Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 29, 1893, Image 7

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ttvon tlia llaradmlr Niiaaa la In lril bjr
His Nalurallat to III Kitinliua Mtlll
( llnglng to TIimI llollnf mnd I'rmtniilltig
ITalty UihhI Argunmiit.
BcIiwb pluyfi hob with tho fond tradi
tion of rural ai'liriollHvy duyn. IIW
feuiriy UKly but tiaoful tnud liuve lawn
l ft i (inillHturlxxl powMwilon of gur
'rtcn bt Inm'aiiiw) to tiuiidlft thntn w.in
tut to cover your humid wlthwitrU and
to kill tlinut would form your oowi to
lot lown bloody milk? What boy would
linvs crualii'd a rrlckot, niMurad a lis
im tluit ltd Uinta would coma at tilxlit
nd svi'UKi ll ii'iilh liy outing up tliut
rmtli boy' clot Ima? What mn live to
dny who, im a rimtla hid, Iiim not bld
tho itlltil ilnddy-loiiff li'Kd priaotmr by
on halrllkw nlmok mid infortimd tlie
globulur liiKcct that unlt'M It forthwith
rolntod out tho wny In whlih the
lout cow hud jfoiio liiHtmit diiiith
waited It. mid when dhl diiddy-loiift-1'K
full to riiiito ono alimditr li'tf and In
(llmto, lu'omllnn to boylidi lellf, the
dlrwtiim tlm HlruyiiiK klmi IiikI
And tho drvil'a durtilliif needle, that bljj
eyud thiiiK tlmt lived and rowled fur
nothing else tlmn to ww your earn np,
nd tho miiKiu cid akin tied round your
leg, or iwk, or urui, to keep tho (Tittup
way when you went in awliiiinliiK, nml
tho Biiako that awullowod iu yotmif, ud
freiitet of nil, that vivified bnlr from
liomo' tail, wrli,",'liii mid iryratinK in
tho roiidaido mud puddle, tho borneluiir
Uut wienca him Mqx d In mid nfileuin
ly ond eriouly wild tlmt thetw ar nil
myth. It In n almttorlng of Idola. but I
feur that to wienoA tnuat bo irranhtd all
It denied about tint Xi-eptMd to dliuket
wallowliiK their yoimjf. 1 have txen an
0M-n mouthed nml wide eyed witneitdof
that luteredtiiiK trick tK oft.m to let
even profound w ientiNt hIuikI up and
diK'larn that it inn't no.
I Imld out M little, too, for tho honw
bnlr dtiake, for I huvo in my mind n cer
tain viiuriint liorwliuir that I onro put iu
an oyHter k lilled with rainwater, and
either that hnrnehuir in the rourmi of
few wwkd took on tho M'lnhlMiico of lifo
ud form of n horwlmir anukw mid kept
it lip all HciMon in a Untie to which J
tninHfernil it, or clo it diaapiH-arod, and
the KTtn f ,v,t wa mpponed wo
bornehair anako' hapxiied to 1 in the
water and developed tliern. I lmve nl
waya liimts that 1 made a honu lmir
nuke. 1 have heard ninny veriwlotii
. AimmiiIuU of Ur4 l.fUua. I
iitiyll(Mri, (lKU wL).n tlm oliltir Dul-'
W(ir Wu4 u i ,.ri,n il ii. n tl, I
'"tl i enKKeil to do n certain Job
or IiiiM ,Jr, At t,1() ,.,, I)f B WW)k ,0
ciirrMlii, ,.,.(, t tl0 wujrr, who
mini n ,(!,, .r), w W()rt, a ,,H,IK
HiKl 0 !,. Tll I)MH(,( Umt Mlt
' mk,iik1i and ref mtd to aettlii,
ml evr, M h(J I(,t tl() lml,i(r hB
w",,l,, "P hl.n and mU him for bin
money P(1HIy Ul0 baj(r Wam()
"Kry. ffliKharged the man and refuond
nj farmer on tho estate to hire
to ill low
The nun wad forced to leave the
neiKhborhocd, but he woe too poor to
ii i "rllt "'"""'Wi o tliat he wa
' ill tt' "" Circ,llt of the U111'r 111
will. b(frver he wont thl purauod
JiUn, nd bu Ufa In couiMxjunnce wui
hard oni. But all the time he knpt tall
Inif hit Umilj, Hn,i hi, frieniU that tome
day he Kt the monoy which the
Hulwor Lyttoi, tnu, owj him.
He wm w,u on yeArf wll(rJ on6
lay he ttieti man In the road. It wan
the aomi tim, IKH,t 0won Muredlth, now
come to th title, and KiiKUdh ernbaaiM.
dor to F rii(:, at h0me on rldlt.
"You or Lr(j Lytton. I believe." he
aid redportfniiy,
Xfiw I'm Ynr rlfif ('lilnkvn.
Hhould the little datiKhbr of Mr. Ca-
llwil over recover alio own her life to n
lUilluii violinist Iu 11j city, HniTorirjff
lid nhn la with brain fever and tho doc
tor flvliij up nil hope of her rocovory,.
thin morning dlie apoke the flrnt word
and at the lirnt mordol ulie hui for aey
oral duya. A friend of Mr. Cttliiwl, an
Italian, v inked the aick child and re
marked had be known hi condition a
duy or two bo he could certainly have
aved lmr. lluwovor, be wa willinK to I
try It, and K"I"K cut be brought in a j
nutnbor of upring chickens. Taking a
live chicken be aplit ojien IU back with a
Jcnlfo, orxttied It wide and plocod the ln
Klds of the chicken, ntrall, blood and
all, over the child'! bead. A ooon as
the chicken lKn to got cold be would
open another and plaoe it on In the aame
About tho time the aocond chicken be
gan to cool the child epoke, and after
ward aaked fur aomethhig to eat. So
for 23 chickeni have boon used, and the
child ie doing dplendldly. What effect
the warmth of the chicken and vitali
bad upon the child' head the writer can
not toll, but ihould the child fully re
cover the Italian profoonor wanta the
credit. Ho nay he naved hid on's life in
Heals ESSf
(fa bores,
the Serpent's
i.A ...i.. - j
i nen, n ph'aio, 1 ahonld like you j to uho 48 upring cliickom. no nrofere
dim ixkjii uue ; rablilta when ho can get them in hij
treutmetit. Padiirah Newa,
to pay an account which
me for a long time."
Lord Lytton liK.ked at the account,
and at hit riqueHt tho man told the
whole Htory. T, ,MH,t WHI1 vry ml(.u
affwU-d and di,turbML Then he aald:
"Well. I will, Jo
It up to yuu."
I In uriiNt m... .1 ... i i.. I r . ii.
a bonne at , ',,7 l . ' ' ",tft "Ufi,Uy converted
iWffM S I t I '''o.cruiW,H,,d waathefirdt.U..amahip
Jh wmZT: Hr Crt0rXul " ' "' Alphabet of Fimt Tiling. In
Sirmlt dy.-IIrtford Canada." Thol.iP was the Royal WU-
- ham. She waa built at the Core, Que-
Tk. wiir Chin.... bee, in the winter of 18U0-1, and during
A Oertnun Jfw who keep a pawn- ! "'e!," o' 1K13-3 pliwl between Que-
liroker a lwpinvdiii'v in l.lcHHed with " 8na in me latter aeaeon
Tlia rirat Nlram Crulur.
It Ih generally known that the first
what I can to make c Wlu ,,nilt )n Canitlll. xlje lnforIIllv.
tioii id nut ao gi ncTiil, however, that thin
UUIIinUIUUJ IntlllUdUitMCotenlewiv
oi nnn nnionu enwiiuwi liy h. h. A. ntU
iDLUUU rUIOUll tliile xirc anil nlmrmli
! mamm yiI tn Iu licallnir pimr.m'll
.It rciwivn u piltooand lwll.l up tlw yitiiiVl
I A luba uuUM um iihh ud Iu ueuutnti
ylPeoirer tin nogsSV
fW eMid ctianca. If
TOU would at flrnt nun-
seed, be aure aud iiart with wly
IllUl VnryH Owl Annual for 1HB4 I
lcoiitalni tlie lulu Hiirj ullaiiof
v' tl' I1"' btrrriliiK knowl- If
vANNXedga. Every plan ler aliould
vSNNN. have It. Knt free.
Special Sale.
$1 BUYS fcit,,f;r 19 'Iry granulated Htigar, 18 11.8. rice, 28
lbs. small white bcanH, 20 Jb. rolled oatH, 4 lb. good
roaHte4 coffee, 4 lbs. good green tea, 11 cans tomatoeH, 6
cans of oyntern, 2's, 15 yard cabot Vr., 21 yanln comfort
prints, 1 pair men's pants; 1 Mimics cloak.
25C. BUYS 1 Tam O'Shanter cap, 1 lb bfHt ground pepper,
ginger, allHpice or mustard, 1 pair ladies' rubbers, 1 lb.
cocoanut, 1 pair infant's nhoes; 7 spools be?t thread, 1
misses knit skirt; 1 child's jacket; 1 boys shirt or pair of
drawers; 12 bunches matches.
RUIl Of Kiln pOttery 2 gal. jar and cover 25c; 1 gal.
jug 10c; 1 gal. milk pans 10c.
A 25c broorn for 17c; a better one for 20; tubs 40c". and 50c; Lanterns
45c; mixed candy 1 lb 10c; our 12jc wall paper 9c per
double roll; our 20c grade now 14c; boys' axes 35c; shoes
reduced, clothing reduced; underwear, overshirts marked
down; good cotton socks 5c a pair; childs mittens 10e;
dress goods at first cost or less; ladies' mittens 10c.
uiiu imiiKiniT, wjo now Ulnl tlien keepe
aliop while tier father attemla eaten on
tlie lookout tt barKaiiio. During the
t-iiiporiiry alwoceof j1i1 Moaea reeetitly
a iiKHk UxiUtin CliiiiHiimii wulkel into
the ahop no I akn Itjuliel to ahow him
! oollio "weVir ui watrlim "
ulie waa aent to London and there char
tered by the Portniru'we government to
tnuinport troop Intended for tho aerrice
! of the late Doin Pedro to Drazil. Re
turning to London, aho waa acid to the
Hpaniah Koverninent, by the latter con
verted into a rruiwr and employed
To Icl!lh Sarriit, W. II. Kliniinl, Cnrni-llin
K'linuniU, Altx-rt Kniirne Hnrirenl. K'lward
llnirjr hurrpiit. Katie hamt ut and Mm. Marl
clta I rait, hrlra at law nl Jacob V Miller,
1ereNi, and In all nihfra unknrwn:
In the name nl the Kiaieel Orpnoii, you anil
erh of rim anecomnianilrd anil cited to appear
helore the Honorable County Judge of C lack a
maa enmity, atate cil OrfiroD. at hla oflioe In ihe
court hoiicatOr ifou'lly. Oregon, on Tui'i! iy.
Iiecrinlier lath at lOo'clm ka. m., then and
there to ahow oaiine 11 auv exlt, why an order
and llrene may tint be (ranted (he adinlnUtm
trlx to aell lo a and i In hlork 'kIi, Milwaukee,
Clarkam'm countv. Oreuon. aa prayed forlnher
Mtltlon now on file in raid county court
WHnea the Hon. .1. W. Meldrum. Judge nf
aald court, and my otllelal aeal. thia Kth iiy ol
November, law. (iKi). K. IIOKTON,
ll-17:l'i-I.S Co. Clerk and l.'lerk of Co. Court'.
ahelf at the end of the counter marked
reat:nvely, 'fQ wiitch." "I0 watch."
"f;o waU h" and "kjio watt h." and ar
railed them in t line on tho counu-r in
the order of their rultie.
A'tin inapetted tliern. and taking ad
vantage of lUdieli momentary inattoii-
ft. ,ii Mlliiru..! ll. ltd ......I. 1..... ii I
hi.ru.n .1.. ... tl...ft ,1 I ., .1 . ""- iiiviiimn
..-., Mlat i,.. ,,, ul)uu ,,,, ,i , , .tin ...... -u -...i 1.... .
Kiu hel banded down four from the ! P"ln,t Don Carlo ,n the civil war of
1886. thue lieing the first ateamer to fire
hoatile ebot. Toronto Newi.
"Hut yuu are all wrong," eayg Nich'
olaa Pike, the liiituruliat. "The tioraehmr
make, or hairworm, la the OorJiua
aqtiulirua. and it ia common In moat
freah water Kiinlaaud rivulnta. Tnoiigh
no larger around than a course cotton
throuU. they lmve two miiutlia. one on
hiooi uiu ni-u.l. lliey Iny t;iirea
and aoiuetimi thonoiinda of g(;. xie
egga ore deposited in atringa, lilt, a
chain, on the aide of ahiillow pnndu or
cre.-ka, uml they nre grts-dily awallowed
by varioua aiiiutie liiHeeta. Then from
tho time tlie ek'g ia hutched tlie firat part
of tho worm'a niitrimetit ia aH-nt aa a
puruaite, iihaiirhing nutriment from tho
body of Uh unlucky hokt. The lar;;
water IxsdleH are atihjtvt to these purn
aitea. They have lieen found in a crick
et They are graceful awiiniuera, but
when taken from tho water they twist
theinaelvca tntoaucli an Intricate knot
that it ia almost imposHlblo to nnlooso
It. iliey urn ciiIIikI tiordiua from thia,
the Uordimi knot
"1 have no doubt that one reason why
the idea of tho horsehair anake has. been
propagated ia from ignorant pereona
who lmve had varioua InaecU in clear
water watching them for atudy or curi
osity Knowing tlmt they put in only
certiiin live creatures, and aome day
finding these live worina, they were as
tonished. Tho chance are that the
...- worm wero developed from a pet beetle
that in it native pond mudo a foost on
tome ova of the tiordiua, to be paid
doarly for later when theae hatched."
But there waa no et beetlo or any
, other inwet in my keg of rainwater.
The hom-halr went away, and tho snake
, or wortujipH-ared. I don't believe the
horauiuur ver awallowed any Gorditia
ova. 1 cau't imagine any reoaon whva
Doraenuir ehould turn into a aiuike or
worm when kept in tlie water, but why
not a horse' hair as well aa a cow' hair
or a diH-r'a liuir? Science had better not
tell any of tlie few old ettlera of north
ern Pennsylvania or any other '-x-ality
Whore the pionei-ra were frequontl their
own tanner that cow' hair and tW
hair will not turn into worm under cor
tttin condition or science will got a
black eye. In the pioneer day, whon a
aettlor wanted Inuther for boots or ahoea,
it waa not an uncommon thing for him
to make a vat by hollowing out a pine
log, and naing wood ashes instead of lime
in removing the hair. When the hide
waa taken out of tlie vat it would be
placed in a creek to eoak out the alkali.
i nave more man once lu-urd the sons
of auch pioneer toll of finding etiriou
worm ewiinming about those hido
where they were lying in quiet pool.
Theae worm were about two inches
long, somewhat thicker than a cow'
hair, and always in various Htagea of de
velopment from the hair aa it came off
the hide, eome being for a part of their
.length simply hair, while the rest was
' tlie living worm, white and aemltrans
parent Some would bo atill fast to the
hido, but wiggling to get loose, wtion
they would wim about with a hair fora
tail These worms were never seen ex
cept in. the pools with the hides, either
cow or deer. The more 1 think of these
woll authenticated cow hair worms the
more I am inclined to defy science and
hold out for the horsehair worm. New
York Sun.
over a 110 not laying:
"1 take cheat wiUehoe."
Shortly afterward ftiu h 1 detected the
; swindle and aoncht rofugo in t-ars. On
j the return of old Hour alio reluted the
misadventure with many proteetatione
of concern.
"Never mind, mino tear." Raid the
j father, with a drrchuckle. "dose vatcht
I were all tie same brice f 8 but vat a
I scoundrel dot Shinamiiu muat o, don'd
! her London Til-Bit.
The Caiw of Cleyaora.
Dunoon hua eii!amed the ioriodical
eruption of gi'vaeni iu such a satisfac
tory manner that doubt ia no longer pos-
il)lo. A cavern filled with water lie
j deep in tho earth under the geyser, and
, tlie water in thiirarern is heated by the
eartn internal hiMt fur above 212 de
grees, since theroua heavy hydrostatic
pressure upon itamaig from tho weight
of water in tho liasnLjeur natural stuiul-
i pipe that leads from the subterranean
chamber of the aiirfat-oof the earth.
After a time il temperature of the
water below rises, not lint steam is (riven
oft in spito of tho pressure, and the col
umn in the exit tube i gradually forced
upward. The release ot pressure and
the disturbance of the water then cause
the contents of the mhterranean cham
ber to flash into Meiim mid expel the
content of the exit pipe violently. These
eruptions may also be provoked by throw
ing stones or clods of turf into the basin
of the geyacr. The water in the cavern
below is disturbed by this means. Great
Newipapera a,nd thf Love f Hooks.
It is not any mure true in Enirhind
than it is in this country that the read-
ing of newspapers ii ipoiling the taste
ror tiooka. Never in any other genera
tion wore there as larvrditinnaof books
of knowledge and thought printed and
sold as there are in this one. The figure
given in the reports of the Dritisb and
American book trado are amazing, espe
cially as regards books of the hiirheat
erudition, the deepest cogitation and the
wiBost counsel. As many aa 50,000 copie
oi mr. uryce "American Common
wealth have already been gold in this
country and England. The work of tbs
groat authors of tlie past, loo, are more
m aomaud than they overyere before.
It Is ignorance to ay that giijd newspa
pers spoil the tasto for book. 'They pro
mote me love or the beat book. New
York Sun.
Golden pinions, purple eyed.
Floating dors tlw airy tide
Whence then, breathes a faint pertain
Hinting of the clover's bloom
Hither, thither, fluttering
I'p and down on tlreleaa wing
What the ipell and whose the power
Thna to lure her, hoar by hour.
Poea her lover captive) dwell
In eome clover honey cell.
Whither after weary fllghta
8he with folded wings slighter
, By what myatery of speech
Ikiea his vulce her bearing reach?
liy bat augury or alga
Hung n pontile grmaeor vinef
Who the lonely prisoner
In the clover calllnu her,
IlldilliiK her to set him free
ICndlng hla cajtlvlt7
Th young Cupid, stricken blind,
Hhnt a clover leuf behind.
Calling to Hie butterfly '
"1'ayi lir. I'-yche, here am I!"
-Prank U. Sherniaa In Youth's Companion.
Htsle nf tireou. County of Clackamas, .
i John Boylen, plaiiillfT, VI. Jamei Orcutt; deft.
Civil action for the recovery of money.
, To Jamea Orcutt. the slKive named delcndact:
in the name ol tne Htatenl Oregon: You are
For fall and spring trade, 1393-94.
Nursery located on Hawthorne Ave.,
miles from Portland.
hereby leuulrcd to appear before the under-1 -p.- . 1 tr J- ur . n- e tr. m , i i
signed. . juaiiceoi the Fesre for the precinct On x irst and Madison, WestSide, for Jit. Tabor, which
aloimald. on thef.thday ol January. li.4. at i ' '
:iOo'cliK-k, In Hie loreiKKin ot aald day, at the j will tal-P vnn InVnrworv
office of aald Ju.il.-i-. Iu auch precinct, to an-! " 111 lK.e ul 10 i Uffcer .
awer the above named plaintiff Iu civil
Ihe defendant will take notice, that if be fail
to answer the complaiut herein, the plaintiff
will take Juilimeut against him for the aura nf
t-4 M. toiieiher with the costs aud disburse
ments to lie taxed hereiu
(liven under my baud this 7th day of Decem
ber, IV3. T. W. FOri'ti,
12-1.V-1-19 Juslice of the Peace.
Every patriotic citizen should give hi
personal effort and influence to increase
the circulation of his home paper which
teaches the American policy of Protec
tion. It is his duly to aid in this respect
in every way possible. After the home
paper is taken care of, why not sub
scribe for the American Economist,
published by the American Protective
Tariff League? One of its correspon
dents says t 11 No true American can
get along without it. I consider it the
greatest and, truest political teacher in
the United States."
Send postal card request for free
sample copy. Address Wilbur F.Wake,
man, General Secretary, 135 West d
St., New York.
In Ihe Comity Court of the ccuuty of Clacka
1 mas, atata ot Oregon.
I In ihe matter ol the estate of Olive W. Mar
j quira, deceased.
! Notice Is hereby given that the Dual account
I of the administrator of the estate of olive W.
' Variiinm, deceased, has been rendered to said
I Court for settlement, and that Tursds). the 2d
1 day ot January. IM. at 10 o'clock A. M .bat
! hcvn duly appointed by said Court for the set
tlement thereof, at vhleh time any person In
j tcreslcd in said estate may appear and He his
; exception In writing u said account and con
I test the aame. A B. UAkyl'AM,
I Ailiuiuistiatorof tire estate of Olive W. Mar
. o,uam. deceased.
Hated this Mil dayof November lxns.
l'J lilJ W bKOA NELL & UKKtiSER,
Alt ys lor Admlulsirator.
Come and Examine Stock before placing your orders.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.. Send for Catalogue
and Price List.
W. S. FAILING Station A., Portland Of.
Manufacturers of and dealers tn all stylet of
A Theory aa to Swlaglna.
"What makes Swiggin euch an no
oonsclonabje liar?'
"Stinginess. He ho a many facta a
anybody, but he bate to give them out."
Showing That I'lanta Can Sea.
Can plants seol1 Darwin gave it as hi
opinion that some of them can, and an
Indian botanist relate some curious in
cident which tend to verify the belief.
Observing one morning that the tendril
of a convolvulus on his veranda had de
cidedly leaned toward his leg as he lay
in an attitude of repose, he triod a series
of experiments with long pole, placing
it In such ft position that the leaves
would have to turn awav from the lio-L
in order to reach it. In every cn ha
jounn mat tne tondrns set thunisolve
visibly toward the pole and In a very
few hours hail twined thomselvos closely
around it. London Public Opinion.
A Scientific fact.
A lively ftsktMl an astronomer if the
moon wo inhabited.
"Madam." he replied. "I know of one
moon in which there is always. tt mttn
and a woman.''
"Which l thiitr
"The honeymoon." Journal Amn.
Meets every Friday night at the K. of P. hall
VIMUlig Kuighta lav lied
CHAS. Al.HRKlllT, Jo., C, C.
J. X. Kiiodks, K. of K. and S
tao. FOR
AnTrcable Laxative and fv EH V E TO.N IC.
Bold by nniirirsia or sent br mail. I5c, Sue
and fl.OO per package. Samples free.
Mlflrt The Fsvonte TOOTH PCWIIS
at la for the Teeth and ilreaUh.H6a.
For sale by C. G. Huntley,
Meets first Friday of taeh month at
Fountain enxlne house. Chas. Athky, Pres.
C. B Pillow, Hee'y. Chas. Hitiir. frm
Meets second Tuesday of euch month at Cat
aract KiiRlne house. . W. II, Ho win., Pres
0. 11. IIsktow, 8ec'y. J. W. O'Connsi.u K'rn.
BI'TTK CKEKK 0RAN0R, No. H2, P. of h.
McVIs at their hall in Marntiam, second Sat
urilay in each month at 10 a. m. Visltluu
aiemliorsalways welcome.
Hecrotarv Master.
Mceta first slid third Monday lu each month.
at Htralnht's Hall. Visiting brethcrn welcome,
Kco. M. W,
Are Safe and Reliable.
UT Perfectly Harmless.
The Ladies
Purely Vrjre-
1 taoie 1 r ver
PRICE $1.00.
Sent postpaid on receipt ei
price. Money refunded if r
Vin rfa rinnhnfia Cn
11a uu iiiuuuuiju VVii
Oes Moines, Iowa.
For sule by Charman & Co.
' MM
AW a. . FalUI
aw r
Meets first Mnndav nf each month, at K. nf
P. II nil, Orcgou City. Visiting comrades made
J.P.Shaw, Ad.
GEN. CROOK POST, No, 32 O. A. R , Do art-
111 cut 01 urcson.
Meets In school house at Needy on first Sat
urday in each month st 2 o'clock p. m. All
comrades made welcome. I. P. Hti.MNfia,
II. THOMrsoN, Adjt. Commander
Mrs. M. M. Charman, President
Mrs. F. L. Cochrane, - Tresaurer.
Mrs. J. B. Harding, - Secretary.
Meets on first and tniru Fridays of earn
month iu K. of P. Hall. Members of corps
from abroad, cordially welcomed.
E. D. Raker Camp, No. IS, meets every first
snd third Thursday evening of each mouth, at
K. of P. hall.
E. S. CALIFF Capt.
H. 8. Rst.Ltmv, lt Lieut
(i.O. woods, 2d Lleuu
Needy - Nursery,
J. B. NOE. Prop.,
A fine lot of all kinds of
Ready for Fall Trade.
A lot of one and two-year-old
Italian and Petet Prune
TREES. All healthy.
Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also
Hartman Steel Picket Fence,
And Wire Tanel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence
Call and see Samples and get Prices.
Shop over Bestow'8 Sash & Door factory, Oregon City, Or.
pope& eo.
Thia old and reliable firm always keep in stock a full line of
nf, wlf ait Minn
Mm, Aim etc. v'
Plumbing, Gas Fitting &
Attended to Promptly,
timates Furnished.
Apple and Pear Trees,
A fine line of 1 and 2 year olds.
Will not
the lowest.
be undersold. Prices
Oregon City Sash and Door Co.
Carry the Largest Stock of
Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc.
In Oregon City.
Special sizes of Doors and Windows made to order. Turning of all kinds
Estimates for Stair Work and Store Fronts
Furnished on application. Builders, give us a call, and see if our work
is not of the best, and our prices as low as the lowest. Price LiBt sent
on application.
Factory, Cor. Main and 11th sts.. Oregon City.