y Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME (Ml. T .ni.'NrfrKAMKIf, Ik V.rrmr Jan. , mt. Hlvanirr IUMONA. HUViaiimtiniH citv, i.mvm fiiNTi.tmi in, il ki i. til. UU II. in. HHNUAV. 7 " m II :m m. 4 iki p. m. Um. 7 ! a. tn. 'JKIplll. II Ml (.III. -mill. mi. a nop in. Itfiuinl IrltiMraiKa. Time Hard aiili)i'l In it)iatia without notice Tht rt I'AUM NUK.lt HTKAMKIt, AI.KlNA, lllirWK rnNTI,ll,MI.IIN HI. NItMHIl I. I.ae I'la-Uand Taylor I'fri n.lr at t A. M. ml limvaa tirrumi lllty for Hali'iu it, Ml A. M, lunulay, Ttmr.ilay ami Hattirday. Leave lail '.ain)Mica I IM II and Malum 7 is A M ami liraann l.lly i I' M tor Port lamt Monday, Wgdni'day and Friday, Kaal lima, good aYoiiiilailona ami low ralaa. No way ftaidit hainJIril. Hliwlal fala on Ikioutli ficlflil. TIMKTAIII.K. iT eu. au.T rnNraNV. (Or(oti t.'lly IHvl.loii.l laivn hiiri iNV. .Ktviiaaiun nry. 7 () A M 7 IMAM. 7 ill " J 40 a i " 'a .si iu " uu " v iu u ill 0 .11 " 10 -.1) II 411 " II 4't " 11 I" V II. 11 XV U I in uu I 411 " I 4U I .11 - J .11 " a wj " 3 no 40 " II 4U " 4 Ji) " 4 ) " t i " S iu " a o " A 4ii " JU II .11 ' 7 hi 7'iai " 7 4(1 7 4o ui " a ml " Hi jn in m 11.40 " til 40 - flnlr u MIlaaiikM. Hllarrat liiollalir without Vollm. IU lll.TIX. Hllt't. NtHTIIKHX I'Af'IKU KAILWAY- "TII .! Xtl. t'allfomla Kiurraa iiliroii hi 1 III a m, huaelmrg IMI ( way UiliW) S.vpm. afM'TM aotun. Iliclur( l.irf-'l (tray .tailim.) 131 L iti 4'alilnrnla K irM (Ihionihi 7:1 p. lit THE MAIL. Malta rlnao North. a. lu , II J. tn., p m. Mailt cliia nlii( riiMiili, a. in.,7.a) m. am Kurfaa. Orrinn t'lty to My.l'arna. Miillnnaml Molall Imivw at 11 iu. ami errlw at l iu. ilally. On. t'lty to Kly.Mliik.l'lari Mi-adowrl rook, lllllun Mllla, Mulllio ami oll,.u, Iravaa at 10 a. in. tliMila. Ihiir.lay au.l Halunlay, ami r turiia ou lollnw Ilia dava at i a& p. tn J-KIDAY, MAKCII i.', 1H!H. A Livki.v Ncnnic. Oiitt may witiMvui i lively limlxT ftconr by takiiitf riilu on the Willmimlto FIU Unllwav coiiipttny't oltM'trle lino to tlie tinr rul of the trai'k wlwrtt alomt wvi'tity-tt v wood ctii'r urn iiiiuol in ip-lliim out vurdwoixl iihiii the IiIk conlrai't wliirb tliu lUtilorf llrna tutvtt taken Iruin "tl. eli'clrlc rimimiy, Tim uitirry rlnit of tlia ax aa it rltuvea tlio au(t lir aii'l tlif Hliarp clunK ii( tlio uli'ilo iixjn tlin alwl wpilo Mirvra with tli" Kotiml ol fulling treca uii'l liiiinuii vuitra to iiiiprpiu) turn wild tlia uiHiiiilliiiln of tint contrai'l. Mont of tlii ho aro at work on t tic I'Diitrm t live in raliiim wliirh llioy liavtt ITd ti il tin tin' Kroiliul lii'iir til" Timlatin ko t li nt thev liavfl tlixir familira with tlit'in uml tin nut liuvt to ihM'iiil 4i i ii rol'l liiinlii'a at mlil-ilay. AltmctliiT It mitkva itiilu it ittli-iiiiiit anil hua a livoiy ai'uriii)i' iniirli like tlio now towna whii h have au f rtijucntly niriin up in tlio woat. Tlio iiiiinov whlrh ia Ix'liiKfiiriicil htn will litlp out nolaliltln In tlifiHt atriiiKi'iit timea. Wood hatilini liaa nut yit lnun hut it it now tlioiinht that tint rum w ill hi'K'ln hrinirinu down thn wood ulmnt tint lOUi of April. 1'OIITI.AMI C'OHHKKIIIAL N.VTIONAI-. A rumor was N't alloat luat Wif k to tlio t'lUu't Hint thia well-known hank had Ihiiii anld to the WcIIh, Karo hank of San Franrinro and inquiry umont; tin ollli'iitla of I ho f'ortlitnd hunk fliritod 1 1 in Information (hut tlio minor wt're well foiindnil, and thitt ariiinKtinii'iilN Im vn liriMi roiiipli'ttMl which w ill plitcii a t'oiitrollini; iniiTi-t in thn atotk of the hank in thn IntmlH of tlio Wi'IIh Knrno (!')iiiMiny. Thn oHlriiilit etiili", hownvt'r, that tlipy tin not (t'i'l at lihcrty to iniikn piihlic thn (IctitiU of the ileal at the prfmint tiniti, hut will do no III few day". Humor platHa the ronriiduratioit at from f 150,(MH) to 5(K),tMl. Those who clniin to he well mhUm1 aay it waa $.'150,000, and that of thia amount $100,000 has already tatm dtipoailetl in tlie vault of the Port land hunk. The orticinlH, however, are content to atute that thia amount la auf flt:ient to make tni'ir iiiHtittition one of the moHt aolld hunkHin the Northwrat. The hunkinu limine of WullH-l'arno Com pany Ih one ol the moHt solid and con mirvative in the country. It haa a capi tal ol $500,000, and a aurplim ol nearly 7,000,000. A Dklkihtkcl, Kiiiii'iuhk 1'ahty. -On Tnt'ttdiiy tiveninii a party of yomiK jhh pin vory pleattitntly mirprimMl MiHH J,iz.ie llltiliin Iiv utlioi iii at the home of her parents on I'leiiHitnt Hill and Sixth Htrect. The pnrpriHO wus well planned and executed. Oanitm were indulged in until 10 ;.'() when refrtmhinents were nerved after which varied amuHomunla were remimed until noarly 11 o'clock when the party dispersed for their homes. Those present were: MistteB Kmma and Maria Roherts, Mary Younger, Hanna Stroni(ren, Nora Caliir, Kmilv Holden, Lulu Adnins, Mima llitrkley, Kunicfl Donaldson, Mary llluhm, Mollie llinz and Lulu llankina. Mossra. Win. Hinr, A. Hohertson, W. U. Ileattie, VV. (i. Muir, John C. Wil linnis, tieo. liluhin, C. A. Muir, John 1'richard and J. II. Black. Tn cm Hkmiiioih Ykaii. -Kdltor Kin mid ol the Immune Journal I rnnpunsihle for thn follow Iiik; "Tlieru la a lauilly In KiiKi'iiu who huliiii to iieer rellnloua K'et. They work six year and then rest the seventh year. They are no on thiioir year, reatlnK thoacvcnlh year. They differ from a good many olhnr hio of the i htia who aisiime that ''the world owe them a llvlnu" und who rest all thn tluiii, Thera M'(iple seldom go mil of thn house In the daytime, and never al low anyhody to enter their dwelling. The ilimr are always kept locked, ami when the man step out, II only for a minute, hn locks the woman in. They hike a hitth three times tfVery day arid three every nl(lit. O, Lord, what loola we mortal he! Votino I'Akxi-imiiNAUA Ahotlt Murch 5th the aeeretary of atato, In uecordance with the provlnlon of the law, will for ward to i-wli I'uiinty Herk througliotit Ori-Koii the mipiilli a rcipilred in conduct nit the Keneral elnction which take place on tint first Monday In June next. At the piojH-r time the clerk deliver thewi to the aherlir who later aee that each precinct receive it full share for tiati on election day. There are pencila, Iwo poll honk No. 1 and 2. tully-iheel No. 1 and 2, 'L copy tally-shcctH I and 2, and needle for strin'iiix tlie ticket a they are taken front the ballot hoxea when lieina-counted, Thia county will receive l.WI pencila, Tl poll hooks, 80 tlly nheet", Tl copy tally-sheets, Tl tMi-dlf. Tna I'm nk Oi'TUiok. The veteran otchardiat, H. A. Clurke, ha received a letter from Win. L. Allen A ('., of New York staling- thut the prune market, which was very low when Mr. Clarke left there on fchruary ft, i now showing a better fefliliK- They thou(ht the OrejjofiJatiK'k on liand.soirxi ten carload, would k fail1 hM. While price will not Imi aa they would wiah they think they will liow of them no a to creute a M'rmaneiit demand , They say "all who try them like the flavor and wo predict in the future they will com mand a premium over all ollnua. Trice ranttt) 7 to S cent for Italian. They are willinu to advance two ami one-half to three cent er pound for prune, ranav lug- under to the pound according to i.. Khom am Oi.it Kkikm). After copyiu a short piece in which Mr. itrownell i meiilioiied as a candidate for the state senate, H. L. Mimrhead, of the Junction City Time aava: ''We have enjoyed a personal ai'ipmintance with Mr. Itrown ell for iimnlH.r of years, and while this pa ht has nothing lodo with poli tics, we will transgres I litlle on the line of fiiendahip und stale that Mr. Ilrowuell 1 a stalwart auioni reptiltli can and Wilt stand tip for- what he lW lieve to he right rcgardlcs of parly alllliatioti. He i a hrilliant orator and can move an audience from convulsion to tears. Cliickiiuitts county will make no mistake hy nominating ami electing Mr. Itrounnll. On N iikiii i.k Timk. Since the wood-chopH-rs g"l to work at the upper end of the went side electric line near the mouth o the Tualatin it haa heen found necessary to catitlilish regular running hour iin thcrn was no much hauling to do and so nmny found it nert-SMiiry to pass over the road that it was quite in convenient to not know when thn cars would leave going either way. The cars now leave astiited 1 ouis and make five round trip daily tiesidea such other trips as may he necessury in doing the hauling which Is to bo done. The re ceipts so far have been very good, run ning up as high h $:i 50 per day. Tiik Alton a 1'koui.kh. Here is a sam ple of the problem which are being given by the papers up the river to the School children and normal school students If the steiuuiir Altona can go from In dependence to Suleui, down stream, In 40 minutes, ami can return up stream in 00 minutes, how long would it take her to make the ilistancp, 12 miles, if there were no current'' Thn diMance fioin Portland to Oregon City is IU''! mile (in slack water) and the Altona can make the run in 45 minute. How many miles is that per hour? Fihi'mkn' Mahqckhauk Baix. Armory hall was well filled last Thurs day evening with a gay throne of dancers all of whom enjoyed a thoroughly good tin.. The music was -excellent and the costumes, worn by the tnat-ipiera attrac tive and grotesquo so that not only those who were dressed in coHtnme hut the spnrtators ns well had a good time. The llrenien did not realize a very liirrjO aur plus from the hall but succeeded iu sav ing something over and above expenses besides giving their fi imitU a pleasant party. Tits Bi'ttk Chkkk Faib.A meeting of tint stockholders, of the Ittitte Creek Fair Association bus been called to meet at Mnripiuni on Saturday, tlie third of March for the purpiwe of considering some proposed amendments to thn con stitution which it is believed will add to the opportunities ol the society for doing good. A full attendance of the stock holders is desired. Dirkctohs Ciioskn. -Ata recent meet ing ol the stockholders of the Portland General F.leetric, company the following board of directors were, elected for the ensuing year; II. W. Ooodo, C. II. Cnu- fleld, G. A. Harding, F. V. Holman, William M. Ladd, SylvoHtor Farrell, VV. K. Smith, II. M. Byllesby.C. P. Thore, P. F. Morey, W. C.Cheney. CIIIMUIKVH IMYiT TIIKFAIK. r( and ( rowda of Children and Adults Visit tliefJrouiiili. To Tiik Kiutom.-TIih Mid-winter fair wil! he immense when It ia complete. It has now been miming about two months yet very few of the buildings are finished, some are only half doite, other just begun. When finished anil tint great electric lower completed the ann uel city will prewiit a very Imposing sight. There are line exhibit of fruit, especially in the southern California building. The mining and gold exhibits are most excellent, Nevada county in the lead . The foreign exhibit is exceed ingly good Very few of our own taU-a have exhibit. It 1 peculiarly a Cali fornia show, and withal ia a splendid affair, with of course some clal ex ceptions. Whatever California does i on a Urge male, whether it lie good or had. WaahitiKton'a birthday was cel ebrated in splendid style. The display by tin electilc fountain and the fire works were the best things of that day Koine ar,r:00 people were admitted through tlie piy gates and it tested the capacity of the diflerent street car lines to handle the people in the mad rush for home, at the close. The T'A was Examiner-Children's day. Free ticket were given hy the Iaily Examiner to all the public school children of the city, not only to the wid-winier fair hut to all the side shows within the grounds. Some rtOKO children received tickts and there were some 80,000 people present. It was a grand day. There was a baloon ascension, day pyrotechnics, and many other attraction. Think of 30,000 children singing America, assisted by two band and ftO.OOO -eople over and you can get some idea of the grandeur of the occasion. The Califo-nian distribu ted free to the children aboui two car load of oranges and tons of laisins. The electric loiintain gave an exhibition in Ihe early evening. Then came the grand rush for home. The street car were lilernrly packed wild children like satdines iu a Uix, California and Sn Francisco in par ticular aro having a little sensation just now caused hy what i known as the Arthur McKwen letter. McF.wen has been a journalist in thia city for over twenty years, he ha been in the editorial stall of every dadv in the cly and several time managing editor. He is a keen, able writer, uses the very best (Hire KiikIihIi, free from slang and billingsgate Yet he is saying some of the most in cisive things about San Francisco' moral corruption in general and journalism in pnrtioilur. He does not hesitate to name the leading men of the city like PuYouiiit, Tevis, Crocker, Huntington etc., showing up their iniquities in their most appalling reality, and denouncing them as scotinderals and thieves of the worst class yet shielded and protected because of their wealth. His main object seems to lie to keep DcYoung from being United States senator. He issue his letters each week in the shape of a four-page three-column paper about one fourth the site of the Kntehi'kise. They sell at ten centKeacll. l-IOOO copies of the first sold in a week and it is esti mated that last Saturday's issues would reach JiO.tKHI with many call for back numbers. It is immensely popular liecanse it tells the truth and what every body knows to be the truth and w hich no one ever dared here-to-fore to say in public. McF.wen'a motto is: "I am not owned by any peison, corporation, ring, association or combine, politically, socially, morally, religeously or finan cially, I own myself am! that it all I do own," It is predicted that the millionair combine will have him shot before a month as others have been in this city who darexl tell the truth. The great popular tide is with him. Tlie church that 1 am supplying is a magnificent one, so far as the building is concerned, but the membership is very small. If I could have this church building iu Oregon City I would be most wonderittlly pleased. The auditorium seats if 10 without crowding, by tillimr gallery and aisles as many more could find seating. The active congregation averages about seventy- five. We are having flue summer weather here now. With best wishes to all my friends, lam, Respectfully yoitis, Uii.man Pahkbk. San Francisco, Fob. 2(1, 104. Catarrh (an nut be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of tlie disease. Cuturrli is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts di rectly on the blood und mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quick med icine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is com posed of the best tonics known, com bined with the best blood puiifiers, act ing directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the tvCo in gredients is what produces such wonder ful resultB in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. C1IKNKY & CO., Props. Toledo. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Farm for Sale. A farm of 50 acres on Pudding river 2 miles east of Woodburn, part cash, balance on time to suit purchaser or will trade for city property. Apply to John Dhackr, Charman Bldg. or Sidniy Smyth. To Chew or Not to Chew. A man may have uw-tl to bfw:t:o for years; with sctnii itiK inijitmity, little dream in); that he is slowly being poisoned, until the time, of dissolution approaches, lie lias an attack of heart failure, a Htroke of paraly sis or ajioiilftxy, or (tome organic disease, and his days arc numbered. The enormous nuin of JIM.OW.OOO in spent yearly in the United BtateB for cigar and tobacco. How many of us would be glad to lie rid of this terrible habit if wo could only get something to iiki.p us give it up. The Ohio Chemical Co., prop, of Ilill'B Chloride of (iold Tablets.ofl'er a reward of 4)100 for any case of to bacco habit that cannot be cured by the use of Hill's Tablets. Should you de sire to know more about this remedy, come to our r?tore and get a circular. C. G. HUNTLEY, PhnrmaciHt. ABOUT PIANOS. You who have been delay ing the purchase of a much needed piano until you could buy it "right," need wait no longer. Call at the Book Store and see if your opinion as to w hat is "right does not coincidu with ours, and we will give you almost your own terms too, when it comes to arranging the payments. At Huntley's Book Store, Next door to Com. Dank, Oregon City. P. S. We have juHt received "The Capt. of the Janizaries," which Home critics think was the source from which Gen. Wallace got his "Prince of India." DHVIES THE PHOTOGRAPHER, Would be pleased to see his friends and patrons in his new quarters on Third and Morrison Streets, Over Golden Rule Bazaar. ; 1S00 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation hy the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Taooma, Salem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and 9G other towns in the two states on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a pe rson al com mn n icat ion . Distance no effect on a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - Oregon. Cooke's Stables, W. H. COOKE, Manager, Suooeaaor to V. H. T. A L. Co. Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LKADINO LIVERY STAKLE of the City. Kins of any tleaeription furiiiKlied on xliort notice. All kinds of Truck and IVli very Busi ness promptly attended to. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of small machines promptly made. Duplicate keys to any lock manufactured. Khop'on Main Street, next to Nohlitt'a Stables. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby (tlven. thut there are inffl clent funds on hand to pay general fund war riinta'ntilntandtnic endomed prior to October 9, 1H9H. Interest ceaaea with the date ol this no tice. K. L. HOLM AN. City Treasurer, Oregon City. Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 18, MM. TH0S. CHARMAN & SON, The Pioneer Store JUST : ARRIVED! -A COMPLKTE all & inter Jackets -Direct from New Ladies' Cloaks in all Children's in FULL LINE OF DRESS GOODS! Hop Sackings, Whip Cords, Cash meres and Henriettas. We have a new and complete stock c' LADIES' MACKINTOSHES, Of the very IvQtet Styles. Call and see our stock before purchasing as it is the largest and newest styles in the market. TH0S. CHARMAN & SON. SEVENTH - STREET - BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of the Day. All Kinds of Cake Made to Order AND ORNAMENTED FREE OF CIIAGE. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Jacob Kober, Proprietor. Do You Need a Legal Blank? i, -.. . The ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 2.00 Different Blanks to Make Selections From.' Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE paid at Portland Prices to Your Address. Portland-Clatskanie R-O-U-T-E. STR. SARAH DIXON, GEO. M SHAVER, Master, Will leave Portland Daily, except Sunday, at 2:00 p.m., for Oak Foint & way landings connecting with STR. C W. SHAVER, For Claskanie Monbays, Wednes days and Fridays. Returning, arrive at Portland at 10 a. m., Daily except Monday. The company reserves the right to change time without notice. For freight or passenger rates apply to dock clerk at Portland, foot Washington St.,or on board steamer. This is the nearest and most di rect route to the Nehalem valley. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON EART1I. For general repairing he stands without a per. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! LISE OF- York confuting of- Styles and 3Iisses' and all Patterns Portland Cowlitz River Route, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellogg Trans. Co. STR. JOSEPH KELLOGG leaves Kelso Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 A. M. Leaves Port land, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. NORTHWEST Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow litz river points, returning the following days. This is the only direct route to reach all Cowlitz river points. WM. R. HOLMAN, Agent. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. Prairie Nurseries DAVID J. COX, Prop., CANBY, - OREGON. Apple, Pear, Cherry, Peach, Prune. Plum, Apricot, Nectarine and Almond. Trees Strong and Healthy and True to Name. Special care taken in digging to prevent mutilating the roots. Orders promptly filled. Prices to suit the times. Write for prices. U 1 I I