Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1893)
JAPANESE FISHERS. DESCRIPTION OF THEIR TACKLE, BOATS AND COSTUMES. Thejr IK Not Handle Their Oara I'p to Yale "Form" Long Daya of Work With but Small Return rirtnreaitue Seen About Ilio Shore In the) Keening. The waters on tha count of Japan are bountifully gupplittl with fish, and o cordingly a larp number of people along t ho const aro engaged in fishing. From a villas like Isoiaki the boats pot out for tho day, and in many aspects an account of their work will illustrate fish ing along the cntiro coast, AH Uirongh tlio day the village is exceedingly quiet, except for the aeoros of quite naked children, who at all time are diving, swimming and playing in the water near the shore, only coming out of the water occasionally to sit upon the hot rocks to warm themselves. It is no exaggeration to say that the greater part of their time is spent in the water. They are of course browu as Indians, but aa much at home iu the sea as fish. At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon the excitement of the day begiua, A few uen are seen gathering on the tops of hills and high points along the shore, and soon upon the horizon we see the white square sails of the fishing boats. Usually the boat is fitted with two square sails, which are so manage,! as to hold a good deal of wind and to carry the boat for ward with good speed. As they approach the shore the mainsail, which is held by a cross spar at the top of a slight mast 13 or 13 feet high, is furled and the mast taken iu; then in a few moments the foresail, which is rigged in the same way and is about a third smaller, is taken in I also; then are run out those peculiar Japanese oars, three or four on a side. The oar is composed of two piece and is a very heavy affair, often as much as two men care to lift It has a hole in the under side and rests on a pivot some thing like an outrigger. These oars run back toward the stern of the boat and are worked in a manner something like sculling by two men to an oar, the men standing to their work and facing the side of the boat To see one of these boats driven rapid ly through the water one is vivi.y re minded of the Roman triremes propelled by the galley slaves of old. A peculiar shout accompanies the rowing, as if to aid in keeping time, but in fact each oar is worked entirely independent of the others, and there is no harmony what ever. There are few more picturesque scenes than these quaint Japanese junks with their high prows and sides as they come in with their white square sails set, and then the sudden transformation into a Roman galley as they approach the shore. There is of course no wharf at the landing, and yon are surprised as the boat reaches the beach to see her tnrned and run on to the beach stern foremost The success of the day can readily be told even before they begin to discharge cargo by the activity of the rowers and the loudness of their shout as they ap proach the land, as well as often by a little banner run up in the stern, which proclaims a successful catch. As the boat lies by the shore the crowd of men, women and children gather around, and a part of the crew discharge the day's catch, throwing the fish from the boat into the shallow water near the shore. Others take masts and oars from the boat and carry them np the beach, and others take out various other mov ables from the boat. During the month oLAjumst the fish, which are taken en tirely by nets, are uinnMt all kotsuo or bon to, of firm flesh and much liked by the Japanese as well as foreigners. A good day's catch for a crew of 12 to 1 (J men is about 800 fish, though often more than that number are taken. All the fish, having been thrown into the water, they are then gat lured up and laid on the beach and counted. While this is going on we may notice the sailors whose appearance seemed so unusual as they were seen approa-jhing the shore. We at once decide that a fish man's wardrobe cannot be an expensive draft upon hi pocket, for their brown bodies seem to be adorned by only two garments, one a narrow white cloth about the loins and the other a bluish white cloth about the head and forehead, which prevents the perspiration from flowing into their eyes. This latter gar ment is rarely wanting, though the for mer frequently is. They are finely de veloped fellows physically, nearly all young men, and a very jovial and happy crew. The crowd along the shore has been increased by the coming of men drawing two wheeled carts with baskets upon them, into which the fish as soon as they have been counted are placed, leav ing the beach red with their blood, and away go the men for a night journey to Milo, 12 miles away, the nearest large city, where the fish will be sold the next morning, or perhaps shipped by rail to Tokio and other large towns. Meanwhile the sailors have attached ropes to the stern of the boat, and, with much shouting and pulling, have drawn her up over rollers upon the beach above the tide. The absence of paint, pitch or other substance for keeping the boat watertight makes it necessary often while she is lying on the beach to pile heaps of rice straw around her in the evening, which, set on fire, reveals a fan tastic scene and helps to make her water tight for a short period. Work over, the men take their lunch boxes wooden boxes, H by 2 feet square in which they keep not only food, but a larger garment for the bettor covering of their bodies, and hasten away to their homes, bearing in one hand perhaps a Ann for their own families. A short night's rent, and at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning the IhmU are pushed off again, and another day's work begins. If their day's work real izes an average of 5!0 or cents, they are very fortunate. Tho wretched huts that they call home and the condition of their living indicate, however, that they fall below this for the most part. Lew- j Uton Journal. Teeth of I ho lira t is The beaver is armed with two long oliisollike teeth in each jaw. These teeth are exceedingly powerful and are to beaver what an ax is to a woods man. One such tooth taken from the lower jaw of a medium siied skull (thev cau w rvuioveu witnout diBloultv. uu- like tho most of ours) is bent into near ly a semicircle and measures 8 inches along its outer curve. Only one inch of tins leugtu projects from tho skull. Tho corresponding one from tho upper jaw is beut into more thau a complete half circle aiul measures upon its outer face 4 Inches, or which loss than an inch protrudes from its bone casing. In width each tooth is five-eighths of an inch. Examination of one of thorn re veals the secret of how a beaver can per forin such feats as chopping dowu a birch tree 16 inches in diameter, not to speak of softer woods, like tho buss wood, of much greater size. The tooth is composed of two mate rials. Along the outer face or front of the tooth is a thin plate of exceedingly hard enamel. On tho iuuer, foruiiuu the Douy or the tooth, is a substance called doutiue. The dentine, being softer, wears away with use. The thin enamel re mains comparatively unworn, so that tho tooth assumes the shape of a keen chisel that never grows dull. The tooth is hollow at the base for half its length and is filled with a nourishing substance which keeps it constantly growing. St Nicholas. Whoa to Itallanlaa llooo. Perhaps the best time to Italianize bees is when yon have the Italian queen to introduce. There may lie circum stances that make it much more conven ient to get an Italian queen one time than another. It may be a little more convenient, other things being equal, to Italianize at or just after swarming, but if you WBUt to rear queens from your Italian stock, then yon may prefer to get your Italian stock in shaiie before warming. In any case, advises The American Bee Journal, avoid iu general dm wW Wa sre not storinir. l Dm M mm. mymll tod if. for ytmA 9mt LOUIS 0. VANDERVERC Om of tha let bowa buibeo na is Clloajo, r.urewiiauva oiwtT4l JUMItTMl Uo, HEADACHE, SLEEPLESSNESS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, Gentlemen I iko iLmmm In i.r i - Ant,. k..j.:::,'.t .......... K tho ua o In tharaaeof uhject lo a i wain ui uppor ponton of UM tplnal eonl I CURED lmcb1 akepiea.n.W e Tom Nrvtn ... hi-Lla iwocimerided to ma, Mttm bod boon on nToif nolo tliot I hod no eoutidenca In tho eAcarf of any medtetiM. Vol aa o U.u mirt i,u,ii , (tvo u a uiol Mui h to my mnriM. 1 oipononml mwkMl botirfli; my Jwplroi diaopiwoml: my htodocbo wm rxuaored. mj plriuoudniionl booitbiirTO-. . . . " 2 THOUSANDS opinio Tutor oouaoo. ii Mis occuooca rrto tiaoNco ooq ocil mown pmiiciim raaco "t "IW U laktiuc Uio Horvin IU bolonulu. Lotu I. Yuuuvui. OLO on a poairivc OUSHSNTII Furniture ar;d dpdertaHii?. MKT , All J . I WJ, . H ! ejBiSiCTtf.'oUt, R. L. Holman carrios a flno lino of Furnituro Lounees. Wnll Pnrinr nnd HnrTintaatloWOStDOS sible living: rates, also a flno lino of Caskots and Coffins, Ladies' and Gonts' robos, which ARL WOT EXCELLED OUTSIDE OF FOKTIjAIMaV. Cut of hotirso in tit in tnlvi'itiscnicnt. Do Not Climb the Hill! STOP AT- rRY Da MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CTS For Palo by Chortnan t Co. 1894. Harper's Magazine. IIXl'DTKAToD. ENFLUE1MZA. Or La OHnp, thoii.-h occailonalW opl 'iiiio. Is lwv miirf or lrss prtivult-ur. The H-t rim.'v for this couiiiluint is Ayer's Cherry. I'ertoral. "LaM SprlPir. I win taken down lrh Ls Grippe. At tlrwi I wa.i completely pmv tmtm). snd sn fllffleult wn my hrenlhlnK Ihst my hret eeme. m If rnndiied In an Iron cnee. I pnwured a Ixiltle of Ayrr'i C'hrrry pecioml, and no soonrr had I Ih-ehij takln? it than relief followed. I could not bo. Ileve that the eflect would be io rapid and tho eure so complete. It Ls truly a wonderful nied-loine."-W. n. Williams, Crook City, S. D. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prompt to act, sure to cure lUrprr'a Matuln for IttH will maintain the character thai haa mad It tha Uv.i.n. in.... irate.1 iwri.llcl loriho horn,. Anion, ih ro aulta of enlerpriM-a uudenaken by tho puhlKh tn there will apiwar diirluic lh year iiurrbly iUutrale. paper uj (Jr kjw Jlfl week, on the aeaiuin br Alfted far- n. ita oerinauy ur fou lue IMva I.. ,.n t Klehard llardlug Ihivla.and uu Mexico .ienc liemiiitfiou George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, Iuyvllle, - Oregon, When-you can grt the biP'htt cukIi priiti lor Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. Portland-CIatskanie R-O-U-T-E. 1 Ssbd faria d by Kre Anionic the other Untablo featurea of tho year will b iiovila by George du Maurlrrand ( harlea I'u.llt-y Karner. the reiniul.reiieea ol W 1). lion ell., and eihl abort atorlea of we.teru Iroutirr life by Owen We.ter.. Bh.irt ione win alio no contributed by Hramler Matthew,. Klehard lUr.liuc Darla. Mary R, W ilkin, kmh Mi-Knry biuart, Ml.i Uurouee Alma ladema, (ioorK A. Hibhard, gurnnay do llaaiireplaro. Ihomaa Nel.oii fane aud othera. Artli leaon topica of current Iniercl will be cvnirlhuted by dllln ulihi-d pevlallila. HAKl'ERS' PERIODICALS. lrr I ran Full lino of new good at jirict-s lower than Orvjjon City. IIAKPKK'8 MAiA7.t.NE . . . IIAKI'KK it KKK1.1 IIAKPKKH IIAAK UAKPtK o Ywl Nti PKOfl.K 14 00 . 4 (A 4 U) , 2 to foataae free lo all aiilnrribora luthe Culled Sutea, lauada aud Mexico. VTi.Hr.'VrM afTtt M Katrh mm mm mm - 81.00 per bottled Otieocntadcse. '"' "kbat uou'in ( i kk promptly rur.i where all othfrn full, Cougha, Troup Tors Throat, Hoaraeneaa, Whooping CouRh nnd Ait.ima. Kor Conaumption it haa no nvnl: baa cured thouaanda, and will ecus rou i taken In time. rVd l by DnitwUta i n h ifiiur S"J?? " Luno ":" k r uie The Toluraea of the Matailne belo with the ntiniberaol June aud December ol each year. When no time la mentioned, aulwriptioua wlli bexln with the uumber current at the lime of reeeipt of order. Hound volume! of llariwr'a Maitaiine for lliree yeara back. In neat cloth blndine. will be tent by mall, noat paid, no re ceipt olH.uu M.r volume. Cloth caiea for bind lu JO centa each-by mall ptiat paid. Kemltlaneea ahould lit made by poet oltlro money order or draft to avoid chance ol loaa. Newnpaperi are not lo publlah thli advertlie ment without the exprewe order id Harper A Hrothera. Addreaa, HAHI'EKK A BkOTIIKItH, Sew York. 1894. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. OHILOHV CATARRH REMEDY, Jlave you Caurrh'r 'i'hla romeily lainmruu. teed to cure you. I'iHe Vi-t u LiiccUir 1 ree. For sale by C O. Huntley. Red Cross Tansy nils Suppressed Manttruatlon PAINFUL Minstruation And a PREVENTIVE for 11:111,1: lUUCUtUKilikA. Are Safe and Reliable. UT Perfei'tly Harmle,. Tha Ladies Purely Vc(fe table I -ver Fallal PRICE $1.00. Sent postpaid on receipt of price. Monrr reftinHixl if nn a "y- Yin de Cinchona Co.. Dea Molnee, Iowa. For Bale by Charinan & Co. I Ja ' MM w mat u JAPANESE CURE A new and comnletA rwiimoni mn, 6uppoalurlea, Ointment In Capnulea. aluo In Box and PDla: a poaltlve cure for External, Internal, Wind or bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Kecent or Hereditary rilea, and many diaeaaea and female weaknemea; it la alwaya a great benefit to the general health. The Aral ; d'la coveryof a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife unnecewiary herefu:r. Thia rimed haa never been known to fall. $1 per tl"'," r mail. Why .offer from thla terrible dlneaae when a written guarantee i given with alx boxea to refund the mousy If uot cured. Hend atamp for free aample. uar antee laaued by WooiuaoCLaaaa Co, whoie aale and retail druevlir.. nil. ffftiii ptiu...t Oregon.' by ''' ' Uaailf' Q"" tlty,' (larper'a Razar la a Journal for the home. It rlvea the (tillent and latent information about laahloua; aud ita numeioua llluttrallmia, Parla uerii-iiei tuppirineiita a'e iiioi.iwiiMine alike to tha home dreaamaker anu me prolea.ional mollt. No eipenwi la "pared to make I'a artimie atlractlveucaa of the higheat order. Ita brlglii atorlea. ainumng come- ...... u.i iii.iukiiiiiii e.aaya aatlaly all ta.tea. anil ita laat page la famoiia aa a budget of wit aud humor. In ita weekly laauea everythliur la included which la of Interem lo women The eriei. o.r win no eritten by William Itlaek and Walter lteant. hhort alorlelll le Written by Mary K. Wllklin.. Maria Uml.e P.kiI, Kuth Mi Knery Htuart, Marlon llarl:id and othera. Outdoor aporta rnd In door gamea, m;lal en. lertaiiimeut. embroidery aud other lulercatlng Piplia will receive conntant atteutloii. A new erica ia prnmlned ol "Colfee aud Keparlce " HAKI'EK'S PEK0DICAU lpr lun IIAKI'KK'S Ml'iAZI.NK not) IIAHI'KK-.S WKKKLY " m IIAKPKK 8 BAZAR 4 (w iiAnrr,ii .1 iui All I'r.ori.E UU Pnatage free to all aiibcrlbera In the United Btatea, Cauaila and Mexico, Sunday Services. UT. PAUL'S CIII'Kt' II. v J. A Kckatorm Color. Herrieea at llo eloek a in and 7 ! p. m. Prayer aervlco every Wedunday evening. KlltsTCONilHKOATIONALl lll Kt'll -Mv Paalor aupplled. (torvicea at II a. M. and Tao r. h. Monday H. h.. alter niornliig ervico. riayar meeting evening at 7 aoo.elock. Prayer meeting of Young people a Society ol Chrliilan Endeavor overt Huudav riKST BAPTIHT 1-111' Kt H. RgT, Oll.waH i aaaaa raator Mornlua Hervlce at II Hon, l. ochool at U IS; Evening Hervlce o ia), Krguiar vrayer nieeung neoneauay evening. Monthly Covenaut Meetiui every We.lue.ilay evening preceding the nr.l Holiday In tho mouth. A coruial luvliatlon to all. 8T. IOII.S H CIU KCII.CATIIOI.IC.-Kgr. A lllLl.anaAMD, Pa.'.or. on Huuday ma.a at a and lu .10 a. at. Every aocond and fourth Hunday (ierman eermnu alter tho o'clock ma.a At all other nia.aea Eugll.h aennoua. riunday HchiHil at i M r. . Ve.Hra. apologelicaJ lubjecia, and Heuf diction at 7 .10 r. u. METIIOIUHT EPISCOPAL Cll I'KCII.-Hiv 0. Hvaa, Pa.tnr. Morning aervlco at II 8illliay rtchool at 10 l). I'laaa meeting alter morning aervlie. Eveulng aervlco at 7 ). Epworth League meeting Huuday eveulng at 30; Prayer Meeting eveulng at 6 au. STR. SARAH DIXON, (iKO. M NIIAVCIt. Ma.ter. Will It'll vt I'lirtlntul l)iiilv,fxc'it Sunday, nt 2:1X1 p.m., for Clu.txkiiiiie V way Intnlinc. ItdiirniiiK, arrive nt I'tirt Iu n J tit 10 a. iu., I'aily t'xot'jit Monday. Tlio t'ouiiuny ri'tt'rvi'H tho rij;lit to I'liango t in id tvitliiitit imtico. For frt'intit r un'0'tij,'iT rate applv toilm k flt rk nt Portland, f.xit Va.Hliin(;tiinSt.,ortin Umrd htraturr. Thin in the m arcNt and morit di rect roll to to tho Nthaliiii valley. EAST AND SOUTH TUB SHASTA JlOij' or tho- SOUTIIIXN I'ACIIIC compa KxTt. Trains Icava Iurtlnn,l Il guii.h a H 1 i r, in li. a l.v Ar I'ortla Oroaonl'lty ,, " l.v ii lININl CAHH UN OtlliKN lo,,.,. Pullman Duffet Sleeper nn ata. i Soconil-ClnBH Sloonlno r 1 Altacho.1 lo all through i, j IIOHEIII'llil MAIL (liaii,, I W. a I l.v I'orllan, i. t ii a. l.v Oroaoni it. i 1 ' r a Ar lt...,nt. i , Weal Hld Ulvi.lou. BETWEEN Poltl I.ANU am, VWVIU Mall Traill, Ually (Elcopt ,( , W ' T u a . I "l.v" I'oiil. n, I "1, rii. U lira Ar Co,,, in, i, ?' Al Alb,uv and Ci.rtalll. r,, mi... . ol tirogou aud I'acia.i Italltoa.l Eanro.a Train I'allv iKicept Su,,, TMROUCM TICKETS" TO AI L POIXfS K Tllg EAHTEIIN HfA! EH, CANADA AN' I) He a. Can be obtained at loo art rale. Imm i t Hiaoo, again, oragoii en. K EiiKllt.EH, E P HoiiEkg Manager Ai. I U E and I'aaa. A,, 2MoiS ti Salt Lake, Dcnve Omaha, Kansas City Chicago, St. LoiM AND ALL Eastern Cities. 1)1 DAYS TO l2 CJIIOAGG ; Irtland-CowlitziHoorf i MvtT Koiitr, via. Thevoliiuica of the Bazar begin with tho flrat number in January ol each year. When no time ia mentioned, aulmcrliitloiia will lin ifpt ...i.i. i ......... ..... ....., n un loc uiimuer current at the time ol roce ol order. Hound volume! of Harper'a magazine lor Ihrco yeara back. In neat cloth Minting, will be mit by mall, Poat-paid, or by expre.a, tree of ei penae, fProvlded the freight .toe. not exceed one dollar per volume), for 17 ou per volumii. Cloth caaea for each volume, aiiltalno for binding will be aent by mall, pout paid on re ceipt of 11.00 each. Kemlttancea ahould be made by poat office money order or draft to avoid chance ol loaa Newapaper are not to copy till advertlm ment without the expreaa order of Harper ii Hrothera. Adren: 1 IIAKPEU II HKOTIIKKH, New York. t COMPANY, KIKHT IlKOIMEXT, O. n7o7 Armnry. Third and Main. Kegnlar drill night Monday. Kegular bualueaa meetlnga, Drat Monday of each month. nv.i.'vn. J. W. Oanotig. - K.8 Kellv. - . iri... , i... r.r. , ,,, , . ii Lieuvennilfc L.L. Plckeua, . . fi.eonil n,.. ........ riKHT PKEHIIYTEKIAN CHCKCIL-kg?. O. W.Oiaongv. Pa.tor. Hervicea al II a. a. and T M . m. Hablwth Hchmd at It) a. M. Young Poople'aSoniety of ( brl.tlan Endeavor meeu every Huuday evening at 30. Weilueaday veiling prayer meeting at 7 30. Hoata tree. EVANOILICALCIIt'ltCH-OERMAN - At o. EaK.T, paator. Preacbiue Mirvii.., HVI..W Huudav at II A. M ami 7.10 P. M Habhath achool every Hunday al 10 A. M (John HarrLlH-rger. Hiipt i Weekly Prayer Meeting every Wedneaday evening t'NITEO BltETIIItKN IN Cll HIH T.-Preach lug every Huuday, excent third Huuday of each month, at II uo a. m and 7 :a) p iu -W II i Lain. Pa.tnr. Humlay achool at 10 a. m.- I. I) Hi ari a. Hoerlnleiiileul. Prayer mooting every nedneaiiay evening. 1894. Harper's Weekly, II.I.I'HTKATEI). Haqier'a weekly la beyond all iiieatlon the leading Journal In America, In Ita .plendld II luatratlona, In Ita corpaol dl.tlugiiUbed con tribiitora. and In lla vaat army of readera. lu drawa on the higheat order of talent, the men beat fitted by pimlilou and train, lug to treat the leading topica of the day lu fiction, the moat popular otory wrltcre contrib ute lo Ita column. Huperh drawlnga by the foremoat artlnta illiiatratn Ita apeclal article, ita atorlea. and every notable event ol publl li'lnre.t; It coutalna portralta of the dl.tlu. gui.hed men aud women who are making the hl.tory ol the time, while apeclal attention la given to the army and navy, amateur .port and mimic and tho drama by dlailngiilahed expert. In a word Harper. Weekly comliluea Hie nnwa fear.irca of the dully paper and the artl.tlc aud llterarv iiualltlca of the magazine with the .oil. I Critical character of the revluw. HARPEBS'S : PERIODICALS. I'r V.-itrt HAKPKK'H MAGAZINE IIAItl'EK'i) Wr.EKLY HAKI'KICK HA.AIt IIAKPKK'U YOCNO PEOPLE 4 m 4 Ml 2 uu WILLAMETTE SLOUGH JohcjiIi Kfllojrte Triiim. Co. STR. J0SKPII KKLI.O(i(i-l,.av..s KcIho Mohtlay, Wftliu-Hilav am Priday, nt A. M. Iavra Port- land, rut-Hilay, Thiirmluy din Saturtlay nt 7 A. M. STR. X()RTIhVKST--!vi-H Tort lantl .Momlay, ftlni-Hday nnd Friday fur Kclfoand lTpH-r Cow litz river MintH, returninn tin: following day". Tl f . . I . . . una ih in., only ,lr..'t roiito to reach nil Cowlitz river oiiitM. WM. R. IIOI.MAN, AK..nt. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. Cooke's Stables, W. H. COOKE, Manacor, Hucceaaor lo U. 11 T A L Co. Corner Fourth and 0KK(i0X Main StreelH, CITY. Tha or tim I.KAIMNfj I.IVKUV STAIit.K t'ily. KiafM u( guv ilca rii,ti,in furniHlind on nhort nolice). All kiniln of Truck ami IVIivory HuhI. " i"vin'nv aiioniiiiii l. Homo Itoiinloil ami I', a'lln lerma. Hour (pucker to Dinah f ami KatiHan City. PL'I.I.MAN A TOURIST SLEEP KKM.KItKEUKCUSIXUChi; Carn, l)ininj Car. S. II. II. Clark. ) (Mivrr W. Mink, Ilcci-iverf. K. KWrry AnderHon, ) F'or rnten and Kmeral inforni ti'in call on or addrifH, W. II. HUKMtl.'UT, AmL Gen! I iihh. Ant., li.i- WanhiiiKtoii StMcoi Third, Portland, Or. -Tin:- YAQUINARB in on ri'HHoi). J. F. FORD, Evangelist, ui uea Moinea, Iowa, wr Una under t.t i aiarcn a, imA: 8. B. Meii. Mti. Vo.. lufur. Oreirnn. Gentlemen: On arriving home lout neelr I r,.,i n well and anxiously awuilinir n,,r n.ii,. ,.;,i eiKlit and one-lmlf yeura old, who lad wasted away to ,i ixiiiiida. t.. ,n fitront? and vi?oroug, and well llealied up. H. U. Cough Cure haa done ita work well, lioth of the children like it. Your H. K. CWti Care ban.ciired and Kept away all lioarae neHa from me. Ho ifive it to ,ui. greetlngii for all. VV'iaiiiiiK you proan'erltv. we are your, Ma. & Mu. J. f . 'okd. If you wlah to feel fre.h anit ,h.,.i . .a reaiiy Mr the Hprlna'a work, cleanae your aya tem with the Headache 4 Liver Cure by takinr two or three doaea each week Ui.n,. tie hy all drogglat. Hold under a poaltlve ruar "" h. M. ANOKEWH. Poatano free to all aiilcrilu.r. It, il... r..o...i I Htatea Cuuada and Mexico. The vol nm of the wceklv hevln iiii, n, a... mini tier lor January of each year. When no lime ia mentioned, auUcrlntlona will l.Kln with the ii u in her current al the time of receipt of order. ' Hound voluma of llariior'a Weekly for three yeara back, In neat cloth hlniliuif, will he aent hy mall, poat paid, or hy expreaa, free of ex Penan, (provided the froiKhl diH-a not exceed one uniiiir per volumii), lor 7.UU per voluinn. Cloth caaca for each voluinn, tultahlc for bind IriK. will I laeut by mall poat paid on receipt of fl.OU each 1 Kcmittancca ahould he made hy poat office money order or dralt to avoid chance of loaa. Ncwapapera are not to copy thli advertl.n ment without the eprea order of liirt.or .t brother. Addreaa: HAKI'KIt ut HKOl'IIKHH, New York. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sule Stable OREC0NCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THK bUWUK AND DEPOT. Double and Single Riga, and sad dle horses always on hand at the loweat prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose etock. Information reifardinir anr kind a. stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Dought and 8old. IT GIVES YOU HEALTH. Moore's Jlevesilcd Kcnicdy. AHto.i...liKi itHKircftHln tl.w CUrfl t niieiiiimtiH,,,, AHtlumt, Malaria, Itli lioiiNfiHHH or eny tier diHoane ariHin. " """u ",v,!r. HtoniMh or Kid- lZ7. Itdr,VC',l,lmw-'ntl,a ror fifteen yeara r w. . -with aatlima without an wM,."""1" tld hy conatat t ' ' l'',"'"1;!""11 year, ano I tried Mo kk'.'k., .' ""hI11. Two and the heueflt. u.5 ",, ,V K" "KMK"V Kratifylne. It , " " 'I were the mo.t prevente.1 the t.-rVTl 2 1,1, m , ..1 ''m 1 ',u "r"l'" -.. tmw naa ever had a.n Any he aratltude I Mul'T,,?" """'.""UnS Oregon Pacific Railroad K. V. HADLKV, R.roiver. direct I.ino (Jiiitk tlicnatch Low frciu-ht rato Utwf.ii Wil- laint'tto Vallcv iMiintH ami Sun F. ranciHco. (K'KAN STICA.MKR SAILINGS. S. S. Willamette Valley 1.1'iivcM San Kruneinco OctoIxT 17 ami '27, nnd Nov. I.r. I.i'itvcM Vaiitiitui October 12 nd L'2, aiul Nov. .r. ThiH (Jonipany rewrvei rinbt to chitngo rutiling dato with' out ni it ice. 1MVKK8TKAMERS. Stoamcr "Hong" leaven Portland WednoHtlay'H nnd HuturJay'i) t 6 A. M. H. C. DAY, Ocn. A(?'t. Salmon Street Wharf, Portland, I). It. VAIKIIIN, den. Ag't. ftm FrnnciHco, Cal. t C. C. I !()( UE, (1. F..t P.A-. Corvnllin, Oregon. remedy. i. Ilnvlllir li i....... '.' V ufferera, and alwiia win Z""""1 ",to hi lla.' aauie happy re- xattle, Waah. DA VIES TlIEI'IIOTOijIRAPIIEB, Would be tilenHod to nee bin frienJ and jiutrtiiiH in bin new ijuarUTS on Third and Morrison Streets, Over (Jolden Rule Ikzanr. FRANK NELDON, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSMITH Full Stock of Guns Ammunition. Itepainon all kind of amall niaJlnH promptly made. Duplicate kcyi any lock manufactured. Whop 01 Main Ktreet, next to NobliU'i table.