Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 29, 1893, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
On yer.
Six ovuith.
Three mimlh. ......
gubicripilon jwvahl la idTm.
AdrertUinf m jlvea on application
I J 00
1 )J
I me red at the Pout Offloe In Orvn City. Or.,
u ieoou.1 clu matter.
The KXTKRPR1SK guarantee t Urpr bona
Id elreolatloi thai that f tha other thr
paper In Um eoontj combined.
Vnloo Mills.
lictilow Brook.
Sew Er.
Prk FlacO,
ale Crwk,
. 0. W. Pror
Geo. k night
A. Nattier
Gary 4 W'lttiirer
0 J. Trullliiier
K 8 Hramh.ll
Ch Hmman
. W.S.Newberry
Henry Miley
Hamilton A WaMurn
. Mra.0. A.Sheppard
T. M. CroM
. Q. Uate.
C. T llowrd
R. M. Cooper
Annie Stutih.
E. M. Hartman
B. Jenuing
. F tileny
- 1.J Perdu
H. W illfrn
John Welsh
J. V. Elliott
F. CurtM'h
Mrs. YT. M. Mrlntyra
Ceo. J. Curriii
Mrs. M. J. Hammer
Ailolph Asoliotl
plan which i ivhwI for making llila ex
hibit, the comniitte ayt "W ileir to
call your attention to the great oHirliuilty
for Oregon ami Its jrorlty olfrnst to in
by the nml-wlntor lair to I heM In San
Krancisoo frotii January to July, 1SSH. The
committee to whom the matter is iiitrnstl
desire in every way to make this general
ami popular one, tn'tieving that tunny peo
ple all! Redrawn fivni the colder climate
of ilie Atlantic and eastern stales, and will
be introduced to the milder and better
mates of the Facitlc Coast. Oregon has
broad acres, climate unsurpassed, any
where, and unrivalled natural resoun-ea.
These she oiler as ait inducement to the
home-seeker from the East. Many of this
class of our fellow cilisens will undoubtedly
visit the Fair. It is proposed to erect suit
able building on the grounds at San Fran
cisco to be known as the "Oregon building."
The exhibits of the state are to be made in
Uii building, and by special order made
by the Roant of Manager of the Mid-Winter
Fair, all exhibits made In the Oregon
building shall be entitled to all rights of
competition for premium, the same exactly
as in the " General Buildings of the Fair.
The management of this exhibit will be vir
tually under the charge of the same gentle
men who so ably represented the state of
Oregon at the World's Columbian Exposi
tion. The results of their labor in Chicago
re no doubt well known to'you, and are so
well evinced by the numerous premiums
nd awards which they brought home to
our own people. In order to raise funds for
this work the committee have incorporated
under capital stock of 0rt) dollars, at
one dollar per share. All Or-gontans are
asked to take as many of these shares as
they possibly can, and none should hesitate
to subscribe for at least one share, II for no
other reason than to preserve the bond as a
" souvenir."
Tan letting of (he mall carrying contrai l
by the government to the lowest bidder for
the low amount mentioned for the service
in another place in the paper Illustrate
well the tendency of the gx. For carrying
the mail U'tweeu here and Molalla and re
turn six day every week, or 31:1 days In the
year, ihe contractor is lo receive IMS, or a
tritle more than two dollar for each trip of
X! miles. This compensation Is for man
and hi home, and is for hard and tedious
work, with but small chances for additional
coiunsation by doing errands. Hardly a
cititvnof this locality would contract to do
for less than one-third more than this
How easy it would be for the Fast Side
Hallway Co. to stop all complaints about
their road if thee would only put on a com
petent train dispatcher and give hi in ex
clusive control of the cars, and If they did
not run on time tire him, ml get another
who could, and to heat all their car either
by electric or oil heater. The road bed Is
food enough, and the cars tre ettul lo the
best on the Coast. It Ihe passengers were
not froten to death and wearied out with
delays on the trip there would be no cause
for criticism.
The East Side railway has been source
of loss and constant detriment to Oregon
City since its completion. In fact the com
pany could not have done less for the tow n
hd its policy been one ol hostility to Ore
gon City It has been the means of taking
thousands of dollars from Oregon City
while the amount that it has brought in has
been so small as not to be noticeable. The
loss by the withdrawal of the boats alone
has amounted to over $14,'X) a year. The
Oregon City Transportation Co. paid out
during the year rl for wood, 12,t
for wages, nd f 2..XI0 for groceries, mews,
repairs, etc., all of which, except one-half of
the wages, was paid out to Oregon City men
and firms. The wood choppers, the wood
battlers, the grocery bouses, the meat mar
kets, and incidentally the whole town feels
this loss. This expenditure would have in
creased instead of decrea.ed with the growth
of the town bad the op!e given the boats
share of their patronage.
The truck and express men are another
class that are feeling the blighting effects of
this new factor in the prosperity of Oregon
City. If their business u ruined they too,
with the others whose occupations are gone,
will have to seek other towns in which to
earn livelihood.
The Albany local train is another one of
the looses that the transportation facilities
of Oregon City has suffered. This train, be
sides being great convenience lo the citi
zens of Oregon City, was an imperative ne
cessity to the people up the valley. But
they, in order to save a few cents, when they
got to Oregon City abandoned the train for
the electric cars, and by doing so caused
such s loss in tiie receipts as to force the
railroad company to withdraw the train,
and now these same people are kicking
themselves for the loss of the only train on
the road that was of any real benefit to
them. There is little likelihood of this
train ever being pat back on the road, as
the receipts between Oregon City and Port
land were fully one-half of all taken in. The
valley towns will have to grow for several
years yet before they alone will furnish pat
ronage enough to sustain s local train.
With the Albany local went Oregon City's
late morning mail to Portland and the early
evening mail up. This mail had only been
in effect for few months as the result of
the demands of the business men, and its
loss has been a great inconvenience to theiu.
In return for all this loss the service has
not been efficient enough and the rates low
enough to make the building of the East
Bide railway paying venture for Oregon
City. '
The EsriHraiss has frequently called the
attention of thecitixensof Clackamas county
to the need of a better road system which
would atlord the rural districts good roads
instead of niudholes for travel in the winter
season when roads are most needed. Al
most anything will do to travel on in Ihe
summer season when the roads are as ban)
as rock even in the wettest places, hut
when the winter rains are Uoii us the best
roads obtainable are none too good lor the
use of Ihe farmer who has lo travel over
them, since the task of driving ten or twelve
miles to town with or without a load in the
pelting rain or cold is tedious enough even
Arraa the distribution ol the supplies do
nated for Ihe needy In Portland It was dis
covered that many of those who applied
were not absolutely In want. It Is always
the case with distributions made upon spec
ial occasions thut those who are most for
ward lo avail themselves of Ihe phllan
thropy of well disposed citiiens are really
less deserving than many who will not
make their wants known.
I'ros what authority does this our Ten
noyer eak when he asserts that the lord's
blessing will follow the president if he but
carries out the pledges of Ihe doiuncratlc
party? When did the Lord make our gov-
ernor his spokesman?
I Sav a dime and lose
i the experience of Oregon City in itsexclu
j sive patronuge ot the Fust M.le ruilway.
UT IT Kf'.V.
and your couh may end In something H
oua. It pretty sure to, If your blood U poor.
That ! Just Um tune and condition that In
vite Consumption. Tlio aeed arm own and
It baa fastened ita hold upon you, before you
know that It 1 near.
It won't do to trld and delar, when the
remedy I at hand. Kvery disorder that can
r reached through tha blood yield lo l'r.
Fierce llolden Me.li.wl lhaoovery. For
rtever Cough, Bronchial. Throat ami I.ung
Dlwam, Asthma, tVrodila In every form,
end even tha Scrofulous ITection of the
lung that's called Consumption, in all Ita
axhar stains, It la positive and complete
It la the enfv blood-cleanser, strength rw
ftorwr, and (Icah-bullder so effective that It
ran be (ruiminrr-,(. It It doean't twnellt or
curw, lu every rase, vou have your uonay
back. All medtcuM dealer have It,
fyERY Pair Guaranteed.
A0DRC53 an Francisco Cal
Our Governor Sends Christmas (ire ting
the ireUlenl.
The following letter was mailed to the
president Christinas day :
S.M.r.Ji, Or., Christmas, Kfl.
To the President, Washington, I). C
over the best of roads, let alone niuddingit Sir: The extraordinary circumstances w hich
as is the case in nearly all parts of the county greet Ihe return of this holiday must lie my
at present. Clackamas county is not alone excuse for writing you. Today is Ihe lirsl
in feeling the inconvenience and loss arising I Christmas in the history of Oregon w hen
from jioor roads as w ill be seen from the fol-1 more than two-thirds of its opl are out
lowing quotation from the Si. Helens Mist. of employment and more than one third
It says: Columbia county is at an annual ! are without sufficient means of support,
expense of about f lor road work with-1 business is almost completely stagnated,
out ny visible improvement in the roads I inouev Is not to be obtained, and Ihe debt-
except, possibly, during the dry season, ors are powerless to avoid Ihe seiiure of
lu the Circuit Court of the Hut ol Oregon lor
Clackamas Cuuiily.
8li of Oretmi. pUluiIrT, vs. lh heir of Julia
limy. drreel. lii i, Jones, ami lo any u
Interestnl In III late ol laid Joliu Ory, ile
cve4. ilvteinUnt
To ftabl abov tiatued delriidnu!:
lu Ilia liam ol Hie Hll ol lreoii
Vihi are hereby commsii.led to apiar nl
answer the liiloiniAlloii ItU-d hereto, within the
time ll.wM in civil ai'innii, winch I l Hi
first day nl Ihe next term or this eoiiri wtitch
eouveue l th court hotu In oretoti t'tly oil
lh 1Mb tlsy ol April. IvH. and II y.'il Nil lo
poear and inw r Id lulortiiMlni. Ihe plsln
HIT will apply In the court lor the rellrl l
insntled therein, which U el Inrth In the onler
ol the court hereinafter et forth Tin mm
mam l Issued In eoiifori.ilty w llh the follow lug
order of lh l.l court, to wit:
lu the Circuit Court of Ihe Mat of Oreon.
County of CUcksma
flute of Oreion. plaintiff. . 1 h Heir of John
timy. ileoste.1. IHin J. Jones, ami lo any one
Interested In iheeaUle of John iirv. ilee'd
t'poit re.lliiK Ihe tuforiiiNllon of . N tur
ret!, district Homey In and lor l Is. kstnst
county. Ureaoii, tile. In Ihlseoiirl. In til. b II
li set forth llial on J..I01 dry died In clack
niM comity, tire. 111. K pi. '1, Is, 7. Intestate, leav
ing an ratal In uld county, ml thai 110 helra
il It have piearel lo elaiin hi properly
j (hat a portion 1 I hla ralNte haa been Mild Hilt!
,i.,ll.r haa laoi ' lilllied "vcr to the earlieal Inn. I of (trefoil, lint
nouar na neen . . v u , a n 1 ..1 .... 1.: t 1 x
K. J K. of Ihe Vt illr.ictte 111. rl.Han. Ibr..uih
..uie error or In-iflecl of Ihe a.lmililfttralnr of
a oaealNte ol aaol ileriNtetlt waa tiol aohl an.l
1 V'm-u',v" '" "' "' Ileal llllld illreele Uf
I'llflillrt. ""I " '""ber appearllif lhal one
I it u J Jolfeaelalllu aome llilereal lit saltl eslal
'itnve descrt'ied and II appernif lr..ual. lu
to ? vmaliou ibl th "late oiefui has ilfln to
JUil! ,iale; II ! Iherelore or.lere.l llial a ul
f mou. i.site 10 Ihe belr ai law o! J..I111 i,ry. .le
i raa.e., to 111 J. Jouea. nit. I In )! iM-r.olti Inter
e.lrl lii ihe estate ot ani John litav.oereHar.i. 10
atir and anawer the Inloriuatioii wuhln tit
lliav allowcl bt law In civil artto-ia. ami ih.iw
Cause If ailiy they hve why the title to snI.1
slHtvedes, rlitetl Inml vhoiiid llo( veal In thlsslal.
It la further ortlere.l Hint Ihe sal. I uitilii.uis
I Mlttllshetl tttrall eoiiaecttllve weeks .i the
(trefoil city Kiitviprl.e. new pa4r iuitill.tir.1
In sat'l county, ami lhal lau J Jouea in. served
4-rsuilly II he ran l loinnl lu ihe eouniy or
lale: thai all oilier ileli ii.lants pHr ami an
wer by ttie first tlay of the iieil term nt Una
court which convene at orefou l lljr, tiref.ui.
Al.rll ,,ih. vti
listed lbli.'.lli day of Xrplctuhcr. 1-J.I
liloa Mi lisint.
I Ill-I ll JloUe.
Itale.1 at Orefon ( lly. Orefmi, Pee l.i. svi J
t--f:l- W. N. H A It 11 K IT. Hist All .
when nature does more lo uit the roads In
passable condition than all the fruitless la-
their property and their homes to satisfy,
at a small percentage of their value, Ihe
bor which is expended Uon them. The ; claims of their creditors. Kepeatcd appeals
threadbare obsolete system ol patching up a have been made to me as governor of Ore
few chiickholes in the roads every spring, gon to assemble the legislature, in order lo
with the material supplied by nature, only j alleviate the condition of affulrs and avert
to have the mud get deeper and the roads the imiiding calamity. The redress l,
more impassable each succeeding winter, has j however, not in our hands, but in yours,
become very monotonous and tiresome. The
time has arrived w hen change must tie
made regardless of expense. The county
yearly pays out enough money for practi
cally useless labor to buy two or three stone
crushers and 0irate them several months,
and hence my earnest appeal to you. The
laws of congress, which have discriminated
against silver and ma.le gold alone full
h-cal tender money, giving lo the money
lender the privilige of relusing both the
silver dollar and the silver certificate, thus
I har now lu my hatula fundi applicable to
thepavn:ent of all warrant euhre,l pib.r to
August I J. sj. Interest will eeaie Ir.-in .tale of
this nolle. II CAI IKr.
Tresturer of Clackamas county.
Italid On'k-on l it). I'ec. II, Isd. tl
and when onge their work is done it will be j rendering unavailable more than one-hall
Oregon made successful and quite sat
isfactory exhibit of her resources at the
worlds fair and brought from there good
portion of the premiums for which she was
competitor. That the exhibits there made
have and will remit in much good to the
state there can be no doubt, as the name of
having thus successfully competed with the
other states will add to our renown and
cause intelligent people from all parts of
the country to turn their eyes in this direc
tion when seeking for a more congenial
borne or pleasanter place to locate. But
It will never do to rest upon laurels already
run. The race is not to the swift but to the
prenistent. The work done by the com
mittee at Chicago must be suplemented by
individual and community work In the
months and year to come and no oppor
tunity should be lost to impress upon those
whom it is desirable to secure as citizens
of our fair state the great advantages which
this state posesses over any other.
There is now presenting another oppor
tunity for Oregon to advertise ber resources
nd if the matter is properly attended to,
win laurels greater than those won at
Chicago, since the field of competition is to
be so near borne that it will be possible to
'et our products there and to exhibit them
fresher state and more attractive style
m was possible at Chicago. We refer of
to the mid-winter fair which is to
.jy'open at Ban Francisco. It is Pa
; coast undertaking and as such this state
.ght to be and Is interested in its success.
, Failure on the part of Oregon to be rep
resented there would work an injury not
to be calculated, while competition such as
the resources of the state will permit will
result in great good. In speaking of the
substantial and lasting and therefore the
most economical. There is no longer any
use trying to disguise the fuct that the pres
ent system of working roads is a dismal fail
ure. Many years of failure have demon
strated it, and the sooner we adopt some
other system Ihe sooner we will have taken
s long stride in the direction of conven
ience nd proserity.
The Kntekpbise has no malice toward the
East Side Railway Co., nor is it trying to
bear its stock in the interest of any corpor-
of the national currency as absolute debt-
paying money, are the sole cauci of the
decline in values, the paralvsis of business
and the consequent nuoverislimeit of Ihe
great army of wage-earners and of the im-
.ending starvation of their w ives and child
ren. If, when you stood upon theeastern
portiro of the capilol on the 4th of last
March, you had announced to the people
that you would speedily convene congress
in extra session to carry out Ihe pledges of
the platform to which you gave your assent
and upon which you were elected, which
declared for the use of "both gold and silver
I Jin. I Office alOrefon Cuy. Ortfon.)
Pec. 7. s 1
Nntlr I hereby then, thai the folbiwtitf
nuied settler has filed notice of his Inteittlo.i
to make AunI proof in support of his claim tin
trr section .'"'I. h S and that ssbl proof will
be ma.le txlnre the Itrf later ami He.clveral
ItrefouClty. (treirnii, Jauitaty IJ. l'M, vl.
Milium (I Mleel.
Itiimeitrsd Kntry So yssu for the S. E H.-e
II. hi u. I . J rl , It. Kst. Me names the follow
ihf witnesses to prove hla continuous re-blence
III. oli ami cultivation of. sut.l Imii.I. vll: Kratn-ts
C l.itlle Oliver C. Yocuiii. Horace rl Cainphell.
of Halinoli, Itrefxll, l. It l.il'lwlck, ol llol
br'H.k. (trefoil.
U: M KlillKIlT A. Mil. I KK, ItcfUlcr.
lor tho 110 xt !W) ilayn wo will inuko tlio tallowing ro(WtinH.
Our !UI inch plaid wool Huiiiii'Ih, good vnltto K.'hi, now 2V.
Our.'MS inch twilli-d pluid miitinjiH, good vnluo -t.V, now .'Chi.
DouMi' fold Htorm Hv.gf, pohI vnltio ftOo, now -KV.
luitlmioro tint wool nuitiii(!H, good vnltio 4.V, now 3.'w.
Our HV grudii outinu tlunntd now mild for 7c.
Mirifca uiul cliiKl r'iiH wMo Kot uliof with rpH-d ton, forimr
priccn and HA now mild for $1.00.
I.itdic natural wtml tindcrvcstH reduced front $1.2.1 to $1.00.
I.tiilii'H heavy wtxil hour., former prict- il'w now
Groceries and Provisions Sold at Close Prices.
KLOUK, - PICK - HAUUICIs, - $j.xi
Sugars, Dry Granulated I9lb $1,
Extra (J 21) lb $1, (ioldon (J 21 lb $.
Gutter, fg(!!, oittd. wheat, Ih iihh, xitiitor, hailed hay, oiiiona and xmltry
Park Placo Cash Store
ation that may be trying to buy uptl.eroa.l-, M ,,,,,, 10npy , illl(lt tisrriiulnatl.n
What tlie Entf.kphise is striving for Is to re'
store to Oregon City its transportation facil
it its winch were admitted to b the best of
any suburban to n on the Coast. With six
trains and six boats a day bur transiiorta
tion facilities were sufficient for the needs
of our city ; but Oregon Cify being a grow
ing town with a bright future felt that
closer communication with Portland was
demanded, and to secure this gave extra
ordinary Inducements to have the two cities
connected by an electric line. And now
after turning over the street railway busi
ness for the next thirty years, and having
the boats driven off the river, and the trains
on the railroad cut down by reason of this
electric line, it is enough to elicit a protest
from every citizen of Oregon City who has
the good of the city at heart to be compelled
to endure the service that is given in return
fur this loss. The East Hide railway after
having secured a practical monopoly of the
passenger traffic between Oregon City and
Portland could easily retain it if they would
only give a service equal to the one tbey
The traveling public will patronise the
line that gives them tbe speediest and most
comfortable service, and it rests with the
East Bide Railway Co. whether the boats
are to be again run on the river and the
railroad trains increased and they forced
into bankruptcy, or to retain the trutllc be
tween the two cities and make their road
the best paying line In Oregon.
Kural Northwest: The newspapers which
are advising the planting of hops in Oregon
and Washington at tbe present time have
not studied the matter much. If there is a
good crop of hops on the Pacific coast next
year and a fair crop In the rest of the world,
thtre will be no money In bops except for
the skilled grower who can produce and
cure the very choicest grade of bops. It is
easy to over-stock the markets of tbe world
with hops that the price frequently falls be
low the limit of profitable production ; when
o many growers quit raising them that the
price again raises to a figure which alio
a large margin of profit,
of tbe past two or three years have developed
craze for planting bops and tbe price is
sure to go down.
ure which allows-. .j'
The good prices ComJnar
s have develoned watches, cli
against either metal," this widespread re
vulsion of business, which has diminished
the value of the property of the nation by
fully one-half, would never have occurred.
And, if now you would give such advice
to Congress, the further downward tendency
would lie checked, anil with favorable con
gressional legislation, business would again
revive and prosterity would again visit our
And why should you not do so? It Is
honorable to carry out the pledges of a party
to the people, and is it not most dishonor
able to not do so? Tbe responsibility is en
tirely with you. The complete obedience
of the lower bouse of congress to your
wishes has been observed throughout the
wide world. It would obey your behest,
and in this the senate would give you sup
port. The burden, therefore, reals entirely
upon your shoulders. The power lies Willi
you by carrying out the pledges iion which
yon were elected, to restore business lo Its
accustomed activity, and again to give em
ployment to the unemployed, thus Impart
ing comfort and hope to many a cheerless
home, or by a continued refusal to do so to
indefinitely prolong and intensity the pres
ent most disastrous condition of allairs.
You are a father, and you no doubt feel
grateful lo Ood when you, upon retiring to
rest look upon your sleeping babes, the
picture of health, consequent upon their
having a sulllciency of food and clothing.
I pray yon, however, to enlarge the scote
of your vision and behold as you can in
many and many a cot, children, loved as
much by their parents as yours are by you
weak and sickly from Insufficient food and
clothing, the innocent victims of a most
vicious financial policy, whose sleeping
forms are bathed by the scalding tears of
mothers bending over them in sorrow and
dispair, and then resolve, aa you should,
faithfully to carry out the pledges your
party gave to a confiding people, If you
will do so, Ood will bless youa.id a grateful
nation will applaud you. Very Respect
and see the latest- and hent in
jewelry, ailverware,
novelties a4 muBiealiriBtrijraentB.
00 TO
Flu Perfumeries nil Toilet Articles.
Also a full itock of
Prairie Nurseries
DAVID J. COX, Prop.,
Apple, Pear, Cherry, Peach,
Prune. Plum, Apricot,
Nectarine and
Trees Strong and Healthy and
True to Name.
The best county paper In tho State
with tho best metropolitan paper on
the Coast.
Jfye Oregon ?ity Enterprise
Will give all tho local news of Clacka
mas county and Oregon City with the
court proceedings and matters that are
of vital Interest to farmers of Clacka
mas county. The WEEKLY ORE
CON IAN will give the news of the State
and nation and the doinRS of the world
each week.
All Successful Men Keep Posted.
The ENTERPRISE and the Weekly
Oregonian one year for $2.50.
All old subscribers paying their subscription one
year in advance will be entitled to tho same offer.
furniture ar;d Jpdertal.
ll Ham. IjllljaailMfiyfc.'!' '" 1,1
R. L. Holman carries a fine lino of Furniture
Lounees, Wall Paper and Carpets at lowest pos.
sible living rates, also a fine lino of Caskets and
Coffins, Ladies' and Gents' robes, which ARE
Cut of hoarHO in this ndvortinernont.
Ppociul care taken in digging to
prevent mutilating the roota,
Ortli;rs promptly filled. Priced
to suit the times. Write for pricen.
l on that bring big
Is tho on that does
what Is claimed for It
rtt1 emrt t1 rXawiaM of th 1"M
rvnd UriMarvOrvan. Ctmall-
pnilon, Idalx-tr. Brnl.llnir I'alu.
whi-n Urlnalinr, fain In Ihr
(lack and Liiuln. Irritation of
the BUd.Irr, IM k Duat DtHU
ad UriKlif unnM,
Ue a Long Time with
out paying interest on
your Leas of Life, by
Louis Globe-Democrat,
Eli.t pages eacb Tuesday am Friday, Sixteen panes eyery Week.
A Great Scmi-Wcckly l'ajier! Only One Dollar a Year!
r . wii .p-r pn ant It (ri( by noumlnf a rlub nf llirno ti!iirlliri anJ
forwanllin IMr tiam,ON THIU III.ANK, with TllliKK IXlI.I.AHH,
K-n.it b, ...... r,T CL0BE PRINTINCCO., St. Louis. MO.
.ni. - i t H""k, ''"'"'""'m or Kir.. Money Or.lur, or It.-ilatiiriMl I.Ur. Hmpl
eople will Iw icut fri ,m application.
ToCLOBE PRINTING. CO., 8t Louis, Mo.:
ORFuon vnyyJl,,,T ""' '",m"" ' ,,,rc Wank cl'lJ h
nd K, i 1 P''"lh1 at Or,.gn (Mty, Oron. I'l.... u.i.1 111. Tu..r
uy lol UtmocrMt for on year to m and eai b of tin lubicrlbiiri naaieil.
Nam ot lender
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Name, of BuUorlr.. ,.0,U)ffl(,e m.t.