Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 06, 1894, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
U V. T CO.'M NT MM Kit
In KrrxT Jan, a,
HtKmnnr IMMllNA,
iiiiimiioii i it. i.mvkh ron.An
turn 111,
I Ml l, III.
Ml i. Ill,
7 in a in .
II ;. in,
4 )i in.
t'NIM V.
V mill, in, miK, in,
J im p. in, t ii , in,
in a mi p. hi.
HihiiiiI trip itsiiii,
I'Iiiik I'mil mil)M'i in I'lianic wlihnul iinllra
- Tin Kn.t
tnv I'lirlUtuI T) .,r alrrnt 4H ( 4" A M.
ml Ifivna iiri-Kon Cliy lor Hul.in uu A. M,
lui'xluy, lliiuxlny mill kaiunlitx.
Lotvt IiiI.iikIii I 'i A M mil M.lmn 7 A
A M ami itr"it I lly I IU I' M lor I'orl
UikI MuiiiUr, ttflnw.)f mul Krhlajr.
.l llllio, Vhm Mnni(Mltl,K .Mil nw Wll'..
Nil r Ir.irhl knuiilv.l. H.mII nl uu
lliriiti.il lirl(li(.
iKTN Mnl'ND,
4'll(iiriil Kii.mo ItlireiKh)
Koaulairg 1.u-jiI (wy mllmiR)
KrtN mii Hii.
I(,ittiiirv t.ttrl mr .Ltliiti.)
4 BlllitriiU KiriM nliMiiigli)
7 to.
1 1 W l. lu ,
t HI . m
7 in . m
M.lli elm aoiiHI Vorili.t a. 111., I m.,H p Hi.
Mall, rim. (oliig Miiiiili, V a. in., 7 , A) p. m.
aiHK aH'TM.
Ori-imi Cllytn Kir. ( arm. Unlliiuanil Mulalla
Irate, al it m. atnj arnvr. al U in. ilally.
Orrimil'llrlxKly. Mlnk.Clarli Niaiiillrmk,
1'alnii Ml I It. Malum ami t'ulioii, Icav. al lua.
ni l urvUv, I'll u rxl a y ami Naiiirilay, ami r
turtii ou IiiIIiikIiii tlavt al i a i. m
Kiil.oitivo New HTHa,.. Hie hlnfl
lit il Sim Mnlra Unit Jim-I I. (iwr, Ihn
hIkuiiiIiohI iiiuii wilt li'lliT to I', M.
Hrmtitilii lliii ullwr ilay in mIiIi Ii Iio naya
lid will Uintf 111 IIkIiI drf; lriiiT,
"Tlio lliir'i'hl Mimiii," tult!iina nlmrl
(liaUnre of Slicriiliin (ur f 10 or ft.V Tim
dli'ft (or mnkiiiK tliu trip la tu dmnon
tralu In "ur rriri'ii'iilalivi In ronrraa
t lint Yamliilll run Im inmlu ti vluittiln
fur ati'aii.lxi.tti' Iroiii tlu Willamette
river to t-'lierliliill. Mr. (Jier flKiiro
tliut aavliiK In freight coillil ramie to
Ihn farnmra l Yainlilll futility ol $10,1X10
x-r )rur Mr. (leer alao wiahea Ut form ft
Joint tik coniiaiiv to put ill a lin k at
the LaFayntto rapid lihli aiM rout
from lil.lMK) to M'HI Tlmn, ailli mi
piroirialiiM) from Hit (JdvitiihiiiiI all
of tli ukairiti'tion i-uulil lx miiovnl,
ml lite iltion of iinviuailJiin from
I'ortlaluHo Klioriiluli wotiM Ixt ftaanri'tl.
Mr. (24r iiitiiimti-ailuit Im will lotve th
rln-r Kiirvyi' l aHin, mul him'W toauiu-
lli tlil orjMllililtion of ft Imi Utilfl"
imiiy lliia M-r if nu.aililu Our 'iipln
rn illll'H-htl'il III I lit lllttltlT, unit W D
luivi) ri'itwii to U'lli'Vti tlml Kiilaituiiliiil
hhmIkInIii'O will l( (,'ivi'ti Mr, 4irtr nil
ttloiiK llm lini. II tin1 KlcuMii'r at, 1 1 1 1 1 t h
tlui trli, wi will trv mul givti luitlrti in
the Sun. It will I hi a iiovnl MifuriiiuiH'ii,
innniiiiii li h it will l.o tlm llrnt i-ll'urt
I'Vit luu.lc to iiAvi'iit( tilt Yamhill ftliovv
McMiiuivilli'. With llm uiil of Iim ka ut
I.Kl'iiyi'llr llm iimtliT of iinviKU'itiK tlui
Yainlilll woti, Im roitipurulivcly runy
for Im'uU n( liiiht .Ir.iiinht.
It aniid l.Kr OiT. t'omliiioiia in tlm
Hour hiiaiiuH nr niicIi tlmt tliu linH'rinl
millM liuvn fiiiintl it inv-Hury to imi!ii
cully cluMi down for the uuimi'r, though
hey limy rniiliiuiH to run ft fi'w iUvs in
'rli tnoiitk to muly liH'iil trade, All
liolp except mu ll l in ftlmolntoly mviii-
aary Iim I nth iliaptrnwil with ftitd there
1h h ft ut theilll only J. W. Cuuoug iml
L. (!. Cuplixi ImiIIi retuinwl on half pay
mid It C. (iatnonif who ukm Into Uie Mule
room hi iiiiioU lower xty mul C. T. Ilick
man, tlib niirlitwulrh. Thin li out
men who huvf never lirfore lnxn
omitted fnmithw pay rolVvin when the
mill wuh ('timed down for ronidtlerulile
l-erioil. Tlieroiiaon for thiN la found in
the cIoko ttiiM'M und the low piire of
flour. Anuin there m not wheut enoiiKh
ohtuiimhln ut prireu tlmt will permit
grinding (or export, mul to itdvunce the
jirieu eiiouiili to Keeiire the wheut heiiiK
lield would prei'lulii exporting ut H
Thk Hkikivkh'ii Okkh k Allan B
fliiiiaon writes the Salem StiituHuiHtl n
follow'H; "The roceiverHhip o( the land
otilee ftt Oregon City is political plum
lu Oregon w hich Hi ill remains linplucked
mid from preHeut npprHmnceR It will
limig on the tne, too high lor (lemocratH
to much (or the next two yearn nearly.
The premmt incuiulhiiit, Hon. Peter
I'uimet, wua not appointed to the olllce
until Fohruiiry, lKlr2,nnd hin term In of
four yearHdurution. Mr. I'liqiitit 'Ib one
of the atronut'Ht republican warhoraeH In
the Htatti hut allien hia appointment to a
federnl ofllce he Iihn not linen an active,
or in other wordu an ofToiiHive pnrtimtn,
and nocluirgcH auaiiiHt him of any kind
have yet been filed at the interior de
partment. Koimii a Mkdai.ion. A nhort time
Hince John 1'VrHylh while looking uboiit
on the Hand hank liulow tow n for arrow
heada -Jo und what he took to he an
ancient coin but . which upon examina
tion proyed to he a memorial inedalion
lHUod In Wi in commemoration of the
300th annivomiry of thd drat printing of
the bible In EiiKliih. Upon one Hide
of the medulion iH a relief of the trans
utorofthe wordH, "Mllea Coverdalo.'.'
Upon the rovorHe it reada, "Tocoinmom
orate that (loriium event, the publica
tion ol tlio first EngllHli bible by Miles
Coverdale, BIhIiop of Exeter, Oetolier 4,
1835 and the third contonnial of tlio
reformation, Oct. 4, 1H35.
J Ann ok Snow, H, ), Coleman who
hua been connected with (he llurlow toll
roi iilinoHt from lu inception wim In
till) cltV a colllilll lit lim a llila u ti unit
aiiya thiil the proapect for an early
iipeiiltiK of llm mini la tlm worat that It I
iiiin liver iiemi ua tlieie la more anow on
Ihn mouutulim than he hua ever known.
At the lull yule where tint hum bents
down with force und mum melts llm
w inter's Ncciiiiiiilutioiia from the aatfdy
soil Ihem la still two feel of snow. It Is
nol only much deeper on tlm miiinuil of
the mouiiliilns than it uhuuIIv Is but it
extends much further down Into tlm
valley. Tins will lend to nuke (he
spring hackwani and wet uiilea ft
vbluixik or Very heavy warm ruin comes
and melts the snow In ft hurry, and we
are hardly anxious to have the limw go
oiriu that way.
Oca Si'hino (iiiar rimi kok 1HIH. Ths
Uiiih has come when you muat think
about spring wear and w want you to
i-oiiiiect these thoughts with or a stock
mul irroNK. You will find our stock re
rmiiiiatlvn of the bust tlm market
slllords, both In material and make up,
WV guarantee our piice lu every caa ua
thiiuhty of tint goods will warrant.
I'mi l muat ulways be conaideied In re
lation to (piality, and Ihn final teat of
quality lies in actual iimi. We lay
hinm'IuI atreas on the ipiallty of our grxHls
as we aim to keep the iikht of eveiy
grade. NoclpHt is spared by us to Iio
thorouuhly abieal the times, keeping al
ways in stock pinvailmg styles, and
adding promptly bom lime to time, as
they apHur, any new novel styles.
Satiatlcd customers make regular patrons.
That is what wew int to make of you
(ii.ass A Smyth,
The C'lolhera, Halters ami Furmslirra.
Tus Hi i s Kivkn Minks. At the an
nual meeting of the Illuu Kiver Milling
& Milling Company in Ibis city last
Monday, urraugemeuis were entered
Into for the Immediate placing at their
mine in I.ane county of a ISMon mill, I
which is to lie in running order by July '
I. Olllcers Were elected for I he eiiailing
year as follows: W. II. Smith, presi
dent ; (ieorge. Hamilton, secretary; II.
Straight. treaiirer; II. K. Linn, W. II.
Smith, (ieorge Hamilton, J. W. (irout
and H. 1'. Green, director; J. W. lirout,
Mahhiku In Albany, Oregon, on
March 28 at the M. K. arsonago, Mr.
E. Kctchum to Miss (iiorgie Olds. The
groom lias for some year been manager
and bookkeeKr for a lunihtr fliin in
Albany ami Hie bride is a daughter of
rMvid Olds of this city.
Change ur Management.
With the April number (Midwinter
L...- V I.. ,. .1... :. I ...I I... . ...
.a.r .,.,,., .orronor i ..u uuan ean
coniroi oi uie wvcriauu jioiitiuy will lie i
SKSiimed by Hoiinsevelle Wildman, late
Unilml Stales Conaul at Singapiue, and
at llarmun, (ieiinany, and United Stales
World's Fair Comnilwtoner for Straits of
Borneo Mr. WilduiHil has been more
Tcently the proprietor of the Idaho
Slitlesuian, Boise city, and ,iromineiit in
Idaho politics; he was one of the live
delegates to Wnshington who seemed
statehood for Idaho, lie in also known
In literature as contributor of stories
and sketches to Harper' Weekly, St.
Nicholas, The Youth's Companion, and
other periodicals. The general standards
of the magazine will remain unchanged
and for the present at least, the retiring
editor, Misa Sbinn, will be somewhat
closely connccteij with the literary
Hun's This.
We offer One Hundred IMIura rewa:d
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure.
K.J. CHENEY A CO. props. Toledo.
We the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the la"t fifteen years and
believe him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions ami financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their linn.
Weal A Tiuax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, Ohio.
Walding.Kinnan A. Marvin, Wholesale
Drngi'iats, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall'sCuliirrh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly UMn the blood und
mucnos surface of the system. Trice,
76 cents a bottle . Sold bp all Druggists,
Testimonials tree.
Perhaps never in the history nf
modern journalism baa any newspniHir
gained so rapidly in public, favor as the
Chicago Inter Ocean. Within the past
two years it has, by adopting progres
sive methods and injecting push and
enterpiise in all its department forced
itself into the very front rank of Chicago
newspapers. That this popularity is
deserved is beyond question. The
publisher during this time, Mr. It. 11.
KoIiIhiiiiI, has spared neither expense
nor cll'orl to attain his ideal and he has
succeeded. Cneomprisingly republican
on all National issue, the Inter Ocean
does battle for what it believes to be the
true faith in a manner that at once com
mand the attention of tho public and
respect of all. It can be recommended
to those who desire a clean, reliable, en
terprising metropolitan family news
paper. Kurt' Clover Hoot, the new Blood
Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion and cures Constipation.
25c, BOc. and fl.OO.. Sold by C.Q.
Receipt, note and order books at the
Entkri'hisk olllce.
The Next Itegnhir Jlei lliig In be llchl
In Hie New hcliuiil House
ut Mllnaukee,
At new Era school house luat Sat unlay
the Clackamas County Teachers' AhmocI
atiou was culled to order at 10:30 a. in.
by Tri-aidi'iit (Jibson. There was a larne
attendance of teachu'S from all parts of
the county.
After the reading of the minutes by the
secretary the following teachers were
duly elected inemUtrs of the association :
Misses Agglu Mc Arthur and Minnie
The program of the day was opened
by some choice instrumental mimic fur
nished by Mr. (i. lUndall.
I'rof. W. II. I'owell opened the dis
cussion on the subject, "Use of the
English Verb," which was discussed at
some length by the association.
A veiy Heading recital ion was given
by Mis Minnie Joehnke.
"InU-resl" whs the subject aasignej to
I'rof. H. U. Downs, who truutod
it lu an able manner. Mr. )owns does
not believe in teaching many formula
to pupils. He uses the ti -r cent
method in teaching this subject
lie was followed by I'rof. V. If. I'owell
on the subject of '"Percentage, who be
lieves in connecting percentage and in
tercut and teaching them by the 100 jajr
cent method. lSuth teachrrs illustrated
the aliove named methods to the aasocia
liou. Several teachers took part In the
diitcme-ion, which followed.
At this juncture an Interruption came,
in the lorni of an Invitation from War
ner orange for the teacher to step over
into the grange hall, and take dinner to
which they heartily rescinded and did
ample justice, to the bounteous repast
spread before them.
Kind words of welcome were soker.
by J.Kosier of Warner grange, which put
II present in good huiuor, and all mem
ber of the grange vied with each other,
ill muking the occasion one to be long and
pleasantly remembered.
Called to order at 1 :30,
Oil ri'ssseinbling the association was
again favored with music from Mr. Han
dall. A poetical recitation was given by
Mis Aletha l'lielps.
An biatorical address on "Oregon" by
Mrs. II. S. Ciihson showed her thoroiwh
icipluinlaiice with this subj'ct. her al-
llluillliB Iji lIlM ftfTiirtu ,.f itiu Miirlv liiiinniirl
' ...v .j
j,, lhe ,,roviding 'llK.N for the
education of the young, showed their
appreciation of the vulun of education .
I ler tribute to the energy, ability and
genius of Oregon' sous and daughters
are Illustrated by the stati representa
tion at the late Columbian exposition
was entirely just and well merited.
The New h'.rt Choral Union next
rendered a quartette which ws well re
"Morals in the Public Schools," a
paper prepared by Miss Jennie Howen,
held the attention of all present, and
was well worthy the study, of every
teacher, as it contained many hints and
suggestions, thot would prove helpful in
teaching this all Important subject.
Among other thing, the speaker would
advise the reading of short stories con
tainfng a moral lo the children.
A delightful song was then sung by
Mrs. Coojier.
several members, who were on pro
gram, being absent, the remainder of
the time was occupied in discussing
various topics of interest to lhe teacher.
After which the committee on pro
gram reported the following for next
Music Local Talent
Primary Language Miss Levelling
Recitation Misa Waldron
Penmanship, Class drill, Prof. T. J. tiray
"Recreations" Prof. W. II. Powell
Recitation Will Hankins
Vocal Solo Miss Starkweather
"Object of Teachers' Association"
Prof. K. W. Pringle
"History In Country Schools"
A. C. Strange
Solo Miss Maggie Williams
"Orthography" Mis Rss
Physiology Miss Hampton
Song "Columbia," Association
A vote of thanks was then given on
behalf of the Teachers' Association to
the people of New Era in general, ami
toWttiner grunge in particular for the
friendly treatment and delicious dinner
the association received.
Fannik 0. Portkh, Secretary.
The Oswego school is having an in
teresting series of lecture by citizens of
the town one each alternate F'riday
afternoon. Friday, the 10th, Mr. F. L.
Mintie talked upon the civil war and the
30th Mr. Gray gave a very interest
ing talk upon the World' Fair and It
influence ujion our country. April 13th,
Capt A. Evan, jr., will deliver a lec
ture upon Mexico and South America
where be ha spent several years.
The pupil are required to reproduce
these talk from note taken by them
and are both interested and benefitted
We have ft piano. It is not an $800
Instrument, b it it is a good .'nsipiincnt, I
ricu anil strong in lone, i lie pupus al
ready show decided Improvement in
their marching sine this acquisition.
It did not cost the diftiict a cent, being
tlm result of two entertainment given
by the pupils and Miss I'e-sa e Evans'
School of Expresaion for lhe purpose j
aided by the generosity of a number of
the citizens.
Katie Feathers will teach a three
month term of school In District No. Ml.
to come to our wtore
times. We have ho
much lo wll ix-sidcs.
quinine, ami all those,
hitter thing's; we don't
want you to think we
nre hatijiy only when
you are sick. Of course
if you must he ill we
always want to put up
your prescription, hut
we have a thouHand and
one thinjrH that you
need hi-sidcR medicine.
Just now we have some
particularly fine bathing
acccHsoricH. Uuhlier ana
hrist lc hath brushes from
II to t!.50; hath mitts
.V) and 7oc.; elepant hath
towels, from .'": to 11. .V).
Tin y will last you for
yearn and you take nolid
comfort every time you
use them. Then every
one must hove perfume
and toilet waters. We
have all kinds and at
all prices.
Prescription Druggist,
Oregon City, Oregon.
If you buy anything at our
store and it isn't exactly what
it should he or what it was
represented to he ifyou're not
satisfied, bring it hack, and
we'll refund full price. If you
find that you could have bought
the same thing any place else,
at the same time, for less
money, come in and we'll give
you a rebate equal to the differ
ence. We will protect our
customers in everv way and
will consider it a favor if you
will rejHirt any dissatisfaction.
Huntley's Book Store,
Oregon City.
Would he pleased to see his friends
and patrons in his new
quarters on
Third and Morrison Streets,
Over Golden Rule Bazaar.
1800 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon and Washington
now in operation by the
Oregon Telephone and Tel
egraph company.
Portland, Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Salem,
Walla Walla, Pendleton,
Albany and other towns
in the two states on the
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect on a
clear understanding. Spo
kane as easily heard as
Oregon City office at
Huntley's Drug Store.
Portland, - Oregon.
Cooke's Stables,
W. H. COOKE, Manager,
SucccMor to U. H . T. A U Co.
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
of the City. Kins of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi
nesfl promptly attended to.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
ihsLl I I IWOIMI 1 I I
lit (ffl ff fig ft
Wet Feet are Dangerous
At any time enpecially at this season of changes. If you would
have your children well shod buy the
Who have just received a new invoice, also a full line of the best ladies
fine shoes. We have the finest and best assortment of
shoes in the city. Prices low. Call and see.
Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of the Day.
All Kinds of Cake Made to Order
Jacob Kober, Proprietor.
Columbias, Clevelands, Crescents.
Ranging in price from $25 to $125. Sold on the
installment plan at cash prices.
Wheels, Catalogues & Information
At Clackamas County Agency
W. A. HUNTLY, Oregon City, Oregon.
Next Door to Commercial Bank.
Stoves and Tinware.
Corner Fourth and J Streets, - - East Portland.'Oregon.
Test Medium ami Psychometrist.
GEALED letters answered without breaking the seal, and life reading
p From the same, $3.00; Private settings $2.00; Official
Medium for the first Spiritual Society. Public test
meetings every Sunday and Thursday evenings at Good
Templars hall, corner Second and Yamhill streets. Resi
dence at 2G9.J First Btreet, Portland, Oregon.
When Writing Mention This
Oregon City Enterprise
for 25
From Now Until
After Election.