i 6 VA Oregon City Enterpri VOL. 28. NO. 12. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1891. ESTABLISHED 18G6 Olreiitl court r)uuena Oral Mnmlrr In No fiiwbvr ami third Moudaf III April. . rrohal oourl In ulna Stat Monday In ac Mnuih. Cnmmlaaloniir. noiirt meati Aral Wednesday altar Aril Monday uf acli mouth. n n joiinun i). w, mxNiiNu. INNAIMI A JOHNSON, t 1 VII- r.N(IINKKKiTANI HI'KVKYOIIS. Kallway laeatlon ami ooiiitrurtlon, tirldfn.. iiib nml .itluialea U,t water etipply Uraliiaid ami itreet Iniprommaiit n( towna Miclal alliilliu .Iron to f.ratialitllix ami Una printing 1 F. II AY KM, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, Oaauon i'itv, Oaxno Will nrarttr. In all tha rourte of Ilia tut. OdV. eurutir Main anil U Ik h Hi atreota, opposite J Oourt noiua 1 "y CAKKY JOIIIUHON. I.AWVKK. Corner Kt(hl ami Main itreefa, Oregon (Mir, Orcaou. ttKAI. KhTATK TOKKI.I. AND ' MONKY TO I.OAS. J" L. rOKTF.lt, ATTORNKY AT I.AW aanatiT or raoraarr rt'Stttanan. Orflea naat to Oregon City Unk on Sth lltrrl. c O. T. W 1 1.1.1 A MM. nr. A I. KNTATK and loan aoknt. A good llnaul bualneu, resilience and luburban l'rrir. farm Property In tract, tu lull on Saiy lerma. Correattnndenre promptly answer!. Offlna, eeii li.x.r to I auflel.l 4 Huulley'i drug itora. II. I'YK, ATTORNEY AND Col'NSKM)K AT LAW Office over Oregon C'lly Hank. oaaunM HT. osiuox TH. J ANNE Y. J. I.AWYF.H, NOTARY PIIU.IC A INBIKANCK. Oflh-e with V. Curry Johnson. o. 1 D 4 U C LATOt KHni. ATTORN KY8 AND COUNHF.MKS AT LAW i. Mill ITaXKI. OltgdOX CITr, OKKICIK. furnl'h Atnirana nt Title. Loan Money, f ors cloaa Mortgaaea, ami Iranaeot otnrral Uuilnraa. J J E. CHOS8. ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Wux Pmac-tm in Am. cocbts or tm stats Krai KaUla and Iniurancf. Office on Main Sir el. bet Hlsih ami Seventh, ossoos (ITT. on. M, HAN PH. KOTARY PUBLIC. HKAL KSTATE A INSUKANCK. Office In Iho Hiwl Oinoa) Building, 0eon City, Oregon. xo. c. a How K KM.. A. DASaaSB. MtOWNKI.1. KltKHHKU ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, Okiiion City, Obkiok. Will practice In all tho court, nl the atate. Ol ncit door to Caufleld lliiiill-y i Ut tlr, tore. r. r. whitk. W.A.WHITE WHITE BROTHERS Wl Vroimr plana. li.vatl..n, workli K o t III ami apwilnVailom lor all kln.la ol l.uil.l IiikI B .o.'lal attautloli kIvkii to mortr.i Pot- c;.Uonor..l.lrM. f pilB COMMKUCIAL HANK, OT OHKdON CITY. Capital, 100'000 TKANIAlTa A OKNKKAI. BANKIKfl III" l M I.ani made. Itltlat dlnioiintpil. Makei col Icfltioni. imy.andiolliexphai.Keou allpnlnti In tho United mtoi, Kurope ami llon Kong. Ilppoalti repl"pd ml.Jeiit to pliurk Intoreat at uitial ralei allowed on time depoalla. Hank p,.,i from a. m. I 4 r. evonin.i from 6 to 7 r. n c I ATOUKKTTK, rrpaiilPiit. U C. LAiuunivi 1)uNAU)80N, Caahlor ANK OK OHKdON CITY, Oldest BanklQE House Id the City. Paid up Capital, $r0,000. rRimixNT, vi: rRKnioitNT, CAKHiicn. TIKI. CHARMAIt. 010, A. IIARIllNO. I, o CAnriran CIIAll.M H. CAUrtkl.D. HANAIIXIt. A .eneralbanklnil bnaliian traniaoted. Oepoiitu reflPivco uii Approved M1U and notca dlioountod. County and city warranta bo.iK t. Loammvle on available aooiirlty. Kohaiite boiiKhtaiid old. Col octlolil macio ,.r.,...,...,. Drain inldivallaide In any part ol the world Fraaolico, niiioagoauu r... f POI NT. 14 QREGON CITY New and Knlargi-d Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work exifiititl in the lxrt tnauncr poHsible. I'roinptncRS guaran teed on all orders. REPAIRING - -A. - SPECIALTY. I'riiMH the lowect to le had in near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. I. ROAKIS & CO., Proprietors. -ow you Can BABY'S FRUIT Fifty dowi frr twentr-tive centa. The aeMon forj .1 j a4v,.HlRli8 In- Uwn iw:"Tif worr-fi DO pro-J parea for in ajiutrgiiixci'i Ket S bottle of " 1 Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The bent in the ninrket. Price 2." cents. For ale at the CAN BY PHARMACY, Canby.Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. OREGON CITY JOBBING SHOP. All kinds of Tinning. Plumbing and General Jobbing DONE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS MADE At tho moat reasonable rates. y-All work is done with a view Nliop mu Nerrnlli nmr J. JONES PKALKR IS Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. PltK I S TIIK I.OWKWT. Shop corni-r Fourth and Water SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. DR. L. M. ANDREWS, Prop. A Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Patent Medicines of all Makes, Notions, Optical Good . . . i . -! D..t PUaanatr run w iuvix Fine Bolection of Perfumery ing Hrands ot bigars. VHr.M'Kll'TIOiN CAHM IM.Y 1TI.I.KI. r.. 1!a- f Bhlvely'a Block, GEORGE BROUGHTON, MANUFACTUKKR OF ALL KINDS OF FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. FULL STOCK OF FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISI ING LUMBER, DIMENSION STUFF AND LATH. f- SpecraJillsut tt Order Mill and Yard on the River, Foot of Main Street, ORKGON CITY, OR. On a coinjlft IioiihmIioM outfit there linn never hiwn mich iricen offered in On(on City an now Uotl hy Bellomg Buch. An iiiHjifution of tlio quality of their po(i(n will convince you of tho correct nchH of their clui in. A pocnal low rate nnule on largo order). IRON WORKS, rortlund. Shop on Fourth Street, Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy LAXATIVE. to lust and satisfy all concerned. A. W. SCHWAN. rrBii VHy. & SON, stroots. hack of Pope A Co's. Oregon City and Toilet Soaps. And Lead uregou w.y. i. BRIDOK OP BONDS. Th( Administration to iNNue JIoiiiIh to get CJoId. JMF.KK MAKESHIFT l'EI(OK.VACE. Kxrltfd About trBna Another Kall ro4 Wreck Krmule Footpad. Wahiiixoton, Jan. U. Rome ilwiaive action to ri-li'iijHli the Kold rewrve in the treasury will m taken within the next fuw week, it cotiri'HD de not take kindlr to the I'ltfKiotia ofTured hy Sccrelnry Carlinle in liii annuiil rfport ami provide it ofieo Home nicxle of relief. The only con rae left to the olfkiala of the treannry dermrttnent will he for thu aecrelury to eierriae the authority granted him hy the law of 1H75, and to home bond for (he purprxie of maintain ing the gold reaerve. Ttie poaltion which confront the adminintration is one which It nun derided to handle witii l.roniptnrM. Ali the availahle money now in the treaatirr conriixtR of the ao ralled "gold rewrve," which haa now been invaded fJfi.Ooo.OOOf and hy the drat of (lie month the department be lieves the total amount will have been reduced to IfiH.OOil.OOO. Such a aitua tion, it it UioiikIiI, will again "tart the movement of gold toward Kuiope, which would atill further reduce the amount of gold held by the United Ktatea. Carliale prefem cungreaa ahould deal with tliia matter, but if the national legislature fail within three or four weeks to ahow any indication that it intends to aid the aecretary of the treasury it is known that he will be forced to avail hiinaelf of the authority granted him by the act of lH7.r and issue the bonds necetwary to replenish the reserve. All statements that orders have len given the bureau of engrav ing and printing lo prepare plates, etc., are pure fabrications. Absolutely no action ha been taken, and no plans decided uKn. This much can he officialy stated. The attitude of the New York banks, as expreed in recent publications, in regard to furnishing the feeling that the government faotild issue bonds to pioiect the gold reserve. It is denied, however, that any agree ment ever txwted by which the batiks are to furnish gold. lAi.ouiitont iUuuc-riic..jserjLor- aaid Tt)y tlial fx -vreiuij arume muum un allow the gold reserve to lall below too 000,000, awd, sliould the reserve be re duced nearly to that point before con gress lias acted, the secretary would immediately issue the bonds. Wild Ei port. About Evani. Fbkbno, C'al . Jan. 14 It is re(orted here this morning that Evans and Morel showed up at Hanford last night, and were met by the osse, and that a fight ensued. No one was killed. Later news states that it was a man alone in a wagon who was shot at by three men who were apparently in waiting for him His team run away, and one of the horses was found this morning dead with a bullet hole in him. The fracas oc curred near Gushen. instead of Han ford. This afternoon news was received from Visalia that a fight was going on in a field near Kelsey between a posse and two men. Later advices contradict the statement and say the excitement was caused by a nian telling such a story nd inducing men to go out to capture the outlaws. No substantial news is obtainable from anywhere, and the Iwbole thing is probably a fake. Rt'NNIN'n rtlillT WITH EVANS. Visaua, Cal.. Jan. 14 -About 3:30 this afternoon word was Bent to the of Jeers here that the Fresno posse bad lurrounded two desperadoes in a field Bear Kelsey station, on the isalia & Goshen railroad. They were, the report Mid, keeping up a running finht and in need of assistance. The sheriff and his deputies here immediately started for the scene of the reported fight, and a few minutes afterward an engine on the Visalia railroad took out more men. Infringing on th Bighti of Man. Ciiicauo, Jan. 10. Female footpads introduced a new w rinkle in the business ;hist night. As Charles Krohn was pas sing along Forty-eighth street he was ac costed by two women, who wore shawls lover their bends. "What time is it?" ''asked one of them. She instantly cast her shawl over Krohn's head, w hile the other sieved him around the neck anil throw him to the sidewalk. Then, while one of them held him, the other went through his pockots, securing $8.50 his w ages for the w eek. Before he could realize w hat had happened the w omen had diappeared. Another Frightful Railroad Aeoident. Nkw York, Jan. 15. An accident oc curred this morning at Hackensack bridge, on the Delaware, Lackawanna A Western road, near Jersey City. Two naasemrer trains collided w ith fatal re sults. The collision was between the Dover and Orange express trains, and was caused by fog. Two cars telescoped, 1 were killed, and 25 injured. The Dover express left Rossyille at 8 A. M., followed four minutes later by trie reg alar commutation trsin. Approaching Haekennaek bridge fhe engineer of the express slowed up, as the fog prevented him from seeing the signals. The com mutation train following did not slow up, and craxhed into (lie rear of the express, completely wrecking the lait two cars, both full of passengers, who were crushed to death or terribly mangled. The en gineer of the commutation train is miss ing, supposed to be among the killed. A paenger of one of the trains who reached here says lie counted 15 dead bodies alongside the wreck, and others are thought to be dead. TH3 HAWAIIAS QUESTIOI. IoFirth.rAtt.aipt Will ha Mad. to EeiVori Lilliokalanl. Washinotom, Jan. 15. Chairman McCreary, of the house committee on foreign affairs, and Representative Ho'inan, of Indiana, confered this morn ing as to the proposition which would be submitted to congress for a solution of the Hawaiian problem. After the talk McCreary said : "The solution to the question will un doubtedly be ready to submit to ihe house before January 25." Holmaa said: "I will not present my Hawaiian resolution, for the members of the foreign afleirs committee are act ing very fairly in trying to solve the problem. One thing is certain, the question of restoring Lilluokalani to the throne is for all time abandoned, not only in executive but in congressional circles. It will never ba heard of tgain." THSlt!AT COMJUTTEB'S INVHSTIOATI iH. Washington, Jan. 15. The Hawaiian investigation by the senate committee on foreign relations made little progress today. Several new witnesses failed to appear, Lieutenant-Commander Swine burn being one of them. Professor W. D. Alexander, of the Hawaiian legation, gave some facts additioual to those already presented by him. Several alfidavitaof residents of Hawaii bearing on the revolution and other phases of the question were filed by Senator Frye. MESSAOK SENT TO TIIK SKNATC. Wasiiisotos, Jan. 15. The president's message conveying the Hawaiian cor respondence sent to the house Saturday was delivered to the senate, while in permitted to interfere with the consider ation of llornblower'a nomititSt',ft WOKE OF THE STtTE BOARD. The Footings of Their Inequuliiatlon Iff.irls. The appropriation made by the last legislature for ihia meeting of the board was 4,000 and the expenses at the ad journment yesterday footed up about $3,4(0. This is about $100 less than the actual expense for the session of 1892. The result in detail of the work of the board on Ihe different classes of property is given in the appended table: Kjr Co. By Bt.te Boanl 4,!M.S24 1..VHVS 60,;7'i.(i7J .V4.M.I.13 1Z.V i,v ia,779 S71.-J7 Property Biwra City and town Iota . . .4ift.i; ... l.ttilfl . 6l.aaii.itt9 . . . . s.t ShO ..12,iS.8.'4 .. 13,741 ... 9W,l:- M.7' . 4,674 V ... a.-.aVt . .. 2..SXVKS . . . jxa.ui'7 .. 4..'WI 4 Kllril lands . .. Ar(tiilttiral Und ... Kallroad trark Imp. on t'n St city Its Telegraph lines. ... Vtaiou road lauds . 8mp lands . .. Horse, and mules . . . Cattle . . M.07i S.lV.4.: 07 WR.20I 4 .W.II04 ll.tM.s7S 1.SH1.J7S 8.l:i.W7 10,-I!S.,'W l.SIKS'4) 2.K!3,lSti tlfiii7 Sheep and goata Swios Furniture, car'fti etc Merchandise, iinpl'ts .11,701 Imp on ax. aud other lauds l.V:lii Motiev 8 IOW.473 Notes and accounts 10 40x.xVi Shares ol stock 1.4ss,4! eeraonal prop Imp x,si,i.- K. K. roll .took 605.113 The following shows the grand totals of all real and personal property as re turned by the county boards and equal ized by the slate board of equalization : Returned Aseq. by County tyio.Hci tate Bd. Halter .. 2.77.S.6S7 a.v,7in ,!l'0 6fi S.SMS.M'J 1,717.247 S4o.7! I,9hi,6i;,1 s,.tw.wj l,67i.SIt5 l.vit.iu 1.WI.J44 4,!tll,l'ii'. 1,4.4,I"9 1..V1S.MW l.li7S7lt) 7,7s6,77t LOSiSSS 4,49t.ti7 l.ltki.tvttl UV.0,tlM l.,Vl.023 61,V19..V 4.J49.2S4 1.1W.S-4 1..S77.661 9.j47.o;a S.9I10.H.H l,309,tK0 Heutnu S.tii.tj Clackamas 6.t7U Clatsop 8,471,6 Columbia l.mssjo Coos S.W6.S.W Curry.. '' Crook . PoiiKlaa ..i,i (illli.m 1.7M.SN2 Grant 1.6SS.77U Harney Jaokwm 4,t.7tn Josephine 1.41S.1SS Kiamatn i..-..... Ulte 1.6M.SSH) Lane 7.M7.01!; I.im-olu l.twj,14b Unn . ,.77.117 Malheur Marlon 12.V..V7fs, Morrow 1.5SS.S77 Miilmnmah 6i7;lt.,3l3 Polk S.7M.U7 Sherman ... l,20tt,74X TUlammik l.Wfl.OW) Cmatllla ,4ai,i Colon 5,1.11 Wallowa i,sta.w He Your Own Master. Few people appreciate how much their impressions, their whims and im pulses, and in fact all their mental en ergy depends on the harmonious action of all the vital organs. A poorly digested dinner may make one quarrel with a friend. A contested liver may bring imaginary gloom and trouble into the sunniest day. A rheumatic pain may keep you from business or work and en tirely chanee some marked out policy. A few doses of Moore's Revealed Remedy will irive tone to every function and make you enjoy your friends and your work. THE WATERS RAGE Reports from all Sections of the Pacific Coast. ? HIGHEST WATER 1.1 YEARS. From California te Ilrltlxh Colombia the rains fell and the Tor rents Came. ' Daytow, Wash., Jan. 14. Consider able damage is being done to the country bridges on account of the swollen condi tion of the streams. The Star bridge across IheTonchet has been swept away, and several foot bridge across the Patit and Touchet in this cily havu been dem olished. The Washington A Columbia River railroad bridge across the Touchet is in danger. The rain is still falling. The water is at the highest stage reached in ten years. JACKSONVILLE BADLY FLOODED. Jacksonville, Or., Jan. 14 The rain which began falling Friday increased in volume last night and continuous una bated at this time. Jackson creek ha flooded the norther a part of town, rev eral dwellings are surrounded and the stream is still rising No damage is re ported so far from the mines and reser voirs above on Jackson creek. TBAINS DELATED AT ASH LA SI). Ashland, Or., Jan. 14. A yery heavy and steady rain the past twenty-four hours has raised all the streams in Southern Oregon higher than (or years past, and several good-sized bridges within the connty have gone out already, and more' may follow. A slide in the Siskiyous, about twelve miles south of A-hlsnd, this mornint, delsys all trains on the Shasta division of Ihe Southern Pacific. The southbound overland ar riving this morning has been 1 ing. inv the yards here all day, and the probabili ties are that the track will not be cleared for the trains tonight. SPOSAKE IS FLOODED AND MORE TO COME . Spokane, Wash., Jan. 14. The recent rapid melting of snow in the mountains, caused by the cbinook winds, has caused a suuuen rise in me streams, auu muca -damage is likely to follow. Both branches of the Palouse river art swollen ' by the two davs' rains and melting snow, and are overflowing the banks at the junction at Colfax. Reports from op the river slate that a still fuore heavy -- i ,i iyl..fg. ,,f 1 1. k"a:?f port of the city re moving from their -houses. The rivers are roaring lorren s kiuI - A .; .. a i i--.,.. -. ""fc.ua is yreuicwa. Hangman crat-k. iliwi rmrm- .. Spokane, has overflowed its banks and is still rising. People living on the flats below town are moving to places of salt ty tonight. TAKING BBIDGES IN WASHINGTON. Tacoma, Jan. 14. The heavy raiu storms of Friday night and Saturday have filled every river between Ihe Cas cade mountains and the Pacific ocean, from British Columbia to the California line, bank full. Several, including the Chehahs river, are overflowing. The latter flows through the lowlands near its uioulh. These are overflowed, and the ranchers have been compelled to seek the highlands. Friday night four bridges were washed awsy on the South Bend branch of the Northern Pacific. and 1000 feet of track washed out, which a large force is repairing. Several wash outs occurred on the Gray's Harbor branch. No trouble has occurred on the main line, on which a lurge sum was Bpent toprotect it from the winterstormg. A Dangerous Derelict SANDiEGo.Cal., Jan. 15. The steamer Pacheco returned last evening from lower California ports after an absence of a week, part of the time being oc cupied in search for the derelict lighter of the New Pedrara Onyx Company. The whole coast from San Carlos south ward to Geronimo, Natividad and Cedroa islands was searched, including all the covers of Vizcaino bay. Not a sign of the lighters or wreckage was found. Captain Colburn said tonight, judging from the currents, he believed the lighter to be at least 100 miles off the coast. It is a dangerous object, being 140 feet long and 30 feet wide, and having winches, derricks, heavy chains and several tons of onyx on board. The hydrographic of fice will be notified of the nature aud supposed location of the dereUct. The way she looks troubles the woman who is delicate, rundown, or overworked. She's hollow-cheeked, dull-eyed, thin and pale, and it worries her. Now, the way to look well is to be well. And the wav to be well, if you're any such woman, is to faithfully use Dr. Pierce's - Favorite Prescription. That is the only medicine that's guaranteed to build up woman's strength and to cure woman's ailments. In every "female complaint," irregularity, or weakuess, and in every exhausted condition of the female sys tem if it, ever fails to benefit or euro 1 you have your money back.