Oregon City Enterprise. fulUehed Every Krldoy. CHAS. MKSKRVE, FFHI.tSHKR AM) FKOFKIRTOR. HUH8CHIHTIDN HATED, One year, ....... fj oo 8ii months, lid Thre mouth, SO 8ubaoripiton payable la advance Advenlninj rmioi given ou application. lutered at the Pot Offlit In Oregon City, Or., u lecond class mailer. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1S93. that th principles UHn wliii'li they '( r I (ultli( this week a com mini leal Um (lioroiihly coniirvhenilftt only ly a few j from one of tlu reiileiits of (he Kly neltsli persons, but there are a (trent number of i IkhIhhmI crliioWiiK the Kntukphirr for mi The ENTERPRISE guarantees a larter bona ! circulation than that of the other three paper In the ronntj combined. AGENTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE, Oawego, Cubr, Clarkaniaa, sillwaukie, I'ntnn Mills, . Alma. Meadow Brook, Hew Era. WtlaonTllle, Park Flaee, Barlow. litadatone, SiafTord. Muilno, Oarua. Molalia. Marnam, Emtevllle Aurora, Orllle. Kle Creek, 81111 nyside, Damascus, Bandy, 8alnion, I'urrinsville, Oierryville, ii armot. 0. W. Proer tieo. Knight A. tiaiher Gary A Wtiuinger U J. Trnilliiser E 8 Hramhall Chaa Holman W. S. Newberry Henry Miley Hamilton A Washburn - Sin. G. A tlheppard T. M. Cni J. 0. liage. C. T Howard R. M. Cooper Annie Stiibba. E. M. Hariman B. Jetiiiliio F. t.lesy L.J Perdue H. Wilbern John Welsh J. 0. Klliott F. GKt h Mrs. W. M. Milntvre (ieo. J. Currin Mrs. M. J. Hammer Ailolph Asehot! women wlu are milllolently adept for m h plain case as llus, ami who rolUvllvely niicht have exercised, their in tluenee. Tlml thi'V neglected to do this is evident from the fact that want of eoiiftdeiK oonliiiiied. They cannot escape responsibility ly the excuse o the lack of the right sort of mate rial to 0erali on, For surely there cannot be a more flexible ami impressionable kind to operate on than the (treat mass in this country that is able to believe that sixty rent are a dollar. And, indeed, their Held is still more extensive, in the majority of a nation that thinks it can long prosper by cutting itself off from the vital currents and the commercial sympathy of the world in its persistence in the violation of the moral order by the demoralising device of legal tender. FOJi GOOD JWJDS. JMEMCJ.Y siiirnxo. A paper recently written by Governor Flower of New York on the subject of high roads is well worth reading In this stale, where we hare about the worst country roads in the land. Governor Flower says that roads must be made either tv the na tional government, which will not take the task: or by the state government, In w hich case the road bureau aould become a source of extravagance and corruption; or by the towns, which would require the co-opera tion of two or more towns not often friendly utterance in last week's pner. It 'seems to us that those who lake this cornsoudi'nt's view of tho matter are going out oftheir way to lind something lo ho oll'eudi'd at. The Kstkknhinr supported the republican ticket, Mr, Harrington along with the rest. Aside from party atlllllatloiia Mr. Harring ton is esteemed as a man as highly as any one on the ticket, so that neither party nor personal reasons can be urged against the Kktiki'hisi no matter what the case tu ay be with the parly at large. TheHguresdu not show that Mr. Harrington was dealt treacherously with by his party, since in spite of the light made on hint lie received a much larger vole than did two others on the same ticket Including the head, and only two who were on the ticket with him re ceived more votes. The criticism of the Kntski'hiss did not apply to republicans in that part ol the city any more than U did to all others. It took It for granted that that neighborhood desired to have a mem ber of the council, but instead of accepting the nomination of a man from there as an evidence of the disposition on the part of the rest of the city to accord them repre sentative the cry was started Immediately after the nomination of Mr. Harrington that it was done to beat them out of a councilman. Instead of accepting the nom ination In good faith and permitting the voters to choose between the candidates on their merits and as party representatives la Your laundry Well Ponol tVitliing exasperates a person no iiiucIi as to have a line w!iiti uuiiiioiii MuiihmI Iroin the liiutidry vellow ninl niiissv, buttons It u I ( oil' and In a condition not lit to wear, Tim Trov Steam l.iiundry aenda out Hone tint llrst cIiinh work n trial onlor will convince yon. Olllce with K. A, Waddoca. post olllin lillild ihg. Itiinillee left Tuesday evening will lie relumed Ntturduy morning. Come lit ami sou the latest ami licet In watches, clocks, jewelrv, silverware, novelties and musical Instruments. Itl'MMKISTKH A AmiHKKRN. Dry granulated eugars seventeen pound t, roast coll'ee iftv, a pound and school hooka ami supplioa away down, at the lied Front. Wedding alatioherVt the latest style and (I nest assortment ever brought to Oregon I lly at the Fntkhckisk olllce. to each other, or by the counties. To this I ' bugatKio or eligibility was raised against last plan he rinds fewest objections applies-1 Mr- Harrington and to it may fairly he at ble. and heuuotes the umvijions of the slat-! tribnted his defeat. The fact of the matter ute passed by the last legislature of New York as a good e sample to follow. The statute provides that the board of su pervisors of any county may formally adopt the county road system and designate as county roads such highways as they mav deem best for the purpose outside of the limits of incorporated towns and villages. Thereafter the expense of keeping these roads in repair shall be a county charge, The importance of American shipping in-1 "J ,lle '""""aTy amount for the purpose ' Tymlall, it now transpires resulted from an ,.-,, L. - " . 1 , . . . , . ... snail or appmpriaieu eacn year or me ! ovenios ol cniorai aliuinislered by Ills wile county siiervisors. , In mistake for sulphate of magnesia. Mrs. The bill was at first opposed by the New j Tymlall testified at the imiuest that after he York farmers on the ground that it would had taken the chloral, l'rofer Tymlall increase taxation. But when they were ! jumped out of bed ami exclaimed: "f.eta told that convict labor might be employed ! stomach pump." Mrs. Tvmlall caused Ir. and it is well known, Is that the city eleo iton was not a party tight at all and was not so thought of by the mass of voters. Other issues dominated the election almost entirely, and the cry of party treachery as raised by Mr. Hunch is not warranted by the conditions existing at the time of the election. two Kisps or n'o vt w need Dr. Tiercel Favorite Prescript tlon those who want to be made strong, and those who want to be mad well. It build up, Invlgor atea, regulates, and cure. It 'i for young girl Just entering womanhood ; for women w ho have reached the critical 'chanire of life": for women ext-ecl- I Ins; to become mother: for mothers who are nursing and exhausted ; for eery woman w ho la run-down, delicate, or overworked. For all the disorder, disease, and weaknesM of women, "Favorite 1're crlptlon" I the eny remedy so unfail ing t)i at It ran be ovaranlttd. If It I doesn't benefit nr cure, In every case, I the money will be returned. Tu death of the noted scientist, John tersts is not generally appreciated by the farmers of this country w ho do not realize its magnitude nor the fact that it is closely allied to their interests. Anvtbing that w ill leave the money in this country instead cf rermiititiir it to be sent abroad is in the interest of the American laborer and pro-1 ,or rrios they withdrew their oppoei. j Wmstnnley to be immediately summoned, ducer. When it is considered that this I country pays away about Jw millions or dollars in gold each year to foreign ship owners for transportation of our imports and exports, it should cause all citizens to stop and ponder. Most of this vast sum goes toBritish shipowners, who, with other for eign ships, carry nine-tenths of our foreign trade, leaving one-tenth carried in American ships. Th s sum that we psy to foreign shipping equals the value of our oat crop. If this -U.i millions of dollars were paid to American shipping, it would annually em ploy a vast industry in building ships and a great number of men in operating them. All this would add to the home consump tion of the surplus agriultural products that we now hire transported to foreign markets. By keeping at home this OOO.CM) in gold the drain on our gold re serve would be slopped, am) an immense addition of silver could be made to our cir culating medium without running the risk of having the silver dollar sink below the gold dollar in value, lion. They were all in favor of good roads ; and gave her husband a mustard emetic provided some one else was lo pay lor them. The proposition to use convict labor on the roads in this stale is not new. and, so so far as is known, is approved by those w ho have considered it seriously. It would have the double advantage of silencing the cry of the labor unions against convict labor, and of conferring upon the slate, in course ol time, a system of roads so well built as to He was also given rotfee, bill became un conscious. Dr. Wiustanley did all he could for him, ami later in the ily he regained consciousness and rvceguiied and spoke to the doctors. The latter worked over him all day. Mrs. Tymlall gave the chloral lo her husband at 8 .To o'clock in the morning, ami at(i:.'Si p. tu. all was over. Dr. Win Stanley testified that he hail used an electrlc r. r. white. W. A WHITE WHITE BROTHERS J'rnetieal .Irchitrcts HuilJurt Will prepare plans, elevation, working- tie t Ha, and peeincailoiis lor all ktmtt ol build hues ripeclal attention vlveu to niodern rot Usfca. Estimates luriilshtd on application Call oo or address WH1TK niltm , Urea-en City. liD very Pair Guaranteed, A0DRES3 &AN fRANCISCO CaL For tho next 150 dup wo will mnko tho lolluwing mliicti,,,,,,. Our .'111 inch 1'Uiil wool IIuiuh'Ih, rikkI vitluo 3"h!, now ilo. Our IJfl inch twilled I'laid MUttiun, hkh1 vnltio I.V, now 3,rw. Doul.lo fold Htorm m-rgos. hhI vuluo o, how KV. Kiithinnro lino wot. I HiiitinKH, (?khI vnltio i'o, now n.'c, Our UK.- grudo outing; lliiiiind now mld fur 7c. Mirw nndfliildrenn' h-1.Mo p-ut "I'M too, f(lrin,.r .ritT8 ll.'.'.'i nnd tU now Hold for 1M I.mlii' natural wool umlerviKtit rmltiml from $1.2.1 toll.Oo. I.ittlitK heavy wih.I hone, former irico a.V now 2'o. Groceries and Provisions Sold at Close Pi ices. KUJIJR, - PICK - HARUICI - Sj.oo Sugars, Dry Granulated I9lb $1, Extra 0 20 lb si, (Jolden (! 21 lb $1. BEST PEARL OIL 05c FOR 5 GALLON. aHMsaMaVMaHMM WANTKD TO KXl'IlANOK (SOOpS FOR. ItuttiT, egK'"- ohIh. nht'itt. In-tin, mtutiH , Imiled hay, onions mid jwiultry Park Place Cash Store. TKKAHt'ltblt it NoTlt I. 1 have now In mr hands luinli appllrahle to the pavn-eut o all warrant. etol,r.i'l pil,,r to A'Ikiki U IsVl. Itilereal wllleea.e lr. ni.Ul.nl this notlco. II ( Al IKK. Tretmrer ol I Ui-ksma. county. Pattd Orefoo l'lt. Iee. I), l-t(l. tl clieaen transportation. If the convicts in j battery on Professor Tymlall, and that had the county jails and state penitentiaries ! his lunirs not been disabled he might have were set to aork building roads aemiifht survived have in the course ol a few years good I system of bighwavsin the principal comi ties. A few convicts would escape, but an example or two would minimize the num ber of runaways, and at any rate the convict population would return something for what ihey cost. IT IS IWJMEXICJX. fore, that the farmers ot the country, ami eseciaHy of the West and South who fur nish the bulk of our cotton, grain and pro visions for export, are mostly concerned in the welfare of our marine. Any wise meas nre that would cause American ships to re gain the foreign carriage we have lost, should be bailed with joy by farmers and planters, the more so as many of the new hips this would require would be built near tha iron mines of Lake Superior, near the forests of the Pacific coast, or at southern ports adjacent to the vast timber and iron belts of the favored but as yet only par tially develod Dixie land. Navigation and also insurance laws are needed that shall discriminate in favor ol American hips just as England has for years dis criminated to protect her marine in monop olizing our traffic Then let the new tariff provide for a reduction of 10 or 20 per cent in the duties (whatever the rates may be) on imports brought to our shores In Ameri can built ships owned by Americans and manned by citizens of the Tinted Htates. The whole country would soon feel the be neticent effects of this policy in better times, more work and more money, and it would not be long before our shipping would again become supreme in our foreign commerce as it is today In our coastwise trade and in ternal navigation. The American Architect was writing It is apparent, there- ; pretty close to the mark when it said, ," We FOJi THE JlfltfD CURISTS. Charles Dudley Warner recently contrib uted an amusing and sarcastic article to Harper's which dealt with the financial situ ation apparent in this country at the pres ent time and asks to have it remedied by the mind-cure people who promise so much for their pet plan. Among other good things be says: There never bas been so fair an opportu nity for the exercise of the mind-cure a in this country in tbe last few months. The disease bas been real in its disastrous effects, and yet in the opinion of all the financial and economic doctors it bas not been or ganic. The cotton bas blossomed, the corn has ripened, the wheat bas matured, and the pig has taken on his usual amount of atiipobe tissue. The weather has not been worse than usnal, the public health has been as good as imperfect sewerage per mits, clothing and food have been extraor dinarily cheap, and, to descend to particu lars, the watermelon has never been bigger or cheaper. And yet in the midst of health and of plenty there bas come a paralysis in the body-politic. In the opinion of the wise, nothing has been the matter except want of confidence, though there is disagree ment as to what caused this mental infirm ity. Tbe mind of the nat.on is alone re sponsible for tbe disasters of the nation. If the mind is enred, business will assume its accustomed channels and the industries will revive. In short, if we will stop think ing that anything is arong. nothing will be wrong. It must be that the mind-curint have not put forth their powers. It may be must confess that we never hear ' labor day' or 'labor's holiday' mentioned without a feel ing of contempt and disgust for the impu dent demagogisni on one side, and cowardly servility on the other, which have brought the descendant of those who prepared and defended the Declaration of Independence down to the embodiment in legislation of the ideas that, instead of all men being cre ated equal, there are two ports ot men in this republic, one consisting of the mem bers of certain organizations, and Ihe other including the miscellaneous persons who do not belong to these organizations, and that those who do belong to them are entitled to favor and recognition from the government which is not accorded to other people. In a community whose whole public system is founded upon the idea that there should be no class legislation it is certainly curious to find of late years, statute after statute en acted at the demand of the crafty and am bitious who control the force of organized labor." For several years organized labor has had, or would have had but for internal squabbles, things pretty much its own way in the legislatures, but just now circum stances which neither legislatures nor walk ing delegates can control have given a very large number of citizens more leisure than usual for thinking, and there are indications that a good many of them are reflecting whether after all, they might not be as well off in the capacity of free and equal citi zens ot the republic as they are now in that of abject slaves of foreign tyranny which dictates to them when, how, with whom, and at what time they shall work; which prevent them teaching their own business to their own children, and which forces them to sit idle and see their families suffer when work is plenty for the sake of sympa thizing with some other people of whom they never heard, and whose relations to them consist solely in a concerted scheme of their respective leaders for their private advantage. Th New York Herald sees nothir.g to commend in the president's Hawaiian l icy and recently supplied its reader with a cartoon showing Uroter and (jiieen 1.11 standing in loving embrace on the island while Commissioner lllount was hurrying Minister Stevens iroin the shore so fast that he had not time to pick up his luggage which was strewn on the shore. The title of the sketch was, " Two Hearts that Heat as One." notice roit ithucation. Laud unite al Urrion Cur, Orefnn.) Irr. 7. lss;l Notice I. lo-rrtir (Iven, that the l,,llwln( namM M-ttler ha. riled notice of hi. Inieiuto.i lo make flnal pn.l in upi..irt of hi. , laliu tin der wctlou tm, K 4 and lhal mM pr,,l will tw made txlora th Kealiter and llf.TK.r at !reou Cltjr. t.reoit. Jaimajy li. lv4. tu: William 1 rlieel, llnme.tead Kuirjr No WWJ for the N. K sVe lion H, T, 3 si , K a Kat. Me name. th. billow ing wltne..r. to prve his eoiitlininu. reldeure upon and ctilltiullon ol, .aid land, vli: Franrl. r I itlle olher C. Yorum. Horace it Campl-ell. olMalmoii. (.retail, ami I) Ludwlck. id Hot brook, Oregon. li s : li KOIIK.KT A. MI1.I.KH. It ulater. Kt'KorrAit countries having become aroused concerning the danger which threat ens, on account of anarchists ii, their midst t tel ihe .ante. A ll. ......... . i...i: .. .i Admliil.tiatorof thee.tale evil. The authorities here may as a result of mis move in the Old World look for them lo flock to the shores of America anil In a short time after landing they will he ready to resume their redhamled schemes against the government and society. A ciikap labor cigar firm has adorned its cigar boxes with a photogravure of Senator Stew art of Nevada, and a labor organization of San Francisco has adopted resolutions condemning the goods, and a communica tion has been sent the senator demanding that he discontinue this means of notoriety on penalty of opositioii at the next election. Fna an illustration in its Sunday issue following thanksgiving the San Francisco Call cartoons President Cleveland titling In state surrounded by a lot of turkeys thank ing him for a condition of affairs which had saved many thousands of them from being slaughtered on thanksgiving day. NulU K OK FINAL eKrri.KMK.NT. In the County Court of thu cruiiljr ol Clacks Ola. Mate of Oregon. In the mailer of the tale of Olive W, M.r qusm. defeated. Notice l hereby given that the Anal account ol the administrator ol the e.lste ol Olive W. ariplam, defeased, has heeu rrlolrred (o .aid Court lor settlement, and lhal Tur..l the id day of January. nll. at III oilis-k A M .lis. hern duly apultiird l,y said Cmtrl lr the ! tlement thereof, at which lime any person In-ten-Bird In said estate may anpmr and e,W' his exrrptlnii. In writing I, at, , t and eon M Alt il AVI. f Olive W. Mar "Ham. defeated. I'ated Oil. isth day of Noremlier iw.'l lil.li-i-J HKOANal.l. A ldll--.--K.lt. Alt ) lor Admiiil.iramr. QLUBBING OFFER! Tho best county paper In the State with the best metropolitan paper on the Coast. Jl;e 0re$09 ?ity Enterprise Will Rive nil the local news of Clacka mas county and Oregon City with the court proceedings nnd matters that are of vital interest to farmers of Clacka mas county. The WEEKLY ORE GON IAN will give the news of the State and nation and tho doings of the world each week. All Successful Men Keep Posted. The ENTERPRISE and the Weekly Oregonian one year for $2.50. All old subscribers paying their subscription one year in advance will be entitled to the same offer. FOR- G ABSOLUTELY PORE QfUGS 00 TO A. HARDING. NONE HIT COMPETfNT PHARMACISTS IMPIOYID rise Perrnmerleg and Toilet Articles. Alio a full Mock ol FrYIHSTTS- OILS, KTC. i he science 01 roan-ouijdnig ha now reached a point which ii almost perfection. A roadbed of broken stone hammered down till the fragments almost unite, and laid upon two feet of granite or tandntnne, with deep ditches on either side for drainage, kept in constant repair, and relieved at the bottom of hills by hollows for the reception of surplus water this can be hardly Im proved upon. With a suitable supply of labor many miles of such road could be built each year, and it is high time Oregon moved in the matter. Th Oswego Iron werker says: The con dition of the roads in Clackamas county is disgraceful. Now that the subject of good roads is attracting the attention of county commissioners and road commissioners throughout the country, it is shameful to de lay the making of good roads in a country where there is so much rainy weather; be sides labor is cheap and men want work. A good system of roads in this county would enhance the value of real property tenfold. The Mistakes of life are many some great, others small. We claneify them as we (eel their effect, and just in the same way you recognize Simmons Liver Regulator when taken for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Biliousness. There can be no mistake In taking the Regula tor for these disorders. It quickly re lieves. Don't make the mistake of Ret ting anything else for Malaria. letter List. Tbe following is the list of letters remain ing in the post olllce at Oregon City, Oregon, December 14, ltttf: Anderson, L Mayo, 8 J Boylau, John Metnger, Lawrence Uriggs, M P Price, Frank Brown, Mrs Krankie Bcribner, N Kricson, John Johnson, J O Jones, Miss May Johnson, John Ueb, Henry Lowe, E A Hmith, MrsM D Smith W W Thomas, Ceo W Tracey, l)an Tooz, Mrs Leltie Vaughn, 8 J Jf called for state dale when advertised. K. M. RAN 1)8, P. M, E. E. WILLIAMS, Grocer, oregon citv. Masonic BuiWing. Prairie Nurseries DAVID J CANDY, COX, Prop., - OHEOON. Apple, Pear, Cherry, Peach, Prune. Plum, Apricot, Nectarine and Almond. Tret's Strong and Healthy and True to Name. Ppdal care taken in digging to prevent mutilating the rootH. Orders promptly filled. PriccH to suit the times. Write for priceH. Call and see the lounues at R. Holman and you will see some uood ones which they are selling almost at manufacturer's prices A GOOD INVESTMENT ! one that bring big returns. A GOOD MEDICINE Is the one that does what Is claimed for It. OREGON KIDNEY TEA will enre sit ninemies of the Klil neynand Urinary Orfrani.Conntt- pation, Dliihetea, Bt ulillng 1'uiiu wnen urinating, raina in the Hack and Limli, Irrllntlon ol the Hln.ldrr. Iiriclc Dual tleixlt and Hriitlif 'a Iiiaeaae, CURE YOURSELF and Live a Long Time with out paying Interest on your Lease ot Lire, by suffering. P PFI JjJj! 1 11 Jj Jj ! FREE! F DP jjj -TIIIC St. Louis Globe-Democrat, A Great Any n EMI Dazes each Tnesiar m mill, mini wu imj Wttt Semi-Wtrkly I'ajicr! Only One Dollar Yearf ler of tlila paper ran set It de ) aeriirelm eluh uf Hire ui.tcrltwrt nJ forwanllhi their uauiei.oN Till HUNK. llh TllhFK KoLUHS, To CLODE PRINTING CO., St. Louis, Mo. Itemlt bjr Hans Draft Vii nfflee or r.ij.reaa Mone; (inler, or Keflalarwl Utter, ampl copies will be. sent fre ou a,,llrtloii. ORDER BLKNK,' To CLODE PRINTINC CO., St. Louis, Mo.: r,i1J!?J,i!l,,v14.i'100, n'' lh Mmn "' ,hrm' lrUn on blank nllH OltKOON CITY KNTKKFItlHK pm.ll.he.l at Ore,.,., ( liy, (.. PM , ,h. Tu.xlV nnd Prl1..y til,,,,. Uemocrnt or , rr u roe and sarh ol th aiibaerllwri turn- Kama of teniler roatofflea Hlata W"n" ot S'll". 1'o.toftlr.. Hist 1 a i How yo" Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach Iwwel regulator, liny BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty dimes lor twenty-hve centH. Tho ueiwon for coldH and couhn in upon uh. In order to bo pro I)urc,l for an emergency, get a bottle of Babys Pectoral Syrup, The bent in the market. Prico 25 centn. For ual at the CAN BY PHARMACY, Cai.by.0r. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor.