Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 08, 1893, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
IVices the lowest The Red Front.
Ladies rubber 33 cent a iair. Char-
nun A Son.
ball, December 25th .
Bargains by the Hundred at the Red
Front'! Special Sale.
W. B. Patterson, o( Log .in, was buoy
on the streets Tuesday.
K. S. Bratnhall the founder of Aims
was in the citron Wednesday.
J. Dennison, of Clarks, was in the city
Thursdday transacting business.
Mr. At A. Stratum of Portland was in
the city for a few hours on Thursday.
It is to our interest to please every
economical buyer. BbllomyA Bi-sch. tf
A Lively .Moot I n it Street AeMnent
Cm amusing the Vate.
Wanted, at the Park Place store wool,
bacon, oats, wheat, potatoes, onions and
Why have wet feet when 35 cents will
1 - .,f i . I n. -ii i
Council called to order by Mayor Sul
livan. Koll call showed ollicera and
members all present.
Communication from Wyclitf relative
to extras on trestle contract laid on the
Communication from Columbia II. A
I.. Co. asking for use of room back of
their present room. The company was
granted permission to take out )arti
tion and place it at their own expense
back as far as the door leading in from
the council chamber.
Communication from the board of
water commissioners stating that a
vacancy existed on account of the rvsig
nation of II. Straight, and T. P. Kamlall
elected to till the vacancy.
I he city recorder reported II cases
tried before him for November of which
five were fined 5 each, three of whom
paid. Five were fined $10 each, none of
w hom paid and one $20 which was re-
mittcd in case the prisoner would leave
town at once.
Committee upon fire and water asked
for more time in which to consider bus-
I'iersen A Hisden 3 7ft
TM Miller 40 00
Total f.1100 73
rimi sraKKT rrsn.
Pan Lyons ) 4S AS
Perliatn Bros 2tM 11
Total ;Ui 79
One lady in the city is intending to
purchase a full set of that beautifully
decorated china which is on display in
BunneisterA Andrvson's w indow to send
Fast to a sister so that she may have lor
use on her table some eNvant dishes w ith
picturesque views of Oregon City and
vicinity glased in lasting forms always
before her. The idea Is a good one. If
voii cannot at present afford a full sot
you can find no more unique present or
one that will I more highly appreciated.
For holiday, wedding or other time
nothing can he more suitable than one
or more pieces of this elegantly decorated
ware, Cio and take a look at it.
at the Red Men's Masque ball Christmas
Judge Fouts marrUl Miss Kflie Brown
rd Chas. Malander at the Electric
h'tel on Tuesday or this week.
A single lady wishes a position
housekeeper in family. Inquire
Farnswor'b's barber shop. 4t
Tickets for tiik Red Men's Ball,
Gentlemen in masque $1.00 Ladies in
mtskfree. Spectators 50 cents.
You can wait tiil New Years to buy
Christmas gifts, but gifts will go. Buy
early. Bcrmeisteb A Andreskn.
Mens' and boys' clothing at your own
price at the Red Font's Secial Sale.
Come in while the assortment is the best.
See that Stf fdman is spolt with two
ee when you buy St'iman's Soothing
Powders. R are of spurious imitations.
Marriage licenses were issu-d during
the past week to Elizibeth B. Hallinan
and J. L. Davis, Ella McCorab and C.
R ingle.
Mrs. II. M. Whiilock, who went to the
Portland hospital some two weeks aito
sends up word that her health is much
Ladies' fine shoes, square and pointed
toe, reduced from $4 to f-' 85, all sizes,
high grade shoes at prices paid for cheap
ones. Red Front's Special Sale.
Shiloh's Cure, the Great Cough and
Croup Cure, is tor sale by us. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c.
Children love it. C. G. Huntley.
Mf sic bv the Willamette Stki.no
band under the leadership of Prof. John
Everest of Portland for the Red Men's
Masque baH December 25th.
A man wanting a comfortable borne
and a placato work for his board during
the winter months on a farm can hear
of a situation by calling at this office.
Get Ready add go to the Gba.nd
Masquerade ball given by the I. O. K.
M. at Armory hall December 25.
Best flour 75c. per sack, baby shoes
25 cents, ladies laced cloth, foxed 75
en Is, ladies fine button reduced to $1 ;
boy's brograns 50 cents, men's plow,
$1.50, Indigo blue prints 18 yards $1.00 at
the Red Front. Read the ad .
fTolidav toys ! To close out my stock
of holiday toys I will for the next thirty
days sell them at prices that will aston
ish you. Call at store on Seventh street
, opposite depot and see fine assortment.
4t T. W. Folts.
Lost. On the evening of Friday Nov.
24th between Shiver's hall and west
end of suspension bridge, one gold neck i
tie clasp with the letter "G" engraved Jno Biltner 3 75
Committee on health and police re
ported having employed an extra police
man at a cost of $ii0 without fees.
Report of secial committee rela'ive to
bills of II. E. Cross and Williams A
Williams for $5J0and $1000. resectively
and reported favorably upon the same
which report was adopted.
The special committee to consider iel
ative to the payment of the contested
Seventh stieet assessments reported
that ttie opinion of Mr. Williams was to
the effect that the proerty owners were
probably not holden for interest ujhjii de
linquent assessments while the bonds
men for the contractors could be held for
the interest. Mr. Cross being present
was called upon to express an opinion
and stated that he had not personally
looked into the matter, but differed from
Mr. Williams. The committee was in
structed to confer further with the attor
neys and get the matter In Bhape so that
the assessments may te paid.
(.'romance reaa cnarging street car
companies operating freight cars within
the city a license of $100 per annum
payable quarterly. Ordered to come lip
for final passage December 20.
The question of ward lines was called
np and laid over till the "reform adminis
tration" comes into power.
To prevent the water from running
down the alley etween Fifth and Sixth
streets and under Main street a motion
prevailed to make proper sewer connec
tion. The motion of Councilman
O'Connell declaring all assessment
delinquent upon Main street, elicited
considerable discussion as to whom
the warrant should be addressed.
Hie motion alter being amended so
as to direct the recorder to isjue said
warrant to the proper officer whoever
that officer might be was laid on the
The council then resolved itself into
a committee of the whole to canvass the
election returns and reported the follow
ing: fob mayor.
1st Wrd. 2d Wrd
H. Straight 206 214
T. L. Charman 02 90
R. L. Ilolman 190 176
F. 8. Kelly 109 125
E. S. Califf 193 227
G. W. Church 87 67
C. W.Fredrick 138, Geo. Broughton 100
J Harrington 124, E. M. Howell 140
B. F. Jaggar 153, J. A. Thayer 133
H. C. Stevens 161, G . II. Wishart 125
The following bills were allowed :
Wilson A Cooke $ 95 00
PortlanJ seema destined to attract a
fair degree of notoriety in the coining
months as a smuggling center. The
trial jury has barely begun uHn the
trial of the parties indicted fur smuggling
opium and now a new batch of twenty-
six indictments for smuggling Chinese
is presented. Among the names In
cluded in this list are those of Jas. I.oton,
Tom Jordon and tilen Holman. Four
teen of the indictmsnts are for white
men and the rest for Mongolians, the
merchant Said Beck being among the
T. W Clark who lias just returned
from a successful business trip to San
Francisco save that their new woolen
mill at Bandon shows up in Hue shae
from the deck of the ocean steamers
passing. The Record in shaking of
the mill savs: The woolen mill people
are awaiting the arrival of the doors and
windows for the building they have just
completed. Ninety-three windows are
required for this structure alone. Super
intendent Palmer has pushed work in
a highly creditable manner.
When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. . Pal
ton, of Luray, Russell Couuty, Kansas,
called at the laboratory of Chamberlain's
A Co., IK'S Moines, to show them his
six year old boy, whose life had been
saved by Chamtwrlaiii's Cough Remedy,
it having cured him of a very severe at
tack of croup. Mr. Dalton is coitain that
it saved his boy's life and is enthusiastic
in his praise of the Remedy. For sale
by Geo. A. Harding
on the face. Finder w ill please return it
to this office and be suitably rewarded
Mrs. Harriet A. Marble, of Poughkeep
aie, N. Y., was for years a martyr to
headache, and never found anything to
give her more than temporary relief until
she she began to take AVer's Pills, since
which she has been in the enjoyment of
perfect health.
FiiitcrFlagg of the new Democrat at
Silein is playing in hard luck just now.
As if it were not trying enough to be
wrestling with the establishing of a new
d lily to have added to that the breaking
o' an arm, and a right arm at that while
fixing the press is too much even for an
eoitor to bear without complaining.
A five column daily called the Oregon
Democrat has just appeared at Salem
under the management of our old friend,
E. H. Flatrg. The Democrat enters the
field as a morning daily and will un
doubtedly be wide awake and aggres
sively democratic as it would ill become
its publisher to be anything else.
Geo. C. Brownell was called to Rose-
burg Wednesday to defend J. M. Keyton
who was charged with holding up the
county judge of Douglas county at the
point of Winchester and compelling
him to feign a document agreeing to re
lmuwi Keyton's children and not prose
cute Keyton for forcing him to sign the
document. Keyton was arrested here
fcyJ. 8. Purdom along the summer.
L Ruconich 5 25
T. 8. Lawrence 9 00
Jas Andrews 1 50
Bellomy and Busch 1 00
W A Huntley 7 90
W II Adams 25 00
P G Electric Co 172 45
Mrs G W Church 16 00
G II Bestow 1 25
I LeMahieu 30 90
J W Kelly or, 00
L L Porter 44 00
S H Walker 3 50
Fred Ely 3 50
C C Bobbins 3 50
Geo R Califf 3 50
A W Millen 3 50
M E Willoughby 3 50
J M Graham 3 50
J , Kliodes 3 50
J W Cole 3 50
J 8 Purdom 89 50
Wilson A Cooke 22 15
A Walker 7 00
F William 24 50
L A Noble 21 00
D E fibeppard 44 00
G Bridges 3 00
II Gilbert 3 00
H Straight 4 40
JRoakeA Co 4 50
CAMRRtmiE, Mass., June 21, H'M).
Norman Lichty, Esq., Ies Moines, la.
Deab Sir: Enclosed please fljid an
order for $1 00, for which send me as
many Krausu'a Headache Capsules as
it will pay for. They are yery good In
deed, but can not get any in Boston,
Yours very truly. Asa R. Siiei'Hkrd,
123 Norfolk St
For sal by Charman A Co., City
Drug store, Oregon City, Or.
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Ilendnckson enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Russell, the Misses
Emma Wileheart. Myrtle George, Miss
and Nettle McCord, Messrs Haynes,
Arthur and Clarence Russell and Master
Melvin McCord very pleasantly at their
home at Mt. Pleasant Thanksgiving
For a sore throat there is nothing
better thun a flannel bandage dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It will
neirly always effect a cure in one night's
time. This remedy is also a favorite for
rheumatism and has cuied many a severe
case. 50 cents bottles for sale by Geo.
A. Harding
John Frost of Park Place was arrestsed
the first of the week charged with giving
liquor to a minor. After a trial on
Tuesday before Judge Fonts the jury
found him not guilty. They evidently
had come evidence to consider for they
were out two hours before returning a
Prof. II. A. Shorey will begin a series
of discourses to busy people next Sun
day evening at the Congregational church
this subject should interest the old anil
young alike. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to the busy people to come out
and hear what a busy man has to say.
The proudest man in the state just
now is Constable h. T. rields who is
liable to place bis best friend under
arrest and all on account of an eleven
At their last meeting tho Woman Re
lief Corps of Meado Post No. 18 elected
olllcers for the coming year m follow :
Mrs. M. D. Pllsbury, president; Mia.
II. iKiremus, sr. vice-president; Mrs. M.
A.Stuart, Jr., vice-president; Mrs J. It,
Harding, secretary ; Mrs. M, M, Char
man, chaplain J Mrs. E. Meldriiiu, con
ductor; Mra. JC Pierce, guard; Mrs.
Belle P, Harding, assistant conductor;
Mra. M. Olds, assistant guard. Tho
installation will occur on the first
Monday in January. Tho following
named were elected delegates to tho
annual state convention: Mr. J. 11.
Harding, Mr Belle Harding anil Mr.
F. L. Cochrane with Mrs. M. E Norrls,
Mr. J. C. Pierce an I Mr. M. A. Old
as alternate.
At the last session of tho mock senate
the Ryan revenue bill which provide
for a tax of 10 cents ht month against
each state and a fine of 10 cents fur each
bill introduced which faii to pass and
5 cent for shaking more than once on
the samo question, wa adopted. The
bill of Senator Powell providing for
department and secretary of education
was discussed and defeated. An able
message from President Carl) wa read
opposing anexation of the Hawaiian
islands. The bill of Senator Thorn pro
viding fur tho free coinage of kllvcr wa
made the special order for the next
A new steamer is now on the way In
Portland at llonnet A Nelson's yard
which i being built for Captain I.. H
Jones, ow ner of the Maria and Maui1.
nillo to run on the upicr Willamette,
It will le 140 feet long with 2l font beam
and is modeled so as to draw as litllo
water a iHjssiblo so as to run the entire
The IVnny pheasants seem to lie get
ting quite am iable judging by the conduct
of one which Mrs. J, G. Porter found in
the yard with the bens on Tuesday.
When approached instead of running off
it entered the hen house with the chick
ens and was caught. It is a handsome
male fowl and not injured in any sy.
The pulp and paper mill which had
to shut dow n the last of tho week on ac
count of the high water were aide to start
up again Thursday morning.
It Miould be In L'ery House.
I. B. Wilson, 371 Clav stroi-t , Sharps
hurg Pa. says he would not tie without
Dr. Kin' New Discovery for Consume
tion, Coughs anJ Colds, that it cured
his wile who was threatened with Pneu
monia after an attack of "Iji Grippe"
when various other remedies and several
physicians had done her no goud.ltnlierl
burlier, of Cooksport, Pa., claim Dr.
King's New Discovery ha done him
more good than anything lie ever used
for Lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try
it. Free Tiial Bottles at Geo. A Hard-
ding's Drug Store. I.arge bottle M eta.
anJ $1.
HKill TOP Kip
at $2.50 per Pair.
Hoavy Winter Shoos Just in.
Como in and soo thorn.
Next door to Hank, Oregon City, Orison.
V. Harris, Prop., Successor lo Fields & Sons,
Ni'xt diMir to rjH A C'o.'h llanlwaru Store.
A (Queenly Head
can never rest on a lxly frail from
disease any more than the lovely lily
can grow in the sterile soil. When Con
stipation fasten its hold upon a victim,
the whole physical strnctiiru commence
it decay. At such a xriixl, before tho
disease is too tar anvancea, Dr. Pierce')
(iolden Medical Discovery will arrest
and cure it. So certain la this, that an
offer is made to refund the money paid
for it when a failure can be found under
the condition of a fair trial.
Is Your Laundry Well Dnnel
iNothing exasperates 1 iierson so much
as to have a fine white garment returned
from the laundry yellow and niussy,
buttons half off and In a condition not
tit to wear. Tho Troy Steam Laundry
sends out none but llrst class work a
trial order will convince vou. Olllce
with F. A. Waddocic. post olllce build
ing. Kundles left Tuesday evening will
be returned Saturday morning.
For One Week Only Ladies fine kid
gloves e sold for $1 .25 now 85 cunts
at the Red Front's Hneriul Sale. Come
Run Mux's Masiiiikuaiik Ham. Ciiuist
mas night. Grand march starts at (1
500,000 TREES
Osueo jNfureris
Olfcr for the coining scns.ui 0110 of the largest ami inosl roinjilete stock"
(if tree to Is) funnel in the Northwest, consisting of the following:
1(K),(X appli all tho lending varieties.
l'ttOtK) prune With Italian ami IVtrt in tho lend.
',(M iVnr Jtartlct nnd many other.
10,000 cherry In st sweet und sour kinds.
2.r),0KJ js iich Knrly Crawford and ninny others. .
25,000 lutn till of the l-st.
5,(MK) Jitpaii plum both old ami new sorts.
10,000 aprciot Im'sI kinds for this clitnnte.
AIho miiiill fruit, grnMi vines, shitdf, nut ami evergreen trees, riw
etc. Send for new descriptive ciitaluirue iiown iulv.
Oswego, Oregon,
w .
: y
New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for
All work executed in tho best manner KissiMe.
teed on nl! order.
Promptness guaran-
Total $736 91
main btbekt fund.
HamsbawA Behm $2958 98
8 Smyth 90 00
I J W Scoggins...., 6 00
pound girl which made her appearance
at his home on Sunday. He says that
both daughter and father are doing well.
Several mem tiers of the city council
were down lo Portland on Tuesday for
the purpose of selecting a bell for the use
of the fire company on the hill ami pur
chased one the cost of which was $85.
It was bought up on Wednesday.
The "The American Ueauty" a floral
panel-picture, to be given all our readers
for a Thanksgiving present, is a beauti
ful work of art. Cut out tho coupon
and send with a 3-cent stamp and get
Miss Ruth Trattles who lias been
visiting her uncle Joseph Walton lias
returned to hor home at Nile City, Mich.
Dr. L. L. Pickens is unable to attend
to his office work this week being con
fined to bis home with sickness,
Mrs. E. E. Williams rotuaned from her
eastern trip and visit in Tezas last week,
after an absence of ten weeks.
You are not ready for Christmas until
you have seen our stock.
F.stray .Notice.
Taken up by the undersigned in Cas
cade precinct, county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, on NovcmW 3rd, IHO.'I,
one bluck horse alsjut 5 years-old with a
white hkjI on forehead and a white spot
on its nose and an old wire cut on his
right knee and both right feet and an
undistinguishublu brand on loft shoulder.
Also one black mare about '2-years-ohl,
weight about seven or eiitbt hundred
pounds each. Said horses were duly up-
praised oil Piovemtier, llin liltli, IH!i:.
O. S. Ciiask.
Prices the lowest to 1 hud in Portland. Shop on Fourth Htrcct,
near Main, Oregon City, Oregon.
U. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors.
How you Can Save Money
Masonic Building.
Shiloh's Vituli.eris what you need for
Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or
Kidney trouble. It
give you satisfaction.
by U. li. Huntley.
is guaranteed to
Price 70c. Sold
Land Olllce at Oregon City, Orsfton I
Iter. 7, IBM 1
Notice l hereby given, that the following
imiiiiHi router uu uicu uiium mm lllwillo;
to raske flnsl proof in upport of hi olslm un
der section 101, K: H, and that said proof will
Ixi made before the Reitliter and Receiver at
Oregon City, Oregon, Januiuy 12. imi, vli:
William O. Hteel,
Homestead Entry No w0 for the N. K, U fieri,
tlou 24, T, 8 8., K. S Ksst. lie names the follow
ing witnesses to prove till continuous renlileime
upon and cultivation of, uld land, viz: rrnnrls
C. Utile. Oliver C. Yociim, Horace 8. Campbell,
olHslinon, Oregen, and I). Ludwlck, uf Hoi
brook, Oregon.
11:12 KOflJtKT A. MILLER, Regliter.
When your children need n laxiitive or
and bowel regulator, buy
Fifty (Iohch lor twenty-livo cents. Tho Benson fori
colds nnd coughs iH uponuH. In order to be pre-J
IMired for iui emergency, net a lottlo of
Baby's Pectoral Syrup,
Tho best in the market. Prieo 2.r cent. Forf'?3
at tho CANBY PHARMACY, Canby.w-
UK J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor.
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