Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 19, 1894, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Published Every Krlclny.
Trial ulitcrlptton two month,
SnWrlptitHiii pybl la tilnne.
Advertlninf rmio given on illctlon.
$1 M
Xnlrtl t lh Piwt Olflrt In Orton City. Or.,
u itcoud clut mturr.
FKIDAY, JAKl'ARY 19, 1S!4.
Vloo UMt, -
Mrailow Brook.
New Erm,
Park Place,
Molalla, -Marquam,
F-nilit Cnrk,
Q. W. ProMer
Uoo. Kuight
A. Nalhtr
Gary Wlmliiitrr
G J. TrulllUKor
K 8 Bramhall
- Chan Holntan
W. 8. Newlx-rry
Hnry Milt-y
Hamilton A Wa.hburn
Mrv U. A. 8hrppanl
T. M. Crona
J. O. G.
C. T Howard
R. V I'luipet
Annie Slubba.
E. M. Hartman
B Jrunliift
T. liiMjr
- LJ Perdu
H. Wiltwm
John lh
J. (.'. Klliott
F. (tottsch
Mrs. W.M. Mclnlyre
Geo. J. Currin
Mrs. M. J. Hammer
Adoljili Asrhort
A battle In Italy between 800or more an
archists anil a botlv or soldiers resulted in
the defeat of the anarchists, but only after
hours of bard fighting. Confronted with
the bayonet in the countries which have
heretofore fostered their evil machinations
against society and its just laws, these out
The, levy which was made bv the county
rniirl on Monday is three fourths of what it
was last year and is nearly as low aa any
levy which baa been made (or a number n(
years, while it is much lower limn several
which have prvcedtil it. It is not sullleicntly
f to erntil any useless or extravaKunt
expnditiires, alnce with the heavy Interest
bearing debt w hich has been upon u for a
number of years and the iiciessary ex
penses which are as larpv aa they uughl in
all justice to the tax-ayer;to be, It will be
hrmlly (nissible to reduce the debt except by
the most rigid economy in all branches of
the county gmernmeiil. ltetrembment is
the watchword all along tin lines these
Tin great New York Herald seems not to
be in sympathy with the income lax plan
which is proposed by the democratic ways
and means committee. In discussing the
question it remarks: "The people did not
return the democrats to power lor the pur
pose of levying au obnoxious, monarchical,
inquisitorial tribute repugnant to the funda
mental principles ol our government, and
they w ill visit with swift condemnation any
party that makes such a blunder. The Hp
ular rial has gone forth that no income lax
will be tolerated In this country. Thesooner
the democrats take notice of that significant
fact the better It will be for their party."
It would puule the brightest man in the
state to point out any good resultant from
the sittings of the stale board of equaliza
tion. Counties all over the state will be at
the expense of employing extra help to
word out the changes which they have
oroered and after it is done what does it
amount toT The taxes on the property the
assessment ol which was ordered changed
will hardly pay for the expense of the clerks
employed to say nothing of the large and
unnecessary expense incurred by the board
itself. It is a needless and worse than use
less appendix totheslategoverumeutwhicb
ought to die before it has another opior
tunity to inflict its ills upon a longsutlering
Thi most intelligent of the populists villi
w hich party I'ennoyer is just now training,
casts will reek a more congenial haven tor j repudiate as fur as they dare and remain in I
This question is just now agitating the
democrats in congress and is being consid
erably discussed throughout the country.
In this connection IVmorest'a Mngatlue
has been at considerable pains to procure
the opinions of noted men among which we
give the following:
("has. A, Pana: " Kor the democratic
parlv, the party which for a quarter of a
century has been demanding I lie abolition
of the war taxes, to declare now In favor of
the most unpopular of war taxes menus,
simply disaster."
Howard Could: "The taxing of Incomes
is decidedly a dangerous, pernicious and
unpopular form of taxation. It puts a pre
niluiu on perury, discriminates against the
well-to-do, and is directly opposed to the
principles of a democratic form of govern
ment. It produces a hordo of spies and
detectives, who pry into the affairs of indi
viduals and of corporations; and this In it
self is distasteful to a people living under a
free government. The question of an in
come tax should have no consideration in
the mailer of raising internal revenue.''
Samuel dumpers: "I am certainly lu
favor of the proved tax on incomes, as it
would place the burden of governmental
expenses proportionately iihui those citi
sens beat able to bear them. I regard an
income tax as one of the most equitable
that can he levied. I admit that this
method is rather unwieldy and expensive,
but at the same time I atlirm that it is just,"
Henry Clews: " I believe, in the first
place, that an In wine tax is had politics, and
that the democratic party would be respon
sible for the harm that would result from it.
Furthermore it is sectional, geographically,
as the tirealrst weight of the tax would fall
upon the Fast, Irnvii g ihr Sonlh and West
a comparatively small irtioti to lear."
T. F. Cilroy. Mayor of New York : " No
citizen in this land of personal lilerty, in
time of peace, when such action is unneces
sary, w ill consent to the espionage over his
private affairs which would lie the result of
an income tax."
who are puny, pale,
weak, or scrofulous,
ought to take. Doctor
I'lnnwa Uoldeii Modicnl
IHscnvory. That builds
up both their thwli and
their alrvngth. For this,
and for purifying the
blood, there's nothing In
all medicine that cnu
eqiuU the " llaoovry,"
In recovering from
"Urlppa," or lu cou
valewxuice front ptiou
nuvila, fvrr, or other
Waiting disease, It ewnlily and surely In
Ylgoralea and builds up the whole systout.
As an apivtining, restorative tonic, it arts
at work all Mm prucones of digestion and
nutrition, nmm every organ inlo natural
'k he
action, and brings beel
alia and strength.
For all disease caused by a torpid liver c
Impure blood, I)yKiia, iiiiioiuuhm, rvmf
3 W V J
, T A
fvERY Pair Guaranteed.
address San Francisco CaL
uIihis. Hkiil, and Htwlu IHaoajM ovnn I 'on
sumption (or I.ungscrtifula) in Its enrllm
atKeth " Discovery is the only puurai
leed remedy.
If it doesnt benefit or cure, In ever
jou have your mouy back.
nursing their theories and putting them in
practice when times are, in their estima
tion, fully ripe, for the successful overthrow
of society, which means a reign of terror
and wickedness in which the strong and
crafty will prevail over the weak and just,
Other countries ot the Old World have
found it nwwary to guard against the fresh
invasion of these red-handed perietralors of
crime who have sought a landing in their
midst. Their vigilance necessitates greater
care and watchfulness on the part of our
people Slid officers to prevent their flocking
here in great numbers. We do not wai.t
them. We have no use for their presence.
All good citizens of the United Slates,
whether native or fereigu bom, will readily
coincide in wishing them kept from our
shores. It must be done by strict laws rig
idly enforced right now. Did the public
appreciate the evil that menaces us it would
with one accord and as one man demand
that every immigrant coming to this coun
try prove beyond any doubt his good citi
zenship and rectitude of conduct. Let it
be emblazoned at the entrance of every har
bor and on the ensign of every ship convey
ing emigrants that no criminal or anarch
ists need apply for admission to this country.
Gon Imm his home and his frleiidi,
Gone from this irne world ot ours.
No ninr 'o father lis thorn with It flower.
No more to linger where i.ulwain must fad,
Where on 11 beauty death (liiger are laid.
good standing in their party bis false utter
ances, and admit that they were false ami;
unwise. Thos who know better yet care ;
for nothing, save party advancement mill
pat the governor on the hack when t he v 1
know that what he said about the state and j He ha gone to that bright goldeu "treet,
the unemployed was false. No one in Ore- j hfr h' rMlln ,rom ,,,r,"w "d ,u,:
I Align, were luiiuuny 111111111; iu uirrt
j One who walk with them lu heaven' bright
! street.
gon denies the hard times, but it is only the
demagogue like i'ennoyer who is willing to
traffic in the evils which it brings to his
neighbors and who is willing to make had
matters worse by lying.
A proposed issue of $W,0ou,o00 5 percent
Jnited States bonds by the secretary of the
treasury is but a mere make-shift to bridge
over existing difficulties. The attempt to
stop an JSO,00",W deficiency with the
money received for one-half that amount of
bonds, can only result in a miserable failure
which will p olong and make worse exist-; jaMHry is, sH:
Loved ones have whispered that lorn on 1
Free from earth' tell nd taking sweet rest
Yes, there I oue more In auxelie Win.
One lesi to cherish aud one lea to kiss.
One more departed to heaveu's bright shore.
H. W.
Utter List.
The following is the list of letters remain
ing in the ist ollice at Oregon City, Oregon,
Papers in various parts ot the state have
been publishing articles severely reflecting
upon the character of M. V. Kork the erst
while exKunder and great ajosile of the
populist doctrine in the state. Thus far no
attempt has been made on the part of Kork,
or his followers to contradict these articles
or to call to account those publishing them,
and the only reference to the matter by the
ptpulists was a two line mention in an ob
scure comer ot the populist paper stating
that he had resigned. Not a word of con
demnation is uttered against the man who
while Dosing as a reformer and leader of
the reform party in the state, yet virtually
stands convicted of one of the gravest of
fences known in the annals of crime. The
only interference, and it is a just one, is
that the leaders of the populist movement
are sorry that their leader has been found
out in his evil ways. Our upright and hon
est populist friends or those having a lean
ing toward that party and its doctrines
should pause and consider that no real re
form can be led by men who are themselves
corrupt Bo tar as power has been granted
this great reform party the records show
that it is not better than the old parties
which it condemns, and the policy pursued
by the party in the cases where its mem
bers have proven unworthy the trust re
posed in them must lead any honest man
to conclude that as a party the populists
are more anxious lor powerthan for reform
Reports come from several parts of the
county to the effect that the farmers are
getting ready forand beginning their spring
work. While the elements do not seem very
favorable to farm work just at present it
speaks well for our fanning communities to
have them on the alert to utilitize the first
fair weather that offers to get the soil ready
and the seed into the ground. They under
stand full well the importance of
early sowing at the first opportunity
when the ground is in fit condition for
working, and while there is no advantage
in mudding grain of any kind in in Oregon
it is frequently the case that the farmer who
has all things in readinets is enabled to get
in an early crop when bis neighbor who baa
to get ready after good weather coruei is just
too late to improve the shining hours, and
finds himself compelled to wait through
. long subsequent hours for a golden oppor
tunity to sow during which time bis pru
dent neighbor's field is getting firmly rooted
against the long summer drouth.
The manner in which Judge McBride
conducts the court business in this district
is commendable. ' Instead of visiting each
county in bis district twice a year as is usu
ally the practice of district judges, he keeps
the legal bail a rolling by visiting each
county as often as once a month, and works
cases oft of the docket within a reasonable
time after tbey have - been docketed. This
practice together with bis rules concerning
dillatory motions tends to elevate the pro
fession of law and to secure a verdict before
the death of the litigants and their htin.
ing hard times. Several times IO O O.IjX)
would fail to remedy the ills afflicting the
entire country, with confidence lacking in
the ability of the administration to conduct
the affairs of this government as will best
promote the well being of its citizens.
What is demanded of the democratic party
is confidence and I ot an issue of bonds.
From the reports which have come in
from all parts of the Pacific coast it is evi
dent that this part of Oregon bus not felt
the full force of the storm aud as a result
our streams are not so high as is elsewhere
reported and the damage is not great. Many
counties will have expensive bridge bills to
meet on account of the recent storm, but
thus far no losses of material account have
been reorted in Clackamas.
It is stated that a decision handed down
in Astoria by Judge McBride holds that an
appointive officer continues to hold until
his successor has been appointed and quali
fied, notwithstanding the action of the coun
cil in accepting his resignation. If this lie
law, J. 8. Purdotu and John Kelly are stdl
officers of the city and may present bills for
their services.
Raker. Iconic Mrs
Burner, B C
Chriswell, Chas.
Fleinen, F.dward
(iolt. Miss Hitty
Goly, John
Green, Ida
Gray, C L
Greenhaugh, Mr.
Gregory, B
(irchereque, I) M
Jacobson, Itobt
McDonald, Win
McManis, Jennie
Itan.lull, Gilbert
Kunyan, Geo 8
Schtiorey, Geo
Habarin, Ixuis
If called for slate date when advertised.
E. M. HANDS. 1'. M.
A I lain Washed Hut and Other Interesting .New
of the Burg.
Iras is claimed by some it is advant
agotis to the merchants of the city to ship
by the electric line and the business will
not stand a tax of per annum and it is
best and right to reduce it, then let the city
council reduce the license paid by the dray
men and boat company which aggregates
0 er annum, placing all upon a just
and equal bssis.
05E day the citizens of Portland are la
boring in committee of 100 turning persons
out of employment who need the work, and
the next they are cracking champagne bot
tles on a bridge which is building. Verily
our neighborso n the north are a versatile
Had the California!!? taken one-fourth the
pains to hold Evans in jail when he was
there that tbey are now taking in his pur
suit and capture he would never have re
gained his liberty to cause expense, uneasi
ness and probable loss of life in bis capture.
Every body can afford to help a little in
tin Oregon exhibit to the mid-winter fair
and right now is the time to take hold and
subscribe to the stock needed. The burden
should not be carried by the few but all
should help.
Friday evening there will be another
meeting of the city counsil when more of
its and the mayor's disputations may be
expected to come to the surface. The chief
of police fight is still on.
W'ii.soxvii.i.e, Jan. 10. You must excuse
me for not writing as I huve been on the
jury in Multnomah county for sometime
and have also bail the grip.
Wlllshurg is all here but it still rains just
the same.
A. J. Goduian moved on bis place last
week. He has lieeu living on Mr. Beman's
place five years.
Lee Wills and family sturtei! fur home
yesterday near Currinsville. He has been
down here cutting wood for six weeks.
What is the matter with the dam at the
mouth of Johnson creek owned by the cel
ebrated fish commissioner. Isn't Clacka
mas county going todo anything?
The firm of Wills Brothers herearter will
be known as Heth I) Wiils, A. N. Wills hav
ing sold out and gone inlo Heal estate bnsi
ne-s in Portland.
The dam built by Mr. Hague at the old
saw mill for the Sellwood electric light
plant two yearn ago has washed out.
Mrs. Campbell our store keeper is doing
a very good business considering the dull
times. She runs a delivery wagon three
times a week.
The Hlniidler A Co. factory is still running
on short time and short crew. Business is
very dull but they run to till smull orders.
Tax Payer.
It baa been decided by a committee of
the Portland city council that a levy of
7.6 mills will be required to meet the nec
essary expenses of the city the coming year.
It is estimated that this will raise 1405,000.
The city schools were never in a more
prosperous condition than now, their ex
cellence being best manifested in the unusu
ally full enrollment.
Khaubb'b Headache Capkules-Wae-
Highland Happenings.
HioHLAKu, Jan. 10. On the lith Instant
there was a social hop at Ed. Hnrrington's,
after which all engaged in tattey pulling.
Orlando Fellows was present and we feel
sorry for him because the tally he ate made
him very sick, and he is scarcely able yet to
be out of bed.
The snow is nearly all gone am the farm
era are beginning their apring plowing.
The debate on the Chinese question last
Saturday evening was a failure.
Portland-Oregon City and
Yanhill River Route.
Will leave Salmon slrect dock
Portland, Tuesday, Thursday A
Saturday at 6 a. m., fir
Newberg, Dayton, Lafiyetto and
McMinville, returning; Monday,
WedneHday and Friday.
Best of aecommodatkns for pas
sengers and fast time made. For
freight rates apply at Jock or on
ao yo
rise Pernuncrles mil Toilet Articles.
Also a full dock of
Suewssor to Story Uros,,
General Blacksmithing
Wagon and Carriage Work
Pono in first cIukm fliii'.
J ; ;
Is the causo of many bad colds ancl
too frequently of sovoro attacks of
sickness. All this can bo proventod
and at the same time givo comfort
and pleasure to the homo at an ox
pense bo small that oven tho poorest
need not suffer by calling on
ho curry tho largest mid Ixtst Holoctod stiK-k of
STOVES in Clackamas County.
Good Heat iiis Stoves from $1.00 Up,
Cook Stovrtt at prnxirt innately low prum
Railroad Nursery.
Shop on Main street, near end
susK'nsion bridge.
Needy - Nursery,
J. B. NOE, Prop.,
A fine lot of all kind of
Ready for Fall Trade.
A lot of one and two-year-old
Italian and Pctct Prune
TREKS. All healthy.
For fall ami tir'mp, trado, lH'j:i-(.)t,
Nursery local ml on Ihnvlliorno Aye.,
inili'rt from l'ortluml.
On First ami Madison, Wost Sil. for Mt. Taltor, which
will tako you to Nursery.
Apple and Pear Trees, j Come and Examine Stock before placing your orders.
A fine line of 1 and 2 yen r old.
Will not
the lowent.
I undersold. Prices
( FULtr? .wlniiMM pJd Mkl7 from ft&rt.
P.rniaoMilpo.lttoa. Ktcliulvumtory.
I KiucrMM ono.fw.ry. Inllr
( t Iuutotiin. Ub,rl
ommiMla to local
llm tfn. Larf
Kfowir. of dona,
nir..ry VI forta.orrb.rd.
.luck. w ! "
taill Indartry
i lor
(.mo uh ymvmw.
Satisfaction Ouarantml. Send for Catalogue
and Prico List.
W. S. FAILING Station A., Portland Or.
puncture apd iJrpdertaKip.
f If you are interuHted in i
p AdvertiHintr,
o you ought to he a hu1- ;
p Hcriher ot Phintkkh' Ink: j
a journal for advertisers. "3
Printers' Ink
is lHsued weekly and is
filled with contributions
and helpful suggestions
from the brightest minds
in tho advertising busi
ness. Printers' Ink
costs only two dollars a
year. A sample copy will
be sent on receipt of five
10 pcu St., - Pul YoCk
Do Not Climb the Hill !
George C. Ely's
Elyville, - Oregon,
Where you can get the highest
cash prico ior
Butter, Eggs and Other Farm
Full line of new goods at prices
lower than Oregon City.
R. L. Holman carries a fine line of Furniture-Loune-es,
Wall Paper and Carpets at lowest pos.
sible living rates, also a fine line of Caskets and
Coffins, Ladies' and Gents' robes, which ARE
Cut of hearso in this advertisement.
The best county paper in the State
with the best metropolitan paper on
the Coast.
Jtye Ore$or; (?ity Enterprise
Will Rive all the local news of Clacka
mas county and Oregon City with the
court proceedings and matters that are
of vital interest to farmers of Clacka
mas county. The WEEKLY ORE
GONIAN will givethe news of the State
and nation and the doings of the world
each week.
All Successful Men Keep Posted.
The ENTERPRISE and the Weekly
Oregonian one year for $2.50.
All old subscribers paying their subscription one
year In advance will be entitled to the same offer.