Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 30, 1894, Image 3

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Oregon City hntcrprisc.
Clackamas Co. Directory.
Juilan, ,
(!lrk nf (liiiirlK,
Kwxininr, . .
Twain rnr, -Aor,
Hi4mi Hiirlmiuilvn(,
J. W MeMriim
limi, K. Iliirlon
'. W, (U
M, M ll.m.l.y
J. ) Wr.liri.
J, -'. Ilraillxy
II. H. lllin
Hliiii Smyth
l(. I. llutniNii
Itlnhard Hi'iiu
It'onii'llm Hair
To Meet Hit. Tlmen,
Tim subscription price for the Kntkic
husk ha Ihmiii reduced to .Co Nir year;
76coiiln (or Nix monlh. Cash in ad
vance. Knhacrlhera paying at the end of
llm year will not ho entlth'd to this re
duction. Tlm low rl:o In made to get
tlm lint on a chmIi basis and Induce all
imbscrllmra to pity up, arid esccially to
prevent dead heals from taking tlm
paper nml not piiyliiK for It by ronton of
their Imlng luw proof. Kedoccd price
will only commence with dale of renewal.
Till milked tlm Kntkhi'kihk Hie cheap
est pHHr In Clackamas county eight
page nil homo print Hiul full of live
Tito F.n ik He id MX until after election for
Mm I'.. K. William entertained a
few friend lit her pleasant homo on
Tuesday evening.
The ladle ol the Congregational clmn li
are prwpuriug for a concert mid oocixl to
be given about April 20.
I., Hrhwaliachcr relumed last Friday
to Hxn Francisco after spending a couple
of week at the Crown mills.
i. K. Voslierg made a business (rip to
M lli'li-im lliti I.ihI of the week and rv
turned Hie lint of thla week.
ltev. Kolmid 1. (irant's lecture on
Monday evening was very Interesting hut
the attendance was not very large.
if vou want a nice hair cut and an easy
have go to Farnaworth's, the only llrnt
da "hop in the city. Shaving 15 cent,
(leo, lieduway la building a new store
with resl'ente overhead, on Seventh
street. The hulldlnK is twg stories high,
It. V. Allien and Mr. lied berg have
been away to Nostucca the pant week,
the former on a business trip and the
Utter Ui look for a location.
Hhlloh'a Cure, the Ureal Cough and
Croup Cure, la lor aale hy ua. I'ocknt
sit contain twenty-live doses, only 25c.
CMIdwn love it. C. U. Huntley.
(iordon Williaina carries hi hand in
a "linn on account of a had sprain emoted
hy being thrown from a bicycle while
running fat over the street car line.
J'erson wishing linn work In photo
Jirlrait or viewa. Interior-and exterior"
w ill nave money hy going to Potter'" photo
pailora, 2"l Flint etreet, I'ortliiud . t(
N. Tenny, recently from Nehraeka h9
inovetl into the Fieher houwi in the east
ern part of the city and will remain here
till lie luoka around and decided upon a
place to locate.
On Kunday Mie June Charman was
lirltened at the home of her parent",
Is. K. Cliarnuin and wife, In the preaence
of a few friends, the room" being beauti
fully decorated for the oenmion.
J. Morton and A, Newell of Damaecua
were in the city on Wednesday after a
collln for a Mr. Thompson who died the
prevloua duy in that conimunity of pneu
monia leaving a largt family to mourn
their loae.
The Indies' Aid society havo prepared
an entertiiining prouram for next Tues
day evening at the M. K. church. A
good elocutionist has been secured and
Mix Flovil of Portland will furnish the
vocal music; admission 10 cents.
The first tdeasant Faster in years
favoreil tho people of the vulley lust Sun
Uv. It roinalns to be seen whether
-it will continue to smile upon the chil
dren of men or whether it will riln the
traditional seven Sundays anyway.
There is no reason why children
should be allowed to sulfur from loath
some scrofulous sores and glandular
swellings when such a pleasant, elective,
and economical medicine as Ayer's Kur
saparilla may be procured of the nearest
druggist, lte smo you got Ayer'B.
Heal estate men say that aa near as
r thuy cuti find out tbiire are less houses
for rent In Oregon City than any other
town in the state. Many of them have
not a single house on their list with in
quiries everyday. It is a noticeable fact,
of which we may well he pleased
that there is hardly a vacant bouse in
Mr. Kamuel Crawford, a prominent
real estate dealer of Heattle and a cousin
of II. C. Htevens lias been in the city
the last few days accompanied by Ids
wife who Is on be way home from a two
inontliB' stay in California for her health.
Mr. Crawford was formerly a resident of
Oregon City having been born near tho
Tualatin on the west side of the river.
At the time of the great 'fll flood be was
living with bis parents in one of the two
bouses at I.inn City which were not
washed away by tho high water. He
says that be finds Oregon City much
changed for the better.
K Lively HsshIimi Mayor mid t'mincfl
ill War.
There was a special mooting of the
fit v council lust Thursday night called
at the reipiest of the members of the
council who had held a caucus the day
previous for the purMjsi of considering
the action of the mayor In removing all
members of the several committees,
The members were all present and in
the absence of Hecorder Porter, Coun
cilman Albright was chosen recorder
pro tern,
The first business was the declination
of all iwhiiImts of the newly aplMtinted
finance committee to serve on that com
mittee when asked hy the mayor if it
was their purposo to act. He then ap
)lnted Coiiiicilmeii Cooke, Howell and
Ilioutfhton to serve as the new finance
committee and refused to accept any
further declination from committees.
The council then took a turn and in
troduced an ordinance establishing new
rules for the transaction f business.
These are altuoet Identical with those
under which the council 1 now work
ing except in tho following particular:
Section 30 of the amended rules reads as
follows : Inasmuch as some doubts have
arisen as to the logulity of the appoint
ment of the standing committees of this
body heietofore made it Is hereby ordered
that all such he now declared null and void
and that the council proceed to the elec
tion of the standing committues herein
provided for at the regular meeting of
tho council In May 1WH. Tho ordinance
was ordered published in spite of the
protests and arguments of the mayor
against its adoption and is to come up
for final action at a ecial meeting on
the lL'ili April.
It Itoing the sense of the council that
the city was w ithout adequate repre
sentation ill the street assessment rase
now (tending atruinst the city it was
voted to elect a committee to consult
with the city attorney and employ addi
tional counsel. In case the committee
could come to no agreement as to the
proHr person lo employ then the com
mittee was emtowcred to employ coun
sel indeHndent of the wishes of the city
attorney. The committee elected under
this motion was Councilman Itroughton,
Stevens and Jaguar
The attention of the council having
having Iteen called to the (act that the
city cemetery is nearly full a committee
consisting of Councllmen Albright,
Stevens and Cooke was apointed to
look into the matter and rexjrt upon the
advisability of procuring a new site for a
Councilman Kelly called the attention
of the couuc.li to an irregularity In the
transaction of the business of the city
in which the city attorney had collected
money for the city and retained from
the amount so collected a fee for so doing
whereas the charter Steeially provided
that all hills shall lie prcseuted to the
council and allowed by that body and
and paid warrants drawn utton the
A this Includes the business for the
evening the council adjourned.
District (J range Meeting.
Programme of Multnomah District
Grange which meets at Oswego, ou the
third Wednesday in April at 10 a. m.
Address of Welcome J. H. Kruse of
Oswego, No. 175.
Hesponse Jacob Johnson of Evening
Star, No. 27.
Address "Direct Legislation," by W.
S, U'Ken ofMilwaukee Orange.
Hong , .Mrs. Cooper.
"The Orange, IU ltelatlon to the Public
Schools," Mrs. M. Waldrou of Warner.
"Tho Political Duty of the Grange," by
H. Wright of Molalla, No, 40.
Recitation Mrs. Todd of Boise Grange,
Question Box .
K. II. Coockr, Lecturer.
Kealixing the importance of the fruit
industry to this section , Messrs Char-
man A Son have secured a iiumltcr
of the reports of the horticultural board
which treats very fully upon fruit rais
ing in all its branches. Farmers and
others w ho wish one of these valuable
books can obtain them by calling at the
store of Charman A Son In this city.
Next Sunday His Grace Archbishop
Gross of the Catholic church will be iu
this city and occupy the pulpit both
morning and evening. Tho full orches
tra will be in attendance and lend a
special attraction to the services which
cannot fail to b9 very impressive.
Next Sunday will be Temperance Day
at the Congregational church. Mr.
Shorcy will preach on "The Danger of
the Drink Habit" in the morning and on
"The Life and Character of John B.
Gough" in the evening.
"For a long time I suffered with stom
ach and liver troubles, and could find no
relief until I begrn to use Ayer'B Pills.
I took them legularly for a few months,
and my health wus completely restored."
D. W. Baine, New Berne, N. C.
On the evening of the 11th of April
It is the intention of the Willamette Falls
camp of Woodmen to give a social for
members and their wives. Arrange
ments will be made for a pleasant time.
Read the campaign offer, then send in
your 25 cents for the Kntkhpribr from
now till efter election.
From Yamhill' Metropolis.
MuMiNMvaLi, March 28. Circuit
court Is In session. One hundred and
twenty-six case appear upon the docket
none of llicm, however, of much ltntor
titnce .
Harry Hill was Indicted for burglary
and pleading guilty was sentenced to
two years in the penitentiary. Home
months ago the jewelry store of D. A.
Smith was broken Into and thirty-six
watches stolen. Hill was arrested in
Salem where ho bad disposed of some of
the watches. After attempting to escape
from the olllcer having him In charge
while on Ida way to thla city, he con
fessed the crime and directed the officers
to the place where the watches were
hidden. They were found beneath a
pile of wood on the bank of the Wil
lamette. Today a very dirty adultury case is on
at the court house but Judge Burnett lias
culled Umjii Ida common sense and it is
being tried behind closed doors.
The crap games running in this city
have been receiving tome attention from
the grand jury but no Indictments have
Iteen found up to date.
The city has cut out the electric current
from the county court boose and threaten
to shut off the water supply unless the
county court allows the water and light
bills established by the city. The county,
burning less lights thin several business
houses in the city, ha cut down all bills
rendered by the city, seventy-five per
cent. The night session of the court
are lighted by antiquated oil lamps and
to a progressive citixen the stand taker,
by the court verges uton lunacy.
W.I). Fenton and Judge O'Day of
Portland will address the democratic
c invention In this city on Saturday
April 7.
The populists are in hot water. The
memliers have commenced to desert
The manipulation of the convention at
Oregon City by tho cast aside hacks of
the old parties was not satisfactory w
the honest members who were attempt
ing actual reform . The covention very
forcibly demonstrated to the populists of
this county that redress would have to
be obtained through some party other
than the one to which they belong.
The fine weather of the past few days
has in iido a wonderful change in the
looks of this city. The council has
ordered the streets cleaned of mud and
the cilixens are burning the years' accu
mulation of old boots and garbage. The
smell is rather loud at present but it will
last but a few day longer.
With the rains went all talk of hard
times. The merchants are opaning up
large stocks of spring goods and it is
hard to find men unemployed. The
farmers are so busy that they have but
little time to loaf. The only people com
plaining and the only ones out of a job
are the populist. We are rather of the
opinion that they would not work if they
On Monday J. R. Robb an employee
at the Willamette paper mill went across
to the Crown papei mill to obtain a
receipt for some pulp which had been
sent over. It is F. A. Waddock's place
to receipt for this pulp and he was found
in the upper story of the Crown mill
near the door where the material is
hoisted up. As the two were talking
near the door bale of heavy material
which was being moved fell against Mr.
Robb and knocked him out of the door.
As he fell he grasped the track which ex
tends from the ground op to the door
at an angle of about 75 degrees and
managed lo hold to the side till he was
near the ground when hi bold loosened
and he fell upon pile of rope. No
bones were broken and aside, from a
severe shaking np and some bruises he
was unhurt The first report bad it
that he fell perpendicularly from the
platform below, distance of about
35 feet, turning a somersault a he fell.
At the regular meeting of the Philo
mathean society last Friday evening, all
members being present, the following
officers were elected after a very excit
ing ballot: Vera Caufield, president;
Bert Beattie, vice-president; Clarence
Purdom, secretary ; Josie Fullerton,
treasurer; Betta Fouls, second member
of executive committee; Emma Yoder,
third member of executive committee;
Arthur Holdon, sargeant-at-arms ; Wil
liam Lowthwaite, librarian. The enter
tainment to be given at the hall was
positioned from Friday, March 30, until
Saturday, April 7,1804.
On Wednesday March 21, Mr. and
Mrs. Asa Tarkerof Gladstone, celebrated
their golden wedding by a lauiily re
union at their borne. Those present
were Rev. and Mrs. Oilman Tarker, Mr.
and Mrs. A. F. Parker, Mr. and Mrs.
Seavers, Mr. and Mrs. 0. 8. Ohlsen, Mr.
and Mrs. J. K. Groom and A. W. Wil
son.' An elegant repast was served, at
which the children presented a gold
chain to Mr. Parker and a pair of gold
stectacles to Mrs Parker. Absent mem
bers of the family were represented at
the table by photographs.
Letter List.
The following is the list of letters remain
ing in the post ottloe at Oregon City, Oregon,
March 28, 1894:
Allen, Rout A Hubert. August
Bennett, Arthur Marvell, Fred
Campbell, MraMsttie McAlister, Jno M
Carlson, Miss Sophia Parish, Miss Rosa
Duchonsky. M Raft, Henry
Fisher. J D Hnyder, W L
Harman, Mrs M A Bniveley, John
If called for please atata when advertised.
E. M. RANDS, 1. M.
Sole Crowers
of the New
Karlicst, Most Prolific and best drying prune grown. Send for Catalogue,
SIlUMA & IUJ, Mount Tabor, Oregon.
Geo. F'ox of Portland spent last Sun
day in the city visiting his mother and
Thos. Monteith, Albany's popular
postmaster was in the city Tuesday on
FMwsrd Hughes, jr., of Beayer Creek
was in town on Saturday and paid the
Kntkki'Wnk office a pleasant visit.
M. A. Stratton was alxtut town com
bining business with short visits with
his many friends here last Saturday,
Mrs. R. L. Holmun Is sending a few
weeks visiting friends in McMinnville
and Boca thinks that he is disconsolate.
It. F, Linn, A. T. Howland and W. B.
Stafford were elected delegates to the
democratic county convention from Ely
J. C. Haines, who was grand chan
cellor of the K. of P. lodge of Oregon
a couple of years since has just returned
from the Sound and is in the city visit
ing relatives.
K. P. Barton, formerly of Lewis county
Washington, has moved into one of E.
P. Elliott's houses in this city for the pur
pose of ifivmg his children the advan
tages of our public schools.
Gotfred Moehnke of Mink was in the
city on Saturday and reports the farmers
of bis section pleased with the fine
weather of last week . He says that the
republicans of Beaver Creek precinct
are in earnest in their endeavor to te
deem their neighborhood from the pop
ulists. The Hep Outlook.
A correspondent to the Salem Statcf
man writes as follows; There will have
to be a change or the hop market will be
ruined. A successful hop grower of New
York wrote me that hos would undoubt
edly have been worth thirty cents in spit
of hard times bad not the Pacific coast
growers crowded the foreign and home
markets. The English brewer knowa
that bops In England will have to be
sold. It' only a matter of time and he
waits patiently for that time to come.
Then pays his own price. There is not
a successful farmer in Oregon who would
haul a loud of potatoes to his neighbor
ing village without first selling them.
Experience hss taught them a lesson.
The agent who ships your bops receives
his iter cent, so it is not a matter of
charity with him. Hold your hops as
long as you can, but hold them at homo,
where you will not beat such a great
expense, ror the crop oi ltttn mere is
ample time to organize and discuss the
situtation and do the best we can for
I liave received nnmlterless letters
asking a lion t planting hops. Ask your
selves if you are prepared for an outlay
ef 1 125 per sere before you receive any
recompense. There is enough acreage
that one average crop will put the price
far below the cost of raising them and
will keep hops low for several years.
The pending tariff bill, the increase of
acreage, mnkes the outlook for the hop
grower gloomy. To those who intend
planting I would say, think well of all
the expense it's no light one.
Be Your Own Muster.
Few people appreciate bow much
their impressions, their whims and im
pulses, and in fact all their mental en
ergy depends on the harmonious action
of all the vital organs. A poorly digested
dinner may make one quarrel with a
friend. A contested liver may bring
imaginary gloom and trouble into the
sunniest day. A rheumatic pain may
keep you from business or work and en
tirely change some marked out policy
A few doses of Moore'B Revealed Remedy
will give tone to every function and
make you enjoy your friends and your
Bncklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by O
A. Harding.
To the creditors ol J. W. Thomas:
You will hereby take uotlre that the brIi J.
W. Thomas hat thla day assigned for the bene
fit of his creditor! to the undersigned all his real
and personal property. Those having claims
against said J, YY. Thomas will please pre
sent the same In writing properly verified
under oath to the undersigned within three
months from the date ot this notice.
Dated at Oregon City this 'ISA day March, 18M.
'i-40:6-4 J. U. CAMP1IEI.L, Assignee
Queen City Incubator.
Cannot be overheated and has no equal. Send
(or illustrated catalogue ol
Thoroughbred Poultry.
Eggs for hatching, poultry supplies nt all
kinds. Knglish setters, Irish setters, Fox ter
terinrs, Stye terriori and Pugs Our stock has
won eighty-litres premiums in the last three
seasons. CALIiWKl.L & LARK1NS.
1.M0 Front 8U, Seattle, Wash.
Mention this paper
Connot be Under-sold.
f PRUNE, s
Many are Buying and Building Heme
In the Beautiful Sultnrh.
Times are hard and money scarce, but
from the time Gladstone property was
in the market, not a day, week or month
goes by without from one to three new
houses are noticed in course of con
struction in Oregon City's ch;ef suburb.
Doctors, lawyers, preachers, druggists,
merchants, publishers, newspaper men,
editors, politicians, and all thrifty peo
ple, who want to make a dollar go a
long way, buy a home in Gladstone.
It pavs.
The following partial list of the pur
chasers of property in Gladstone con
firms this statement, and that proves
that thi "handsomest home site in Ore
gon" has a warm place in the estimation
of careful, solter business men, who
travel around with their eyes open and
who appreciate a good thing when they
see it:
Rev. Oilman Parker Nathan Tingle
II. T. Kladen
Oliyer S. Ohlsen,
B. F. Bellomy,
August Goettling
B. F. Clopton 4 Bro
T. M. Cross,
R. L. Cheshire,
U. 8. Forbes,
J. M. Johnson,
T. L. Charman,
E. E. Charman,
John Gibson,
A . F. Parker
Charles E. Ohlsen,
L. C. Bushey,
John Robinson.
N. Anderson,
C. A. Wenks,
John K. Groom
J. Garrow,
James Murrow
C. B. Johnson,
A. J. Joslyn
Charle Bolds,
John Mason,
R. II. Brown,
Joseph Millerd,
C. O. T. Williams,
John Hill.
J. J. Burgess,
Karl Borg,
James Wilkinson,
John C. Frost,
J. R. Seavers,
H. L. Angevine,
Asa Parke',
A. Walker,
AngnsU Sandstorm
M. 8. Harper,
E. A. Slover,
Hiram Straight,
C. G. Huntley,
Mrs. I. Rinesrson,
John E. Grahn,
Miss M. E. Lubker,
Geo. A. Harding,
Chas. A. Williams,
Charles Meserve,
Geo. F. Horton,
Geo. II. Dunn,
Geo. Owens,
W. A. Huntley,
Mrs. E. Freytag,
C. P. Looney,
Mrs. M. A. Beach,
J. M. G. evton,
Dr. J. W. Norris,
Mrs B. Mclntyre.
come. Lots at from
And still thev
125 to 3"X), easy terms ; no city taxes ;
best of pure water ; graded school, nine
months in the yeai ; level ground ; no
street improvements; electric car to
I Oregon City every twenty minutes, 2
"nt fare ; fare to Portland 12,' cents;
splendid park of 75 acres adjoining; acre
tracts for sale on long time.
H. E. Cross, Sole Agent,
Oiegon City, Oregon.
The Portland Knsor Institute and hos-
pital has become a prominent institution
in Portland. It lias been in operation
for over a year and more than 200
patients have been successfully treated.
It is under the personal supervision of
some of Portland's best citizens who are
a guarantee for its perfect and safe treat
ment of patients who are afflicted with
the liquor, opium and tobacco habits.
This institute guarantees an absolute
cure of the above named habits, or
money refunded. It also guarantees an
absolutely painless cure for the opium
habit. Further particulars call or
address the Portland Ensor Institute,
Cor. Main and Twelfth streets. Dr. F.
IIakkinuton, Lessee and Manager.
Farm for Sale.
A farm of 56 acres on Pudding river
2 miles east of Woodburn, part cash,
balance on time to suit purchaser or will
trade for city property. Apply to John
Dkackr, Charman Bldg. or Sidnky
The Troy Steam Laundry
Have built up a good trade in Oregon
City on the merits of their work which
is giving general satisfaction. Give
them a trial. They pay express charges
both ways and give you Portland prices.
okfick at
F. A. M'addocks, P. 0. Building.
Laundry left at the office on Tuesday
will be returned on Saturday.
Have you seen those beautiful Indigo,
oil red and light prints, outing flannels,
satteens and trimmings just received
from Chicago at the Red Front Stores
away below any prices quoted in Clacka
mas county before.
Photkct YounsKLIf . Insum von rnrnn.
erty in the Guardian Assurance compa-1
ny of London. Cash assets $23,000,000.
Jr. J!.. I'onaldsos, Agent,
Oregon City, Oregon
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the tirst medicine I have ever found
that would do me anv good." Price 50
cts.Sold by C. G. Huntley.
Call and see the lounges at R. L.
Ilolman and you will see some good
ones which they are selling almost at
manufacturer's prices
Immense Stock!
Write UhI
For Male.
A number of fresh young cows for sale.
Enquire of J. Tompkins, Oregon Ci'y or
at Charman's Drug Store.
It is not generally known what a vast
plant it requires to publish and circulate
a metropolitan newspaper. The Cbicaeo
Inter Ocean has in its Circulating !
partment alone nearly one hundred men
and women, not to mention the carriers
who deliver the paper to all parts of the
city before breakfast every morning. It
may be mentioned that no kind of weather
however severe, is permitted to inter
fere with this delivery in any way. Of
this large force about one-half of them
work through the day at ordinary office
or clerical work and the other half begin
late at night and work until about day
light, preparing and addressing tho
wrappers, counting and wrapping the
papers, "routing" and mailing the bun
dles. Their work is of the most difficult
nature and is done in the quickest possi
ble manner, and yet so well is it done
that it seldom happens that a single
bundle or paper of its immense edition
of nearly 100,000 reaches its destination
on other than the right train and at the
riuht time, unless delayed by accident.
The system is wonderful and its opera
tion almost perfect.
Guaranteed Core.
We authorize ouradvertised to sell Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, upon this condition.
If you are afflicted with a Cough, ('-old
or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble,
and will use this remedy as directed,
giving it a fair trial, and experience no
no benefit, you may return the bottle
and have your money refunded. We
could not make this offer did we notknow
that Dr. King's New Dis-.-overy could be
relied on. It never disappoints. Trial
bottle free at G. A. Harding's drag store.
Large size 50c. and fl.00.
The latest in visiting carls at the En
Tebpuisk Oeficr. Prices to suit you.
(SucreuortoD W. IJamf.)
The largest and most complete dress
making parlors in the city.
Full line of trimmings and furnish
ings carried in stock.
131 Fifth street, Portland, Or.
274 Washington St., Cor. Fourth,
Washington building, Portland, Or.
Orders from the country solicited.
Mrs. II. II. Ililderbrand, Manager.
Wall Paper &
Room Mouldings.
Fresh Stock. New Designs.
Hard Times Prices.
Call and examine stock
2flo Alder St , cor. 5th, Portland.
ol ladles' and gents rl.tblng dyed, cleaned
and lenovated at low price.
V 8. Steam Pre Works. 106 Sixth street. Port
land Oregon.
Dyeing Cleaning and Repairing.
Works. tJ6 Oak. bet. 1st and "M.. J. Phillips.
Portland, Oregou.
moved to Odd Fellows' temple S.W. Cor. 1st
aud Alder, Portland, Oregen.
is the advocate of the use of elec
tricity as a means of domestic
lighting, cooking and heating; for
commercial and domestic power
purposes, for street cars, mining,
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kinds of machinery, both light and
heavy. The probability is that-
185)4 will produce
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Wonderful Achievements
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intelligent person should
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chased. Address,
36 Cortlandt St., New York City.