ALL ABOUT (; LOVES. STYLES THAT ARE FINDING FAVOR. THE PROPER CARE OF GLOVES. VCrton Cnnvrrnlng tha Selection at loTaa Dlractlonaror rnttlngow GloTa tha Fire Time How lo Taka Them OH Tllhaal Deatrojtlng Their Shape, The; principal changes that mark the fiwhion in gloved hve to do with the matter of color una manner of fastening. This winter red is one of the most popn Lir colors, hence gloves are to be seen In II the ml shade, including the red browns and ml Uns, for day and street wear. For evening wear there is quite a choice in colors. White and pearl are the most approved tints, though delicate tun is also in (rood taste and any color worn to match the dreas, yellow, old rse, heliotrope or any chosen hue. For ladies' wear the walking glove is of glace kid. four buttoned, with three narrow rows of stitching on the back. If the color is one of the red shades, the titching will be of the same, or of scar THREE STYLES OF GLOVES. let or white, acconlius to the wearer's fancy. A new style of glove also popu lar for outdoor wear has a gusset let in on the under side to afford ease in slip ping on, the extra looseness being reme died by a c lasp at the wrist, which draws iu the glove and makes it a perfect fit. For evening wear the mousquetaire ganta de Suede are the preferred style, accord ing to Harper's Bazar, authority for the foregoing. In glove wearing, of course, the first object should be to secure a perfect fit. If a glove is of the right size and cut much of its subsequent traetability de jiends cpon the way it is first put on. It should be perfectly adjusted to the hand, with every seam straight and true, each finger pushed down to its proper place, and the whole fitted smoothly. This will require a little time, but it will be minutes well invested, for the glove entering upon its usefulness in this way will ever after be found ready to the hand and in every way pleasing. A writer in Good Housekeeping ad rises that no attempt be made to button the glove till the hand is perfectly fitted: then begin at the bottom and proceed gently do nothing with gloves in a hur ry. A dress glove for visiting or even ing wear should fit closely and perfectly, but at all other times those which have more room inside should be employed. For walking, driving and other service, where protection of the hands is the ob ject in wearing gloves, they should be sufficiently large to give the hands en tire freedom. As there is a right way and also many wrong ways to put on the gloves, there is also a right way to take them off. The authority quoted says: They should never be drawn off by the finger tips unless they are o.d and very loose. Taking them off in that way soon stretches the ends of the fingers so that they can never P1LK KNITTED MITTEN. afterward 1e made to give a pleasing fit. Instead, take the glove by the wrist and draw it gently back over the hand till the second joint of the fingers is reached. It can then le drawn off by the finger tips without damage. When it is thus taken off, the very best way to treat it is to leave the fingers distended, just as they came from the hand. When it is next wanted, it will fit the band much more easily and look better than if it were smoothed and flattened back into the form of a new glove. There are gloves for extreme cold weather liu'-d with Iambs' wool, and then there are knitted mittens in silk that are durable and easily put on and off. Linoleum In tha Kitchen. An authority on such matters recom mends a thin qnality of linolenm to be used as a dado for the walls in a kitchen. It should be glued close to the wall, and may be finished at the top with a plain molding. It may then be oiled or var nished, or left in its natural condition, as one chooses. It is in every way to be preferred to a dado of wood, which is liable to crack and leave interstices in which insects may lodge. The dado of linoleum is as easily washed as a dado of tiling, and is even more durable, while it is a good deal cheaper. In the natural wood color in which this material comes, it would make a very pretty dado for a wall painted pale blue. As linoleum is nothing more than the blown pulp of wood, combined with oxidized linseed oil, it can be readily seen that it can be treated in any way that wood can be treated, while it is exactly suited to this purpose and the purpose of covering kitchen floors. A dado is almost a necessity in a kitchen, because a plastered wall gets chipped with continnal wear. Linoleum offers fast (fie right material necessary for such protection. Popcorn Balls Boil molasses as for candy; when cooked, pour over the corn, which must be nicely popped and placed in a pan; stir with a spoon until cool enough to work with the hands. Grease the hands with butter, form th corn into balls, and lay them on well buttered dishes. REAL ESTATE TRASSFERS. FurnNhed Every Week by the Clark, rtmi Abstract and Trust Company. Geo W Jackson, sr., to Geo W Jackson, jr., land in sees, '.'3, 24, 25 and 2tl, t5 s, rl c Francis lUker to John F.stos, a part o,' iuta i and 3 of sec It!, 1 3 s, r2e 6-'5 C N Ureenman to I Groenman, lots 3 and 6 in blk 18, (gn City 1 04 CR R to l'aul Wtoderhold sel4 of ne1 and ne' ol tnxi of stsj'.'l, t3 a. r5e 304 Sarah McCown to L F. Wise lots 0, , 7, 10, Hand 12 in blk 10 of Gladstone tUW E W Leland to Agnea Inland e' of sec 1 in 1 6 s, r 1 e, 320 acres 2000 United States to Geo W Kistner nV, of n1 and eol' of n l4' of sec 8 In to s, r 3 e, lt0 acres ItiO acres 1 Thomas IVvine to Simcoe Chap man sel4 of sec 14, 16 s, r 3 e, KW acres 1 John Baker to Wm Harris 5.45 acres in sec 10, 1 3 s, r 2 e 1 J C and K E Seefred to J K Elmer 4-.&5 acres in 1 5 s, r 2 e, being apart of Jos T Wiiigtte-M. PLC 152 Silas E Bevans and wife fo Rebecca Scobert 00 ac. in t 4 s, r 1 e with other lands 4S-H) L Seely and wife to S B Seely et al .SO of an acre in sec 23, 1 3 s, rlw 300 W W Dickinson and wife to (ieo W Dickinson e of oe and sw'4' of ne'a, sec 22, t 0 s, r2 e, 120 acres 000 A and D J Finn to W C Avery, trustee !2 acres in t3 s, r2e... 100 W Land Emma Brown to V C Avery, trustee, 13 acres in 1 3 s, r2 e' f TC Pembroke and wife to C T Pembroke.und of w"' o( sw'4', Sec 7, t 4 s, r 2 e 200 Chas and Catherine Knight to Geo Knight lot 12 in blk 4, Canby 10 Samuel Mathew and wife to Elmer Holt lots 5 and 6 in blk 8, Canby 150 Sunset Land Co to Wni Winket lots 3 and 4 in blk 5, of Sunset City 700 J V Roots and wife to C F and J Street 12 seres in t 2 s, r 2 e 1200 Ore Land Co to John Marggie et al Iocs 25 and 20 in blk 70 in Min thorn add to Portland 300 C W Drake and wife to F W Earth .45 of an acre in 1 5 aMd 0 s, r 1 e 2850 M F Ambler and wife to P C Humpreylot 11, blk 1, Root's ad to Marshfield 125 Sol Hirsch and wife to W B Shively the westerly of lots 5 and 6 in bk.14 in the county ad to 0 City 1 W Pomeroy to C Pomeroy lots 7, 8 and 9 in block 1 in Linn City 1500 E Kammerer to A C Bender the slg of the sw,'-4 of the se'i of Bee 5, t4s, rle, 20 acres 000 COT Williams et al to M Ek- s'.rand, lot 7 in blk 13, in Falls View ad to Ogn Cily 200 Mary A Jackson and husband to M Klinger lot 14 in blk 4 in West Side ad to Ogn City 125 Having purchased the copyright of Thome's Title Abstract Indexes giving us sole rinht to use them in Clackamas county, and the abstract books compiled anil formerly owned by Thorne A Bon . we are prepared to furnish complete and accurate abstracts of title and to correct or extend old abstracts. We solicit your patronage and uuarantee first class work. Office over Huntley's Drug store. Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co. Land for Sale. 423 acres of land for sale on the hard times basis; 100 acres near Clackamas Station at 30, 160 acres improved at $00 and 150 at 40, or 50 acres of choice river bottom land given for clearing a like number of acres. Write or see E. C. Hackett, sherifl's office, Oregon City Oregon. INFLUENZA, Or La Orippe, thotit'h occasionally epi demic, Is always more or less prevalent. The best remedy for this complaint is Ayer's Cherry I'ectoral. "Lart Spring, I was taken down wltb La Grippe. At tlmeii I was completelypros tratcd, and so difficult was my breathing tliat my breast seemed as If confined In an Iron cage. I procured a bottle of Avar's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I bean taking it than relief followed. I could not be lieve that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. It l truly a wonderful med-jclne."-W. II. Williams, Crook City, 8. D. AYER'S ' Cherry Pectoral Prompt to act, sure to cure I ; . J, -, L it' . - Wat? A w r mtM A YOUNG GIM FORTUNE. AN INTERESTING SKETCH. Nothing appeals ao rtmnffly to mother's attcctloo aa her daughter Junt budding lino womanhood. Fcltowiiijc la an inatauuv; 'Hhif daughter, Hlaiiche, now l.t year of aite, bail botii torrtUjr ailllctrd with uvrvtMimcw, ami had loal tha eiiUra u of her right ana. Mia wu III auch a cuQl!tkn thai wa had lo keep her rnni avhool ami atwtidon her imulo lea son. Ill fact, wo feannl tl. Vllua dune, and are poaiiiea tun for an Intnliiable remedy she would hara had (hat territita amit-ilon. Wa hail employed phyaii laiu, but iie rtwlveil no benefit fluin Ihom. Tus nrrt of lat Aiutiui ! wetjiheil hut 76 pomnui, and allhiHixh alia hut takeii only three boliles of Nerelua ihe now wrutha h" poiinib; her oenroiuiiew and ayui lonu of ft- Vina datii are etilirely ", aha aiiends wIhwI nirularly, and aludlea With etnu. fin and eae. bhe haa rviwered eoniplete lua of beranu. her appetite la plendlit. aud no money could procura for our daiixhiur Uia bvalto Dr. Milea' Nervlua haa bmuxlii her When my bnxher rwutuuended the remedy I hail no faith iu patent luedicluea. aud w,xild ikx llneo to hltn, but aa a laul rvaort he aenl us a hotilo, wa benan (ivln ll lo Ulam he, and lha erteil waa almost Imiuedlate." tin. K. K. Bullock. Hri(tiiton. N. Y. irr Miles' KeMorntlva Nenrlna is told t all dnurvbuoD a noilllvo muranl", or mmiI dlnvt by Ilia Pr. Mllva Medical Co., Klkhart. Ind., on receipt of price. II per bottle, tlx luttlia (or f expreaa prealil. It la pualuvoly tre froui opiatca or daugviuo dxua. For pale by Charnmn A Co. B l'.,....,..itMulll,.n i tla'vaati rrllorv. a.T. In.vl ..! :,.n "TV r"- t. i tJ-rt-e-f. -urnt. O.i'tlt am. full 1r l.KOW iiKlU attaa I ,r i: im" tat ppr rS-VJalaa. GREATLY REDUCED RATES MADE BY THE COMPANY FOR THE CALIFORNIA ROUND TRIP TICKETS GOOD FOR 30 DAYS Ofegoq ditij to 'Frisco AND RETURN, $27.60, Including Five Gate Tickets to the Fair EXCURSION TIJIPS FROM SAN FKAXCISCO to other jroints in California will be allowed purchaxcrs of special Mid winter Fair tickets at the following round-trip rates: TO STATIONS UNDKR 150 MILES FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ONE AND ONE-THIRD one-way fare. TO STATIONS 150 MILES OR MORE FROM SAN FRANCISCO, ONE AND ONE FIFTH one-way fare. For exact rates and full informa tion, inquire of L. II MOORE, Agent at Oregon City, Oregon or address the undersigned. RICH'D GRAY, Gen. Traffic Manager. T. II. GOODMAN, Gen. Passen ger Agent. San Francisco Cai.. E. P. Rogers, A. 0. F. & P. Agent, Portland, Or. 50cta.,and 11.00 por Bottle; One cent a duae. Tml Grcat Coron Club promptly rural where all others full, Coughi, Croup Bora Throat, Hoaraeneaa. Whooping Cough nnd Aithma. For Conaumption It 1ih no rlvnl: baa cured thouaanda, und will cuiik vou If taken in time. Hold by Ir--'jri;lkU on n irur antee. For a Itimo Hiutk or ht, line SHILOH'8 BELLADONNA PLASTttKr. HILOH'S CATARRH remedy; Jiave you Utuirrli Y Thin remedy l miHnin tecl to cure you. I'rfcc, HJcw. inject jr free. For sale by C. G. Huntley, an flic MiwiDter nr. Post ollice-:-Store. MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY -:- GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Boots Shoos, Our Groceries arc Fresh and of tho In st quality. In Prices v:o meet Portland Competition, Gary & Wissingcr. Let us have a trial order BROWN The photographe? Is prepared to make photographs of all kinds promptly and in FIRST CLASS STYLE Pubies' and Children Pictures a SjM'ciiily. Call and examine his work At the Old New York Gallery Second door north of Hurdings Drug Store. Prairie Nurseries DAVID J. COX. Prop., CANDY, - OHICOON. Apple, Pear, Cherry, Peach, Prune. Plum, Apricot, Nectarine and Almond. Trees Strong and Healthy and True to Name. Special care taken in digging to prevent mutilating the roots. Orders promptly filled. Pricea to suit he times. Write for prices. Portland-Clatskanie R-O-U-T-E. STR. SARAH DIXON, OKO. M 8HAVKK. Maabr, Will leave Portland Daily, except Sunday, at '2 :XJ p.m., for Oak Point fe way landings connecting with STR. C W. SHAVER, For Claskanie Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays. Returning, arrive at Portland at 10 a. tn., Daily except Monday. The company reserves the right to change time without notice. For freight or passenger rates apply to dock clerk at Portland, foot Washington St.,or on hoa rd steamer. This is the nearest and most di rect routo to the Nchalem valley. Portland Cowlitz River Route, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellogg Trans. Co. STR. JOSEPH KELLOGG leaves Kelso Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 A. M. Leaves Port land, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. NORTHWEST Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow litz river points, returning the following dayB. This is the only direct route to reach all Cowlitz river points. WM. R. IIOLMAN, Ajrent. Taylor Btreet Dock, Portland, Or. rJ ' " " ;"" "" "-"' J Society Directory. MKKv.oN CITY HOA HI) OK TltAI'K. Him'K hi Coin t llninii on Ni-i'iih.l Monday la anolt uiiitillt. Vlnlini wi'lt'oimt. K. K. HON.U.I'HO.N. OKO. tJ. It HO WN KM. iiiM'ralary. friolili'iil. flA'VKt; l.oi'OK. No:'vT"a t'. W" Mim'Ihhm'oiuI ami Inu rill Hatnnlair ovpiiIiikh at K in III l hall. Caiitiy. Vlnlllug krolliora mailt welrmua. K K ('AHI.ruH. A It Shank RiH'iihltr. Mamr Wnrkmnu "sr John s huancii,'ni. wj, c, k.i a. Mul vvnrjr TiikwI)' pvvuliif al 1 1 1 I r hall tmnirr Mxtii ami Tvnili Slri'i, Ori'imi l llv. N.C. Mn 'iiat n.Si'o jr. T. W.Si l.i.ivN, I'riia ' MI'I.ISllMAII LolmK, NO. I, A. Y A A. M. ' 1 1 1 l.l a Im ri'iiular coin mil u ! Inn n n rl ami Ihlnl Malunln) t rai'h inmilli al 7 HO r. M. tlrtthrvu IhiioihI lamlliia arv tnvilnl to aiivml. I.. I,. I'HIITKK. V. M, T. K. KYAN.HiMTflarjf. CLACKAMAS CMAI'TKK. CUi'kumaa Clilr No. 'I It A. M H.-nnlnr i'iiiivihuIIoii llili'l Muiiilay ol lha inuiilli al 7 ol V.U. 1. II. WAI.KKH, II. P. M Si lli'triea, Sa'. " OHKdiiN l.olMlK, No. a," I O. 6. K. Mela avry viii ,.i al 7 M o'clock r. M. In lha ik'.l rallowi' Hull. Main mroal. MfmlxTi ol Ilia Onlvrara tu Itoti Iu allli4. HKO C, KI.Y, N. (I. Thot, Ityan, Saorrlary. bswiiuVnlir.oK. no hi. I, ik o. r Mkoih at olil Kallow't hall, iimriu, avary Momlay avviiiuii. Vltlllm lirriliri'ii maila Wflionia. W. J. I'lll.NAKK, N. O. J. r. Kim . Sen. "fAM.S KNCAMI'NKNT. No. 4. 1.0 O. V MmMa ltrl ami llilnt 1"l varh moiuti, lli Krllnxa hull. MrMihcr ami vlltW iialrlan ha. ronllally luvlinl lo allciMl J A. HI'KWAMT, W. II ilow ri ! Hi'rllia. ChM rlrlar'li. WACIIKNO TIllllK, NO IX Mmla Tui'xlay vvpiiIiik al A, . C, W Hail. V la I litiat mi'iiilHTa Hivllr I. J. II. IIowamii, Hat-hem, Cm KII.I.Y.C of K. CANIIV l.niUiK NO, .""I. I. O, O. T. Mwla Aral an. I Ihlnl Hutunlay avriiltm n( pai-h moiilh al kiilIH'a hall. I'aiihy. Vlaliln mi'itilHra alwaya mailt wtcoinr Ki.u Km. hit. Htv iio. W, Kxihiit. W, C. WUOHMKN UK TIIK Wdllt.U. WlllalMPltc Kalla Camp No. 14. miwla '.M and 4lh Tiii'xUy lilKhta In i-ai-li uimiiiIi In k oil' hall. Viaiilmi tn'iiililMini ih-i-Ih wrlcnint,, K K. MtKTiN.CInrk. K it. IUJ.l.a.0. C. OSWKUO IIHANUK NO. I7 Col II. MiHMa tho acroml Saiunlair ol rarh moiilh al 10 a. iu. O. Karon HUatvr. J.ij. un iin y. liAMASCI'H OKANOK P. IK II. NO. JU, Moria on thodrai Hamr.-y In rich moiilh al luo't'lin k a. III. al lha liamaariia Ii,mI honaa a Yol'NO. Moal.-r. T II. PaiTllkKa. Srcrrlary. K. OK f. STAK I.OO'iK NO. VV J K 1(1. try C C; ThnmaaNalla K.olK. and H. Mt-rta avary W1n,.aday pvanliiaT al H o'clock In Caaila hall. I. I. O. Y. Imllding. Hroihara Irom oihar li. of I. IihIm luvtlil, OHWKOII I.Oln.K NO. Iiaj, A. K. A A. M. Mtlalha atonilaml fonrlhSaliiriKyaofaach moiilh al 7 p. m All Masoua In il aiandliig arr InvliH to aiicnd l. II Kara. W. M. K.J. Ilral.l.. M.. OStt Ki.O LDlMiK NO. 4im. I. O. H. T. Mitu avrry Krlday rveiilui III lha now hall III Old Towu J. C. Ilaixaa, C. T. Joiia) Km aK, Srr'y. MISTI.KTOK LitDOK NO. , D. OK II. Mivta avi-ry Tnraday rvelilm. MaT Im ari.aii. I . nl II. Klona I'vaa. Kw, m NiiisK i.iiDoOo urX b7c w M. vf ry aoend ami fourth Saturday of aai'h monlli al Wllaouvllla. urruon. M. C. Yoi'KU, M. VY. Jon Tvi na, Kwonlrr "" 'iu liioN I.dIh.E S(T.ATxu7(rW. Mma er Thuraday avanlni at O.I.1 Krllowa hall, Oawufo. Vialtlu lirvlh'aii alaaya aal coma. T., Kai MK. Krftinlar M V. Mol.Al.LA UiDiiK tin. 40. A IK lCw. Mi'ia rlrat ami Ihlnl Saturday In rarh mouth ai K-h.Mil hou.a VI. mm nirnilx-ra uiada wol coma. T. S. srirr, Kl. W J. W. Thomas, Ken. KAMJI CITY LODtit! OK A. O f. W. Mrn. avary Haturdiy araiitna of aarh month In A. o I'. . hall 7th ht. All ..ijciiiriuuj brethren nmdlally Invitad lo altond. T. K. laAl'LT. M. W. (lao t'Ai.irr. Recorder roCNTAIN IIOMKi'O , No I. HfRiilar niiwtluc aarouil Wvdiieaday In aarh month at aimliia lioii.r, raal aldo Malu al i rat, btwpn S..Tmh and KlRhth. J. W,hteat. Sc. II Strahimt. F'rm M. f". UriSH. Korftnau. Mol.AI.I.A UKANliK, No. 40. I. of II. Mrcta al I hoi r hall at WrlxhCa llrldaa on tha rrend Saitirdaf of a'h laonth al 10 a. m Kelluw mrmliari mida wrlroma. J a. Nklmik, Mailer. E It Cixirna. Nee. W A UN Kit OKANHK. No. 117. P of II. Mn't fourth Salurdar of each month, at their hall iu New Kra. C, I'. William.. Maater Mra. Mav ttaldri.u. See') MKADK I'OST, No 'J. II A. It.. DKPA.UTMKNT OK OKKIION. Meet, Aral Monday of each month, al K. of P. Hall, Dregou Cily. Vlililiif comrailea Diada welcome. DAVID McAKTIII'K, Commander. Ml. wu.l.lAMa, A 1 J 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 UKN. CHOOK POST. No, 'U . A. K , 1 art meiil of Ormou. Meet. In achiHil hoiiae at Needy on flrat Sat urday In each month at 'J o'clock p. m. All enmradea made welcome I. P llu.LINoa. II. Thiimcmin, Adjt. Conimaudiir. SONS OK VKTKHANS. E. D. Maker Camp, No. IS. mccli every Aral anil mini I'hiiradny ovclilng of each month. Al K. of V hall. W. T. Johnaoli, Captain: II. S Ili'lomr. Kcpre acnt'itlve Dlv Kucainiiuinnt: O. O. Wood, lat Lieutenant; Alimxo Wlckhain, 2d; C.A llcrinan, lat Scrnnanl. CLACKAMAS LoDOK. Nn. 67, A O. V YY Mei-la flrat and third Monday In each month, al Htralk'ht'a Hall VlaitliiK brcthcrn wcli-onie. C.K.VtAnr. S. IIoLi'omii. Kco. M. VV. COLtTMHIA HOOK AND LAIIDKH CO. Mceta flrat Krlday of each month at Fountain cnnlne houaa. Ciua. Atiiry, I'rea, C. II l'il.i,ow, Sno'y. C'iia. Hitzkr. f'rm CATARACT IIOSK CO. No. I Mceta accond '1'iicaday of eairh month at Cat aract Knilne houan. V II. Ho r.i.l ,1'ri'a (i. II. IIKHTOW, SuO'y. J. W O't'ONMKI.L, t'tO ACIIII.LKS L'llKiE, NO. IIH. K OK P. Mceta every Krlday IHxhl at the K. of P. hall Vlailluii KnlKhta invited. It. L. Hoi. Man, C, C. f J. l.ouiH. K of It. and S HCTTK CKKKK OKANOK. No. M'J, P. of ll. Mceta al their hall In Maniiiam, aecotid Hiit tirdav In each month at III a. in. Vl.ltlnn nieinlicraHlwnya wolcomo. J. E JACK, J. K. WHITE, Secretary .Maater. MEADE VKI'IKK COUPS, No. IN. DEPART MENT OK OKKUON. Mra. M. 8. I'llahury - Prcaldent. Mra. K. L. Cochrane, - . Treaaurer. Mra. J. li. Hh r'llriir. - Hccrctnrv. . Mceta on rlrat and third Tueadnya of each I month In K. of P. Hall. Mcmheri of oorpt from abroad, cordially welcomed. K COMPANY, KIHST KEOIMENT, O. N. O. Armnry, Third and Main. KeRtilar drill nlirht, Monday. Itetfiilar buiiueaa muetluva, flrat Monday of each month. omenta. 3. W. OanniiK, ... Taalaln K.S Kelly, - - flrat I.leiiteiiant L. L. Plckeiia, . - Second Lieutenant TCALITIN OKANOK, NO. Ill, P. ol II, Mceta laat Saturday of each month at tholr hall In Wllannville. It. 11. Hknky, Mikh Hkiia Sharp, Snc'y. Maator. OltEOON CITY HOSE CO., No 8 ItcmilKr inectlnir third TueHiiny of each month a; 7 P M J. I) Kkknki Proa. U.S. Stkanuk. Sen. S. Nkpzukh. K'rm. L. A. 8. OK E. D. HAKEK CAMP, S. OK V. Mceta In K. P. Hull on the accond and fourth Monday eveiilmra of each month. Mk W. K. JOHNdON, i'rea't. Mill Norra Califp, Bco'y. EAST AND SOUTH Til E SlllSTA UOUTB Of the . SOUTllliKN PACI1 IC COMPANY. Kxns Truliis luave I'urtliiiiil Pslly. 8iill.ll "Thoriir ti in r. . T roriUml Ar T .t a. m. Hr.M. I, Oraaoni'liy l. 714. m. IM . Ar S. r'raiiiMai'ii l, T DO r. M. ; IH 10 I'lNINU I' A IIS ON OOHKN It OUT It Pullman Buffet Sleepers. ANII Soconcl-Cliits Stooping Cart Atlai'hadloall Ihrouifh Iralnt KOSKItl'ltO HAIL (Dally! i . m. l.i I'oriland " Ar" I 4 no i'i tuia.H. I. (iri..m liy l. litr.H .XI r. .J Ar Hoaahnrv l. (7 "OaH Waal Hula invulnn. HKTWKKN llOl(TLANH AND COHVAU.IS. Hall Train, Dally (Kicvpt Hmidav.l "7 tot.H. I l, ItHra. Ar " I'. inland AT Corirallla l.r 1 r Al AII.Mtiw ami VnrvMtlla fliidllnnl with Iraina oloroaon and I'aolBo ilallroad Kmrraa Train lall (Kicanl Sunday) 4inr. ai. I l.y " I'oriUmt Ar Ila7ii 7 ifir, M. I Ar Mi'N4iiinvllla l. It (). M TO ALL MNT IS TIIK KASTKIIN STATUS, CANADA AND KI'ltorK Can Ik1 olitalnrd al lowaal ralra from I. H. M.aira, Arnt, Onoii City, KKOKIII.KH, R. I'.ltOIIKIIS, Manaaar. A.. I (I. K. and I'aaa, Aenl. Through Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas City Chicago, St. Louis, AND ALL Eastern Cities. 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO Jnn lid1'"' Qui"k't to Chicago lUUrp ami the Kant. Unuiid Quicker to Omaha llUUrp and Knnsan Citv. PULLMAN A TO CRIST SLEEP KRS, FREE RECLIXINO Chair Cars, Dining Cars. S. II. II. Clark, ) Oliver W. Mink, Receivers. E. Ellery Aiulerson, ) For rates and ri'iiitiiI iiiforuift tion call on or atltln ss, W. II. IIURLHl'llT, Asst. (ienl. Puss. Afit., 2 4 Washington St., eor. Third, Portland, Or. -THE- 1 Oregon Pacific Railroad CHAS. CLARK, Receiver. Direct Line Quick dispatch Low freight rate between Wil lamette '-Valley points and San Francisco. OCEAN STEAMER SAILINGS. Steamship "HOMER." Leaves Sun Francisco March 4, 11 and 21. Leaves Vaqtiiiin March !), 1!) and 20. This Company reserves tho right to chango sailing dale with out notice. For freight and passenger rates apply to anv agent. CHAS CLARK, Receiver. Chas. J. Henilrys, Son A Co., Nos. 2, H, Market St., S. F. caVEATS.TRADE MarksT .at rftOUDt r-Li-re 0AI I OnTAIM A PATENT Kor a Rnmil't anawnr and an hnneat niiimon, write to II SN A' I'll,, who have had nnnrlTliriy yeara' eitmrlenne tn the patent buaineaa, rtinimutiica thmaalrlctlreonlMniillal. A Handbook of In. formation aonceniina I'nlenla anil how to ot tain llieru aerit fraa. Alao a oataloauauf IDvuaau. lutl and anmntltlo Inaika aent free. 1'aietita takan tlirouah Munn k Co. raeelve paclal nollcelutha Mrlentltlc American, and lliua are brouulit whlely before tha public wlttu out ooat to tha Inveruir. Thia anlenilid paper. Iwintt) weokly, alnuant ly lllualralnil. baa liy far tha larveat ciritulatloo of any clentino work In tha w'!.l;rJ.'. '"ri Sample ootilea lent free. Bulldliur Killtloo, moolbly, lliua year. Sintla Oripiaa, 'J.) oenta. Every nuuiimr contains beau tiful plalea, in colora, and PliotoKraphi of new hiiuiuia, with plana, euabliuv bullileri lo ahow Uia) lateat dealKoa anil annure oolitrai ta, AiHrnaa HIWH & CO Niw Yuiik, atil IllioAUWATi FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns & Ammunition. Repair" nn all kindH of aninll maclilnef iroiiidly maile. Diipllcalfl keys to any lin k muiiiifar.Uiri'il. Hlm on Main Street, next lo Nublitt'i SUIilet. mm -rickets r T j ll kl J i ' s. AO ill ttAVCHIO.inMULMAKKS.