Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 26, 1894, Image 3

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    Oregon City fcnterprise.
Clacknmns Co. Diroctory.
I Courts,
Ajtseasor, -
HnlliHil MiiperliiU'udiiiil,
I. W Mditrum
(iiNi. t, lloriou
(,'. W. (laming
It, M Kallialiy
J. 0 Wmhnmll
J, I!. Hrmlli-y
II. M Ollinin
Milne Hmylh
l(. I.. Iliiiinaii
I Hli'hanl Mi'iitt
M'tiruvllita lilr
To Meet Hie Times.
TIih subscription price for the Kntkii
fHiiiit linn lieen reduced to l.fK) Mtr year;
75 cents for six month. ChkIi In ad
vance. Kuhscrlliers paying at thu end of
the year will not be entitled to this re
duction. TIib low price I made to gut
tlio tUt on a cash basis mid induce nil
miliHcrllxTB to pay up, end especially to
prevent duad heats from taking the
pHtr mul not paying lor It dy reason of
lluilr being luw proof. Reduced price
-will only roiiiiiii'iicn with daieofrmiewal.
TliU mukpit thu ICNTKHi'minK Ilia chea
eat paper In Clackamas county eight
agia nil homo print mul full of llvo
toe I news.
Prices split In two Ml Tho Red Front
Clearance Hulii.
Horn, to Mr. mul Mm. Otto K. Olson, of
tliU city, January 13, a daughtiir.
Hoarding at Mr. Howard' will satisfy
you. Comer Sixth and Main street.
Where are you koing no fast? Why
to Parker' to he cure of a Hrst-cla
ahavu. '
The miiii Rhone for a few ho urn on
Wednesday and a the wind wan Unlit
and the air salubrious it wan peasant to
be out.
A dollar sawd Is equal to two dollar
earned. 1'ny up your aiiWhition to the
Entkmi-nihk and gt the the benefit of
the It'dilction In price,
Hhlloh'a Cure, the (ire I Cough and
Croup Cunt, la tor sale hy u. Pockd
lie contains twenty-five down, only i!5c.
Children love it. 6. (1. Huntley.
IjikI Friday and Saturday mow fell
in considerable quantities hut the Krnater
part of It melted a It fell ao that there
rvmaineil not enough on the ground
and walk to termlt coasting.
Will Ktraitiht and C. J. Parker have
lieen catching a good many trout lately,
both In the Ahernnthy and In Clear
Creek from which they returned the
other day with a banket of about seventy-
five ahining beauties.
It I not the coldest weather ym ever
knew In your life; but that It how you
feel juitt now, Ix'taiiM! past suffcringa are
aoon foritotlen, and lieeauseyour blood
tieede the enriching, invigorating Inllti
euce of Ayer'a Sarnprilla the Superior
Mid-Winter Fair excursion ticket,
Oregoa City to San Franciacoand return,
via Southern 1'aciflc Co's Shasta Route,
will tie idaced on sale January lrd.
Hate f-7.60, Including five admissions
to the fair. Ticki-U good for thirty duya
from date of sale,
An Uregon fanner who haa watched
the coming and going of tho migratory
birda lo, theae many yeara says that the
wild geese are attain wending their way
north from w hich he argue that we are
to have an early apring. It can't come
ny too loon to ault the most of tin.
Wanted Contract on a few trade of
land, email and large, Improved and un
improved, miiHt he cheap, rtend descrip
tion, price, etc., to J. W. Kavckapt,
Itoom 1'-', Hamilton ltldg,
I'ortliuid, Oregon.
Heferenco, J. A. Mi C'lu tf, Chair, of
Three City Ordinance Passer) Work
mi Hie ftlreela Hallway IdeeuM.
Lent Friday evening thero wan a special
meeting of the city council for the pur
ose of coiiNldiirlug the aeverul ordinan
ce which had been ordered printed at a
previous meeting. The member and of
llcera were all present except Mayor
Straight who wa notable to he in at
tendance. In lila absence Councilman
Kelly, president of the council, presided.
Only one ipieitlion came up during the
evening upon which there wan any dif
ference of opinion to ejieak of, ami that
waa the ordinance Axing the pay of the
chief ol (Milli e at mr month. Coun
cilman (Jooke oke against tbl meaHure
and grew a little warm in advocacy of
the $70 per month plan, and It looked
for a fuw minute at though there might
he a war nf word, but the councllmen
were in a hurry lo adjourn ao brought
the Issue to a Medy vote with the re
Niilt that it waa carried by a vole of ix
to two, Councllmen Cooke and Howel!
voting no and ttie rent aye. The council
then panned the ordinance making the
levy live mill to the dollar and fixing
the vglary of the recorder at i.'fi per
mouth togeiher with inch fee a he
may derive from trial in hi olllce.
Without putting the question to a
vole it wa evident alter lintening to the
opinion of City Attorney K. K. Irlgg
uhjii the right of the city in the matter
of atiM'k runniiiK at large that it waa the
neime of the council that all ordinance
relating to the confinement of ntock
hould be enforced, and the city attor
ney wa directed to furniidi the chief of
police with a copy of the ordinance
hearing umiii the object. Thin qticntion
wa brought out by the atatement that
nlo k waa being permitted to run at
large on the treet and that aome nuth
to k wa evidently animal which had
been turned out to die.
The city attorney wa directed to pro
ceed agalnnt the Kant Side Hallway com
pany in the matter of collecting the
I Ire n mi required by the ordinance re
cently panned. The council then ad
journed lomeet at the time of the firnt
regular meeting in January If not eooner
called into aetxion.
Chairman llrewnell CalU the Commit
lee te Meet February 8rd.
Htate Kuilroud Coininiiwion, J'ortlHiid
' A couple of week alnce tlio Entkh
I'Hina epoko of the nttemptaof the I'alHce
relaurant to defraud it creditor. On
Wedneeday the eheriir tacked a little
notice upon the front door advimng the
public that he had taken charge of the
place and that he would on the third
of February Hull everything to the high
cut biddur.
The pHor mill havo been obliged to
romain cloned down several (lava till
week on account of the high water
which began riding again on Monday
contrary to all expectation a ttie
weather had turned colder the night lie
fore. From the way that the lower
river held up the Columbia miiH have
been on a rampuge.
When the recent high water receded
it was found that the approaches .to the
email bridge at tho corner of John
Adam and ' Fourteenth etroet had
waehed out leaving thorn !impnsnaMo.
The bridges themelve were afloat dur
ing the high water but settled back
agnin. The bridges were fixed up tem
porarily so as not to Interfere with
Mrs. Helen Stafford's club in physical
culture meets at the F.Iectric hotel, room
7, every Thursday afternoon at 2 :30 In
which Mrs. E. Green was appointed
agent and she will continue to teach In
Mr. Stafford's absence. Every lady
in Oregon City should avail herself of
tliis opportunity of gaining lost strength.
Terms only $5. A gentlemen's club will
aleobe formed any time they may desire.
Itoom 7, Electric hotel. '
ToW. II. Smith, J. I. Iknier, Frank
Jaggar, Win. Horing, Herman Druna,
J. W. Hoot, W. K. Konney, V. L.
Mack, I). W. 1'arker, F. M. Onburn,
U.S. Gilwon, J. N. Harrington, C.
8. I'orter, J. M . Tracy, Henry Jewell,
0. L. Barber, John I.aliour. H.Scott,
A I.. Larklna, H. W. Zimmerman,
Km Calull, T. F. Hyan, O. W. I'm
er, Win. Bcott. J no. T. Myers,
Adolph Ancboff. Henry Thonia, F
M. Krute, II, 6. Hamnliy, Ed. Me
Clincey, Win. Stone and Frank Ford,
(ieutlemen :
You are the memlier of the Hepuhll
van County Central Committee of your
reaident precinct elected by the con
vention held March 17, ISP.'. We will
have a meeting of said committee at my
olllce at 11 o'clock a. in., Saturday, Feb
ruary 3d, 1H!4. You are each peiwuiallv
and earnently requested to lie present
and anrnnt by your coimeoN in the dulib-
erlie of thia meeting
Sincerely your,
(ir.o. C. II HOW x KM.,
Special School .Meeting.
Notice I hereby given to the legal
voter of school district No. (12 of Clack
amas county, Slate of Oregon, that a
secial school meeting of said dintrict
will be held at I'ope'i hall, in Oregon
City, county of Clackamas, State of
Oregon, on Monday the 2IHh day of Jan
uary, A. I). lH'.M, at the hour 7 :30 P. M.
(or tho following object: The levying of
a tax upon the aHnennable property of
naid school dintrict No. 02 lor general
school purposes and tho payment of the
interest on the bonds of said district.
Dated this I7th day of January, A.
U. MM. H. L. Kiti.i.Y.
Attont: Chm. Bd. Directors.
Tiios. F. Ryan, Dint. Clerk.
Fur the State to I'uy.
The senate lias passed a bill granting
to the state of Oregon, townships 27, 28,
21), 30 and 31 south, in ranges 5 and 0
east of the Willamette meridian, for a
public park. All this land is now em
braced in a forest reservation. Tho
now bill simply continues that reserva
tion, and in addition puts the burden
upon the state of protecting tho park
from being deepoiled or trespassed upon.
All this land has been withdrawn from
settlement for several years.
Discount Social.
The Presbyterian Y. P. 8. C. E. will
give another of their enjoyable socials
in Sbively's ball on Thursday evening,
January 25. Program begins at 7:30
sharp. Admission, adults, 15 cents
each, two for 25 cents, children under
ten years 6 cents. Qo to this entertain
ment, you will enjoy it.
" Died.
Near Townsend on Friday morning
January 111, 1KH4, Clarence, oldest son
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burke, aged
9 years, 3 months and 27 days.
The remain were Interred in the
Gleason cemetery on Sunday afternoon.
Rev. Parker of Hubbard conducting the
funeral services.
Wedding Hells.
Clll.'RCH-RAl'CH-At the residence1
of the bride' parents, Mr and Mrs.
W J. Kuiich, Sunday, Jan. 21st, IM4,
Mr. J. O. Church, of the Dulles and
Mis Ina K. lUw'h of Oregon City. i
At piecimdy 5:30 o'clock the strain
of a wedding march were struck up with !
Mins Ola Bernard, organist, the brides
maid, Mln Mary Kauch and Mr. Willi j
Armstrong a best man led the pro-
cession, following came the bride and
groom. The bride looked lovely in an J
old-rone silk gown adorned with cream ;
lace and orange blonsoms, and the (
groom woro the conventional evening !
suit of black, and while, standing under i
an arch of evergreen from which hung
a gilt horseshoe, the contracting parties
were pronounced man and wife by Rev.
O. W. Glboney. After the ceremony
a sumptuous feast w served to which
all did ample Jtintlce.
The young people received many beau
tiful and useful presents.
The groom i second ofliceron the
steamer Regulator which runs between
the Dulles and the Cascade. He is a
popular and rising young man. The
bride la the eldest daughter of our towns
man, Mr. Haucb, and is a young lady
of foncinaling manner and accomplish
Following are those present: Mr. and
Mr. W. J. Ranch, Mrs. Jacob Ranch,
Grandma Farr, Mr. Isaac Frr, Jr.,
Mr. J. H. Duvall, Mitse Grace Moran.
Mary Do fry, NoraCurran, Mae Thomp
son, Nettle Ranch, Ola Barnard, Messrs.
Clarence Farr, Mali Ion, and Duane Ely,
Willis Armstrong and Eddie Kauch.
A Gckst.
Resolution ef Respect.
HAi.t.or Oswkuo EoixiNo.3,I.O.O.F.)
Oswaoo, Or., Jan. 22, 1H1M. f
WimaxAS, It has pleased Providence
in his divine wisdom to call fmui our
earthly associations our Moved brother,
If, D. Flanagan, who died January 16,
1HH4, at the home of Mrs. O'Brien, and,
Wiiksxas, It is fitting that we should
show our aiciation of his fraternal
sympathy, his gentlemanly conduct in
and out of lodge, and his honesty and in
teirrity of character on all occasions,
therefore, l e it
Renolved, by this lodge that we extend
our heartfelt sympathy to the parent,
brother and sitters of our deceased
brother that although far away from rel-
tive in hi lant moment be w as among
friend ; Hint although not a member of
this lodge, bis frequent visits have en
deared his memory to our hearts, and
that we snail long mis bis kindly pres
ence at our meetings, and tie it further
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be spread upon the minute of this
lodge and a copy sent to the Oaioon
Cur Entkhi'Kisk for publication and four
copies of said pater sent to hi family, in
cure of Timothy Flanagan at Lebanon, j
We have just received a new line of
and Boys' Clothing,
Which we are selling at reasonable
prices. These goods are all bought
of first hands and are of the latest
styles and patterns. Our entire
stock of
Is complete and we respectfully
solicit your trade.
Cannot be Under-sold.
Immense Stock!
Wijr i Write Us!
rip' 1 t. -
Parliaf Mf PtilJfl A.', v. C -1 r.a1r.. '
Mount Tabor, Oreeon.
Sole Crowers
of the New
P., one copy to each member of this
lodge In good standing and two copies to
Mr. O'Rrien, who so tenderly cared for
him during his late illness, and be it fur
ther Resolved, That the charter of this
lodge be draped in mourning for thirty
days. Respectfully submitted,
(i. V. 1'hohhkr,
A. J. Monk,
1'opulM Candidates.
The populist central committee bV'
trig invited nominations for the several
ofllcea has received the following :
For Member of Congress
li. K. Hays, of Marion County.
Reality Culture.
The new art of face massage. All skin
blemishes removed and permanently
cured, flabby flesh made Arm, sunken
cheeks rounded, thin face made full,
freckles removed, blackheads or pimples;
Young ladies why will you go around
with your face covered with pimples
when you can be enredwith solittlecoet.
Yoi.ng men this question is extended
to yon also. Why will you take your
best girl to the opera with your face
covered with blackheads or still worse
your neck covered with boils, when you
have a cure in your reach. You can
treat yourself in your own room by call
ing on Mrs. K. (ireen and learning the
particulars of this wonderful treatment.
Room 7, Electric hotel, Oregon City.
The Troy Steam laundry
Have built up a good trade in Oregon
City on the merits of their work which
is giving general satisfaction. Give
them a trial. They pay express charges
both ways and give you Portland prices.
orrics at
F. A. Waddocks, P. O. Riillillng.
Laundry left at the ofllce on Tuesday
will be returned on Saturday.
Miut Down
that's what they call it when the mill
closes and the work stops. The same
term is applied to the liver when you
suffer with Biliousness and Sick Head
ache. There ia no action. A few doses
of Simmons Liver Regulator will soon
set the liver going properly, and keep
the bowels regular. Take the Regulator
now and then to prevent any re-occurrence
of theBe distressing symptoms.
For Sale.
Full blood Wyandotte roosters. Fine
young fowls. Enquire of 1'arker, the
barber, Bank of Oregon City building.
Cow Wanted.
Uood young cow, good butter maker
and milker R. II. Taker,
3t Partlow Tlace, Mt. Pleasant.
Blank note, receipt and order books
at the Entkri'ribk olllce.
Kraubk'b Headache Cai-bulks-War-antkd.
j For Governor
Nathan Pierce, of Umatilla County.
For Attorney General
V. S. U'Ren, of Clackamas County.
For State Senatoi-
W. A. Starkweather, of Milwaukee,
W. 8. U'Ren. of Milwaukee,
E. C. Hamilton, of Oregon City.
For Representative
K. C. Hamilton, of Oregon City,
E. P. Carter, of Wilhoit,
A. Starkweather, of Milwaukee.
For County Judge
Alfied Lewelling, of Milwaukee,
Sintor Paine, of Mulino,
R. L. Spencer, of Car.emah.
For County Commisioner
Isaac Gordon, of Eagle Creek
C. A. Sweet, of Sandy.
For Sheriff
John Ever hurt, of Molalla.
For Countv Clerk
E. II. Cooper, of Carus.
For County Treasurer
O. R. H. Miller, of Oregon City
Jacob Shade, ol Oiegon City.
For County Recorder;
George Ogle, of Molalla.
Will 11. Walker, of Oregon City
For County Surveyor
David Miller, of Highland.
George Grace, of Claries.
E. J. Weston, of Oregon City.
For County Assessor
Rob Dibble, of Molalla.
George Ogle, of Molally.
For Corner
Dr. Gouclier, of Mulino.
For County Superintendent
D. A. Miller, of Highland.
Will H. Walker, of Oregon Citv.
Annie II. Wells, of Clackamas.
E.tray Sot Ice.
Taken up by the undersigned in Cas
Icade precinct, county of Clackamas,
state of Oreiion, on November 3rd, 1893,
one black horse about 5-years-old with a
white spot on forehead and a white spot
on it nose and an old wire cut on his
right knee and both right feet white and
an undistinguishable brand on left shoul
der, also one black msre about 2-years-old,
weight about seven or eiitht hundred
pounds each. Said horses were duly ap
praised on November, the 1Mb, 18y.i.
C. S. Chasr.
A Million or Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed,
and not less than one million people
found just such a friend in Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs,
and Colds. If you have never used
this Great Cough Medicine, one trial
will convince you that it haa wondeiful
curative powers in all diseases of Throat,
Chest and Lung. Each bottle is guar
anteed to do all that is claimed or money
will be refunded. Trial bottles free at
Geo A Harding's drug store. Large
bottles 50c. and fl.GU
Rucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
I I ' ..' T..I i 'I I 1 ! 1 .
rrvpr rurtjn, iminr, vott'ivu rinuun.
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pav required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
I'rice ! cents per box. t or sale by G
A. Harding.
Est ray Notice.
Taken up by Herman Wetzler at his
place at OakGrove, Clackamas county,
Or., on Jan. 6, 1804, two buckskin horses,
weight about 700 pounds, each horse
bavin? one glass eye. Owner can have
them by proving property and paying
expenses. Call at John Wehsler's place,
Ouk Grove, Or.
Waseca, Minn., Noy. 25, 1890.
Mr. Nokman Lichty, Des. Moines, la.
Dear Sir: Please send us at the
earliest one carton Krauae'a Headache
Capsules. We can't run the machine
without them. Send at once, as we are
out, and oblige, Yours truly,
Sudduth A Preston,
For sale by Cbarmau & Co.. Citv Drug
Oregon City, Oregon .
Karl's Clover Root, the new Blood
Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion and cures Constipation.
25o., 50c. and $1.00. Sold by C.G.
Every patriotic citizen should give his
personal effort and influence to increasa
the circulation of his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Protec
tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect
in every way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of, why not sub.
scribe for the Ammican Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League? One of its correspon
dents aays : "No true American can
get along without it I consider it the
greatest and truest political teacher in
the United States." .,
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F. Wake
man, General Secretary, 135 West Jjd
St, New York.
Portland-Oregon City and
Yanhill River Route.
500 Reward,
for any trace of Antipyrene, Morphine,
Chloral or any other injurious compound
in Krausb's Headache Capsites. 25
rents for sale byCharman & Co., Oregon
City Oregon.
To Trade.
Some good young horses, broken to
work, to trade for stock sheep, Apply
R. J. Brown, New Era, Oregon.
For Sale.
500 tons of choice hay. mostly timothy,
will be sold in parcels to suit the pur
chaser by R. M. Robertson, Albany, Or.
Krausb's Headache Capsules unlike
many remedies are perfectly harmless,
they contain no injurious substance, and
will stop any kind of a headache, and
will prevent headaches caused by over
Indulgence in food or drink late at night.
Price twenty-five cents for sale by
Charnian & Co., City Drug Store, Ore
gon City, Oregon.
Shiloh's Vitallzer is what von need for
Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or
Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 75c. Sold
by C.G. Huntley.
Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San Diego,
Cel., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the nrst medicine 1 haye ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50
cts.Sold by C. G. Huntley .
The latest in visiting cards at the Ex-
TEamsa Oarica. Prices to suit you.
Will leave Salmon street dock
Portland, Tuesday, Thursday &
Saturday at 6 a. ra., for
Newberg, Dayton, Lafayette and
McMinvilIe, returning Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.
Best of accommodations for pas
sengers and fast time made. For
freight rates apply at dock or on
Moore's Revealed
Astounding in its Effects in the cure of
Rheumatism, Asthma, Malaria, Bli
liousness or any other disease arising
from deranged Liver, Stomach or Kid
neysIt drives all impurities from the
Mrl Chas A. Rumel. who ll tavorablr known
throughout the North treat iayi:
"For fllteen yeara I wu a conntant (ufferer
with uthmft without any relief, except that ob
tained bjr eonataut chauge ol locality. Two
yeara airo I tried Moom's Kivialid Rkhkut
and the benefit received from It were the moat
gratifying. It gave me relief from the flrat and
reveotea ine terrible dmtreaa peculiar to the
iaeane that made lile almost unbearable. Anr
one who haa ever had asthma can understand
the gratitude I feel toward this remedy. Be
lieving it has added pleasant years to my life
I hare not hesitated to recommend It to all like
sufferers, and always with the tame happy re-
t?3k.To be had of all drugnintf. or i?nl to
BiWirHoLs Uave Co . Seattle, Waan.