Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 01, 1893, Image 2

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Interesting Lecture at KedUnd A
Prospering Debet Inir Socletj John
Scott Hurt Society Notes.
Some Intermdlnf Kmillnc Relative to County
Ivfpi Adn, Nov. 27. In (pile of therein
laM Saturday night, a Ai 11 hotiM arealed J.
D. Woods' appearance before the literary
society. Hi able lecture oo "The Seven
lutereMs of Wan," was mtrlectual, enter
Uining ami instructive, mil was highly ap
preciated by hi hearers, who expressed
their approval yery heartily. The qustion
to b discussed at the lint meeting of the
debating club is, "Resolved, That woman
is entitled to oiiial rights with man," with
V. C. Richardson and W. M. Stone as
leaders. G. C. Campbell, who has lead the
"winning tide in the last two debates, is
raining some reoutatiion as a speaker.
John Scott met with quite a serious ac
cident early Monday morning while on his
way to catch the early morning train to
Portland. When opposite M. Richardson'
residence, his horse slipped and (ell on him
hurting his hip and leg quite seriously.
Nothing daunted, he pluckily mounted
again and pursued his way. Mr. Scott is
studying telegraphy in Portland.
H. Z. Burkhart and Sidney Smyth were
out from town last week, the guest of G. C.
Armstrong, with whom they went out gun
ning. Mr. Furguson gave an old fashioned
hooting match last Saturday.
Mrs. Knolls, ol Mulinn, sixtit Saturdar
and Sunday with her niece, Mrs. Noyer.
John Gard, of Clarkes was the guest over
Sunday, of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. B. F.Linn.
W. J. Johnson and Tim Linn have been
on the sick list, but are now able to be
J. Aldridge, of Oregon City, spent Sun
day with friends in Kedlaml.
CapU A. L. James has gone to Portland
again for an iudefinale stay.
Miss Berthia Boy I an has been staying
with friends in Viola during the last week
or two.
Mr. EckhofT, ulio bought a piece of land
from A. T. Plowman, has moved in and
will begin building soon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Clackamas County.
To Hon. Tlios. A. Mi Uride, Judge of the
above-mentioned Court: We, your under
signed (irand Jury for the November, law,
term of said Court, make the folloaing as
our final report, and respectfully represent
that we have carefully investigated all
charges of crime that have been presented
to us, and have disposed of the tame In
such manner a we deemed warranted by
the evidence.
We visited the various county ofllcetof the
county and found the otticea well kept, and
as far as we could ascertain all of the county
officers ar properly and efficiently perlonu
tug their duties. Not being able in the
time we were in session to make a personal
examination of the books ami accounts ol
said officers and of the expenditures ot pub
lic money, pursuant to the instructions of
the Court we employed L. I Porter, Ksq.,
and authorised him to make a thorough ex
amination of the books and accounts of the
county officers who handle public money,
and II necessary to em ploy a competent per
son to assist him ith the work. His re
port is hereto attached and is made a part
of this report.
We suggest that the sheriff should note
on the delinquent lists the payment ol de
linquent taxes, and that the date of pay
ment of the lax should also be written on
the tax roll or delinquent list, By (bus
keeping a record of the date of the pay
ment ot the tax there will be less liability of
confusing accounts between different sher
iffs. From the exert report we notice
that ir some cases where the county has
paid costs on delinquent taxes that the
sheriff has failed to collect the same. These
costs should be collected by the sheriff, and
unless for cause remitted by the County
Court should be charged to bis account.
The expert's reort shows that in some
the road suervlor which tends to confuse
the sheriff's account,
I think it would be well Ifthednteof pay
ing the tax were put upon the roll. When
the tax becomes delinquent the tame should
be put on the delinquent roll will) the costs
and the total marked paid there when so
paid as well as on the orlg tial mil
I II iid some errors In extending the roll
which the sherllf endeavored to rectify.
From the foregoing it will tie seen that to
arrive at an exact result Is Indeed difficult
All cost Incurred by the henll In collect
! Ing taxes are paid by the county and the
sheri! reimburses the county when thecosts
are collected.
The roll for the vear li' charges the sher
iff wiih $lt,UM.t aa the taxes to be col
lected for that year.
ci.SHK't orriei.
Examination extend from July 1, 1S92,
to November l lU.
Fine collected in circuit court and
turned over to the treasurer, of
which amount I1.1W was a not.. Wt
Trial fees collected and turned over
to the treasurer 4R3 CO
The book of the clerk alse thow that
there are 1174 of trial fee uncollected. Fart
of these will come In aa on foreclosures
when the sale takes place.
I find from th records kept In the clerk'
office that there were up to November 1,
IK a outstanding county warrants to the
amount or IKM.IM 07
The money expended by the county from
July 1, 10, to November 1, ISO, has been
expended for th following purposes:
Roads and bridges ISi.MA ft!
Paupers H.twi
Stationery a.ir.'suo
(minimi at count circuit court . .
Criminal account Justice court.
Court house and jml
Countv clerk
Hoiinlv on wild animals
Insane account
Bailiff account
Sohool superintendent
Jury account
Countv judge ,
County coinnilssioiiers
2. I'll M
8t2 "0
I.!i7 Hi
li.7.V.' Mi
l.nm ttt
7HI l
2V! !
Sio Ul
2.0.11 Ml
i" m
41.1 tl)
cases the clerk has not collected the trial I (-,,.,. mi -n
Oak Ureve.
Oak Gaovc, Nov. 27. Our teadher, C. E.
Barney, attended the Clackamas County
Teacher's Association at Oswego the 25th,
and reports a good meeting with a very
giod attendance. He also attended the
meeting of the Pbilamathesii society al
Oregon City while absent and says they are
progressing nicely.
L. E. Armstrong made a business trip to
Portland, Saturday.
Mrs. J. F. Eaton, who has been very low
with sickness is able to be around as usual.
Mrs. Morris returned from Oregon City
on the lSHh.
Miss Nellie Bruner bas returned home to
tar this winter after a summer's slay in
Frank C. Klingerhas been hopping around
like a Chinese rooster with his headcut off
since Sunday the 2lth, because his wile pre
sented him with a bouncing boy.
Butchering has been the order of the day
during the pat week and hogs might be
aeen hanging up most any place.
George Peterson, of balem Prairie, while
on a business trip to Tnlon Mills, visited
W. H. White's last week and presented Mrs.
White with a box of as fine Italian, Silver
and Petite prunes as can be found anywhere.
He say the road are aa bad in Marion
county as bere, except where graveled.
Nearly every body is sick with a cold In
Ibis vicinity which makes the school quite
One day last week as Otis Morris was
coming from Howard' mill the threads
were broken off the sj. indie and one of the
wheels came off. He soon bad the wheel
on and bad gone but a short distance when
it came off again. This time be fixed the
tap to that it held very well, but to be ure
be borrowed Mr. Mallet' wagon and
reached home in good order.
Last Saturday night the tin can brigade
was heard at the residence of Mr. Mayville,
the occasion being the marriage, the pre
vious day, at Oregon City, of Mis Nora
Mayville and a gentleman of Oregon City.
fees, These fees should in all civil cases,
unless remitted by the Judge, be demanded
by the Clerk before trial. We recommend
that in tbe future he collect these lees In
advance; that these fees uncollected be col
lected by him as soon as possible, and in all
cases litre by his neglect he has failed to
collect that the same be charged to his ac
count by the County Court.
As it is important that the record and
paers in the clerk's and recorder's offices
be tafely kept and preserved, we recommend
that those officers prohibit persons from en
tering the vault where said records are kept
unless they are accompanied by the clerk,
recorder, or one of their deputies, and that
persons making copies of pars or records
only use lead pencils.
We visited the county and city jails and
found them in good condition.
We recommend that the sheriff have a
deputy present in jail with jailor when he
feeds the prisoners and closes the cells
whenever there are more than two prisoners
confined in the Jail.
We endorse the recommendation of the
expert's report in regard to the manner In
which the treasurer books should be kept.
And now, having completed our labors,
we ask to be discharged.
J. W. Roots,
Kka.ik Jaooar,
G. W. Kin Mit Y,
A. Maitz.
Levi Stehsia.v.
Road suirvisor's account 2.2"2 15
Treasurer 1.2 '
Fuel account 2 2
Assessor 3.III no
district attorney T'JA no
Recorder -t.lfl M
Our Lecey Letter.
Lacit, Nov, 26. We are having some
rough weather here rain, high winds, more
rain and some mow, times dull and bard,
no money.
W. W. Taylor and family after an absence
of nearly two years in the slate of Washing
ton, have returned to their farm and in
tend to make this their permanent home,
being satisfied to stay in Oregen.
Ed Miller, who was burned out by the
forest fire in the fall, bas rebuilt a neat new
borne on his place.
Clarence Sweck has bought the Nawratil
farm and has just finished enclosing his
barn. He is oing to rebuild the fences de
stroyed by tbe forest fire with board fences,
making quite an improvement on the place.
C. C. Hoopa, our justice, has a new bouse
up and near completion. The Judge will
put on airs when he gets into his new
Jas. Marrs, of Springwater has just com
pleted a neat and comfortable dwelling on
bis place. Also wm. J. levelling, our
enferprtsing merchant, bas put an addition
to his store to be used as a residence, also
to enlarge li is store to meet his increasing
The Cape Horn Telegraph Is completed
to 8pringwater. Jno. Dubois will bave
charge of the office. They are now extend
ing to Highland where we understand they
will stop for the winter. With the telegraph
we hoi in the near future we will have a
rail or electric road to Portland or Oregon
Keene, N. H. July 24, 1891.
Norman Liciictv, Esq., Des Moines.
DkakSir: I enloe 50 eta, in atampa
for two boxes of Kraune'e Headache Cap
sules, same as last. Work like magic.
(Send at once if poHsible, as I am out.
A. A. Bhondbon.
For aale by Charman & Co., City Drua
Store, Oregon Ci'y, Oregon.
Eipert'i Report
To the Grand Jury for the November term
of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore
gon for Clackamas county:
Gentlemen: In accordance with your in
structions I have examined the records kept
by tbe officials of Clackamas county, so far
as said officials handle public money, and
herewith submit my findings.
SHEairr' orrica.
Examination extends from July 1. 1892, to
November 15, 1893.
Total tax collected for the year
1802, as shown by the roll ... 1127,231 02
Costs collected on delinquent"
18&2 tax
Delinquent taxes collected for
yean previous to 1802 with
costs on the same
Taxes collected on sheriff's as
sessment for 1902
1.0S5 19
2,679 56
1,159 97
Total tax collected 1132,155 74
Warrants and cash turned over
to the treasurer . $131,799 48
Warrants and cash in hands of
sheriff 2S7 20
Total tax atcounted for. . . . $132,006 68
Leaving a discrepancy of 99 06
A part of this difference, $19.04, is ac
counted for by the fact that the railroad
company requires the purchaser to pay the
taxes on land bought under contract, but
pay the tax if there is danger of its becom
ing delinquent. Pieces of this railroad land
were assessed twice to the same party, or to
different parties, and paid on once by the
buyer. The railroad company paid the
other assessment, and then tbe double as
sessment was disvovered, and $19.04 was re
funded, as the tax had been paid, although
the roll shows the tax paid in both cases.
Then the poll tax is not extended in the
total placed against each name on the roll.
This omission ol tbe poll tax from the total
was net discovered until some little collec
tion bad been made, but the roll is marked
as if the poll were collected.
In this way we charged the sheriff with
poll tax he never collected.
Tbe sheriff estimates the double assess
ments at 13,200; that is, that amount of tax
is on the roll tw ice against the same prop
erty. Tbis is caused partly by tbe assessor
getting property assessed twice to the same
party or to diff erent parties, and partly by
the sheriff overlooking a name and putting
it on the sheriffs assessment,
I find in some cases of delinquent taxes
no costs are collected.
Parties come to the sheriff1 office and
make affidavit that they are non-residents
to take off the poll tax; that they do not
own certain real or personal property to
lessen their property tax, or they may be
assessed on land and on a mortgage on the
land and want an exemption for the indebt
In some cases the poll tax was paid to
Surveyor 22!
Court KetKirter -'' i"
Printing I. ""I
Present ownership books 1.1.MI
County map 2.i: m
Money refunded Tt
Teachers' examination 2W Di
Sewer lax w H7
Examining hritr books 21' On
tirand iurv S"
Incorrigible voutl 14 Ml
Armory rent am Ml
Indigent soldiers pal M)
Attorney lee . l.' '
Street account N) an
Roads from road fund 11,117 2tl
Of the above amount paid toofheers ther
will have to be deducted TtiK.) from the
clerk's account; $.'132.5! from the sheriffs;
$220 from the school superintendent's;
$131,110 from the coroner's; $.K;i.tti from the
recorder's account, to get what has been re-
I ceiveil by the present others, as the aliove
amounts last mentioned aere paid to their
predecesors in office. As the assessor doe
not take his office until January 1, bis ac
count will be corresimndingly reduced.
TaitAsratK t orrn x.
Examination extends from July 1, K2 to
November 1, 1MO.
On hand and paid in daring (lie
alKive period by the suix-riiitcnd-ent
$42S to
Paiil out on school superintendent's
a arrant 317 3o
They aro soiling moro and bettor goods for tho monojr
than any other house in tho county. Tho
reason for this is
And do not have to make you pay what you looso
on some one else. They have a comploto lino of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Boots and Shoes,
Hardware and Groceries, and pay tho highest prico
for produce. Remember tho place.
ir,l Kront MreetT HARDWARE l'rtlan.l. Oregon.
.Niirlhao.irrti Arn (r
-lUamoud. Utiee Oretd.nt Tutild'Mh l"tir Uor
Balance on hand $107 ?'
school rf!.
On hand and paid in during the
above iwriod $!3,Mi Mi
Paid out on school suerinteud
end warrant 43..V3 1!
Balance on hand $21(101
On hand and paid In during the
above period $1211 H
Paid out on warrants. . . 2fll On
Balance on hand $73 ')
Paid In from road tax $11,N7 HI
Paid out on road warrants 11,117 2
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) T5 A S Proof Chain. Arrado Kile.
Loggers and hh ('Impirs SjHrialtieH.
Oregon City Agent, ......
Ivojt CrcHcent Meo
$400 33
$l3H.rl 10
Balance on hand
GXaiBAL reap.
On hand and paid in during the
aboee period
Paid out on warrants, etc . . .
Balance on hand $7.4!X1 ft I
There is held of the amount in the general
fund $1,705.39 pending the settlement with
the stale the legality of the raise of the
property of Clackamas county In 1H01 by the
board of equalization.
Of the amount paid into the general fund
$4,087.01 was for fines, licenses, etc.; $H,
004.00 for road purposes; Sheriff Oanong
paid in $131,700.48, and Hheritr Hamson
$1,503.15. There was $15,187.50 of canceled
warrants turned over by the sheriff during
tbis time and the county redeemed during
the same time $51,503.00 of warrants.
It seems to me that if an account was
opened up with each officer, fund and source
of income it would help to keep the books
in the treasurer' office in better shape.
These items huvetobe ascertained whenever
the treasurer makes a report.
Tbe school superintendent has Issued 110
certificate" and 30 permits, for which was
collected $204. Of this amount $1X0 has been
paid into the institute fund and $21 remains
in the hands of the superintendent.
The assessor has collected $.121 of poll
taxes and has made a return of $311, which
has been deducted from bis fees by the
coanty court; the remaining $10 is yet on
hand. Resectfully submitted.
I.. L. Porter.
Visible Writing,
Permanent Alignment,
Automatic Ribbon Re
Automatic Line Space,
Interchangeable Platen
Most Rapidly Adjusted
Margin Stop.
f ; )
ejva -' - ss
Si I
t y j w v U i
Oregon City Users.
II. J. Thorn', AiHtnu tn.
O. K. IlaycP, Attorney.
Geo, C. Hrownrll, Attorney.
Cowing Si Cowing, Attorney.
E. M. Randn, Kntkutihhk oflire
SCOTT & BANNAN, General Agents,
Dovico for Writing on
Ruled Linos,
Extromo Manifold lwer
Typo Clcanod in Five
Most Noisoloss,
All Woar Absolutely
okkoon city.
Masonic Huilding.
nucklrn'i Arnica fiulre.
The P.Bt Halve in the world for Cuta,
Bruinea, Korea, Ulcera, halt Rheum,
Fever Sorea, Tetter, Chapped Hand,
Chilblain, Coma, and all Hkin Erup
tion, and poaitively cure Pile, or no
pay required. It is Kl'rn,et, t0 Rive
perfect aatlnfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cent per box. For aale by U
A. Harding.
Karl' Clover Root, the new Wood
Purifier, give freahneii and cluarnc to
the Complexion and cure Conatipation.
25c., 50c. and $1.00. 8old by CO.
Justice blunks, real eatate blank, and
all other blank at the Entkkpwh of
fice. Portland price.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
fMfll Baking
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Hemes 40 Years the Standard.
In order to draw work while outaido
work iH dull owing to tho weather
Kxtrn - Low - I'riccH
Will be given on nil crirriago
and witgon work.
Davis, the Painter.
Shop Wk of Pojii! Sl Co.'h Htoro.
DAI Fv un a rvr !
Jiat la the condition of youn? Is your hair dry,
linrali, brittle? Docs It split at the ends? Hn U
lifeless appearance? iocs It f ill out when combed or
brushed l It lull of dandruff? Doe your scalp Itch?
.s ,t tlry or In a hcUcd condition ? If ihcsc m-o fioinw o.
? AsSaSkookumRoot Hair Grower?
r J-i?.t,:T0,,J"1-, ,,,P'-',,f"'UnUnolniir-l,!.nt.i.itth.rMullof-l'nlin"
5' AJIj,irJ myiir1"?' of "'""of th.birn.l w.lp hullo Uai-
,W h'K llm fulllwli . '"H''""r oMillf Knit rxfr-XHllf ToDlo. Iljr llniUli'H C
uu-oitiptoinubo warned in time oryou wiil bcconit l'i
thfuw JfrT"'? ""'I? c,n' alllir, nd tt from Irrlutlnf 'l0,l,;!,'' i
ST HMth Vlfih Aitm, Mw Vara, M. V.