Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 01, 1893, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
T. W Sullivan
C Ity Aitortify.
U U l'ortr
J. 8. Hunlom
J. K Kh.wta
F J. UhiU
fup'f. o(Wir Vork, . W. H. Hnwvll
ntj Knttnnr, - SI.Imt Smyth.
Couumlmen-C. O. Albrlht, Jr., II. U kll. 0.
K. Grwnmnn, W A. Whll, J J. Cooke. J.
W. OVonniU, J. O. tmet and T. P. Ku-
oonnril mwuflrat orettnetday of etch month
In city hall.
A Moll Attended Merlin at Which
Wood Ticket I Nominated.
yThe way to build up Oregon
City is la r've Ore gon City people jonr
Price the lowest The KM Front.
Ladies rubbers 35 cents a pair. Cbar
nian A Son.
Sewing machine
Front store.
needles at the Red
Coming Evkst 1.0. K.M. M asqikhade
ball, December 25th .
Baryains by the Hundred at the Red
Front's Special Sale.
It is to our interest to please every
economical buyer. RkllomyA Bisch. tf
Wanted, at the Park Mace store wrxl,
bacon, oats, wheat, potatoes, onions and
Why have wet feet when 35 cents will I
b.iy a pair of ladies rubbers at Charmaa
A Son.
and see mi Bi.rriri'L Coottmks
at the Red Men's Masque ball Christmas
All photographs made in
gillery are warranted not to
-A single lady wishes a position
housekeeper in family. Inquire
Farnswortb's barber shop. 4t
Yon -will get a cup of coffee "like your
mother used to make" at Mrs. Howard's,
Cor. Sixth and Main streets.
To prevent fin and convulsions during
teething, mothers should alwavs have on
h-nd Stfidman's Soothing Powders.
The "American Beauty" a floral panel
picture, to be given all our readers for
a Thanksgiving present, is a beautiful
work of art.
George Dunlavey, of Marquam was in
the city the first of the week attend
ing to business and took occasion while
in town to call at this office.
Shiloh's Cure, the Great Cooh and
Croup Cure, is tor sate by us. Pocket
:re contains twenty-five doses, only 25c.
C lildren love it. C. G. Huntley.
A man wanting a comfortable home
and a place to work for his board during
the winter months on a farm can hear
of a situation by calling at this office.
Quite a number left by boat on
Wednesday for Buttevilie to enjoy the
grand ball given at Scheurer's hall on
that evening. The Willamette Silver
Cornet Band orchestra is to furnish the
Best flour 13.10 a barrel, baby shoes
2o cents, ladies laced cloth, foxed 75
cents, ladies fine button reduced toll;
boy's hrograns 50 cents, men's plow,
11.50, Indigo blue prints 16 yards $1.00 at
the Red Front.
Pope's hall was well filled Monday
evening by republicans andafairsprink
ling of others who had come to watch
the republicans make nominations for
cityotlkea. The meeting waa eallod to
order by C. O. T. Williams, chairman of
the city committee, and T. F. Ryan elec
ted chairman. C, O. Albright and J . L
Swafford were chosen secretaries after
which a motion waa made to permit all
who wished to help in selecting ticket.
This was voted down by a decisive ma
jority after which the convention pro
ceeded to the nomination of a city ticket
with the following result: For uiavor,
T. L. Charman, nominated by acclama
tion ; for city treasurer there was a con
test between K. L. Holman and J. A.
Moore, the ballot resulting in the choice
of Holman. G. W. Church waa then
nominated for assessor and collector by
The other places to be filled were ward
offices and the convention resolved itself
into wan! meetings with M. J. Broderick
as chairman of the First ward meeting
J. L. Sw afford secretary and J. W
O'Connell and J. G. Pilsbury tellers.
The second ward organised by the elec
tion of S. B. Califf as chairman and C
O. Albright secretary. In the Second
ward George Broughton and Geo.' II
Wishart were nominated for the council
by acclamation. In the First ward II. C
Stevens was nominated on the first ballot
and J. X. Harrington and W. A. Hunt
ley were tied at twenty-four votes while
Benj. Jagger had eighteen. There being
no choice for the second candidate, a
second ballot was ordered, prior to the
Brown's taking of which Mr. Huntley resigned
fade or I in favor of J. N. Harrington who was
then nominated, Mr. Jagger receiving
no more votes than on the first ballot.
The ward meetings then adjourned and
the convention authorized the apiwint
ment of a city committee of three and
the chair appointed J. W. O'Connell, J.
L. Swafford and Geo. K. Califf. After
making arrangements to have the nom
inating certiorates signed by the proper
number of jKtrson the convention ad
Pa Word and Grip.
Mead Post No. 2 will elect officers at
their first meeting in December. Last
Saturday night members of the G. A. R.
met at the post room for the purpose of
making the preliminary arrangement
for entertaining in an appropriate
manner the grand officer at a meeting
to be held in iH-cember. A committee
was appointed to make all necessary
arrangements and it is expected that the
post will have its usual good time, as
their socials are noted for being very
Achilles Lodge K. of P. will elect
officers at their meeting this Friday
evening and a good attendance of mem
bers is desired.
At the meeting of Falls City Lodge No.
59 on Saturday night it was voted
to incorporate the sick benefit system
and the matter was referred to a com
mittee consisting of C. O. T. Williams,
W. T. Whitlock and E. M Rands to ar
range the details so as to fully protect
the lodge. The committee is to report
this week.
H. C. Stevens had not much more
than recovered froui his attack of the
giip and able to be about a little than
his daughter, Mertie, and his mother
Mrs. E. Stevens, were stricken with the
same disease.
Constipation is the parent of innum
erable diseases, and should, therefore,
be promptly remedied by the use of
Ayer's Cathartic Pills. These pills do
not gripe, are perfectly safe to take, and
remove all tendency to liver and bowel
Instead ol going home to supper on
the evening of the 7th of September, step
Into the Baptist church and get a good
supper including oysters and at,tne same
time enjoy a social hour with your friends
or if they are not present make some
new acquaintances.
The new reutaurant under the name
of the Palace is run by "ich Diklich and
Bloss Miloslovisch who have fitted up
the building in very neat style. Both
proprietors are experienced restaurant
men and expect by good cooking and ef
ficient service to merit a share of the
patronage of the public.
The Albany Herald says : F. T. Ham
shaw, of Hamshaw & Belim, Portland,
in at the St. Charles. This firm have
the contract for laying about one mile of
vitrified brick pavement in Oregon City.
Mr. Hamshaw is thoroughly conversant
on-the virtue of the material he is repre
senting for paying purposes, and the in
ducements he offers for a trial block has
niet the approval of many of our First
street property owners. J
TheY. P. S.C. E. of the Presby
terian church is arranging to give a
social on Friday evening to members of
the society and itj friends, the object
being to get together and enjoy an even
ing in a social way without any attempt
to make money out of it aa the society
baa been very successful in raising funds
during the past year and tbey feel that
they can afford to devote one evening
to thanksgiving and pleasure.
Monday County Treasurer Califf sent
to the state treasurer the sum of $4795.35
which wan the amount of delinquent tax
due from this county to the state on the
1891 levy. It had been held hack on ac
count of the suit which had been entered
by Multnomah county to restrain the
state from collecting this tax on account
of the raise in the assessment made by
the state board of equalization. Aa this
suit was decided airainst the county
there was no use in holding the tax back
any longer. As this is the last payment
due from Clackamas county to the state
the county will now be entitled to receive
its share ef the five per centum fund ap
portioned by the last legislature and
which amounts to something like $2,500.
To the thousands who were unable to
visit the world's fair and view its beat
ties and wonders, no work published can
Kive them so clear a conception of what
the fair consisted of and how it looked
as Bancroft's "Book of the Fair." It is
an intelligent and easily comprehended
discription of the buildings and every ex
hibit of note, while over 2000 engravings,
many of them full-page, of the finest half
tone work, complete the description.
The book consists of 25 parts of 40 pages
each, size 12x10 inches on heavy enam
eled paper. The price is $1.00 a part.
Mrs. W. P. Spencer died about mid-
nigni on luesoay ot blood poisoning
after an illness of but a few days. The
cause was a scratch received on the nose
which was not serious enough to cause
apprehension of danger but it rapidly
grew worse and in spite of all efforts to
save her life, the scratch proved fatal.
The funeral will occur on Thursday and
the interment will be at Damascus
where a sister was buried a lew months
since. Mrs. Spencer's maiden name
was Smathers and she was a daughter of
Henry Smathers, of Viola.
The Japanese curios exhibited at the
Congregational church this week are
conceded to be the finest collection ever
seen in this city. The sales exceeded
Mrs. R. W. Porter who has been on
the sick list lately is slowly improving.
I'hllomatheaii Society Notes.
The literary society met Saturday
evening Instead of the usual Hum as the
regular meeting was postponed for the
King a Daughter entertainment. Tho
entire program was from Longfellow's
works and was w ell cairledoutby the
girls. The program was a follow:
Response to roll call by quotations,
Biographical Sketch F.ve Meldrum.
Recitation, "Wreck of the Hesperus.'
Metta Finley
Solo, "Tho Bridiie" Kate Ward.
Reading from Hiawatha Miss Finley.
Recitation. "The lav is m" B. Fouts.
Comic reading, "Monk of Canal Maggl-
more" Vara Can field.
"Courtship of Miles Standi!!," S. Chase.
Song, "Psalm of Life". .Girls Quartette.
The society elected nine new members
from the high school aa follow ; 1 1 at tie
Case, Josie Fullerton, Emma Yoder,
Fred Meyer, Arthur and Hulda Holden,
Samuel Stevens, Clarence Campbell,
and John Lewthwaite.
Arrangement were made to have Mr.
Thompson, ex-minister to Turkey, to
give a lecture sometime within the next
two weeks. The subject is to be "Tur
key and tho Turk." A small charge
will be made, the proceed to be ex
pended in the purchase ot new books for
the Philomathean library.
The society adjourned to meet Satur
day evening IVcember 1st at 7.30
Where to Vote.
The fit v charter enacted by the legii-
lature last winter provides that the city
shall be divided into two wards, and that
ward No. 1 shall comprise all territory
within the city south and west of a line
commencing at the center of Seventh
street; thence easterly to the Intersec
tion of Taylor street ; thence southerly to
the intersection of the county road to
Molaila; thence along said road to the
city limits. The voting place in this
want will be at tlieenginehou.se on Main
and Third streets.
Ward No. 2 comprise all that portion
of the city lying north and east of the
above described line, and the voting
place is at the city hall and engine house
on .Mam street between Seventh and
Eighth streets.
A person to have the right to vote must
have been a resident of the city for six
months previous to the date of the elec
tion and of the ward in which he offer to
vote for ten days next preceding such
All elections shall commence at nine
o'clock a. m. and continue till seven
o'clock p. in.
A New Ureal Work or Art.
The artist who painted a "Yard of
Pansies" and a
just produced a magnificent rival to
these two lovely pictures. It is a floral
panel picture called "An American
lieanty," 20 inches high, and admira-
Hook Containing all the
Letter for one Dollar.
In answer to a general demand from
all part of the United State, the Toledo
Blade ha published in one volume,
cloth bound, all of the "Nasby Lettets"
ever written by the lata 1). U. Locke,
omitting perhaps a few unimportant
letter on local or Iniportunt topics,
winy a lew oi tnoso letter were ever
published In book form. Everybody
ha read some of them, hut who h
read all of them? The book contain
over 500 large page, and all the Nasby
Letters written durlntiaperlodof twenty
five years; alio portrait of I). R, Locke
fioin hi last photograph. It would sell
at ono dollar or more, but will never he
placed on sale. One hundred thousand
copies are now being printed and bound,
and one copy will be sent postpaid by
mail free to every person who this
winter remit one dollar for the Weekly
Blade one year. Everylsjdy Invited to
send for a Hcimen copy of tho Weekly
Blade, which will give a full description
of the book "Tho Nasby Letter."
Tho Toledo Weekly Blade I tho best
and most popular weekly newspier
published in the country. It ha the
largest circulation of any weekly newt
paper, and goe to every statu, territory
and nearly every county of tho Union.
Only dollar a year, Includii.g the alove
mentioned hook free. Send Hlal to
The Blade, Toledo, Ohio, for a free
specimen copy of the paiHr. Send the
addiessea of vour friends also.
Tho Ward Line.
Some one ho sprung the Issue that J.
N. Harrington I not in the First ward
in which ho i tho nominee for council
man. The charter i plain on this point
o that none may uiiHiiiiderHiand if they
will take tho pain to read. From the
intersection of Taylor street with the
county road, tho boundary Is along the
said (county) road to tho city limit.
This undoubtedly means the straight
road which was deeded to the county
and accepted as a county road, which
everyone travels. No one ever Intended
tne old crooked mad to foe taken for tlio
boundary when there is a straight road
to the limit. No who need heightened
on that score as Mr. Harrington ia eligi
ble in the first ward and if elected will
be seated.
Mens mm TOP Kip
at $2.50 per Pair.
Hoavy Wintor Shoos-Just in.
Como in and soo thorn.
Next door to Hunk, Oregon City, Orcm.
V. Harris, Prop., Successor lo Fields & Sons,
Next door to 1'ojk) it Co.'a Hardware Store.
Notice to Hater Cemsumrn.
Water will bo shut off on Saturday
December 2nd between the hour of
2 and 4 1'. M.
Sec'y. Boaho or Watkb Co.
ThaLnitixI Ilretliron Inin-li ml
laru oiKose. naa j wo,, wj, dedlc,teU ,Vc .,j
o'clock a. m. There will also bo a di
cuwuun at the new church at Sherwood
beginning Dec 4 at 2 o'clock p. in. to
continue three or four days. Subject,
"Nature of Man." Speaker flishop Iil
Ion and W. L. Skecls, "A Soul Kleriier.''
bly adapted for npright narrow space.
By an arrangemt with the publisher,
who are muking, by the most perfect
process, exquisite reproductions in oil
color of this great picture, undistin
guishable from the original, we print a
a coupon in this issue of the E.ntkki'Hihb
that will entitle all our readers to one
of these superb creation, free. It is a
great work of art, and we have pleasure
in presenting such a valuable gift to our
patrons. Do not fail to get a copy of
thig paper and secure the painting.
Baltimore, Aid., Oct 14, 1H01.
Ma. Norman LiciiTy, Des Moines, Iowa.
Dkab Sib: Will you plea.te be kind
enough to let me me know who is your
anent in Balimore, for the sale of
rause'a Headache Capsules? I have
tried at a numlx-r of diug stores btit have
always failed. I have had several boxes
of them sent me from Washington, and
found them to le the very bent remedy
I have ever had tor severe headaches.
Very truly yours.
1509 Patterson Ave. Mrs. A. L. Davis.
For sale by Charman A Co., City Drug
Store, Oregon City Oreuon.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Dye and
Gordon K. Hayes, Ksq. went to Molaila I
Monday to prosecute and defend a case
of attempted rape upon a girl of eleven
years, (j. Grashong, the defendant, was
held to the grand jury. There was a
large attendance at thq trial and con
siderable feeling manifest. The prevail
ing opinion in the neighborhood of the
alleged crime was that the defendant
was guilty.
The poHtoflice will be clowd on Thanks
given day after 10:30 A. M. as it is a
legal holiday. E. M. Kandb P. M.
Get Ready and oo to the Gha.no
Masquerade ball given by the I. O. It.
M. at Armory hall December 25.
G. A. Harding has been suffering with
the grip during the punt week but is
able to be about again.
D. Warner
he is also
Rkd Men's Masqi'kkaiib Hall Chuist
ma night. Grand march start at 0
The many friends of Geo.
will be sorry to hear that
on the sick list.
Mr. W. M.Terry, who has been in
the drug business at Llkton, Ky., for
the past twelve years, says : "Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy gives better satis
faction than any other cough medicine
I have ever sold." There ia good reason
for this . No other will cure a cold so
quickly ; no other is so certain a prevent
ive and cure for croup: no other affords
so much relief in case of whooping cough.
tor sale by U. A. Harding.
Illfed "Where do you eat now."
Goodeater "At Mrs. Howard's, Sixth
and Main. Why old boy its just tho
place to get good things."
Illfed "I believe I'll go there too.
SpeculaJon DangeroiM
Scarcely a day passes without the
the new of hoiho larrico failure Hashing
over the wires the usual result of sjn-c-ulation
in stock or some equally danger
ous venture. The same electric current
Carrie to dear distant Iriend the sad tid
ings of death of loved ones too often
the result ol ecultion in patent nos
trums. Moore's Revealed Remedy is
no speculation but is sold on positive
guarantee. Do not fail to go to your
druggist and ak for your money if not
satisfied. Wo know you will go and
buy another bottle. For sale by all
As the holiday season approaches and
you are looking about for a seasonable
ami sensible present to make to a relative
or friend it will .ay you to bear in mind
that a watch or piece of useful and orna
mental jewelry which can be worn ami
uhciI for all time is always suitable and
especially so this year when you do not
wish to squander any money on uceU'ss
trinkets. The place to find the finest
and liest assortment of watches and jow
elry as well as the test place to buy is at
Reek's, the jeweler, corner of Front and
Morrison street, Portland .
lard of Thanks.
Tho King's Hons and Daughters tender
their sincere thanks to the ladies and
gentlemen who so kindly assisted in
making their entertainment a success.
Hattie A. Cochrane,
Kmray .Nollce.
Taken up by the undersigned in Cas
cade precinct, county of Clackamaa,
state of Oregon, on November 3rd, IHD.'I,
one black horse aliout 6-years-old with a
white spot on forehead and a white spot
on its nose and an old wire cut on his
right knee ami both right feet and un
undistinguishablo brand on left shoulder.
Also one black mare about 2-years-old,
weight about seven or eight hundred
pounds each, Said horses were ilulv
praised on November, the lUth,
C. H. Chase.
500,000 TREES
Osueo f(ur5eri8
Oiler for the coming hciisoii one of the largest ami nnt voinplc to Mock
of tncg to lo fou ml in tlio Northwest, consisting of llio following:
100,000 apple all the lending varieties.
ISO,!) prune With Italian and lYt.-t in tho lend.
7'j,(XKI IVar Martlet and many others.
I0,0(l() cherry la-st sweet and sour kinds.
2"),0(K) jx ach Karly Crawford niid many others.
25,000 plum nil of the Is-st.
5,000 Japan plum Udh old and new aorta.
10,000 aproiot l'st kinds for this climate.
Also small fruit, firam vines, shade, nut and evrrgrwn tree, roses
etc. Send for new descriptive cutiilogtio now rend v.
Oswego, Oregon.
-ow you Can Save Money
When your children need a laxative or touiach
nnd bowel regulator, buy
Fifty down for twenty-hvo cent. Tho season for
colds and cough in UHtn uh. In order to bo pro
pared for un emergency, get a liottlo of
Baby's Pectoral Syrup,
Tho best in the market. Price 25 cents. For dale
ut tho CANBY PHARMACY, Canhy.Or.
DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor.
Largest stock of Collins and Caskets kept Houth of Portland. Also cloth covered
and Metallic Casket furnished to order. Ladies and lients' llurlal
Hobes in stock. Tine Hearse ready at any call.
S. F. SCMTTUKE, Miuuigcr.
Masonic Building.
If you want an attractive sign see
Davis the painter. Portland prices.
Shop back of Pope & Co. 'a hardware
The pho togiapfiBi
Is prepared to miiko photograph-,
of all kinds promptly
and in
BubieH' and Children Pictured
a Bpeciuly,
Call and examino his work
At the Old New York Gallery
Second door north of Hardings
Drug Store.
Needy - Nursery,
J. B. NOE. Prop.,
A fine lot of all kindn of
Ready for Fall Trade.
A lot of ono and two-ycar-olJ
Italian and Pctct Prune
TREES. All heal thy.
Apple and Pear Trees,
A fine line of 1 and 2 year olds.
Will not
the lowest.
be undoraolJ. Prices