Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 19, 1894, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
afarnr. - . T. W Sullivan
RooonW, L. L. Porter
c:h.ntl Police J. 8 . Punlnm
AatMnor, . J. K Khoaili
Trwuiiirer, F. J. Unili
fit Mtnrti'v, II I Croaa.
ptreel l'nmm'lKlrnr. V. Holwr
Bu't. o( Water Work. W. H. Howell
Ctty KD(inetv, Sidney Smyth.
Oouncilmen-O. O. Albright, Jr., H. U Kelly, C
N. Urwnmtn, W A. VS hlte, J J. Cook. J.
W. O'CoDnell, J. G. Porter and T. P. Rati-
tonncll meets flrat Wednesday of each month
In city hall.
'The war to build up Oreron
CltTi tot-ire Orffroi CHj people jonr
IView the lowest The Red Front.
Set? at the head of the local column
the conditions by which you can get the
F.NTKki-RisK at a reduced rate.
If yon want an attractive sign toe
Davis the painter. Portland prices.
Shop back of Pope & Co.'s hardware
A new shop, a new striped sin and a
clean shave by a first-class barber is
what you will get at Parker's, Main and
Seventh streets.
Mothers and nurses all over the world
have given their teething bahies and
feverish children Stcedman's Soothing
Powders. Try them.
Keren thousand dollars worth of good
income city property to trade for good
term property near this city. E. P.
Elliott, Oregon City. 4t
The Enterpriss admitted by all to
be the leading paper of Clackamas
county and at the reduced price, $1 50
r year, is the cheapest paper in the
The weather on Thursday was disa
greeable in the extreme for Oregonians,
the atmosphere was raw in the extreme
an I very occasionally damp flurries of
vticw would come down making it nasty
mi ler foot and very unpleasant to be out
or ;et about.
To preserve a youthful appearance as
long as possible, it is indispensable that
the hair should retain its natural color
and fullness. There is no preparation
so effective as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It
prevents baldness, and keeps the scalp
clean, cool, and healthy.
Miss Annie Merrill received word Sun
day morning to the effect that her father
was lying very sick near Ranier and de
manding her immediate presence. She
accordingly made hasty arrangements
a 'id left the same afternoon for -Goble
over the Northern Pacific intending to
take advantage of (be first opportunity
that offered to reach his bedside.
There will be a special meeting of the
city council on Friday evening tbil week
The tax levy of 1893 and the salary of
the city recorder and chief of police will
come up for consideration, as will
also the mayor's appointment of Chas.
Noblitt, chief of police. Toe removal
of Capt. John Kelly upon the asserted
authority of the council is expected to
furnish some interesting episodes.
At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Bank of Oregon City on
Monday evening Major Thos. Charman,
G. A. Harding and '. O. Walden were
elected directors for the ensuing year.
This is the same board as served last
year. The annual election of officers of
the board has not yet been held hut
from the fact that the board is not
changed from last year there will prob
ably be no change in the management.
The prize fight which was booked for
Friday night failed to materialize as
there weie too few f porta in this com
munity to bite at a fake. Some of the
parties who let the fighters run bills to
be J presented and paid at the door
probably have their bills yet and might
bo persuaded to part with them at quite
a discount. Oregon City has no use for
fake prize fighters.
The executive committee of the Sun
day school association of Clackamas
county met in this city at 2 p. m. on the
J5th at the home of Vice-President
Mrs. Brownell. President George Ran
dall of Central Point presided and an
excellent program was prepared for the
next meeting of the association which
takes place at Canby on Wednesday and
Thursday, the 21stand 22nd of February.
E. M. Donaldson, Sec,
Work has commenced on the new
pump which the water commissioners
are having put in as the old pump will
not begin to supply the demands for
water in the summer season and is be'
ides unsafe being liable to break at time
of fire when most needed. The new
pcoiD was built by the Union Iron
Works and they are under bonds guar
anteeing it to stand under 300 pounds
pressure. In building the pump the
company feared that the specifications
.would not give a pump to stand the
strain to which it would be put so they
strengthened it in its several parts, the
additions requiring four additional tons
cf iron. When the pump is set the
liilders will run it for thirty days at
their own expense both to show that it
is all right and to have every part in
perfect working order before turning it
tivertothe city.
Widespread In Area ( lackamttH County
Not Diimngeit.
The storm of the pat week has beeu
almost universal along the Parillc coast,
many parts of which have mitlVred seri
ous loss from Its effects. Telegraphic re
ports show that it has extended from
British Columbia to southern California
and as far east as the Rocky Mountains.
In nearly all localities tt has been a
rain rather than a snow storm, and
streams swollen to overflowed banks
have been general, the reports indicat
ing higher water than has been ex
perienced More for years.
Ixx'ally the storm has been a lengthy
and disagreeable one, the weather being
a good part of the time quite raw and
cold as though snow were in the moun
tains roundabout. With clear weather
we shall probably see the higher moun
tains covered with anew.
While many localities report damage
by flood there seems to have been but
little to complain ot here aide from the
dinagreeablcnessof the storm, for no dam
age aide from a few culverts and small
bridges has ben reported The water
in this section a as high as at the
time of the storm in December.
Wednesday the water reached its
highest stage at Oregon City and did not
vary much from the stage of last month.
The track of the Southern Pacific north
of town was under water to the depth of
about 40 inches and trains failed to come
through on Monday and Tuesday but on
Wednesday morning all mail and de
layed passengers came through in two
sections. The wheel at the electric
station lacked sufficient head to furnish
power and both light for Oregon City
and Portland were scant while the elec
tric line had to abandon electricity as a
motive power on Wednesday evening
and attach an engine to the cars. The
up-river boats were all obliged to tie up
as the locks were closed and at times
there was considerable drift running.
The mills found on Wednesday morn
ing that there was too much water for
them to run so they had to shut down
which gave the men a forced rest. On
Wednesday night the water fell a little
and as the weather turned colder with
snow insight on all the hills back of
town it is almost certain that the back
bone of the storm is broken so far as
high water is concerned.
Persons living at Clackamas Heights
whose business required them to be in
town a ere considerably put out by the
water on the flats as they had to ar
range to be ferried over. The residents
of Kansas city had either to go around
by the public school or take to boats
across the flat .
C. G. Albright was shut otf from his
slaughter house by nearly half a mile of
water and had to take a skiff down to
pass to and fro and to bring his meats :
The sidewalk leading to Canemah was
afloat for perhaps 200 feet just beyond (
the Imperial mill. j
George Brouhton was anxious about
bis logs which are boomed on the eaat
side of Rock Island and guarded them
very closely but foituuately they were
well boomed and none of them eicaed
The Woodmen Installation.
The Woodmen are preparing for a
pleasant evening's entertainment on the
occasion of installing their officers w hich
takes place Tuesday evening January
23rd at K. of P. hall. The following is
the program :
Opening ode By the Camp
Instrumental Music... Aldridge Bros.
Address of Welcome. ... Dr. W. K. Carll
Vocal Solo Miss M. Wilkinson.
Address :St. Dep. Head Consul Wheeler
Installation of Officers .
Instrumental Music. . Mrs. F. F. White I
Vocal Solo Miss Klla Hoberg
Address C. V. Cooper
Song Oregon City Glee Club
Instrumental Duet Selected
Ella Hoberg and Master Toepleman.
Qu.rette Aldridge Bros.
Address G. F. Johnson
Closing Ode By the Camp
The Discount Social.
The social to which reference was
made last week is now an assured fact
and will be given on the 25th of this
month by the Presbyterian Y. P. S. C E
in Shively's hall. Later announcements
will tell you more about it the rate of
discount, some of the features, etc.
Several gentlemen were standing at the
corner of Seventh and Main streets when
one of them saw a purse lying near on
on the cross walk and went to pick it up.
It proved to be empty which cau'ed the
bystanders to laugh and some parties
approaching called their attention to
another empty purse lying near. So
abundant a supply of empty purses
caused considerable comment and it was
finally concluded that the owners finding
no use for them in these times had de
liberately thrown them away.
The luxury of a bath in a fine bath tub
full of hot water is denied to many on
account of lack of room for a tub, and
the cost of putting one in together with
boiler and pipes. This has been entirely
overcome by the folding bath tub and
heater which Messrs. Groom ot Elliott
are showing at the postoffice. It pos
sesses all the advantages of the old
fashioned bath tub, can be set up in a
bedroom and requires very little space.
Besides this it is cheap. Call and see it.
Tax lory Made.
On Monday of this week the county
court was in session, the business boforo
them being the making of tlio tax levy
for 1803. As the court could not get the
figures from the state board of equalisa
tion and It was not known what the
state levy would bo ther had to esti
mate lome of the items. The levy Is 21
mills made up as follows: state, esti
mated 5 mills, county school 8 mills,
county road 2 mills, county for general
purposes I) mills.
As soon a the figures are received
from the state hoard of equalisation
showing the changes that have Wii
made County Clerk Itorton will employ
sufficient help to keep a force at work on
the books day and night figuring out
the changes ordered by the lioard, then
as soon as the school districts have re
ported their levies the total tax will he
carried out. It is hoped that the slier i If
can begin collecting taxes early in March
but it will most likely be the middle of
the month or later before the books can
be got ready.
Company F. Orders.
The following tiromotiona are hereby
ordered, warrants to date from issuance
of this order: 3rd Cot p. Williams to lie
2nd Corp!., vice Rhodes resigned. 4'.h
Corpl. Hickman to tie 3ru Corpl. vice
Williams ptomotcd. Private H. A,
Rands to be 4th Corpl., vice Hickman
promoted. They will be obeyed and
respected accordingly . Sergeant Scott,
and CorjHirals Melxner, Williams, Hick
man and Rands will report to Lieuten
ants Kelly and Pickens at the Armory
Monday evening, January Sftth, at
o'clock, for examination to determine
qualifications for being warranted. The
examination will be conducted orally,
and include a knowledge of the tactics as
specified in Regimental Orders No. 207.
By order of
Capt. J. W. Ganonh.
Oregon City, Jan It), 1SD4.
Warner (Jraoge Officer.
Warner Grange, No. 117, P. of H. held
its regular meeting Dec. 23 and elected
the following officers for the ensuing
vear: Master, D. McArtlmr; 0..J. I.
Waldron;L., Mrs. K. Lynn; steward,
W. R. Wyatt ; A. S., G . Ls.elle ; C, J.
G. Foster; treasurer, I). B. Martin, sec
retary, Mrs. M. Waldron; G J., J.
Casto; P., Mrs. I. S. McArthur: F.,
Mrs M B. Lawton; C, Mrs. C. C.
Williams; L. A. 8., Mrs. Clemma Martin.
The installation of officers will take
place at the next regular meeting, the
fourth Saturday in January with J.
Casto as installing officer. It will be
an open meeting with every one invited
to attend, Mr. Editor included. Sue.
New Era, January 11, 1S)4.
Special School Meeting.
Notice is hereby given to the legal
Toters of school district No. 02 of Clack
amas county, State of Oregon, that a
special school meeting of said district
will be held al Pope' hall, in Oregon
City, county of Clackamas, Stale of
Oregon, on Monday the 2 Kb day of Jan
uary, A. D. WM, at the hour 7:30 P. M.
for the following object : The levying of
a tax upon the atHttHHable pnwerty of
said school district No. '2 lor gi-neral
school purponiis and the payment of the
in'erest on the bonds of soul diotrict.
Dated this 17th ilay of Januaiy, A.
D. .. II. L. Kki.lv.
Attest: Chtn. Bd Directors.
Thos F. Rvan, Dit. Cleric.
School Report.
Oak Grove, District No. !:!, for the
month ending January 5: Average num
ber belonging 14 average daily attend
ance 12. Those present during the
month are Grace Jordan. Johnnie Damm,
Freddie Heinz, Bessie Armstrong, Carl
Damm and Willie Heinz. Among '.he
visitors during the month are Leonard
Heinz, sr., John Damm, Wilford Graves,
Echo SamBon and Fred Woodside. Pa
trons and friends are cordially invited
to visit the school and note our progress.
C. E. Baknkv, Teacher.
Notice to School Clerk.
Districts desirous of voting a tax for
school purposes should instruct the
clerks of the district to immediately ap
ply to the county clerk for a list of the
taxable property in said district after
which they may call a meeting and vote
the tax.
On or before the first day of February
the county clerk must be notified in writ
ing of the rate per cent of the tax levy
made. II. S. Gutsos,
1 .-S 1 :1! Stipt. of Schools.
F.stray Notice.
Taken up by Herman Wetzler at his
place at OukGrove, Clackamas county,
Or., on Jan. 0, 1!4, two buckskin horses,
about 700 pounds. Owner can have
them by proving property anil paying
expenses. Call at John Wetzler's place,
Ouk Grove, Or.
fish. Fish.
Oregon City Fish Market opposite cor
ner from Pope's hardware store, carrier
full stock of fish, poultry, and game in
season. Oysters and salt-water tiali re
ceived fresh from the coaat. Orders
promptly filled. R. T. Humpbrys.
Karl's Clover Root, the new Blood
Purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion and cures Constipation.
25c., 50c. and $1.00. Sold by C. G.
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and
all other blanks at the Enthrpbink of
fice. Portland prices.
Iliualla lilts.
Haiaua, Jan. Ill The tain and mud
lias made "slay at homes" til everybody
except hen called away on tugciit bus
iness. The storm of today Is the worst of the
Meason. The snow I" bero now and the
old and young are having a good time
There la still much sickness In the
tielghliorhooil. Mr, Ford Is convalescent.
Mr. and Mr. G. Ackerson of Tecum
sell Nub., are visiting their daugh
ter Mm. C. C. Barland. Mrs. Ackerson
had the misfortune to slip and fall two
days ago and badly injure her arm,
They are quite old people to take so long
a journey iu the wintet time. They
think these rains far lielter than Ne
braska billiards.
Master J. IVnnis received a letter
from hi) sister who haa been visiting at
Monmouth saving she was married on
the 4th hint to James Hampton, Mr.
Hampton has lived In tint tamily of L.
D. Katon since a small child and wa a
great favorite. Her husband I a
brother of Mrs. L. D Eaton. Wo wish
tlioin a long life of happiness.
Mr. Locey says the traveling facilities
aro both cheap and good from llnxalia to
Portland if one has rubU'r IhmiIs ami ran
walk the trestle to F.Ik Rock. He ieaks
from cxierieiice.
The rain on Saturday prevented many
of the grangers from attending their
meeting, yet enough plucky ones were
there to forma quorum and Mr. Miller ol
Portland installed the otllcer for this
The Hatalla literary society failed to
have a meeting owing to the severe
The reappointment of Hon. G. W,
Prosser as "road boss" give general
satisfaction here.
The Troy Meant Uumlry
Have built up a good trade in Oregon
City on the merits of their work which
is giving general satisfaction. Give
them a trial. They pay express charges
both way j and give you Portland price
orricx at
F. A. Waddorks, P. O. Building.
Itundrv left at the oillce on Tuesday
will In returned on Saturday.
Canada Takitg a Hand.
Victoria, B. C, Jan. 17. The steamer
Warrimoo, which sailed (or Honolulu
this evening, liore to the Hawaiian cap
ital letters which are deemed to be too
important fur transmission through the
mails, and which have been rntrusU-d
to the care of an uncommunicative pas
senger. They are addressed to Theo
phihiri Davies, and contain summarized
information of what ha already been
accomplished by his agent in the
Dominion of Canada, in the direction
of placing at tjueen Liliuokalani' com
mand a picked hodr guard of fine sol
dier. For some day past rumors have
been afloat that a company of volunteers
was being secretly orgsnised in Vancou
ver for the purpose, of aiding the ex
queen with rifles and swords to regain
her throne. Then came the announce
ment that although they were ready to
enlist, the scheme had been abandoned
owing to the failure of Hie principals to
' provide the "sinews of war." A a mat
ter of fact, the latter step has never for
a moment been contemplated, nor has
the projei-t bv any mean come to
naught. In proof of this letters were
shown to the correspondent here which
indicate it is maturing in a manner sat
ixfactory to the royalist hoies. The
commissioned recruiting olllcer named
by Davies is a well-known business man
of Vancouver, W. II. Sansom. This
man's instructions from Davis were to
enlist 200 flint-clans men to protect the
queen and royalist interests, and to tie
employed as I iliuokahtni may direct. Of
these 1H0 have been enrolled and are held
ready to proceed to Hawaii. letters
containing Davies' instructions are
looked fur in the mail brought to San
Francisco by the Australia. As these
have not arrived it is feared that they
have fallen into the hands of the pro
visional government, hence the the dis
patch of an agent on the Warrimo.
A Little Girl's Experience in a Light
ho ti se.
Mr. and Mrs. I oren Trescott are kee
ers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand
Beach, Mich., and are blessed with a
daughter four years old . Last April she
was taken down with Measles, followed
with a dreadful Cough and turning into
a F'ever. Doctors at homo and Detroit
treated hei , hut in vain, she grew worse
rapidly, until she was a mere "handful
of bories." Then she tried Dr, King's
New Discovery and after the use of two
and a half bottles, was completely cured.
They say Dr. King's New Discovery is
worth Its weight in gold, yet you may get
atrial bottle free at Geo. A. Harding's
To Trade.
Some good young horses, broken to
work, to trade for stock sheep, Apply
R. J. Brown, New Era, Oregon.
Wahkca, Minn., Nov. 25, 181(0.
Mr. Norman Liciity, Des. Moines, la.
Dkar Sir: Please send us at the
earliest one carton Krause's Headache
Capsules. We can't run the machine
without them. Send at once, as we are
out, and oblige, Yours truly,
Suonimt A Pkkston.
For sale by Charman & Co., City Drug
Oregon City, Oregon .
Call and see the lounges at R. L.
Holman and you will see some good
ones which they ate selling almost at
manufacturer's prices I
V. Harris, Prop., Successor to Fields &, Sons,
Next door to Topo A Co.'tf Hardware Storo.
Osueo Jjr$eris
Oiler for the coming rummm one of the lur'nt ami nitmt coni'M "lin k
of trees to U found in tlio Northwest, consisting of the following:
l(K),(Xk iiinlo nil the Wiling vitriolic.
1. V',000 iininc With Italian uiul IVtct in tlio lcml.
T.'i.lX'll iVnr Hurtli't and many other.
I0,(XX) cherry licst sweet nnl sour kiiuln.
2. ",(H)0 xiich Kurly Crawford and ninny other.
VAOM ilum ull of the ln'rt.
.tXK) Japan plum both old and new mrt.
10,lHH) aprciot brut kinds for thin climate
AIho sniiill fruit, grai vines, shade, nut mid evergreen tree, rote
i'to. Send for new dosoriptive catalogue now ready.
Oswego, Oregon.
Oregon City
$1.50 Pet Year.
The Cheapest and
I-argest stock ol Collins and Caskets kept South ol Portland. Also cloth covered
and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladies ami I tents' Curiul
Holies in stock. Fine Hearse ready at any call.
S. P. SCRIPTURE, Manager.
The pho togpaphep.
Is tir'uri'd to make photograph
of all kind promptly !
and in
IluhicH'and Children Picture
a Spfciuly.
Call and examine hi work
At the Old New York Gallery
Second door north of Harding
Drug Store.
Practical Blacniitsfi
All kind of
Repair Work and
Horse Shoeing,
Executed on hort notice in a work
man like manner.
Prices Reasonable.
Satisfaction guarantcod. Shopncar
Albright & Warner's meat
market on 5th street.
Best Paper in
4 iRJElJlte.
Tki National Thihi'm t now ntarlii upon M
I7Ui fr ttt htininihl u
NiH'thr Auiitiy wkiy In tlia country ha hl itH'ta
ft jmiwtli, ami maintained II m tswHly
It ttm Into mvmry ( 'dimly In lit l'nlt1 Htata, attd
ban flint of iirrrtlPi al nt-arly vHrv I'lMturlti.
It tlMA ICHllltwl till pr.lUll It-111 1 Ull lltMy Oil IU UIHliU
a a bttftiTy tiitarMtlug family tiipnr,
por tl?e Vear 1894
It will h mail mtih nur and nrnw attru-tlva than
tvr. Whl itilnln all of ill prwiil ,mimlr fi-alt-urM.lt
will ooimtMiiUy axlct imw ttnm.
its FniRfifr
Hnr Himtory, hjr man who acttiaJly anrYwt awf
ftnikfiit In ihe initarl.
Miorl Mmrirm ot RiimatKMi, Travitl, Eitrlriica
nl HilvMitiurft, Uy Usullng wriUtr.
Ciitrtnlm uphahlltiK thfi rnv of thn vifratiit,
and maintaining tha h 11 tent loyalty U Ut OovMrn
uit, ami tha promotion of Uia oml InlarMW of Uta
whol iwopia.
Wmhin0tH . Pull arcounu of what la
Uklna; ill at tha Mt of Uorntnnt ; rarWiil r
CirU of all Imporutut mailm In i.'niwowi an. I tha
i nil) vn priMiHi)tji; yiHwIp about public uin.
MnummhmM tpmrintni. KrtlUiil by a Uulyof
National npuutlon.
O, A. .f It' nnd 1. V. ffatM, mora
full and ooniplato than puhllnhml ny any othxr paiNtr.
Aurirutturml JjMirfMil, oamfully will
by pHM'tli-al niAn.
Vr4 rfully omnpHH.
1'hn NarinNaL TaiaUMit la Mrktiy non parMrAn.
and thonmhly Amartinn. It lmlUv In thw ri'tm
rMxl to th rrMuai tiinnhr of our (HMipIo, ami lha
itftiMit davampmwnt of our luaiUuUuiu-lu NaUuruU
nlty and aialtad loyalty.
payable, in AwaiKfc
It claim to alva mora and bntur iiiallr fur Mm wim
f lira mtt a ovk limn any oilier piihll.nu.iii.
Kvitry lln that a (Mar. Ill It la wrlUmi for II. nl haa
tppra"! In nonihar pir It ararilral
r bailor-plat aaaltar. A.l.lroa-