Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 30, 1894, Image 7

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Ntrlklng r.aaniilM uf Ilia Workings
tif Ilia In An.
An liiiliintiHii itri'ii (if tlm nortlii'imlrrn
itnttw, rtc'ii'lln mmtli to New York,
til tlmn wi'ulwiiril In mi trri'KUlitr lino
t) Ciiirlnimli himI Ht. LiiiU, U nliiitmt
wliully ciiviTinl will) a tliKmlt uf drift
iiittUrlul, In which nx kiiof vnrioim lr.c
uralmlMHlili'il, wlilln oIImt riH'kn, oftiiiof
nmriiiniK Rlr.n, lln tim tlm mirfurit.
Tliimo iilix'ks. ImVH Imm.ii run-fully Rtiiilii'ii
liy tint AiihtIi uii K''"l"Kl"t, mill II117
jirwteMt li with whim very liiUirt'ittiiiK
fiuit. Not only Mm tlm (lUUiinn from
Which they Itava Iwen trMiiMtHirtnl very
(rHt, but In very iimny cmm they r
fiiiiml Kt a Kr'ittr elevation limit tlm
jilwe from wlilrh they must have vomit.
iTofewmr (J, V, Wrluht foiiml nn eimr
inoni kiM'iiiiitilnttoii of how-Mer on a
MiitUtoiiM jilui.au In Monro" county,
1'n. Mitny of thewt Imwlili'rn were (friui
lt and inimt Imve otunt) ntttnr front tlis
Adlroiiiliti k iimjii tituiitn, WO mill' to tlm
north, or from tlm CaiuulUtt hlKhUmW,
till further Hwity. Thin imiciiiiiuImIIoii
of bowlder wm 70 or 80 feet hlli, and
It vitniiiliil iimny mile, (liHH't'inliiiK
k deep valley 1,000 feet IhiIow tlm pluteim
In iii'itrly ooutlntiouit Him, formiiiK part
of tlm noiithiTii iiiornlnn of tho great
Amorti-Nii U'o aheet.
On tlm Kentucky lillln, ulmt 13 mil.
hi III of Out'tiiiuitl, roiitfloini-ruto bowl
der continuity iieMiloauf rwl Jnstier can
bn twd ttiit limited out'MMif theaiuiiu
rock In t iiimilu, to tlm north of I.nko
Huron, mure tltnu OoO iiillea dlnUitt, mul
linlUr bowlder Iihvh Imi.h found at
Intervale, over tlm whola Intervening
couutry. In Ixilh tlnno nut. tlm block
llltlat Imvtt iiiumed over iuterveulll( val
ley ami hill, tlm hitter tu huh or near
ly a high m tlm iMitirt n whotu'e the rock
Were derived.
Even nmro reiuurkublu are iiumerotm
bowlder of Ileide IberK liliieatone on tha
ummltof tint Itltio ltiilge In 1'eiitiayl.
vanht, wlili li imiiit have) been brouKht
from Inljfee at leiut fiou feet lower thuu
tho Jiluce tiKin which they now lln.
Tlm Ultio Ki. Ik ItM'lf howi rt'iiark
ahl "Itfiut of kIiicIuI nhriuiloii in a well
defined nhoiiMcrinurktiiK tho aollthern
limit of ll... Ice (n iiilicUxl mIo by
)iei of drift and errittu ), no that Mr.
Wrlk'l't com huh llmt sovcrtil liuiulred
ftt of the ril,' Imvtt 1kiu worn away
by tlm ice.
Tho crowning cxuuijiIr of bowlder
trantirt4itiiin in, however. afforded by
thn block of llt,'ht Krny KUeiu Uitu-over-ed
by l'r"fetor Ilitchc.H k on thegiiin
mlt of Mount VanhiiiKtiiii, over (1,000
wit above aeit level, and ideutifled with
lletblehrm giifiiui, whoMt Ui-nrvet outcrop
1 li) Jeffertton, aovnral mile to the north
weat and 8,000 or 4,000 feet lower than
Motiut Wa.hiut4in. A. It W alloc In
Fortnightly Heview,
Wrack and Naivaga.
Given htp In ft anfft poaltion a re
Bard valuahlo irojrty on Wrd, but
an tiucerUtiu hmoUoii a regard diving
oprrntl.in, and lm may bo to tlm (liyera
a Mtaitd by" for year uotahly, for
viamplo, in tho com of tlm (teuuiidifp
Cad!, wrecked in lH",i near Uahant, hav
I11K on board valuable pl lead and quick
illver in liirijii iron bottltia. Tho HiiIvbko
aMoriatlon had landing' contract with
diver, and year after year, when noth
Iuk uioro reuiuiieruUvu wa on hand, tho
dlvluK cutter would anil out from Whit
tlublo for tlm wreck.
When tho new of tho Ion of till vea-
el wm flrnt received, itoiiiecliHKrin.il un
derwriter inudo known to the KalvaK"
awtoclnttou that in a box in the captain's
cabin ww a jeweled hunting kuifo valued
at t"7,000, WdoiiKinK to Portnumnio no
bleman. The exact "(tot in which the box
waa Untowed wit carefully explained to
the diver, but all their ulforta to find it
were in vaiu, or so they ailinutxL Load
they could see In plenty, and quicksilver,
but uothiiiK at all resembling box with
jewel hlll.il knife In It. At this tUu(o,
however, they were paid not by results,
but by tiuiH, and It BUKKet.il itself that
tint thick liens of the water uilglit Ixiclear
ed by tho offer of a ttxi'ial S por cent, or
350, fur the recovery 0f the Jtnlfe, and,
by ft singular coincidence, the costly toy
was immediately found and brought to
the surface. West minster Review.
C'ryatallUtnff Ktowfrs.
A writer remarks that the process of
crystallizinK flowers isHimploand can be
satisfactorily Bi'ciuuplinli.il by any one
who has artiHtio skill.
Arrange soiiin bimket forms of any do
sired pattern with pliable copixr wire
and wrap them with kuzo. lntotli.no
tie to tho bottom violets, ferns, geranium
loavea in fact, any flowem excojit full
blown roses and sink them in a solution
of alum of one pound to a gallon of wator.
Wait until tho solutiou lms cooled, as
the color will then be preserved in their
original beauty, and the crystallized
alum will hold them faster than when
formed in a hot solution.
When you have ft light covering of
crystals that completely envelops the ar
ticles, remove cheerfully and allow it to
drip for 13 hour. These baskets make
a unique ornament and long preserve
their freshness. Popular Science News.
A Itlns Dint.
"I don't know but I shall take to eat
ing with chopsticks soou,"saida Spring
field patorfamiliiiB the other day. "We've
got to living on rice at our house. My
little girl goes to cooking school, and her
mother says uiiIohh she can practice
whut she is taught the Instruction will
be of no use to her. They've been hav
ing half a dozen lessons on what to do
with rice, and now we have rice at evory
meal. We've rung tho changes on rice
aoup, rice pudding, snowballs, rice
cukes, rice frittt'fS, rice gmns and apples
and rice till I wonder I'm not jabbering
tho lingo of a heathen Chinese." Spring
field Homestead.
Havnlt Agnlnat llnuud Fast.
Theliridginan School For Girls at Pe
king has recently determined to re
ceive no more girls with bound foot.
The native Christians at Peking, as tho
result of an enthusiastic mooting, have
formed an anti foot binding society.
Haa'i Horn.
Advlaa l or Young ftlijrnia-lar.
nidiciilit and serious advice uro bulh
Itestowed freely Upon youthful verslll'TS
to convince them of what I usually evi
dent to evcrylioily but themselves that
they uro Hot v'H'ts.
Poetry, they are told, can only bo pro
duced by iiu'ti mid women born to gen
ius and Is a sorry recreation for sensi
ble young people, who would do better
cither to play or to study than to wnsto
time in mulling rliyiiinsimdsiitiinental
i.ing, All such iioiisenso should bo put
lde, and If writing l to bo dune at all
It should btt in plain prone,
In the main tint advice Is good. Heal
poets are almost a rare as white black
birds. Struggling rhymester who re
gard themselves a tho (ireat Unrecog
nized and who think their homely critics
Ignorant person who will lie confuted
In tho distant future by the dazzling
fame of Immortal work they some day
will produce are absurd enough. Nev
ertheless versifying la ft gift which may
be turned to agreeable 110 even when it
doe not approach tho realm of jtoetry.
We do not consider that tho person
gifted with ft facile jielicll should Rot
draw lost bo should fancy himself an
rtlst. Why then need we discourage
tho imtwui giftnl with a knack at rhyme
from versifying lest ho should believe
himself a iHsit'c
IiiiIikhI stem discouragement rlithnr
than kindly criticism or judicious praise
I what ofu-nest drive young and ardent
writer of verse to believe the iower
which they know thcmselve to posses
something more Important than it is.
ltliymlng is a pretty art in itself.
There la something winning to most
ear In it swing and lilt, and It may
frequently lie used rfTif lively by ama
teurs if they will accept the limits of
their talent and deal with thought and
theium which are not imitated, but hon
estly their own. Youth' Companion.
A I'rubUm of Ilia Kuluro.
There really seems to 1st no hojie for
words which wo class as common gen
der, so that wo shall perhaps forever
hear some triple refer to their "lady
friend" or their "gentleman cousin."
Nor can we desire such a complete' dif
ferentiation that would coinis'l us to be
strictly logical in giving the feminine of
"Michigauder" or constrain us to follow
an example already set in referring to
woman's convention iu "moving in the
even soprano of their ways."
This latter might be improved ujon
by saying mezzo soprano of her way.
Hut, joking aside, how are we to refer to
the presiding odii-er of an assembly of
women? Will Mrs. President do? Or
hall we In our rule of parliamentary
practice suggest the cliuirf Perha this
would answer. Hut supHtse tho chair
ppoiiiu a commit teo, and in announcing
the member desire that Mrs. A. should
preside at tho delilteratiou of this com
mittee, how tliall she iudicate it? Shall
she say, "1 BpHiliit Mrs. A. chairman"
or chairwoman? This hitter bear too
close a resemblance to charwoman to lie
popular ftud in the broad pronunciation
of sumo might lie mistaken for it. Would
it do lo say chairuiistrewt? If not, what
shall wo advito'
Again, we are likely soon to see women
on our juries, and it is more than prob
able that 0110 of them would bo selected
to render tint vtydict. In such an tvent
confusion might result, inasmuch as eur
stututes presenile tho functions of tho
foreman. Shall these states as soon as
they admit women on tho jury reviso
their statutes in this regard? If so, what
change must lie made foreman or fore
woman, foreman or forcum-trcK, or
what? J. Howard Oore iu New Peterson.
ICstrtinia lllh stttl l.ttw Temperatures.
Itweiit scientific discoveries have made
possible tho uko of higher tcui)eraturoa
than had before liecti reached, and the
application of the electric current bat
given a degree of heat hitherto consid
ered unattainable. In the opposito di
rection ft French scientist, M. 1'ictct, has
been exiterimeuting ami ho succeeded
In producing tho extraordinary low tem
perature of 278 degrees centigrndo (401
degree F.) below the freezing point,
ft degree of cold almost incalculable to
our senses. These researches in the di
rection of both high and low temper
atures are not simply matters of scientif
ic curiosity, but are of snltstantial use,
since they open new fields of chemical
research and permit changes and combi
nations which have lieon considered pos
sible, but impracticable with tho mcaus
at command. Engineering and Mining
alatlimls of Homa Authors.
In The Writer Dr. lirichseu of Detroit
has an article on how authors write.
Darwin, we are told, wrote on scraps of
puier as ho traveled around iu his sulky.
Chateaubriand required all the lux
uries of tho craft in the way of desk,
pens, pajHtr ami ink when ho wrote. Dr.
Ueorgo Kbers writes on a lupboard. Or
dinarily he writes with great ease, but
"sometimes thecoiiiponitioii of a stirring
chapter so inercileKsly excites him that
great beads of sweat appear upon his
forehead and he is compelled to lay down
his pen unable to write another line."
Some authors write at night, others in
the morning, nnd all of those here men
tioned, except tho ladies, enjoy tho stimu
latus n Honied by tobacco. Anna Kath
arine Ureen finds her stimulant in her
scrnpbooks, while Kato Field stimulates
herself with hot wator.
Tits Iii-tlnots of Illi-ds.
It is certain that all creatures on the
desert show remarkablo intelligence, and
how they acquire their information is
decidedly a puzzle. Sup)Mso, for example
alfalfa seed is sown. Tho place may not
have a bird about the day before tho seed
is put In, but next day a cloud of them
will descend upon thetqiotaud faithfully
eat every seed. They do their work
thoroughly and with praiseworthy indus
try. Poisoned wheat will check the en
tire removal of the seed, but the sparrow
is nover deterred by death, though thoro
ftre some who aflirm a few dead spar
rows will have a chastening influence
npon the rest. The sparrows with whom
I have had personal relations despise
death. Exchange.
II called tho "Father of PIhmum."
It ia caused by ft Torpid Liver,
and is generally accompanied with
To treat constipation succwtHf ully
It it ft mild laxative and'atonio to
the digmitivo organs. By taking
Bimmons Liver Regulator yott
promoto digestion, bring on a reg
ular habit of body and prevont
Uiliousncss and Indigestion.
My wife vu tnrrlr UtrMr4 with Com. I ra
tio nd coughing, loilow'd with (tliin hU.
Afttriuur nw.ilht uMotSimmotM jvr Krgulator
ha la alaioat antltalr rallawl, taming Kraugtk
ml Baah." W. h. LssrM, Lxlawaia, Oluo.
lias ear 1. Stamp In rrA am wrappar.
J. II. XKIU1I 4 CO., fbllaOalnUla, 1
V Your V
I Heart's Blood g
Is the most Important part of
tf your organism. 1 hree-lourthiot tf
the complaints to which the sys- 7
tern Is suhject are due to impuri- y
iit s in ine uiooo. l oucan.incrc-.
re, realize how vital it is to
Keep It Pure
r or which purpose nothine c
equal ffjjli eflcrtu-lly i
cleanses the blood thorouKhly V
. ,1 I ... i 1 .1 .1 I 1 I.L T
mi.u ouiiosup inc general iicaitni at
IM Trrftiii m B fatxl ftn, shm divcM tUd
V SiViFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. Ga. V
h f loftbV ftililtci
Mutual Until Life Imaics Co.,
AM2I DODD, President,
JnmeH B. Pearson, Vice Pres.
ItecelvM for premium!
hecelved lor lutereat and net reuii
Balance January 1, IK'S,
Claims l.y death f I.W.79S
K.n.lowtueiits ami anutiitles SOI .IBS W
Kiirrcn.lcreil policies 1 CsW.741
Dlvldt'tids or return premitiins Lews.? 78
(Paid policy bolder, KMu.bOt U)
Taxes ' 21H.7W 52
Kxpensea. Inclii.lliig agents' commissions, advertising, salaries, etc I,l:4.2u7 70
Profit and loss, lucludliii premiums paid on bonds purchased W.STaS 76
lialsnce January 1, le4
Total $59,64.1,927 63
Cash ou baud and In banks
Loans on collateral. V S. bonds and other securities
t'nlled Slates and other bonds, par
Kl ret bonds and mortgages on real estate
Heal eatate, company s otllre building, Newark, .
Ileal estate purchsaeil on foreclosure
Ixiatta on policies in force
Premiums In tratiill. since received
Agcuta, balaucea and caah obligations
Intercut due and accrued . .
KM deterred and unreported premiums ou policies
Reserve fund, 4 per cent
Policy claims iu process of adjustment
IHvi. I. 'ti.ls due aud unpaid
Premiums paid Iu advanca
From the above surplus a dividend haa been declared tocach policy entitled thereto.
payable on Its aniversarv in inh.
Surplus by New York and Massachuctts standard
and marked value of assets)
Surplus by former New York stsndard (Am. Kx. 4' j
P.iltclca lkstic.l and revived In WS. 11.S59, Insuring
Policies In force Jrtuuary 1, 18M4, 77.4W lusuriug .ti
Axti Poun,
BLOOHriKI.D J. Mll.l.KR,
Albsrt B Carlton,
tigOROI A. Hauiy,
FRgn'x M. SiiKi'iiARn,
John L. IU.akk,
Edward II. Whiiiiit,
IUnjamin C. Miixir,
Northeast Corner Third and Washington Sis., Tortland, Oregon.
The Oregnn City Sash & Door Co.
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc.,
Special sizes of doors and windows made to order. Turning of all kinds.
Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts
Furnished on application. Builders give us a call and see if our work
is not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest. Trice
sent on application.
Factory Cor. Main and 11th Sts , Oregon City.
'w1 .-Vl)
,Tst 7 ''Jf
Friend of Woman.
The vary remarkslils and certain relief given
womankind lijr "Mewre'a Hevaaled h.-indy
haa wen for it the name of Woman's Friend
, ll la tinlfornil r aui t'eaaful In relieving their
delicate allmenla.
BUinl Iiwrlraa aa the natural remedy pettiilsrly
ailantwl Ui the wanta of womankind.
HrTTL, Jan. JO, Iffil.
"I want you to ntilillah m r teatlmoulal for
M'MiKS'a Ksvsai.sn Kinkuv, for It haa beens
graml thing lor me. lor It haa cured me of bead
achea, from which I have anlfvre.1 whenever I
l"ame ' hi I )-! . lor the laat fllieea yeara; I havt
rulTfred ierfct torture fortwrrily-fourhoura at
a time, aoinrllrnca relchlng for three hour a with
out aitjr r.-.l and unalile U.get help from any of
the nmnnerleaa reinKllea tried. Now I am free
from thla lurTerlnr. lor at the flrat aymt.lom n'
one of theae attarka I take s good iee al
" Moore'a Kevealeil," and that la the end ol It.
It haa atari cured me of crc atlpatlon. My hua
han.l aara It haa aaved hlallfe, and be would not
he without It. We are both ao happy over It we
caiiii.it aay enough III Iu favor,
, and advlteall
our Irlenda to uae II
11118. J AM KB 0I.F.ASON.
Cnr. 1Mb and Jai-kaoD Hta., Heatlle, Waah.
gWfut sale by all driiKglita.
00 TO
Flue Perfnmerles and Toilet Articles.
AIM s lull itork of
tLAfM UfefeltBaW. ! -' aVllaaM
Mt.to". Ut ft U.H tSi MlbMl.
Hak t, rir 114 1rl taVe
ltavt tlllft( Haw kftuela. V
fHlak laaOaXJIlM. ifc MftrklM W
ti.tr.-t Hflfhi. MiMr4
rw4 krf-l wtrn. It K-4
A frr MMl-sfta4Ot' f IXkilbft.
JM'KMw.vwru Uirvetlavnrr
W. r HABKI0?l Jk CO.. M'... lJb4l
.. f 7.311.M2 SS
. . . i.ta-if'JSr On
I .tM4.671 4
Mt; 1
$ 1.9,64.1,927 62 l
f K.W0.'.M9
81.5-67it 87
. i.m 5"0 on
. l J.ows.ia)
. 29,642,4IW .10
2tm.oij oo
7Wt.H70 til
6.031.97S OS
1H0.M7 71
17.18S 66
51.S58.678 87
Iu force
.1 m.m i
5,7Mi 06
1.4m,971 95
f.V1,0I,5U Si
..W,l.il 0
it. 158 Sfi
S.XA 73
49.742,"'02 47
8,ii78,7 85
(actuaries' 4 per cent reserve!
W.rWS.Tfl0 .IS
,So5,707 85
per cent reserve ) . .
f 9.IW.7M.
- .,J76,7,H).
Mvrcds L. Ward,
Kl OltNK Vanpkrpool.
Fred'c Frilinouuyseh,
The Red Front Stores.
We olTt-r 18 ynr Indigo blue or Turkey red calico, $1 00
We ofl'er V2 to " yards Online Flannel, 1 00
We offer '20 yanU good unbleached muglin 1 ' 0
We ofl'er 10 yardo grssl apron (Jingham, 1 00
We ofl'er 1 doz. ladies.' trimmed bat, choice, for 1 "0
We offer 8 yardri black natteen for 1 00
I'.eHt flour, Back, 70c; dry gran, nugar, 17 lbs., tl; gallon jug 10c; Btone
rnilk pan, 1 gal., 10c; flower pot ftr; 2 qt. Btone jar and cover '2-rc;
broken roaat cofree '2oc; tean 22c, 30c and 37Jc; nave you one-third on
teas; KJc vaHeline for 5c; Hilk throad in colors 5c; 7 BpoolB thread 25;
HJc envelopcB 3 bunches for a dime.
Men's U pants selling now at $3; good cotton socks 5c; men's overalls
45c; boys' overalls 40c and 45c; nobby neckties 20c up; boy's supenders
10c up; men's suspenders, good ones, 20c up; boys' jeans jants 75c and
85c; fine lot fancy dress braids, linings, pants goods, embroideries, laceg
and new spring millinery.
HAMILTON BROS., Oregon City and Park Place
Notice ll hereby rln, that In purauance nf
an order of the County ( urt of the State of
Oresnn, for the county of Claokamaa. made at
the Marf-h term, MM. ol aM Court, on the flrat
day ol eaid term, being the Mh day ol (aid
month of March, ISM, in the matter ol the ea-jite
of Oavld Wllllama, deeeaaed. the nnderalKned
admltilrtratorol aald eatate. will aell at public
auction to the hitheal bidder lorcaab. iu one
barrel, eud aubject Ut confirmation bv aald
t otinty Court, ou Saturday, the 31at day of
March, I'M. at lOo'eiork a. m ol aaidday, at
the court hnuee door In Oreion ( it jr. in aald
I la.-kamaa county, slate ofOrernn, allthprlKht,
title, lutereat and eaute ol the aaid lute.tate at
the time ol hia death, and all the right, title and
Inlereat that the aald eatate haa, by operation ol
law or otherwiie. ac't'iired. other than or In ad
dition to that ol the aald Intealate at the time o
hia death, In and to all that lot, pie.-e, or par
cela of laud, alttiate, iyln and being in aald
(,'lerkamei connly. atate ol Oregon, particularly
deM'rlbed aa lollowa: The n rth hall of the
aouih-weat iiiarter of acctinn ten (Hi), intonn
hlp four.anuth of range one eaat. In thediilrl'l
of land aubject to aale at Oregon City. Oregon,
containing !nfj, eighty ecrea. Alao. the I.. How
lug deecrlbrd tract: 1 he north weat quarter) f
the atititb eaat quarter of aection tan (10). town
hip four aoutb, range one eaat, contaiuiug (40)
fortr acrca. more or l'-a.; being in ail one hun
dred and twenty acrea, more or leaa. Term
and conditiona of aale, caah Ten per rent of
the purrhaae raouer to be paid to the adminia
tralor on the day of aale: balance on confirma
tion of aale by aaid County I ourt; deed at ex
penae of purrheaer S B. CAi.IFF,
Admlniatrali.r with the will annexed ol the ea
tate ol lravid Wllllama, deceaaed. 3--30
In the matter ol the eatate ol Caroline Norton,
Piirauant to an order of the Comity Court of
Multnomah county, atate of Oregon, made
March 7th. lftM, the anderalgued. executor of
the eatate ol Caroline Kortoo deceaaed. will,
Irnm and after the loth dyol April. IkH. pro
reed til fell at private aale the lollowiug de
crild real prorty. to wit: The eaat halt of
the following tleacrlbed tract ol land: begin
ning at a point nlue chaim aoutb and alg chains
and thirty one links weat ol the north eaat cor
ner of aection Slteen. township three, south,
range three east; thence eaat eighty-alz chalua;
thence south twenty chains : thence eaat tweuly
oue chains and flit J links: thence north seventy
five chains: thence weat one hundred and seven
chains and fifty links; thence south fifty-five
chains aud fifty linka to the place ol beginning,
containing six hundred and thirty-seven acres
and sixty-two hundredth ol an acre, more or
leas. In Clackamas county, Oregon.
Terms ol sale: One half cash, and the re
mainder in one year at eight per cent lutereat.
to b secured by a mortgage on the property
sold. VY. H. PtiFR. Executor
of the eatate of Caroline Morton, deceased.
Al the office ot W. C. Johnson, attorney. Ore
gon City, Oregon. 3-4:4-4
Do Not Climb the Hill !
George C. Ely's
Elyville, - Oregon,
Where you can get the highest
cash price ior
Butter, Eggs and Other Farm
Full Una of new goods at prices
lower than Oregon City.
Anrtrrewable Laxative and N EKVETONIli
Sold by Dniinrtstaor sent by mail. 5c., oOtx,
and )1.00 per package). Sample free.
im lln The Favorite TOOTS SWII1
IkU I1U Tortlie Teeth and Jlreath.li&u.
For sale by C. G. Huntley.
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me a trial.
(P I n0- WOT,h lovelv Mu$lc torForty
' n 1 1 1 Cafltt. consisting of too pafr.es
j H I w ft,,, Sneel ')rtus,c of tn4
latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular
selections, both vocal and Instrumental,
ja- (rotten up in the most elegant manner, In-
eluding four Ltr(;e siie Portraits.
CARUENCIU, tht Sparlih Danar,
fAMREWS!, the Briat PlaKitt, "3
aooetaa all omocrb va
'- Eroadwav Theatre PMg.. New York Oty.
Notice Is hereby given, that on Monday, the
4th day ol June. li'4. at the naual place of vot
ing In the aereral precincts ol Clackamaa routs
ty, state ol Oregon, an elect'on will be held for
atate, district, county and precinct olticers,
Member of Congress 1st district,
Hecretary of Bute,
State Trenail rer.
State Superintendent of Public Instruction,
St tie Printer.
Attorney General,
One Justice ol the Supreme Court,
Mtrict Attorney Filth Judicial District.
One Member State board ol Equalisation. 51 h
Ji,lr,ct- M 1
One Joint Senator, district Clackamas sod
Marlon counties,
One Senator.
Three Members ol House of Representatives,
County Judge.
One County Commissioner,
County Clerk,
County Superintendent of Schools,
Coroner. , ,
One Justice) of the Peace for each magisterial
One Constable lor each maglaterlal district
Which election will be held at o'clock in the
morning, and will continue until ( o' clock In
the afternoon of sud day.
Dated this d day of March, MM.
GEO. F. HORTOK. County Clerk
F.atablUhrd 15-
Transfer and Ere,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
i Ly "V "W" W
If you are interested.in 4
Advertising $
y you ought to be a sub-
) scriber ot Printers' Ink:
51 a journal for advertisers.
Printers Ink
is issued weekly and is
filled with contributions
and helpful suggestions
from the brightest minds
in the advertising busi
ness. Printers' Ink
costs only two dollars a
year. A sample copy will
be sent on receipt of five
lO Sppua St., - feui York
livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and sad
dle horses always on hnnd at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the burn for loose stock.
Information reiiardinir any kind or
stock promptly attended to by person of
horses Bought and Sold.
Sunday Services.
ST. PAHL'S CHI' ROM-episcopal-Rev. J. A.
Erkstorm Pastor. Services at 11 o clock a. m am!
7:81) p. m. Prayer service every Wednesday
Pastor supplied. Services at 11 a. . and
7:30 r. at. Sunday School after mornlmr
service. Player mcetitiK Wednesday evenini at
7:30o,clock. Prayer meeting ol Young Peoilc,i
Society of Christian Endeavor every Sunday
evening at t:3b prempU
Parksr Pastor Morning Service at U.Stindny
School at IMS; Evening Service 6:30; Regnlnr
prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Monthly
Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening
preceding the first Suuday in the month. X
oornial invitation to slL
Hillkbkand. Pastor. On Sunday mass at 8 and
10::t0 a. at. Every second and fourth Sunday
German sermon after the 8 o'clock mass
At all other masses English sermons. Sunday
School at 2 'M r. X. Vespers, apologeticai
subjects, and. Benediction at 7.30 r. at.
G. Sykks, Pastor. Morning service at 11:
Sunday School at 10:00. Class meeting after
morning service. Evening service at 7:30.
Enworth Leairue meeting Sunday evening at
tt:30; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 6:30.
strangers cordially invited.
W.Giboniy, Pastor. Services at 11 A. at. and
7:30 r. at. Sabbath School at 10 a. at. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor mecls
every Sunday evening at 6:30. Wednesday
evening prayer meeting at 7:80. Seats free.
Ernst, Pastor. Preaching services every
Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:30 P. XI.
Sabbatn school every Sunday at 10 A. M. (Rev.
P. Bott. Supt.) Weekly Prayer Meeting
every Wednesday evening
ing every Sunday, except third tiuuday of eucH
mouth, at 11:00 a. m. and 7.30 p m. W H fce
Lain, Pastor Sunilsy school at 10 a. m.- L i,
SrRrns, Superintendent. Prayermeettngevery
vteutieaaay vveuiug.