Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 29, 1893, Image 8

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Imagine a mob of men m hungry m ft
pack of wolves whose froiuy ha boon
firod by the Brent of blood and in its
midst a follow Ix'ing, bound hands and
feet, with tho noooe of the lynchmcn
round his neck. I came suddenly upon
noh scene in one of t be settlements on
the Rio Grande, whither I had journeyed
from England to find brother whom I
hmd not seen for many years.
A I reined up my horse near the crowd
and glauccd over the exciting spectacle
An involuntary cry loft my lips m I rec
ognized in the victim him whom I had
come so far to see.
He saw and know me instantly, and
though no word came from him his pale,
mute lips appealed to my heart for help.
My appearance caused a hesitation on
the part of the leaders.
nnmthotiMDie tteptns tnan niysetr. ion
have a banin of water here. Pardon mo
If I appropriate it to my own use,'
"I bowed in acquiescence, too much
surprised to siieak.
"He quickly unsealed one of the vials
and poured its contents iuto the basin of
water. Then from auother lie sifted
bluish colored powder npon the snrfiutt
of the liquid, which no sooner had touch
ed the other than it began to hiss, foam
and sparkle until there came a report
like a pistol shot, and column of lurid
flame leaped up to the ceiling. I started
back with n cry of terror.
" 'Don't be alarmed,' he assured me,
with a smile: "the water will soon burn
"The fire soon began to grow pale and
to duuinisa In height, when it finally
died out altogether, and I saw that the
basin was empty.
" 'How much do yon think that secret
I quickly learned that a stranger in 18 worth asked my visitor, still show
those parts had been killed that morn
insr near a small body of water short
distance from the settlement and that
my brother had been caught in the very
act of striking the deathblow. Not one
of the spectators seemed to have any
donbt of his guilt, but who is so hard
ened as to condemn his own brother?
I shuddered as 1 realized Almont's
Ceril and in my own heart judged him
inocent of any crime,
'He is my brother." 1 cried.
"Uarkr shouted one of the onlookers,
"the brother of the murdered man is here
for justice, fp with him. bovsr
"Hold," 1 commanded, rising in my ri1
Hrruneaslstwke: "blood calls for blood. "Ilis demoniacal smile
Let ma have hold of that roiw." ' we shudder.
The mistake in my identity had sujf
geeted a way in
ing his white teeth between ilia parted
" 'What do yon mean" 1 cried.
" 'Sit down and lie composed, and 1
will quickly explain.' Then as I sank
into the nearest teat, at a loss what to
do or say, he continued:
" 'Seeing is believing, so I have shown
to yon what I cau do to impress upon
you more deeply the power that I pos
sess. Yon have seen that Win of water
burn like so much oil, and now you
will believe me when I tell yon that I
have unlocked one of nature's great se
crets and that the key lies in that small
as be spoke
rhich 1 might enable
my brother to escape, and I resolved to
attempt it at whatever risk. Fortunate
ijr there was little family resemblance be
tween us
Urging my horse forward, the crowd
parted, allowing me to reach his side,
when I dismounted, ostensibly to exam
ine the slipping noose.
"It will do," I said loud enough to be
heard by 1L "Xow help me to lift him
on the back of my horse. We want to do
this job in some shape."
Willing ones sprang to my assistance,
but in the brief interval I cut the prison
er t bonds so that they held only by ft
thread and arranged the noose so that
it could be thrown off as soon as his
arms were free.
1 knew few horses could match mine
n speed, and once he had cleared the
throng my brother would be compara
tively safe.
He understood my intentions, and the
" 'I do not understand you, 1 faltered.
'If you mean that yon can burn wa
ter" " 'Haven't I done it? he cried. 'Why,
man alive! don't you realize the impor
tance of that secret? In those vials are
held the component agents able to sepa
rate the constituent part of water and,
freeing the same, set them at war with
each other, which must result in com
bustion and total annihilation.
" 'Think of that and realize that I hold
in my baud the destiny of the world.
Let me throw ever so little of those won
derful properties into the Atlantic and
dare you contemplate the result? In one
instant a nucleus of fire would be formed
to grow swiftly in size, separating the
ion,' he said, turning tome, 'Whatl
have done once I can do every time,'
" 'It is a terrible thingr I exclaimed,
with a shudder. 'Hut why have you
come to mef
" 'Uevause the secret is worth much to
me. Hut when I approach men they call
tue mad and will not listen. They will
believe you, and when you have proved
what I cau do they will gladly ay my
price. Then I will divide with you, and
we both shall bo rich, you to live at your
easeand I to continue mv iuvestliriitioiuL
Will you help iner and he caught mo by
the arm with a clutch I seem to fee!
" 'Help you? I asked in a husky voice.
'Would you jeopardise the lives of the
whole human race for a few paltry thou
sands? A man of your great intellect
and research should be above'
" 'You still doubt uiy ability to do
what I claim? he interrupted. 'IVrharm
in the cpeu air you think I would fail?
Lome with me and I will astonish, even
you. . See, the storm has cleared away,
ana tho nay ts breaking.
"I was puzzled what to do. There
was no one in the bouse upou whom I
could call for assistance, but outdoors I
might scao the man, whom, I confess,
I feared. 4o I consented to accompany
"Tho morning light was fast dispelling
the shadows of night and storm, and we
had no difficulty in making our way to a
lif'le body of water quite hemmed in by
the mountains ami the forest. My com
panion, as if fearing I would attempt to
escape, had uot takuu his gaze from in
since we had left the house.
" 'There is a good place to test our
work,' he declared, pointing to a small
pool of water formed in a depression of
the earth by the late storm.
"Without waiting for my reply he
threw some of the potassium and powder
into the water. The result was startliiuf
to me, though I had anticipated the con
sequence. "The report was deafeuing, and the
flames seemed to leap to tho sky, illu
minating the uight scene with a ghastly
light, but startling as was the light of the
burning water the apeaxauce of my
companion, who had seemed to be sud
denly transformed iuto a demon, was
more terrible.
" 'See, see! he cried, danciug to and
fro with fiendish glee, it bums will
2.".l,000 Keuler.
Tho Prairie Farmer is iimivliiiig for
ward all the ti in circulation. It bus
made ft net Increase xince IVccmber I,
1SIK), of nearly S.ytXH) new yearly sub
scrilieis. This lecord hat never been
approached by another farm paper. Th
I'ralile Farmer goes legulaiiy each week
into mine homes than anv other ngil-
cultural journal in Aiueiica.
There is no secret hIm.iii this maiked
success. The Trail ie Farmer appeal
steadily to the ltii,.liuviit inrmcr and hi
family. It is the ai'Uo led L'ld ll.Kitltl
of the Agricultural press In America.
It Is clear cut, right up to date, piae
ticiil In every one of Its department. It
is ft positive neeessily to the farmer and : Sunday, at 2:11 III., for Oak 1'oillt
his laniilv. It now ha more than L'Mi-liv wa v liuuliliL's coiiiitvtiinr with
(ii:n. m niAvnt. M.t,.r,
Will leave Portland" I 'ail v. except
or tho
Fxpres Tralii leave Portland Pally.
Sml.ll I
it i.i r a
t Wr
in l.u
I v
I'erliainl Ar
OroifHii I'lljr I f
I ."aV,
f ID iM.
I 7 r M,
N Mallei I.T
IUMMI ( All ON OlllirN Hot' I k
Pullmnn Buffet Sloopors.
Socoiul-CUsft Slooplnir Cart
AIUi'IicmI in ilmiiith iralna
gases of water and feeding npon them ' burn tU1 tho l"1 ,s dry- What dd Xu
until the short of Euroiwi and America I thlnk ot mJ " B0W' Do not I hold
would be wrapjied in a sheet of flame. I the key ,0 aI1 ,ifo? oh 1 f,x'1 like
" 'No d. lnge that ever drowned the ' 'nJ a11 m,'n Rr but crawling at
world could extinguish the conflagration. I m f(tl St'e" ,hu flanM lottP hiKh ""J
but would rather transport the fiery b blShe';
gions to the ve ry pilhtrs of the heavens, j ,. ow.
000 reader In all parts of the civilized
world .
I'wight I.. Moody, the gieatest evan
gelist of the day, lion. Win, (.'. Itrecken
bridge, and other eminent writers, have
been engaged for special articles during
the coming year.
Yet their valuable work d )e not sto,
in publishing the best agricultural paper
....I I: I . . . . . . .
mv IMiiiiixiiers are noiinil to give their
reader the advantage ol very low price
in securing other journals; ami bv giving
a guarantee of a Urge number of ul
scriliors, they have secured imcial clulc
bing price with lieaily all the leading
journal in America.
They advise, u that thev will send
eeh of our readei The 1'rairii) Farmer
and Omaha Weekly I'.ce, both papers for
one year, forl (he regular subscription
price of each of them is l a war; or
they will end The I'rairie Farmer and
the Weekly llitir Ocean, both paper
one year, for M -'i. Thev also have
many other special nileis at an exceinl
inglv low price.
These special oilers r made exclu
sively by the 1'iaine Farmer, and very
low price cannot be seemed Imiii anv
other source.
The otter are onn only to January I,
1S1H Make all the remittance t.iThe
I'rairie Farmer Tub t o., lisl-ltd Adam
M., I hlcsgo, III.
I'or Claskiinio Monhnva, W'eilncs
diiys mill Friilnv.
Krturuing, arrive at Portland tit
lil a. in., I biily except Monday.
The ('luiU'itny reserve the riglit
to chunge time without notice.
For freight or passenger rates
apply toilock clerk at 1'orlUnd, loot
I, i ... i ,
iisiiiiigi.iiiM,,iiron ismrii slcaim r
This is the nearest and most di
rect route to the Nclutlctii vullew
.vi t n
I'.iriUn.l Ar
(lrfi..l llf l.v
Hiianlilir l.
7 U. M
let me drop the same agents
tonn.nt liftt hin. nnn th v,. and it would spread from shore to shore mcn '1 "mt l001 oa llro Iuto thU lake.
hi. r ... .u, I and from ocean to ocean, nntil it h.l In. I nJ tue f1"" 'lll be the sama
v - u vuv.xa um mtu aiw. luirn uu Lilts t -
noose, dropped into the saddle, and giv-1
ing the animal a smart blow dashed
fold.nl the L'lobe in itn n.-otliitur m.it,r- I"18 au". only a million times inoro
Every creature of the sea, the air and ' 8ran(h for tllB fire will follow the river j
through the crowd like a whirlwind, and
in a fevjr moments was beyond pursuit.
Of course there was lond reviling over
his escape, but 1 appeared so anxious for
his recapture that no blame was attached
the land would perish ay, the earth it
self would melt iuto fervent heat.'
"During this startling speech he had
worked himself iuto a fearful freuzy to
fix his intent gaze npon me as he cou-
to me. To carry out the deception 1 had clUllM a lWit that oumed into my
the body of the stranger carefully buried j lnmost '"S- 1 Mt I was in the pres
and remained in the place until I deemed 1 ence of a nl"""'
it safe to depart I " "Oh- welL" ' !. with what calm-
It was nearly three months before 1 ne8S ' conlJ command. we won't antici
met my brother in London, whither he j Pate 80 dreadM catastrophe as you so
had fled, and then he thanked me with I 'idly describe. But it is evident you
tears in his tyes for my daring assistance Dave male remarkable discovery. I am
In his escape from the lynchers. To my ! xm to tnow just how you accom
surprise, however, he evaded the subject P"3hel
of the murder, saying simply that no ! " 'Wmch is my secret.' he said, with
crime had been committed. I did not ' notner smile, and 1 saw that my dis
feel like pressing the matter, so the af-1 passiouate speech had had s soothing ef
fair was not mentioned again, though it i fect nPn him- Tlie mau Wtts evidently
has haunted my mind ever since. Last 84116 eicePt on tha' one subject,
week tar brother died with no kindred I " 'Yoa sre 4,18 m"st fteiisible man 1
near him. and today's post has brought ! nave met' ne 5ton framed, 'and 1 am
me a manuscript containing a startling ' Boin8 to ilnl'a enough of my secret to
revelation. I you so you will act with good faith in
In justice to my brother's name, as well laasisting me in a direction where I am
as my own satisfaction, I am prompted to powerless.
to the gulf and thence to the ocean, to
; envelop the entire world in its blaziug
sheet. What a sight for the gods to wit
ness!" I "He gesticulated fiercely and reached
' one arm over the water, as if to drop
the infernal powder upon its placid
bosom, his wild looking figure lit up by
: the transplendent glow of the horning
' pool. I gazed with awe npon him, real
izing only too well the terrible earnest
ness of his tone.
1 "'Wait!' I cried hoarsely, you forget
the money. Your secret is worth'
i " 'Bah! Who prate of mouey with a
cringing world at his feet? he shrieked.
I They laugh at me. Now let their tears
put out the flames my hand has kindled.
See! The potassium, it fumes, Lisaos,
dances upon the water! Now the pow'
"Imagine who can the horror of my
situation. The blood seemed to Jreeze in
my veins. My limbs seeiued paralyzed,
but I quickly overcame my lethargy.
The life of every being in the world was
in my hands. Serving myself for tho
River Route, vin.
Joseph Kellogg Truns. t'o.
STU. JOSKI'll KKI.!,(Hi(;, av.
Kels.1 Moiiilay, Wednesday and
Friday, at (1 A. M. ,(.UVcn' Port
laud, Tuesday, Tluirsd.iv and
Siilurday at 7 A. M,
STK. NOIlTIIWKST-l.cavcslVrl-
lainl Moiulav, Wcdw-dav and
Friday fur KeUomid t'iT Cow
litx river Miints, returning the
followitijj days.
Sltln IHIm,
iiKrwruN roii ii. a so and cohvau.hi.
Mall 1'ialll. Pally (Re. itilar.l
" T su m . i I. nUinl Ar " I V
IJPrn I Ar l i.rirallli If loira
At Allxny aii't ('i.r.nlll. omiiiio.'I anil Iralm
ol(il"ii ami 1'arlSe liallr.Hiil
Kieroaa Train Pall (ICii'i Sillidajr)
I 40 r l v l'..rlln. r I i n "i
; ;.ir I Ar MkMiiiiiviII l. It Mia. a
TO Al l. folMIS IH tllK
Can Iw oIiUIIk"! al li.ajxl ratio tnnii I. II
Mon. A(ul. Iinnu I lly,
It Koyill KH. R f KoorilN,
UiiiM'l An I 0 C ahU !'. Aianl.
Thin is the only direct tmiV
reach nil Cow lilt river jmi id,.
WM. II. HOLM AN, A-ent.
Iitvlor Street puck, I'ortlaiiil
Salt Lake,
Omaha, Kansas City
ChicajTO, St. Louis,
liastcrit Cities.
rtland, Or t
XI X(T 11,1,1 th" ,:',sl-
criva tn the, ttm-M iKa'n.! r. ; 'It needs not mv wi.nl. tn fll r... , W"w. I 'elltd tn nial Scientist dead at
. ..6.av v.- - - - . ;- - .., ii v.of 4.... . .
ions ever made. The following is his ! " wter is com posed of two ga.sea. " uo-
account as he wrote it for me: Dydrogen ana oxygen, in parts as 2 to " u" "M veu.
"When this is read, I shall have passed 1 ! Lnited in that proportion theso
beyond the tribunal of man, so I wish to elements are impervious to fire. Every
impress npon yon that I am about to re- j ftchooiboy knows that. 13nt mix them in
cord faithfully an experience which I : any otheT proportion, and heat, flame,
sincerely hope will fall to the lot of no 1 combustion, are the immediate conse-
other person.
"1 was alone in my room late one dark.
fttormy night when I heard a rap on the
" 'Now, 1 have discovered the key
which unlocks the affinity holding to-
door, which I fancied at first was but 1 Kether tDe constituent parts of water,
the wind shaking it on its hinges. But i A few grains of this powderare sufficient
it was repeated louder than before. I j t0 dismember its warlike elements, when
bade the applicant, whoever he might be, tlie funeral pyre of the human race is
to come in, without looking np from the Hidled as far as this planet is concerned.'
book which held my attention. " 'Impossible!" I could not help ex-
"A moment later the door was opened, tlaiming. -God in his infinite wisdom
and with the gust of wind which sent ' Dever cnatl a wfll no beautiful as
every light object in the room flyinirtoD- i thiB aml tDen placed in the hands of its
You know the rest. I was disced
ered in the act of dealing the fatal blow
by men who could not understand the
immeasurable deed I had done. You
saved my life. In the sight of Uod I feel
that I have committed no crime, but I
shall die easier knowing that when I am
gone the truth will be known to the
world. My conscience is clear, aud yet
the secret has pointed in my every ac
tion like a finger of fire." Tit-Bit.
ey turvy a man entered the apartment
witn quick, catlike steps.
"'Pardon me for the unreasonable
hourt at which I call,' he said in a clear,
crisp tone, 'but I suppose doctors get
" tised to all sorts of calls.'
" 'Certainly,' 1 replied, I fear some
what impatiently, as he had interrupted
me at a time when I did not like to be
disturbed. 'What can I do for you?
" 'Oh, I do not come for professional
assistance,' he hastened to say, evidently
reading my thoughts. 'Mine is strictly
a business calL Are you at liberty for a
few minute?
" 'Yes. but the hour is late, so I trust
yon will u oB brief as possible.'
" '.ur. uanow, now mucn are you
" 'Enough to made life comfortable
for myself,' I replied. 'If you have no
more important question than that, our
interview might as well come to an end
at once.'
" 'Pardon me, I will come to business.
As I told you, I am a professor of sci
ence, and I have made a discovery which
Is worth millions yes, sir, millions.
"'I need not tell you of the anxious
days and sleepless nights it has cost me.
No matter; I have succeeded at last.
and you are the first man I have ever
approached with my secret. I did not
do that until I was satisfied you were the
safest one I could find.'
"Ab he spoke he opened a small bag
Which he carried and took ont three or
four vials to place npon the table.
" 'Education based upon scientific re
search,' he remarked, 'has made a star
tling advance within the past few years,
fiat so mn hu goaf Jbrthet: Into. the
subjects the means of its destruction.'
" 'Poor fool!' he said, compassionately.
"You forget that the moon is but a fire
extinguished world; that planets with
out number are the charred remains of
what were once scenes of life and beauty ;
that the sun is a molten mass of heat;
that he has said in his own word, in the
end "the heavens shall be folded together
like a scroll, the elements to melt with
fervent heat."'
" 'You see this vial. It contains po
tassium. It needs not me to tell a tnan
of your information the result when
this is brought intocontact with oxygen.
It ignites instantly. This powder hero,
the secret of whose compound is known
only to me, contains properties which
instantly decompose the watery ele
ments. The moment the oxvaen is free
the potassium ignites it, and the work of
Cery destruction is begun.
"'You betray a look of doubt. Per
haps you think that this action will be
merely local that the properties will
quickly burn out, and in consequence
the fire die for want of sustenance. If
o, you err. The properties of this pow
der are self generating, and as long as
the water lasts muHt of necessity con
tinue their work of decomposition, the
oxygen continually feeding the flames.
" 'Get me another basin of watr. I
Want to demonstrate it more clearly to
"As be had done before, he turned the
potassium into the bain und then sifted
in a certain umouut of the powder. The
hissing and fuming cpiiclcly began, fol
lowed by a sharp report, w'.ien a column
of fire again sprang up, which lasted un
til the water was consumod.
- 'You see. tar first trial was no ilia-
The War It Over. A Well-known Sol
dier, Correspondent and Journal
ist Makes Disclosure.
Indiana cnntrlliutril hr lliim-amUufbrarn
oIiIIkm to tlie war. mnl no alnlti tx-ur. a l i
Jit m-nrtl In that mim-t llian It dm-a. la
llt.Tni.ire H la rapidly iw'.UlrliiK an
enrlabU ma. In war and llu-raturn
Nilimmn Vi-wkII, will known na a wrltrr na
"Nil." baa won an tiiinoralile pomliin. Imr
Inir th Into war lie wa a mfiiitxr nf Co. M,
i'l. N. V. Cavalry aud uf tlir Uth Indiana In
fantry Volunliiirt. UcKurdlnii an Important
cln-iiniatam-o h wrltraaa follow:
' Srvrral nf ua old v.traiitt lir .hi ii.lnif
lr. MIIi-h' l(-titr:itlve Ncrvln... H.-iirl Cur.,
and N.Tre and l.lvfr Pllla. all nf thrill Klvlux
npli'iidld aaiSfai-tlim. In fai l, wr linn- ncvi r
iimsI rvmrdlr that roninaru wltli them. Uf
I hi- Hllla w muat av lh. am t In... .-on,.
tl nit I Ion nf the iiialltli- niilri'd In a in
arm Ion of their nature we hav evrr knna n.
We hum none hut word of prul' fur them.
They am the nnwrowth of a new prlni'lple In
medlrlne, and tone up the ayatem wonder
fully. We aay to all, try thi-M) rvnieillc."
"vilomim Vewcll, Marlon, Ind,, lh .V IMCL
Thee remedies art. wild hy all drumd!
srHnltlire vunraiitee, or aetil illm i hy ihu
lr. Mile M.illral Co.. Klkhart. Ind.. on re.
celjl of lirl'-e, tl per Ixitthi. all Uililiv. IA,
press prepaid. They positively coulalu uultlier
opluun nor duriKvrouadruKa.
For sale hy Charman A Co.
1 AND -
iHfMtrtd 'mtktT lo Oiua!
uu-lp un.l KansaHCitv.
KIW, KltKK Iu:c:UMN(MM,.ir
Ci's, Ilininn Cars.
nnvpn nn ,.n a.Mn
DUALi Ul Afll MAMACOTjS. H. II. Clark.
lOlivr W. Mink,
desiring Wood Turning,
trn, Ilrackets, or
A Gentleman
Win formerly resided In Cumiertlnit, but
who now resides in Itciimliilu, writes: y0t
w yiiri past, my wtfs
nn 1 1 have used Ayer'i
llalr Vl((r, and wo
litlrihiiU: to It the dark
lair which she and 1
now have, while hun
dreds of our acquaint
ances, ten or a dozen
years younger than we,
are either Kmy-lieaded,
white, or hald. WI.en
asked how our hair has
retained Its color and
fullness, wm reply, 'jly
the use of Ayer'a Hair
Vigor nothing else.'"
"In lSKH, my affianced
WM nearly bald, and
tho hair
kept fall
Ilia out
day. I
I ii d need
her to nn)
Ayors Jlalr Vljror, and very soon, It not
only checked any further loss of hair, hot
produced an entirely new Krowlh, which has
remained luxuriant and K'ossy to this da.
I can recommend this preparation to all in
need of a genuine hair-restorer. It Is all
that It Is claimed to be." Autonlo Alarnin,
Bastrop, Tex.
Sl.Wpor liotik
One cut u done.
...it, w,. i in;..!! l.l.'llK plollilly rurrs
whero nil others full, toui;ha, C rocp Sore
Throat, Hcaraeneaa, Whooping Couuh and
Aatnma. Tor Consumption It hns nn rival;
has cured thoutnnda, and will runn yon If
Uikmiln tliKO. Inl'l l,y Ir. .u ,..
on ton. Fur n i,;;: l:MeK or (,'ii"t iiho
lllive J..u i ..
toed to cun' you, t',
Shop Carpenter's Work
Will In; Suit,.,) by Calling on Mm.
Doors, Windows and Blinds
fa tlip. tlie (Nuiifrt'itatioiial Cluin-I'
Do Not Climb U HT
stor AT-
George C. Ely's
lUyville, - Oregon,
Whore you can Ret the litlicHt
ranh jirici; lor
Butter, Eggs and Other Farm
A i
Full lino nf new roihIh
lower than Oregon City.
lit jirii-cH
na ri'ims.yiai ueran.
"'. IiJ'xU.rfieo.
For sale by C. G. Huntley.
Armerv. Third and Main Hootilnp Hrlll ni.,ht
Monday. Kevillar bllHlneaa tneetinva. flrut
Monday of each month.
J.W. OanonK, - Caataln
f.S Kelly, - - Flrat Lieutenant
U L. flckeua, - - Second Lieutenant
A new and complete treatment, eonalatms of
fiiippoaltorlea, Oliitment In Capaulea, also In
Box and I'llla: a poaltlve cure tor Kxternal
Internal, Itllnd or bleed Iiik, ItchliiK, chronic'
Keren t or Hereditary Plica, aud many dlseaaea
aod female weakneaaes; It la always a areai
beueflt to the iceiieral health. The flrat dis
covery of a medical cure rendering an opeiatlou
with the knife unneceaaary hereafter. Thla
riinedy has never been known to fall. l per
box. t tor V,: aunt by mall. Why lurTer from
thla terrible disease when a wrltien (uara'Uce
lafiven with six boiea to refund the money If
not cured. Mend itamp for free sample. (lur
antee laaued by WiHiiiAKnCl.aaxa A Co, whole
sale and retail drugirlata, aole aifenta, Portland
Oregon. Koraale bylj.o. Huntley, Oreiroufjity'
TUALITIN ORANOK, No. Ill, p. of If
w M..'""J,'J!,t H,t"r',,'r "' eilcn """"h ' "lr
hall In Wllsonvllle. K. H. JIkkry
Mitt Biua Hhasp, 8eo'y. MaaUjr,
- If you aru iiitorcHtnl in
Ad vcrtiHinjr
1 you oti'lit to l. a Hiih
Hcrihcr ot I'iiin tkhm' Ink:
a journal for mlvfrtiHcrs.
PrinterH' Ink
iH lHstii-il wfi'kly and j
filli'il with fontrihtitidiiH
ami helpful miKg!ntioi)H
from tho brij,'ht(!Ht miiidri
in tho adviTtini nf( hiiHi-
PrinterH Inlc
coHtu only two dollars a
year. A sample copy will
ho Hont on receipt of fivo
10 Sppuss St., - T(9ui York
Ueifillsr meetliiK third Tuesday of each
month at 7:I P M J. II Krnnkr Pres.
11. U. Htkanoi, sea. 8. NsrzoxK, F'rtn.
Meels In K. P. Hall ou the second and fourth
Monday eveuliiKt of each month.
Mat W. K. JolINBON.Pret't.
Mitt NoRRa Citirr, Bec y,
V.. I'.lli ry
For rate nnl OTiieral
tioti cull on or nihlreHN,
W. II. IHMM.Iin.T, A-Kt. n. ni.
I'hhh. Act., '.'.'i WftKhitinton St., cor.
Thinl, rortliii.il, Or.
Oregon Pacific Railroad
K. W. IIADI.KY, K.wiver.
Direct Line Ojiirk ilixpiitch
Low fruiht rato iH-iween Wil
llltnettH Valley KiilitH iiinl San
S. S. Willamette Valley
I. eaveH San Kranrinoo OctohiT 17
ami '27, ami Nov. l.r.
LeavoK Vaijuina Ortoher 12 ami
22, and Nov. .r.
Thin Company reserves ttm
rijjlit to chanpj nailuin date with
out notice.
Steamer "Iloan" leaven Portland
Wediienday'H and Saturday'H at (5
A. M.
II. C. DAY, Oen. AK't. Salmon
Street Wharf, Portland,
D. U. VA(X;iIN,(ien. Ak'L Sau
FranciHeo, Cal.
C. C. 110(1 UE. (i. K. it P. A..
Corvalliw, Oregon.
Livery, Feed and SaleStalilo
Double ami HinL'le Rilth. and hiuI.
dlo IiorweH always on hand at tha
loweHt pricfH. A oorrall connfintod
with the ham for Iooho stock.
Information rnirunlinu anv klml or
stock promptly atUimlutl to by person of
Horses Bought and Sold.
Full Stock of Guns Ammunition.
Kepslrson all kinds of small machines
promptly made. Duplicate keys to
any lock manufactured. Hliop on
Main Htreet, next to
Nohlitt's Stabl.t.