Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 26, 1894, Image 5

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Oregon City Enterprise.
In KrraiT Inn. a, I'J(,
Hlcmnrr IUMONA.
MrviiK';"i tit, i.mvm rn-ri.&r
III, 7 in
'i '"'I' l. 1 1, mi a. in.
0 UV I' III. 4 ll II. Ill,
Ml in, 7 W . in,
'i ' p m. II w, m.
Itoii, m ihj ,, ,,
Kmiuil lrli lift ronlt.
l imp Haul mihini Hi I'lmiiKe wllhimt Untie
Til rt
tw niKTi.Hii.Ai. a nii miiirmiiiKHi .
I vr l'rrl!n', 1 . i,r Irrfl Aivk Hi 6 (IU A. H.
ml Irivva rnii city lur Halnn 7 ft A. M
1 iimiUj. 'I liurailay and Naliirilajr,
Iava liiit.iinlKiii On A M anil Malum 7 M)
A M ami Orrxiiii Citf 1 00 I M nr I'uri
lanil Monday. Wadnioday ami Friday.
faal lima, ix1 airmolalliiiia ami low ralfi,
Nii way liaialil handled,. Mwlal mica nu
Ihniiigli freight.
Callftirula Kt mm (ihrimgh)
Huavhurg local (Way tlallmii)
am Til kui'Mii.
Kitiirg l.e (way uilmia)
( alllnriila &airia (ihnnighi
7 Ilia, m.
' I 'ft iu.
t nl a. m
7 ID i. in
Malla oliwa gmiig North. a. lu., I i m., K p m.
Malla olixv glug Soiilh, a. ni.t7.wp. m.
att, am'Tia.
Orrami ( ' 1 1 y In Kty.Carm, Mulllinatiil Molalla
Iravra al J in aul arilvpa at VI m. dally,
Oregon (Mly I,, ry. Mil) k.Clarli JjVa.lnwItriM.k,
I'lilmi Mills. Mullno ami I nlimi, Inavtia al IU a
m. lur,Uy, '1 liuikilay and Haturday, and re
liirna mi following dava al i HA . in
Tim Hii (iiii.lKd ('AMaa. I'nilixl StuU'R
Attorney MiiipIiv haa jflvcu J uIi
IU'HIiikit not n e tlmt on January i!W liu
will iiiovo lliu con rt to tu-l fur licarlnn
tint motion (or it new trial in the rawa nl
O. J. Mulki-y, William liunUr mikI 1'.
J. Haiiniiii, three of tlm (li'd'MiluiitH In
tliu kp1 milt nttninat twenty-arvfll
x'roiia rliarh'i'il with rtuiftpiriiiK to
aintiUtfli' Cliiiu'iH! Into the ('ountry. Tliu
roiirt will inoliuhly ael an eailyilar for
heariim the inoiion. Jamea l.oUit and
Seid llwk, two of the defendant In llie
aaiue raw, in regard to wliiaw gilt or in-
iKM-eni'ti the jtirv could not ugiee, Ml 1 11
remain ' In the betwixt and between"
condition, t'hailea Canlinell, another
of the ilpfeiiibiiita in the ram-, who w aa
aickatlhiiliii...ofll.etrUI, willpiol.al.lv
havr.hia.hiv incoiirtwheii Ihe Pnl U-d
Ktatecolli. lata tlnd time to atlend to ii
.. Nut Ilium ia atill Kaal. probably
in Waaliii'glun, but aa to whether ha i ay and rcuttered over the flelda. The
ban liecn grantixl a pardon no one here lioard fencea are not yet iiiterfered w ith.
apearto know. He will tut due here The whole aection, leuching to the Wil
li) Ffbruury. Jnckliug I enjoying the j lumelto liver, la merely an archipelago.
felicity of a pardoned man, il ia aaid,
ami If II ia ao it ia likely that Ilium haa
ala j experienced the bencllt of purdnning
grace, (iartlmriie, lterg and I'atleiaon
are wearing the alow week away In the
county jail, and the public hua about
b.at intereat ill and forgotton the gieut
aiiiilggling cam) which created auch a
aeiiaatiun for a fortnight.
What i Tiikih Kklation iiobht at
thn iiorthern termiinm of the Northern
I'lK'Hle railroad In thia atato baa a couple
ol iiitc renting conplea, onu of whom are
thn proud pan nta of an heir and aon
w Imiii it would punIn a good mathema
tician to deaigniite hid rehitioiiHhip to all
p.irtie concerned. The drat couple con
mInIn of a Ix-ardleaa youth ami a womun
fill yean) ol age, hia lawful wife. The
Nci-niid couple conaiala of the mother of
the uforcnif ntioned heard leu youth who
ia marled lo her aon 'a wife 'a aon, whoia
uIho extreinly youthful. The hint men
tioned couple am Ihe proud parent of a
aon, and the (pienlion of hia relation to
the aeveral member of the family In
proving a moat vexing one. Trior to the
advent of thia young hopeful, by dint of
cIomc application uhiii all a pure u-cuhIoiih
the Hiiveial parties Intereated bad to their
HutiNfiictlon demonatrated ll.at the
Vtoineti nientloned areeach datlghtera of
their ow n aona while the youthful bene
did are upon the lame hypothec
futher of their own molhera. Now the
vital point with all hand la to lind out
juat what relation in law the kid beara
to each, a under existing circumtitatic.e
they are at a loan whether to teach him
to call hia own mother hia grand-mother,
daughter-in-law or Home o'her close and
endearing title. Who v.: II help them
Fi.im-Fi.ammi.no in Town. I,Hnt Mon
day evening a Hlic.k flim-flumer waa in
the city Interviewing our merchant, to
their Ions wherever he could make his
little game work. He waH a mall dark
complexioned nuin with abort chin
wnlaker and big plan wa to cull for
a five cent purchaae and offer In pay
ment a two or five dollar bill, then while
tho merchant was making chango he
would II Mi around in hia pockets and
tlnd a five cent piece and at the proper
Htuge auk to have hia bill buck aa he did
not wunt ao much change. Among the
pluceH whore ho tried hia little, gnme
wore the poniofTke, II. J. Harding', F.
T. Harlow's and E. E. Charnian'a. At
Barlow' he succeeded in boating Ben
Munnon out of a dollar, but when he
tried It on E. E. Churmun he found a
party who romombcred a former victimi
sation so he failed to make it work and
he lout his bill. He was also tinsucceHH
ful at the poHtofTlce and Harry Harding's.
Officers were looking for the fellow all
the evening but fuiled to find him.
Receipt, note and order books at the
Entkathibk office.
liri.l, Iti N Hiiiiiok Hoiim lime allien
till) KnTKMTIIINK MlUllll IIHTltioil of tllH
fiirt lluil llm Hull Hun lirldK" wmnv
ported In u ii imaiifii roiiilillon on account
ofuli iliiiiii'liacliiiiilhlliiHliirli tlirciittilitil
not only In tiiko away tliu uronrli tint
tlm hrlilii llai'lf, 'I'lio t en 1 1 In im I wot
wi n! tier Inn fliiMui'l tlm aliiln nml lnt
wni'k llm niiouri to tin lirliltiu ua
ciirricil uwuy liy full v illHli) yunlg of illrt
Ih'Iiik curried clown into tlm rituyoii.
Thorn wan (fri'iit ilmiKiir tlmt tlm nlnit
inciilii to tlm lirldtfi) would m liirliided
In Hit) alidii liut (iirtiiiiatnly they vacHiU'il
unlmriiHiil. CoiiiiniaaloiiDr K. Kcott
went out Tliuradiiy lo oxamliii) tlm allilu
ml to tnkn mn li nctlon aa ai eined lmt
to mvB tliu lirldxn No found lh dirt
atlll alldiii(r on Ihe onitoim foundutlon
ml art ulibtit having it movitil. IiihUukI
of Adopting tlio alow and In ill! cite
liinuoroiiM priM'caa of moving tliu dirt liy
aliovolliiK. Ha lind two mnull atrcaina
of wittPr (lln'rtiul from llndr t oiuaiia and
wait about woaliiiiK tlm dirt out and with
maraud atirrraa. Wlicn lie left Frlduy
morniiiK " dmiKur to Him lirldun wax
pa at. Iiinti-ail of an Appromli M feet
Ioiik it will now rMiilre one too feet
Ioiik to ri-Hi'li I tut liridtiM.
Kiiuvrvoini Minr Wait. Ilftiry Mid-
driiin ulonif wllliotlier aurvcyoia who
did woik tin final auiiiiiii-r inuat wnit
to IntVH tlimr anrvrya approved mid hi
replixl aiui't II. C, Collier, Koverninei t
inaNM'tor of iiirveya, wlio arrived lieie
(unit tiimi ai(o to inapect niiiiilier of
aurveyi of puhllu luml inude durliiK Ilia
paat aeanon, fuiled to do any Inapertiiirf.
Hit wont down to Aalorlaand found llie
weiillier too alormy lo K" uut into tlie
wihkIh. Ho then went over to Kile City,
ml did not liaii the look of the country,
not deenilliK it fnvoruhh) for ilinpectioii
Work at lliia nrnaou of year, ho lit) went
hark to ItoiiH). Thia iamui;li u the men
who did the aurveyilia mid who wunt
their pay, they cannot tret it till aomn
out) lot limpx'ted their work.
I.AKK I.AHIxll Fl-ooliKli, Ijikii Laliiali
I la under water again, the firat time for
m-veral yenia. .Neaily the whole area
l thai waa recluimed liy ilitcliiiig in now
i completely flooded, and lajala mar lie
pa Idled on every part of It. The trouble
cunwd purlly by the coirerdiim ttmt
coiiHtructed Home limn ago while
i the lower driiiiuig- d.lc'i waa U-mg dug.
! Thli colferiiuin Wiia Hot ntiliced much
Uheii water waa low, bul now tlmt it la
high it in a aerioua matter () Miaaion
bottom water ia over the birm lunda to
I inch a depth that rail fen. ea are floated
A Tmt Cask. On Wednesday as tbe
Kait Side Kuilway company had not
taken out any liecnno for tho running
of freight cara Ukui the streets of this
city a warrant waa iaaue.1 and placed in
tho bund of Chief of I'olice Cliarlea
Noblitt, who upon the arrival of the car
carrying freight shout half pant nine in
the morning urn-Hied the tuolorinan.
Aa be repie-enlcd that bo was in a
hurry to return to I'ortliind he was per
mitted to go on his on recognisance
(i I m ii (he proininc timl ho would return
at 6 o'clock tlie aiune evening to answer
in the recorder's court, It is uudemtnod
that the cane ia to be mado a teat caae
iu ihe circuit court.
Ohkion I'ai ikic Timk. Heeeiver Clark
hua taken a very lmorlant atep in the
direction of cutting down the exieiiHes
of the Oregon l'acillc railroad by the re
duction of tiain service, After February
1st the company will run a mixed duily
train (freight and pusaenger combined)
from Yaiiuina through lo Halatead, and
one w outward fiom Ihilptead, paHsiiitf at
Albany. Train No. 1, eat bound, will
leave Yaqulna at f:'2't, leaves Albany
for llulxtfad, 1:15. Train, No. 2,
woHlbound, leaves Hulstead at 7:(Xla. m.,
urrivesat Albany at 1 !):)(; leaves Al
bany KMIfi; arrive at Yaqnimt 7:10.
Snow all Am.t'sn. There ia consider
able enow In every direction within a
short diHlnnce of this city. Down
the river there ia six inches, ut the
Cascades a foot, while at Brower,
upon the hills, there is a foot and a half
and tho lumbermen have stopped work
ing because it is so uncomfortable getting
about and handling logs in the snow
Work Is practically suspended for the
time being at the Cascade locks, on
account of the snow and the freezing
Deafness Can not be Cured
by local applications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only ono way to cure deafness,
ami that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness I caused by an inflamed con
dition of thn mucous lining of the Eus
tachian Tuho. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, snd when it is en
tirely closed, Ieufness is tho result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed for
ever ; nine cases out of Urn are cuused by
atarrli, w hich I nothing hut an inflamed
condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure . Henl for circulars ; face.
F.J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O.
;iaSold bp Druggists, 75c.
Protect YotiRSRLr. Insure you rprop-
erty in the Guardian Assurance compa
ny of London, (.'ash assets ,000,0UU.
F, E, Donaldson, Agent,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Kki'Uiii.K'an Ckmtkai, Cjmmittkk'ii
Tlm "lute repuhlii no celilrul committee
mid the coiixreraloiiHl i oiiiliiilteca for the
drat and aecoud coiiKreaHloiial diMtrlcta
r! callfd to meet lit I'ortliind Wednea
dity, JuiiiiHry ,'llat, for the purH,H of de
terininliiK thn tiuiij mid plm e for holiliii
tl.n atiilu repuhlu Hii iioiuinittinK conven
tion mid hho for the conyrehHional (.'on
vent ion anil for Ihe finther purliiu of
deciding upon the apportioiiinent of del-I'KuU-il
to tlu-ae aeveral convenlloiia,
The officii ol the Mute central commit
tee are : W . L. Jlolm, t liuirmiin ; K. V.
McCorniack, aeciutary ; and K. M. Mul
Key, aHHiatatit necrelary. II. II. John
on l ineniher of the Ntate voiiiiniltee for
Clackuinaa county and Capt. J. T, Ap
eraon inenilM'r of liie Connreaaioi.al
coininlttoe, and lion. Thoi. Tongue it
chuirinan of the Congretftional com
Fin a at Ilfi.juoiu; A bout 2:30 o'clock
hiat Thuraduy morning fire waa Jia
covered In the rear of Ihe Odd Fellow'
hall at IlilMioro. Ho quickly did tbe
fluuiea apreud that very little could be
done lo either check their progretts or
lave any of (he contenta of the building.
The building waa the property of Mon
tcxiima lolge, No, 60, I. 0. 0. V. The
upper poit Ion haa long been uaed a a
lodge-room for the Odd Ft-llowa order;
ali-o for that of Ihe Knlgbta of I'ythiiia.
Foreatera and A. O. U. W. The lower
atory haa been occupied aa a bakery and
confectionery atore. Both building and
content!) were Uitully dcatroyed. The
loa on tlm building and the proriy
U'loimlng to the dillerent lodgea, in the
way of paraphernalia etc., will reach
:'.ViO; on thia there ia an innurance of
Wahiikd tiik TaACK. The railroad
trat k north of thia city waa lied down
during the flood with itakea and utay
wirea which kept it in place. When the
high wjter of IhhI week anb"ided audi
cient t permit the track to lie Keen, it
waa found that the gravel waa wanhed
from tieiieath and under the tiea and the
track hud been ilatnagud ill thia manner
to a coiihlderablo amount. The county
road, which ia lower than the railroad,
did not waah and it ii thought that the
train in paaaing Ktarted the tiea, loot-en-iug
the gravel, cauaing it to he wunhed
out. It is neceaaary lor traina in pauig
t ie fl it to run quite alow on account of
' ,int)Ven nJ ry """ted trwk.
Ai aoon aa lh weather will jwrnit, the
company will begin patting in Ihe gravel,
j 10 Kpt il k 'n V condition
February Weather.
The Chief of the Weather Bureau di
rects the publication of the following
data, compiled from the record of ob
servations for Ihe month of February,
taken at the Portland station for a period
of twenty-two years.
It is tielieved that the facts thus set
forth will prove of interest to tbe public,
as well as tbe special student, showing
as tliey do the average and extreme
conditions of the more Important meteor
ological elements and the range within
which such variations may he expected
to keep during any corresponding month.
Mean or noimal temperature forty-one
degree. The warmest February was
tluitoflHK5, with an average of 47 de
grees. The coldest February waa that
of IS87, w ith an average of "'2 degrees.
The highest temperature during any
February waa 65 degree on the 2"th,
18S4. The lowest temperature during
any February was 7 degrees on the 5th
Average for the month, 6.08 inches;
average number of days with .01 of
un inch or moie, 17; the urea test
monthly precipitation was Kt.llli inches
in 1881 ; the least monthly precipita
tion was 1 .07 inches in 18St; the great
est amount of precipitation recorded in
any twenty four consecutive bonis was
11,81 inches on the 1st, 1890.
The greatest amount of snow fall re
corded in twenty-four consecutive hours
(record extending to winter of 18.S4 5
only) was 8.5 inches on Feb. 0, 181)3,
Avornge number of cloudless days, 3;
average number of partly cloudy days, 8;
average number of cloudy days, 17.
The prevailing winds have been from
the south. The highest Telocity of the
wind during any ' February was from
the east 40 miles on the 8th, 1893.
"All human history attests
That happiness for mun the hungry
sinner I
Since Eve ute apples, much depends
on dinner.
And a good liver Is absolutely essential
for appreciating a good dinner. Lord
Bvron knew that as well as anybody. One
of his greatest regrets was for his weak
stomach. "Gad, man t" his lordship
would say, "why don't one of these in
fernal doctors invent a liver medicine?
Byron would never have asked that
question were he now living. Why?
Because he would haye been using Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, an absolute
cure for constipation Indigestion, Bilious
Attacks, and all derangements of liver,
stomach and bowels. T tie re is no grip
ing or violence about these pills, and
they're snaranteed to give satisfaction, or
your money is refunded. Don't live
with the stomach weak, when the cure
is within your reach for 25 cts.
Thousands of cures follow the use of
Dr. Page's Catarrh Remedy. It's $500
reward for an incurable case.
Huntley's Drug Store.
Opening a New
Ledger for 1894 P
Remember that we arc
npenU for the Jliller
.Mogec jmtent fiat opening
UkiIcb the tw-rit made: also
we are selling a book
which opens nearly flat at
less price than you unod
to ay for those miserable
things that required a
curved pen holder to get
down into the "cents"
space. Come in and ex
amine them. We guaran
tee Loth books and prices.
We can furnish you with
filing cases, stub files,
Shannon files, copying
books, letter press's and
all ollice supplies
At Huntley's Book Store,
Next door to Com. Bank,
Oregon City.
Would be pleased to see his friends
and patrons in his new
quarters on
Third and Morrison Streets,
Over Golden Rule Bazaar.
1800 miles of long dis
tance telephone wire in
Oregon and Washington
now in operation by the
Oregon Telephone and Tel
egraph company.
Portland, Seattle, Spo
kane, Tacoma, Salem,
Walla Walla, Pendleton,
Albany and other towns
in tho two states on the
Quick, accurate, cheap.
All the satisfaction of a
personal communication.
Distance no effect on a
clear understanding. Spo
kane as easily heard as
Oregon City office at
Huntley's Drug Store.
Portland, - - - Oregon.
Cooke's Stables,
W. H. COOKE, Manager,
Sucressor to U. II T & L. Co.
Corner Fourth and Main Streets,
of the City. Kits of any description
furnished on short notice.
All kinds of Truck and delivery Busi
ness promptly attended to.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
Full Stock of Guns Ammunition.
Repairs on all kinds of small machines
promptly made. Duplicate keys to
any kick manufactured. Shop on
Main Street, next to .
Nohlitt'a 8talles.
Notice Is hereby given, that there sre nfft
elent lundi on hand to psv general fund war
rants oiitNlsnduig endorsed prior to October 9,
If.'S. Intercut cenaea with the date ol this no
tice K. L. HOI. MAN. City Treasurer,
Oregon City.
Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 18, 1M.
The Pioneer Store
just : arrived!
all Ii lof infer Jackets
Direct from New York conHifiting of
Ladies' Cloaks in all Styles and Misses' and
Children's in all Patterns
Hop Sackings, Whip Cords, Cash
meres and Henriettas.
We have a new and complete stock o'
Of the very Latest Styles.
Call and see our stock before purchasing as it is tbe largest and newest
styles in the market.
Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of the Day.
All Kinds cf Cake Made to Order
Jacob Kober, Proprietor.
Do Ton Need a Legal Blank?
The ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock
in Clackamas count'.
Nearly 200 Different Blanks
to Make Selections From.
Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus
tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer Farmer or
One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE PAID at Portland
Prices to Your Address.
GKO. M SHAVER, Master,
Will leave Portland Daily, except
Sunday, at 2:00 p.m., for Oak Point
& way landings connecting with
For Claskanie Monbays, Wednes
days and Fridays.
Returning, arrive at Portland at
10 a. m., Daily except Monday.
The company reserves the right
to change time without notice.
For freight or passenger rates
apply to dock clerk at Portland, foot
Washington Stor on board steamer.
This is the nearest and most di
rect route to the Nehalera valley.
Corner of Front and Morrison,
For general repairing he stands
without a peer. For first-class, re
liable goods his store is second to
none. Try hijm 1
Portland Cowlitz
River Route, via.
Joseph Kellogg Trans. Co.
Kelso Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, at 6 A. M. Leaves Port
land, Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday at 7 A. M.
land Monday, Wednesday and
Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow
litz river points, returning the
following days.
This is the only direct route to
reach all Cowlitz river points.
VM. R. IIOLMAN, Agent.
Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or.
Prairie Nurseries
DAVID J. COX, Prop.,
Apple, Pear, Cherry, Peach,
Prune. Plum, Apricot,
Nectarine and
Trees Strong and Healthy and
True to Name.
Special care taken in digging to
prevent mutilating the roots.
Orders promptly filled. Prices
to suit the times. Write for pricoa.