"7" V rKACIIERS' (X)LUMN All roiiiiiiiiiili'iilliiiiN fur IliU ci 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 llmiiiil Im mint lo 11, (I. HiAHKWHAiiiku. Jrcgou City, Ort'Ki'ii. ANIINU TICK TMl'AKMR. Mlx Kullti Hunk donl (Ivb montlm EfSjl'riii of srliaul III illslrliil No. 00, tiuur ilmui vlltc, wllh millulilo oxim Iwh, Tim l-'nwl Krliool, ni'itr Cuiiliy, wlilili lis Iikkii UiiiIit llm iintiisg'iiiiiiMit of MIhn Alxllm cliiwil liiMt p'rlilny uftur Ova liiunlln U'rin, The iitirtiiltitimiit vn hy I). F, May tU tliu clone of tlm m linol lurm wm wi'll ttiii(linl mul iiiiii'Ii enjuyoil. All pttroh uk highly of Mr. May's work In tlio lllKjl, Tim Mt. I'limKKiil kIkmiI which lias bomi uiiilcr tlin vltli'lmil imuiniiiuiit of MU WliiiilnOrnlmiii nlirnnd Ut FrKUy with IntorxntliiK BxurcUim. Tliln li MIh (Intlmm'i llllh tvrni In tlili mIiooI which NMtkw wiill of tier mitTi'M. I T. Aniliuwm of Clurk't closed mimNfiil term IiimI Frliluy. MUs Mliinlti Ahlrich'i ncliool kI FnII'i Vlrw (omi Mured 2. I'WU TIlOIIIU cIlMi'd NUCCCHnflll term of m I.ikiI at (icorgi) Miirtli 2, Tim ItflOrilOOII Willi HH'llt III tl'nllilllt ciiiiihh. Ilona ririnl ly tlw nillri More ijuilii ft iiiiinlpcr til (he tuitions of the wIhkiI who wtuu wnll iIi'iiihm with the rcmilt of the m lnml. Christian K linker gave im a well n'iril reiltnliiiii, II, Jwhiimm mul Nicholas llalli nvn im hii uM ftiilnH. Minn Ann Ilirki'iilMjllieni IIiiI-IiimI illlTi'nsflll term III illtlll't 5"' "7 H J rliluy. HKIMIKT OK OIHTIIKT HO. 77. KeK)rlol at hool tllatrirt No. 77, 1 m-aat-tia, fur month itntlliiii Mari'h 2, 1H',i4, the fullowhiK nuiiifl iijmIh wern on I lie roll of honor; Frank Frulih, Frt'i! Fruuh, Norah itnver, Frank Morton, Iivin lluwk, I'earl Grillln. Klla Frtililli, Ntiltie I'tlliaur, I'rsrl Hilhmry, Jii iHinlxicr, Christinla Ih'tihoer,, Nannie llaelwiMxl, JiMia llelwx anil Carl Wullhancn, Total nuiiilar iluyaatti'tnl aniii 4li.' ; aver.iitii iiiiinlier i-nrolleil, -H u ; avuraif ilallv attmuUnro, I'll ; ami miinU'r ofraaea of tunlini'Hi, 1 ; lime loot, ten minute. A, 1. HiiKMNiicrriiKN, Tvarhcr. IiIM KH r ko. 3H. ltexrt of ai'diMil , III dixtrict nilliilit'r SH for thu mould outline March 2 in aa follows: Tolul iiiiiuher enrolleil, 211; average iHimlicr twluiiKititf, I'll; evca- daily atti'tiilitiii IN', ; thorn who were neither alwnt nor Urdy aro Amy (iriMili), Trn4 1'i-ltir, Frvida IVter, Froldie IVinr, Mahlo Kochrr, Wad (iriUhle law llowanl, Jainen Kochrr, ('(via Kuchcr, John NoidhaniM-n, Dick 'Nordhmi'cn mul Cyl Iiler. The vlxllum wern Htipt. II. H. (iihuon, Mr. and Mm. A. Koclmr, John downer, Mm. ('. Kwlier, Mixa Ktlln Adamn, IUi.icn Tayiajk, tOKl'lier. Mr . an I Mm. 1'. F. Mowy returned from their euHlern trip ThnrmUv iimrn iii. StiikliiK times in tlin Hunt, Mr, Morey mud lliut tliry ar not niurli, if any, iinproved over what they worn at the tiuitt of IiIh IuhI viait In the fall, and that every Ixxly aeenn to s waitinK to co what will Imj donu by the noverimieiit, Mrs. C. II. lyu I thinking ol pn-par ing and aemling to one of the eastern re unions JmirnalH, the subject matter of tint Coloniul Tlniea pnturtainiiituit, re cent I v given at tlio ConijiciiHliona- clinnli, rortlund is alao planning to givo llm saint) onlnrtainineut and baa anked (or the iiiHlttrinl from bore. Mrs. V. T. Whltlock lecelved a ttltv gram (nun lllack Diamond, Waaliington on Tuexday stating that her sister. Mra. I,oulfa Torlxit, bad juat died. She an I liel inuther al once mado prearutlona to go over and lr(t 011 Hie evening train from I'tirtland. Tliey would reach Mack Hiiimiiiid tlio follow lint morniiu. Hev. l'ullier lllliebruiid wIhIiks It Htulcil t li ut be tlid not aulhori.e nor aanctlon a boycott on ttio part of the Cutliolic church Hgitiust Geo. Ilroiighton and H. IS. CalilT, as reortod about town, and hiivh that there in no fotimlittion for the rumors which have been circulated. There are being conducted at the U. II. church in Ihia city by Hev. McLain, the paxtor, asxiHted hy Dr. K. C. Wyatt, P. E. of riiiloiimth, n'vival meetings of considerable liiterent. They will fonliiiue tbrotigll the week and perhapH longer at 7:1(0. All are Invited. Oeo. C. Hrownull Iihh accepted Win. Myer'a cliullengii to (lixciiHH tlio turill' inHtion and liuo auggexteil tlio 21 t of March as a proper time. Arrnnguments will probably be inudu for the diHcuiwitin at that time. On Weilnexiliiy of thia week Win. Harlow entertained Win. Tartlow aged M and Hiram Htiaighr aged HO at a ilinnor piirly In honor of their birthday. They spent an pnjoyablo day, At tlio tho Bchool meeting on the Wext Side, H. Kim wiih elected director und K, A. H111il.l1 re elected clerk. Jlidu were received for wood, the lowest being $1.73 )Hir cord, delivered, Itev. itoliind D. Grant, of Portland, will deliver a lecture March 2llth in tliis city in the intrent of the Ladies' Aid Ho cioty of the ISnptiHt church. Subjoct "Life as an Art." Win, Plerco Johnson of tho VVillnmotte Pulp and Paper company has boon In the city during the week on business. hci ret Huclely Nolen, On tlm eve (il HI. I'alrick ' day Achillea lodKfl No. :iH K. of 1'. of tlilN i lly will Klvsit mrly m Aiiuory hull, onit of tlm hmm;IiiI altractloiiN of which will Im tlm conceit from H to II ut which will In ri'inliu ml Hoiiiu very Huh aeliictioiia, At 0 o'clock thu niuiid iimii li will lie-in. KvrrcHl'a hiind Imn Ix'en enKHKi'd 'or tin) occNNiun mul a ilimnnnt tluiela irotniNtnl. I.iixt Hutiirduv kvkuIiik wua 'a xuladiiy fur I'uIIh City IoiIh of Workineli, which hud tlio ilminiiinof imterlHinlim a party of about MO ineinliera of the I'ortlunil lxliM wliocaiiiii up on a hont clmiU'reil KMiclally for tlieixn uxloii. The hull waa filled and a innrry tliun wui hnd. The Wixxlmen will have muular meet uiK neit Tnexluy eveulntf Mra, Young of rortlund will lie up fur Ihn piirpiiHB of or(jHiil.liiK a decree ol honor in connect Ion wild the A. (). V, VV. lod-n on Hulunluy evtuilnx. Over M have alrcudy uluned tlm roll. Memhura and their wivet ahould r.ot fail to be present Hutiinluy rvnniiiK. Httdle May, iliuiKhtcr of K. and Kuruh (!. I'aiker died in thU city on Muiiday, Muich full, aiied II yearn and 7 duya. Thu funeral from tlm Metlnxllitt cliuri li on Tiiitailuy wna larcely attenilitd. The silver leaifiin which iiilondcd holding-a luiM'tiiiK in thia city on Monday nllit next could nut procure the hall fur that evening- o will meet on Tuesday welling. I.. I., l'urter had Imcii appulnicd adiniuUlriitur of tlm e(ale of O.lvr Acorn, ileieaxed, and Jus, Kichey, K. II. Juhiinon ami Jul Itunalilsun appriilwrs. Frank JiuiT waa In tlm city on busi- nesa Thursday, lie la HithiiHiuhlle fur I lie success of the republican ticket. " - Jaa. JtiM.ta having cliwed up the hmd - nesa of the llculx-n Itisita estuto has Is-en dimhurited by the ronrt. M . M. Mead, futher ol Mra. J. jMiea, died In thia city lust Frid ay iiifi-il V: veuia. I or wnicn ue aniu o uiiucikhi, nau no war Kliner Pixun carrie hia hand In a sling ket value. The two brought 6j rents, a the result ol a lip of the ax. I There were 6 Ix.xe of onion, bringing - i 80 rente, the bushel value of which wan II. K. Toper rejoice in the advent of nut more than 16 rents. Finally he had a son on Tuesday. .. I rons, a Horn, to IIih wila of II. K ilailKliter. AbanttiiitnieHt of CruitaiaxJi. Tlio luirlmr of CrotiHtudt in Huwia is to bo lixxil Ui Uieri liunt Venxvla afte 1H93, and a new luirlmr will Im opened along a liiiiritlme t-unal J tint below tSt. 'etenbtirg. Tlila hurlxir will lie 2'i fixt li i, (ni't l.ooo.ooo ruble, and Iw tha central nuiit for thu nuloadlng of coul am) tlio loading of grain and other artit i of cjqxirt. Tlm depart ment of H.Mic works la ulito coliaider Ing tl: inivl. nl.iii'y of t'ouHtrncting tunnel miiicr thu NfVri like that under tint Thuiiea In I.oiiinii. but built in fotir Ntiirh-a. Thix iiliiitiduniiiftiit of ... .1 ,.i.ii.i.i ..! WHS Titer V.r t eft WHO ertiilillHUea and iinl ""I CH Kti'd it f..r tlm IHirt of Ut I'ett rxbtir.- ."v. inu.I-t.-l! Uejiublican. "I should like to have the key 01 tne unoccupied house. - Wharton street, " reiituiiUd a well dressed man as be en tered the office of a down town real tav tate agent. "Yea, air," and the key was handed over. As the caller doutrtcd it waa notice that be kept pnxlding the floor with his cane as ho walked. Hut his gait was iiliinwt us brink and as straight aa thotiKh he hod no affliction what ever. This was remarked as he left the nQloe. Or.nd Old kits Out. London, March 3. It is officially an nounced this evening that the queen had accepted tho resignation of Gladxtone, and tlutt her majesty had summoned Lord Kuselx'rry and offered him flie post of prime minister. It is alao an nounced Unit Ird Hoeeberry bud ac cepted the poxition. I.oniiiin. March 4. Tho Daily News i Hitva this morning : ' The dillltMilties of cabinot-makinif. i which were so thre,iteni.,g l.txt week, are I ..,!!.... ........ 1 ..: ... n..u t- rlnullv miuivimMj i. iiiinii. .iv ,1,1. , i,Hn,tj st'iiieu. nir t iniatii iiarconrv ...... 1 I ., . tl.-ll! .. . tf .1 'Otirt'a CO-op- n-ekoned on rt Konen tin. i it tho Earl Of ! i-iniioii inn un cm not ii 1 1 in suiivii mi. j .- t ..a. i i.. It u.uu atllu.l lul ni..H lli.il llw. Ic'url .i( F k'i...lrl .l.i.lt t,.L. Il. fnr..i.n oMW. ! It la probable that Mr. Laboucliere'H objections to Ixird Hoxeberry may be overcome ere long by a bill permitting the peers to choose between Hitting as lord or submitting for election to the eommoiiH. Mr. Gladstone's collengnes, who met him at the Karl of Kimberly's dinner Saturday, worn much "truck with his clieerfiilncBS and giineral citse of de meanor. He waa perfectly happy, even vivacious. There la no necessity of im mediate treatment for hi, eyes. He can sen sulllciently for private reading. No formal stuteiiient will tie initilo in parliament today. There will he merely the tiHinil prorogoinv." OleToland Will Objeot. , Omaha, March 2. W. F. Alexander, a special coinniiHsioner of the proviHioiml government at Honolulu piiemed through hero tonight, returning from Washing ton. Ho said: "The provisional govern ment bus won the fight. It will give the queen a pension, providing she behaves lierxelf. 8he will not be sent into exile, aa the leaders, of the provisional govern ment do not regard her as worthy of martyrdom. The idea of annexation has not been abandoned by the pro visional government, but will be made the object of a fight in the future." MARKETING GARDEN PRODUCTS. now a llandsiHiia 1'riiflt Can II Mad fcf Ustalllna IHrsrl to Ciuumrs. To the jirixlucer of Kardun veritable and fruit a very aandHome addition to the Rros rwuipt run often )m mndn by rttulllng direct tooonsiiimir. If the arti cle old arerlrii'tly fresh and reasonably good, there 1 not the least difllcnlfy In dliwwliig of a number of dollar' worth each morning at retail prim. Bomn tlme, If the produce I of very fine qual ity, more than retail price ran be ob tained. A mixed load of five or six kind of vegetable I the most profitable, a Customer vary from day to day in thuir want. A little practice and skill In putting op fruit and vegetable often help al and profit. For example, an Ohio cor respondent of The American Agrtcaltur lt tell of a gardener who received uddea visitation from a horde of blister beetle, and before he could do uny thing they had eaten the Uim off a fine lot of half grown early Ixiete. The root were from one inch to two and a half inche In diameter. The gardener cut the top Off and packed the root In quart berry boxee, which old quickly at a nickel per box. The aume man ee.Ua Karly Louise, Yellow Harerlie and other mall peadie in berry liuskvt. A bushel will pack from 110 to 40 Ixixes, and in thi way beeU brought $1.75 to !, and pnachi-a alxiut $'l p r bushel. The peuche were rlpi'iiwl on the tree und told quickly lie cuune sound and fully ri) and just right fur slicing for the table. Bix I'nwlaker onions, about two inche in diameter, pluced in berry banket, sold to a limited extent at a nickel. I'leplant iiiny si ll in August at a nickel for live terns. In further Illustration the correspond ent qnoUtl give the exact content of oue load sold, no one may get a fair idea of the profit of peddling fur three or j four hour. The man had 22 Uor n of farly awitt corn, which h mid at 12 ' cnta x-r duneii, eicept one dozen. The I wholesale price that day waa 9 cent pur ; Azn, JI had 4 eabUiffii, of which he , told 30 at 0 rente each or two fur a dime. .These brought $1.70. The wholeitale price w ax 40 ceiiU jx-r dozen, lie hud : 0 Ixm-a of lx-ets, which had no value to 11 to Krixvra, a. tliey wanted a I Jarirer article in bmietiea. The iieilaiit, 23 riUarta of jrmil WiieklxTriin, whu 'were Worth at Him rtealir'a 0 ceiiU ix-r , i ... . ,rt . quart. li wiliI IJ (imirls ut 12 cent imr niuirt. un, I cliiaril out tiie otlier lOima.-la I .... . t .., , . . . u uu mijn ' ' l- ' h""'"- ituff Bold at retail amounted to 17.71. At wholesale It would have brought -7.02. At half piuit 11 o'clixk tales begun to dra v..rvllnii,r l-ln J a,1,1 tint nna Hoi. arag, everyutuig being soiu onions aoz- en of Sweet corn and 18 cabbaxTeS. These wxruaolit Innrmmr at A centa for tha were aoia to a grocer at 0 cents jor me Corn and S cents t ax: h for the cabbages, making tha total of the l.iad amount to ?':,,'n 'h"1 01 V'T "!? .'J"!?;" V tlm' . . , , , bis deathMn and to all that lot, ptere, or par- S.18. The man left home after 7 a. m rvl. ,t land, annate, lylnit and lx-hn 111 said and came back a little before 1 p. m., 1 ciw.ama..oii.iOroi, Barticulari. ., . t , . ., ' 1 daerllirl aa lollowi: lhe iifrth hall ot the the end of his route being just eiaetly !Km,h we.t iianerof section ten (ioj. in man eight Uliles from home. In this instance 1 '' four, south of ranse one east. In thedl.trlit , , ... ,, . .... 1 of land suhjeet to sale al Oregon City, Oreion. the gardener made 2.B9 by peddling the , eontalnlns eighty acres. Also, the follow load, or more than a first class mechanic's ' ilesi-rlbrd trsrt : 1 he north west ouarter ( f ,.,.,., :.! 111 j..... the niulh east quarter ol secliou ten 1 10), town- "8 uirrmuuun,, m. u. . ' Dot alike. Iiowever. and SI tllllV tx con - " '"" Iour uol,nl w"r ,n "'II'BK or ?0 four hours' Work in selling a $3 or $6 load Aaaml.i mm rannot An nnrh . . . .. ' cannot ao mucn profitable ixxldling on Monday, but Bat-1 tinliiv innLoa nn for it na nna ran rxxl. I uruay niakta up lor n, as one can peu-1 die all day, and tho first fruits of any; crop will be in demand and bring extra j prices on Saturday. I At the sution at Logan, 0. T., they .. ,. . V ,7 V , , .. .i ... .n . ' I kenneth A. J. Maekenile, plaltiiln. vs. JohnfS. found Uiat tha se of 10 tons or manure Fleninilng aud Catherine riemmlni. defend per acre for wheat increased the product ' .8 bushels of wheat and 000 liounda of I To. J"hn, ""mmlni snd Catherine Hemming. r deleiidalita: . straw. At the prices there the increase "just about pays for the application of the manure." The Russian thistlo occupies about 80, 000 square miles in the two Dakota and ia tron hlixuiiiia In ahnnt h.lf thi. ir4 is trouwesouie in aoout nair thu terri - tory. It is, however, a Weed that need not be feared, except where farmers try 4 , ', , ' . iij to plow more land than tliey can Ctlltl- VaU. The plant makes no proirreas ,, , , , , , ., , spreading in sod land or bind that is thor- oughly cultivated, accordine to The Aiiiori.-ju. rnltivtr Alllerll-an CUIUVator. Theannual crop report, based on sUte- ments from nearly every township, shows that Iowa's corn crop averaged 85.7 bush- el I' ' bushels more than the av erag9 ror ttia previoas ltt years. ..sta Fj -- j, llkf v au.l tillu.lt .-. ..All! '..Li In.:., , rt. S 1 u eerton.itiwltijrt. IC;. .Iu.i itsriltory. jr 1,7 f-1'"'-'''vulh-.e 1? au,IJlw.l,ll LlUr . . f fl twmnlar m W Let ).Mt-v.i3. V j'' l,m 'mt 1 srresi J,',. W i. ......... .-v U . . . . :e I nnreerr -tfHVl .- r.,-::.JU . .., : ' Ifv C. Vr We want ro.i i.oi.-, v.hil.- !f( ,1 -atstJA w A lh. frull iiKluntiy Is i-o v V tit iiavnni-.ii.pn. mi.iu .,. j. s.j,,k-iir...rstr-. MKOWN llltox ti. our- n r ,., , . rv is, . ..rr-j.Tin. um. is fit-'' i:msuilsuaxr. M N. A. INGRAM & CO., SiiM-HHors tn Story Hron., fipneral Blacksmithing AND REPAIRING. Wafjur nnri Carriage Work Pune ill fi.rt clilhrs tillllve. HoivN -iiori.vc ' srr.ciAi.TY. Slii'p i'ii Miiin street, near rinl of! stiHjit'iisi n lniilgc oli'S NolK'K m-ii, ih'it Iht nniltTnlmipt. t ii v "ii rt tor rUrk mii it ( OK'CiHI. H('('i(1iIO'I rt.ltllill- c 1. 1 Krt'florlrk I'i'Hi'i liitvlntr rlihtiH nit itn-t Oniinty in thuisinH' int r f i COMH. it. t M'" ntt! f-l '' nn- rt'-iintvl to rstnt tho nuns t n a mv i i ''tn .,i ..-.y. m salit county, with I nrop.-r i iii'Iiits. wliliin l mimths from tho I llatf "I tin- " III'.', IIWIII ZlMHRKMAN, I Ailm'r ! the f.t le ot Fmlurlck Deem, ileo'tl DhIi Feb. , IW. K- 4 IS ESSf;NTIAL UOOd HLH,. i Vou csnnnt V. Ti3B 18 BO D tir.oon 7 i m ii M . If you ar troubled wllh 'InOILS, ULCCRSoRf p-IMPLES, SORBS f ,M h bad. A fw Wtle l B. . Willi C ilifouifiily ile.irn tlxi svM-m, rnx,ve all Im- iVuiitiw mil build yuu up. All auiioei (A Uer.i- CLEARED AWAY hvH4Uif. It ltttthet blood rcrrmdyoo rvth y (m,hA who h-i nwd It y u. y, "My lo--! l-vllr prtvrt Ual f$,whU f,' mk'fi. yMm tmt at M4f J 1 mi w(l 4j ,4k ia ATi UtHH ' AVIS, Infirm, Ol v" DonTLose Heart. tlib rar, anil nimk up fur Uml lliua I Ferrr's ! ii"" win J glv you msrir vsiusi'M. ninuj , klMrtlt Wl,l Ml niMX- BIKI IIWW M J rswx-ll. IfnxitslrMillilornia-j . Ut.fi to iw IimI rnim no iitixfr aDun. Fre" la all. j . D.M. Ferry Co.. Detroit, Mica.. Red Cross Tansy Pills Stressed M3nstrua!l0H PAINFUL Msnstructlon And a PREVENTIVE for rKStt.l! luuKutLaaiiitJt. Art Sifaanit RMMil. Ijf Vrtf(ly Hum l-M. Tha Ladies' Purely tt Uburl t vrr FaiUl PRICE $1.00. fir h firTMrialrJ ox rrrei uy' j llD 08 (IDCnODl 10., Dea Moines, Iowa. For sule by Chartnan & Co. ADMINISTBATOK'S SALE or KEAI. K STATE. V I. .-M1.H . I 1 1. . I ... ... . ... li1 , ,,,., f Uio i iiuiiiv i ourt of tlm xuieol On-i("ii. tor the eouiuy ol t.'Upkamaa. i tlio Min-h term. IxM. of aal.M nnrt.fiu , j, ,i, u.rm the .in, a , mniilh nl Marrh. In the matter ol the ol UavlU Williama, deeraaril. the uoileralf nnl J ailmliillratirl aiu ealatr. will aril al puWIc I auction U the hlthrat buliler fnrrnab. (u one narcvl, ana aubjert In eouflrmatinn 1 1 aald 1 ountv Court, on Haturilay, Hie Mn dar Marrh. W.H. at lUn'clork a. ol tald dajf. ! ,he c,u" S""' ,n "'on L'tlr. ill said I , (.,,, eountj.auie oforrtun. aifthrrinht, title. Interest end eitale nltheuld luu-atateat ' ,h Hmeotlm deaih, and all the right, title and lMtntt ,hM lhe ,j MUIe h o( ! I law or olherwlie. cniin-d. other than or In id- 1 ( ,h (p (l)ur ,,,,1,, onr , . cmalulur (l) 1 lortr arrca, nmreor li-a; beliia In all our nun r less. 1 anit enmlltlons of sale, eaih Ten per cent of the purchase moner to be paid 1 ir'1'" nn AT "' !: balanii , tlllU , , mM Coumy , tne ureliaae ntonev lo be pM t the ailmlnla- ien.e of pun ha-r 8 Jt-'cAMFr, A'lrcliilslr.ilor wllh the will annexed ol Iheea- (Mte o( Vtylil tt mi jeeeased. mumo ; ' "I!"'!,... IV Btatlil i allllltw I iinrl (latawl ait ak Iii the nau; of the State of Oreion. Yon are hereby summoned lo appear In the above enti tled court on the first day of a term of mud court, tobelbevuuand held not after theeipira tiou ot six weeks from the dale of lhe publica tion of this summons, to wit: Monday. April 'id. IMH; and you will take notice that If you fall so lo appear and answer thteomplamt filed araiust 1 yoll' n .boveeuiltled actloo on or before i srld first day of said term ol s,ld court the ii"H trr the c.mrt for ludsmeiit , jrn,, (,,, ,l,e turn of $125, with interest i thereon since JVlh day of January, lmtt. and r",!" "nd' ltburMmeiits of this action, together with an order of aale to aatlnly salddemsnds of ti, following described proity sitschH, to I u:i"i M"ek uumired two(2,in West side addition to dregou City In Clack.- ,, cna,irf, Oregon, as shown In the maps and MSnY .T 1 his nonce Is published by (inter of Hon. John Y. Mcldriitn, lu.life of said court, made aud dated the 1Mb dny ol January, ltvl K. F. Dbioos, Att y for Pl'fT 8Ule of Oregon. County of Clackamas, as: I hrehy certify thai the within Is a true and correct copv. aud the whole thereof, ol the orig inal summons. i;. n, uanonq, Sherllt' of Clackamas Couuty Oregon. By K. C. 11 ickelt. Deputy. ',1-16:8-21 EXKCCTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. In the matter of the esUte of Caroline Norton, ucceastu. I Pursuant to su order ot lhe Connly Court of Muliiiomsh county, state of Oregon, made March 7th, lsvt, the umlcrsigiied, executor of ' the eatttie ot Caroline Norton .Lm-ahmmI. will. Irom aud after the loth duyof April, lsH. pro ceed to sell at private sale the followlun de scrllx'd re.l properly, lo wit: The east half of the following described tract of land: begin ning at a point nine chains south and six chains and tli i rt v one links west ot the north east cor ner of section Alteon, township three, south, riuige three enst; theui e east eighty-six elmius; tlienee south twenty chillis, thence east twenty miechiilns and fifty links; thence north seveuty fl ve chains: thence west one hundred and seven chains and nlty links; thence south (Illy Ave eleilus ami fifty links to the plxce nl beginning, coninlnliig six hundred and iliirly-seveu acres aud sixty-two hundredth of an .ere, more or less, In ClsckHinas county, Oregon, Terms of sale: One halt c,ih, snd the re mainder In one year at eight per cent. Interest, to b-i secured by a lnnrigsge on lhe property sold V. H. ftil'K. Executor of the estHte of Camllnc Norton, deceased. Al theotllceol W. C. Johnson, attorney. Ore gou City, Oregon. S-n i-6 FOR- ABSlLlTELYJURE DRUGS no to n A. HARDING. NONE BUT OOMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perfumeries and Toilet Articles. Also a full stock of j iFIUSTTS- OILS, ETC. if aO BED MIT CLEARANCE SM $1 buys either 18 yds. Indigo blue or turkey red calico, 20 yds. unbleached muslin or 16 yds, apron gingham. Tubular lanterns 4':.; 1 gal. jutf hk;.; 1 gal. Btonc milk pan 10c.; 12 bunche inaU:hi:H 2")C.; mixed" tea 2'2c; mixed candy Uk.; (lour barrel 1.1' 18 lb. bent granulated Btigar li'juid hIk dreHHing KJc. good roaHt wlTee 2-'c; 2 lb choice uncolored tea 7'c.; good green tea ,'c. h gal oil G-rc. (can extra); New Orleans moIaH-, chcaiet to the bent. MiHHC 2.rx;. Iiohc to 14c; ladies 2'k. gloven to 1.1c; boy nhoes 10 to 2 were 1 .35 cut to II; men's 11.20 underwear to 87c; ladies $1 under wear to fiflc; W)c. underwear to 30c; gosiamers imperfect 2rc.; ladies and childa wofl mitUmg cut to 10c.; mens 75c. gloves cut to 57c; rub bers leggings t 7c. White wool yarn cut to 60c per pound; Khaker flannel cut to 13 yI 1; Some 50c pieces of dress goods to close at cost; see the goods you can get for 2'Jc, 21c. and 10c; ladies' low rubbers 20c; common thrcpd 5c; 7 spools cotton thread 2"c; misses glovcfto close at 6c; buttons lc. er dozen; cotton socks 5c; hammers 25c; boys' 60c. caps now 10c.; misses $5 cloaks now ; misseHrubbers 1, 11 and 2 cut to 10c; boys' Harlow knives 10c; 25c. brooms cut to 17c; zephyr 5c a skein; HAMILTON & ALLEN - OREGON CITY. KilimiVCLU UF f. unequalld in PRICE; R The New Peterson Magazine rj Universally commended by the presa lA at one of the best of American ty Magazines. Cm lu contribntort are among the most popular American writers. It illustrations are fine. It is a store house of choice liter- 1 ature and art. Its r low pnee is a wonder. r. Send i.oo for a yi year's subscription, rl or 50 cents for six 1 months. It will prove y a big investment fj Simplt Copr, t etnts. i The New Peterson Magazine? .! Do Mot Climb tho Hill! STOP AT George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, lElyville, - Oregon, Where you can get the highest canh price for Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. Full line of new goods at prices lower than Oregon City. Roor mm FOX A CASE IT WILL NOT AnsiiifaMs laxative and N EH VV. To:' 10 Sold by l)rtifrgatsor sent by nu.il. -x .aDi:., and $1.00 per package. Suiapiek free. ir The Fsvonte TMT3 fjVZT.. I A W for tiie Xeet b aau Uruai a. 1-jo. For sale by C. G. Huntley. f:tablihed t PIONEER Transfer and h$n Freight and parcels delivered lo all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. g FREE C IflOO wor,h ' lovty Music for Forty n 1 11 Conlt. consisting uf too paes as s- full sire Sheet Music of the Utest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 2 selections, Nnh vocal and Instrumental. frotten up In the most elejrant manner, lo eluding four Lirge size Portraits. W0HCH, tht Spanish Danetr, PAleRWSKI, (A Srtut Pianitt, z, AUtUNA PAW and 'T SELIBMAN CUTJIHQ. r THE NEWYORK MUSIMLECHO C0. - Ii:jvayThe.streHIJe..NewYorkaty. rSN"SKCl9 wNTro. 1 t i i HI--fc .iw.L.g 1. kwm boys hip rublicr boots 2 and 3 at f 2; rubbers 35c; storm rubliers 50c; silk UliKHrftULUU 1 unsurpassed In ItRIT Arthur's New Home Magazine Choice Literature, Stories, Poems, Sketches of Travel, History, etc. FREE CUT-PE"I $3M parr tana WORTH Notes on the newest styles in drew, r 7S UUIILUHUIC, Clb. Valuable h ome bints, pretty designs in needlework. A piece of choice Music in everv number. All for only f 1.00 i per year. Handsome premiums for getting M up CIUDS. Saaipl Cn. I cents. TEAR Arthur's New Home Magazine W If you are interested in Advertising you ought to be a sub- j gcriberot Puinterb' Isk: a journal for advertipen. Printers' Ink is insued weekly and is filled with contributions and helpful suggestions from the brightest minds in the advertising biiri ness. Printers Ink costs only two dollars a year. A sample copy will be sent on receipt of five cents. ADDRESS PRINTERS INK, lO Sprue Sc., - Nui Yok "5 t A--i rft r?i rfi..rtj NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable 03ECON CITY. LOCATED tKTWEEN THE BXIDOK AND DEPOT Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the burn for loose stock. Information regartlinit anv kind or stock promptly attended to by pel bod of letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Sunday Services. 8T. PAVL'8 CHURCH-Episcopal-Rt. J. A. Eckstorm Pastor. Services at 11 o'clock a.m. anil ":.) p. m. Prajer ervlce very Wednesdaj evening. F1KSTC0N0REGATIONALCHURCH.-RM. Pastor supplied. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 r. M. Sunday School alter moruluir setwice. Ptayer meetinK Wednesday eveniur at 7:30o,clock. Prayer meeting ot Young People, Society ol Christian Endeavor every Sunday evening at 6:3C prompt. FIRST BAPTIST CMCKCn.-RitT. fliLVAM Pakksr Pastor Morning Service at ll:SuuL y School at IMS: Evening Service t MO; RfgtiT.ir prayer nieetiug Wednesday evening, llouthy Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening preceding the Hrst Suuday lo the mouth. A cornial luvltatlon to all. 8T. JOHN'S CHURCH. CATHOLIC Rnr. a. Hillkbramd, Pas:or. On Sunday mass at gaud i'J .HO a. M. Every second and fourth Sunday Uermau sermon after the 8 o'clock mass At all other masses English sermona. Sundny School at '2:S0 r. M. Vesters, apologeiicul ubjecti, and Benediction at 7:30 r. h. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH.-RE 0, Svkks, Pastor. Morning service at 11; Sunday School at 10:00. Clsss meeting after morning service. Evening service at 7:SU, Epwortii League meeting Sunday evening st 6:80; Prayer Meeting Thursday eveulug at C SX trauf era cordially invited. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-Riv. O. W.OtBosgY. Pastor. Services at H a. . au1 7:80 r. M. Sabbath School at 10 A. at. Youuif People's Society of Christian Endeavor meet every Sunday evening at 6:80. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7:80. Seats free. EVANOIUCALCHURCH GERMAN - Arn. Ernst, Pastor. Preaching services every Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:30 P. JL Sabbath school everv Sunday at 10 A. M. (Hew. P. Bott. Sunt.) Weekly Prayer Meetiuf every Wednesday evening TJN1TEII BRETHREN IN CHRI8T.-PreaOs-tng every Sunday, except third Suuday of escls month, at 11:00 a. m. and 7.30 p m W H Iud Lain, Psstor Bunday school at 10 a.m.- L P. StiRros, Superintendent. Prayer meeting every Weduesday.eveuiug.