Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 26, 1894, Image 8

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Opinion Submitted by C. V. Till ton to the
County Court of Clatsop County.
Th county court of Clatsop county re
quested C. V. Fulton of Astorl. to furnish
n opinion u to the plan of pruemtur in
oilleoting taxes tiinler the new law. The
opinion was askeit for in the questions
given below together with Mr. Fulton'
answers. As lie is accounted among the
best attorneys in the state and the opinion
cover the ground pretty thoroughly it is
here given almost in full, it being 'token
from the Astorian :
1st. " is it lufficient for the county clerk
o give to clerks of school districts and
cities, total values, as shown on the roll, of
property in their respective districts or cit
ies, without copying them in full?
My answer is that he ia not required to
copy the roll, or to give list of the prop
perty within such city, town or district as
sessed. He is required simply to Inform
thera what the total valuation of all assessa
ble proer within their respective limits is.
The object of the certificate is to give the
. authorities ol the district, city or town such
information as will enable them to deter
mine what tax rate must be imposed to
meet their expense? during the ensuing
year, and that is supplied when they arein
firmed of the total valuation.
3d. "Must the sheritl pay over all
moneys to the county treasurer, and the
treasurer disburse the same to the proper
districts, towns and cities?"
This question I answer in the affirmative.
It is expressly provided by section six of
the act above relerred to, that it shall be
K. lhrpln'i N M m Machlu.
M. Tnrpiu, recently tvlomwd from
prinoa after having been uujustly con
rioted of aWling the iwrt't of the intum
facture of his melinite, in reuorted to
have invenUnl a new war machine of
rery iliMtdly charm-tor. It pKr that
It i very light affair, cn be served by
four men and drawn by two horaea. It
shoots fonr tiiut ia quarter of an
hour and each discharge throws 25,000
projectiles, which kill at 8,500 meters,
K-attcriiif in every direction and cover
liitf geometrically 84,000 siuare meters.
Ordinury vommervial vessels and fishlnir
boat can be armed with thia elootrto
A Story About tloutfc.
John Malone, the actor, who ia also a
lawyer and a bookworm, has ben writ
Ing of Edwin Ilooth in The Forum. "Ilis
luHtinctlva shrinking from anything like
sen praise,- aay no, "imtHlled him often
to iwcribe to accident the adoption of
oine loueiioua detail or illustrative ac
tion or variation of reading. Once
while we were rehearsing 'Hamlet' he
told ma how ho cama to adopt tha ac
tion of swearing Horatio and Maroellus
upon tha crow of his sword
"One night, he said, while kneeling dur
bigtha ghost's speech with his hands
preening rather heavily upon the sword
machine without any important change . lt. the point sank into the stage so that
In their equipment. It ia expected to i nn" h" Ml prone at tha exit of the
mate any ona of them more than a Rhoet the sword remained standing,
match for tha greatest battleship In ex- 1 When he came to tha line, 'Never make
lutein. It is claimed that the projectiles known what yon have seen tonight,' ha
of this machine can pierce the heaviest turned to recover the sword. Seeing it
armor as easily as a rifle ball passe standing with the light shining upon the
through an ordinary plank. j cross, the words, '1 11 cross it though it
If the machine is anything like what , Dlnst ne,' came into his mind, and he
it la reported to be, all forte and forti- praepod it by the blade and held out the
ncation will be rendered practically
useless. They can be reduced to a hean
of ruius hi a few hours.
A reporter of The Tempa interviewed
M. Tnruin the other day in regard to
the machine. "The reports in the uews-
papers, he said, "are exact in substance.
but in the way that they are put nobody
can understand any tiling of my inven
tion. It was during my imprisonment
cross ror his companions to swear on.
Thenceforward he adopted that action.
It was this alertness of mind that dis
tinguished him, where another actor,
content with tradition and wedded to
old ways, would have seixed It by tha
hilt as usual."
Ml'a "Nail Tarty."
The very Intent In Muimt la a "imp
party." They liml mm In Kocklimd the
other day. The Tribune explain that
lor two preceding evenings tho ifuest
had enjoyed a round of social gayeties
prolong! to lute Hours, which rendered
sleep desirable, (junint invitations
named tho "nap hour as 7 o'clock, anil
each gueat on arrival was supplied with
a comfortable I'lmirittid pillow, "all was
quiet and hush,'' and tho gentle ami re
fined snoring which armo from the dim
ly lighted room told how gratefully the
opportunity was appreciated. A merry
musical programme followed the eriod
of somnolence, nvftvlunoiita were served,
and the company went home at mid
night, presumably ready for auother nap
party the next day.
the inveution is as yet only theoretical,
because I have not been able to experi
ment with it But at the same time I
am certain of success. On the other
hand, I have taken out no patent, be-
the duty ot the tax collector to pay to the throw mv invention Li th m.hii,. ... I
county treasurer in hi, county, .soften as that is precisely what I wish to avoid,
once each week, .11 taxes collected, and he In a short time I ho, to be able to pre
shall inform the treasurer whenever he pays sent myself to the ministry, and then I
over to him any tuonev so collrcted. what ran il,ihii ,,. ;,... .i
i - ... i .iii. iiiiiii. nil,, iiin.ii
Treatment of Otiosity.
In a medical article which wna fw-ti f
at Etamps that I devised the thing, but ' ly repriuted in thoee columns from the
iu(vk'hu euiuon 01 i ne ucraid, our for
eign medical correspondent communi
amounts thereof are to be crediteil to the
several funds," and he is required to take
triplicate receipts, "one of which receipts
for each fund be shall retain, file one with
the clerk of the county court, and furnish
one to the school district, town or city for
which each of such amounts are so paid in."
Sd. " Mut the county bear the expense of
this work, or must each city, town and dis
trict pay its share? And if each ninst pay
Its share, must it pay the official directly, or
nust the county pay in the first instance
and collect from the proper party V I
I am of the opinion that all work done by
penments. I cannot say any more about
it at present."
Electricity and Strum on Railroad.
There has been a vigorous contest in
the legislature of Connecticut over the
provisions of the proposed general
statute for the regulation of electric rail
way enterprises. As finally passed, the
bill permits tha paralleling of existing
steam railroads, provided the courts can
be convinced that the public interests
require it in any particular case, which
is perhaps the wisest disposition of the
matter that could have been niado,
the clerk and sheriff for the sole benefit of I Freight may be transported under aim-
cated approvingly the treatment for re
ducing flesh recommended by M. Dtijar-din-Deauuiets.
At this season of the year redundancy
of flesh interferes very much with com
fort. The proposed method of curtail
ing surplus fat include refraining from
drinking between meals and giving np
the nsa of tea, coffee, cognac and other
liquors, and require the patient to take
plenty of exorcise, to breakfast and dlue
early and to make his dinner without
soup. Dry friction and massage every
morning, after a general lotion with a
sponge dipped in hot water, and a des
sertspoonful of a given solution (iodide
of potassium, 15 grams; water, 130
grams) after each meal will complete the
This treatment, which prescribes only
two meals a day, and that they shall be
very light and simple, seems rather he
roic, but ought to be efficacious. New
York Herald.
rthr of rortjr Ulrla.
Moses William, colored, lives on a
farm about five miles east of Farettu-
ville. Ha is 65 years old, but uo one
would take him to be more than about
50. He was married twice and had born
to him 45 childreu. lly the first wife he
hud 23 children 3 Iho a and 20 irirls-
and by tho second 23 childreu 3 boy
and 0 girls. Ho suys ha has shout 40
graudchildreu. Galveston News.
A remarkable discovery has been made
at Carrog. near Llangollen. While a
number of workmen were curling atone
from the bed of tho river Deo they dis
covered Uie reiuuinaof an ancient church
which was washed down by a heavy
flood 300 years ago.
hoke. Nut JokM.
"Dont send the horse reporter to any
more hangings." said the proprietor of a
Texas pnpor to the managing editor
Managing Editor Why not?
Proprietor I u t hi report of t he dou bit
hanging ho has it that the two entrim
came in neck and n.fk. In reKrting
executions levity is out of place. Texas
Mr. Gladstone ia one of those cau
tious people who do not destroy letters
The venerable statesman u said to have
S collection of 00.000 letter deposited Ip
a strongroom at Huwardeu cast la
Society Directory.
Meet hi t'ouit lluiiaon second Mntiilay In
each nionlli. Vlaln.ta ivHcumo.
K. K, PONAl.Hs.iN, UhO, 0, MtOWNKI.I.
Mecrvlary, froililout
AIIKAIUM UM'ol.tf Cor'NclLliO.'VJ
W. I', A, M,
Meetaetrery Weilneailur vvsnln at K. of I1
iimii 1 laiuiia nrotneri 11111 wtti'omi
... II. K. SMITH, C,
P. W. llatNM an. K H,
Mei'taaeeoml u, tuiirlli MnlurOnr ivihliiaa 1
Kiiia-lu .1 hall. Cautijr. Vlaliing hrolhvra inail
K K Caiii.tok, A H.Hiiank
Rwonlor. Maater Workinait
"sf JiHIN s UK ANi ll.Mi. M7. 0. K id i
Mvviavvury Tuea.ty viilii at llmlr kali
am inn 1 oniii sirmMa, tiri-ioii (ill v.
tt. jrTii,nw 7. T. W.Ni'i.i.iVAH, t're
Mt l.lNoWAll l.olmK.No. 1. A K A KM
Holiia 11a reirular eniuiiouiliiaiitiiia im s,.i
im uiini namniaya hi eai'ii 111. mill at 7 !M r. a)
Urvihrvu IiiimhI auuillna ar IiivIiimIio aiiond
I. I, 'nil I KK. W. U.
. T. r. MYAN.Mei.reiary.
tti n A mas l.ll All Ml.
I lactaiuaa ( liapier No. . It A. M. Itpnlar
i M aniia) 111 in uiontlial 7
,. . , , It 8. 8Tlt AMIK, II, P,
0 I. llKA,He'v.
IMtKiliiN l.ttliiiK. No. J, 1. 11. 1), f.
neeiarvury I huraitay wen ..u at 7 .aiu'elork
f. a. in lh o.t.l r-allowa' Hall, Main aireeL
viiMr,a in 1110 nrunr are llnHml In allrliil.
liKO C. fcl.V. N. II
Tho, Kyan. Heeretary
ostt Kiiii lot.iiK. Ho w, ,o. (I. Y "
wreia at 11. 1.1 t'siiow'a hall, )arn, every
nauiniay evouiii. Vlalilna- lirrilnmi mail
w. inline. (. V . I'KllSSKK, N. U.
J. K. Kiai y. Hec.
KAI.IjI KNl AMI-MUNI, No. . I I) o. K
Neeta Ural au.l llilr.l I n.-a.U ,, .,-h mnntll,
at (hid Knllowa hall. .Moinl.ora ami vlU'i
palrlarrh.. praily luvltnl to all.Mi.l
1 A. SIKWAIir. W. II 1I11WKI.I.
""I'- t'hlel fiutareh.
a oty. town or district, must be paid for bv
tuch city, town or district. It is true that
no such provision, in terms, is found in the
act, but by the provisions o the previous
Statutes those ortii iala are entitled to receive
certain fees for work or the character by this
act imposed on them, lor the benefit of cit
ies, towns and districts, and I think it follows
that the services must be paid by the parties
for whom they are lertormed. The sheriff
is required 10 collect the taxes due all cities,
towns and school districts within the county,
and he is entitled to the same tees therefor
that he receives for collecting county and
state taxes, and I am of the opinion that
the county treasurer shonld retain from the
tax money due any city, town or district,
the sheriffs commit-sion lor collecting the
same. The clerk is required to furnish a
certificate when requested to do so by any
city, town or county, showing the aggregate
valuation of the taxable Droperty within the
limits of such city, town or district, as shown
by tba assessment roll. This involves not
only the making of the certificate, but the
computation ef the vacations. It is true
that be is supjiosed to have previously made
the computation and to have compiled the
ilar conditions.
Our own view of the matter is that the
steam railroad companies will ultimately
find it for their interest to control all tho
profitable and well located electric lines
and will operate them on a coupon ticket
system as feeders and distributors of
their local passenger traffic. That this
might be done in many cases, with the
greatest possible advantage to all con
cerned, is obvious npon the most casual
consideration of the matter. Engineer
ing Magazine.
Death From Diphtheria.
Nearly one-third of the 70 deaths in
this city last week were tho result of
three diseases pulmonary consumption,
diarrhea and diphtheria. The mortal
ity from diphtheria in proportion to the
number of cases of it was very high, or moths of
iK J . I . . ... rw ... ' . .
Rellr of llarbariaoi.
They are very fortunate young people,
so far as we can now see, this Oeorge,
! !" of York, and Princess Mary of
I Teck. who have just been married with
1 all the high ceremonial the most stately
j court in Europe could contrive, Th
I statesmen, the politicians and the nows
j papers are predicting that he will yet le
a king and she a queen higher still, in
fact, an emperor and an empress.
We hope not. But we do trust they
will both be good citixetis of the coming
English republic, which shall go band
in hand with the United States, France
and all our great galaxy of South Amer
ican republics in developing the advance
ment and glory of the peoples.
Kings and queens, emperors and em
presses, are joining the extinct mam-
the human race. A few of
I r arty '" '' jawr
4 --'t
tt Al'H KN.V 1 Itllllt', Nil ;C
Meeta Tne,lay evening at A, II. t'. W. Mail Vis
ions inemlHTa Invite 1. J, . uwau.
f K.
Ciua Ku,v. C
t' A X H V LnlHiF. NO, I. ), (J. T.
Meeia Aral ami third Halurday evening ,i
each m. uilh al KnluM a hall, l aiitiy. Vlallllil
lli. iiili.Ta alwaya made neli'mim
fl.l.A Kniuht. tier (inn. V , Kniiiiit W,(
Wlllamrila Fa I U Camp No U meeta 'M ami
4lh Tueailay ninliia lu rai-h tin. 111 h In K. 11I f
hall. Vlallln iielvlilxira nia.1v wrleom
K K. Mahtin. t'lerk. K M. HNa.O. C,
HIMtlHK l.ol)(iK;.kii). , a. t). I,' W ,
Meela averv are I and loiinh Halunlay ulcaoh
mouih at nilaonvlllv, Ornuii
, M C. Vol au, M . W.
John Tvi., ItiTordrr.
rii iitox i.oixiK .striA"Ai)7t'rw:
Vrela every Thnraday evenltig at ,M Fellow,
hall, (aweo. Vlallllif lirrlht.ii alwava
Conie 1 i- .,H.,.
K SrAl a, Krmiriler
M11l.AI.LA l.nlHiK So to, A. O. I', w. '
Meela nr.lali.l Itilr.l Malnnlav In ,.....!.
I ai'hiail h.ni.a Vlaltlni mruilxra ma.le !
, . T.. snrr, M. W
J W, Tlmaia. (lee. '
Mettia every Haiurilnv MveiiinM ,.f
III A. () I' W h.ll 7lh hi. All a..jutliu,
brethren conllall; Invite.) lu alien. I
... . " At KH.I.D, M. W.
( ( At.irr Kerorder
Of tliti
SOUillliKN l'ACiriC C0.MrA.NY.
Express Tntl us leave l'ortliiitJ Dally.
T Korl
H. 111.I1 I
id r'u. "
7 in r. m. I
10 IflA.M. I
I'nrilaii.l Ar
OrajjiinCliy l.r
H Kralli'laon l.v
1 .11.
I 7 iwr
Pullman Buffet Sloopers.
Socond-Claas Sleoplnti Cars
Altaehmltosll thrniith (rain
llDHKIIl'Ud MAIL (Hallyj.
i IM) A. N.
I SI A. M.
A rmr. a.
I'nrllaiul Ar
(reinii:ijr l.y
lliaeliiirt l,
Ml r.
I ft T.
JT Hi A.
Meal Mill llivialnii.
Mall Traill. Dally (Kieapl Hun. lay. I
7 mi a. I 'l.v " 1'iirllainr" Xr I"l ttr.11
I J ir. r h I Ar Cnrvallii l.v luira
At Albany and t'nrvallla eon ntM-t with tralna
nl Oreauti a ml I'aeine llallniail.
Kinrea. Train Dally lKlt'e HiinJayl
lr M.
7 Wr a.
I'urllaiiit Ar
MeVlliitivlll l.y
a .
Cay lie iililalne.l al Inwaal rate, triitn L II,
Mmir. Aeui, t)reuu t'lly.
K. V HilllKltH,
Aaa't U. F. and i'aai. Atlll.
KtilM AI.V llosKi'ii, No I
Hiwntar RteelliK avr-. iti.l Hr.l liea.lav In u.h
I nmnlh at etiKlne h.in.e, eaat alilo Malu aliruu
I belaern Seventh an. I hllilll
I at f m tSM. rnremaii
Xtll.AI.I.A liltA.NtiK. NO. o. P. nl II
Me(. at their hall at Wrlnlii a llrhH-e on tha
aeeeiHl Hatnnlay nf e.oh lamilll at 10 a. la
reimw ui.-iuuera niauv weirtima.
Jaa. Uaater
T. H Cmrii. Hee.
thonirh men nf iu-ipnrn hava utnran ami
T TMl f,,rb?U,ekeBtm-ing to discover snch a method,
terms of the Matute he is required to do so; j It U a contagious disease: it is epidemic,
but that duty was manifestly in,potd for We wish that some member of the med-
r liA hatiAnr ai am.!, la! . . 1 .
45deatha to 119 cases. UntU 40 years them are still left, but their fate is sealed,
ago thia malady was almost unknown .' They are really relics of barbarism.
in the United States, but it has latterly ! New York Recorder.
uecome wiueiy prevalent ana is terribly 1 .
dangerous, as may be seen by the rec
ords of mortality. No effective method
of treating it has yet lxii discovered,
j Bargalna In New Teatamanta.
j It has been often stated that the re
vised version of the Scriptures has lieeti
How an Enemy was Foiled.
The following traphle statement will bo
n ttl with Intniiaeliituniati "I Cttiiniitrii-w-rllie '
tlii'nutuh.rnt'iiy M'iii.alliinllmii.lii..l In mv I
t:rm, haniUanii lira- 1 Imd to rub anil bent
iIhim) ptirta until tln-y were ore, toovrrrnnHj
In a mi-nxure the di-ad firvllna thru hail tnkeii
inawa-talon of tliem. In aililltlon. 1 hail a
.tratife weakneaai In my bark anil around my
walt. lo.-ctluT with an Imliwrlhalile V.hhi'
f.-iilnj in my atomiuli. I'hyhlrlnna aaltl It
rn-i-imiK pnrutyHia, irom wiurn. aivunl
t. . . . 1 .. Mr . .
Salt Lake, Denver
Omaha, KaiiaSas City
Chicago, St. Louis,
Eastern Cities.
WAKNKK (IKANliK. No 7, H nf II
Meet fourth Hatur.lay uleai h nnitiih. at their
hall lu )tw Kra. ( . C. William.. M.ai.r
! Mra. May Wal.ln 11. Her')
nf OKKtiiiN.
Meela Aral Umi.lav ..f ....k ... tr .1
n i ' ' '""""i, n. ni 1..,.
P. Hall. Orii.iu City. Vlallln nunrailea ma.la , HlVlT
W.ll lll lt(lllAll)T,Ct.lnin.u.er.
Ma. Wii.liab, Ailiuai
OKN. I K00K Posr. No. tClT H, lT7n
meul ill Oreami.
Meela lu aehiHil hntiaa at Kanlr nu drat Hat
urilay In each Dinnth at 2 o'eha-k t. m. All
o.iiir.e. made ttelrome I. lilt.
THiiMranH.AtlJu Inmiuauiler.
rener. intre 11 iitHtena unnn a tienuin. t hey
ny.lt ciiiitlnin-a lla limlillutia tinxrrt-vi 1111(1
tne benefit or such cities, towns and dis
tricts. I sin of the opinion, therefore, that
it is incumbent upon each city, town and
uismci, to paytne pror commissions of
the sheriff for collecting its taxes and the
proper fees of the clerk for computing and
compiling the valuations of property within
its limits and rendering the certificate of ag
gregate valuation.
4tb. " In caie the cities, towns and dis
tricts must pay for the above-mentioned
aery ices, to wnom must they make nav
ment to the officials directly, or to the
county 7"
80 far as the sheriff is concerned, the law
requires him to pay all moneys by him col
lected, coniniism'oiis and all, to the county
treasurer, and thereafter the county court
is required to allow and pay him hisconi
misBions, and I think this course must be
pursued in relation to all taxes, that of cit
ies, towns and districts, as well as county
and state taxes.
Concerning the coniensation of the clerk
for the services above referred to, a more
difficult (juestion is presented, for he ia re
quired to perform a part of the service le-
fn,. ! ..ml. -I. I - .
iuuni,ijf some iirne neiore) the
certificate is called for; that is to say, he is
required to compute and compile the aggre
gate valuations of the taxable property
within the several cities, townsand districts.
But I am inclined to think a fair construc
tion ol the law and the tetter view is, that
be must collect therefor from the cities,
towns and districts, and that they must pay
him therefor when he renders the certificate
above mentioned. They are required to call
niton him for the certificate, for without it
they cannot levy a tax. as it is the only offi
cial information they can have of the valua
tion of the taxable property within their
corporate limits.
leal faculty could find the means of put
ting a stop to its ravages or at least re
ducing the number of its victims. New
York Sun.
Roao Amid Ruin.
In driving over the Maine highways
you must have notice that whenever
you pass the ruins of an abandoned
house or an old cellar where a house
once stood there is often a big patch of
cinnamon roses growing wild around the
place. One does not see them often near
homes that are occupied, and their fre
quency around the abandoned places in
dicates that they either were greatly in
fashion in former years or elie they love
decay and neglect and spring into being
in such places spontaneously. These rose
patches are just now bright with flowers
and 0-JorouB with well, the writer asked
a iaay me otner day what they were
odorous with, and she said "memories.
a fai nre no far aa mi H i. ri,rr,l n... '? " univenuti com ntMon, tn. re I- mi
this, observes the Westminster Gazetto,
! is not quite accurate. For the Revised
! New Testament, the sale of which on its
first appearance was phenomenal, there
is now practically no demand, and the
Oxford University Press is offering pri
vately for charitable distribution its sur
plus stock at very low rates. For In
stance, if 500 copies are taken, the six
penny edition can be had for a penny,
the shilling edition for twopence and
the 18 penny edition for threepence each
copy. But this only applies to the New
Testament. The sale of the revised ver
sion of the Bible, containing the Old and
New Testament, is now large and has
always been so.
Letter hist.
The following it the list of letters remain.
Ing in the post otlice at Oregon City, Oregon
January 25, 1891: '
Miller, H L
Noble, Chas F
Owens, C
Phillips, M
Williams, J B
Young, John 2
Ambrose, Nathan
Brown, Mrs Othilia
Center, Mr W A
Donaldson, J FV
Kmbree, Mrs May
Flood, Frank
Hengry, Misa Ray
If called for state date when advertised.
E. M. BAND8, F. M.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Ektebpbise office.
How fla Saved Them.
When Captain Dutton of the Servia
gave orders to go ahead at full speed
atter tne collision with the McCallum.
he probably thought of the experience of
tne irave about a year ago, when her
bows cut sheer through a vessel which
she struck on the ocean, and suffered
scarcely any damage. But he builded
better than he knew. By his action he
succeeded in saving every soul but one
on board the ship which he ran down.
The story of the suspension of the Mo
Cullum on the prow of the Servia long
enougn to enable her crew to be rescued
reads like a page from a romance. New
York Tribune.
To Stop the Diaeord.
The prodigious and conflicting clamor
of pianos in the main building at the
worms rair is to cease, and only one
piano will be played at a time in one
portion of the music section. Each ex
hibitor will have his 10 or IS minutes,
and he will thus make no discords, as
the other pianos and orirans that are
scheduled for the same time will be sen-
1 m a . . .
arawxi rrom mm by some hundreds of
feet and several partitions.
8ktimklng- In Mlilaummer.
Manufacturers are this season receiv
ing larger orders than ever for skates.
One company received two or Jers in one
week one for KXJ.OOO pairs and another
for 60,000 pairs. This is the busy season
for the manufacturer of skates. Uard-waxe.
Murders and suicides by mere children
in France are reported to be very fre
quent Nine murders of boys and girls
nnder 10 years of age, committed by
boys nnder 14, are noted within the past
few months. Suicides are about as numerous.
It 1 eurlma a vital mint anil the Miilfnp it eM
Cm h win my pnwxvt. I lnul been ilo.-tuH.ii t J'"'""' lv
n jenr mid 11 nun Hiait.il 11 v. inn Willi fin nr
tii'iiinr Imni-nt, wlmn 1 aiiwan advert iM-n.otit
1 if lr til ilea' Kiwtorative Nervine, irt-uriil a
lottle 111, il tmittto unlng It- Uarviilnua na It
niny seem, hut a few (laya hail nawwil before
every hit of that creepy feeling had left me,
mi'l there ha not liven even tha ;iuht-l
itnlli'atliin of It return. 1 now fml aa
well aa I ever did. and have (tiilnid ten
pound In weight, though I had run down
from 170 to 1(7. Four other have uaa-d lr.
MIIrn Keatoratlre Nervine on my rei'timen
ilHtlon. andltiiaabfwn kaaatlafiu-tory Intlniir
ruaeaaa In mine. Jamea hane. I.a line. ti.
In-. Mile' Restorative Nervine laMjIdbyall
driiPKlitt on a noaitlve guarantee, or aenl.
dirtx-t by tha Dr. illlea Medlral Co.. Elk hurt,
Intl.. on rerclpt of prlre, II per bottle, al
bottle for IA, ex pre prepaid. It ifrvt fruta
T.. f). linker tamp. No. la, meela every 11 rat
aiul tiilrd l litirailay venlii ol each ninlith, al
K. nf P. hall.
W. r. Johnann. Captain: II H Itelum Henri,.
IMv Klieanit.itieiil. II 11 li'...l i.
Lieutenant: Almim W li-khani. -J.I i l....i...,ini
(.'. A Herman, I at H.-riceaiit.
Meeta ft rat and third Monday In eaeh month
HitalKht' Hall Vlaltlug brrthern weli-mne.
v. r.. mm a, n,,u ,)D.
K'0- M. W
thetjuit'ket to Chicago
and tho Kant.
Quicker to Omaha
and KanHiw (-itv.
Cars, I)ininj Cnrn.
S. H. II. Clark. )
W. Mink. V Kccfivors.
K. Kllery AmltTHon, )
Fur rtiten ami general informa
tion call 011 or fiililri'MM,
W. II. IIUKLItUKT, AHt. Gt'iil.
I'nHs. Ant.. 2.VI Wnaliiiiffton St., cor.
Third. I'ortla.itl, Or.
opiate or uaugeruiu drua
For wale by Chitrmnn A Co.
Jt K tH v - M II W " m
Meet nra Prlday of tai h month at
r.miiiaiu enaiue ii.iuae. utua. ATllav, Prea.
c. H pillow, Sec y. CHii limsa. f 'rm
Meeta aeeond Tueaday ol earh ninlith at Cat-
ami:i r.iiKine uiiiiae, . n, una Kl.L.I'rea
U. II. Ilairrow, Heo'y. J. W 0 ( onnki.i., K'rp
Meeta every Friday night al the K. ol P. lull
Vlaitliif Knlghta Invited
Ciua. Ai.naiuiiT, J C. C,
J, K Kiliibta, K of K. and S
.Vlf..a an1
$1.00 per BottioT'
VIIU WU. uu.ie.
iiiia i.iieat t;nrmn Cintac promptly noTJ
where ail othnr full, Cough., 1 rii.p, tor.
Throat, Hoarcnaa Whoor ln Cough timl
Aatnma For Conaump'ion It lma no nviil:
has cured thouaon'Ja, : n.l will i;i,i,,., yi.tt II1
taken in time. Hul l by y . a Kmt.
nnteo l or a r.".". (,r C..t
Or Grippe, thonirh oceaslonallv ep.
ilemie. Is always more or leas prevalent.
Tho heat, remedy for this complaint
is Ayers Cherry 1'eetoral.
"Last Hprlng, I waa taken down with
J Grippe. At tlmei I was completely prov
trated, and so illfll'-iilt wa my hreufhlng
that my breast soerned as If confined In an
Iron ease. I procured a bottle of Ayar'i
Cherry Pectoral, and no ooner hail I began
taking it than relief followed. I could not be
lieve that the effect would be o rapid and the
enre so complete. It Is truly a wonderful med.
iclna." W. If. Williams, Crook City, 8. D.
Cherry Pectoral
Prompt to act, sure to cure
imv,: jimil tiiirni 1 tun n ini itvlaiiinnin.
toed to euro yen. .V .j ' jii;ouUi free.
For sale hy 0. G. Huntley.
"CTTK CltKKK (IUANHK, Nii.N'2, P. ol ll
Meeta at ihvlr hull In Mnrnnam Belli, fwl Mai.
imliiy lu each nmiilh at lu a. in. Vlalilug
nn-inberaalwayt wulitouio.
Heerularv Maater,
Mra. M. H Pllahiiry . . Prealdenl.
Mra. K. I,. Coehraiia. . . Tu..
Mra. J. II. Harding, . - Heeretary.
Meeia on drat and third Tueaday ol eaeh
month III K. ol P. Hull. Mem her ol corn
from ah rna.1, cordially welcomed.
Armiiry, Third ami Malu. IteguUr drill nltiht,
Monday. Kegular bttaluoaa mautliiga, flrat
Moiiday of enuli tnnitih.
1. W. Oano.ig, . - . Captain
K.H Kelly, . . Flr.t Lieutenant
I., h. I'lrkena, - - Keennil l.l,.i,i,.i...,i
TUAMTIN (lltA.N'GK, Nf). Ill, P. of II,
1. n i .l 8"lllr(l,y of each month at tholr
unit ill VTIiaoilvlllU. H, J, lfKNHY
Miaa Bkii Hiiabp, Huo'y. Maaler.
netruiar iiiei-tlng third Tueailay of each
111.M1111 ai :.m 1- m j. II IttNNgB Pre.
U.S. Htbaniik. 8i;o, H, Nuriiiita. F'rtu
. I A. H, OK K. I). IIAKKK CAMP. 8. )K V.
Meela In K. P. Hall 011 the aecmid and fourth
eiwiiuny uvuiiuiira 01 caeu innnth.
Maa W. K. JOIINHON, l'rca't.
Mlaa NonRA Caurr, Heo'y.
Si f naVar,an,7!r "J V """e"' omnlon. writ, to
m I. RI V ( O., who hare had nearly nrtyyaara'
zptmenoa In the patent bualneaa. Comninnlral.
tlona atrlrtly ennflrtentlal. A llandliouU o, pt
f.irmall.,0 oonoenilua tenia and how to nh.
tain tliem aent free. Alao a catalogua of modiau.
leal anil aulentlllo tXHiha aeut free.
Patenta lakm tlirouh M11110 A Co. raeelT
paoial notloalnth H, lenlllle AmerleaTand
PSL'!.' t2,ih. 'nvM't1. 'J'hta auleiidtd paper.
-..ra .mi,, aieaanity niuatrated. baa by far tha
!r J.ireltloo of any aoienttna work la th
w'!.',?:.., ..'' Hample ix.piea int frai
Pills J
The Ladies
Ar Safaand Rallaht.
UT Herfitly Hnrmlea.
Purely Vege
1 ladle I rteyer
Btilldlna Kdltton. monthlv. afwia .... u,
!!"!? numbHr mntain beau.
tlful platea in oolora, and photoaraphaof anr
houaea. with plana, anablmg nunder. In ah" w ul
lateat dftfllirn. and aeeure mrtitrai. a am
Sent poatpald on receipt of .
price. Money refiinilej If not a wj
.in 06 ciDcflona Co.,
Dc Maine, lows.
' MM
ta7H .m
Oregon Pacific Railroad
K. W. IIADLEY, Kfcoivor.
Direct Lino Quu-k tlinpntcli
Low freight rati) In'twccn Wil
liiinctto Valley iM.intg and s,,
S. S. Willamette Valley
Leaven Sun Francineo OcIoImt 17
and 27, and Nov.
LciivcH Yaituina Octolicr 12 nml
22, and Nov. 5.
Thin Coinimnv rt'wrvi'H Mm
'riRlit tochanu siiilinn ditto with
out notico.
Stcatnfir "I loan" Iohvoh Portland
WedncMtlay's and Saturday's at G
A. M.
ILC DAY, Gen. Ag't. Salmon
Street Wharf, Tortlantl,
I). K. VAUGHN, Gen. Ag't. San
FranciHco, Cal.
C. C. HOGUE, G. V, & r. A.,
CorvalliH, Oregon,
rartieg deriiring Wood Tumlnit, I't-
terna, iiracKoia, or
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will be Suited by Calling on Me.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
MUNM 4 CO, Htm Yoks, am fiuoAbtrait
For Rulo hy Charman & Co.
Upp. the Uongrejr,ational Church