Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 12, 1894, Image 7

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    f l imit A.M U MKKTINU.
ThrlVf llt'ittliiiu II mo in A.micImIIihi
j Nl'l'l OftlHTD.
T hiiiiiiuI iiiiikIImk ill tint (himmt
;tl' I'C! Ittllt'lillU ItlHIIH AlUMH'tlltlllll wuh
Kt 11m room of tlui mhxih'IiiIIiiii
fufly I'vi'iiliiK, Tlmrci it gnml .
ItUliilli'U of llii'Nilmi mill tlin llidTcnt
Hlnii v proof Unit (Im-koii Olly' Irmi
rt'J"B room I flxtmu. Tht) miml
k i kIIimI Id onlnr ly IIk prurient,
K.I t'nulli-lil, lu,r wlili I. tiiu mliiiiun
of nti prevlotu iniintliiKHnro rewl by tlin
woUry, V. A. Huntley. Klwtlon o(
toll '" Hi" Kimiiliig yimr wnn tliun
)itl. Hy iiiitilnioii vutu i: (1. Cuu
fir I Whi m iilii ti.i iriniliit. Mr. Ciiu
tlxl In lirl( hiw)i tlisnkml Uitt
ajuclatlnfl l'r tint honor, hikI would
tin III lllimml tiiiilimvuri to wttl in iir
'tiiiliitf ami liiiilillng iii t,l( riimlliiK
tixiiii, fur lin rvnlituxl tlmt It n grtly
VliriM liitiHl l.y, mill nf mm li Kimm to,
tin IhImiiIiih i'Immh'ii, tranalmit .tu ullnr
fnylvi, who iru nimlilii to priamc mini
iimttor l.y oilier menu.
I'or urcritlury, Cm.IuIii J. V. (Iiukiiik
tn uiiniiliiiuiislv I'lm li'il
Fur view fr Mi.l. iit I'M. It, W. IVIiikIm
an t'lmwli. mill (j. IIiiIhuk Win rliiiM-n
, lnr lifMniiriT.
llm pifwnt lilintrlmi, llinry Wall.
M riili''ti'i to tlmt mailjnn.
lnr lrnliT, W. A, lltinilcv, Iti-v, A.
, Hilli'liiuiiil mill I'. S. Kelly wirt rluiwit.
'llm wi'ii'lurv'd minimi r xiit slmwiM
l!it llii'rn nr lllly-nnvnn t'oiitilliuliint
liirmU-r mi tlin lmt ; Hull thu Humility
mid vmirty of ri-iiilintt nmiti-r 1 alcudily
InrimaliiK, mi'l tlmt Dlit lnllir, iihi,
rtc, liit'l Ihi'ii provlilml by llm trim-
!, Mid tlin gri'Kti'nt lit'ml imw Is for
111111)1 flllllU til fUtl-llll ItlK IlKt Of tl'HllillK
limttrr. Tin' I'tirriilit H'lii' ninnlllili'il
i to i:i (Ml per itiontli ; ('.'A l.i'iiiK lnr libra
I run; $1.1 (f lnr mil; (Jl fnr lijlil ;
' $:'.IMl fnr flll'l, Mini $1.1 0 (nr rltllllll'lll
riM'liM'. Tin' ri-ieii'tn hvitiikimI ulniiit
,, lo (Hi H'r iimiitli.
Tint tii'imiiri'i'ii ii m rt kIiuwciI iIinI
tlicre Ini'l Im'I'H iii i'ivi'il fimii ilni't hikI
(IuiiiiIIiiiik f7llll.-i (lie pant yi-nr, Mini the
ilinliiirM'ini'iiU lui'l I Hi' ii $70 It'iivint;
M lilllllllin llf ( S . -It I ill III llHil,
Tim ri-iit nl llm tfiinlm-K allowed tlmt
tin- ull.inn nf llm nioiH-mtlon !inl Ih-vii
,-iimini(t'i in m run-fiil mill rii'li'iit limn
hit. Tin' liliritrlmr report uliom-il tlmt the
iivithk iluily nlli'iiiliiiii'K t tlm tiKiiim
in lxmt llll y n'rmiim : tlmt tin' Iii kI nf or
ilrr Imil l rn iilwrvpl,iiiii tlmt nmiiy of
tllllW III) IlKll I'lijiiVl 'l tlif I'ril lli IJri nl
tin' riHiiii tiul rxnriiipi to lilin tlii'ir
Jiiri'riitliiili ol Iih lug Roi'iiiiifnrtill'li'itliil
ii iiiiiit ilm i in hIih Ii to n inl lln'ir
li'lmiri' luillia. Tim fnllnH ililf H"iiiilirnlH
I Mil
re ri'itnlurly rn'i'iviil iiml iinfilv llli-il
f.ir llm'; Mimililii' I'uwrr, rililier'n,
t I'tiliiiy, lliirn-r'n ami l(i:vliw nf I!i-
;,ii'. Wwkly iinniinotu'H Si'li'tililli!
nun I. mi, lliirpi'i'ii Weekly, Mini I'ulilii
(iiilnn, lUily iii ii H-r Cliii'aiio
llili'i Ui euil, 1'iirlluinl KvellllntTelenruiii,
S.irrttiiii'iiln llei', A nl or in it . Hiilem Ci
tul Jniirnnl ami Alluuiy I lerulil. Si ini
weekly iiew(.HiH'in linM'liiiric Jjeview,
(ieriiiiiiiiH anil iH'iilM'lii' Wnrli'. Weekly
Tl l' w r ti t r n WihiiiIiiimi InileH'llilelil,
llillhlinro liuli'ii'iiilelit,hilvertnii Aim iiI,
Ni'wIii'HJ (irnpliir, l'lirtliinil C'lionli'le,
Sali'in ii iiiik iuI, l.el'iinnli AiIvuihd, The
I'ulli'a Tiuii'n Mniiiiliiii r, I;.renl (iiovo
Tiini'K, Vaneniiver Iti'tiicter, ('Hlliliiinet
(iiiu'lle, Mi'Minnville IteimrtiT.TilaniiHik
llemlliKht, AVar Cry, llenilil, (.'ourier.
anil I'mkhtiiihh of Orenon C'ily.
The lilirmiHii atated that with few ex-
oeiliiiim all llm imhliiiheia he had lolicl
' teil Imil ii'nMiinli'tl dy nemliiiK their pul-
lleallona. Thmo were neveral other pa
i pcra in the iliHeient wcliuim of thecoun
i try, that hail U-nn rallfl (or by tlie al
! rum, whiiili he wouhl undertake to xe
1 curtt.
A vote of thank waa tender! the li
brarian, Mr. Wall, and to the varioua
piihliMhiTR w ho hud o gvnerounly con- j
trihutud their tiiililicationa. ,
The triiHieei and prrMiilent were an- j
thnrife'd to rimfiT w illi I In) 1'orllnnil (it'll
eral Kleitrir I'o. in n'Karil to jiutlintt
In electric lljihta and to inuko aiich oilier j
iiiiiroveniiita in the rooma aa they
deemed heat.
Mr Huntley, on behiilfof the commit
tee apouited for that purioHe, reMirteil
that Mr. C A. Harding hud at their re
ijiitml, iienerotiNly redueed the rent for
the roonia to $13.00 per month.
The meeting adjourned autijort to cull
of the president.
A pleaHnnt weddlnit party ratherd at
the home of Thoa. tiiiult in thia city lit
ft o'elock on Saturday evening to witness
the marriage of MiHH lieutrii-o llughea
and Mr. tirant Olda. The ceremony
waa performed by Kev. (iabriid Hykea
and following congratiiliitioim a wedding
aupper waa aeryed after which the happy
couple wended their way to their home
on Falls View where tliey will reaide.
Our KUiott l'ruirie correspondent
notes that Mrs. Ueniior of that place
has recently lost the middle finger of
the left hand on account of a bone dis
i'iiho which imcesHituted its removal.
Dr. Shorey of Woodhurn and Dr. Stott
of tiervuiB performed the operation in a
succesHful manner and Mrs. Kenner Is
now getting along nicely.
Congregational church, Jan. 14, 1HIH.
Subject for morning" Misconceptions
of Keli)lon." Subject for evening
" Hard Times." 1st, Some of the Causes
-Geo. C. Krownell. 2d, Some of the
Itemediee-H. Allen Shorey. 3d, Home
of the Opportunities of the Church C .
JI. Dye'.
The Hcveiiil Nuclelles In this CM;
On Thursday evening II, (i, Stiuk
weather, the iliHtrlct ilepuly vIhIIih! Ore
gon loilgn, No, I, I. O. O, F. for the
urioHe of liiHtallliig olllcera and per
formed tlml duty In Kcredilahlu maiinnr.
The olllcera scaled for the current term
were a follow: John Moll'utt, N. (I.,
O I'. Miller, V, (I. j Thoa. Ityan, aecio
tar.v;J. A. Stewart, eriiiam'iit secre
tary; O. Iiyejoy, treasurer ; II. W.
Treinhalh, warden; Ja. O'Connell, con
ductor; II. K, Stialghl. sentry.
Olllcer were liiHtalied at the I. O. ().
F. camp In this city last week as follows:
C. I' , 0 Uvejoy ; II. II,, J. W. Mehlrum ;
8, W , J. A. Moiratt; J. W II. K.
Straight; KirrilMt, J. A. Stuart; Truas ,
T. K, Hay n ; I. S.. 0 1', Miller ; Cond.,
T. F. Ilyan; lat W J. W. ),onnelli
:'l W,, W. It. Howell; 3d W., Ju.Ihoii
Howell; 4th V T. I. Kandall; 1st (1.
of F., F. It. Charman; I'd i. of F., 11.
K. Stevens,
Shlvelv's hall was well tilled lust Kultir-
! day evening when the the liieiiiheni nf
i hall City JhIk" No. fill. A, O C. W.
inarched in led hy the Willamette hand
and accompanied hy (iiand Master
I Muckey and Grand Olhcial liiHtructnr
Duvey who were lireient lor th purpowof
iiihtiilllng tlieolllceiKiif the Indje. IIIiichh
1 Tainted llie aboeiii e of mime wlio were to
i have tukeli part, hut theexereiiM' piiriied
oir very pleasantly. At the clone of the
! horl, hut liearly and eloiUeii addreHH
nl wnlcotiui delivered hy (ionlon K.
I 1 1 ii) m, he turned to Captain John Kelly
. who liun nerved the IimIkh for a long lime
a guide and preHculcd ti i in w ilh an
rli'iiiil (told headed cane, a prcHi'tit fmiu
the lialge. Mr. Kelly replied in a short
Ini' feeling Nieech, tlmiiking In hrnthei
fnl the yilt.
The next no llm priiKrum wa a vocal
solo hy Mi M"llii. Wilkinwiii whoiHiig
"Venice Water" very sweetly. This
w fi. Unwed by a well ile'iered recita
tion hy Mis Diiisy I.nwn rii e, entitled
."Heller than liiiinmiiiU." The fnllow
ing liumeil Inline ollicet were then in
stalled, llie platform heing arranged in
the form of a lode mom for lliu is casion :
: David Caiilleld, I'. M. W.;Thna. Gaiilt,
M. W.; W. M. M ini e, overseer; K. (i.
(iarruw, foreinan; (ieo. ( 'ill ill, recorder;
j J. A. Stuurt, receiver; W. T. Whitha-k,
' llnaticier; Jm, Fmuiniig, guide; J. Y.
Humphrey, watclnnaii ; John Drescher,
seiiiinel. At the i nsi of llie ceremony
whh h madtf David Caullehl a past master
wotkiimii, 'l,i' (iiiuid Miislnr in In-half of
the liHlge pii-seuied him with an ele
ttant past master' badge, After the in
sliilluliuli ccrt'iiioiiies Mr K. F.. Char
nun fiivnred the audience w ilh a beauti
ful nlo which wa well received
Instructions to
Office of School
Clerk of District No
SIR: Should you desire to levy a tax for school pur'Mises. it will
he necessary for you to take the following stejis:
First The clerk or school hoard must make an application to the
clerk of the county court for a certificate, showing the aggregate valua
tion of the assessahle property in your respective districts. (See page
C2, section 3, School Laws.) This should bo done at once. The follow
ing form may be used:
Oregon, January. . . ., 1894.
To tho Clerk of the County Court, Clackamas County, Oregon:
lear Sir: Dense furnish mo a certificate showing the aggregate
valuation of the assessable property in School District Ho ,
Clackamas county, Oregon.
Second A special meeting must bo called in accordance with sub
division 21, section !!(!, page 30 of School Laws. Be sure that you state
in tlio notice culling the meeting, that it is for the purpose of levying
a tux, (See section 4.r), pago 3G of tho School Laws. The clerk of the
county court can furnish you tho certificates on or before the 2.rth of
January, hence it will be best to hold tho meetings as soon as possible
after that date in order that tho county clerk may have more time to
extend the tax on tho tax-roll. You will see that you need not wait for
the certificates before posting the notices. That is to say, if you have
the certificates by tho time tho meeting is held, it will do all right.
Third When the legal voters have convened, in answer to the call
of the directors, it Itecomes their duty to then fix the rate per cent, of
tax levy that may ho found necessary by a majority vote of the legal
voters present.
Fourth Kach school clerk of the district in which a tax is levied
must notify, in writing, tho clerk of the county court of the rate per
cent, of tho tax levy made by tho district, on or before the first day of
February. (See pago 62, section 4, School Laws.)
Unless a tax is levied in January, you will be compelled to wait
another year. In notifying the clerk of the county court of the rate
per cent, of the levy, tho following form may be used:
, Oregon, Jan , 1894.
To tho County Clerk of Clackamas county, Oregon:
Dear Sir: I hereby certify that at a legally callod school meeting,
held on January . . . ., 18(J4, in school district No Clackamas
county, Oregon, there was levied mills on $ , the
same being tho assessablo property of district No , Clackamas
county, Oregon, as shown in your certificate.
, School Clerk of Dist. No.. . . .
Clerks of Joint Districts should number their districts as joint
districts. Respectfully yours,
II. S. GIBSON, Supt. of Schools.
and much enjoyed. Mis Kiiby Ssm
cer followed wlllia recitutlon appropri
ate ti the occasion with a luoial point
ing to the beintlits of the order. l.at on
tliu program was the dedication of the
new hall and stirring teeches by Dr.
Mackey and I'mnk Davey,
I'olliiiniiii Kelly Itenioreil.
On Wednesday this community was
considerably surprised by the announce
ment that Mayor Straight had removed
John Kelly who haa served so long as
night watch. Upon Inquiry It wa learned
that the reason assigned was that tlm
council had ordeied it done. Several of
the council men expressed themselves
very forcibly liton this action on the
part of the mayor, and it seems more
than probable that there will be trouble
over the police question before It Is set
tled. A majority of the council have
seemiiiKly determined that this branch
of the city government can be run more
economically than it has been In the
past and they wish to give it a trial, there
fore will not confirm a chief of police or
new night watch till a definite policy has
hern dii'ided upon. Their plsn so far as
known i to employ a chief of police who
is fooi c tent and so situated that he can
iitti'inl to the duties for a nominal sum
together with such fee as i.e may be en
titled to from other parties than the city.
They claim that this plan can be tried,
and if it works a saving to the city well
and kishI, but if it iIin-n not work well
then It will tie an easy matter to return
to the old plan.
To Trade.
Some good young horses, broken to
work, to trade fol stock sheep, Apply
It. J. JIkon, New F.ra, Oregon.
Circuit court hss been in session part
of the time the past week but w ith little
busines outside of a test case brought
i by the Portland Trust company against
; Kciilien Smith to gain Misscsion of his
' lot on Front and Fourth streets. The
j jury quickly decided thicae in favor
of defendant. It is to be apealed,
I Court w ill probably adjourn today till
i si line time in February.
j Wediiesdiiy was (irst "at home" day
j for Mrs. J. N. Graham's little girl and
j many of the young Indie called to pay
j their resiects anu w ish over her lucky
I head.
I Hog . Henry lllackman of Hepnerhas
been appointed to succeed Collector
Waskca, Minn., Nov. 18K.
Ms. NoiiM4.il Lii'iiTV, Des. Moines, la.
Dkar Si.: Please send us at tlm
earliest one carton Krause's Headache
Capsules. We can't run the machine
without them. Send at once, as we are
out, and oblige, Yours truly,
HcmiUTU A l'Hfrros.
For sale by Charman A Co., City Drug
Oregon Citv, Oregon.
School Clerks.
City, Oregon, January 10, 181)4.
Clerk of School District No.
and similar annoyances are tauwH
by an Impure blood, which will
result In a more dreaded disease
Units removed, slight impurities
will develop Into Scrofula, lic.e
ma, Salt kheum and other serious
results of
I have lorwim tlm!j-n
1 mill.mr I rum i-vti
lilixl trotill, I' nl'h I t ( f
!.,k many remwilrt llwt l nflf!
lid mo ti "'' h aivvrv
., tjlri-n (mir h!tlir o(
SLlCtB vH hlls-mint wwvUrfulrMult
1 K AvifOl Ant rnjoyini IU brut hKilth I
1 " ' rvrf km-w, ha tamnxl twsnly
'piiundi and my lis-nrtu tay llu-y wvm taw
it u well- I I'lmir qulie like a new
,,. JOHN S. KIU I.1N,
Owat BJMllI f'tMlmtf I ilA . Wa'liinKlMi, II. C.
Our Treat I v on Illnod nd f-lnn Diwatet 1
Vfc JM what 7 jfr
1 ni.m-r iiiiU. 'I hi- BIT I
I ua ol frrrt KrrHa I
frirni II.' iMUliitalloli Ul
on ftlil'll liua trfll l.'ilil lb
lam! av-'l liiMlm-a In Hi- world.
Ffrry'i setd Aaasal for 114
rvinlallia Hi ftijlli mii.I kiitMlarim- ot
ILn lamt bimiiK knnirJe. free
lor us aaiiK.
D. M.FERRY ft CO.,
Detroit, Mich.
lu the Circuit C'"irt ot the Stale ol Orrf on lor
l;lai'katnaa County.
Slati-of Ori-fiin. plaintiff, m. llie helm of John
liroy. di-reaM'!. Itaii.J. Jiiiir, and to any one
lmereat'1 In the e'tate ol laid John Gray, de
cerned, defendant
Tn aatd above named deleudan'i:
In the name of the Slate ol itienou
Ynil are herehy comrnaiideil to appearand
aiinwer llie tiifoniiatton fl!ed herein, wlttnii
ttme allowed In clvl ai ilnnt, hirh la Ly the
flitl day ot the lift I li-rm or lhl court ohlrli
riniii'iien at Hie nmrl hooe In Oregon Cllv on
the p. 1. 1 day ot Anll. 1- H: and If you fll to
a.ieraud atiier ld InlormiitloL the pUlii.
tin lll apply lo the n.iirl for the relitf de
man !?d therein. lili h l et forth iu the order
of the court here nulli-r et forth. Tht inn
iiif.im In limiied Inri.iifnri.nty with (he foilowlni
ordrr "f the ld court, to wit:
lu the Circuit tmirt of the Slnie of OreKon.
i;oiiniy of rla kminii.
Sl"le of On in. plnliitiff. r. 1 he llelra of John
iiay, di'i'ea-ed, i"n J. J"iic. and lo any one
tillerevted ill llii-etateof J.hll (iriy, dec d.
I pun reading the Information of W. N. Har
rcit, dltrlcl aiiorney lu and lor lackmr.m
cniinty. iiregon, die.' In tlila court. In hi. hit
It el forth that one John l.my dn-.l In Clacka
matcoiiiity. Urciton. Spt. 'fl. laTT.IiiteaUle, leav
fiiy an eelate lu uld couuty. aud that no helrn
al law have appeared tn claim hit uroiertr:
that a rtlonit hit ettale hat been wild and
turned over to the etcheat Itiud of Oregon, hut
thai i he N W. o( llie S. K of tee, 1. T. 4 S ,
K. 'I V.. of the Willamette meridian, thn.unh
aoine error or neglect of the adiniuiatrator of
the etlate of aaid decedent waa not told and
turned over to the m-hfil lund at directed by
he court: and II further appearing that one
Han. J Jonenclalmt ..me liilcrett in aaid ettale
above deiM-rllteil and It appearing Irmnaald lu
foriiimlou that the Male ol Oregon hat Ughi to
tilch entate; ll It tlii-refore ordered that a turn
niont ltue In the heir at law of John Gray, de
Cfaftrd, to I'an J. Jonet. and lo all periMint inter
eticd In Ihei-ntaieof thld John (iiay.decented.to
aiiear and autwer the liifomttilon within the
time allowed by law In civil acilo:ia. and tlmw
caine If any they have why the title lo Mid
AlMivedetcriiied laiid thouid mK vett In iht title.
It It flintier onlired lhat the kald tuiuunuit
lie I'lihllthcd for ill contecuilve weekt lu Ihe
Oregon rlty Kiiieiprite. a new tptiKfrpiihlithcd
lu mi. r. .ti in y. ami thai lan J Juliet le terved
pcrtoiiall) -If hecauhe loutid in the county or
ttiiie: that all oihcr -defendantt appear and n-tw-r
by the Srt day ot the next term ol thin
court w hu h couveuca al Oregon t il), Oregon,
April li.th. Iff
liated thlti'ilh day ol September. 1113.
THot Mi limn.
I'lrci'it Judire.
Ittied at Oregon (,'lty. Oregon, Pec IS,
1 I-JH W. N. HAHKKIT, MM. All y.
Laud Office at Oregon rity. Oregon.)
lice, 7. If. I
Notice It hereby given, thai the following
named aenler hat filed notice of hi Intention
lo make Dual proof In aupporlof hit claim un
der tecilon is'l. K: S. and that t ild proof will
be made before Ihe Kegltter and Ke.-elveral
Oregon City, Oregon, Jauuajy It vu:
William li. tiled,
Homciitead Kutry No orw) for the N. E Sec
tion -it, T, 3 S . K. Katt. lie nainea the follow
ing witnettct to prove his cominuoua re-idence
upon and -iiltlvjlii.il of, ald laud, vli: Francli
I'. Little Oliver C. Vocum, Horace S. Campbell,
nf Salmon, Oregun, and I). Ludwlck, of llol
brnok, Oregon.
12 .!: H ROBERT A. MILLER, Regliter.
Notice I hereby given that the nnderalgned
haa been appointed by the Con my Court of
l lackamaa county, Oregon, executor of Ihe latt
will uf Honor Marka Whltlock. deeeated All
liertotit having claims agaiiiNt the estate of the
said Honor Marks W hillock, deceased, are here
by notiDed to present the aameduly verified for
payment to the undersigned or at the office nf
ilrownell A Urets-r.oregnuClty.OreKOU.wltlitu
six mollies from this date
Oregon City, Oregon. January S.
l-4:'i-2 Attorney for Ex'r
Anairreenble Laxative and K EK V E TON 10.
Sold by Driigg'stsor sent by mail. 5c.,6Uc,
and $1.00 per package. Sample free.
tff YIA The Favorite tOOTB WTOSI
illi lllf tot the Teeth and Ureath.!!5o.
For gale bv V. G. Muntlev.
i:tiiollli-I 1NM3.
Trangfef and
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.
. I. Green
Clearance Sale.
g BUYS l'iU"'r 19 lbH' dry granulated sugar, IS lbs. rice, 28
lbs. small white beans, 20 lbs. rolled oats, 4 lbs. good
roaHteJ cr.fl'ee, 4 Mm. good green tea, 11 cans tomatoes, 8
cans of oysters, 2's, 21 yarda comfort prints, 1 jair nien'
pants; 1 Misses cloak.
25C. BUYS 1 Tain 0'Shantcr cap, 1 lb best ground Fpjtcr,
ginger, allspice or mustard, 1 pair ladies' rubk-rs, 1 lb.
cocoanut, 1 pair infant's sbocs; 7 spools best thread, 1
miswis knit skirt; 1 child's jacket; 1 boys shirt or pair of
drawers; 12 bunches matches.
RUIl Of Kiln pOttery 2gal.jarandcover2K;lgal
jug 10c; 1 gal. milk pans 10c.
A 25c broom for 17c; a better one for 20; tubs 40c. and Wlc; Lanterns
45c; mixed' candy 1 lb 10c; our 12Jc wall paper 9c per
double roll; our 20c grade now 14c; boys 5fc caps now
10c; 11.60 jerseys now 4'Jc; silk thread 5c; gossamers 25c
to 75c, were 11.00 to $2.00; needles lc pkg; men's $4.50
pants 30 to 32 now $3; misses rubbers, heel, 1 to 2 now
10c; men's wool mittens 35: good cotton socks 5c a pair;
dress goods at first cost or less; ladies' mittens 15c.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat,
Elgit pages ti:i Tess227 a:4 Mil, Sliteen pages tun Weet
A Great Scmi-Wetkly Fajter! Only One Dollar a Year!
Any reader ol thlt paper cn gat It free by aecnrelng elub ol three tnbacrlber and
lorwrdlng their rtme.,0S THIS UI.ASK. with THhF.E DOI.I.AKS.
Kemlt by Bank Draft Pol office or Kxprett Money Order, or Kegl.tercl Utier. Smpl
coble will be tent free oo appllc.tlon.
Herewith And 13 01), and the name of three tubcribni on blank clipped from the
OkEliON CITY KSTKKI'KISE published at Oregon City, Oregon. Pleae aenil the Tuetitay
und Frltluy Ololio Democral for on year lo roe ud each of tlx tubtcrlbert named.
Name of tender
Name ol Suhterlber.
Manufacturer ol and
Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also
Hartman Steel Picket Fence,
And Wire Panel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence.
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Bestow's Sash & Door factory, Oregon City, Or.
Oregon City Sash and Door Co.
Carry the Largest Stock of
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc.
In Oregon City.
Special sizes of Doors and Windows made to order. Turning of all kinda
Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts
Furnished on application. Builders, give us a call, and see if our work
ia not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest. Price List sen
on application.
Factory, Cor. Main and
Sunday Services.
8T. PAl'L'S CHt'Kt'll-Episoopal-Rev. J. A.
Eckstorui V sstor. Services at 11 o'clock a m aud
7:i p. m. Frayer service ivery Wednesday
Pastor summed. Services at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. M. Sunday School after mornius;
service. Player meeting Wednesday evening at
7:80o,clock. Prayer meeting of Young People,
Society of Christian Endeavor every Sunday
evening at i:SC prmpU
Parkkr Psstor Morning Service at ll:Suuday
School al l.'-lfi; Kvening Service 6:30; Regular
prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Monthly
Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening
preceding the first Suuday In the month. A
oorulal invitation to all.
HiLLEBRANP, Pstor. On Sunday mass at g and
10 .so a. m. Kverv second and fourth Sundav
German sermon after the 8 o'clock mass
At all other masses English sermons. Sunday
School at 2:811 p. M. Vespers, apologetical
subjects, and Benediction at 7:80 r, si.
G. Sykks, Pastor. Morning service at 11:
Sunday School at 10:00. Class meeting after
morning service. Evening service at 7:80.
Epworlh League meeting Sunday evening at
rj 30: Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 6:80.
strangers cordially invited.
W. OiBONiY, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and
7:80 p. M. Sabbath School at 10 A. M. Young
People's Society ot Christian Endeavor meets
every Sunday evening at 6:80. Wednesday
eveuing prayer meeting at 7:80. Seats free.
Ernst, Pastor. Preaching service every
Sunday at 11 A. M and 7:80 P. M.
Sabbain school every 8utiday t 10 A. M. (Rev.
P. Bott, Snpl.) Weekly Prayer Meeting
every Wednesday evening
ing every Sunday, eicept third Suuday of each
month, at 11:00 a. m. and 7.30 p m.-YY H sic
Lain, Psstor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.- I. D,
Si' Rrrs, Superintendent. Prayer meeting every
Wednesday evening.
dealer tn all itvlet ol
1 1th sts.. Oregon City.
Stale ot Oregon, County ol Clackamas, as.
John Boy len, plaintiff, vs. James Orcutt; det't.
Ctvtl action for the recovery ot money.
To James Orcutt. the above named delendant:
Iu the name ot the States! Oregon: You are
hereby lequircd to appear before the under
signed, a Justice of llie Pence, for the Precinct
aforesaid, on Ihe 24th day ot January, at
9:80o'clock, In the forenoon of said day, at the
office of said Justice, lu such precinct, to an
swer the above named plaintltv lu civil action.
The defendant will take notice, that if he fsit
to answer the complaint herein, the plnintifT
will take Judgment agaitist him for the sum ot
M .V), together with the costs and disburse
ments to tie taxed herein
Given under my hand this 7th day nf Decem
ber, 1S98. T. W. FOUT8,
12-16-1-19 Justice ol the Peace.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single RigB, and sad
dle horses always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose Btock.
Information rerJin n.v kind op
Btock promptly attended to by person ot
Horses Bought and Sold.