the evening in listening to a literary
program which had been prepared and
in a social visit. The exercises were
interesting and all present enjoyed both
them and the soclul sen son very much.
Parties who are contemplating the
erection of a saw mill have been think
ing very favorably of going to Milwaukee
and when seen the first of the week were
planning to go there and see what ar
rangement could be made for a site for
a mill to cut about 110,000 feet per day.
It would he quite an acquisition to the
The Seventh street butcher shop of
I'ct.old & (iule which has heretofore
been on the north Hide of the street has
been moved across the street into the A.
0. U. W. building and hits been fitted
up with cold storuge vaults and in
all respects made a first-class shop.
It would be worth while for the ladies
to bear in mind that if they take a gentle
course of Ayer's Surauparilla in the
spring, they will have no trouble with
"prickly heut," "eties" boils," or
"blackheads," when summer comes.
Prevention in better than cure.
Chas. P. Thore has let the contract
for a neat cottage to coat about $2,500 to
Messrs. Murray A Morrison who will be
gin work nt once. The building Is to be
one of the first to go up at the new town
of Willamette Falls.
The house owned by Mrs. F. W.
Campbell on John Adams and Tenth
streets and out of which she moved
whon she went to Salem has been rented
by Henry Meldrum who moved in the
first of the week.
M, A. Mugone who lives just below
the Clackamas rapids where a light has
just been placed by the government has
secured the job of caring for and lighting
the lamp,
J. II. Uulston haa let the contract to
Geo. Bukner for a new cottage which he
is to have built right away at Willamette
Falls. It will be 28x34 a story and a
half high.
Wits Nuiiicd liy (lie DcinocralH
Full Ticket Nmiilnatcil-I'ree Mlvor
I'liilforin-Iiilllatlve and ltel
crt'hdiiin Indoratfil.
AnroiiM, April 17. The stale demo
cratic convention was called to order at
10 a. in. by 1). It. Murphy, chairman of
the state central committee, who called
lor nomination for tetiiporaty chairman.
Miller of Linn nominated J. K.
Weatherford, of Albany.
Thayer of Multnomah nominated F.
V. Ilolman of Portland.
Charles Mckell, of Jackson, nominated
P. II D'Arcy.of Kalem.
Captain George II. Mullet, of Port'
land, teconded the nomination of
Weatherford, not, be stated, for er
oiiul but political reasons. He said
Ilolman was a gold man, and was here
an Ihe reprencntatiye of Portland bank
ing Interest.
Cox of Multnomah called Moffett to
order, and asked him to withdraw his
statement. Mollett explained that he
dt not mean any ollcrine to Ilolman,
but he wan an attorney for some of the
bunk, and that he (Moifett) wanted a
silver mar. in the chair.
Cox of Multnomah seconded the nom
ination of llolmun, saying that Ilolman
was not a gold uioiiometalint nor silver
monometalist, but a bi-melahnt.
IArcy then withdrew his name in
the interest of harmony.
J. J. Kelly, id Multnomah, resented
the imputation that those in the con
vention whoso hreama were adorned
with Jelfernonian badges were here in
the interest of any clique.
Ilolman, after stating his position as
a bimelalist, and paying a tribute to
Weatherford, withdrew in his favor.
Weatherford was then
porary chairman by
vVentherfonl in a brief
seled harmony.
elected tern
acclamation, speech couii-
M. I), Roche, of Multnomah, was
chosen temporary secretary.
The chairman then apxiiiited the fol
lowing committees:
Credential Swoie, of Multnomah,
Vaughn of Clackamas, Myers of Linn,
Flaggof Marion, and Waite of Mult
nomah. On permanent organization and order
of business Kenton of Multnomah,
D'Arcy of Marion, Fountain of Klamath,
James of Baker, and Sears of Jackson.
A committee on resolutions, compjst-d
of one member from each county, to tie
named by the delegation, was appointed.
The convention then took a recess till
8:30 p. in. C. D. I-atouretie was made
member of this committee from Clacka
The rejnirt of the committee on organ
ization ami order of business recom
mended that the temporary organization
be made permanent. It also provided
that the convention should fix the place
of holding the next state convention and
that it should elect the chairman of the
state central committee.
After a long wait the committee on
resolutions reKirtcd a platform, of which
the following is a synopsis: '
"We charge upon the republican party
and Its reckless legislation all the evils
from which the people aie now suffering
and assert that the low prices of farm
products, the non-employment of labor,
the general depression in business and
the stagnation of industry are re
results of the unjust ami burdensome
taxes of a high protective tariff system
and other clans legislation of the repub
lican party of which the demonetization
of silver in 1673 and the contraction of
our currency are instances.
"We are in favor of an income tax.
"We are in favor of calling a constitu
tional convention to submit to the voters
of the state a constitution embodying,
among other things, what is known as
the initiative und referendum,
We have an abiding faith and im
plicit confidence in the integrity, good
fuith and patriotism of President Cleve
land and believe that he will accom
plish, so fur as it is in his power before
the clone of his term of offlce, all of the
pledges of the democratic party con
tained In the national platform adopted
at Chicago in 1892.
We endorse the efforts of congress
in bebulf of turilT reform and to bring
about a more prosperous condition of
"We fuvor the speedy construction of
the Nicaragua canal by the government
and that it be under government supervi
sion and control.
"We affirm the position which has
ever been maintained by the democratic
party thut gold and silver are equally the
people's money, and we are opposed to
all measures of discrimination against
silver and demand free coinage to
supply the demands of business and
that all money issued by the govern
ment bo made legal tender for all debts
both public and private.
"We favor liberal pensions to soldiers ;
also the election of United States senators
by a direct vote for the people.
"We denounce the act of the last
legislature whereby was repealed what
is known as 'the mortgage tax law,' and
we demand its re-enactment at the next
"We are in favor of liberal appropria-
Sole Crowers
of the New
I'.arliest. Mont Prolific and best drying
SllUfyl & $UII, Mount Tabor, Oregon.
Morrison Kt
Between 21 k 3d, WUii
tlonsforthe Improvement of our rivers
and harbors and the adoption of such
aieanures as will tend most Seedily to
the opening of the Columbia river.
" e are opposed to Chinese and all
pauer immigration .
"We are in favor of the abolishment
of the railroad and all other unnecessary
"We arraign the last legislature for its
waste of the people's money by extrava
gant and reckless appropriations and
hold the republican party of this state
responsible for the shameless and vicious
legislation of that body."
The platform was adopted by a rising
The next order of buiinens was the
nomination for governor.
Mr. Worthington, of Klamath county,
nominated II. 11. Compson. of Klamath.
Huston, of Washington county, nomi
nated W. It. Oallowav, of Yamhill
The ballot resulted aa follows: Gal
loway IX: Comison 88. Oalloway s
nomination was made unanimous.
At this point a recess was taken until
7 p. in .
The delegates of the first and second
congressional districta then organized
and proceeded to nominate congressmen.
J. K. Weatherford was nominated in the
first district, and J. II. Kaley in the
second, both by acclamation.
At the evening session the state ticket
was completed an follows: Secretary of
state. Charles Kickell, of Jacksonville;
treasurer. Thomaa L. Davidson, of
Marion county; supreme judge, A. S.
Dennett, of the Dalles ; attorney-general,
W. II. Holmes, of Salem, superintend
ent of public instruction, D. V. 8. Reed,
of Eugene ; state printer, John O'Brien,
of Portland.
Nominations for the Fifth judicial dis
trict were made aa follows: Prosecuting
Attorney, E. C. Drigcs ; member of the
board of equalization. W. B. Adair, of
Astoria ; joint senator for Clackamas and
Marion, E. Russell of Clackamas.
Astoria, April 18 Quite a breeze
was started up in the closing hour of
the state democratic convention in this
city today. It was over the introduc
tion of the following resolution :
Resolved. That we are in favor of
democrats only as candidates on the
democratic ticket, and that in cane of
vacancies occurring on the ticket from
any cause, the places made vacant shall
be fillet! by the state central committee
from the ranks of our own party.
Those who saw that the adoption of
the resolution might prevent a possible
fusion with the populists were decidedly
agair.st it. After some debate in which
any creation of discord to mar an other
wise harmonions conventisn was depre
cated, the resolution was laid upon the
The convention established new
precedent in taking from the state cen
tral committee authority to elect its
own chairman and the place for holdins
the next Btate convention. D. W.
Sears, of Polk county, was elected
chairman of the state central commit
tee, and N. B. Davis, of Portland, secre
biry. Portland was chosen as the place
of holding the convention by the fol
lowing vote: Portland 132; Salem 90.
abstracters of Titles.
Notwithstanding that the unfinished
Abstract Indexes which we started for
Clackamas county have recently passed
out of our hands, the abstract business
did not, and we therefore desire to say
to our old patrons and to the public
generally, that we are still in the business
at our old stand in the Jaggar's building
oppposite the CaufieUKt Huntley's drug
store where we are fully prepared to
furnish reliable abstracts of title with
certainty and dispatch .
"Ceylon BleniJ"
Is a fancy Roasted Coffee which will suit
the most fastidious. Try it if you want
the best. E. E. Williams, the Grocer.
Call and see the lounges at R. L.
Ilolman and you will see some good
ones which tbey are selling almost at
manufacturer's prices
See at the head of the local column
the conditions by which you can get the
Enterprisk at a reduced rate.
Cannot be Under-Bold.
prune grown. Send for Catalogue.
Have Heard of
A Beginning at last.
Steamboat men between Oregon City
and Portland have long felt the need of
lights and buoys along the river and
they are grateful that the necessity has
at last been recognized by the govern
ment Though the need is not nearly
met the few now provided for will be
appreciated and will, it is hoped lead
the way to more. For the pant week the
work of placing these lights has been
under way and now Captain Farenholt,
lighthouse inspector, haa issued the
following notice to masters and
pilots plying on the Willamette river
between Portland and Oregon City :
"The following aids to navigation were
established April 15, WA:
"First A poet-light at Milwaukee
near tbe flouring mill. ' A white tubular
latern is displayed from a gallows frame
nailed to a tree, an aid to avoid a reef of
rocks making from the westward into
the narrow channel and forming almost
a bow and stern range with the post
light on Elk rock.
"Second A post-light on Elk rock.
A red tubular lantern is displayed from
an iron gallows frame, secured on the
highest part of the rock, an aid in the
sharp bend and rorrow channel in the!
"Third A post-light at Clackamas rap
ids. A red tubular lantern is displayed
from a gallows frame secured on the
high western bank of tbe river, an aid in
very narrow and shallow channel.
"Fourth A first-class spar buoy, red
No. 2, is moored off Steven's point in 18
feet at low water. The buoy marks the
rocky ledge making from the point into
the river "
Coming To Our City.
We are pleased to announce to the
public that by tbe most fortunate circum
stance, music lovers will in the near
future be given a rare treat in the first
appearance in this city of the famous
organization known as the Chicago
Ladies' Quartet. They are accompanied
by Miss Cornelia Ne'.tnor, humorist and
impersonator. In this their fourth tour
they have sung their way into tbe affec
tions of the people to a remarkable de
gree, vte teel confident in predicting
that a large and appreciative audience
will greet them on May 3d, at Sheively's
opera bouse.
Children having cards to paint for the
Fruitlax prizes must return them to
Charman 4 Co's drug store by April 25
as the prizes will be awarded on or about
May 1st.
Tbe best and purest candies in tbe
market are sold by E. E. Williams, tbe
Perhaps never in the history ef
modem journalism has any newspaper
gained so rapidly in public favor as the
Chicago Inter Ocean. Within the past
two years it has, by adopting progres
sive methods and injecting push and
enterprise in all its departments forced
itself into the very front rank of Chicago
newspapers. That this popularity is
deserved is beyond question. The
publisher during this time, Mr. II. H.
Kohlsaat, has spared neither expense
nor effort to attain his ideal and he bas
succeeded. Uncomprisingly republican
on all National issues, the Inter Ocean
doeB battle for what it believes to be the
true faith in a manner that at once com
mands the attention of tbe public and
respect of all. It can be recommended
to those who desire a clean, reliable, en
terprising metropolitan family news
paper. For That Tired Feellnjr
Take "Clam Juice" freely three times a
day before meals, E. E. Williams the
Furniture fur Sale.
Good chance for small family or newly
married couple to obtain furnished house
of five rooms. For cash, or on easy
terms. Kent $10, including1 city water.
Good location. Or will rent the same
furnished to desirable parties of small
family. Inquire at J. W. Grout's offiee,
next to M. E. church, Main street. 3t
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. Pay up your subsciption to tbe
Enterprink and get the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
Immense StockI
Write Uf
Rfi T-
Uncle Sam Will
Deliver Them
Miss A. S. Jorgensen,
Importer and Dealer in
Fiqe French MilliqenJ
of all descriptions.
171 31 et.,bet. Morrison & Yamhill.
To Order
- 1 ..mart, .n
292 Morrison St., Portland Oregon.
M. Steffen, Man'gr.
;8uccesor to D. W. Ijimi,)
The Jargest and most complete dress
making parlors in the city.
i Full line of trimmings and furnish
ings carried in stock.
131 Fifth street, Portland, Or.
274 Washington St., Cor. Fourth,
Washington building, Portland, Or.
Orders from the country solicited. .
Mrs. II. H. Hilderbrand, Manager.
Wall Paper &
Room Mouldings.
Fresh Stock. New Designs.
Hard Times Prices.
Call and examine stock
295 Alder St., cor. 5th, Portland.
Millinery & Hair Goods.
Large assortment of latest de
signs of trimmed hats.
Trimming Done to Satisfaction.
Ostrich feathers dyed and
-..-I. j tm
Hat work in all its bran
ches done with neatness
and dispatch.
of ladies' and (tents cUlhlug dyed, cleaued
arid renovated At low price.
U 8. 8tem Dye Works, 106 Sixth atreet. Port
laud Oregou.
TiR D.
moved to Odd fellows' temple 9. W. Cor. 1st
and Alder, Portlaud, Oregsn.
Glasses Fitted and Furnished. 109 First Street,
Portland, Oregon.
VltalUed Air and a new process for pal nle '
extracting. All work at lowest ratia 19, Hamil
ton blk , Third street, over Eggert A Young'a
shoe store.
T Good house, barn, ete. Also
1. K. GROOM, Park Place, Oregon.