Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 30, 1894, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
0TThe way to build up Oreiron
Cttjr 1m U fire Or iron Cltj people your
Cheapest and Best.
That in what tlie Entkhprisk offer
you for the campaign. You want to be
informed relative to all that ia going on
in the county and to do that you will
want the Enterprise. In order to
place it within the reach of every one in
the county even in these hard times, it
will be gent from now until after the
June election for 25 cents. This is an
unparalleled offer as you can get all the
news of the county at a time when you
wiuit to keep pouted for only a quarter of
i .it l. . 1 " .1.1
oviiu in your campaign uuus
The Pay Made a .Memorable One With
Decorations and Special Serviced.
a dollar.
at once.
Lffral Ailvertlsinfr.
Hereafter no legal advertisement will
le inserted in the Entkri risk unless
payment for the same is made at the
time the affidavit of publication is ren
dored. This rule will be imperative and
dead-beat litigants, who make it a prac
tice of working the courts, lawyers and
newspapers will have to look to some
other patter toavt their notii published
Easter has come to be considered one
of the niotit important church days in
the vear in nearly all denominations and
naraiy a society but which now goes
to great pains to decorate the church
with fbwera and evergreens while the
weeks previous are spent In finding and
preparing special exercises adapted to
the occasion. The churches tn the city
were at more than usual pains in the
decoration of their houses of worship
this rear and most of ' them were bowers
of beauty and fragrant with the sweet
odor of Mowers. The day was all that
could he desired and many who are not
regular attendants upon church services
made it a point to be present that day.
Prices the lowest Red Front Stores.
What do vou think I Shaving 15 cents
at Farngworth's barber shop.
Here's the winning ticket every time
Parker, the barber and a clean towel.
First class loans placed without delay
at usual rates.
Bishop B, W. Morris will occupy the
pulpit at the Episcopal church next
Get the political news by sending 25
cents for the Enterprise for three
The Woodmen conferred the protec
tion decree on six candidates last Mon
day night.
D. B. Rees and F. L. Mintie, two
-prominent business men of Oswego were
in the city on Thursday.
Geo. D. Young, of the law firm of
Stewart & Youn;;, of Portland was in the
city for a few hours Thursday.
Don't hawk, and blow, and spit; but
use Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy, and be
cured. 50 cents ; of druggists.
If you want an attractive sign see
Davis the painter. Portland prices.
Shop back of Pope & Co.'s hardware
Stdman's Soothing Powders claim
to be a preventative as well as curative.
The claim has been recognized for over
fifty years.
Every m.in having a beard should
keep it an even and natural color, and
if it ia not so already, use Buckingham's
Jye and apiiear tidy.
last Saturday County Treasurer Califf
seat the first installment ot the state tax
up to State Treasurer Metscham in the
form of a draft for $10,000.
Married, at the Methodist parsonage
Mar. 20, 18!U by Rev. Gabriel Sykes,
Mr. Albert Cleveland of Multnomah
county and Miss Myrtle Guild of Clacka
mas county.
The Congregational church was beauti
fully decorated for the occasion and in
the evening was packed to its utmost
capacity. The exercises of the evening
were in the nature of a concert which
include I the following program :
Organ solo "Cavatine,"
Mrs. J. E. White.
Anthem "Christ, Our Saviour, ia Sac
rificed for Us Choir
Huet "Jubilate"
Ethel Albright and Mertie Wineset.
Solo "Easter Carol," Happy Roake.
Recitation, "Easter Tide" Bessie Woods
Recitation, "The First Easter"
Grace Green.
Song "From the Midnight of the
Grave," Grace Green, Vesta Brough
ton, Laura Chase, Echo Samson, lry
Roake Florence Campbell, Edith
Recitation, "Easter Offerings,"
Laura Chase.
Male Quartette. "All. All for Me."
Messrs. J. L. Swafford, II. Wall, G.
II. Bestow and W. II. Powell.
Recitation, "Easter Lillies," Jean White
Violin Solo Selected
Miss Beatrice McCord, accompanied by
Miss Nettie McCord.
Recitatiun, "Easter Hymn" Gertie
Anthem, "Lift up your heads, O ye
gates." Choir.
Address Prof. H. A. Shorey
Duet Mrs. E. E. Williams and Mrs.
J. W. Gray.
Drawn to Servo at the April Term of
Court, which Convenes April 10.
Thomas Armstrong, West Oregon City ;
E. Newkirk, Harding; Enos Caliill, New
Era; Enoch Mullain, Caiiemah ; O. N.
Greeiiman, Oregon City; E. W. Horn
ahu, Beaver Creek; John K. Kisley, Mil
waukee; Wm. Thomson, Needy ; A. P.
Todd, Pleasant Hill; John IVnnison,
Milk Creek; Henry Troge, Damaxcus;
K. E. Bohall, Ely; E. U. Charman, Ore
gon City ;T. R, A. Sel'wood, Milwaukee;
J. T. Grace, Highland ; John Palmateer,
Garfield; S. S. Walker, Oregon City ; G.
W. Koylan, Oregon City; Henry Thomas,
Soda Springs; Arthur Cliff, Abernethy;
J. T. Cockclreas, Cascade; J, L. Krnse,
Tualatin; II Kleusinith, Highland ; T.
W. Sullivan, Oregon City; A. J. Thomp
son, Oswego ; V. 11. Cooke, Oregon Citv ;
Chas. Moehnke, Beaver Creek ; G . R.
H. Milter, Oregon City i C. C. NuU-ock,
Oregon City ; W. A. Deardorff, Clacka
mas; John T. Mclntyre, Cherry ville.
THE KKl'l lll.lt AN HUM.
IIIIMmro 1nlemlt'iit: The j)0ocrls
ilou'towii thepauiry, notwithstanding the
extravagrut claims net up. V will eat
cookies ami make lonipwlmt of an ellurt to
get some of the pie.
ltosetiurg lievlew: Them In a lug Ivooin
among the Wmocrata of the Hint for Hon.
T. tl. Iteantrs. of Jackson county for irov
eruor. Southern Orvgu wotihl Mil up a
tilgvot for him ami It would heat men
like I 'live Thompson ami Nathan Pierre out
ol sight. The llvview tumid like to e
Tom liranit's's name at the head of the state
Portland Chronicle: Who can help feel
lug sorry lor those confiding anil well-meaning
people whooime for miles through the
mutt and rain to Oregon City exacting to
nominate a mulUt ticket, ami then having
a lot of tlUiirtintli'it olil-llne ilemucrats
slutted down tltelr throats.
Nelialein Journal: We iimlerstanO that
nearly every ilelegntion al the Hullst con
venlion had their slates all Hnixl tx'fur the
convention convened, hut every one was
busted, (we mean the slates.)
Itoseburg Review: The three xullsl
governors of the country profess to have no
use for a stale militia. Yet I'ennover, of
Oregon, culled out the state troops to rap
ture an old cannon with which patriotic cltl
tens were crlehratinx the inauguration of a
new president: lwellen.of Kansas, ordered
them mil lo settle his dispulu W illi the slate
leiilaturv, and now Wnlte, ol (iolnrado In
vokes ttieir as-lstunce in Ids tight w ith the
local authorities of Penver. Moral Re
formers of this class come hkh, ami the tax-
V. Harris, Prop., Successor io Fields & Sons,
Noxt door to l'opo it Co.'u Hanlwaro Store.
Mrs. F. L. Cochrane was expected
Lome this morning from California
where she has been for the last three
months' visiting her daughter, Mrs. J.
B. Robinson.
On Thursday evening of this week
Falls City lodge of Workmen visited
some of the Portland lodges and char
tered the Ramona to make the trip,
leaving the dock In this city promptly
at 7 o'clock.
Just received sixteen cases of Ladies,
Gents and Children's Shoes, direct from
the manufacturer. Ladies' Fine Don
gola, stylish cut, $2.00; ladies' Oxford
ties that wear 11.25; men's and boy's
shoes marked low. Come while the as
sortment is best at Red Fko.nt Stokes,
2t Oregon City and Park Place.
Special Attention' is called to the
4!tth annual statement of the Mutual
Benefit Life Insurance Company, of
Newark, N. J., on the seventh page of
today's issue. Total assets, $53,018,650.
32. Paid policy-holders since organiza
tion in 1845, $130,302,637.03. Mark T.
Kady, manager, northeast corner of
Third and Washington streets, Portland,
Several changes have been made sec
ebsary in the running of the Oregon City
boats on account of the sickness of Cap
tain Arthur Graham who is threatened
with fever. Captain Spang is now on
the Altona and Captain Fen. Short is
turning the wheel of the Ramona,
which staunch craft has just started on
lier summer schedule and will make
three round trips daily. For a pleasant
refreshing ride take the Ramona. Time
card in another column.
Card of Thanks.
I wish to extend my sincere thanks to
the friends of my late deceased husband
for the assistance rendered during his
Irst illness, also for all other assistance
that has been shown me.
Florence Light.
St. John's church looked very pretty
from Thursday when the Easter ser
vices began to Sunday evening when they
closed. Impressive services were held
during the several days both morning
and evening relative to the institution
of the last supper, the passion and death
of Christ. The music which constituted
the attractive feature of the several exer
cises presented the plaint of Jeremiah
foretelling the sufferings of the Saviour.
The first plaint was presented in the
form of soles by Christ Michels, Dr.
Emil Schubert and Rev. A. Hillebrand.
The second plaint was presented bv a
! select choir of ladies and gentlemen and
the third plaint was by a male quartette,
The sermons at the several services
were by Rev. Father Hillebrand and all
appropriate to the season . On Sunday
the church was crowded to its utmost
capacity, and the communion was par
ticipated in by a greater number than
at any previous time. On Monday even
ing by invitation of Father Hillebrand
the ladies and gentlemen of the church
who had assisted at the services and in
trimming the church met for a social
time in the school house and had a most
enjoyable time.
The services at the Presbyterian church
were very interesting and much enjoyed,
the special music provided being an at
tractive feature. The church was filled
to its utmost capacity. The subject of
the morning discourse was, "The Resur
rection and Life." Thirteen accessions
were made to the church.
Pleasant Hill On Tuesday Senator
Cross and othera met the republicans of
Pleasant Hill precinct, the house being
crowded to its full capacity with many
outside. After rousing republican
8eeches a club was organized a ith Wm.
Scott, president; A. P.Todd, vice-president;
C. I, Calkins, secretary and S. M.
Kelso, treasurer. Fifty-three memln'ra payers foot the hills for these little dlslurh-
lnlles t'nronirle: The Oregon City plat
form lavors dispensing with the state mili
tia. They were very handy yesterday to
(iovrrnor Wnlte.
Tomahawk: The populists have held
their state convention and nominated a
straight ticket. They had rouetled with
, the democratic parly for the last year, hut
as the llnaiicial stringency became more
pronounced, their belief in their ability to
carry the stale single -handed has grown.
llefore the campaign is over they will have
learned tltelr mistake. However, enthusi
asts are bad iHililiciaiis, fur they feed tut fan
cies, not fuels. After a few Weeks of study
in the school of eit-erietice. they will learn
the distinction between miuiiimtiiiK i ticket
, with a hurrah and electing I tie nominees,
i NK)kane Opinion : t liitirman M ilson, o
i the ways and means committee, lias re
turned from Mexico, and is reHirted to lie
hunting for his turill hill. The new crea
lion now being played with hy the senate I
so unlike his late otl'spring lluit he has thus
far Tailed to recognize It.
1'orllaml Mercury: Nathan Pierce Is
irood old illiterate, intsshr k farmer first
rate Judge of "punkiiis" mighty poor truck
were enrolled and many more are e x
pected to join. The next meeting of the
club will he on the loth of April.
Sandy Latit Friday a club was or
ganized at Sandy hy Henry Moldrum
with twenty-eight members, the fine
weather conspiring to keep many away.
The officers are, II. Bruns, presidi nt :
Olaf Michleson, vice-president: T. G.
Jonsrud, secretary and F. A. Meinig,
treasurer. The next meeting will be
on Saturday the 31st at 2 p. mi.
New Era Rousing meeting last Fri
day night with local speakers. Many
additions to the club. Next meeting
Friday March 30, Browne!) speaker.
Manpiam Meets Thursday evening
to organize club. Speakers, Dreseur and
Canby Cross anil Campbell spoke to
100 enthusiastic republicans. Other
doings in town kept many away.
Eagle Creek No notice of meeting
sent out. Will he a club organized on
Saturday afternoon of this week.
Barlow Rousing meeting of clubs,
500 present. Hon. Rulua Malorv de
livered a rousinir soeech. The hall u
decorated while mottosand illuminations , 1 """
mIwu1 nffin ..tv.nt.... I Astoria Hearld
Oregon City Potte's hall filled with
line appearing audience. Speaker,
Browne!!, who received many words of
praise for his address.
Park Place A. S. Dresser spoke on
Tuesday evening and was followed by
Capt. J. T. Apperson. Audience well
pleased. Seventeen new members added
to the club.
Maple Lane Report a good meeting,
with populists inclined to chip in. Joint
debate arranged to come off on Thurs
day of this week will be represented by
C. II. Dye and II. S. Strange on the part
of the republicans.
500,000 TREES
Osueo ffureris
Offer fur llio coming soumin one of tho largest and tnoHt complete stock
of t roes to bo found in tho Northwest, consisting of tint following:
ltX),0O0 apple nil the lending varieties.
l.'rti.UH) prune With Italian und I'elet in the lead.
T.fyX'O Pear Itartlet and many others.
0,0(X) cherry best sweet and Hour kinds.
2",000 eaeh Karly Crawford and many others.
J.VXX) plum nil of the best.
ft,(HX.) Japan plum both old anil new sorts.
10,(KX) npreiot best kinds for this climate.
Also small fruit, grajxt vines, shade, nut ami evergreen trees, rottes
etc. Semi for new descriptive catalogue now ready.
Oswego, Oregon.
from which to make a governor. Oregon
The services at the Episcopal church
were very impressive and the decora
tions elaborate and beautiful. Rev. J.
A. Eckstorm preached relative to the
hope of eternal life and the promise
thereof in the resurrection. The music
consisted of choice solos and quartettes
of appropriate character. Communion
occurred following the morning service
and at 6 o'clock in the evening there
was a special service for the children.
No reports having been banded in
from the other churches, we were unable
to mention them.
Abstracters of Titles.
Notwithstanding that the unfinished
Abstract Indexes which we started for
Clackamas county have recently passed
out of our hands, the abstract business
did not, and we therefore desire to say
to our old patrons and to the public
generally, that we are still in the business
at our old stand in the Jaggar's building
oppposite the Caufielddc Huntley's drug
store where we are fully prepared to
furnish reliable abstracts of title with
certainty and dispatch .
West Side Primary.
The primary in the West Oregon City
precinct will be held in Bellomy's new
house in Sunset City on Saturday from
4 to 7 p. m. All republicans invited.
Fbakk Ford, Committeeman.
The county teachers' association will
meet at New Era on Saturday of this
It ran he put down as
a settled fact thai the Astoria railroad will
not be built, should the l-opulist party be
successful. While the l"t informed men
are satistled that the populists stand no poss
ible show lo carry the state, yet capital is
more timid than oilier men, and will not
take any risks.
Albany Herald: l. I. Thompson lias
dropped out of the race lor the governorship
of Oregon. 'Tis wi ll.
Salem llemoeral: II the referendum
works no bcttvr in a Knrl election than it
diil at the populist convention, it would
not. if adopted, remain long in force. We
now understand why the xipulists held
their conventions in advance uf either of the
old parties. They needed the time.
Globe I).imiN-rat: It was Col W. C. P.
Breckinridge who charactemed Ileujamln
Harrison's message on the Chilian question
as "an attempt to ravish a weak sister."
Perhaps Col. Ilreckenridge thinks Mr.
Harrison should have taken Chili out buggy
Hood View Happenings.
Hood Vikw, March 27 Joe Epler is
improving very rapidly from a recent at
tack of typhoid fever.
A number of relatives and friends par
took of a grand Easter dinner at the res
idence of C. T. Tooze Sunday.
Rom tn fr on, I tin f I,.. U7i !
' i Tin HKkane Opinion well Rays that the
BOn' a populists are treading on ilsnnernns ground.
air. arm Mrs. wm. xoungwere visit- T,,ey are advootirw a platform which if
ing among the Hers Sunday. carried into effect, would create a llnaiicial
Miss Marion Dunbar, of Wisconsin, I panic in Oregon ami make the poor, iorer.
Mrs. W. C. Graham, and Miss Ilosa, of 1 They are not finding employment for the
Newberg, spent Saturday and Sunday lor, but advocating measures that will cer-
with M. C. Young's family. employment away irom mem
T. S. Riggs and family have moved on
the farm of Chas Baker where Mr. Riggs T" "lobe-Democrat remarks apropos or
thaoi. ! fl...nnf nr.t-tru.. I the Breckinridge trial : Ifthe leKlslature of
M. and Mrs. L. B. Brown are moving
from Newberg back on the Spiccr farm.
John Spencer, our blacksmith, intends
moving to Sherwood soon.
A " shadow social" W to be given in
the parsonage at Hood View on Friday
evening, March .10th. A good time is
anticipate land all are invited to attend.
The Easter services at Hood View con
ducted by Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Barber,
were excellent and well attended. In i
the audience were noticed Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Seely, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott,
old pioneers; our latest bride and groom,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young of Pleasant
Hill, Miss Marion Dunbar of Wisconsin,
Mrs. Graham of Newberg, Misses Nora
Attabery, Elsie Moshier, Carrie Murdock,
Mary and Estella McConnell of Sher
wood. Easter flowers were in profusion,
and the pulpit was beautifully decorated.
Kentucky can enact a law which will re
strain school Kirls from seducing middle-
BKed statesmen between recitations, it may
do a service for which the country will be
profoundly grateful.
Asks fur Information.
To this Kiiitok: In your last paper you
stated that Mr. A. R. Dresser on his return
from England, expressed an opinion that
no American who had been there, would
wish to have free trade lit this country.
I would like to ask him one question: tlid
he, during his extended tour, meet with
any Englishman who would like a return
of protection? It. Oi.asspool.
Wedding stationery, the latest stylus
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entkhphisk office.
See at the bead of the local column
the conditions by which you can get the
Entlri'HIsk at a reduced rate.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
Da kin
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used ia Millions of Homes 40 Years the Sundard
Is carried out to a degree
never before known in all
kinds of products in order
that they may be sold
Have not escaped the per
nicious effects of this latest
scheme to catch the frugal
Make a specialty of carrying
Only First Class Family Groceries
of whose purity and quality there
is no doubt. The are not undersold
by any other grocery in town.
The photographep
la propim-d to mnko photographs
uf all kindit promptly
and in
Iittl)ien' and Children Pictures
a Sjiccialy.
A HtrictFy ft rut cIiish riort conduct
ed under American principles.
Cull and examine his work
At the Old New York Gallery
of IIurdinfH
All the Bent I'.runJr of Cigars.
Second door
Drug Store.
Scripture & Cronin.
'articular attention given to do
formed and deceased feet
General Blacksmithing & Kejiaring
Shop on Fifth street near Albright's
meat market.
Portland-Oregon City and
Yamhill River Route.
Will leave Salmon street dock
Portland, Tuesday, Thursday A
Saturday at 6 a. in., for
Newberg, Dayton, Lafayette and
McMinnvillo, returning Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.
Bent of accommodations for pas
sengers and fast time mndo. Foi
freight rates apply at dock or on
Successors to Story Iiros.,
General Blacksmithing
Wagon and Carriage Work
Done in first class sliujHn
iiorsesiioeingT specialty.
Shop on Main strct t, near end of
suHjMmsion bridge.
Postollico -:- Store.
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries are Fresh
and of tho best quality.
In Prices ve meet
Portland Competition.
Gary & Wissinger.
Let us have a trial order