IMwy Ansoclitl on regon City Enterpri VOL. 28. NO. 25. OKEGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APKIL 20, 1894. ESTABLISHED 18CG 0 COIHITH. Olrpiill oriiirt mnvaiwa Ural Morula. r In No vum tar ami third Miimlar III April. I"riilil omirt In anaalim (I rot Miiiila In saeh tnuiitli. (lommtaaliiiii'ra rxmrt mwia fl rat WclnrnLr llr (Ir.t MomUr ul orli month. I.At'K AM AH AilKTIIAl T A TIU'HT CO. raflta nl (Markartiaj funnily prupnrty pi)- laity. Ottft'l k. raaoiialiln eliani"., Wnfk iiarahtM"l ll " trial 0 0 l.alourll, K K piiiialilanu, J. t. t lark, IUr ton. ommiN t iTY, - - oaauini, H H jllllNMiM l W XHOUIKII. T INNAIIll A JOHNSON, 1 1 VII. KNUlNKKIl ANI StWVKYOltS. Hallway Israllun anil rrmalrin'tloii. brMffa, plana ami tailinaHe li.r wnlur X lrlu.' ami airtwt liiiprotrnmnt of liiwna, flperlal aitniillon lvu In rtraiiirillni ami bin r 1 1 1 1 i at 1 I! IIAVK.S, ATTOKNKY At LAW, 0o, City. 0vnn. Will praiMlcn In all tlm mnrta nl Ilia lt. Wr. rornvr Main ami Hllilh alrwta. o,,.H court huuaa yr fAllKV JOHNSON. ' I.AWYKIt. Corner Klhl ami Main .trwla, (r'(n City, Orfit'm. ItKAI. KSTATK TOril'.I.I. AND Mi iNKY TO LOAN. J- L I'OKTEK, ATTOHNKY At LAW iain or raoraaTV rimait. OfSo inl to Orrjon City Mtik on Mi alrmk r o. t. vtii-UAMH JIKAI. KKTATR ANI LOAN A'lKST. A ood llMol bti.liifaa, rMlilrnr anil auburbtn I'miMirty. farm l'rorty lu tra.t. l anil on aaay trrma. lrnnitly nr4. Olflrs, not d.K.r to l aiiDrl'l A ilunllnji't lru atom. Q II. 1YR. ATTOKNKY ANl CoUNKKMrit At LAW OftWovar Orrj'in City Hank, oasuo c ity. ooon Q I. A l C LATOl'llKnt, ATTOKSKYS AND COUNSF.l-OKS At LAW MAIN STREET, OREilON CITY, OREGON. ruml.h At'lrarti of Tttli, Iau Mny. Fore ch Mortiaaiia, and Iranian Uvurral Law HiiiiiMa. J J e. CROSS, ATTOHNKY AT LAW. Wiu. I'aacri'a in Au. corrra or tiia Stats Krai Katntc and lniumnr. (Tlee on Main Btr at. bt Blith and Seventh, oaaniiH city. on. Jf 'M. RANDS, ISOtAKY PUBLIC, KKAL ESTAtE A INSURANCE. Ofltro In trio foil Otnr niilldlnc. Olefin City, Oregon. oo. c. urowkilu A. I bKIUIRK. .HOWNEU, A KKKHHKR ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 0oom City, Omuoh. Will praotlra In all th ivnirli of th atate. 01 flee, next door to Cauflvld A lluntlvy'a dni lore. flMIK KKI. 1.0(10 HCIIlMll. OK HRKHS CCTT- J ISO II 17 Morrlwm HI., I'ortiaiKi, tr, piM'tally, Ordi'ra Inr aiTordlnii l'lalllng 1 will reot'lvo prompt I B. E. HYDE, Cen. Agent. J, F. F. WHITE.' W.A.WIUTK WHITE BROTHERS Ymctlcnl Architects if- Iuildors. Will propare plana, elovallona, workliiK do t lla, and apvolllcallona tor all klnda nl bulld liiKa Bpoolal altvutlnn rlvou to inixleni cot taairoa. Kallmatmi liirnlaliod on applloallnn Call on or addruaa WHITE liHort., Orenon City, 0n rpilK C0MMKKCIA1. RANK, OF OKEUON CITY. Capita, 1100,000 TRAMRACTa A ORMRRAL IANRIN0 BralNHnn. Lnana mado. III1U dliooiinled. Maka col lentlona. ltnya and aolla exchannd on allpolnti In the Cnlti'd Hlatca, Europe and lloun Kong, llopoalta rcl"t'd nihjet't to rhook luloriwt at uaiial ratca allowed on time dopoalta. Hank open from t A. t. to 4 r. at. Haturday evcnliigl from 5 to 7 f . u. 0. C. LATOUltETTE, Proaidrnt. F E DONALDSON, Caahlor JJANK OF OKKUCN CITY, Oldest Banklm Hess. In m Cltr. I'ald up Capital, ftt.OOO. rRRHlDRNT, - - THOR. CHARMAN. VICR PHKHIDKNT, 010. A. HARblNQ. CAaillRR. t. O CAPNRLD. MANAORR, -J C Hi 11.11 H. CAUFIRI.D. A icnerRl banking bnalneai tramactod. pepoalta received iiibjeci to check. Approved bllla and notca dlacountcd. County and city warrant! bought. Loan made on available aecurlty. Exchange bought and inld. Colloctlniif mado promptly. Dralti anld Avnllanle In any part of the world Telegraphic exchange aold on Portland, Baa Frannlaoo, flhlcagoand New York. Intercut paU on time dcpnalli. Sub Areuli of THE LONDON CHEQUE BANK laaoii. are not llmllrd. r.arh arholar I 1 ran brhm In a drvaa and la tarilit to ( lit. E I llaaln ami FlnUli conipli'lo Pallorna out I 1 in order warranli'd t'litllnir and flttlm a I 1 Q REGON CITY IRON WORKS, New ami EnlurKiMi Shop with nil BjipliancoH for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work cxi'cuti'l in tho lcnt iiiiiiiiht jKiKHihlo. I'rctmpttieHit gunran- tot'd on nil oruVrB, iiniAiiiira- - a-specialty. Prici'B tht) lowest to Imi lmtl in IWUhikI. Hlmp on Fourth Struct, in-nr Main, Oregon City, On gon. F. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. LJow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach nnd bowel regulutor, huy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doHCH lor twenty-five cent. The eaon for coMh nnd cmi",liH in upon uh. In order to he pro pnr?d for nil emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, Tho beet in tho market. Price 2' cents. For sale at the CAN BY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. Oregon City $1.50 Per Yean. Tho Cheapest and Clackamas OREGON CITY JOBBING SHOP. All kinds of Tinning, Plumbing nnd General Jobbing DONK TO ORDER ON SHOUT NOTICE. SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS MADE At the most reasonable rates. firAll work is done with n view to last nnd satisfy all concerned. A. W. SCHWAN. Nliop oh Sieveiilh Ht.. iicnr lM'pol, Oregon Ci()'. J. JONES & SON, PKAI.KR IN Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Storos and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. iiii'i:n thi? i.ovi;kt. TShop corner Fourth and Water streets, back of Pope A Co's, Oregon City SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notions, Optical Goods Full Stock Of Machine Oils, Best and Cheapest. Fine selection of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps. And Lead ing Brands of Cigars. iMtr.M HiiTi'ioA cAiti.ri i.i.v riiM.i:i. Shlvely'e. Block, GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. Special Billsut to Order? Mill and Yard on tho River, Foot of Main Street, OREGON CITY, OR. Enterprise Kest Paper in County. Oregon City, Or. CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISH THE SUIT ENDED. Mudclhic Pollard Awarded $1.),MX) DnmajPH. COMMONWEAL AKMr I)0I.(iS. (old U Lcsvliiif PiiHkruKfrt Held Bp and hxK Kolibed Industrial Army Comlnir. Waniiinhtdm, April . Foreman CliHi. K.Cole, of the eivil court an-iioum-eil llit) verdict for plHintilT, Made line 1'ollnrd, (or $13,000 dimattei from ConureKHtnan lSretketiridKO, for break itiK li! rontract to marry lier, tliUR end- j iii the Iouk and exci'in lireekemiiVr-' I'ollard hreui'h of promirw trial. Kna tiona have fairly crowded themwlve into the I.ihi day of the trial ; there had hecn aome of the moat dramatic icenei ttliich ever stirred up the diny little court room, reeking an it was with the memories of celebrated eases; there was an approach to erHoiial collision between Judge Wilaon and Attorney Charles Stoll during the nianilicientclotiinir argument of the WivhinKton lawyer, followed by talk of a duel, and Judge Bradley, In his charge tothe jury scored Col. Thomp son as a lawyer is eIdom HHken of in court. The jury retired at 3:03 p. m. The first ballot was taken on the mertg of the caHe, leaving out of contmleralion the qut-Mioa of damages. It resulted in eleven votes for a verdict fur the plaintiff. Thereupon the dissenting gentleman was figuratively cornered by bis col leagues and lor some time was argued with. In tjienkirig of this discussion afterward, foreman Cole said tliat the jurymen displayed fully as great familiar ity with poinJi of the arguments as did They laid the cane fully before the obdu rate jurymen, calling for grounds on which his belief was based and finally overcome him by mere logic. The next question to be settled was tli a fin u re at whirl, damages should be . ..i.. .... i..,i lixru , uirvu jiiiuib uouua ,.v iuii amount sued for, fM.OOO, should be awarded. The foreman said that a ver dict of $1 would vindicate Miss Pollard and punish Mr. Breckenridge sufficiently. Each juror wrote the amount be con- holered, j tnt, upon a slip of paper and the balance being struck, the amount ranged from to ')0,000. and $15,000, was the average and this Inst amount was given the plaintiff. The defense moved for a new trial . New York, April U.K Washington dispatch to a morning paper says it is rumored that a suit for divorce will be brought by Mrs. Breckenridge turned over a large portion of her fortune to defray the costs of the trial and that she was nearly prostrated when her husband on the witness Maud frankly confessed the nature of his relations with Mips Pollard. Gold Bsin Bhlpped. Washington, April 12. The secretary of the treasurer has received notice thai about $2,000,000 in gold coin would be required for export next Saturday, about half of which would be drawn from the treasury and an equal amount from the New York banks. It is the opinion of the treasury officials that this shipment is the beginning of the usual spring ex portation and they are likely to continue lor some tune. This fact, however, is not regai ded as a cause for alarm. The net gold in the treasury at the close of business to-dav was $10i,0tr,5'i9. Last year at this time the gold exiwrtations were about normally Heavy, reacumg $19,148,fH'3 during April, and $lti,0U,S15 in May. In June they dropped to $2, 711,22(5 and in July to $174,212. The financial and business conditions in Europe as well as in the United States have materially changed for the better, and, in consequence of this, the predic tion is confidently mado that the expor tation 8 will reach only a fraction of what they were one year ago. England and France are now well supplied with gold and Russia is not a buyer. Austria is the only Kuropean nation that is making any special effort to secure gold, and with these conditions prevailing the out look is not bad. A Oool Btage Bobber Milton, Cal., April 10. Thestage from Angels to this place was stopped by a lotto highwayman this morning. lie cut the band of the iron stage safe of WoIIb, Fargo & Co.'s express and break ing the lid with a cold chisel, took two sacks of silver coin, estimated to contain about $2000. The passengers were all stood tip in line with their backs to the stage, but were not molested. One of them would try to look around until the robber threatened to blow his head off, then he attended to his own business. The other passensers were all frightened fearing his foolishness would get them into trouble. The robber worked very coolly and seemed to le well acquainted with the names of parties and locations as he told Fred Wesson, the driver, to tell the ag;nt at Millon, that be had taken the silver and to have the box fixed at his expense. Just as thestsge was leaving, he said: "Fred, I will see you in Angels in a day or so, and we will take a drink on this." Tht OoventmeBt asd Ooxey'i Amy. Vakhinotos, April 16 Washington authorities, civil and military, are be ginning to take active interest in the arrival of Coxey'a army. As the com monweal approaches and stories of de tachments from various cities are being authenticated, the officers bein to look for the settlement of a difficult problem to be solved by the authorities. The question is, w hat will be done wilh the Coxeyites after they diilmnd. The dis trict commissioners had prepared a list of statutes under which Coxey and liis men could be arrested and dealt with. Three are 450 men in the local police force, but of course only a fraction of this body would be available to handle the Coxeyites and the probabilities are that it would be necessary to call on the militia for assistance There are KS00 troops so well drilled that they could be massed to inarching order in two hours notice. Industrial Tram pi Beaded TM Way. Sibsonb, April 13. Company A, second regiment of the industrial army, under the leadership of Captain Cbarlt-s E. Kain, passed through frissons from Sacramento, en route to Portland, this morning. They number forty, and all have the appearance of being working- men. The railroad company furnished a slat car for their transportation. Ashi.axd, April 13. Company A of the industrial army arrived here tonight on a freight train. They tried to pick up recruits on the way north, and are going through Oregon and Washington before turning east. Breok.nbridge Will Sua. FaAKKroKT, Ky., April 12. In a pei sonal letter to a friend in this blty Breckenridge states be will make the congressional race at all hazards. The 'ettersays "I see from statements go ing around through the papers that in the event of an adverse verdict here 1 would withdraw from the race for congress. I am in this congressional race to the bit ter end. I am not going to be on the defense, but am going to make an ag gressive fityht." Behing a Demooratio Lock. Sam bakcisco, April 16. There is $15,000,000 lying idle in San Francisco commercial banks, for which bankers can find no use. This is said to be the largest surplus that has been known for many years, and it is still growing. This money is offered for loan as low as four per cent, on first class security. All collateral is scrutinized more closely than was the case a year ago and unless gilt edged, money is hardly loaned at any rate. Tbe Most Uorgeons Treasures of Arabia. What a splendid picture is brought before your mind! You read the glow ing description of the secret treasures which the genii of the ring spread before Aladdin's gaze. You perused this fav orite story of yours in "Arabian Nights" when a boy, and your imagination pictured brilliantly for you everything that the words suggested. That was when yon were a boy. To- dav, possibly, you are unable to do it. Shall we tell you the reason why ? Most probably because your liver is sluggish, and as a consequence vou suffer from sick headache, dizziness, and constipa tion. Do you want it to cure all these troubles permanently, make your liver active, your imagination lively, and in general enjoy things as you did when a boyT All you have to do is to use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, purely vegeta ble, perfectly harmless, the smallest and easiest to take, and they are the cheapest because they are guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. What more can you ask? A Crunk is constantly turning the world, keeping it in commotion. Its vigorous exercise keeps the whole hotly active. But it's the constant going on that wears. You've no time to rest, no time to eat, and hardly time to live. It's miserable living at the best. Constantlndigestion, Biliousness and Constipation. The body crank needs attention. Keep the liver active with Simmons Liver Regulator and you can go as much as you please. Mid-Winter Fair excursion tickets, Oregon City to San Francisco and return, via Southern Pacific Co's Shasta Route, will be placed on sale January 23rd. Rate $27.50, including five admissions to the fair. Tickets good for thirty days from date of sale. If you want an attractive sign see Davis the painter. Portland prices. Shop back of Pope dc Co.'s hardware store. . Blank note, receipt and order books at the Lntkrpbibk office. THE REED RULES. Democrat Take Water Also Sensible Rules. CONGRESS CAS SOVT DO B LSI S ESS. Fllllhosterlng at an L'nd Trjlng Jieyr (Jons Eminent Jurist Dead Great R. R. Htrlke. Wasiiinotos, April 17. The house to day has by an oerwhelming vote decided to Adopt the quorum counting rule, which for all practical purposes is the same as that which speaker Reed, of Maine, inaugurated during the 51st con gress. It won lor ttiem a world wide reputation. Neither nndue excitement or tumultous scenes marked the quashing of the oIJ barriers. Reed and the republicans generally are in a nappy humor over the victory they have achieved. Those who expected Reed would tackle and jibe bis political adversaries over their inconsistency were disappointed. Only fifteen minutes on a side were allowed for debate and Reed consumed his portion with an arrange ment of the democrats. He, gxd naturedly. distributed most of it to those democrats wLo desired to oppose the new rule. Wben the rote was taken forty-seven democrats were against it, but it secured every republican vote and carried by a vote of 212 to 47. The populists did not vote on the proposition. The adoption of tbis rule today taken in conjunction with the decision to en force the old law of 1846 to dock tbe salaries of all members absent, save on account of sickness, will it is thought put an end forever to parlimentary ob itruction. After the adoption of the rule it only required a few minutes to straighten out be parliamentary tangle which the douse has been in for some days, and the house then quietly proceeded with the consideration of the consular and diplomatic bill. Big Gum Tried. Washington, April 12. Naval ordin ance office rs'fi red two shots from the big tbirteen-incb gun at Indian Head prov ing grounds today, which proved to their complete satisfaction that the gun is probably onsnrpaiweil for alt practical -purposes. The object of firing the great gun today was to test the nickle steel projectiles, each weighing more than half a ton. The target was a twelve inch nickle steel plate, and both sheila went entirely through it, one of them breaking to pieces and the other remain ing intact after it bad cleared the plate. The Carpenter shell was unhurt bv the operation of rushing its half-ton mass through a foot of solid steel, which is ex actly what the ordnance officials have been looking for as a means of testing tbe seventeen-inch armor for the battle-ships. Today's testa were, therefore, only pre liminary to the trials for the acceptance or condemnation of the heaviest armor plates yet made in tbis country. David Dudlty Field u Dead. New York, April 13. David Dudley Field died today. He was born in Had dam, Conn., in 1S05. He was graduated from Williams college in 1825, and was admitted to the bar in 1823. In 1847 he was appointed a commissioner by the New York legislature, and formulated a penal and ciyil code that had been adopted by manv states. In 18U5 he completed a political and civil code. He prepared an international code in 1S73. He was acknowledged tbe foremost jurist of the country. He was a brother of Cyrus W. Field, of Atlantic cable fame; Stephen J. Field, United supreme judge, and Henry M. Field, the famous clergy man. Btrlka on tba Oraat Horthern. Helena, April 13. The strike on the tireat Northern system was peacefully inaugurated today at noon. At the stroke of 12 the men all left their posts of duty and gathered at the station to await the appearance of the east Wind passenger train at 12:25. As soon as the train stopped, two men, delegated for that purpose, uncoupled the mail car from the coaches. The baggage and express was all taken from the car, and then the engine and mail cars were ready to proceed eastward. Will Adopt Seed'i Bulei. Washington, April 13. After a heated session of two hours and a half, the democratic caucus this evening decided by a vote of 80 to 44 to instruct the com mittee on rules to report a new rule to ascertain and record the presence of a quorum whether voting or not. Practi cally all the democratic members of the house attended. Farm for Sale. A farm of 56 acres on Pudding river 2 miles east of Woodbnrn. part cash, balance on time to suit purchaser or will trade for city property. Apply to John Draper, Cbarman Bldg. or Sidney Smyth.