Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1894)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME O. C. T ro.'M In KrrmT J , imu, Hlcmmnr KAMONA, l.KVtnHlllllN CITY, I.KAVKH rilXUANtj lm m, im p. m. a uv n. m. INIlAY. in a m . Il.wia, m, I mu in. . m, t win. m. 9 i p.m. li mn, m. tWIll, M. iMIp m. tl ii lid trlii IW raiita, 'Unmeant iili)wil loolian. wllhmit null" TIM It TAIII.K, T aint Ktii.wtY court ny. (Ornguii Clljr nivlalua.l tVt,iTI HII. U1V likKUIIN CITY. 70 A M 7 iA M. J 411 " 7 411 " VII u ill 10 10 " 40 in jo io vo " ai ii 4o Hi "ill I M. U WP M. I i " I HI " 1 411 " I 411 " t Ml i Ml " ij " it uo " 4U " I 411 - 4 vu " 4 at " ( uu 5 iw " 5 U b 4l M J" " H.VO " J IM 7 ll " 7 Hi 7 40 " ll " V l " III -jo " III JO ' II.4U " til 40 " 'li.Hij In (Irrioii 4'liy. tiliM..mily in MUwaiik. HuliJwH In oliauav will 1 N"tli. II K MKT Ul'aTIN, MUit. Tha faai fAHMANOMI KTKAMKH. AM ON A, nktwmrn i-"ii.if u,ii.ta tan iMiiaraxnaHri. I rr I'i rll.iul Taylnf altral Hurt ( t an A. M, ami Iran-. Ht,.,,ii l liy ,,r Mairut 7 111 A. M. 1 iirviUy, 'I iMirailav anil HalnriUy. I ran lint .'nrtnra il A M ami "ulrin 7 ao A M ami itipinn city I uu I M lur I'ori- laiul Mnmlar, Uxlncxlay ami Krlilay. Fad lima, (ikm) aiwimmtallona ami l"W ralra. fin way Imuhl liamlia.1. Hpculal nu-a ia lliriMili frtailiu milTMICHM I'AririC RAILWAY. NuTII (ill Nil. 4'aMlntiila KiHiu (lliruiiKlii I lit m, H.i.clmig Loral (way aiailotit) I a p ta. mil tll PIIUNII. Kielmr I.pI (way ilallniit) 1 .11 a. m ( allluinla KapiHi lllirniiah) 7 lftp m TICK MMIM. Malli rliw mn Nnnh.t a. m . I p m . p m. Malta clie r'H'l Hinilh. V a. m.,7 p la. aim ajiuraa. Oriiii( llylo Kly.Cariu. Mullnnaml Molalla Iraiaa al li aa. ami arrive, al 11 in. dally. (ircKonCUf in Kly, Mink. Clark. Mrailnvlinxik. t'lilou Mill.. Mullnnaml (olioii, lai al lu a. a. Turulay. 1 'hiirvlay ami Halunlay. ami t lurni uu iiilluwliii ilava al t SS p. m FK1DAY, r KJIKUAKY SI, 14. IIannim Will Hawu. TIib Ori'uon aujirrins court li rliriiiuit the Jtulu niciit o( llid lopr court In tlx f mm ul ttiUUi, reapomlfiit, v. John llanwn, ixllant, ml unit liovrrntir lVnnoyer curl Im prtivailml im to cuiiiiniHe lila wn Utnce to lifti liiiirlw)iiimnt Mr. Ilariaun will U tfi princliwl imrllciiMMit in nick-tin party at A tor in in the nor future. Tli particular ( tlii ttrimu anil tril ara follows : On Wcilnculay, Julyl'iltli, Inat, Im iiiunlfrt'il tain wilt', Carolina llitnm-ii, wlillo pile tu mi- KiikimI in pIckinK rahiljrriiin at tticir lioino in Cliitaop rountv. Tim rlcc.l n roiumittl with a aili k alwiit yanl in lmiKtli with a knot on on i-nil. Tim blow wn tiHin lutr licail. Thin occnripil alxint 4 . in. Hhiihcii mu.ln a ronft'4 linn on tlm follow iiK Satiinlny to tlin Hluriir, 11 A. Smith, mid F. I. Iiin liar. 1 1 im wile tlicil alniodt in Bluntly aint, afttr ruiimiiiiiiK liy luir anle fur ahuut an hour, IIhiikcii mnnt to a ni'lulihorn plui-o nml told him whiit liu hail (lurni. PttriiiK t lie uvcninn he blirmol the Ktiik In the atoyo in liiaa home, lie wai imlicted and convicted of iliu riie ol murder in the flrnt il-Krt-e. A motion (or new trial Wn overruM by .Iii'Ik" T. A. Mtiliride and Hanaon wm acnt'jiicud to he liHiii(l. An aprieal won tiiken to the aupremo court iiMin the Krounilft of errura liciiiK made in admittiiiK crtain evlilrnce anil the nivin and ruliiHal on rertnin itiHtriii tion by the coiitt. The defemUnt'R couiikuI contended Hint the court ahould not have admitted. TIiIh will be the aei ond lie party lor SlieriM'Smith, within nix inonUiN. K.or.P. Annivkhhaky. Monday evon Ing AchiUon lode No !IR K. of J, of thi city met in their oay ball toitetlier with . a number of their invited friends to -veluhrate the Thirtieth anniveraary of the founding of the order and panted the eveninK in linteninK to an interesting .program constating of mimic,, recitations, readings and a- abort address. The .addrei by J'. M. ltnnds and the reading by I. L. Hoffman took up the histurical and benolklal features of the order universal. The songs by Mrs. K. E. 'Charinun nd Miss iKlla lloburf were excellently rendered while the music furnished by the Oregon City Glee Club was roundly applauded. Matt Ilrown with his Indian club swinging tdessed the audience immensely with his wonder ful skill in tlieir uso while F.J. louis wall words nuit't do justice to him In bis inimitable imitations. He fairly outdid himself when he imitated the ctttchtng of the porker, and rising up displayed to the audlenco the caudal appendage and one foot of the pig with ti e exclamation, "He got away." Payinu Tim County. Sheriff Givaong is much surprised al the way in which taxes are being paid in as lie had ex pected that but few would come in this early in the collecting time and liquidate with the county. Many are coining for ward and paying in full and from present indications the present year'a collections will oot be greatly behind otiier aetaeoMfl. I'l.KNTY DC lliiATS. According to the HlnlcsniHii Mitchell, Wright A Co. ol Hnlem rmtipleled arraiigi'inenl to inks charge of the ()nyou 1'iti'illc steamer, Win. M, Hung, und to place It in nmipe tllloii will, I he oilier busts on the Wil lamette river. Tlieie Is one tlilim sure, with the Allons, WmixmI, MisIuc, Hie new Kugetre, and now Hie iiosg, (he sides towing Arid oilier boats from I'ort- hind,) something Is ynli to "bust." Kales are al preaent so low that there is no money In currying a good deal (A the freight. Then it must be remem bered that tlieie is not enough freight to be handled hereon an average to make more Ihsn two bonis rich. With five competing bonis slid only enough Iraflh: for two, the result can only be surmised. Coi.iimiiia Himti Maiiji . -The Oregon Hln rt Line k Northern railroad, other wise the I'lilori I'scirit:, has been awarded the conliaet (or csrrying the uinvils lo twien this city and Astoria ami way ports till June .'Ul, I HUH, (or I2,II00 per stintiin, an advance of $:I(MK) a year over the old rate. This means that the steamers Telephone and Thompson will continue giving the residents along the Willamette and Lower Columbia daily mails from either end of the route. The contract provides that, if practicalile, the company shall also forward mails by its own or any other night boats that may be running. To tiik lUriuiM Ki'iiimu.. The States man tmlea that IvUard Saunders, aged H yesis, was romuijtU-d to the stale rrjuriii scluxil yesterday by Circuit Judi liurnetl. He is one of the lads that bin' glarixed the store of Vamleleur A Iienta at Rullevilleabouttwowneks ago when (HI) and other vsltuhles were taken, Owing to their age Iiistil.t Attorney MiCaln concluded iiot to proMM-iitv their rase and they pleaded gtliliy to petit larceny 1 lie yoiingeat one l ie l JiMinina w as sen ti need to the county .jail fur "lie month. 1 here are now seienty five lxys at the slate reform school Nnw Mkktino lli.At'K Me.idt' hsiI has made arranife ments to hold meeliuga In future in the A. O U. W. ball at which place tl.ey will first meet on the evening of the lih of March. The olllcers of ibis Niat now filling the chair are: W. II. liurghardt, cum. M. E. Wllloughby, 8. V. 0; J. Doieinua, J. V. C; C. C. Williams, adjutant; Wm. Kussell, chaplain; 1. M. Andrews, surgeon J. Harding, Q M;C II laiichey, O. U.Wells. O. ti ; S. n.Califf, 8. M. Notks pnom Ki.woon Sometime ainre the postolflca nawieil El wood was dia conliiiued on accoiuil of the removal of the pOfiltnaMer Mr. If. Kerns of that place was in the city on Monday and reports that the Mople of that sec tion uiias the ollice very much and states that a petition Is now being prepared to have the oflice re-established with him as pontmaoter. Mins Neilie Younger Imifiin a short term of school in the dis trict there on the !)th. AllDt'T AllHAIIAM I.IMMI.N. A lie- bchted audience listened Sunday eve ning at the Congregational churvli to a patriotic address by Mr. Shorey on the "Life snd Work of Abraham Lincoln " This address was originally prepared for the (iraud Army and has been received with enthusiasm wherever delivered. Mr., Shorey has other similar addrexses on Logan, (irant and (iarlleld, that by request will In) delivered in the near future. Iates will be announced. Ski.kctkd tiik llicsr. Mrs. S. D. Calitr now mourns the loss of aliotit twenty cans of Jter bent fruit which was taken from the root house some time last week in the nkht and packed off. In taking the fruit the thief selected only the best kinds including all the peaches in Ihecellar. Cupt. Calilf says that while the party is know n be is not disposed to make trouble if the jars are returned la his place minus the fruit. Statu op Ohio, City ok Toi.kdo,) Lt'iAS County j Fhank J. Ciiknky makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F.J. Ciiknky & Co., doing btisiiiesa in (lie City of Toledo, County and State of afore said, and that said firm will pay the sura of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (or each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the used of IIai.i.'s Catahkn Cuhk. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this tith day of December, A. I)., 18i. skal A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tnkon internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the sytein, Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. "Sold by Druggists, "5c. Walk one Way, Leek Another. You often see persons doing it, and many a poor fellow has stumped bis toes or cracked his shins falling over some object. You call them fools, but it may be their brains are bemuddled by a torpid liver. People Buffering with Indi gestion and Dyspepsia get confused the brain is inactive. You must wake up the liver by taking Simmons' Liver Hegulator, the cure (or this disorder and for fiilliousness and Sick Headache. Krausk's Hkiucaub CAm'i.KB War ranted. For sale by Cliannan & Co., City Drug Store, Oregon City. TIIK l.W VOTK. Figures by ( iiiiiill.'a Mmwlng Mrrngtb nf I'm lie. Following Is the vole by counties coat at tlin lant eleciimi for supreme judge and conufeasiuen : linker Kills IWH, Luce4H, Slater 702, Mourn 7:H, Walker 210, Hrnliclt MU. Itenton-lleriiiau 1.270, Kork 272, Veatidi UIH, Misee l.dM, Walker i.'l, lleniiett, 1 0H7. (MackaniHS llermonn 1,728, Kork 1,107, Veiitch (ifsl, Mcxira l.MSH, Walker 1,0211, Henneit l,m. Clat-op-Ellis 1,0(12, Luce 12'), Slater 782, Moore 1,030, Walker 102, Iteniiott HI f Coliii.ibla-Kllis (12 i, Luce 481, Slater 202, Moore (K), Walker .'13 1, Ilennett 347. Csm Hermann 8811, Kork ls0, Veatch 271, Phjiiiii U 647, Moore 681, Walker 1155. Crook KlllaattS, Luce 112, Slater 600, Ilennett (III. Mooie 281, Walker 48. Curry Hermann 360, Rnrk 41, Veatch 120, Henneit 21X1, M'xre 2iht, Walker 61. Douglas Hermann l,5o7, Kork 65H, VeaU b 1 ,1137. Kciinetl 1,1!I8, Moore 1, 35, Walker 6.11. Gilliam-Ellis 478, Luce 34, Slater M4. Keiineit ,V8, Mxre 31(1, Walker 17. (irant Ellia 511.1, Luce .'Kl.'l, Slater 387, Ilennett 41K1, Mistie 6H8 Walker 24. Harney Ellis 257, Luc 147, Slater 340, imiftt.76. M'xire 274, Walker 100. Jackson Hermann 1).',7, Kork 730, Vested 018, liennell WM, Misire Wit, Watker O'.ll). Jowpbine Hermann 603, Kork 600, Veatch .'til, lletmeit 3:10, Moore 4ii3, Wall er 402. Klamath Hermann 376, Kork 120, Veatch 2.14, Kennel t 284. Moore 313, Walker 120. Lake Hermann 301, Kork 111, Veatch 2S!I. Ilennett 328. Moore 200, Walker 118. Lane Heruinlin I ,K:i, Kork (MkI, Veatcli 1,487, Henneit 1,488, Mixjre 1,518, Walker 717. Liii!i-I!eitiuii,n f'M, Kork 1130, Veatch 1.6i4, Dennett 1,710, Moore 1,783, Walker 8h.) MalhuVi Ellis 240, Luce 64, Slater 2ll.', Ilennett 207, Mixre 267, Walker 43. Marlon Hermann 2.808, Kork 620, Veatch l,7'.ll, Ilennett 231, Moore 2,033, Walker 400. Morrow-Ellis 604, Luce 235, Slater 3,612, Ilennett 480, Moore 304, Walker 20,). Multnomsh-Ellis .Si5, Luce 1,821. Slater 4,200, Itennet, 4,417, Moore 6,664, Walker 1,771. Polk Hermann 1,104, Kork 145, Veat. li 077, Ilennett. I',0(i7 Moore 1,039, Wa'kerl2l. " I - - ----- ' SheimaA-Elli 364. Luce 83, Slater 100, lUmnett 3S2, Moore 219, Walker 50. Til'amook Hermann 028, Kork 34, Veatch 203, Bennett 3:!5, Moore 520, Walker 42. Umatilla-Ellis 1.345, Luce 811, Slater 1,274, Ilennett 1,880, Moore 1,234 Walker 701. Union Ellis 1,183, Luce 735, Slater 1,317, Ilennett 1,302. Moore 1,187, Walker 022. Wallowa Ellis 331, Luce 403. Slater 218, Ilennett 253, Mooro 325. Walker 303.. Wasi-o Ellis 1,007, Line 114, Slater 804, Ilennett 1,3711, Moore 581, Walker 70 Washington Hermann 1,575, Kork 417, Veutch 1,001, Ilennett 1,107, Moore 1,302, Walker 342. Yainhlll-Hermann 1,317, Rork 387, Veatch 877, Bennett 1,009, Moore 1,228, Walker 231. For supreme judge, Bennett, (dem.) received 28,803; Moore, 'rep.) 31,4311; Walker, (pup.) 12.22S. In the first con gressional district, Hermann, (rep.) re ceived 18,929; Veatcli (dem.) 13,0111; Kork, (pop.) 7,518. In the second dis trict, Ellis, (rep.) received 15,059; Slater (dem.) 12,120; Luce, (pop.) 5,940. Proposals lor Bids. Sealed bids will le received up to the 1st March 1804 for furnishing the Oregon City Transportation company's with wood fur one or both of their steamers, as the company may direct, for the peiiod of one year commencing March 5, 1894 and ending March 6, ISO.'). All bids must state the price per cord to be paid for sound and dry wood delivered at the company's dock in Oregon City in qunantities to suit the said transporta tion company. Said company reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Address your bids to Oreuon City Trans;ortation company, Oregon City, Oregon. A Thoughtful Person, consults his best interests by having a box of Kkai'sk's Headachk Capsules at hand; taken as directed will prevent or stop any kind of a headache, no matter what the cause 111 (act if your skull was cracked it would prevent pain. The frequency of the attacks will diminish and by taking the capsules at the ap proach of a headache, you will never have another. 25c per box. For sale by Cburman & Co., City Drug store, Oregon City. Farm for Sale. A farm of 56 acres on Pudding river 2 milea east of Woodbtirn, part cash, balance on time to suit purchaser or will trade (or city property. Apply to Johh Dkapkr, Charmoa Bldg. or Siumky Smyth. Receipt, note and order books at the Ek'TBBPjujiE ollice. To Chew or Not to Chew. A tnim may have iis I to bunco fur yenrn with awm-' iiig; iiiijitinily, 1 i tt IimI ream-, iiij tlmt Im in slowly lx'ii poisoned, until tlio tint'; of iIisriliitiori approaches, lie has nn attack of heart ffiiluro, a stroke of paraly sin or aiKipIe.xy, or Home' organic disease, and his davH are nuinU.Tcd. I ho enormous sum of (Wl.OOO.OOO is upent yearly in the United Htates for cigars and tobacco. How many of uu would bo fjlad to ie rid of this terrible habit if we could only get Bornetbing to HKi.p uh give it up. The Ohio Chemical Co., prop, of Hill's Chloride of (ioldTablctH.offer a reward of 100 for any case of to lujcco habit that cannot lie cured by the use of Hill's Tablets. Should you de Hire to know more about thin remedy, come to our Htore and get a circular. C. G. HUNTLEY, PhnrmaciHt. ABOUT PIANOS. You who have been delay ing the purchase of a much needed piano until you could buy it "right," need wait no longer. Call at the liook Store and see if your opinion us to what in "right' dis-s not coincide with ours, and we will give you almost your own terms too, when it comes to arranging the payments. At Huntley's Book Store, Next door to Cn. Bank, Oregon City. V. S. We have juRt received "The Capt. of the Janizaries," which Home critics think was the source from which Gen. Wallace got his "Prince of India." DR VIES THE PHOTOGRAPHER, Would be pleaned to see his friends and patrons in his new quarters on Third and Morrison Streets, Over Golden Rule Bazaar. ) 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and 90 other towns in the two states on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect on a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER. MANAGER, Portland, - - - Oregon. Cooke's Stables, W. H. COOKE, Manager, Successor to U. II T 4 L. Co. Corner Fourth and Main Streets, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Kins of any description furnished on short notice. All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi ness promptly attended to. Hows Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Repairs on all kinds of small machine promptly made. Duplicate keys to any Kick manufactured. Bhop on Main Street, next to . Nohlitt's Stables. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. NHlc la hereby Riven, that there are milt elent tuudi on hand to pay geoaral fund war rant nmnlandinf emlomed prior toOetnbert, IWH, Intereat ceanei with the date ol thli no tice. K. L HOLM AN, City Treaaurer, Oregon City. Of ogoa City, Oregon, Jan. 18, Him. THOS. CHARMAN & SON, ThePioneerStore JUST : ARRIVED! A COMPLETE LINE OF Fall & Winter Jackets -Direct from New Latlies' Cloaks in all Styles and Misses' and Children's in all Patterns FULL LINE OF DRESS GOODS! Hop Sackings, Whip Cords, Cash-, meres and Henriettas. ' We have a new and complete stock o' LADIES' MACKINTOSHES, Of the very Latest Styles.' Call and see our stock before purchasing aa it is the largest and newest styles in the market. . THOS. CHARMAN & SON. SEVENTH - STREET - BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, Lunch and Hot Cofee at Every Hour cf the Day. All Kinds of Cake Made to Order AND ORNAMENTED FREE OF CIIAGE. fcjT LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Jacob Kober, Proprietor. Do You Need a Legal Blank? The ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. , One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE paid at Portland Prices to Your Address. Portland-Clatskanie R-O-U-T-E. STR. SARAH DIXON, fiEO. M.' SHAVER, Master, Will leave Portland Daily, except Sunday, at 2:00 p.m., for Oak Point & way landings connecting with STR. C W. SHAVER, For Claskanio Monbays, Wednes days and Fridays. Returning, arrive at Portland at 10 a. m., Dailjy.except Monday. The company reserves the right to change time without notice. For freight or passenger rates apply to dock clerk at Portland, foot Washington SU,or on board steamer. This is the nearest and most di rect route to the Nehalem valley. JOHN A. BECK, THE . reliable jeweler Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. 18 STILL ON EARTH. , For general repairing he stands without a peer. " For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Try him I Saw York consisting of- Portland Cowlifi River Route, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellogg Trans. Co. STR. JOSEPH KELLOGtj leaves Kelso Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 A. M. Leaves Port land, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. . t STR. NORTHWEST Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesdays and Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow liti river points, returning the following days. This is the only direct route to reach all Cowlitz river points. WM. R. H0LMAN, Agent. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. Prairie Nurseries DAVID J. COX, Prop., CANDY, - OREGON. Apple, Pear, Cherry, Peach, Prune. Plum, Apricot, Nectarine and Almond. , Trees Strong and Healthy and True to Name. Special care taken in digging 'to prevent mutilating the roots. ' Orders promptly filled, Prices to suit the times. Write for pricet