Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 05, 1894, Image 2

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EMS SHE El THE Firi.lt.
Wllsnnville Enjoys ( lirMnms w Itlt Shii--t
Lodge, A. O. I. W'. Elue Pro
gram Iresents and a Puiice.
Wiiosvii.i., Jan. 1. The ("tiritnins
tree festival given at Wilsonville IVceniber
!Bd hv the honorable brothers of Sunrise
lodge No. 43 A. O. I'. W., was in all re
spects one of the grainiest allairs ever wit
nessed In Wilson ville. and was so well pat
ronized that every inch ol space was jammed
w ith liumanity. The house was called to
order at 7. p. m. by the Wortlrv President,
M. C. Young. First in order was the pro
gram which had been very carefully ar
ranged by a secial committee w ho deserve
great praise for their good taste and judg
inent in the selection of pieces to be presented.
is true that business is langulshingand that
many people are not able to meet their ob
ligations at present, however, the records
of the courts do not show Hint judgement
the recitation " Itessie'a rhrlstiuaa Urciim"
in such tine style. In the absence of Judge
Haines l'rot. S. V. IMwns closed the pro
gram by telling of the beauties of the llrsl
has been taken in a larger number of cases , Christmas mom, and of the Joys ol every
than heretofore, and as a matter ol fact
creditors are extraordinarily lenient. While
there may he a large number of those itiner
ants called tramps, yet the statement that
any considerable part of our population is
in want is not borne out by the lacts and is
unworthy of the governor. If the president
should return a reply scull as would charac
terise the governor under similar circum
stances perhaps his eyes would be opened.
The people have remembered with kindly
feelings (he efforts of the governor to cut
down the expenses and lighten taxation, but
these are beginning to lie overshadowed by
his recent actions and instead of being de
nominated a crank he may dud a much
stronger epithet applied to him in the future.
Kinrrlses- Neighborhood
Distinguished V LI tors.
New I
Christmas Song, by the Misses Maud Hazima, Jan. 2. The holidays are past
feely, rriscilla Miley, Surah Probst, Amelia ! and the young folks have had a good time
Haslebrink and Messrs. John Probst, l.eo j in spite ol the rain and mud.
Harness, Archie and Charlie Seely. There was a Christmas tree for the little
0emng Address, by C, T. Tooie, j ones at the school house. Every child prev
which was lively and witty from beginning ' ent was remembered and all went away
to end. thanking Santa Clans for his generosity.
Song, Maggie Purling, by Mrs. l.ettie Quite a number attended the party at
Tooie and Mrs. I.illie Jolly, of Portland, P. Larson's on New Year night and retried
Cantata " Mother Goose," by Misses a good time.
Anna Wagner, Maud Seely, Sarah Probst, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Monmouth,
Amelia Hastlebrink, Cora Seelv, Minnie are visiting their daughters Mesdams Eaton
Iluttson, Grace Vowell, Paisy Seely, Ellen
Trobst, I.illie Seely, and Messrs. Alvan Mi
ley, Fritx Wagner, Frank Probst, and many
" Kock of Ages," by Miss Jones.
Instrumental Music "Prize Banner
Quickstep," by Mrs. Lilhe Jolly.
'Little Midget," by little Miss Myrtle
Story of a Stowaway, by John Tyler,
Song" Carol, Sweetly Carol," by Mrs.
Tooze and Mrs. Jolly.
" Execution of Montrose," by C. T. Tooze.
Instrumental music, by Mrs Jolly.
Remarks by K. I.. Spencer, of Oregon
City, deputy lecturer of the A. (. I. ,
which were very spicy and instructive. I
Closing address, by C. T. Tooze, which
and Drown.
Capt. H. E. Hayes and daughter, of
Salem, spent Christinas with L. A, Shipley
and family.
C. C. Milem and wife came to spend the
holidays with Mrs. M item's sister, Mrs. L.
A. Shipley, and are there yet as their little
boy has been quite sick.
Mr. Laeey, of Salem, is visiting at his
son s, tieo. 11.
Miss M. Copley ot Portland is at Mrs.
Gil'b's helping to care for her grandpa Ford,
w ho is still iiiite sick, but is much better
than at last writing.
Mr. I. aen by is spending the winter with
Mr. and Mrs. Lacey. Mr. L. is a veteran of
the Mexican and civil wars and is still hale
and hearty for one of his years.
Miss Marv Culkins has returned irom
Christinas. Then the tree was plucked of
its curious fruit (one kind was a ahbage
head received by John I'ox, and was Hie
only! tree that ever grew cabbages In tb-
wego), and the children made glad.
Appropriate services were held at the
Congregational church Tuesday evening.
Maj. ltnriou died at the home of his
daughter, Mrs, II. L, tiill, Saturday. The
remains were taken to Seattle for interment,
The schools are closed until after New
Mrs. S. V. Powns and son Chester spent
Christmas in Seattle with Mrs. powus'a
John Haines, Jr., was in Oregon City on
business Tuesday.
Prof. Seaman gave a dance at Prosser's
hill Christmas night. About thirty-six
numbers were sold. A good time was hud
by every one who attended.
Andy Hodge, of Sherwood, was in our
to-vn Tuesday.
Harry Laws, of Portland, spent Christ
mas in Oswego.
Mr. and Mrs, Gentry, of Fisher's Land
ing, Washington, are vMting Mr. Howies
and daughter, Mrs. A. Halt.
Mrs. Win. Evans entertained a few of her
friends at her home last Monday evening.
E. L. Pavidson is studying medicine. Pr.
Sullivan is assisting him.
Mrs. Harry Shipley spent a few days In
Oswego last week with her relatives and
many friends.
Judge Haines has the grip and is notable
to lie about.
Miss Cora W'orthington is visiting rela
tives in Oregon City.
Misses Ettie Copley and Amanda Angel
attended the dance Monday evening.
The elocution class will have their enter
tainment at Prosser's hull Wednesday
I evening, January
They are selling more and better goods for tho money
than any other house in tho county. Tho
reason for this is
And do not have to make you pay what you looso
on some one else. They have a complete lino of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Gents Furnishings. Boots and Shoes.
Hardware and Groceries, and pay tho highest price
for produce. Remember the place.
was wound up with several good hearty j Sherwood where she w ent to spend the holi-
t-ueers in whicli alt joined.
Next came in goon Santa Claus, the jolly
old lellow. well laden, to gladden the hearts
of both young and old, with candy, nuts,
pon corn balls, and many delicious things
to eat, besides numerous valuable presents
which weighted down two handsomely dec
orated trees, all of w hich were distributed
to their many owners.
Mrs. Lettie Tooze was the recipient of a
handsome gold watch and chain ; Charles
Seely a valuable gold chain; Archie Seely, a
gold watch and chain; Miss Flora Seely a
beautiful photo allium ; Childe Parker, Stan
ley's latest works; Mrs. Henry Yoss a lovely
pairof vases; Mrs. Knights dress pattern; I
Nellie Butson a superb gold ring: Misses i
days with her parents and to attend the
weddir.g of a brother.
The Hazelia Literary at its last meeting
debated the iiietion, "Ilesolved, That the j
signs or the times indicate a downfall of , jng protracted meeting in the school house
this republic." The affirmative won. There ! jn the Huckner district with good atlcn-
Christmas IMags-Vlsltors and Did Residence
-liiilgranta Arriving.
Cukkks, Jan. I. The Christmas tree at
ti. W. Graces was a grand alluir. A delight
ful evening was spent. There were dia
logues and recitations and the exercises
were closed by a song from Mrs. G. W.
John llingo came home from the Palousc
country to see his lather who is very sick.
Kev. Mcl.ain and liev. Wvetle are hold-
l.M Front Street. HARDWARE
Ntrthwriitrn Agi-nti fur
'Hamuli d, I .Mice OeeMrlll Tlltllcliuilll
IM-Iler jnri Hltvvr Htrel Hatta
law. ij
is to be a question box at the next meeting.
Eagle Creek News.
Eaui.e Cheek, Jan. 1. Sunday evening
five couples met in the dining room of Wil
bern hall to watch the old year die.
There was a pleasant surprise party at the
house of J. F Douglass last Thiirsdav even
ing. II. F. Gibson, who is teac hing in district
No. .r0, spent Christmas week at the state
fcellie and Mary Murray an elegant singing j teachers' association in Portland. He re
bird and cage. Besides these dolls, bonks, ' ports a most enjoyable week and thinks the
toys, fancy work, neck wear, Ucs, ribbons, time well spent.
kerchiefs, etc., were distributed to all. Also W. F. Douglass and daughter Myrtle left
lovelv China maiden.
in many papers, to be opened by Santa j
Claus, which madi sport for the sportive.
It was 9:30 when old Santa Claus took his j
departure and the honorable president an- j
nouiiced that a dame would follow. In a I
short tinie;tie hall was cleared of seats and
trees and the young were keeping time with
their feet to the sweet strains of music ren
dered bv Prof. W. W. Graham of Grahams
Ferry, But all too soon midnight came and
about three inches
n , Hii, 1 1 ii i ui' it
for Tacnma Pecendiefi.'.U.
in uii.iiif'ftt.) Ihonlhs.
There are two l!usian families who have
just arrived from Russia with the intention
of locating here, at present stopping with
Fredrick Scherruble who was a near neigh
bor to them in Itussia.
John Fairclough who arrived here hit
Tuesday from St. Louis, Mo., is visiting his
sister Mrs. G. W. Grace and intends to
helpon the farm with bis brother Allie who
j has rented Mr. Tinnerstet's farm.
Adolph Klmer is home spending the holi-
days with his mother ami friends. He is a
student ill U.e State Normal sell. nil at M
mouth. V
Kojio. (YosctMit ist'0
Crescent Wotl-rcH (warranteil.) .fe S Proof Clum. A it .vie Files
Lowers and Wood ('liojipersi Sjecialties.
Oregon City Agent,
W. A. Matthews finished a three months
term of school at Jackknife December 2J.
He will teach another month. I. C. V.
Kaole Ckf.kk, Jan. 2. The new veitr has '
come and brings with it rain and cold di-a-
greeable weather. I
The Christmas tree was a success and was !
largely attended. A nice time was had at!
(lancing until an hour too late to be men-,
a very ctll- i
Jjyi erpeci to t j v1r-illmi(n ft mmering from
neuralgia in the head.
I Leonard Mnlth, ol eastern iircgouJ is
; i-iting his sister, Mrs. Pen Caper.
I Klmer Kleinsmith, who has been visiting
! his parents Mr. and Mrs. Kleinsmith, re
turned to Portland last Friday.
Harry Gunl commenced teaching a live
months term of school in district No. .M,
i the -M ol this month. Ai.ut.
I! iirli IhikI IlanneiHinrs.
the company bid rarewell to one of the gay- j noneu Here. Jir. Sieler made a very ctll-1 Hii.huxd, Jan. I,-Sick horses are very
est times that the people of this vicinity j cient Santa Claus. ! numerous. Mr. Krohn lrt two, and (i. It.
ever enjoyed. Ansa, j Jim Bailey spent Christmas in ''lacka-j Millerand Barnuni I one each last week.
Imai- j Mr. anil Mrs. C. I). Storey or Oregon City
Ed. Clemens of Park Place was out on ,ave been the guests of Mrs. K. Harrington
' business last week. I d Mrs. F. Welch the imst week
Holiday Merriment People ire Indignant at
the Governor's Letter.
Ccrbixsvii.le, Jan. 2. The holidays are
now a thing of the past and the youth of
the community are now looking back upon
the pleasures or the past week ami laying
plans Tor the future.
The Christmas tree at Currinsville was
gotten up by prof. Warner and his pupils
and the exchange of presents between the
teacher and pupils showed that the greatest
good will was prevailing. The dance which
followed was well attended and was Kept up
until the rays of Helion dispelled the gloom
when all went home singing "After the
Ball." The festivities or the week were
closed by a ball at Mr. Crawford's last night.
The fourth month of school closed prior
to the holidays, there being a marked in
crease in the attendance.
MissOllie Currin and Amy Wade, who
have been visiting their parents during the
holidays, have returned to school in Port
land. Miss Ella Currin, teacher in the Park
Place school is at home on a short vacation.
At the last meeting of the A. O. U. W.
the wives of the members obtained a neigh
boring house and prepared a sumptions re
past and about ten o'clock invited the
members to supper. After doing justice to
the viands, they congratulated themselves
that their wives were so thoughtful; but
alas inconsiderate man; they parted with
out so much as giving the ladies a vote of
Cupid has been at work again, the last
victem being Miss Katie Corey, the lucky
nian is Mr Scott. May they have a long
and happy married life.
The person who considerately borrows
flour and dried fruit from Mr. Irvin when
honest folks are in bed, would oblige the
community by making himself kuown, so
that if he is in need he might be assisted.
Borne sickness is reported in the commu
nity. Chester Dean and Badie Surface have
been very sick but are now convalescing.
Mr. Irviug's friends are delighted to see
him around again.
Some snow fell in the hills about here
last night but did not lay on the ground
Prof. Stipp, of Eugene, is visiting friends
And relatives at this place.
Po'itics, always an absorbing topic, have
taken a lively turn of late; but the recent
letter of the governor to the president has
ArouBed the indignation of the people. It
Ilobert Devine of Molalla spent Christmas
as the guest of Henry Wilbern.
Mr. Longnecker, son and daughter, spent
a few days last week with friends at Mount
Tabor. Miss Longnecker received quite a
new year's present in the person of a hus
band. Henry Wilbern is doing biisinesj in Port
land this week.
School reopened today after a vacation of
a little more than a week.
Superintendent Gibson is visiting schools
in this vicinity this week. He is accompa
nied br Mrs. Gibson, who will visit old
friends and relatives here.
Gus Burnett and Henry Wilbern expect
to start soon for the mid-winter fair.
Maple Lane.
Maple Lase, Jan. 1. Strayed or stolen,
must be the condition of your correspond
ent from this burg. All the same we are
on top except when we get into a mud hole
then we don't know where we are at.
Our lyceum and literary is booming. We
discussed the Hawaiian question at the last
meeting and the decision was that it shall
not be annexed to the I'nited Stales.
W. H. Walker is teaching a very success
ful term of school for us.
John Dixon leaves us soon with his family
for California. He has leased his place to
a Mr. Davis.
Mrs. A. Mautz and Mrs. Brayton are suf
fering from the grip.
Mrs. J. K. Morris has been qnitesickat
her mothers, Mrs. A. Mautz, but is conva
lescing. The Misses Kva Parks and Lula Sylvia
are spending New Year with Miss Elsie
Grant Kellogg, of Mulino, spent Saturday
and Sunday with his brother B. F. Kellogg.
D. Finn a former resident is the guest of
X. W. Richards.
Miss Minnie Harrington is spending the
holidays at home; will return to Mon
mouth on Tuesday to resume her studies.
Mrs. Jefl. Jones is convalescing after an
illness of two weeks. She will start for
Eastern Oregon soon hoping theclimate will
benefit her health.
Next Saturday is the public installation
of the grange officers. Everybody cordially
invited. A grand time is expected.
The necktie social at the hall was a suc
cess. The program consisted of dialogues,
recitations, tahleaus, and music, followed
by the sale of the ties to the highest hidden.
Supper was served and then the dance con
tinued until morning.
Below is given the Oregon City Market
lleport. corrected Jan. I, from quotation,
furnished the K.stkhi'iiisi! by local mer
chants: OIIMK.
Wheat, vallev, ier bushel
Oats, K-r bushel
Oregon t'ity Mills, Portland brand
Shorts, per ton
Clover hay, haled
Timothy hay. haled
rnonri r..
Potatoes, per sack
i mioiis, per sack
Apples, green, per box
Apples, dried, per lb, . .
Turkeys, per
llutter, per lb
i Eggs, M-r doz., . .
i Honey, per lb ...
Pranes, dried
j Plums, "
J Beef, live, per lb 2M."
Beef, dressed 4tn.'i
j Mutton, dve, per head I T.'KitL' no
Pork, live la-rlb I
! Pork, dressed, ner lb li
Veal. live, per lb .1 1
! Veal, dressed, per Iti ii
i Hams, per lb II
I Bacon . in
Lard 10 loll
' 1 Vs . 1 V i,
12 ii?p.,',,V-
I -ii T. i V I 1 i !5
...... 1 , i i ' . r r
Wbnl (. tin conditio'! of vonra? I vour Imlr dry,
lmr.-h, brittle? Doc it upllt nt the cnd.? ln it a
lilVlc:'..' nipM.tn4c? l.o- it f:i!' r:t wl.i: Coi Uu-d cr "
bruslicj ? Is it tiillofiLiiLlr.nl? lim- our scalp lun c J
l It il-j- r jit !k v. .1 i l! i..-. ? I t; . - r.-o 8..i to of
J-our symptoms be Mnr;ied ir th'ic or y mi willlx-to-v-lviM. 1
SlroolTuin Root Hair Grower i
l I'M-
wl.il.:- .
f I'M Vi.ll f
' ir I In t r , ,ii
I lint a .Ii
r .li.c.H, if : .i
"'ii.'ti-n It Hoi an no t-lftii, tnit thm rrnU tt -i tit . fin
t t : hi .i Hi.- j. ir titi.t m mti fi ui iii it.i i. m
"i. ".a, N ' t'"1i t il ' I f i ' IhT ll fir f A i II1 l Ill's, II
t. tt. j hir, i a it m li t.J urv( tfruu 4 hatr 1 1 ( .j j
tmn'.t nil .fir ?on nnl nirvri l iti. aitd to will fnrwnril
ift ot pmv Oruwer. $i.uUr bultl,! tur j.uu bvi, &u--.
n.t'.iv fid frr fri'fn lrr(ittnt rtTiltf
ll Ui ilf")! jlrulfl0 inarrf, uhtoh it
If i.tif llrUVfl!
l per jur eir f
37 Mouth llfih Axoor, New VoiU, N. Y.
II to7
Milwaukee Hurmurs.
Mh.wai.kek, Jan. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Kialey gave a very pleasunt party to tlieir
many friends last Saturday night about
sixty-live in number were present who en
joyed games, dancing, etc., until midnight
when an elegant lunch was served after
which the guests took their departure.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dowling gave a New
I Kutrajr .Vitlce.
Taken up by the undersigned in Cas-
cikIh precinct, county of Clackamas,
: state of Oregon, on November ,'lrl, INK!,
one black home alxjiit (i-yeara-ohl with a
j white Hpol on forwlieml and a white spot
' on Us none and an old wira cut on his
right knee and both right feet white and
i an undiHtingiiisliiililo brand on left hIioiiI
! der,alHoone black mare about 2-yearn-old,
weight about seven or eight hundred
shmi(1h each. Said horses were duly ii-
praised on November, the Lith, IKII.'l.
C. S. CflAHK.
In tinier to draw work while outrtiilo
work iri dull owing to the weiitlier
ICxtrn - Low - Prices
Will lie given on nil curriugi!
ami wngon work.
Davis, the Painter.
Shop hack of rope iv Co.'h Ktore.
Year party Monday night. Dancing was i
the feature of the evening. Alter a hearty I Wheat, oats, hay, polatoefl, butter
lunch dancing was resumed until a late land eggn wanted at the Park Place Htoro
hour. Mr. Brown of Hellwood furnished
the music. The guests alter enjoying the
generous hospitality took tlieir departure
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Dowling a happy
New Year.
The school house and church bells rang
out the old and ushered in the new year
while several watch parties welcomed the
New Year with shouts and laughter. We
join in wishing the Kntkhhkise a happy
and prosperous New Year.
at the highest market price. We give
in return the bent goods for the least
meiicy. Our pricen cimnot be duplicated
in the county.
Justice blanks, real estate blanks:, and
all other blanks at the Entkhphihic of
fice. Portland priced.
Blank note, receipt and order books
at the Kntkri'iiihk office.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
Steam'i Telephone
Oswego Notes.
OswKrio, Dec. 30. Christmas was observed
at the three churches. At the Roman Cath
olic Madame Boucher conducted the music,
assisted by the choir. Mrs. A. Evans played
a violin solo and a duet with Vincent Mc
Clungon the violin.
A Christmas tree for the Kuriclay School
was the main attraction at the M. E. church
The program consisted of singing by the
choir, recitations, etc Little Maggie Mel-
cher deserves praise for singing "I'apa's Let
ter" so nicely.
Lirzie Haine deserves credit for rendering
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powdcr.-No Ammouia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the SuncUrd.
' Mir;
LlJkiTi r
Leaves foot of Alder street, Portland.
Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. M.
Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. M.
Tug Ilwaco from Ilwuco connocln at Awtoria with Telcrihono every
night for Portland.