Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 29, 1893, Image 6

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Oregon City Enterprise.
T. W8n111vn
L. L. rVnr
J. S. Punlcm
J. K Hhiloa
F J. I .on In
II. K. t'KlM.
c. Hilwr
VT. H. Howell
RMnrr Smvlh.
coiinrunirn v. u. Ainnrni, jr., it. l a,euy, I .
N. (invnman, W A. hln, J J. Cook, J.
W. 0'ConnU, J. O. Porter nj T. f. Kn-SJI.
vuiril mwti Aral PYeduaKUy of each month
in my aaa.
Tor, -Rcornr.
(JuiW ol f llc .
C'lJ A tinnier.
Birft t'nmmUlnnr,
8i.pt. i Wir Workt,
IT hnirlnrfr,
The Severn! Soelelle ) thla City
yThe nay U build up Oregon
City ii U rTe Orepoa City people jnr
lYices the lowest The Red Front
I .ailies rubbers 35 cents a pair. Char
man & Son,
Panrairs by the Hundred at the Red
Front's Special Sale.
Frank Blanken-ship was in the city on
Tluisrday viMtirifc his parents.
Wanted, at the Park Place store wool,
lm.-on, oats, wheat, potatoes, onions and
MiM Ina Thomas is down from the
Iain normal school spending the vaca
tion with her parents.
Mens and boy' clothing at your own
price at the Red Font's Special Sale.
Come in while the assortment is the best.
The Oregon City pout dice will be
cbed on New Year's day after 11 o'clock
a. m. until 6 :30 p. m. E. M. Rands, P. M.
See that Stdman is spelt with two
ftt when you boy Stdntan's Soothing
Towders. Bware of spurious imitations.
Jacob Kober had a finely illuminated
tree iu his shop on Christmaa night
winch made the room loom up in fine
If you want an attractive sign see
DvU the painter. Portland prices.
Shop back of Pope 4 Co. 'a hardware
The public school will begin next
Tuesday after a little more than a weeks
vacation which the children are enjoy,
ing to their utmost.
Seven thousand dollars worth of good
income city property to trade for eood
farm property near this city. E. P.
Ei.uott, Oregon City. -It
Pry granulated sugars seventeen
pounds $1. roat coffee 25c. a pound
ana set) oo I books and supplies away
own, ai me l ront.
If the hair has been made to grow a
tiatural color on bald heads in thousands
A cases, by using Hall's Hair Renewer,
why will it not in your case?
Mrs. M. Hitt, who is visiting her
father, David Olds bis been quite ill but
wan at last accounts much improved in
Lealth. Her home is in Kansas.
W. H. Faubion has moved from bis
farm in the vicinity of Damascus and
located in Park Place for the purpose of
giving his children the advantage of the
excellent schools there.
Col E. D. Rker Camp No. 18 S. of V.
elected the following officer at their
meeting last Thursday for the ensuing
year: W. E. Johnson, captain; O. 0.
Wood, 1st lieutenant; Alonio Wickham,
2d lieutenant: E. S. Reach, J. II. Davis
and C. F. Ruckles, camp council. These
otlicers will be installed on the first
Thursday in January. The camp is in
tending to give a literary social, in their
hall, on the th!rd Thursday in January.
Falls City lodge, No. 69, A. O. U. W.,
nominated officers at their last meeting
for the ensuing term as follows: Thos.
Gault, M. W. ; Win. M. Moore, foreman;
E. J. Garrow, overseer; Geo. Califf, re
corder; J. A. Stewart, financier; W. T.
Whilloek, receiver ; Jos. Fromong, guard ;
J. Y. Humphrey, inside watchman;
John Drescher, outside watchman: E.
M. Rands, trustee for three years; Jas.
Wilkinson, trustee for two years; F. T.
Rarlow, trustee for one year. The elec
tion will occur this week on Saturday
evening at w hich time other nominations
may be added for the several offices if
ruenihers sodesire. The installation will
occur on the evening of the 6ih of Jan
uary and will be public so far as the
limits of the hall will allow. A program
has been prepared for this and au in
teresting time is-expected.
Multnomah Lodge No. I, A. F. and .
M. had special work at its last meeting
on Saturday night when the Past Master
degree was conferred upon J. C. Spragee
of Currinsville who has jut been elected
master of Lone Pine Lodge at Logan.
Brothers Sprague, of Cnrrinsvtlle,
Lacey, of Springwater and Hhmilton, of
Dayton, were visiters at Falls City lodge
A. O. L. on Saturday evening and
enjoyed the degree work vary much. As
them was a special dispensation to confer
all the degrees upon A. S. Dresser be
fore his departure for the East they had
an opportunity to witness all the work.
Achilles lodge, K. of P., had second
rank work at their last meeting and will
work the third on Friday evening of this
week at which time officers' reports for
the year will b submitted.
The Red Men of this neck of the woods
got on the war path early this week and
after donning their war paint proceeded
toendulge themselves in the war dance
of the tribe, much to the delight of the
onlookers, who did not seem to be much
frightened by the war like demonstra
tions of the braves of the forest.
Willamette Falls camp of Woodmen
had rank work on Wednesday ni.lit.
The committee appointed to see about
public installation and entertainment
reported favorably and the camp ac
cepted their report and appointed the
following named committees to make
arrangements: Entertainments K. M.
Mack, E. E. Martin. C. Hoberg, E. M
Rands and O. F. Olsen; invitations, E.
M. Mack and Chas. Meserve; refresh
ments, Dr. W. E. Carll, E. M. Rands
and E. G. Farnsworth. Tho installa
tion will occur on the fourth Tuesday in
January, the meeting night of the camp
having been changd to the second ami
fourth Tuesdays in each month.
Members of secret societies will confer
llarbed Wire Tt ltgiHph.
Grape vine telegraph is a familiar
term with the newspaper fraternity, but
It has remained for a couple of boys liv
ing at Clalhkame, in Columbia county
to utilice the barbed wire fence for a
telegraph line and to nuko it a success,
Py this mean w hole neigh horhoods on
prairie states and indeed w hole counties
can he connected with almost no expense
except (or instruments, and in the case
just referred to the Inn s made theii own.
It Willi that a year or two ago George
Radger and Orville Merrill sent for a toy
telegraph instrument and with it as a
start and an old Morse alphabet out of
a paper they began oiierationa. After
mastering the alphabet they made an
other instrument and put up a line with
odds and ends of wire using bits of rubber
belt for insulators. From this beginning
they extended their serviie till it now
includes several families in town. Their
last venture over the harln-d wire line
carries their connection some distance
out into the country. In making use of
the wue fence an old rulnler belt was
cut into bits and inserted around the
wire in the staples. Great geniuses
those boy to make a telegraph line and
instruments with a jack plain and au old
knife for tools.
The Fqunll.allnn Hoard.
Saletu Journal : The State Hoatd of
Kqualiaation now in session willptoh
ahly not repeat its outrage of last year
and make a horixontal raise of any class
of property. Ust year they took the
unwarrantable liberty of adding thirty
per cent, to town lots and ten jer cent .
to real estate all over the state. They
raiseu uie wnoie Mate valuation some
thirty millions from what it was returned
by the county boards of equalisation.
The supreme court said that they had
the legal right to do so If forty supreme
court decisions said so that would not
nuke it right. It might make it legal.
Of course, the depression, one might al
most sav the destruction of values, the
past year will leave little room for the
playful fancies of the alleged tax equalisers.
State Journal: Laud in Ijuie county
is assessed too high everywhere and at
double what it ought to be with
in the limits of Eugene. This waa so
last year before the raise was made.
Died, at Hiniliyvlew, Oisgon, Monday,
IVcniiU-r '.'.Mli, Isn't. Honor Mark Wlnl
lin k, aged ti years, ft umiit'is and IS days.
Honor Murk Whltlock was horn In the
parish of Pauford, rloniersol'hlra, Kiiglsud,
on July the loth, 1N.11, Was married In
UmdoK, Knglan-I, July the SHIi, ists, and
left Knglsiid 8i'lmlxT tli III It of Mis
same year on a M called Hi t'ulnndma,
Waa on board this ship ttve nmiillia, limn"
landed at Honolulu In the Haiulwlcli l.l
amli where veryiliitig Imikud beautiful
after twlug on board a ship long a thus.
Coming around Cop Horn the ship en
countered a lerrlhle slorin on tlm '.'Mi of
IHwmtwr, and it as tuiovilie for 4rn.
Iter to go on deck till Hi 3rd of January,
1111. They remained two asvkaat Honolulu
which beautiful place they era vary sorry to
leavs to return lo their god ship and pun
Untie their voyage on the ocean. On the Dili
of April th hip reached Victoria ami
found aevoral lift of snow on the ground,
There were a few white men them hut Mrs.
Whltlock waa Iht first while woman to Inn. I
there. July the 2M her llwl .irn. Win. T.
Whltlock, was horn, he helnu ihellrsl white
child horn there. He, aa well aa Mrs. Whlt
lock, win quite a curiosity to lh Ihousamls
of Indians who had never seen a whit
woman ora white taty. (in the I'.'lli ol No
vemher pasaag ara taken on board the
aldp John M. Carter for Orrgim. ll waa
expected that the Journey would take alsiul
(no weeks, hot it waa the lal ilav of Si
when their destination a rrmtird. After
being wrecked oil Ihs Columbia river bar
the party had lo remain three week at Aa
tori, aa the Columbia was solid Ice. The
hip at length sailed up the river and landed
at t'nk Point where they remlnM eight
months, at the end of which lime they
came to Oregon City whera th wcimd mil,
Kdaard Henry, waa horn. The family, now
conaisllng of tour members, remained In
Orvgou City till Ism, when they weul tothrlr
old home in England on a vlnlt. It required
but Iso monlha lo inske th return Irip lo
Kngland as the Panama route wan taken.
After remaining In Kngland seven month
'hey (Spurned In this country. lopng In
California for a few weeks befor reluming
to tlitir borne In thla city, almoM llml ol
traveling, aa they had traveled ouiethliig
over 2i;,o) mllet, which, with their trip to
thla country from KnKland, am) tlir i r re
turn visit, made alxnil .V,.iit in ilea, Ul.lra
traveling (Unit all II. time they wer In J
Kngland. Mrs. Whltlcik said that "It Was
grand to h ot the ocean and to realiae that
(iod krera up nil who travel
The hInop notice l mihslantially t rre.
pared by Mrs. Whltlock herelf prior lo her
laat aickne probably In-fore her hmbaiid
HIGH TOP Kin Hoots
iit&yo per Pair.
A vviu uyKw-
Hoavy Wlntor Shoos-Jusnn
Como in and seo thdm.
Next tlisir to Hiiiik, (rc;in City, Oregon.
V. Harris, Prop., Successor lo Fields Si Sons,
Next tliMr to I'ojh) it Co.'h Hanlwaru iStoro.
though the twople could eland It then ! '',h. " ' l.l not mentloii thai fact.
much belter than they could now. No I,,f n"1""'1' WbitliN-k, .lle.l Jun
doubt land and especially town lota arc , V1 ' " ' conlinne.l
I l. litA H tltm nl.l t. I., tl.l- !.. ... all . .t
assessed entirely two high thi year and : ,11" 'Zr . L' 7
. , , n .? . . . allc rheumatism led her lo seek relief at i
"cm jvmi no UTor vrt-guil. rt UOri
aontal raise last year waa not equalix.
The day following Christmas it looked
as if the weather was preparing to turn ! 'vor ,,T making a note of all items of
cold and that we might have snow in a
few day hut on Thursday the wind set
interest in connection with the lode
work and handing them in to the editor
"A Night in Bohemia" was greeted
by a fair bouse on Christmas night in
sidle of the numerous other attraction
about town that evening and all present
unite in pronouncing the play a most ex
cellent one.
'e fishing boat used by Jack Hum
y wag stolen Unit Thursday night
ther with the fish in the nets. Th
it day the boat wa traced to Portland
. iere it was recovered, but no trace of
le thief was obtained.
F. M. Auien of this city has just re-
mrued from a visit to Missouri and III i
ois, where he was much pleased with
the large corn fields which he saw. In
' order to give the farmers of this locality
an opportunity to try Missouri corn, he
; brought from his brother-in-law's farm
an ear of yellow dent corn which he left
at this office. Farmers who wish to ex
periment with corn in Oregon, may call
and get a few kernels for planting.
Dr. W. E. Carll states that he is ex-
.:. T W-a -v n
peciing ut, u. bomers wtio was
formerly in his office to return to this
city to practice medicine. Since leaving
here Dr. Komera has spent a year each
in New York and Brooklyn hospitals
and the last few months he has been
the physician on one of the ocean liners
which Jtave stopped a week at a time on
, each trip in Europe where he has pur-
' ued Ins studies in the best European
wpitala. He is expected to reach here
j yjiniug month.
1 kich anxiety is felt by the family
' friends of Joseph Rechner over his
itinued absence from home, as be has
been seen since Tuesday afternoon.
Tuesday morning he came down
transacted some business with
. Latonrette placing some money
Jm to loan. Later in the day
' o'clock he was seen on Main
tA and some one who aaw him
- inght that he was acting strange,
y ear are entertained that he has be
ctne terajwrarily deranged and has
landered off or been injured or killed.
in from the south and webfoot weather ! ' ne Estekphuw w ho will be pleased
to give them a place in this column.
Wacheno Tribe. No. 13, Imp. 0. R.
M. held an important meeting last Tues
day evening at which officers were
chosen for the ensuing term as follows:
.f. Kelly, prophet; J. II, Howard,
sachem ; L. A. Nobel, sr sagamore ; A.
Asmus. jr. sagamore; Chas. Kelly,
keeper of records ; C. Hartman, keeper
of wampum ; J. Humphrey, J. II. How-
j ard and Henry Meldram, trustees. The
installntion will occur next Tuesday
Molalla Lodge, No. 4f), A. 0. U. W.
has elected the following officers for one
year, to be installed, Jan. 6, 18!U: John
W. Thomas. Master Workman ; F. 8. L.
Bagby, foreman; John Everhart, over
seer; 0. W. Robbins, recorder; N. P.
Kaylor, financier: II. 8. Ramsby; re
ceiver; M. McDonald, guide; John B.
Jackson, I. W., J.J. Lcavitt; M. E.;
F. 8. Stipp, past master.
tion at all, and waa in the wronit direc
tion. The lowest or approximately the
lowest values should be taken by the
hoard as the standard and the others
equalized down to them.
The liaptist church was crowded on
Chriotma night when 8anta Clan ar
peared at the chimney laden with gifts
which he proceeded to distribute to
those assembled much to the enjoyment
of the little folks. Those who attended
were requested to bring a jtound of some
useful article to distribute to the needy
and when the contributions were counted
up the following morning it wa found
that there were 017 pounds which was
distributed among twelve families.
hospital In Portland, where for a Hint ah
eemed to improve, bin an a'tm k of th grip
trovi too ninrh for her weakened conill.
tut ion ami on I'hriMmaa morning she psed
to lh oilier shore.
Mrs. Whilloek waa always an active and
useful member ol society, doing all In her
poaer to promoi lh 'liritln and all
other good rausrs. During lb rebellion
h was rounte on of lb fore moat among
the ladies who held the rauw of III In
ion. With a heart in lb right pla the
did her mile lo make the world happier and
better. Many will mls her lanilllnr face
and form. The funeral occurred on Thurs
day morning from the Congregational
Church in which ah delighted to worship,
and which waa her church here for so many
years, and which she and her husband
helped lo build and ulalu from its founda
tion ilosn lo the hour ol their death. The
funeraj nermoii was preiu-hed by ltcv. II. A.
fihorey and was listennl li by a larue con-
500,000 TREES
Osiueo ffureris
Oiler fir the (tuning wnaon one of the largest ntul moat oniii!i't Mode
of trees to !) found in tho Northwest, consisting of the following:
100,0)0 apple all the lending varieties.
I.hi.OOO irutn With Italian and iVt. t in the h ad.
7'i,(HKl Pear Martlet and many others.
10,000 cherry In-st wwt and sour kinds.
2"),000 jH-iich Kurly Crawford and many others.
25,000 plum all of the liest.
5,000 Jiijmn jilutn Uith old and new sorts.
10,000 aprciot lx-nt kituls for this rlimntt.
Also small fruit, grni vines, shade, nut and evergreen trees, roses
Send for new descriptive catalogue now ready.
Oswego, Oregon.
For a sore throat there is nolhing!
better ihan a flannel bandage dauiM-ned Kreg'l'i of sorrowing Iriemla who andly
with Chamberlain's Tain Balm. It will f,,l'l ih remains lo their long home on
flA irlt nlvlVI AfT-l m i.nM In nn. , th bill.
J " ....... m i, wm. injti, e
time. This remedy i also a favorite for
rheumatism and has cined many a severe
case. 50 cents bottle for sale by Geo.
A. Harding.
Last Thursday night the Monogram
A Million or rrlends.
A friend in need isafiiend indeed,
and not leas than one million people
! found just such a frieml in Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, t-'oughs.
i and Colds. If you have never used
riirir.tnrA !,!,., ,,! Iul J I UrealtOUgll MedlCIIHI, OII Irllll
' ' ' Will l-ilH'llli'M Vdil lliiil It
The Noble Red Hen.
Every body says the war dance and
party given by the Red Men on Christ
mas night was a great success. The
hall was crowded to its utmost capacity,
the dancers hardly having room, so great
was the pressure. The braves arrayed
themselves for the street parade at A. O.
U. W. hall and came down the hill mak
ing a fine appearance as they passed
along the street. At the hall they went
through a pantonine from Coopers,
"Last of the Mohicans" in which
John Kelly was the great Medicine
man, Henry Meldrum, chief of the
Delawares ; L. A Nobel, runner for the
Huron; J. II. Howard, Uncas, and an
unknown lady, the white captive. The
pantomine was well acted by all partic
ipants and much enjoyed by the large
audience. After this scene dancing was
enjoyed till a late hour, everything being
pleasant from beginning to end. One
interesting part of the performance was
a song by Soo Sap about whom there
was no make believe business. The
net proceeds were entirely satisfac
tory to the tribe, and will probably ap
proach $200.
by J. A. Moore was broken into by some
one who entered through the side
window and took away a lot of cigars
and smoker's goods, the value of which
was about fl-V). No clue lmg Iwen
obtained to the perpetrator.
Marriage licenses were issii'-d by the
county clerk to Kitty Covey and A. M.
Scott; Emma Hayden and Win. Dobyns;
Theressa Wolpert and Fred Hahn.
Mrs. J. M. Lawrence returned to her
home in Haletn the first of the week
after a pleasant visit with relatives and
old friends in this city.
The Southern Pacific will make special
rates to the Mid-Winter Fair of $27.'0
for round trip, including five admissions
to the fair. Tickets good lor thirty days.
T, !.l n- i. i ... ...
javiu leuiuru, oi ni. Helens, was
busy about town on Thursday for a few
To (iood Trmplars.
Do you know that Moore's Revealed
Remedy is the only patent medicine in
the world that does not contain a dron
of alcohol; that the mode of preparing
u is Known only to its uncover ; that it
is an advance in the science of medicine
without a parallel in the nineteenth
ceniury; mat its proprietors offer to
forfeit 1,000 for any case of dyspepsia
ii win oui cure :
Camrridok, Mass., June 21, 18!K).
Nokman Liciity, Esq., Des Moines, la.
Dkab Sib: Enclosed please find an
order for fl.OO, for which send me as
many Krause's Headache Capsules as
it will pay for. They are very good in
deed, but can not get any in Boston.
Yours very truly. Asa R. Shephkbd,
123 Norfolk Ht.
For sal by Charman & Co., City
Drug store, Oregon City, Or.
Receipt, note and order books at the
Emtcbpkisc office.
has wonderful
curative iiowers in all diseases of Throat,
Chest and I.ung. Each bottle is guar
anteed to do all that is claimed or money
will be refunded. Trial bottle free at
Geo A Harding's drug store. I .urge
bottles 50c. and fl.GU
When on a visit lo Iowa, Mr. . Dal
ton, of I.uray, Russell Cuiiuty, Kansas,
j called at the laboratory of Chamberlain's
I 4 Co., Des Moines, to show them his
six year old boy, whoso life had been
saved by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
it having cured him of a very severe at
tack of croup. Mr. Dalton is certain tlint
it saved his hoy's life and i enthusiastic
in his praise of the Remedy, For sale
by Geo. A. Harding.
Largest stork of Coffin ami Caskets kept South of Portland. Also cloth covered
and Metallic Caskets furnished to order. Ladic ami Uenta' Ilurlal
Robe in stock. Fine Hearse ready at any call.
S. P. SCItllTUKE, Manager.
Shiloh's Vitallzer is what you need for
Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or
Kidney Trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 76c. Sold
by CO. Huntley.
Hkadaciik Cai'sulks-Wab-
a tViendAo
the cause
o; (mevnean.
Are you willing to work for the causa
of Protection in placing reliahlo Infor
mation In the hand of your acquain
tance? If you are, you should be identified
the American
protective tariff league,
135 W. 230 ST., NCW YOP.K.
Cat tlil notica out and lend II lo the League,
Staling our position, and (rive a helping; hand.
The photographer
Is prepared to make photographs
of ull kinds promptly
and in
Huiiies' and Children Pictures
a Hpcciiily.
Call and examine his work
rlMillliel 1MI3.
At the Old New York Gallery
Second door north of Harding
Imig more.
Practical Blacigith
All kinds of
Repair Work and
Horse Shoeing,
Executed on short notice in a work
man like manner.
Prices Reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop near
Albright it Warnor's meat
market oa 5th street.
Tranter and Expre,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of tho city.
J IS W 15 L IS R,
Opp. Htintley'H Drun Storo,
All KindToT Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great liritain and America.
Give me a trial.
Comer o( Front and Morrison,
For general repairing ho Htanda
without a peer. For firht-clasB, re
liable goods, his store is Hocond to
none.. Trv him I
Nt of Ajnmjatto fur Kalonn Henna,
Notl(icjiorry"lyen, tint tfie undnr
"IkmH will anpry-to rhrt? rontirll of Ore-
Kn City, Ori'Kon, bOm wrttjiir mwlliin In
January for lh!ontJiiUli0rvOVtlie hinM
for MUiuHAt Hi orner-ul' Main ami
Fourth utreets In aM city, "s,
Oregon City, Oregon, Deo. 15, ms. X