Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 01, 1893, Image 3

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    Oregon City hntcrprisc.
""rRH'AV, I'WKMHKIl 1, jmici,
-- ' ' . -.,
Clacknmn Co. Diroctory,
county orrickiin.
K. ll.iriMii
,1 M ll.m.l,!
J. .'. Ilr.,l
I. llllMhin
SWiier Mrit,
H I. lliilimu
I lllrl,. ,.
MlurHoIhii Half
Hoarding at Mm. Howard' will satMy
for ImMna and lilldn-n's lttlt go
Id Hrown'e nailery.
J, (1. Foster of New Dia aa alout till,
ii(nU Urn Aral o( Oim week.
Tli laleal l'l vUilJrin cards at lU K.
TliriiM Osrici. I'rlcea to atilt jrou.
(loud green lea c. a owmI. Choice
iDoolnrod IITo. a hjiiik1 at tht Hod
Ffi'i'- , .
If jroii havs a pit lure lu filiate uk l(
(ojlruwri's Kollmy aiitl tlm work will U
yr to stilt you,
Ik't Kaiu tj Wit tk (,
Burrh al Armory Imll IWvtiiulxir 2Mli of i
IU Jtml Men's MaUerdn lall. j
Tt In'aiil rhlld of K. K. TiyWrU
fihcinall died Ul TtiiirtHU am-d iiilici
day and waa Ixirled llio following hat.
Tlie lif floral 'lctntii ready for
(kllry M oor reader fuf a Tliahkaglv-lug-
prrwnt (rtm ua ia itiw-rill l liitli
la another iNilitiun.
IUII'i Hair Itenewer rnrfd dandruff
itKiatalp affections; also all raes of
taldneM where ilia glanda wlilrti feed
Ui n't of tlm lialr are not cKnmhI up.
On IWemlier lal Mr Howard will I
01 n a lriiig Iioiim curnrr. Sixth and
Main airwta wlmra a few lr,.-rs wiati
lii j limiio accommodations ii my m rnijc
flir.1. Tliow1 Wiliiri U fligsKd Urd
may apply now.
It la Strang tliat aoinn oiptn will uf
ftr fur vrr fnmi rl"uinaiinti rather
than try audi an approvml atanilartl
rrmr.ly a Ayrr'a rariarilla; and that,
tifl, In aplla of tli aamiranc tliat It lia
curwl ao many oilier a wlio were simi
larly altlktml (ilvn It a trial
Tttrra la no artlt l i4 lutnlturw inal
tint ia au popular or la uar.l ao ttUa
livoly aa an Xiuaa unwnnt ai tlm hand
Kim ami luiurioiia, fancy rocking rliair.
W all rraliut llila fact ami a law num
trrof ua rrlin tliat no t(tr place !
liU to imy tlirwi n Vrra tlian tla cUl
lUbnieut of lti'llmny A Ufl,
Mian- r ma Witutinna Htuiku
band umlir llio nalraliipof I'rof. Jolm
Evrrmtof I'ortlaml for tlia Hwl Mfn'a
afaiii ball iKvumln-r '.'Mil.
M4 k Howell who la a ramlKlata lor
councilman on tho rltlacna ticket Iim
been animypil by rerU to tliB t ItiH't
that ho paya no la in tlie city ami that
ha la nl a prorty owner. Ilo aaya
that he la not only a ioerly owimr but
tliat the record aliow that lie haa tal!
taiea to aupNirt tlm city and Invite any
who wlli to lnMet the worda for
Meiura. II. I', llanlniail nd J. H.
Pn'it-li who have Jtial coinn from New
York have 0end up a tailor hop to he
known aa tho New York where all kind
of Uilorinn ran Im awured at eaalern
prlcea, workmanahlp auaraiileed. It I
their di'ti ruilnatlon to do audi work
and at audi price aa w III keen the work
In llil" city Inatead of I'orllund
m cflfliK msr Gfli As v n itsfc out fast Mil to si is n tot i nto cit iiiricss
A AQn vtrd Towelins (Crash) Linen 5c yard, stitched Hankerchiefs 5c. Men's
All Wool Henrietta, 49c yard. 1 Braid 5c Working Shirts 29c. Men's Under
All Wool Plaids, fpCgilrd. yard? Fine Lace Bed Spreads 95c, wear, Merino, 38c Men's white laun
Fancy Stripes and Plaid, orth$2.5o. Ladies All Wool Hose dried Shirts, 65c. Baby Shoes, patent
Plain Cashmeres 18c. A 15c Ladies' Kid Gloves 65c. Cor-leather, 50o, worth $1 any time. Boys
Red Flannel 35c. Extra uuaiuy Men's Gloves25c. Men's Full stock Shoes, 50c. Etc.
XTATZ: Suspenders 15c. Ladies' Fine Hem-
in l udcr Coiiaiderailou.
Tha U.,1,,,,1 Hmm(- fof 0
M M r,IIW, lU 0f,l"r ''X '''""I'lcMt
Millar promptly at 7:30 oYlock p. in. l
"'A.O.U. W.hall laatKrldny.
Minute, 0f prevlouaaeaalon rea.I an.l
approved ,
Keaolullon Introduced by Mr. HHu1(r,
WtwlVligliita, for anamendimmtto
t contlluilon. providing for the .let
lion of prealdent ,d Umtawl fitulu auna
l"' by direct vote.
Heport of commltte n Judlcliiry fa
vorable on ann.ti, bill No. I, nt,olucml
by Mr. rowellof Rnitl. Dakota, provld
li'K lor a uepartuient of education, with
a aerreUry lor that department In the
prealdent' cabinet. On motion, thlablll
aa made a apeclal or.ler for buaiuoHa on
frrlday vnlng, Hecomlwr 1, at 8 p. tn.
I'realdeni Miller having another an
Kgt'iiient for the evening, aaked to I
eicunHjaml called henntor Hyde to tho
The hour of 8 o'cloc k having arrived,
etiate resolution No. 2, Introduced by
Mr. Kerrin, of Connecticut, which bad
been made a atcitl ordur for the hour,
waa Ukeu up. Thi resolution cenaurcil
the Hawaiian policy of rreaident Cleve
land, ami demanded that the prenldont
make no further effort to reatore mon
archy in Hawaii, but ihuuld uee all hon
orable mean to bring about annexation
of lie Utandato the Cnlted Slatea.
On inothin, l'reldent Miller wnianked
to give In brief hi view on the Hawai
ian ipjeatlun. In a abort Kich the priii
ideiit pronounced blniiM'lf an ardent an
nexetiotiUt and hoied to nee the laland
a trt of the great American union in
the near future. Our growth and com
mercial iulercata make the Hawaiian
lalanda an impel alive ncceamty to our
full devflnpmeiit, and eacialy to the
proeiwrity of tlie I'ax illc Coaat.
Al the coiicluaion of the preeidcut'e
-H'h Sviiator Kerrin took the floor and
oened the debate with a flery Heech In
dcfeiiae of hi reaolutloll . 1 lu demanded
that I'reaidcul Cleveland ahould be Im
pradied ahould he rentore IJuet n I.ill to
tlie Hawaiian thiulie, and akel that the
aeuate counteract the admininlrution'a
uiunerchical temleticiea end bring about
tlie annexation ol the inland to the Clii
led Hate.
Senator K'trange, Iye, Mvldruui,
Hwo, HotTinan, Meaerve, Hammond,
Noble and I'owell apoke in favor of the
resolution and brought out many and
weighty reaaona for the annexation of
the ialanda, and were vigoroua In their
condemnation of the aduiiuiatratiun'
The reaolutlon waa opened by Kena
tor Ppencer, Iiinearon, Straight,
lulgga and Campbell, who depicted the
di'vlul reaull that would follow annexa
tion, and portrayed in a most finding
manner the anguiah they aulIVrcd by rea.
aon ol the many wrong and inanlta that
bad been hea)ed upon Quwn Lill and
her friend rreaident Clevelund.
Tho aciiator having leome warmed
up in the debate the previous queetion
wa moved to prevent an all night
lon. A vote wa taken, reaulting in 18
votea for the reaoliition ami 7 agalnat.
The reiort ol the committoe cn way
and mean waa taken up and made a
lcial order (or buaineaa for the next
eaion at 7:M P ni.
II. K. Hmith and J. C. Dradley were
proK)ed and elected niembora.
Henate adoiirned to meet Friday, Ie
cemlK;rl1at7::t0p. in.
fio to Drown' gallery for your ChriHt
ma photo' before it ia too late.
School deportment card one cent each
at the Kntkhi'Iiihk olfico.
Opium Nmugglrri I'lead (Jullty.
The Inlnrtmt luken by the public In
thiiauiuggliiigcHHea, which are to occupy
the time of the United Htatea dlatrlct
court for the next two or three week,
wa ahown by the crowd which filled
every available acut and apace In the
courtroom on Monday aome time liefore
court convened. It wue fully under
stood that Nat Ilium, whone caae waa to
come up, would plead guilty, but many
were evidently anxloua to ae the noted
muggier who baa attracted ao much
attention of lute.
Attorney hUrr arose and, speak
ing for hia client, Ilium, said: "Your
Honor, we desire at this time to enter
the plea of guilty." The court
then axked lilum if he pleaded guilty,
and rising to hi feet IS hi in answered
ralhur faintly ,"I do,"
Hentenced wa sunendt)d and lilum
left the courtroom closely fol
lowed I y a deputy marshal. He will be
under hi present bonds until sentenced,
but hi liberty will le only In name, and
he w ill be kept under strict surveillance.
The Indictment to which he pleaded
guilty was not read, but charges him
with smuggling opium on live counts,
the quantity smuggled amounting in
value to tlHttO.
In the afternoon five others plead
guilty, tiweeney was urst arraigned,
and the Indictment was reud to hi in
charging him with smuggling the H00
fiounds of opium stolen from the Haytian
Kepubllc, and a second count with
facilitating the translation of this opium
lo the houxe of Nat lilum and on a third
count foi concealing the opium. He
entered a plea of guilty to all the count,
and on a motion of Mr. Murphy his
sentence was siiHendod.
Jackling, 1'atterson, Berg and Gar
thore were then arraigned jointly under
general indictment charging them
with entering Into a conspiracy with Nat
lilum, William Dunbar, F. J. Mulkey,
C. B. Cardincll, A. A. Porter, K. 0.
I'addock, Cbas. Llnville, M. Kearney,
M. Carj, John Hum, Janie Lotan and
John Doe to smuggle opium into the
country. The indictment contained five
counts, in each of w hich it was alleged
that in furtherance of this conspiracy
Dunbar, Ilium and Jackling did, at vari
ous times, smuggle large quantities of
opium. Kach of the four separately
entered a plea of guilty.
Thd tilobe-Dfinoerat Free.
Any reader of this paper can get Tin
Ft. Ixh'ih Gloiii-Dkmockat free. Read
I the offer, on another page, and take
advantage of it at once. Tiik Weekly
Gi.oiiK'Dkmix'Nat Is now issued in Beml
Weekly sections, eight pages on Tues
day and Friday, sixteen pages every
week, making it practically a Semi
Weekly paier, yet the price remains
0LV ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. In politics, it
is strictly Republican, but it gives all
the news, and is absolutely indispensa
ble to the farmer, merchant, or profes
sional man who ha not the time to
read a large daily paer, and yet desires
to keep promptly and thoroughly posted.
Sample Copies will be sent free on ap
plication to Glob Printing Co., St.
l.oi in, Mo. St
there are of all sorts, some good, some
bad. some Indifferent. You want the
Itest. So take Simmon's Liver Regula
tor only. It is the best operative in any
attack ol Indiirestion, Dyspepsia, Consti
pation and Biliousness. It is a mild
laxative, without griping, or any debili
tating effects. You will know by the
lange red Z on every package, Take no
Bellomy & linsch sell lounges in Port
land, therefore gut their prices betore
you buy in Portland.
For the next Thirty Days at greatly reduced
prices. If you desire a good and substantial
bargain come at once and get the pick
of our well assorted stock. Every
department is complete.
Sole Crowers
of the New
Earliest, Most Prolific and best drying
Fish. FUh. i
Oregon City Fish Market opposite cor
ner from Pope's hardware store, carries
full stock of fish, poultry, and (tame in
sesxon. Oysters and salt-water fish re
ceived fresh from the coast. Orders
promptly filled. K. T. llumphrys.
For Rent.
Dwelling houses for rent in all parts
of the city. Houses and terms to suit.
Children's sUcn 25c to 1.00, moBtly !
laue ; Ladies lace shoes fine and coarse
M.00; Boy's broirans 75c. Clottiing
greatly reducedut the Red Front.
Re'eipt, note and order books at the
Masonic Building.
The latest styles of full and winter
millinery at Hamilton A Johnson's suc
cessors to Hamilton A Sitton, removed
to Tlie Kett t roni.
Every Dollar's Worth of
On or about December 15th we will
move our entire stock of General
Merchandise to AURORA. We have
therefore decided to hold a
Cannot be
r VIC lY7c
prune grown. Send for Catalogue.
Mount Tabor, Oreeon
Good News lor
Furniture, Stoves, Carpets,
Easy Weekly and Monthly Payments.
You cannot buy theBe goods cheaper any
where for cash.
Wm. Gadsby, The House Furnisher,
Between Washington and Alder Streets.
Immense StockI
Write UbI
n t- i i . -
Goods You Buy,
0 E E