Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 19, 1894, Image 3

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KltlHAY, JANtJAUY 111, ihii
Clncknrrms Co. Directory
(neriitf Courts.
J. W MeMrum
Uwi. K. Iliirlmi
I.'. W (ImioiiK
H. M Itmnal.y
i. 0 Wrtlii.ri.il
J,C. Ilrs.llny
II. M cilli.ipti
HHne Hinylli
II I.. Iliiinmn
Hli'hsrd Hi'nit
I!iimiiiIiis llalr
Treasurer, ,
J"iickiI HiiiwrliitamlKiil,
Vitfimar, . .
To Meet the Times,
The subscription price for the Kntkr
wis Ih Ihmiii reduced to l. M) r year ;
7ft ctnli lor nix months. Cash In ad
vance. NiiUcrlliera paying at tin- did of
thyar will not be entitled to thU re
duction. Tim low price la tnixln to get
the lint on t mull basis hiiiI Induce nil
tuhserlbers to pay up, mid especially to
prevent dead beats froin taking tlin
paxr nml not paying for it by reason of
llmlr lielng Uw .r.)f. Iicdurcil price
will oiilyeoiniui'tiCM with date of renewal.
Ill U IHuktN tlin KNrKMI'VISK tint clll'll-
st paper In Clackamas county eight
ynu' all home print umi full of live
local flrWS
IVIckr apllt In two at The Ited Kront
Clearance HuIk.
Hoarding at Mm. Howard's will satisfy
you. Corner Sixth end Main trels.
Marion Holler who was hurt while at
work on the went side of the rivtr some
time since Is at last able to m about
A dollar saved la eiial to to dollura
earimd. I'ny up your siihsclptlon to the
KxTXHi-ttuu and g-t the the benefit of
the reduction In price.
Hhiloh'i Cure, the (ireat Cough and
front! Cure, la lor sale by ua. Pocket
mse contains twenty-live doses, only 25c.
Cliil dren luve it. C. (i. Huntley.
Willi hut I'tllii care and no trouble, the
Ix-ard ami moustache cnn he kept a mil
fonn hrown or black color by using
Itucslnghaiii a Dye for the Whiskere.
(In Monday evening J. II. Walker,
liigh priest of CUckamuji Chapter gave
an oyster auppir to the members ol the
order who enjoyed the occasion very
(I. I., (iray who I ma henn living in
the l'.uJy house at the corner of Kluventh
and John Adams streets hai moved into
a house on the lull at the roiner of
rMXtli and ("outer streets.
The atate ImnihI of tax levy met Thurs
day in Salem and made a canvass of the
data and rntiuiate of expenditures (or
the coiiiinn year preparatory to making
the lax levy for slate purpose.
I. J. Mover ttatea that liia niece,
Mitry Sanborn, of Oswego, died on Krl
Uv leaving four mn all children, two
of them lielng twina hut a few daya of
aire. The funeral occurred on Saturduy.
Miiia Annie Merrill relumed from her
trip down to Columbia county Weilnea
lay morning nearly tired out from over
exertion and expoaiire. She found her
f.itliur Mr. Mrrill aick hut not hi any
way danneroua.
A report come from the Tualatin
to the cilcvt that Ihe Ixmiii) of oa helong
inx, to Shipley A Krone wna hroken hy
the high water on Tucaduy ni(ht and
hetween two and three hundred tliou
wand fix't of li'p washed away.
Jiidjtu Mcliriile ia at llillalioro holding
court thin week, the adjourned aeeaion
of luit week having !'cn concludud on
Friday, t'onrt will reconvene on the
Nth of l'eiiriury lor Hie trannaction of
audi Iiiihiiihhm aa may come before it.
"Now ia the winter of our discontent
made tilorioua aiinimni " by Ayer'a Sar
MtMpnrilla Thin wonderful medicine ao
inviuorntea the ayalem and enriches the
blood that cold weather Ikvoiucs poai
tively enjoynhle. Arctic explorer would
lo woll to initke a note of thia.
Mid-Winter Fair excursion tickets,
Onvoa City to Sun Francisco and return,
via Southern Pacific Co'a Shasta Honte,
w ill be placed on sain January LMrd.
Kate t'St.M, including live adiniHsioiiH
to the fair. Tickets good for thirty daya
from date of sale.
Wantkh Contract on a few tracts of
land, small and Inrn, improved ami un
improved, must he cheap, send descrip
tion, price, etc., to J. W. Kayckakt,
ltooiu 1'.', Hamilton lildg,
Portland, Oregon,
deference, J. A. Mi'Cki m, Chair, of
Htalo Hailroad Commission, Portland.
Activo preparations are in progress for
the meeting of the Clackamas County
Teachers' Association which is to be
held at the west side Oregon City school
liouseon Saturday, the 27th of the month.
Teachers find these nmetinga both in
teresting and profitable The program
which is in preparation for this meeting
will present many attractive features.
Charles II. Chile and II. S. Harcourt
have purchased the old Sunday Mercury
plant at a. sale ordered by the court and
liave begun Issuing a paper under the
old namo but announce that it ia the
intention of the new management to
make the paper a bright, clean sheet
which will aim to build up rather than
to tear down society.
The government sent out the Inst of
the Columbian stumps at the close of the
) ear that are lo be Issued to Ksii.llii:e,
Tlie mine without Uili g ordered, and
miict be li '(d before otlmri are ordnred
aa the department baa decided that they
may not be relumed and credit taken
therefor. The supply on bund in the de
partment wua divided up allowing to
each of the larger ofllcea Its proportionate
share. The value of those sent to the
Oregon City office wan something over
IbMK), The time will soon come when
Columbian stamps will lie in demand by
collectors and those who wlah to provide
agalnat this demand will have but a
short lime In which to lay In a supply,
The last meeting of the mock senate
waa well attended there being present
besides the members a itood representa
tion from the Chatamiua circle who
manifested an active Interest in the
meeting. The tailir question was under
discussion and was bandied as intelli
gently and resulted in as much good aa
Ihe same measure In congreaa. The
meeting thia Week will iliscuna Senator
llaukins' bill to furnish the country
with more money and relieve the bard
times. It ia exiH-cted that the imidu-
list seiiMlors will lie present III force to
support the measure.
It was exfiecled that the slate levy
would be about five mills, hut contrary
to expectation at the meeting of the
atule board Wednesday, It was fixed at
four and llm-e tentha mills, which will
leave aeven-tentha of a mill in this
county to add to the county fund. Last
year the atate levy exceeded the exect
a' ion of tiie county court and the county
fund had to lie Impaired to make good
the deficiency . No one will compluin
on account of the lower levy this year,
Henry Meldruin who went Into the
Nehalem mountains a abort time since
to look after a survey which another
surveyor reported Incorrect relumed last
Thuraday accompanied by J. Ward who
made the trip with him. They bad a
tough time of It lying out in the snow
one night without any fire. Henry ssya
that he found his original survey ex
actly right and that the surveyor who
re orted him aa Incorrect did so to cover
up his own inaccuracies.
On Wedncslav aa Frank (ilennon was
at woik clearing away diilt which waa
crowding the work alsiut the collcrdain.
the platform UKin which he was stand
ing gave way and he plunged into
the foaming water just below the (alls,
ami it waa with great difficulty that he
waa rescued. When lieled from the
water he was nearly exhausted and
thoroughly chilled
The slate board met on Wednesday
and decided to Innate the atate Insane
asylum for Kastern Oregon near Union
providing the land can be purchased at a
reasonable price. The aite chosen Is
near the hot spring eight mile from
Union and is said to be a very good one.
Soma Salem rty will must likely en
join the state from building so tar from
Ihe capital city.
Ir. J. W. Norri was relieved of fun. Is
to the amount of 140 one night the last
of the week, the thief entering the house
by mesns ol a skeleton key and taking
the money from his pants cket beside
the bed. Hi watch and other articles
in the room were not molested. Ihe
money was soii.e which had been paid
to ii i in late In the evening.
Willamette Fall Camp No. HX of I lie
Woodmen of the World are planning (or
a sK'cUI seseion on Monday night and
Installation of ofllcera on Tuesday even
ing ol next week at which time several
niemlieis of Poitland camps will be
present and participate In the proceed
ings. A good lime is assured .
On Friday evening of the week
Achilles lodge, No. M, K. of P. will in
stall ollicers for the coming term. It is
expected that there will be a good at
tendance and an interesting reunion. At
a recent meeting the bylaws of Ihe lodge
were amended so aa to reduce the initia
tion fee to 20.
Hy reference to the advertising
columns it will lie noticed that Treasurer
Holinun bus issued a call for the re
demption of all warrants lasued by the
city prior to leeemhor II, 1893. This
docs not mean that the city is nearly out
of debt but only that its Hunting debt is
not largo.
Clackamas county will have to pny to
Ihe state treasurer as her proportion of
the burden of supporting tho state the
sum of 125,250.311. I.ane, Linn, Marion,
Multnomah, Umatilla and Yamhill only
bear a larger part of the expense of
maintaining the state government.
Engineer Campbell of the Altona
came down Wednesday on his way to
Portland to remain a few days with bis
family as be was not needed on the boat
while she remains tied up waiting for
the water to subside enough to permit
her to pass the locks.
Parties are complaining that cows al
lowed to wander about town are getting
into yards and injuring shrubbery and
plants, This would be a good time for
some of the chiefs of police to establish
a reputation as good officers by enfor
cing the luw
C. O. Huntley and A. B. Graham re
turned from their hunting trip up the
Willamette on Saturday and report the
whole country afloat with lots of ducks
but all flying as high as the law will
Tai ir for Klerrn Years.
Following Is the total tax levy of Clack
ainas county for ach of the years from
lHH.'l to 1811.'! inclusive:
Yvar. Without Huadlax. Iiiiiilln Koad Tax.
iHH.'i 22 mill. 24 mills.
1HH4 18 " . 20 "
Ihh.1 1H 7-10 mill. 207-10 mills.
1KKII 22 7 10 " 24 7 10 "
IW 30 1-6 " 32 2-6 "
IKHH 22 mills. 24 mills.
l8Ht 20 " 2H "
1H!H) 2.1 IMK mills. 25 12-36 mills
lHt1 2.1 mill. 27 mills.
1HU2 2H " W "
m 21 " 21 "
It will lie seen that the rate of tax levy
for Clackamas countv for the year I Hi.'! is
lower than that of any other year
during the last eight years although the
roud tax of two mills la included in th
levy of twenty-one mills for the year I3H3,
while in the yeara preceding 1812 It was
collected by the road supervisors in the
several road districts of the county and
for the purpose of comparison should be
added to the ratea given to each of the
amounts of levy for the years 188.1 to
IHIU both inclusive.
I'uring the last eleven years there
have been but two years, to-wit 1&84
and 1886 in which the rate of tax levy
has been lower than that for the year
1811.'), and if the road tax had been in
cluded in the levy for those years, the
rate for 1884 would be 1 mill and those
(or 1886, 3 10 of 1 mill lower than the
rate (or 18U3.
The lowest rate during the last
eleven year was that (or 1884 which
was 18 mills without the road tax.
and the highest levy was (or the year
1887 which was 30 2-10 mills, not in
cluding the road lax; equivalent to
32 2-10 including the road tax.
The Free Heading ICoum.
In the retort of the free reading room
last week, the receipta were nude to ap
liear a 40 while the expense were
placed at 43. This would indicate a
deficiency. The receipt are now avera
ging 48 per month, which is 15 er
month more than the exienditures and
the management will be able to add to
the ieriodicals on file. A great improve
ment ha liven made in the room the
past week by the addition of electric
lights put in by the General Kit-trie
company, which donate the light.
There ha also been placed a transpar
ency in front ol the room railing atten
tion to the free reading room .
The Telegram gloatingly published
column! the past week devoted to the
details of exposing Lionel V. Stagge,
receiver of the Oregon National bank,
showing that he had formerly been con
victed of assing a check upon a bank in
which he bad no fund. Since hi re
lease from jail he lias so far as known
lived an upright life since. So far as
the business men here have expressed
themselves ii ha been against an ex
injure which has (or its evident aim
spite and wt ich is calculated lo tear
down the character of a man who is
trying to do better.
Recently the hardware tinn of Pope
A Co. aold C. F. Horn and wife a stove
and water-back togetuer with other
fixtures amounting to about :V). It was
claimed that the stove did not work well
so it was returned by the parties pur
chasing, but lVpj & Co. refused to re
ceive it and brought suit to collect Ihe
bill. This was tried in Judge Fouls'
court on Wednesday, L. L. Porter ap
pearing for plaintiff and Gordon E.
Hayes for defendant. The jury found
for defendants.
W. C. Cheney electrician (or the
Portland General Electric company has
been exeriinenting with electric beaters
and has some nearly ready to place in
the cars of the East Side Railroad where
they will be thoroughly tested and if
found successful all the cars will be sup
plied. Marriage licenses were issued the past
week to the following named parties:
Emma J. Freedolph and F. A. llohna;
Lottie G. Mayliew and Adelbert Forbes
Mary Jensen and William Mortenson.
The many carloads of gravel on the
side tracks at the railroad station are
the first installment of about 200 loads
which are to be placed on the track
along the flat noith of the city.
Harry Sladen came up town Monday
morning fully two inches taller than
when he left the otlice Saturday and
proudly announced the arrival of a nice
liu by girl at his house on Suuduy.
The mill hands who have been obliged
to rest for a few days this week hardly
konw what to do with themselves It is
an unusual thing to see so many of them
standing around the streets.
Norwood Charman, who was threat
ened with typhoid fever, is gutting better
as his physician was able to check the
fever and prevent its taking a run.
Attorney E. F. Driggs has a notice In
this IsBue, which will be of interest to
parties, In the form of a summons issued
out of the countv court.
S. Bechler 1b building a now store on
upper Seventh street into which he will
move his stock of confectionery and
Prof. C. E. Bray leader of Cordray's
band at Seattle is in the city visiting his
daughter Miss Hattieand other relatives.
County Clerk Horton is busy sending
out notices to the several judges and
clerks of election.
We have
Which we are selling at reasonable
prices. These goods are all bought
of first hands and are of the latest
styles and patterns. Our entire .
stock of
Is complete and we respectfully
solicit your trade.
Sole Crowers
of the New
Earliest, Most Prolific and lx-st drying prune grown. Send for Catalogue.
StlUfylA & IUji, Mount Tabor, Oreson
A Mysterious Death. Dissolution Sotlre.
t'tlgene Cauiptiell, aged 33 years, a By mutual con-tent the firm of Albright
brother of Ira Campbell, publisher of the I A Warner is this day dissolved, Mr. War
Eugene Guard, and for several years past ner retiring. All accounts due against
a coniioNitor in that otfioe, mysteriously said firm will be paid by Mr. Albright
disappeared from his case last Wednes- who will collect all account due said
day morning. A careful search failed
to show anv trace of him News was
received later in the week from a point
ttiirty.nve miles up Middielorlc river that
the body of a dying man was found, his
clothes soaking wet and a bloody knife
with a broken blade lying by. He died j gtand where all customers will be wel
beforehe was relieved or could give anylcomed and treated with the courtesy
information concerning the caui-e of his1 and fairness always characteristic of this
condition. When taken to Kugene it : firm, which makes a specialty of selling
ptoved to bejhe body of CanipMI. i the best meats at lowest, living prices.
.Kid-Whiter Fair Kxcumlon.
Tickets from Oregon City to San Fran
cisco and return via S. P. Co's .Shasta
route will he placed on sale, Tuesday, j
January 23rd. Rate $-7.53, including
live admissions. Tickets good thirty!
ituva fr.uu lta ff aula Thin omII An. I
, it- r
Anil VIMiliir m rpai'li San mm' Hi-n in
time for the grand opening on the 27th.
altnk Mutterlnp.
Mink, Jan. 1. Last Thursday a'Chfts. der.also one bla' k mare uboutU-years-old,
Moelinke was on Ins way to Oregon City j weight aliout seven or eight " hundred
he stopped here and was complaining some pounds each. Said horses were duly ap
w.ih a lame knee. He w-nt to Orvgon City Iira,peJ n November, the 13th. 18W3.
and has not yet been able to return here. AS '
lie it stopping w ith Ids daughter Miss Marie, Bdcklen's Arnica Salve
where lie gets the bel of care. August i
.Moeiuue. wno mane a nving inp out nere
last Sunday stated that his lather was much
O. V. May was in the neighborhood last
Win Roberts lost a valuable horse and has
snot her shout to die.
Mich. Moelinke found his best cow
under a log dead.
Iter. Orey did not return to Oregon City
last Sunday on account ot'bad weather. He
kept a bible class at Mr. Stabens last nisht
which s largely attended.
Father Darnell Dead.
Mui.iNO, Jan. lfi. At 2 :30 o'clock this
morning Sir. J. II. 1 'smell died at the home
of .Y H. Darnell. Full account of his death
will appear In next week's issue.
For th Estkrvrisi.
It came a thought: 'twas done a deed
Bright as the rays of Helion ;
A moment'! growth low sank the seed
Beneath Hi waters Letheon.
Olivc E. McCord.
Iu the Clreult Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas, is:
Kenneth A, ) Vackenite.. plaintiff, vs. John O
KlemiuliiK and Caroltue Flaunuluic, defeudauts.
To John 0. Fltramtng and Caroline Flamming,
Iu the name, ol the Slate of Oregon, You are
hereby required to appear and auawer th com
pla'.c It led ltist you In the above entitled
action within lei days from the date of the serv
ice of this summons upon you, II served within
this comity: or, U served Iu any other county of
this state, then within twenty davs from the
date of theservlte of this summons upon you.
And If ynulailstto answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for
the sum of IliM. with his coats aud disnurts
meuta. ,E. F. Dumas, Att'y for PI ft
State of Oregon, County of Claekamaa. ss:
I hereby oertlly 'hat the withiu Is a true and
correct copy, aud he whole thereof, of the orig
inal summons, i C. W. Ganono,
Sheriff of Clackamas County Oregon.
Bv E. C. Market. Deoutv
Pubilahed by oiler ol the County Court
just received a new line of
's and Bovs'
Cannot be
u?t Tab
21 Na
j firm.
Chas. Albright, Jb.
Gkorgc D. Warner.
The business heretofore conducted bv
j the firm of Albright A Warner will be
l conducted bv the undersigned at the old
C. O. Albright.
Ettray Sotlce.
Taken up by the undersigned in Cas
cade precinct, county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, on November 3rd, 1893,
one black horxe about 5-vears-old with a
white spot on forehead and a white spot
' r
I on its nose and an old wire cut on his
I right knee and both right feet white and
an undistinguishahle brand on left shoul
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
; Brujseg siore8) Ulcer8i Sa Rheumi
i Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
I Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup-
nunc, auu pvaiuvc-ij t-uica l ilea, ur no
pay required, it is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or monev refunded
Trice 25 cents per bos. For sale by G
A. Harding.
5(H) Reward,
for any trace of Antipyrene, Morphine,
Chloral or any other injurious compound
in Kr.u-sk's Hkadacur Capsclks. 23
cents for Bale by Charman A Co . , Oregon
' City Oregon
j Fer Sale.
! StXI tons of choice hav. mostly timothy.
will be sold in parcels to suit the pur
chaser by R. M. liobertaon, Albany, Or.
Krai'se's Headaohk Capsules unlike
many remedies are perfectly harmless,
they contain no injurious substance, and
will stop any kind of a headache, and
will prevent headaches caused by over
Indulgence in food or driuk late at night.
Price twenty-five cents for sale by
Charman A Co., City Drug Store, Ore
gon City, Oregon.
Sluloh'g Vitallzeris what you need for
Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or
Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 75c. Sold
byC. G. Huntley.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cat., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50
cts.Sold by C. G. Huntley.
The latest in visiting cards at the En
terprise Okpice. Prices to suit you.
Immense Stock!
Write Us!
Xca Glad to Work for Cleat Dollars a loath
Hailroad Meetlnp.
SrssYsiDi. Jan. 16. Mr. Conklin bas met
i with bad luck. He has lost one of bis best
horses, it was supposed at first by spinal me
nenguis, but a post mortem examination
snowed that the death was caused by lung
fever and inflammation of the bowels. This
is the second bone Mr. Conklin baa lost in
the last two years.
The railroad men are stirring things op
and making quite a commotion. They are
talking strongly of building a road from
Portland to Mount Hood. Some favor it
and some do not. r'everal meetings have
been held but no arrangements have yet
been Diade.
The old blacksmith shop on DeardorlTs
place bas been torn down, making quite an
improvement. Mr. Hunter is building a
shop on his place.
Dave Valasky is having bis land cleared
up. Men are glnd to work lor eight and ten
dollars tier month.
J. Deardorlf has two men clearing land
for hi in on bis place at Rock Creek.
The literary meetings are getting more
Interesting every week, but we are sorry to
say that a part of the people think the soci
ety is a sin and are praying to bave it anni
hilated. They should come and see for
Our school will close the last of the
month. We hare bad five months of steady
school. We think our teacher will be glad
to rest awhile.
John Welch made a short business trip
here last week.
Woman's Friend
So successful and delightful have been
the eflects of "Moore 8 Revealed Rem
edy" upon the delicate ailments of
womankind, that this wonderful reme
dy has been called "Woman's Friend."
Moore's Revealed
In a few doses shows womankind its
peculiar virtues for their ailments. Its
effects are gentle, soothing and uniform
ly successful.
Hundreds of testimonials from ladies
ail over the coast bear witness to its suc
cess. g& Sold by all druggists.
WOW'S i&fcL