Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 19, 1894, Image 7

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Ol.iall.ig Or., t Tl.li.it Which ',..
Than, I'ulii - it,,lg but
l-unklng r..r a.mb..-r nl.od.of Mew
paper Woman's fttro.l ( r lllu.
Tim other day I waa rldltiu; In a atrtwt
cur. Tlwra worn 1 1 wonum mid 8 ul(m
In tlie Mine iwrt.r. W Jk,h1 almm
WT WayiU lHK.pl, Ollt Of WllOMllfo
all tiiUirrat had tm..i tukmi by Imt day,
m ft niileimmo unuU'lii plaything from
Iilii1n children, Whether 'a;hiMil kept
or not" wu umltiT of not thn I!KliUwt
Hltmimit to ny of Idwl I IiikI roil
oil to hoetlmt I ahotild never again im
confronlnd with tiillitlim m to tlm rlatt
nd fall of tlmt mythical educational
bureau whence we nil draw mors or loaa
of knowlixlKO frniiKlit with hlttnr expn
rtoiic. lu ptipila urn to stupid anil IU
head ir'i'ptur ao unrflmitliiK tlmt 1 have
loiiK twrii weary of It curriculum.
Oppoalteln the rr Mt tyoutiK woiimn
whom I often iiim-t nnd ahull continue, to
meet, I iipNiMi, until tlm anion ahovola
few fwtiif dilKt lMtwn our furin. If
lis were n mini, in would I m In tlm nt
tlludn of otiii who In "apulllnu; fur ft
light," Wluit U ro nimlmllvfiii'M
In men tukrn tlm form of liiAiilonrn In
women and U harder to Ix-ur. Thin
Joting iM-rmin !) my clothe. HIio
gloat over my slmltiiliii'sa. Hint know
tuactly how many t linen a day my jioor
old kowii in Kr-M.iiic. Kim U rogiilnuit
nf tlm fuel Unit my off ulion him sprung
Inn k. nnd its olio ttnw her head and
mile tlm mnilft tlmt. passed from wom
an to wom.'iti, mi'iitm iimrii th.iu it Mow
aecm to hour her imyi "Hit. miiiltcrer,
r you hern yet? !tmt time I imt yon
1 thought I tiiril you down, but aiu-h
rulihlali acein hnrd to kllll A tnllo
mora ridicule, though, illghtly veiled.
Ilka poinon In m riipnuln, will Iny yotj
low, mid I s'mll luiva tint )iU-4inur of
turning my hattcry iikiii aomo other
Ood fiirmiki'ii rnilik w ho itptriira tolmvo
Umra liritlti tlnm atyln!"
V were tniiililing iiIi.uk In tho old
atreet nir, a turd mid dirty lot of im.
bound for tint depot. An wo pun-id a
Certain undi rliilii r'a ahop on tlm way we
tiotlit'd that a hig rrowd Imd cullivti-d
at It doom -u Imnlii'd rrowd, with wliito
face and Imti'd l.rrlltll. A pi. lien piitrnl
wan drawn up to tlm riirlwlnim and four
brawny ulllicr wort lifting something
out of tlm wngoti nnd ciirryinir it within
tint timlcrtnkor'a ocn gate. Tho aomo.
thing that lay lament h tint old tarpaulin
waa very atill and outlined it.f nharply
bt'iicatli tlm aalilti folda of tint pull tlmt
covi-rod It. I turnit! away from the
iiKbt. for thi-M i that within inn that
mvnlta from am h aiuhta an tho butti'rlly
doa from tint thmtltt or tho nwjft run
nliiK boat from a nipful of head wind.
I kni'W widl ciioiih what Ilia aomo
thlntf" waa. Tm minutca iM'fore f
bapa it had Imi ii a iiiaii, awlninu like
aailoron tho uphftml ladder wlnr the
painti-r pupnn-a liia craft, or a ciirch-n
ViikiiIhiiiiI kiiiK'kcd down by a nuuilii
vidiicliiand atraiKhtway iikIhtimI into lint
ndtniio chaiiilwr uf Ilia ureal and only
KliiK.ora iin-rry In-art iv I boyapurnml by
flyinit w hwl. or it tirvj old woman
"liftod hlKh aa liravon" by tho ti'lidiT
armaof dnitli. I know very widl that
the awful aotiicthiiiK waa om-o A brtath
tiiK. blmnliTiiiK mortal like Inywlf and
that a auddnn calamity Imd tramifirrfd
It into clay, how or in what terrible
mantiiT I did imtcaro In mv, lint ev
ery woman In tho car in which 1 rodo
jumed from her neat to watch the
gruwaoiim thiiiK I turned nway from.
"Ob. I wish tho cover would fall off so
tlftt wo could aoel" criinl ono.
'Lift Willin up to that ho can look!"
eicVlineil It careful (?) inother, making
rooil an tho Hxjko for tho nurm-Kirl to
placi the little Iniy in ft tmtu-r K)aition.
NnwHiner did all thee women gain ft
Tautaijo tMtint from whore they conld
beet behold the dreadful burden which
tho policemen Ixire without oither tun
derneai or care into the waiting statioo
of the morgue than they begnn to trem
ble and to cry.
"Oh, dear, how dreadfull" moaned
they in uuiaon, while thoir faacinaUsl
gaze waa unaverted and their necka
were craned to aeo it all
Anil then Imtuuko 1 am ft plilloaoplier
in my own Hir fanhionand can no more
help philoxophizitiK than ipider ran
help apiiiuing weba 1 eald to myatdf:
That ia the way with all of usl Weatek
ont our own diacomforta nnd we cul
tivate them with our own teara. We
gloat over the very tiling tbat bring ua
pain nnd tako a front Rent to witneuour
own truKHlii'. Given, the most of na, a
chance to apind an afternoon among the
tomba or to go flailing for goldflsh out
of ft cryatnl pond, and we will trot along
with the monrnera every timo. V nre
Iwftyi In the attitude (moat of ua) of
the I'eterkln family at the aenaide. They
were continually looking off shore for
whaloa, and they uw whnlea and noth
ing but whalea from teaaon't itnrt to
teoaon'i cloaol What we look for we
find, what wo eow wo ronp, what we
droad we draw and what we expect
coinea to an.
Take two girls and tend them out
through the divine beauty of these June
woods with banket apiece. They are
after violets, we will any, although the
purple drapery of tho dim spirit flower
has Ixten alnioBt withdrawn from the
woods Already, like a curtain uplifted
by an eugor hand. One of the girls is
Sfraid of snakes and declares the siglit
of one would kill her on tho spot How
lie looks for them! I low eagerly she
-Watches every tremor of the undor
brnahl How she Marts at a flonting tim
othy and shrieks when n clover jostlos
in tho wind! And she sees snakes
plenty of 'eml She goes home with an
empty banket and has to tuln a )iow
lr to quiet her nerves. The other
girl keeps her mind on violets and never
'es a serpent's trail. She goes homo
with a biutketful of flowers and dreams
tlmt she is setting sail for paradise in a
purple boat with tho tender green of
violet stems for its oars and sail that
mells of the wood flower's perfect soul
r-Amber in Chicago Herald.
A Natural iMhuaMh
In tho north side of Ht ono mountain,
tlx miles from tint niuuthof Ktony cm-It,
III Hi-olt county, has been dlacovered ft
natural Icehouse on u grand scale, Oil"
of the old settlers first dlHcovered It
tlNiut Ihkii, but owing to tho fiu-t that
the laud on which It Is situated could
lint lie bought I nt n-fuiu'd to tell Its
whereabouts and would only tako ice
from It III ('line of sick liens.
He died without revealing the aw rut
to even his own family, and but for a
party of "wing" dingers entering tho re
gion it might have remained ft secret
for generations, as It Is situated In an
tiiifreiiii'iitl part of the mountain.
The ice was only protected from tho
rays of the sun by a thick growth of
luona resembling a texture ami like moss
that can lie seen dangling from tho oaks
of Louisiana and Tenia. Its formation
was after the fashion of a coal vein, be
ing few Inches thick lu some places
while several feet In others. Tho forma
tion indicates that it boil been spread
over the surface In a liquid state and
then congealed. Hy what process it
frnetes or waa frozen ia a matter of con
jivturo at this stag of Investigation.
Home think that it waa fornn-d In the
winter and bad been protected since by
it deiino growth of Hums which covers
it, while tho more plausible theory is
tlmt beni!h the bed is situuted A great
natural lain. rutory whose function is a
forinntlon of ether, and the process of
f reexlug gi4 steadily on through the
heat as well as the cold. The growth of
moss resembled the hanging moss around
Hudson bay and Indicates a frigid tern-js-raturo.
The Is-d rovers ono acre, and
if it proves ini ahiiUHliblo it will be val
uable. Dispatch to Uichinoiid Slate.
r uf a ituMlau Krhnlsr.
"Why doe Kiissia linger In igno
rance'r answered iiuvid S. Jordan. "Let
mo tell you a story. When 1 was In
college at Cornell, tliero came a bright
young Uussiau to study by the uinntt ol
l)abrolohi.lf. This young limn waa ol
quick is-rceptlvo jsiwera and deeply in
terestiil in tlm progressive practicul s-i-eiices
and iiiesi ions. ! studied very
bard for four )ears, did much uior
work than any siiiulo term n-nirel
and graduuted with the honors of hit
class. He rrliloved to New York and
entered Into a successful practice of civil
t-ti i in-i-ri ii
"Smie tune Inter I learned that he had
gone back to his native land. I heard
no more of this young man outside of a
few scicutilic articles in sumo r.urocnu
liiaKar.iues fur nearly 10) ears While
making a tour of Liiro I bethought
myself of him and wondered why bis
brilliant parts had not long since brought
him Into prominence. In Russia I mode
inquiries and there learned to my aston
ishment and sorrow tlmt tlm student had
Imi-ii snsSS'tHl of tre.lMUi, tried stid sen
tenced to Kiln-rill, where he had flied in
filth and chains." St. Louis ()Io1h-Democrat.
lhs I uhrl KuITisk la Autlrla.
The success of the lielgiuiis lu wrest
ing universal sulTragu from the fears of
the ruling cIuhim-s seeiu to have inspired
the Austrian workingou'ii to htW for a
similar result in a similar way. The suf
frage In Austria is now given to all who
pay a minimum of live florins in direct
tuxes. To make it universal is now tho
avowed objivt of the leader of the work
lugmtin's party, who three weeks after
tint May day demonstrations in the
prater issued a sort of appeal to the
country and pariicuhuly to the lalsir
lug classes on tlm sul-ji t i. Tho dcigu
Is to foment an itpluln n which will
assume huge proponim: by the time
parliament meets in the t ill, w hen, it is
Iiohi1, the Course of even. ill Ilrusnels
may be reM-ated in ':eu.;.i. New York
aistUllrsof Nprrlitt Krulnns.
There has not lieen a ss-ciul atwsion of
congress for U years, and the one which
will assemble Aug. 7 will be tliu twelfth
in the history of the government. In tho
earlier dacados of the century sjwclal
sessions were more frequent than they
have been of late, Wauso of threaten
ing crises in our relations with foreign
powers. Jcffersou culled congress to
gether twice in extraordinary session
during bis administration, and Madison
twice also, otico to declare our second
war of iudeis'tidence. But the most mo
mentous subject which any special ses
sion was called upon to deal with was
the owning of the rebellion. President
Lincoln convened congress July 4, 1801.
A Nsw ICnglanil Hlave.
The Bangor (Me.) News has found a
slave in that city. This man is tho driver
of a hone wagon nnd is stationed at a
little brick house on Hummond street
The Bangor flro department pays him
(40 a month, nnd ho stiinds eternal
watch, day nnd night, having no vaca
tion or holidays, ile occupies the sta
tion alone and. The News says, cannot
leave to get a meal or change of cloth
ing unless ho hires some one to toko his
place, and then be is liable to lie called
on as usual. But probably if this man
should give up the job there' d be a score
of applications for tho place.
A Cable's Length.
The nautical terms used lu the ac
count of the Victoria disaster puzzle
many, and the principal one is, What is
a cable's length? The cable, like the
knot, is only used in maritime parlance.
It is 100 fathoms, or 600 feet The evo
lution ordered by Admiral Tryon at six
cables' length consequently brought two
mammoth battleships to converge within
8.(100 feet. The maneuver was nothing
but what a liindHinun would call a coun
termarch, but tho columns converging
instead of diverging. Jamestown AIL
A l ees llleycln Tour.
Mr. Frank G. Lenz. n young American,
ia at present making u tour of the world
on his bicycle. Ilis journey will oc
cupy about two ycu'.s, and his route
leads across the United States from New
York, then ou to Japaii. through China,
India, Persia, Turkey, Austria, Ger
many, Holland. Franco. England, Scot
land and Ireland.
An Klsi-trlr Mas NrMKrly Hprlnsr Hrl
fiir-t.'lnirrli OrKnlwi,
Casus, Jan. I-'). All kinds of wsutlier at
once at least lu the brief space of an hour.
Hut ll.ti wi-siln-r prophets promise sil early
prlliK. "I as keep up good courses and ps
tlently Imps for a mil way to come along nnd
thus luriiluli an ensy and rapid transit over
the mini Instead of through It. ('alia lis
beard tin statement Irom reliable parlies
that thoimiruils of dullsrs, In sulnnly, be
tween Oregon City sad .Moliills, await the
company which sbsll project an electric or
tram car line along this route.
Itev. August Kruit, of tho Kvangsllcal
church atOn-gnii City, recently organlc-il s
class st this place numbering seven mem
bers. Aililltlonsl members will lie received
st Ids next spsintinent here. Ity courtesy
oflbe MelliixlUt friemli the (iraliam church
Is iim.iI by the Evangelical and oilier de
nominations. A union Habbath school Is well siistslned
under the siliiiinistrstlon ol J. J. (Juyer sml
W. W. May, Uierliitiiilenie.
Our genlsl Irleiid, l-s Andrews, of Port
land, wnt a few days last week vinitliig bis
many friends In (,'sriu. His purHise in
loinlng wan to obtain a load of buzi-l to I
iisi-d in chilr-wvavlng.
Mrs. T. II. Kvans returnol from I'ortland
Ul Hatunluy, having -ent a pleanaut week
with lie sinter, recently Irom Cincinnati,
Ohio, and other friemli.
We uinlerstaml that parties from Orsgon
City have purchased what is known si tbs
Klglry pise snd sre disking improvements
tliereon. (ii.
Tsnliy dialler.
Cixnv, Jsn. 10 An seelilent occurred ui
the tallroad Tuesilay morning. I). Lote,
one of tlie bridge crrnters in the employ
id the railroad cnmi-sny wss at work umler
a trestl near Cauby when a tie fell from
the track a distance of ten or twelve feet,
triklug Mr. Ixive Just sliove the right eye.
making a severe wound. I'r. W. K. (iiesy
of Aurora waa called to dress the wound,
sml at lnt sccounts the iiijiired man was
gi-itlng along nt well si could lie expected.
Kugi-ue Ogle, who bus s clae of instru
mental music here, ban been laid up with
tin- grip but is aide to be around again to at
tend 141 bis cIhm.
Ctssr. Jan. H. During tho lai-t three
iln w there lias been the In-avlrst rainlull ol
the winter. The Molslls river bss swrlb-d
alsivr lis bunka the biglieH it has been tins
I.. Itogrra bus a very neat rotlug in
chum) of construction out ou a farm m-itr
The spelling school waa well aneudrd
Mniidny evening and every one seemed lo
take a good Interest In tt. Tbe first prise
was won by Miss Lydia Htevrns and the
second by llnxlsr Irving. The receipts of
the evening were
The city council has been selecting a hs-s-tion
for a city calaboose the past week.
W. M. Hbank ipent Saturday In Portland
on business.
Highland Hits.
lln-iii AMi, Jan. HI. Plenty of snow in
Highland this morning.
I. II. I.i e in erecting s dwelling bo4-e on
bis new place snd will move into it in the
near future.
We sre sorry to slate that the infant lit
erary and delisting socieiy recently organ
ied st the K. ol I., bad st Highland died
lu lis hilancy on account or negligence snd
the Indillerriice of some of its olllcers.
The impulbts will meet Saturday tbe :111b
Inst, at T:.'W p. in. st the K. ot L. ball for
the pariKtse of organising a club.
According to Information the Kniguts ol
l.alior have been reinstated at the K. of I
hall and are in a flourishing cnmliiion.
Our iHistmistress, Mrs. Kamlle, inform!
us that the contract lo carry the mail be
tween Highland and Portland has (teen let
to an individual Irom California, he being
the lowest bidder.
Highland w ill go right into the prune and
hop business. C. Kmhni alone will set out
twenty seres of hops. C, Krosl hss leased Geo.
Welsh's farm ami will make a secialty of
hops. fc. Harrington will dive Into prunes,
while a number of others will experiment
with hops suit prunes both.
Wfdillnf at Needy.
N'srnY, Jan. 17. On Tueiulay the nth
Samuel Hess ami Sofa Oaterholz, both
of this place, were united In lioly ruatri
inony. They took s trip to Portland, and
on tlii'lr return lu the evening" they re
ceived a grand serenaile from the Needy tin
can orchestra.
Who has not suffered this misery
canned by bile iu the stomach
which nn. inactive or sluggish
liver failed to curry off.
liquid or powder, which gives
quick action to the liver and
carries ofTthe bile by a mild move
ment of tho bowels. I f is no pu r
gative or griping medicine, but
purely vegetable Many people
take pills more take Sinimona
Liver Regulator. '
"I have been a victim to llillmisnoBii for
year, and after trying vitriotia ruinetllea
my only aiicccaa whh In lint tian of Sltn
iiiona I, Ivor lU-gtiliiUir, which never failed
to relieve iiim. 1 aiH-ak not of ntvaetf,
alone, hut my whole family," J. M. t iu.
MAN, Helma, Ala.
Haa our Z Stump In rut on wrapper. I
J. H. KlUJi A CO fbiuulelhui, Fa.
rf. UU-ttiUmimiittnii tl'( your hhnnl
in not riijltlnt(iij imtMritiin. rnuninij
u h! utii irk nuilViiHiglilUl cnmiAijiitn.
A ft to Ixillli inif ti. H. li will rwen
fll fnrrian ami impure rrmltrr, tUnnir
Vf lili iA thttrwiyhni, avil gim a clear
u ml nnif c.iimvlxii'n. It it witA tjjcrtr
uul, (i mi rulin'y harmlait.
ThH. Ilralnfl. 'i I -inrrl Slr Ptilll- un-
, "I li 'vsicit (itr irsit a h'iriKr in mybl'XKl
'. will h marts Midifjil to llure. i (mall IxsUof
. I is.ilrs ..u.d lie cut, lhu outing tuvir.( to
I lJIgiejliHl.iiyHiH. A lUrf liking thrmbnttlrt
i ZXTTM '4te ' sllcUaw and sntooth
t I 1 Y rt 'no"1'! tis-sppMlte tpe-mtid.
i iki-u wrll and I. ?i l.lu running s
, "t race ail U lU ua J ij. S. S.
'rest vw blwxl an- Vn diwatssmillrd free.
( A lt-1 bftLlHU CO., Ailaota,Oa.
I" iniiiiiitiriiiiiin
sower Lu no
second ctuam-e. If
you would at flrt sun-
' oetd, be sure and sutrt wllh
FWrrr's mS Aunaal for 1HM
eohUtlfia Ili0siirn sml aultjii-
A or Hi luteal farming knosl
AY 'gs- Kvery pli.nu-r ahuuiv ,
nnva iu rM.rit rree.
Ill the Circuit Cnurt of the Histe of Oregon for
I i-iai asinaa Linily.
Slats of Oregon. jiliill!T, v. the be I m of John
(ray. dt-eac-i), pan. J. June, ami to any one
latere. ted In the ettate ol aald John Oray. Ue
ceaed. ilefeuilstita
To said atsivs named .lefeudanra:
In the nam nl the State of (treaou
j You are hereby rinnnisniled lo appear and
I answer the lefiirnislluii Sled herein, sUnui the
time ailnaed in eivil actlous, which la by the
I Arl day of lite next term or thlo rfiiirt which
! convene at the court hoime In ttrevou ritv na
I the Iwli day ot A r II. I'.H: and If yu fail to
I aijH-ar and aniser Nsid liilormsib.b tbe olalti
illrr lll aily lo the conn for ihe relit t de-
msndiil Iberela. which i set forth in the order
of the eniirt he'einaflrr n-i lorlh. This iiim
nioaa t tunned III coiifortrtity wltlithetollowiiia
j order of the sid court, to utt:
' Ia the Circuit Court of Ihe flsle of Orecoti,
I County of Claclt-inias.
! iltale of tin-son pUlntitt. s. 1 he Heirs ol John
! tiay. itecesMT'l, Psn J. Jones, and to any one
ttltere.ied lu tlieeftlateof John tirav. dee'd.
! I pon ri-a-llinr tlie Information of W. N. Itar
reit. dlKirtct attorney In and lor c;Heksinsi
roiiutv. tireimii, rllet In tlii court, in w hich tt
is mm birtti Ihst one John tirsy dltsl in Clacka
1 man com my. Oresmi. Hept. 'it. htt, intentaie. leav
, itiir an etie in aald eiiuniy. and tliwi no helra
st law have appeared to claim his property:
I that a p. rllon i f hla eatate baa ta-eu sold and
I turned liter to ttie eacheal fund ol Oregon, tint
I thai Ihe N .W . V4 of the rt K of see, b. T. S ,
IK 'i K. of the Willamette meridian, through
some error or iiegleet of tbe adininiatrstor of
the e.lale of aaid dti-edent waa not sold and
turned over to the rheal fuud aa direeteu by
the court, and It further apiw-ariiix that one
. Pnu. J Jnne clalma some lliterenl tu aald estate
t ahov dem-rlbed : and II apearitiB iroin aald iu
I formation tttst ihe state ol Oregon haa s rifrhi to
I Burn salaie;lt is therefore ordered that a sum
' moiia lite to Ihe heirs at law ot John dray, de
: reateit, lo Iwu J. Jouea. and Ut all persona Inter
t eted in tlteeftaieof aaid John Ui ay, deceased, to
appearand answer the Information within the
j lime allowed by Isw In civil actions, and ahow
'csiiae if anr they have why Ihe title to said
I aleivedcM-rlbeil land should not vest in thia state.
It la further otdi-red that the said summons
i Ihi published for a!x roiiaeciulve weeka In the
j Oregon t.lty Ciitelpriaa. a uewapaier tuibliidied
in aaia county, sun tnai osn j. jouea tie aerveu
liersoiislly If he ran lie loiind In the county or
atale; ttist all other -deft-ntlaiila appear aud an
swer hy the Aral day of the next term ol thia
court which eoiiveuea st Oregon City, Oregon,
April 1Mb. 14.
Haled ihla'itli day ol September. 19.1.
Thos McHKitis.
Clrcett Judge.
paled at Oregon City. Oregon. Pee S, law
li-a I- W. S. BAKKKTT. Dial. All y.
IikI Office at Oregon City, Oregon.)
lire. 7. Ittja I
Nutlre la herehr given, thai the following
n am i'U KMilrr hai fi 1 notice of hla Intention
to naak? Anal proof in atipintrt of hla claim tin-
iter km (Ion iiiil, K: S. ami that a ild Drool will
In- made Ixfure Ihe Itcglaler ami He.'eiver at
Oregon City, uritnn. Jamiajy li 1MM, via;
William (J. Steel,
ltomateail Entry No vwo for Ihe N. K Seo-
lion 'it. T. S . It. S Kan. He namra the follow
ing wilneacB to prove hla coutlmiouare-iilence
iipoti and cultivation ol. aalil land, via: Francla
('. Little Oliver V. Yocum, Horace 8. Campbell.
ot Rminon, uregen, ana v Luawici, ol hoi
brook, Oregou.
I2H:11 ROBERT A. MILLER, Reglitcr.
Notice la herehr given that the undersigned
haa been appointed by the County Court ol
t laoamaa county, Oregon, executor ol tne laat
willol Honor Marks W hillock, dciceaaed All
pcraona having clalmaagaiuat thaeatatenl the
aald Honor Marka VYhltlock. deceaaed, are here
by no: I fled to preaent Ihe mnieiiuly verified for
payment to ine unueraigueu or at weotneeoi
HrownellA lreaa-r. Oregon Clty.Oregou. within
aix ntoutea from thla date
Oregon City, Oregon. January i. IK4
l-4:lf-l) Attorney for Ex'r
1 JtktW . M. r .-f rvTa. I
AnaTreoable lenitive and KElt V JS TON ta
Sold hr Itruifiraiaiir sent hy mail Kk;.,60c
and $1.00 per package. Sainpica free.
IT iliS The Favorite TOOTH ?0TJIg
11 ii il li f or tho Tout n and loath. iM.
For sale by C. O. Huntley.
M0 and Expre,
Freight and parcel" delivered
to all parts of the city.
Opp. Huntley's Drun Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.
I mm.
Clearance Sale.
Tubular lant'-rriH 4 k:.; I gal. jug 10c; 1 gal. Htotie milk pan 10c.;
12 biiiiciii.-s matcher) 2"c.; mixed tea 22Jc; mixed candy 10c; flour per
barrel 12.75; 19 lb. lsnt granulated sugar $1; liquid "line dressing 10c.
good roaHt cofTee 2-rc; 2 lb choice uncolored tea 7.'x:.; good green tea 1
lb $1; 5 gal oil Goc. (can extra); New Orleans molasses, cheap to the
bent, uIho Horghum.
White wool yarn cut to o0c per pound; Shaker flannel cut to 13 yd
11; blanket, Hhawls and com-tn reduced; Some 50c. pieces of dress
goods to clone at cost; see the goods you can get for 2flc, 24c. and 19c;
boys hip rubber boots 2 and 3 at 12; ladies' low rubbers 20c; common
rubbers 35c. ; storm rubbers 5)c.; silk thread 5c; 7 spools cotton thread
25c; needles lc. per package; 5c. pencil sharpeners lc; misses gloves
to clone at 5c; buttons lc. per dozen; cotton socks 5c; overshirts reduced;
hammers 25c; boys' 50c caps now 10c; tninses to cloaks now tl; misses
rubbers 1, 1 J and 2 cut to 19c.; tl albutnsto close at 50c; boys' Barlow
knives 10c; 25c brooms cut to 17c; zephyr 5c. a skein; maple syrup
to close at cost; minnes skirts cut to 19c; ladies' skirts cut to 24c; shots
also at hard times prices.
Hamilton & Allen,
The New Peterson Magazine
Universally commendetl t;y the press
an one of the Lk1 of American
Its contributors are among tbe
most popular American writers.
Its illustrations are .
It is a store- fr I
: of choice liter- H l3 -
ami art. I s t !j J V
rice is a w onder, i V;'-. 1
low prii:
Send ft.oo fur a
year's stiWription.
or 50 cents for six
months. H will prove
a big investment.
Simpta Copy, t csnts.
Tbe New Peterson Magazine
a iitr iwu Tiairazinex
Manufacturer! ot and
Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, 1fo
Hartman Steel Picket Fence,
And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Mtal Fence
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Bestow's Sash & Door factory, Oregon City, Or.
Oregon City Sash and Door Co.
Carry the Largest Stock of
Siisli, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc.
In Oregon City.
Special sizes of Doors and Windows made to order. Turning of all kinde
Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts
Furnished on application. Builders, give us a call, and see if our work
is not of the best, and our prices as
on application.
Factory, Cor. Main and
Sunday Services.
8T. PAl'L'S CHIIRCM-Kpiaconal-Rev. J. A.
Kckatortn Paatnr. Sentcea at 11 o'clock a.m. and
i:S0 n. m. i'rayer aery lee ivery Wednesday
Paator aupnlietl. Services at 11 a. a. and
7:80 r. x. Sunday School after morning
service. Ptayer meeting Wednesday evening at
7:S0o,clock. Prayer meeting ol Voting Peoples
Society ol Christian Endeavor every Sunday
eveuiugat6:& prampl.
Park tea Pastor Morning Service at ll:Snnday
School at 12-l.S; Evenluit aeivice i.oi). Kemiur
prayer meeting Wedaesday evening. Monthly
Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening
preceding in nrsi nituuay in tne moutn. a
oorulal invitation ta all.
HiLLEttaAND, Pastor. On Sunday masa at and
10:80 A. M. Every second and fourth Suudav
German sermon after the 8 o'clock mass
At all other maasea English sermons. 8undav
SchiHil at 2:30 r. a. Vespers, aiiologeticail
subjects, and Bencdietlon at 7:80 r.u.
G. Sykik, Pastor. Morning service at 11;
Sunday School at 10:00. t'Uss meetiug after
morning service. Kvenlug service at 7:80.
Kpwonh League meeting Sunday evening st
6 SO; Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 6:30.
strangers cordiAllv invited.
W. utaoNir, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and
7:30 r. M. Sabbath School at 10 A. M. Young
People s Hoeiety ol Lhrlsltau Endeavor meets
every Sunday evening at 6 80. Wednesday
veulng prayer meeting at 7:30. Seats free.
Ebnbt, Pastor, Preaching services every
Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:30 P. M.
Sabbath school every 8uuday at 10 A. M ( Rev.
P. hott. Hurt, weekly Praver Meetln
every Wednesday evening
ing every Sunday, except third Suudny of each
month, at 11:00 a. m. and 7.30 p m W H ic-
lain, rastor Sunday school at iu a. m.- l. u.
Bt'arvs, Superintendent. Prayer meetiug every
neauesaay evemug.
Artlmr's New Home Magazine
Choice Literature, Stories, Poems, -
Sketches of Travel, History, etc. j
FREE par";!:"."0" S330 &
Notes 011 the newest styles in dress, f '
tlonculture. etc. ft
Valuable honte- JyJ
hii.ts, pretty Ktigns
ia tvrrv nuniler. f
All tor only ft ro
premiums fur getting M
up club.
Saaapla Cspy. 5 cmt.
f Artlmr's New Home Magazine H
n ear tor ai.7. '
dealera'tn all atvlei ot
low as the lowest. Price List sent
11th sts.. Oregon City.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, as.
John Boylen, plaintiff, vs. James Orcutt; deft.
Civil action for tho recovery of money.
To James Orcutt, the sbove named delendatt:
Iu the name of the State el Oregon: You are
hereby lequired to appear before the under
signed, a Justice ol the Peace, for the Precinct
aloresaid. on tbe tftth day ot January, IKH, at
9:.H0o'clock, In the lorenoon of said day, at tbe
olticeol said Justice, in such precinct, to an
swer the above named plaintiff lu civil action
The defeudaut will take notice, that II he IhII
to anawer the complaint herein, the plaintiff
will lake Judgment against hltn for the sum ui
tm.M, together with ihe costs aud disburse
ments to be taxed herein
Given under my hand this 7th day ol Decem
ber, 1H93. T. W. FOI'TS.
li-li-1-19 Justice ol the Peuoe.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and sad
dle horses always on hand at tl
lowest prices. A corrall connects'
with the bam for loose stock.
Information regarding any -kind
stock promptly attended to by peritvn t
Horses Bought and Sold.
fm my
11 kt.-iiiti