Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 16, 1894, Image 3

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Oregon City Lntcrprisc.
ClackumuB Co. Directory.
I. W
dlitfb ol CuiirU,
Dim. r, lliirluu
nurllr, .
I', W. Umimif
n. M linm.hv
J.I) Wn(lirn
3, C. Htmllor
II. H. HIn
HMni HmixiIi
II. I. Ilnlrnmi
Hli'hsnl Hi'uit
I'liriinllua Itnlr
AJiMta.il r,
Mnliool SllxrllltlUillllll,
Hurt )riir,
T Meet the Times.
Tim subscription price (or the Kntkk
I'Hiiik has been reduced to 11.50 mr year;
7ft coiitw fornix months. Cash In !
vanco. Huhncrllmrs paying at the itml of
tliu year will mil bo entilM to till re
duction. Tim low price la made to gf t
tint liitt on t cash basis mill Induce all
anliM-rHmr to fmy up, am) esjMclally to
iriiviit ilimil Wis from Inking thw
inH'r ami not paying for It by reason of
llmir Imlng law Tixif. Reduced price
will only commence with dull) of renewal.
This makes thn Fntkhi'Ihsk the chinH
wt pwr in Out kitiiiiiit county hIkIiI
jiagea nil lionm print Mini full of live
llM'Hl iikwi
Prices split In two t The Itml Front
Clearance Hull.
The mmlteiitiary in Koiilhurti Illinois
f ur tt mIk-d broken rock fur msfadumiitiiig
roads at f j.fiO a carload.
Ht.lMiitri 'm Soothing Powders for fifty
yeara the most popular Kngliiili remedy
lur teething babies or feverish children.
A dollar saved I eiiiftl to two dollar
'HrtiiMl. Pay up your siihsciiition to the
F.ntkmi'Kisk and get llm the benefit of
the reduction in price.
When Ih scalp In atrophlee, or shiny
bald, no preparation will restore the
liair; In all other raMMi, Haifa Hair Re
newer will atarta growth.
Hhiloh'a Cure, thn (ireat Colli! h and
Croun Cure, la lor aale hy ua. I'ocket
else contains twenty-five doat-a, only 'SC.
C.'ilMren love it. C. 0. Huntley.
I'rof (1 . A. Walker who taught in the
achoola here for several niontha laat year
waft on the down train I ml Friday on
hia way to Tillamook county where he
expect to reside.
The new precinct In Oregon City taken
in all that part of the city aouth of and
including Falla View and that part of the
old llnilia rant of J. Q. Admin street and
aouth of Seventh sireet ; alao all north of
Seventh atreet and east of Van Huron
at reel.
Married, at the residence of J. A.
Jonea. at June' mill, Feb. 14, 1 HtM , Mr.
C. 1 Looney and Miss Horn J. Jonea,
Itev. Oilman Parker officiating. Mr.
IxHiney la the Hpular clerk at Ntralght'a
grocery ature.
Iont' waste time, money, and health,
trying every new medicine you may aee
advertised In the papers. If the cauae
ol your trouble ift in th hlood, liver,
stomach or kidneys, take Aver'a Nsrsa
prilla at omo, and bo mire of cum.
Take no other.
J. V. O'Connell haa just about fluiahed
taking thn enumeration of the achool
children in this district, having viaited
every houae fn the district while making
Ma rounda. The allowing made la very
good, the enumeration laat year having
Wn 700, while the total for thia year
will reach 1,000, an Increase of 231.
Rev. U. Wm. GIbonby went to Al
bany on Monday an chairman of thn
Hynodieal commiilee to visit the Albany
collcgti. llu returned on Wednesday
having delivered a lcture at Albany
while absent which acconling to the re
port' In the Herald waft well attended
and very interesting an well aa instructive.
Rov. il until Parker left Thursday
evening for Hun Francisco where he will
remain for a month. While there he
will preach in the Emanuel Baptist
church. Hie trip is one of combined rest,
recreation and business. His pulpit
Imro will be occupied by Kev. J. K.
Groom during his absence from the
The bourd of school directors of Cuno
truth are much pleased with the receipts
from the two entertainments given for
the purpose of procuring a bull for the
school mid desire through the columns
of the Kntkhi'Hisk to convey their thanks
to all who attended the ontortuinmenls
to those who kindly took part and to K.
I). McKiitrick who so ably assisted In
fHipervising the drama and its stngeing.
Tho suit of certain ol the creditors of
II. L. Schiller against him and the Bur-low-Will
company, which at the outset
churned to have a mortgage against Schil
ler for 12,500, was tried before Judge
MoBrido on Friday lust with able coun
sel on both sides. The claim of the
plaintiff tet forth that there was cluimod
under the mortgage, Items which ought
not to have linen included and the fight
was to tlirow these out and if . possible
break the mortgage. The decision of
the court rendered Saturday waa favor
adle to the pluintifls to the extent that
all of the mortgage waa disallowed ex
cept items to the amount of about 700.
In taxing up the costs tho plaintiffs were
required to pay one third and the de
fendants two thirds.
110 tit I) OK THAIlK, ItHKTI.Ml.
Ntii ruling Committees for the Vrar Mid
W'lnfer Fair llrport.
There was a fair attomlunce at the
regular monlly meeting of the board of
trade on Monday evening. The meet
ing was called to order by President
llrownell and In tho ulmence of thn sec
retary K. M. Kanda was apKlnled to
act. The resignations of M. A. Ktiatton
and F. K. Palmer as members of thn
Itourd were accepted as they have both
moved away. rrank Keilner was
elected a mcmlier.
The coiiimltUie of the board splinted
by the president during the intermission
between meetings retried that they
had met and entertained members of
the Chicago press club who had seamed
much pleased with the place and their
reception. The bill Incurred in enter
taining them was ordered paid.
T. I.. Charman reported that it had
Immiii estimated that the running ex
penses of the board for the coining year
Including the publishing of the pam
phlet liioii which the committee is now
at woik ran imj managed with a
reduction of the lines to fifty cents mt
month and a resolution looking to such
action waa introduced and laid over till
the next meeting.
A communication from John Hurke of
Portland relative to the Improvement of
the Willamette river at the Clackamaa
rapida and recommending that the at
tention of the secretary of war bo called
to the luiortaiice of the matter was re
ferred to the committee on navigation.
President llrownell then announced
the following standing committees for the
year! Finance, P. F. Alorey, J. T. Ap
IM'inon, Thomas Charman, George A,
Harding and C. I), 1-atooretto; railroads
snd transportation, II. K. Smith, L. O.
(iiirnett, W. A. Huntley and K. (. Cau-
field : roads and bluhways, II. II. John
son, N. U. Waldeii, C. 0. T. Williams,
Kidney Smyth, and James Shaw; navi
gation, A. It. Graham, II. K. Cross,
George A. Harding, George Marr and
II. H Strange; trade and commerce, F.
H , Charman, E. E. Williams, K. C.
Hamilton, Sam Selling and William
Andresen ; bureau of Information, C. ().
T. Willlama. E. F. Drlngs. Charles
Meserve, T. F. Hyan and I. ta.Mahicu ;
leginlaiion, J. P. Lovctt, C. II. I've,
George F. Hortoti, T. F. Hyan and J.
II. Illack ; manufactures, C. II. Caiilleld,
T. I. Charman, T. W. Sullivan, C. G.
Huntley and F. F. While; ardilratioii,
M. II. CalitT, George Itroiigbton, G. A.
Hamilton, W. C. Johnson and I). C.
Ijktourette, advertising, J. G. Pilnbury,
E. M. Hands, Charlea Meserve, F. E.
IoiisMon and II. E. Cross; menibei
ship, E. E. Charman, T. L. Charman,
C. O. Albright, V. E. Carl and 8. M.
The question of the founding of a busi
ness men's club here for the better
entertaining of visitors was referred to a
seclal rominiilee consisting of E. M.
Hands, T. F. Hyan and J. G. Pilsbury.
Sellwood's Hepnbllcnii Club.
A Isrge and enlbiisiastic meeting of
the republican voters of Sellwood was
held at Csmptiell's hall on Tuesday
evening. Holiert T. Piatt, of Portland,
delivered an address uixin the Ishucs of
the approaching campaign. At the close
of the address a permanent oriranlxation
was formed to he known aa the Mo
Kinley Club of Sellwood, and the follow
ing permanent olllcers were elected:
President, B. F. Smith ; vice-president,
J. M. Merchant; second vice-president,
A.J. Goodwon ; Secretary, F, C. Young ;
assistant secretary, A. McKinley; treas
urer, W. A. Campbell. Upwards of
thirty-five names were sinned to the roll
and it Is confidently expected that this
number will be increased to 100 within
a short time. The club contemplates
weekly meetings until the close of the
Stcniptlcsn Entertainment.
Our Chautiiuquaina wilh considursble
coursge for these hard times gave a two-
night entertainment on Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week. Tuesday
evening the exhibitors arrived only an
hour or two before the hour of opening
and the cold pistes of the World's Fair
quickly gathered moisture in the warm
hall somewhat blurring the effect of the
scenes, though some were clear and dis
tinct. Wednesday evening the plates
were in perfect condition and a large
audience listuned with rapt attention to
the wonderful story of Hen 1 1 or illus
trated in vivid scenes on tho life-like
canvas. Seldom lias the massive archi
tecture of Home and the Orient been more
grandly portrayed, while the sea-fight
and the chariot raco were thrillingly
real .
To Hepiihlleans.
The regular bienniul meetini; of the
Young Men's Republican Club of Ore
gon City will be held at Poiw's hall on
Wednesday evening February 21. An
election of olllcers will be held and such
other business transacted ss may come
before the club. A full attendance is
asked of all members and of those who
believe In the principles of the republi
can party and are working for the restor
ation of business and the prosperity of
the country as was enjoyed before the
late "chango." Ciias. Ai.hrkhit.
Kkai sk's Hkadcahb Capsules War
ranted. For sale by Charman & Co.,
City Drug Store, Oregon City.
The following notic was not received
at thiolllc till last Halurd iy, a delay
having occured either iion the part of
the writer or In the mall :
IIOllNA-FHF.KIiOU'll-At their resi
dence in lamaciis, Wednesduy eve.
Janiiury 14, IHK4. F. A. liohna and
Miss Emma Freeilolph.
At prvclsidy 8 o'clock the strains of
the wedding march were struck up with
Miss Mullln as organist, the bridesmaid
Miss Sophia Oenlnxir and Uobert Ixive
luce as best man led tho procession, fol
lowing camo the bride and groom. The
bride looked lovely in a lilac dress,
adorned with cream ailk and orange
blossoms, and the groom wore the con
ventional auit of black, and while stand
ing under a large boll of evergreens and
flowers, the contracting parties were pro
nounced hushuiid and wife by Hev. G. P.
Klch. After the rnreuionlesa sumptuous
feast w as served to which all did ample
justice. The evenlnir passed very
pleasantly with singing and music. The
young eopla received many beautiful
presents. Tho present were, Mr. and
Mrs. T.J. Bohim, Mr. and Mrs. H.N.
Frwedolph, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Kennedy, Mr. and
Mrs. J. II. Osburn, Mr. and Mra. Henry
HolTmelster, Mrs, J. C Elliott. Misses
Nettie, Winnie and Ethel Osborn, Ida
Hates, Fannie and Kena liohna, Alice
and Koaa Norris, Tina Judd, Louisa
Welch, Etta and Luverne Farrer, Jesxle
White, Tessie Hlaiichart, Myrtle Breith
aupt, Emma Fagalde, Iaalielle Grim,
Minnie itoyer, Nettie Cooke. Katie
Feathers, Sophia Drnboer, Annie I licit
enbothem. Algier Mullen and Ella Free
dolph; Messrs. Walter Hohna, Holtert
Ivelacn, John Hates, George Sharp,
Ed, and Frank Elliott, Frank Farrer,
(iur White, Charles Thorpe, Oscar
Hreilhaiipt, Arthur and Waller llu.ll,
Harris IardorfT, Albert Welch, Hoy
Elliott, Hosroe, Hoyer, John Hillnary,
(ieorge Judd, George Feathers, Elmer
and Earl Tonir, llarve Scirvin, Will
Foster, Iewls Forbes, Will Mayliee, Fred
and Will Huckman, Frits Wrllman, Frits
Mathia, F. M. Osborn, and Masters
Ernst Hohna, Ernst llickey and Ed and
Will Oslwrn. AGi sst.
DIKDIn this city Februsrv , 1HU4,
Mr. ina .Mary, u lie of II. M. roote
arffd thirtv-two yeara, eight months,
and seventeen days.
Vina Mary (Irons) Foote was born in
Lyons, Clinton county, la , May 23,
18(11. She waa united in msrrisge with
II M. Foote, October 11, 1KK1, at H.xk
ford, III. She leavea husband, four
children and one sister, Mrs. Belshaw,
in Oregon City, and an aged father and
mother in Rockford, III., and one brother
in Kingsley,Ia.
Willi her husband and family she
came to Oiegon in 1HS8, residing in the
southern part of the state for two years
from thence to Oregon Cltv four years
since. She was converted to Cbrist at the
age of thirteen and was received into the
State street Baptist church of Hock ford,
III., and baptized by Ir. E K. Chan
celer, who was born in Oiegon City.
Thus for nearly twenty years she had
lived a christian life. For four years of
this time she bad been a member of the
First Baptist church of this city. The
funeral services conducted by Pastor
Gilman Parker, were held Sunday after
noon at two o'clock, at her lato residence
on Adams street in the presence of
many friends. Thus has passed away a
potent, quiet, noble woman and a con
stant christian.
How sad to our hearts are some scenes
of our childhood,
As our recollections present them to
view ;
The use of the switch that was brought
from the wildwood,
And various punishments most of us
Hut the saddet of all is the thought of
the pill box,
That mother brought out when she
thought we were ill,
0! the griping, the aching, the twisting
and torment
Wrapied up in the horiible old-fashioned
Hut that's all done away with. To
regulate the stomach, liver and bowels,
Dr. Pierces Pellets excel. You'll exper
ience no pain, no discomfort, no bad re
sults. Children take them as readily as
peppermint drops.
Its thousands of cures are the best ad
vertisements for Dr. Sage's catarrah
remedy. 60 cents ; by druggists.
A Thoughtful Person,
consults his best interests hy having a
box of Khausk's Hkadaciih Capsclkb at
hand; taken as directed will prevent or
stop any kind of a headache, no matter
what the cause in fact if your skull
was cracked it would prevent pain. The
frequency of the attacks will diminish
and by taking the capsules at the ap
proach of a headache, you will never
have another, 25c per box. For sale
by Charman & Co., City Drug store,
Oregon City.
FkotkctYoursklc Insure you rprop
erty in the Guardian Assurance compa
ny of London. Cash assets $23,000,000.
F. E, Donaldson, Agent,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Blank note, receipt and order books
at the Entkrpribk otlice.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Entkrpbibi office.
We have
8 (1
Which we are selling at reasonable
prices. These goods are all bought
of first hands and are of the latest
styles and patterns. Our entire
stock of
Is complete and we respectfully
solicit your trade.
Sole Crowers
of the New
Earliest, Most Prolific and best drying
Two Youths Break into a Store and
Rub a safe.
Hutteville waa considerably excited
last Saturday evening and Sunday over
the intelligence that the store of Yander
leur&Hent bad been entered and the
safe robbed of its contents. Mr. Vande
leur went to supper soon after five o'clock
that evening locking the store but leav
ing the safe on. Upon bis return
after supper he was surprised to find
that the door to the store had been pried
open wilh an ax and that the Bsfe had
been rifled of its contents Constable J.
B. (iiesy of Aurora was notified of the
crime and went over to Hutteville on
Monday morning. Suspicion had been
fixed upon two boys, Ed. launders sited
14 and Fred Jennings aged 10, so when
the constable arrived he secured Saunders
and wormed a confession out of him,
then went after the other lad and se
cured bis confession. The boys then told
that they had obtained from the safe
l- in money which they had divided
between them and a check for $100 and
a county warrraut for fo, both of which
they had burned. One of the hoys had
hid bis share of the money under his
pillow and the other had buried his.
This much of the Btolen property was
recovered after which the boys were
taken to Aurora where they were tried
and convicted before JudireW.S. Hurst
an, I hnnml avbp niwh.r i.VHl hnn,l end. !
to appear before the grand jury. As
they could not procure bonds they were
taken to the county jail in Salem. The
cause of the boys' downfall is said to be
attributable to the reading of cheap
When Holman's furniture store caught
fire two years ago Captain John Kelly
discovered the fire and had it put out
before any great harm was done. When
the faucet on the upper floor was left
open by miBtal.e on Monday evening of
this week, -on account of there being
no pressure from the pumps, and the
fire alarm necessitated the putting on
of pressure, causing a stream of water to
run through the lower floor and into the
basement making a noise like a mill-race
bo that passers by on the sidewalk could
plainly hear it, the present night-watch
either was not about to discover some
thing was wrong, or if he heard the noise
did not heed. As the water was running
moBt of the night there is no excuse for
its not being attended to. An officer is
requited, who knowing his duties will
attend to them constantly with both eyes
and ears on the alert.
Karl's Clover Root, the new Blood
Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion and cures Constipation.
25c., 50c. and $1.00. Sold by C.Q.
Max Schulpius has just completed a
neat cottage adjoining his home on Sixth
I street.
just received a new line of
Cannot be
esrRr 1
. U
prune grown. Send for Catalogue.
Mount Tabor, Oregon.
Slander Corrected.
Mr. David Penman, jr., was in the
city on Tuesday for the purpose o cor
recting certain malicious rumors which
have been circulated in his neighbor
hood concerning himself and brothers.
These reports connect his name as the
instigator of trouble in the neighborhood
which culminated n a row at the spell
ing school at Leland school house lost
Friday night. Mr. Penman denies
these allegations as false and says that
he knew nothing of the trouble at the
school house till after it had attracted
general attention, when in spite of his
efforts to stop it the partiea persisted
sisted in continuing the disturbance.
The story that himself and brothers
were intoxicated and making a disturb
ance in the community till near morn
ing he proved utterly false. Mr. Pen
man desires to warn these parties that
it will be well for them to discontinue
such malicious and mischievous attacks
i in the future.
We have 40,000 petite prune and early
Crawford peach trees; first-class, to sell
in suitable quantities at cents each.
Send orders to Canbv. S. Mathkw.
I 6anta clara. s- D- Nov- 25 '91
o" Lichty, Des Moines, Iowa,
Dkah Sir: While in Denver last fall,
I bought a box of Krause's Headache
Capsules which did me much good. I
sm subject to bilious headaches. I can
find none in the drug store here. What
will you send me a half a dozen boxes
for? Yours truly,
J. H. Stktcueb.
The Troy Steam Laundry
Have built up a good trade in Oregon
City on the merits of their work which
is giving general satisfaction. Give
them a trial. They pay express charges
both ways and give you Portland prices.
office at
F. A. Waddocks, P. 0. Building.
Laundry left at the office on Tuesday
will be returned on Saturday.
To Trade.
Some good young horses, broken to
work, to trade for stock sheep, Apply
R. J. Brown, New Era, Oregon.
For Sale.
500 tons of choice hay, mostly timothy,
will be sold in parcels to suit the pur
chaser by R. M. Robertson, Albany, Or.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or
Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 75c. Sold
by CO. Huntley.
Call and see the lounges at R. L.
Holman and you will see some good
ones which they are selling almost at
manufacturer's prices
Khausk's Uiadacih Capsulib-War-antiu.
Immense Stock!
Write Us!
The Cataract Officers.
, On Tuesday evening Cataract Hose
Co. Mo. 2 held its annual meeting and
elected officers for the ensuing year as
follows: F.J. Louis. President; H. J.
Thome, secretary; Wm. Andresen,
treasurer; D. W. Kinnaird, foreman;
W'm. Andresen, first assistant foreman ;
Jos. McDermott, seend assistant fore
man ; D. W. Kinnaird, J. W. O'Connell
aid W. II. Howell, members of the board
of delegates. J. W. O'Connell was nom
inated for cblef engineer and H. W.
Tiembath for assistant engineer. On
Wednesday evening the Fountain hose
company and the Columbian hook and .
ladder company met and endorsed the
nominations, which would indicate that
there is to be no contest among the com
panies this year. .
Portland-Oregon City and
Yanhill River Route.
Will leave Salmon street dock
Portland, Tuesday, Thursday &
Saturday at 6 a. m., for
Newberg, Dayton, Lafayette and
McMinvilIe, returning Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.
Best of accommodations for pas- .
eengers and fast time made. For
freight rates apply at dock or oiw
moorcs m
Woman's Friend
So successful and delightful have been
the effects of "Moore's Revealed Rem
edy" upon the delicate ailments of
womankind, that this wonderful reme
dy has been called " Woman's Friend."
Moore's Revealed
In a few doses shows womankind its
peculiar virtues for their ailments. Its
effects are gentle, soothing and uniform
ly successful.
Hundreds of testimonials from ladies
all over the coast bear witness to its suc
cess. Sold by all drugglsti.
RrT.: m
9 WW
REMEDY Sjtftffl
rvitnt-ao Pj
1 i