Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 01, 1893, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
a-HabHwheti Every Friday.
rmusiiKR a.nu I'koi'kiktoh.
One ff, $-J (XI
81 1 month, ....... j m)
inree motiui, ...... 50
Suhaprlntlonii p Table la advene.
Advi-rtl.liij rate jivn au iltcttoti.
Inured tl the Pot Oflioe In Or;on City. Or.,
e ircouu ciua mailer.
The KNTERPRISK (nitnatrri Urpr bn
Ma eimUUoi thai that of the other three
paper la U county combined.
I'nlno JalUa.
Mraclnw Brook.
New Era,
Park Place,
Barlow, .
Kola la.
Orrille. -
KKle Cmk,
Cherry ville, -Marmot,
- -
0. W. Pmaaer
Oeo. Kuijiht
A. Mather
Gary a Wllner
U J. Trullluter
E. 8 Bramhall
I'hai Hulman
W. 8. SeaN'rrjr
- Henry Mller
Hamilton vsaintmrn
lira. G. A- Sheppard
T. M. Cn
J. U. Hate.
C. T Howard
R. M. Cxr
Annie ytutiM.
E. M. Hart man
B Jenninca
- P. titeay
Li Perdue
H. Wiltxrn
John Welsh
J. V. Klliott
F. GKt.vh
Mrs, W. M. Mrlntyre
Geo. J. Currin
Mrs. M. J. Hammer
Adolph Aschufl
Tbe city ticket nominated br the republi
cans on Monday evening is trovd clean
ticket, composed ol representative citizens,
and every man on tbe ticket ought to com
mand the hearty support and sultra of
every good citiien ho favors an honest
administration of the city's atlairs at the
bands of clean men. There is not a name
on tbe ticket that is not well and favorably
known, and aside from personal dislike,
which onght i.ot to dominate in the choice
of officers to administer the affairs of the
city, tbere can be no valid objection brought
against the men named at Monday's con
vention. The nominee for mayor, T. Is
Cbarman, has in tbe past evinced a lively
interest in the welfare of (lit city and may
be relied upon, in case of bis electioi., to
jrtve the office the attention abicb it de
mand at this time. He will be a credit lo
the office and no citizen of die city will have
cause to blush over the acts of its chief ex
ecutive either as a private cilUen or a serv
anl of the public in case of bit election.
J, N. Harrington, H. C. Stevens,
George Brooghton, and 0. H. Wisbart are
careful, conservative citizens of the city
Vbotn every one knows and respects. They
were not put up simply as vote catchers,
but because they can be relied upon to con-
duct tbe affairs of the city in a wise and i
economic manner. There is no reason why I
every man on tbe ticket should not receive
the united support of republicans and dem
ocrats and even of others who honestly
wish the welfare of the city abeve mere par
Usansliip. It is a ticket on which all good
citizens can and ought to unite.
Amoroeof tlio Thanksgiving scnson this
extract from the Kami and Home may
furnish the text for a line or thought a little
out ol the usual run, it says: "Throughout
the mechanical Industries many families
are Just now without the income of regular
wages, and the winter looks dark. The
families of business men are learning a
long-neoiled lesson in economy; for the
middle classes of American society are x
travagent in their habits ol living. The
farming industry, on the other hand, li not
suffering like the others from recent div
turbaneee of trade, and they can celebrate
the rilgrlm feast day with a grateful heart.
The nation as a whole may well congrat
ulate herself upon the remarkable strength
and stability ot this foundation of all indus
tries, the agricultural, at a time when a pure
foundation is to essential to the recovery
of business. As shown by census figures
made by this paper, hardly one-half of our
farms are mortgaged a guarantee ofluture
prosperity in all lines. This is worthy of
celebration on the part of the whole people
without regard to occupation. Itcmember
that the Pilgrims could get up a lot of
Thanksgiving enthusiasm over the fact that
they were alive and well, with the prospect
of having enough to eat and wear through
tlio winter. The resources of klie United
States as we see them now throw the glow
of promise not on a season to come but on
1'hominknt democrat snid before the
republican convention Hint If the republi
cans would pul up a representative ticket
of capable and clean men It would get a
large vote from the democratic parly which
bus no ticket of its 011, The republicans
point with pride lo the names which were
placed 011 the ticket on Motidny and invite
all good cltisens to unite In electing these
men to olllce since their elm lion will best
Insure good government during the two
years for which the) are chosen.
it Is reported that several of the candl
dales lor the appointive olllcea have taken
off their coals for the purpose of electing
mayor, m mie it may be a good tiling to
have a friend in the mayor it la well lo bea
in mind that the council also has a voice In
determining who shall serve the city. It
may not alter all be the wise thing to worl
for a mayor and antagonise members ot tl
council by the act.
A Washington corresondent snys the
tariff bill being prepared by tbe Ways and
Means committee proposes " A reduction
ol all protective duties to a point where it is
supposed there will be the greutest encour
agement for importations at a rate to pro
duce the greatest revenue." This is in ac
cord with the declaration of the Chicago
platform of the dominant party and it will
be well for every laboring man to consider
its meaning and determine as to tbe result
It can mean nothing else than the partial
transfer of American industries to foreign
countries. It is impossible to reduce duties
and increase revenues without an increase
in the amount of imported goods. Now,
for every increase of a million dollars' worth
of goods Imported there w ill be a tailing off
of a million dollars worth in the home pro
ducts. This, ol course, does not apply to
foreign products that we cannot produce
ourselves. But it applies to woolen goods,
cotton goods, iron in all stages of manufac
ture to everything in fact which under a
protective ) tariff we are now
SicktTARY Caklism says it Itaaatnurd
to contend that there should he two dif
ferent standards of value as it would be to
Insist that there should be two yard-sticks
of different lengths.
1: ;
Ilium-, mv boy of the Albany Telescope
don t forget to credit poetry when "bor
A Fake Show Warning About pwngeroat Wa
pons-tiood Hunting,
Thanksgiving day has come to be consid
ered as a time to enjoy something more
than ordinary of the material things w hich
contribute to the comfort and enjoyment of
tbe inner man, and in this part at least of
the continent there are few who do not
find tbe means and something to be thank
ful for. Even if tbe past rear baa not pros
pered with us as fully as we could have de
aired we may have occasion to be glad that
it is no worse, thereby emulating tbe exam'
pie of tbe laborer referred to in tbe old
school readers who, losing one by one the
comforts which he had provided for the
evening meal, yet after each loss found he
bad something left to be thankful for, and did
not make bad niatters worse by fretting over
what be could in 110 way help since the evil
bad already been done.
We may not have as many dollars as we
bad a year ago, but friends, relatives and
health need be no less or no less dear on
tti at account, it is probable that all have
enough to eat and could and would wil
lingly share with any less fortunate, so that
they too might have occasion to be thankful
on the day set apart for thanksgiving and
prayer. It is not enough that the time or
tbe annnal thanksgiving be set apart as a
season to make glad both in our own fami
lies and by assisting as we may be able any
less fortunate, but it is well and proper that
we should upon this occasion And some
means to lighten the burden and make
bright the pathway of someone traveling in
tbe shadow of a passing cloud and be thank
ful for the opportunity to assist a fellow
For every million dollars decline in the
consumption of home made goods, there
must be a corresponding falling offiu the
amount of labor and raw material consumed.
Some body would get bit by this arrange
Th democrats of this city who favor
good government administered hy clean
men without axes to grind, ought to Hud
110 difficulty in determining which ticket
they will support at the polls next Monday
since tbey have nominated no ticket of
their own. Tin republicans offer them a
ticket composed- of good" clean men against
none of whom is there a breath of scandal.
They are also comment men, representa
tive citizens and well qualified to transact
tbe business of the city intelligently and
carefully. Besides, they are honest and
straightforward and will seek, not to pro
mote personal ends but the city's interests
and welfare. Let their election speak in
no unmistakable terms the intention of the
citizens of Oregon City to have a good gov
ernment administered by men whom all cim
resct and trust, in all places, in all things
and at all times.
iKKKK, .nov. .si. rarmers are
busy plowing for their full and winter oala.
They are Intending to sow most of their
oats this fall, fearing we may have another
such spring as the last.
Henry YYilbern is 011 the sick list.
Ijife IHtoglass, Harney (illwou and Will
Palmateer were out hunting one ,lay last
weekend as a reward brought home Ave
very fine large deer.
Mr. Northup and Dill Jones are prosect
lug for gold on Fagle Creek.
Three boys from I.ogan gave a show at
Wilbern's hall last Saturday night. They
advertised as Professor Vernon the fire
eater, Billy IV Vine and Charlie Clark, the
light weight pugilists of Montana and Ida
ho. The F.agle Creek boys say come again
when eggs are not so hUt priced.
A young man living bIhiiiI three miles
from Eagle Creek, and who travels quite late
producing, in the night, carries a Caliber pistol which
be tires promiscuously in the air. When he
purchased the dangerous weapon his threats
were that he would make a sieve of tome
of the boys. Be careful, young man,
what material you use in making sieve.
There was a series of meetings at the
Pleasant Hill school house 011 Sunday
Three ministers were present. I. C. U.
A ( heap Home.
Ono-I, all nillo from Mullno poatolllce
school hutiso, pulillo hull, grist mill
lon pot., til acroa all uinlor fi'iiio, I111U
aliiHhptl, ai'ios, under cultivation
orvimru, ihiiimi hum etc, l.utul per
foctly lovul, on Iwiuli anil Molulln
bottom, no rocky wnalo Intnl. Is a ram
bargain. Address C. T, Howako
If Muliuo, Or
Pry granulated augur seventeen
pounds fl, ronat colt'ue .'.'m. a pound
and school books ami supplies away
down, at the ltd Front,
Wedding stationery, lint latoal stylos
and tlucat assortment ever brought to
Uri'gon Illy at the F.ntkhi'Hisr olllce,
Captain riweenoy, U, S. A., San liego,
Cal ., save: "Kliiluh's Catarrh Kemmly
a me tirsi medicine 1 have ever lound
that would do ni any good." Price &0
cl. fold hyU. U. Iluntlov.
ianl what you want, If your stom
ach and Uwel are Irregular.
That's about all yuu get, though,
with the ordinary plU, II may re
lieve you for the moment, bul
you're uauaily In a worse state af
terward Uuu before.
Tills U lust where Pr. IVreea
rWant l'vllet do meet good.
They act In an easy and natural
way, very different from the huge,
old foahioned pllla. They're not
only I'leasaoiUir, but Uteres no re
action aftxrward, and their help
fiurj. One little sugar-coated pWM
for a gentle latntive or corrw-Uve
uirrw for a cathartic. loiiatu.
Uoa, Indignation. Bilious Atta.V
Dtutneaa, blek and Bilious Head
achra, are protmiUy relieved and
They're the smallest, tbe Mulnt
to take and the rAmiwai Mil vou
ran buy, fur they're irtKiraKfm to
give aatisfweuon, or your muuey la
Yuu iy only fur the aood yuu
mm wm
j a
very Pair Guaranteed
address San Francisco Cal
r, r. white.
Iaetienl Architects Httilderi
" ui miBrw pians. eitvautt. working tie-
us. auu sttiH-inealiitiia fnr all klttil or hml.l.
Iua tlMelal attention ln In nnlirii r.rf
set. Kiilmstra lurulilinl on application
tail on or aildraaa Willi fc IHtOH ,
Oreson fill. (
A Letter Fall of Interesting Newt From a live
TBI Boston Journal says that the south
ern democratic members of tbe Ways and
Means committee are willing to grant the
New England manufacturers only 25 per
cent duty. This is exactly 25 per cent,
more than the New England woolen manu
facturers are willing to allow the pro
ducers of wool. It is now understood that
the Waj s and Means committee have de
cided to put wool, iron, ore and other raw
materials on the free list. It Is intimated
also that the southern and western pro
ducers of raw materials will not vote for a
bill which admits such materials free. Pres
ent appearances are that when congress
meets it will have a livelier time over the
tariff than it bad over silver.
There is always more or less pulling and
hauling previous to the city election in fa
vor of tbe different candidates for the ap
pointive offices, and the present canvass
does not vary from its predecessors in this
particular. Whatever couse In this resect
others may have pursued, it Is safe to con
clude that Mr. Cbarman has not pledged
Inmsell to the support of any one, or seve
ral candidates for the various ofllces to be
filled, but that he will, when the time comes
to fill the offices, consult the wishes of the
citizens and appoint the men that the peo
ple want. Can the candidate or the people
ask more than this?
Govlbhos McKihlet in a recent speech
in Boston, quoted from President Cleve
land's message to congress last September
tbe clause, " It may be true that the embar
rassment from which the business of the
country is auffering arises as much from
evils apprehended as from those actually
existing," and continued, "This is true.
Remove the apprehension of threatened
tariff legislation, remove the scare of a pro-j
mised free-trade bill, remove the fear which
has settled upon every business Interest,
and confidence will return. What would
be more welcome to business interests of
the country than an assurance that this
congress would adjourn without meddling
with our industrial legislation? I sound a
note of warning here to-night. The effect
of tbe proposed tariff legislation, whether
intended or not, is an unerring blow at
labor which will be instantly felt in tbe
home ol every operative in the United
The McRinley theory, according to the
San Fraucisco Call, is for each nation to look
out for itself. If general natural conditions
are more favorable to the wage-earners In the
United States than in Europe we have a
perfect right to legislate to preserve those
conditions. The McKinley tariff imposes
duties on foreign products to enable Ameri
can manufacturers to retain the American
market while conforming to the American
standard of wages. The average American
does not gloat over human misery, but he
keeps misery as far from bis own peaceful
shores as possible.
(Continued from last week.)
John Zumwall, one of ouroldet pioneer,
celebrate,! his seventy-sixth birthday last
Tuesday, the Hth, at Ins resilience, with a
few relatives. All partook of a hearty good
dinner prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Spencer. Grandpa had hern visiting a few
weeks with relatives in Yanrxtuver, M ald
ington, and only arrived home in time for
the dinner, so the invitations were not sent
to all whom they had intended to invite for
fear Mr, Zumwalt would not return In time
and disapK)intment would ensue. Hence
those who may think they were slighted
will now know the true cause. Among
those present were Mr. M. C. Graham of
New berg, Mrs. T. 8. Bigg of Wilsonville,
Mrs. C. . Davis and Mrs. Etta Short of Port
land, (daugtiters of Mr. Zumwalt), Mrs. M
C. Young, Miss Twink Graham, Misses Jes
sie and Ixittie Riggs, Masters Lorn Epler
and Claude Riggs, grand children, little Miss
Norma Sncer, great grandchild, and Mrs,
H. Gonldingof Laurel Hill farm.
Mr. Zumwalt Is one of the oldest settler
in the Willamette valley, having settled
here In the early fifties. He has been for
the past thirty-six years a great 1 11 Merer
from asthma, but at present is still able to
do a good lair day's work in his vegetable
garden which is the pride of his heart.
Stafford News.
Stafford, Nov. 27. It has rained almost
incessently since Pennoyer's day. Tbe
creeks are once more on the rampage.
The dance at Larsen't ball Thursday
night had a slim attendance, there bein
but about sixty-five persons present and
only twenty-eight numbers told. The music
was furnished by theBevim band, of Hub
The Duplex met Saturday night with
forty-one persons present. The debate, "Ke
solved, That fire is more harmful to the
universe than water," was barely won by
the negative.
Most every farmer has an eye on tome
particular Mongolian pheasant with which
to appease his appitite on the national
Thanksgiving day.
Jack Hanna has taken a contract to clear
five acres of brush land for Mr. Polifhla at
$25 per acre. W Uns.
notice or final hktti.kment.
I hrrehr sir notlre lha: 1 har BU.I il,l .Li
110 me loiinijr Court nl Clarkamai eoiituy
rtfon, mv account and vouehrra Inr Snal
tleinslllot the Palate of l.lllllall II I'alklna ,l
reaae.l, ami Ihe Court haa apixiluted Mndar
iH'cewrjer tin. Iswi. at lunch a m lor tlio i-
nunalien an settlement of the aald elaie.
. . . tir. II. LUCKY,
imlnlalratornf the eataia of I onian 11 I'.IW.
In, deceased.
iatcd till Nov, 2, IsuJ. -a
VOXK nut
For tlio next IK) days wo will roaku thu lolluwing reduction,
Our M inch plaiil wool IUiiuMh, rxh1 vnluo !!h iiovy 2.'ki,
Our 3(1 Inch twilliul jilttitl milting, rihkI vtilun 4,V, now 3.'hi.
IIouIiIk foU ttorii Hcrgt-n, good value r0o, now 40o.
lUtluuoro line wool uniting, Kxh1 vnltio 4.V, now 3:e.
Our KV) gnulo outiiiR llunin'l now oll for 7o.
Minci'it mill chilil rcim' N'lhU Koul w'1'1 ih' ton, fnnPJ
prices 1.'J5 ntitl IMS, now nol.l fur 11,00.
Indie natural wih.I uiulcrviHl rciluml from I.'J5 to 11.00.
LnduV heavy wool Iiohh, former rioe 3."kj now 2.Vi.
Groceries and Provisions Sold at Close Piiccs.
KUJUli, - PICK - nAKKICI - Sj.od
Sugars, Dry Granulated I9lb $1,
Extra 0 20 lb 1, (.olden (J 21 lb $1.
liuttcr, t'gs, onto, wheat, henim, jxiUtix', liailrnl hay, onion ami tiotiltry
Park Place Cash Store.
rise Ferneries ui Toilet Articles.
Alio a full itork ol
Prairie Nurseries
DAVID J. COX, Prop.,
Tuc law of this country should be so
framed as to promote the hh of silver to
the fullest possible eitent required by the
business interests of the country. This
policy would neither favor the silverltes,
who care for no other Interest beyond their
own selfish ends in securing for the white
metal a price beyond its actual value, nor
the goldltes who wish to prosper by deprec
iation in value.
Do the people of this city want a man for
tbe chief executive office in the city who is
understood to have pledged himself to the
appointment of certain candidates in case
ef bis election, or do they want a man who
believes in taking the ollice unpledged so
that be may perform the duties pertaining
to that olllce as the people may desire at the
time? I
tetter Lint.
The following is the list of letters remain
ing in tbe postotllce at Oregon City, Oregon,
ovember30, 1803:
Arthur, W I Morgan, Jlenry J
Carpenter, W Rafiny, Mrs Jane
Donald, WO Htory, Austen
Foster, 8 It Strut, Austen
Fulton, Jesse H (2) Thome, Mrs Mary
Henton, John Williams, Dr
Hay, Miss I.ocy E White, James
Ireland' L K WheeUr, U A.
Johnson, C B
Jf called for state date when advertised.
E. M. HANDS, P. M.
In the County Court of the countv of (.'laxka-
uiaa, niaiv ui ire)CUll.
Iu the matter of tue estate of Olive W. Mat-
qnam, deceased.
Notice I hereby liven that the (Inal amnnnt
of the admlnltratr of the emate of Olive VV.
Marqiiam, rieceaaed, ha been rendered to laid
ooiiri lor aeitiement, ana mat Tueaday, the 2d
day of January, WA, at 10 o'clock A. M . Lai
been duly appointed by laid Court fortheiet
tlrment thereof, at Thlrh time any person In
terested ill aald eatate may appear and Hie hi
exception In writing to aald account and con
test the same.
Dated thl2Stb da y Of November Wm.
' AM' for Administrator.
Apple, Pear, Cherry, Peach,
Prune. Plum, Apricot,
Nectarine and
Trees Strong and Healthy and
True to Name.
SpecinJ caro taken in (ligginir to
prevent mutilating the roots.
Orders promptly filled. Prices
to suit the times. Write for nriccH
The best county paper In tho State
with the best metropolitan paper on
the Coast.
Jhe 0re$or; ?ity Enterprise
Will Rive all the local news of Clacka
mas county and Orepon City with the
court proceedings and matters that are
of vital Interest to farmers of Clacka
mas county. The WEEKLY ORE
GON IAN will give the news of Hie State
and nation and the doings of ilie world
each week.
All Successful Men Keep Posted.
The ENTERPRISE and the Weekly
Oregonlan one year for $2.50.
All old subscribers paying their subscription one
year In advance will be entitled to the same offer.
Our Great Thanksgiving Gift, wAn American Beauty."
I lahar. m at 1 t,L ..... "' 'f'.'1 "' '-." I.y ,jei.l .,r.,,m,nl nh Ih.fnb
o flTl """ 'l"Wr a.l.,.i.d, ,,rlM i.arr... .bl. li ar. .!.,. diftcuU
ndTl?lt"un f.i. ri.!. .T" ,"".t1. " ' "lily n el mil tl.. P.i.M ivaipoe
it-hrr. w.j;HiK,i. i.;::z. : ?:"r '".r""' !" !'. n.uin..ie . f
k.... . . .. "n mwi. naw Tnr alia Bill an.t ill. ,.lrl,,ra
aand to ii
w,. ik... i.. - .. . -T-.. iura
whlrh a,,,,,.,! i iT. . ,.i i . . l'""l "r cmpllnirnu with till elu'lr. nm
mini, o" I'm " 11 '""B ' ol " " ra. 'lr.Urua-
lirarl la
In lh IfH
Tin and Plumbing Shop.
First-class Mechanical
Work Guaranteed.
Seventh street, Oregon City.
W. JKNMNOH I.KHOkKHT. 1J K..1 14th Ht . N.w Yor.
riea wudtn by return m.ll lh. ull pan.l plrt.ir., "Ao American lamr." which,
am entitled to by belnf a rea lnr of th OKKOON CITY K.NTKHPItlMK
Kuclcmed flud three cent l..r Ihe ih.k., p.c.hn, tt0.
Name .
Ft ofllrt
-Til IC
It on that brings big
. la the one that doea
what Is claimed for It.
win car all Dlaraar of the Kid
ayand Urinary Ora-nna.Cnnati-pMioa,
Iiiubrtra, Scalding i'ain,
warn Urinating, I'ain In thr
Back and Unit. Irritation m
the WaiMer. Uric k hunt Icuulta
and Bright' Iiarc,
Live a Long Time with
out paying Intereat on
your Lease of Life, by
St. Louis Globe-Democrat,
Eimt pages each Tuesday and Friday, sixteen Dates ETcry West
A Great Scmi-Wttkly Paix'rl Only One Hollar a Year!
An, roadcr f , p.per f (fM (rf
f.rw.MIn, ,hcr .mM,oN T1I ,)UNKi w(lh ThEI uah.
cop,.."0;,1,1 :::'i::TzUmu wom o,,ut r h utw-hmr"
y wIO. i,moor.t or 0K4 fw to me tmJ M( h of u ublorll)8r, n.mcJ,
Name of lender ,
Namci of Btibacrltwra,
Kegular meetlna third Tunariay of each
oritn at 7:.tu r M . J. I) Kk.nnrb rrca,
H.8. BTi, Bee.
B, (iriuaa, g'tm.
fm to dice.