Oregon City hnterprisc. KKIPAY, HWKMIIKH V2, lMt.:i, CHAT ABOUT TOWN. Hoarding Ml Mr. Howard' will Uy joU, V "rune nmn iin uill nlrrlM. K. Y. Whitn h lluUlmd ,t , tulliilntf K'een hnuno nr Oiwi gn. fur tint Annul Christina tamlln and (tula rU at Wllllttiim, the fnrjr Kron-r, ()v uaedll gill while ymi tit at It, Yuii ran Hutl tluMii at lluriui'lur A An- (lrwll'. A rliitotInK mat Ii Iur turkey lake pUre Ml M"lir mill, iirur Ijiiimi, on He our grand illmiUy ,( (',rUlina jairluincry Irom ft" tu l) a Ixillln. I MAMMA A Co. Over ft Mw ptlteru ol tlim tire rNU tu Iw oM t ('imI or lit tlm I HKCHKT OltlHW. Tilt" hn trill Nni.iii.a i.. in l'riiirliif. thlH ( It; Kali City .h No. wi, A. O. U. W. will Imvn rnk woik at tlmlr next meet ing on Halur.lay night at wliirh tiniH l,v fecial tllMtHMinnlluii two ili'itn-im will lie nif..rntl upon randliiiiUi. Tim loiluu through a committee im nearly cum I'let.ul It iitoKimii lor Hih public limtul Ullon of lllriH on I lie mh of January at wlilt h liine tlm liull will U puhlically ilHilli-nliui, (In Satin, Uv ii ulil olllwr. will he nominated for Uib ensuing tiirin mill a kikhI IU.(Imiic I) .i)w, lnj. J. II. .ana who ha juin liHw.l Dm A. 0. V. V. llcHirtor wa In tliu cily on Munday In tliu interest of Hint picr mid w. talkl ig will) (I,,, mer of r'll City bxlgti altoiit having a picture of the hall, together with photon of the olllrir In mii rrly Issue of the paicr. Ho Ii Intending to come up mul prepare t full account of the Installation exer- Vacation U CimiliilC. ThU Iiin been aomnlhliig of tin exciting week to tint pupil of tliu public school) a iiiurI nf the pupiln have been antici pating tlm pleasure of thit week's vaca tion which 1 to occur next work, lhnr being no school till the second ofJanu try, IHlil Kxainlnatlon in some of the rooniH have nerved to curb the uneiiHy aplrlt which Hlwayt mmisii pupiln t Him cloiw of the tmm. The clcini for it ChriHlmmi tn-e mid ilttcomtionii ha h'n hiiinorcd hy the tcai'licm In the wvural rooiim mid troita may now he fouml in II the room except I'rof , I'riiiKle't d I'rof. rowitll'. A Hide from a few dw:o rationn and hiicIi muall priwnt a the chtldrun may wlnli to Wntow Uxn (rli'iidn tlu-y will not Imi inailo niiich of. In commt'tion with the taking of the prim-iita from the trn thone roomi hav Iiik tlii iii, will ctdchrate Friday ftornonn with appropriate extirciiwa from which the lilllu folk are planning- much pleasure. Jin) Flolit'a Hmh1hI halt? cliame- Mifhurinait A l'u' raiiI liollilny tliaplay. ilipy hav vnrything In the fliri.linait llim from a gold loolli pick to I coin pound calhartlr pill iMi't mini tlm ; l'ir the ltcMirlcr. Willaiucllii Fall Camp of Woodmen la adding iiiciuIkth right along, there hcliig aevxial application at the lt ' milling, rlii! next mi-cling of thu I'ainpwill he on Wi-dnendav evcniiig of I next wrck at which lime there will he (im.rg Hltillh, an old tvim on the Fx- j nrk i ,ie t,r.jtt tWi ileuree. ttarax who ha hern living at III) iu la j Achillea lxxltftt No. IW K of V will have tlm pa.l frw yrai. I In thr ii y vliiling ,)rk j m,aiUii rk ,t ,1(.ir lut,vmyl In mother, Mi. W. J CahUill. j t, Friday evening. There w a a ikkmI at- To feature gray hair lo It ntuial color tendance at the laat inerting and the uliivoulh. raiiMiltto iirow ahundatil '"'v wem lu he renewing their Inlorent and atrolig, there I no Utter prepara-! ' or ot the order. tiunthn Hall' llalr lienewer. The men am making extetiMlve - - i preparation lor their llrat party on M4.Uge lcon.r. weir h-.lod during '-..Lri,,,,,,, ., ,MJ ....t i(,. tl,pa.t week to !. following Lamed , , ,, 1(,ve a u.khI attendance p.rllr.; F.IU M. KInney and Tin. I , lM r u(1,.Ht will nil y the evening. (iarrrtl.tlrace I'Dater ami llrgo I'likl. Multnoiiiah Iam A. F. A A. M. ha Nearly every family ha lo hur toy elected ollicer lor the enmiing term and for holiday and no bettor houe can Ihj they will I installed on St. John' day, l.yin.l In ihn ritv to inike mire haw for . which ia on the 27th of the month. 1 tie ClirUlin prrarnt than lUdlmny Ajolm-ert elected ro a lollow: L. 1- j)lltl.,, I I'orter, W M., (i. I., (iray, n. W., T. ti. Nut. and fine . and.. alway. have to Uwren. e, J W T. r . Jtyan arcretary. go in the . hildrrn.' .... king and Santa . , . . , , ', i J.,...- 1.1....1... ....... .1,1. v.., ..f Wll. lyler,Th,alo.lgohi added quite a good ' ' " I I I A,. Il.n,.' who ha the llne.l aort.nrl.t In ; ' ' --i- i i Wit me I'am year aim i uwnn mum a""" i ell' . I I work. "X nke In the gr..." I all the umre ; .... ... ,.,,.,. v(, i1M- ..i..,.,,..! d.ngero.1. from U-Ing un.ilNtr.l. To. . ftlowa: iruld all ri.k. ak ymr d.uggi.t fori. .. u. , ,, i Vranee. Ayrr' Sar.prilla, and aU for Aver' , 1 ( M .1., y. Almanac, which I J" "'"'" ,,,,,,f . ,ton t.eaaurer, Max Schulpiu were- '' 'tarv.U. W. KJnnalr.1, ("apt. of IL.TIe. Ilaivry Matl.N.n who ha I tern rarry-! (M11...M,l I'. K.. T. F. Hyan. 0. M. 3l V. Hnltiilile ChrUtnin l'rrrnt. See here! you are wondering what you can huy fur a ChrlHtmaa preaent that will lie appropriate. Thi ie the time to huy uaeful premntond we can oirer you the fineat wdection of thi claa of prea enta of any linn in the city and you will make no mialake In coining to our .tore for all that you want hn we carry a full line and we are Helling cheap. A line dre or cloak will plcaae your wife or daughter, hul we have beitidita, umbrella, handkerchief, diidie., ithoea .. ... . . ii. i. - and liiitnlrtiiaolotlieraruciea nuuaoie iur nreaenta for all claaaei and uuc. Coino and ace t'harman & Son. A NvlKliburiiiR Hy. While at HillaWo the pant week t tontling the Farmeri' Innlitute, ye editor noted that the city i ueatly laid out uHn a broad gunge, that it i well sup plied with neat renidencea and many ubatantial brick block. The etreet are mpplied with good cidewalkn and the huHinert iwtion of the city ban plunk .treele, though there ii ome talk of try inif brick at an early date. Amongother iinproveinent are fine water woik and agtaid electric light plant. The place nee in to lie a wide awake and proHper on city with citizen fully alive to it interest- An w a ahown by the intereat in the Inatitutu, and the difplay there exhibited, the farmer of that locality are fully abrcar-t with the time (i. A. It. InMtulhitii.n. There will brf public imUallation ol the We ElaLve OpeiaedL OUR NEW STORE AT AND ARE NOW READY TO WAIT ON YOU WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF- GENERAL MERCHANDISE Inf the mail Mwren Oregon City and Viol for wime time pt 1 now ronnned It home very nick with neuralgia of the brtrtao had that lie ha lo have clone attention all lh time. Stopi You have found the I'larr lo buy the newont, moat novel and appro priate preneiita A big line of the liolcrt holiday tt""d. I'''" low KverylMxIy welcome IlraMKinTia A A!ll.HKnX! Will. i.,.i.v rl.Tirvinen. Iiilblic .H-ak- r, lnger, and actor, Ayer'a Cherry 1'ectoral I the layorile rrme.iy lor lioarnc.a and all air.-ction id the vocal ... I I ll- i.ult'll.l n.,.. tiiniai ami iiiiiun. it " and rnvliranl elfecU are promptly re- allnHl. Tl. u'lll.M.-iti. Trailinif rompallV of 1111. 1IIIIW ...'' n . WE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR TRADE. WILLAMETTE TRADING COMP'Y, RURORR, OREGON. J 1 w Oi-D Sole Crowers of the New PACIFIC PRU Earliest. Most Prolific and best drying prune WHOLESALE GROWERS AND DEALERS. Cannot be Under-sold. Immense Stock! Write Us! T. 8. Uwrence, (I. M. I'd ., I- 'or- lor 0. M . lnlV.,A. V . rrunce uuarti. llregon l-odg No. 31. 1. 0. ). F.. ha elected ollicer for the coming term a followa: J. W. MolTett, X. 0.. O. I". Miller V. li., T. F. Uyan recor.liagaecre- tary, (. ljvejoy treanurer. The inatall atlon will occur tiKjn the firt Thursday evening In the ne year. Fall F.ncainpment No. will have ollicer for the coming term an follow: (). Lovriov, Patriarch. J. W. MolW, S. V., J. W. Meldrum, High Priest, H. h. Straight, J. W , J. A. Stewart, ncribe, T. F. Uyan, treasurer ilrviilxathm of a t.lee Clnh. Monday evening of thin week the Oregon City Ulee clnh was orguniaed ut .li-homeofJ. Il.lllack Twentyme.il- grown. Send for CaUlogue. " 5E " . i t.. I .... tlt.tlr lii.lll Aurora nave junv u p-ni . . .. . II1M.t n. moniMotkof g.KU in their new ;! her w,e enrol ed he "t jJ . j rcfter tnt loun.i , rroi . ' '; llck vice-prei'ien. " l.rn tl.v tn.v lierener iw iihi i t...l i.. ...i.t.lv their cuntoiner with i II anvti.lngfro.ua needle to a plow. anil ee their mammoth enuhli.hinenl Attorney aTm. )re.er I .re.rlng to trt to Wanhlngton. ! C. the middle of next week on leual bnnlnena and ex- ieclNtn be absent Ik.uI Mr. Orenser will "I"1' u ,,,,B ii .i.n. i... u ..v wllhiher liiotlier in Portland. I John U. Tremballiofthi-Fire Chief' j An.K-il..ii infor.nn u that the great meeting of Ihn chief of tho coat In to come oir at the Mid winter fall I" Francisco on the ( ol February and that it will continue till the '"" expect now to U able to get y that time and attend. A letter came, to the Fntkkck.su first of tho week atallng that property In Texaa In which Mr. i'ruHr and her children were Interesied hud Increarat, In value iml that It wan Is-ing .liHH-sed of in court In inarner which would re ...i. . i.... in tlm fimiilv ami aalilnif I... Dim nrenent addresn l'riixr. w..i.... .......Ivinl woni iruin old country the tlntt of thw-ek awing i... i.... 1 1 ...I KoUtr. haddieil mill ii in iiiinrr, I'm , Inllavariuatthe agool (II yearn. I, a lul 1 ...... I frnlil 1 1 i III A ''W llin., ,i,-(.i ....... ineohownnlnblun.ml health and he lettiir just received did l "u,u tl,f cause of Mh ilenth. The HiM-onTiiuarterty meeting of the 11 .... i. u i. .ill fionveno in metnoillHl cnurcn numi. ., (1. IWattie trcssiirer an.l of Mm. M-relarv. A. KoU'rtnon Prof. Philip Soulcn musical diiector. ti.. ..r...i.lnt and director have each had previoua experience In glee club work. The eh'b' nienilturship i open lo all men of good moral character who have Ihe necessary voice .inalillcationi and will comply with the rule estab lished for nieinlM.rs. Married. WOOpWAUr-KF.KD-At Ihe residence ol Mr, A, H. Heed in Oregon City on Inn-ember 17, 1 hy Hev. (i. W. (iihoney, Mr.Chun. H. Wuoilwaril and Miss ClmrlotteM. Heed. It in something of a pubhc secret that the follow ing mimed person have boon soloelod by the mayor elect and will be I t,v him lor oflice uism .m.iiilion ol the ollico i - . iimijiniir u V (In.mt. Stn'l'l coin.m.n.". iT, IV. t. I nllli nr ol (inn. Crook Post Xo. 22. G. A K. atXeedy, Oregon, Saturday January 11, 18'.)4 at 11 o'clock A. M. Installation ceremonie will lie conducted by Capt . J. T. Apia-racn. Addresses will be made by Geo. C. Brownell, Hon. J. B. Dimick and I'apt. Api eraon. AIo there will le a political meeting In the even ing at 7 ::MJ P. M An invitation la extended to all. Fact About Christum. There are a good many gift to buy you don't want to ajH-nd more than you can help. Yet while vou want to limit the expense vou don't want to limit the choice of gilt. You waul the best and most for vour money. In view of these facta you' will find that the most satia L. torvdac to trade is IU hmkistk Anokkskn. Where to IMne Sunday. The F.lecttic Hotel KesUurant will nerve a fine family dinner every Sunday from 5 to 7:30 P. M. Every thing first clasa new management. White help only. Give us a trial. Hoiiinson & Mosiikr, l'ropa. Fer Sale. ton ol choice hay, mostly timothy, . i t !.. .... .....Li ,x mitt Hi ruir. Will IK3 BOM 111 llli;uio u on SkUIylAlS & IS U IS IS. Mount Tabor, Oregon bin a For Chief of IV the When weeks i: I, i..Mi i.i... nil v nltorneVi F M. r.. vt iNoumi "j i . Driggsiclly engineer, l.W. Knnrd. Thin will I -omething of a disappolnt mmlto(),no of the boy. tljoujW that they were of the elect, but on he wh..leit oKl'tto Bive l-tty hur bh. a r....,i. Tho.e is probably no found.- tionfor the report that the council win linn those appointed by the nuiyor. The many friends of Mr. II. M. Whit lotLlllheniinedtolearntatsheha . m ...:.i, a ...vnro attuck of I -a a..... I'urir in nun --- 111 ft ' . ,lt Bhe will soon mend . ,Jt ting over hor lameness ''-- , "V... ti.!. attack woul.1 In all pre- noi trvi - . . .i.i.. ' . . . ...f ilvltlU. Dili lli l!,.li..,l Tt,..ll,..rn churcli in uu Bn, came ve.y - y - .. rv 1 11 fiaturday December W. lv. v. ; McFarland of Albany, presiding older o( tho Willamette liHlriot wi" P Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 :IIO V-1- am cordially Invited to altond. lv. W. L. Moi.ia)Y. paHtor. We are the head.iuarler for all new nd novil Chrintmaa goodn of thenosnon. n... L-i i:... iinlidav ah I now r. i...,.i.lnn and include me greatent variety of appropriate gi' " price, which place them within the reach olovorylKly. You will bo more , than plwised If you call on Burmeister A ilmnen, lader. of the Holiday de ith a new and K.pular lino of w ait en, clock, jewelry, aliverware, novelties, Diuaical In.trumontB, etc, . 1. i..ia vntiirnod Lability have been an ie vo .,-. -h0n,e before thia. but .he is still Sunnyvlow llonpitfti. reiio' Considerable surprise wa. felt among V ..,., .bout town whon it was nu. - " ; h ,iaJ rur. rt0d. " ,Z7 f J.W.O'Connell chao - " conU) furni8hing in the ciou..B : . , Z. i..ni..wO...eii"- chaser by H. M. Hobertson, Albany, Or, On Saturday last Mrs. Honor M. Wliitlock, of this city, received the sad intelligence ol the death of the father of i... uib Wil iuin iilltH k. who uwti hero Home nine or ten year ago. Mr. Whitlock was unite an old gentleman, having aluiobt reached the ago of 07 vearn. As ho attained his With birthday on March last ho was well and hearlv in every respeBt and had every prospec of living aonio time but lie was laKen wuu verv severe attack ot uroncniiiB and passed peacefully away after an ill ness of one week. He leave, twodaugh- tor. and a great many grand-children and great-grand-children to morn tboir loss. At the meeting of the county court the past week the sheriff made his response upon the collection of mortgage taxes which was approved and the court ordered a now warrant isHiiod for the immediate collection of all mortgage taxes that have not yet been paid . The court is doterminod to have all the taxes collected this year to the end that all may share alike in maintaining the lucal government. Judue J. W. Meldrum was called to OBwego Tuesday noon o oahhuud woman who is believed to be insane anu who could not be brought to tin. city for examination. Dr. Sullivan will as sist at the examination. At Shivelys Thursday evening, Dec. 21 you can hear some ot the best talont, and among others the renowned Multa por club which will not fail to ploase you. Don't forget the best concert of the season Bd Apple. Was th Rao. Two large apple tree atand ride by ride In an orcliard not far from Sydney. On one hung froit which looked like ball of gold In the eunlight The ap ple, on the neighboring tree were a bright red. One day the owner of the orchard sent hi. men to pick the fruit ft was to be aent to the World' fair, and he followed them out among the tree, to see that the work was properly done. When at last the apple, were jiacked in the barrels, the fruitgrower decided that those two barrel, should separate in the orchard and not meet airain until on the exhibition table in the Horticultural building at the fair. The red apple were to go east, and the yel low apple, were to go west. The golden fruit waa loaded Into a Bteamer and started toward the Suex canal, while the red fruit was started the same day in a vessel across the Pa cific ocean. The fruit grower marked "No delay. Perishable good." con spicuously on each barrel E wanted to ascertain which was the quickest route to the World's fair. The barrel of yellow apples passed through the canal, through the Mediterranean sea. n 1. -1 .1 1 Rn.llff Up tne tnglisu cnuuuei. o" reached London. H it was taken from the boat and sent by railroad to Liverpool. Then the barrel of New South Wales fruit was loaded into an ocean racer and started on ita way across the Atlantio toNew i ork, whence it nam to Cliicairo by railroad. It was 1894. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. 1894. Harper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATED. u.mr'i kW I. tttrond 11 Question the u.,'. i...in for will m.lnt.ln the : i..ii. inrn.l In America. In it splendid II- chrcier th.t tam mde It the fTorlte lllut- in.tmtlont. In lt corptof dirtinguished con trmed periodical lor the hom. A mom ihe re- tribuuirs. nd In It vt rmy of ri.Jer.. in iilt ol enierpriwi unuennneo oj me puuu.n- ipectaj line, h ar.w. on m i..,u r. there will nppear durin? the yesr "Prb'J j ulent, the men bett Sued by poiiloD nd train- II lum rated paperi on India by Edwin Lord i,,,, u trl me leadin topic ol the day In Weeks, on the Japauese season br Allred Par- action, the moat popular story-writers contrio- soiis. on Uermany bv foultuey Bluelow, on ule to'lu columns. Superb drawln Paris by Richard Hardin Paris, na on Mexico loremost rtUt Illustrate us speci by the articles. by Krederic Kemlnnton , t lit stories, and every notable " Ru"" AmoiiK tneoint-r uomoie i 'v,"" I ictereni; u toui.iu. ----v- will be novlls by George duMaurlerandtharle I (juished men and women who re maxiiig tne Dudley Warner, the perwmal reminisceuces history ol the time, while special attention I ol W D. Hoaells. nd elht short stories ol -lv,n to the rmy and nary amateur sport ana western iMUtler life br Owen WeMer.. Short mUsio and the drama by disilinuuhed expert, .tones will also be contributed by Brander ia , word Harpers Weekly combines the new Matthews. Richard Hardiu Davis. Mary E. fcarures of the daily paper nd the rtlstic nd Wllklns. Ruth McEnry Stuart, Miss Laurence nterry qualtiea of the mairaiine with theaolia AlmTadems.GeorKe A. HU)Dra, VjuesKay ue lteaurepiare, Ihnmas Nelson Page auu oiners. Articles on topics of current interert will be ci utrlbuted by distinguished specialists. HARPERS' PERIODICALS. lcr I ran HARPKR'8 MAGAZINE H 0 HARPER'S WEEKl.. .... HARPER'S RA.AR J HARPER S YOl'NU PEOPLE - 0 Postage free to all subscriber lu the United States, Canada and Mexico. The rolumeaof the Mauailne begin with the numbers of June and December of each rear. Wheu no time is meutioued. subscriptions will tieitlu with Ihe number curreut at the time of receipt ( ordor. Round volumes ol Harper's Magmine for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on re ceipt of tn.00 per rolume. Cloth cases lor bind- lug 50 ceuts each by mall post-paid. j u..mltt.niai should be made by post omre money order or drait to voia cnauc oi loss. critical character ot the review. HiRPEES'S -:- PEBIODICALS. P-r Veart HARPER'S MAGAZINE HARPER'S W-.EKLY HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'S YOIN0 PEOPLE Postage tree to all subscriber In the United 8tales Canada and Mexico. The rolums of the weekly begin with the first number lor January ol each year. W hen DO time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the number current at the time ol receipt ol order. M co 4 00 . 2 00 rears back. In neat cloth binding, will be sent Bound rolums of Harper's Weekly forthree by mail, post paid, or by express, free ol ex pense, (provided the Ireignt aoes nui eii-crrui Sue dollar per volumn). for " .00 per rolumn. , ' Cloth cases for each rolumn, suitable tor burn ing, will be sent by mail post paid on receipt ol 11.00 each Remittances should be made by post omce money order or dralt to avoid chance ol loss. Newspapers are not to copy this adrertise ment without the express order of harper ds i. Address: . HARPER & BROTHERS, Nework. ... ..... .-. tiuhiuh this ..lviirllse. just 6tt dnysto an hour when Thomas mi.m without the exprvwe order of Harper & PuRh, the assistant general I snperin- Brothers. BROTHERS. New York. tendent of the New bontn naies ex brothers. Max Scliulpius has the frame In place for a new cottage which he is having built to rent near the corner of Sixth and Madison streets. Carpenters Horn and Wishart are doing the wotk. hibit, received it. In the meantime the red apples had crossed the Pacific, ocenn to San Fran cisco in 20 days. Then they were sent by freight to Chicago. After numerous delay, along the way tho apples arrived. They had been 52 days on the way and had been admired by World's fair visit nrs for almost two weeks before the golden apples which grew on the tree beside them in Australia were placed on china plates and set on the table beside them In the New South Wales fruit dis play. Chicago Record. This fall it will be well for the farmer to remember that he cannot haul his pork, poultry or spring lambs to market with profit unless he has good roads. The extra horse he must keep to over come swamp roads will eat up the profits. When a new colony of bees is brought Into the beeyard, it needs watching for a time to see that the other colonies do not rob it Cambridge. Mass., June 21, 1890. Norman Lichty, Esq., Des Moines, Ia. Dkar Sib : Enclosed please find an order for U.OO, for which send me as many Krause's Headache Capsules as it will pay for. They are yery good in deed, but can not get any in Boston. Yours very truly. Aba R. Shepiikrd, 123 Norfolk St. For sab by Charman & Co., City Drug store, Oregon City, Or. Pon't Fail to Witness the Grand march at Armory hall December 25th of the Red Men's Masquerade ball. 1894. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Baiar Is Journal for the home. It gives the fullest aud latest inlormatiou about fashions; nd Its numerous illustrations, Paris .li-slirna. and pattern-sheet supplements e i.,.iiBui,..l.l alllia to the home dressmaker and the professional modlst. No exiwnne Is soared to make Its artistic attractiveness of the highest order. Its bright stories, amusing come dies and thoughtful essays satisfy all tastes, n,l it. last mum la famous as budget of wit aud humor, in it weeaiy issues c.cijiuuis Included which Is ol Interest to women The serials lor lm will be written by William Black and Walter Bosant. Short storie'wlll be Written by Mary E. Wilkin. Man ixiuise rooi, man MnVnwrv KLnirt. Marion Harlatid and others. Out door sports and In-door games, social en- tsrtainmeut. einDromery aim omer iuibitmiiir too es will receive constant attention, a new series Is promised ol "Coffee ud Repartee.1 HARPER'S PEKODICALS. lvr Yeian HARPER'S MiOAZINK M JO HARPER'S Vi r.r.KLi ' HARPERS BAZAR HARPER'S YOL'NU PEOPLE 4 00 Postage free to all subscriber In the United 8tles, Canada nd Mexico, Tho vnlnmea of tha Raxar beiln with the first nnmher In Januarr ol each year. When no time U meutioued, ubscrlptiona will begin with the number current at the time of receipt ol order. Round volumes of Harper's magailne for three years back. In neat cloth bludiug, will be sent br mall, Post-paid, or br express, free of ex pense. (Provided tne ireigm uoua m.i vm Lne dolUr per rolume), lor 7.w per voiumu. Cloth cscs for ech rolume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid on re- e.etnt of 11.00 each. Remittances should be made by post omce money order or drail to avoiu cnance oi iuss. Newspaper re not to copy this drertlse- ment without tne express oruer oi l..... v. ... Ailresa! HARPER BROTHERS, New York. YOUR GOOD HEALTH Depends on the condition ol your stomach ...i i:. ninlfa vmir lilnod irood nun in ci. i t ..hv .i - t or bad. MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY s greatest ot natural tonics iur u awm ml liver. It regulates both surely aud Is the i achand twirfectlr. Are you bullous? Are you constipated! One Teaspoonful of Moor's Re yealed Keniedy will glre you Kelief. O.H.Reese well-known Seattle druggist, says Moore Rerealed Remedy cured him ot severe bullous headaches. Sold by all druggist. X