Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 29, 1893, Image 2

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(Julct ChrWmatat New Em l'rr. Do
bjuii .Married School Matters Al
liance Instituted.
Saw Kra, IVc. 27. Christinas pa.ed off
very quietly in thu locality, which reminds
xu very diMinctly thai the flnancUl dijtr
basrrrpt Into ocil as well tniMitrs cir
cles, Rnl Hi i will noon be forgotten when
Cleveland grla u that dollar per bushel for
wheat that the democratic orators told ua
hoot when they were stumping forGrover,
Your serine had the pleasure of iweivinR
an invitation to witness the marriage of
MiM Emma B. Ilayden to IW. Win. II.
Pobyna on last Sunday, IVc 2ttb. The
bride ia the daughter of J. M. Hayilenof
Viola in ttiia county, and is a highly ac
complished young lady. Trot. Dobyns is
principal of the W'oodlawn school at Port
land, and is filling that position for the
second time. He was brought no in this
immediate vicinity and received his educa
tion at the state normal school at Mon
mouth from which he graduated a few years
ago. He is a bright and promising young
man. The friends of this locality join w ith
friends of V iola in wishi ng t he yon ng con pie
all the pleasures this lile affords to the tno-t
favored people. They started on their wed
ding day to the Sound and British Colum
bia, to be gone one week. They will be at
borne after January 1.1, '!4, in the Albina
district or Portland.
Pr. Onsto is improving in health every day
and will soon be well again. It takes some
thi:'(! more poerfnl than any grip to down
the dcctor.,aiid yon may just as well tell
'em so,
AnaltUnrewas instituted In Union hall
near the Fhe'ps school house on Saturday,
December d, with, twenty-one charter
members. N
There was quite an enjoyable time last
Saturday night at the vsidence of Judge
Uriggs where the young folks asecmbled
and spent the evening in games and danc
Mrs. E. Hutchinson has been on the sick
list lor the last few days with some disease
akin to the grip.
The families of Thos. Blanchard and Geo.
Randall spent Christmas with the family of
H. 6. C. Phelps.
Mr. Stauber circulated a elition last
week the purport of which was (o let him
out cf the Brown schol district and annex
bim to the New Era school. But we be
lieve a remonstrance circulated by ( H.
Foster had much the largest list of names.
dence nearly finished. When completed it 1 1 spend Christmas. They started for Mo-
will make an improved appearance to
things about his place.
1 Hutchinson has Wen packing apples
the past two weeks for the Portland mar
ket. The meeting ol the literary society at
Evans's hall Friday evening was well at
tended. The subject debated was, Uesolved,
That iron is of more benefit than wood for
the use of mankind. It w a decided in fa
vor of the negative.
There w as a debate at the Canny school
; last Friday afternoon on the same question
that was debated at the literary club. The
pupils show quite an improvement since
the debating was organised under the direc
tion of Prof. Draper.
William Oribble, who has been in East
ern Oregon the past three months on his
claim, returned to his home in Canby Mon
day evening.
Miss Hose Whitney, who has been em
ployed in Salem, came down from that
place Sunday to spend Christmas with her
Frank and Cy. Jones, of Marqnams. were
the guests Monday of II. A. Lee and fain-
M. R. Itain, editor of the Three Sisters at
Barlow, was In Canby last Friday.
laiiamis morning. Ilu-y nail quite a par
ade, their four yoke of cattle making tilings
look like olden times,
Willis Mink, w hose health has Itcc-ii very
poor, is slopping with his sister Flora at
Mink's store.
Miss M. A. D. Moehnke Is veiling Irlends
in Portland
Miss tiraoe Wetdner is visiting with her
sister, Mrs, K. Slraolt,
Closing Program an Interesting One-runl
and Parents Pleased.
Tlie NEW CASH STORE at Canby
Sandy Sayings.
Saspt. Pec. 2o. Christmas is about over
and the Sew Year will be on band nejt.
The old year has been one of hard and dull
times generally, but Sandy has had a steady
boom all the year through. In the next
week's Estirpkisi we will show the i id -proveinents
of Sandy for the year 18.
Christmas eve assed off quietly here.
The iople of Sandy Ridge had a Christ
mas tree at the school house, and all kinds
of entertainment, such as singing and in
struments1 music, recitations, dialogues
and various other amusements. Every
body was well satisfied with the good time.
Some of our good marksmen were well
supplied with turkeys for Christmas. A
shooting match was had in our city and
quite a number of turkeys were disKsed of
in that way.
Rev. Fruthsof Damascus will hold church
services at R. Hantenline's residence the
last Sunday of each month till the new
Presbyterian church is finished. The new
church will be quite an improvement to this
Little Willie Peeter, while on a hay stack,
fell down and cut quite a gash in his leg.
Mr. Tilherson bad something like $1)
stolen from him about a month ago. He
bad the babit of burying his money near a
stump by bis cabin, and occasionally went
either to take out or put in money. The
last time he went to take some oat be found
it was gone. There is no clue to the thief.
The boose of C. Ware, of Currinsville,
which was occupied by Miss Fernley, was
broken into and articles of valne taken while
Miss Fernley was teaching school. Miss
Fernley went to Justice Brunsand obtained
a search warrant for the search of Mrs.
Ada Cbilder'a house. Constable Chase
went up and found all the stolen articles,
and brought them and the prisoner before
Justice Brum, where she plead guilty of
the crime. Whereupon she was taken to
Oregon City to await the action of the cir
cuit court. Readib.
Orvllle Items.
Oeville, Dec. 25. At present the roads
re very bad and need work very much in
the way of ditching.
Willard Stanton's horse became fright
ened one day last week while he was re
arranging the saddle and ran some distance
before being captured. Fortunately no
damage was done.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. I-acey, of Silverton,
are spending the holidays with friends and
relatives in this neighborhood.
The Christmas tree planted in the Elliott
Prairie church was well loaded with pres
ents. The attendance was good. The pro
gram was excellent and the pieces suitable
for the occasion. They were rendered in a
manner that did honor to those taking a
part in the exercises.
Hon. T. B. Killen is much talked of as
being tbe coming candidate for county
commissioner, and if be should receive the
nomination he is sure of election. He is
greatly esteemed bere both as a neighbor
and citizen. To make a long story short
be would be the right man in the right
Blace when elected county cotnniltHioner of
lackanias county.
Motst l'LB.i!iT, Dec. 2i'. Misses Win
nie Graham and Maud Salisbury closed a
very successful term of school latt Friday.
The patrons enjoyed the following
rKooRtM :
Greeting Song School
Recitation Clde Perry
" Imo Myers
" John Moore
Milo Mark
Dialogue" What do you do at your house
when Christinas draws nigh?" Alice An
drews, Maud Kidder, Annie Myers, Myr
tle Hamilton.
Instrumental Solo Melvin Mi-Cord
ReciUition Winnie Kidder
" Viola Perry
Christmas Dialogue Emma Flitcroft. Ella
Wyer, Roma Stafford, IKc. Powell, Elmer
Hendrickson, Katie Warnock, Olncy Per
ry, Charlie Warnock, Charli" Hamilton.
Song Mount Vernon Hells Ira Powell
accompanied by Missliiaham.
Recitation Harry Andrews
Melvin Mack
" National Holidays" Bessie Hamilton,
Carl Jhonke. Helen Riggs, Melvin Mc
Conl, Myrtle Hamilton, Edna Tabor.
Christmas Welcome School
Reading Edna Tabor
Recitation Ira Powell
Mabel Myers
" Knowing the Circumstances" Myrtle
George. Lorena Ijxrlle, Alice Andrews,
Bessie Hamilton, Katie Warnock.
Recitation Ida Elliott
" May Andrews
" Myrtle George
Harks I'rwlrle.
Masks I'huhis, IVo. 2.V-Marks Prairie
people are thankful they have had the priv
ilege of enjoying another pleasMii Christ.
mas without any snow but plenty of mud
and rain.
ljulle a number of the Marks Prairie wo.
pie attended the Christmas tree and enter
tainment at Aurora and reHirt a pleasant
A number of friends Sent Sunday, the
2Kb, at the residence of T. M. Farnsworlh,
celebrating the birthday of Mn Minnie
Bailey. An enjoyable lime is reorted.
Mr. and Mil. K. E. Cunningham are
Sending their Christmas in the Voder set
tlement and will attend the Christmas tree
at that place this evening.
M. J. John and wile, ol Woodbiirn, are
on Marks Prairie visiting friends and spend
ing Christmas.
There will he a public Insinuation f tlir I
o nii-era elected for the ensuing Masonic
year In the Masonic temple of ('huiupoeg
odgv No. 27, A. F. and A. M., at Biittevllle I
on January 1st, IMM, at 2 p. in
are cordially invited. No pains
spared to entertain all who atten
one, come all.
They are soiling more and bottor goods for tho monoy
than any other house in tho county. Tho
reason for this is
And do not have to make you pay what you looso
on some one else. They have a comploto lino of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Boots and Shoes,
Hardware and Groceries, and rcav tho Inchest tiri
.2'wHb!3jr produce. Remember tho place.
lend. Cuiiiej,'
in tin
in mm ii.
t an.
,i v -rr tv i r v
Oak (irovelels.
Oak Ohovk, lK'c. L'ti A merry Christ
mas to all. As there wan nothing going
on in thin neighborhood those who f
ur. f.,.,.1 ............ ..... ... i. -1-
Nearly everybody here attended the
masquerade halt at Mulino Christmas
night ami say a line lime was enjoyed,
Fred Klingerund family ent Christ
mas eve at Candy where a daughter of
Mrs. K'ingi r ia attending school.
Mr. and Mrs Sainsoa and daughter
Echo, of Oregon City, came out Mundsy
to spend the holidavs on their farm and
visit relatives. f
Frank Hidings of Mar.Hinni passed
through Liberal last Friday with a loa l
of IM dressed turkeys for the Portland
The first of last week John R. Jackson
went to Seio to engaire in the butcher
business and see how he ran get i Crescent Wedges (warranted.) It it S Proof ('bain
along and if it suits luin he will soon
send for his family and then rent his;
PIttce i (Won Citv A.'i'itt.
B. Cole, who has lieen quite i
improved so as to be up
I leter " IMamiiuii.
Lrr .V
IM Kn.iU Str.Tt7 HARDWARE Portland, Oregon,
Nurltia.airrn Afeiiia lor
-ljue Oeeiit.nt TiullriiHiiti . Wilr tuinee-
Miu.raiMl s.
'1 - V .
nir .ti i.,V,srt
Arciilo KilfH. Iloj.
loggers and Wood Olmjiiwrs Sjiecialtii-H.
f'rt'Mct'nt Mco
and i
Rondo, from The barberof Seville . Rossini
Polonaise F. .Mazas
Fantasie Autumn Cherry
Bouata. O. nil'.-Allegretto. W. Mozart
Miss Ulanclie ll. McC.
(Miss Nettie McCord, acc.)
Reitatun l.a rence Mark
Dialoisue " Why there is no Columbus now-a-days"
Charlie Warnoik, Ira Powell,
Otis Flitcroft, Harry Andrews, Doc. Pow
ell, Olney Perry, Charlie Hamilton.
Recitation Anna Hendrickson
" Maude Kidder
Martha Klliott
" Elmer Hendrickson
Parting Song School
Oswego Omelet.
The following Interesting letter was re
ceived too late for our last Issue.
Osweoo, Dec. 21. The case of Mrs. John
Keyser of this place, who has been suffering
from hysteria for some time, has devel
oped into insanity and serious doubts are
entertained as to her recovery. Mention
was made of this last week but the name
was not known at the time.
Our many patients who have been suffer
ing from tbe grip are rapidly convalsscing
under the skillful treatment ot Dr. C. P.
The furnace is temporarily abut down
awaiting a shipment of lime rock.
One of tbe section hands on the P. A Y.
railroad was sevteiy bitten by a bull dog at
the Willamette hotel yesterday.
Mrs. Zimmerman who has been visiting
relatives in California writes that she expects
to return after the holidays.
Now conies the season of cianta Clans and
the harvest of amateur entertainments
four in preparation.
A petition is going the rounds asking the
school directors to call a meeting of the
property holders to vote on issuing bonds
to the amount of $1,000 for the purpose of
paying balance on furniture and salaries of
Oswego Is practically cut off from the
county seat as regards a wagon road, the
late wet weather leaving it impassable.
Mrs. A. F. Wheeler is contemplating a
trip to California for her health.
D. B. Reese & Co. have tendered their
large show window for the use of the Ladies'
Reading Room Club for the display of their
holiday exhibit. Brmitx.
Mrs. J
sick haa
frtl. t.vdia W'ritdit inmnin't.tl Itv
Otis I litcroft Wnl Wliite niado a buines trip to the
Capital city not long since.
better l ist.
The following is the li-t of letters remain
ing in the post otllre at Oregon City, tVefo'li,
December 1'7, lwtl:
Agestiuo, (Juinsilo Huron, Sarah Mrs
Bahare, Viiue-o Hennett, J N
Beebe, Mury C Mrs Duck. T A (.')
Carlton, W II Carpenter, II W
Campliell, Nettie Mrs Chalmers, David
dure, Francis Miss Ooe'.litig, Aug
Gregory, Jas Jinkins, Herbert
Larson, Chas Mi Mullen, Mrs
Nein, Jack Phillips, Hattia Miss
Phillips, Sophia Mrs Richards, Edwin
Shone, Omof Strlckler, Pauline Mrs
If called for stale dute when advertised.
K. M. RAN 1)8, P. M
Cm by, Dec. 20. Ed. Kammer has rented
tbe place recently occupied by J. Zeek on
wbicb he will hereafter engage in the bop
raising business.
Vke Worms is building an addition to
. residence which will add greatly to its
good appearance.
Henry Knight has commenced work on
his new hop house which he intends to have
finished by spring.
Mr. ltife'iiuslias the addition to bis resi-
Mink Maturings.
Misk, Dec. 2fi.-George C. Ely. Charles
Moehnke and Bam Ross were out to Mink's
store last Tuesday.
John Zettman, from Dufur, is at home to
spend Christmas with his parents.
Miss Marie J. Moehnke is spending the
holidays with her sister Flora.
Miss Barbara Bleiner and Miss Lizzie
Wolf from Portland, are here to spend a
few weeks with their parents.
Chanes Bitzer was out visiting friends last
Tbe Christmas tree at F. Bluhm's was a
grand affair. A most delightful evening
was spent. Bongs by the Mink choir and
recitations by trie smaller ones made up a
part of the programme. Borne one was kind
euough to present the professor and tbe la
dies of the choir with some elegant gifts.'
Cbas. Moehnke and family are moving
from Tualatin to Molalla. They came as
far as P. M. Moebnke's where they stopped
Mr. J. P. Utilize, an extensive real
estate deuler in TH-s Moines, Iowa, nar
rowly escaped one of the severest attacks
of pneumonia while in the northern part
of the state during a recent blizzard,
says the Saturday Review. Mr. Blaize
had occasion to drive several miles dur
ing the storm and was so thoroughly
chilled that he was unable to get warm,
and inside of an hour alter his return he
was threatened with a severe case of
pnenmonia or lung fever. Mr. Blaize
sent to the nearest drug store and got a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
of which he had often heard, and took a
number of large doses. He says the
eOct was wonderful and in a short time
he was breathing quite easily. He kept
on taking the medicine ami the next
day wbs able to come to Jtes Moines.
Mr. Blaize regards his cure as simply
wonderful. For sale by Geo. A, Harding.
Below Is i:iveu the Oregon City Market
Keisirt, corrected Dec. '-'I, from ipiotutnnn
furnished the K.itzhi'MIsk by local mrr-rhants:
vallev, lr huslicl .
Oats, per bushel
loreh'oii City Mills, I'oitla id brand
Shorts, per ton
I Itran
j Clover llllV, billed
Timothy bay. baled
Potatoes, per sack
Onions, per sack
Apples, green, per IkpX
Apples, dried, T II)
Turkeys, er lb
Mutter, per lb
Ek's, per doz
Honey, per lb
Praties, dried
Plums, "
fleef, live, per lb L'utL'U
Reef, dressed 4iii'i
Mutton, live, twrhead 1 "I
Pork, live Ih ... 4
Pork, dressed, er lb tl
Veal, live, peril) 3 j
veal, aresMii, per iu
Hatus, cr lb 12
Huron . V2
Lard 11 to 1J
V'bnt I the cortl'tlon of youra? la jour hnlf dry.?
Lit . I.. b.:t.lc. lt k .ipllt nl ft end? I1.it lt J
lilclc:. nptN-arntne if Dora ll frill nut hm combed or jj
brtsht !? I . It lull of iMnJni't l oo t y mf u.a.; I'd. f
!. It d'y o" In n licit rj condition ? If thee ac rune of
our i twin.-. t c v.uibi'i ,i. to.ic or o.i v liilKiwircbaU. .
Skoclaim Root Hair Grower s
Bnoklen's Arnha Halve.
The Best Balve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, halt Rheum,
Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 0
A. Harding.
Call and see the lounges at K. .
Holman and you will see some good
ones which they are selling almost at
manufacturer's prices
Tbe latent in visiting cards at the Ex
terphibk Okficb. Prices to suit you.
:i",rVM'? tL
ii ii r v, ,
2titot m jsf 'i f lj
to 7
itri " COtlUlliI ltr.ltsr ft in I i n- ! . U
f,ffU I I...,,. It ftlttl t" 1" ill', i; Mil UUIH I
ktr, r-ifs fjttft lr. g dKi ytxfil hatf t4
i " I l V .U I
r 1 1 't.
i ' , it i i
r-t ,rBlr f ih' Kat fm IrrtUiinf rif
and 4trtm th A nil
it yttir ir "tttiKt rni"i ipr tv ttiu sit.i nirrri ia na, rwi w tu rnrwarq
Wv I f
r jr i
87 tsaailt Vlfik Assaaa. Kew Yark, H. V.
Estray Hollrp.
Taken up by the underaitfned in Caw
Cade precinct, county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, on November 3rd, lKftt,
one black horse about 5-vears-old with a
white Hs)t on foreheail and a white spot
on its none and an old wire cut on bis
right knee and both right foot and an
undiHtingiiishable brand on left shoulder.
Also one black mare about 2-ycars-old,
weight about seven or eight hundred
pounds each, Haid hoises were duly ap
praised on November, the 13th, lHli.'l.
C. H. Ciiamk.
Wheat, oats, hay, potatoes, butter
and eggs wanhxl at the Park Place store
at the highest market price. We five
in return the best Roods for the least
mwnpy. Our prices cannot be duplicated
in the county.
Justice blanks, real estate blanks, ami
all other blanks at the Entkhi-hihk of
fice. Portland prices.
Blank nolo, receipt and order books
at the Entkri-kihk office .
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
In order to draw work while outniilo
work in dull owing to the weather
ICxtrn - Low - PriccH
Will Ik given on all carriage?
and wauon work.
Davis, tho Painter.
Slioji hack of rope v Co.'m store.
Steam'p Telephone
i P u
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 . Years the Standard,
I.;1', :'"''' .
Vf Ik
t fV-r F"Tt
y. M 'Mr
Leaves foot of Alder street, Portland.
Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. M.
Leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, 7 P. M.
Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Antoria with Telenhono every
night for Portland.