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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1893)
Oregon City T7a ERPRISR Tnn V0L.2. NO. 2. ESTABLISHED 186S OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1893. JLiaTN coriiTH, fin-ull """t '""'"M iJtM Monday In n jiawr tu'l Ililt'l Muintajr In Aifll, f rnUle court lu wmIuii Rut Mmi'lar lu acb oil il T,nmll''nri roan mwn Sr WwlnvMur n. g N JIlM""'. It W. RHHUINU, 1 - IS N A I K t A JOHNSON, 1 VII- rNIISKlll A Mi l'VICYOMH. Hallway IMlln and iiilnirlleii. lirtilfM. iUiiiI allmaiea ir atir t't'ty filial altmll Irvel lmirvimiil ul low lit ill (Ivnii lu ittaiililii (in) kin .rlntlli Z1 HAYM. attoksky at law, Uaawu OTV, ' laoi. will ra"l In all ll roiiria of Ilia aula. 01.. r..nnf Mali! aii'l KlflilU (iron. uuaito avufl li"i Tyr CAIlKY JOIISMOH, I.AWYKlt. "You are f4omOne Caruar t iM aii'l Main alrcwla. Orrgim City, ritt. KRAI. KmTATK TOHKl'.l. AND Mi'SKV Ttf ..OAS. -.'V-.i'lri'.' -il j L I'OllTKK. ATTOKSKY AT I.AW umim or r'rTT rt axitinu. OCc unl lo UKSutt Cltjr Una uo tib alimU p 0 T. wIMJAM. II Ml. KHTA1K AND bOAN Al.r.NT. flmir ot wnr lu !" " Hi ul laorliI tcrtua. 1 cinl 1 1 li ul Imaliirw, fwl.Uura aid turn l'iir In Uari. to ill on r urma. CurrMnii'lriir prmtillP auaw til ). lu I auAi4 A lluullal'a iawr4. Ofllr, drug alur. haid tlio miniHtar to tho happy pair he hflil jiiHt Mud toother. "Wl.ich one?" askfid tlio brido. "You will have to Bottlo that for your aclves'aaid tho clergy man, buttlioy had not done It that moment, becauso they went to Rollotiiy & liusch and Ixiught their hoUHohoId goods Huch as furniture, bedd ing, carjittH, HtoveB, crockery, g'.awiware, in fact every thing they needed forhoune keeping and are very well gatinfiod now. A CLEAN SWEEP. McKinley' Majority Will Reach 00,000 In Ohio. SEW YORK ITSELF ONCE MORE. HeiiiMlran Itoll Onto, New York MHiicboHtH, Khiihhm, Illinois I'einmjlranhi, Etc rREGON CITY IRON WORKS, Now and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in tho bent manner poaniblo. TrotuptneHS guaran teed on all orders. REPAIRING - A-SPECIALTY. Q II. HVB. ATTOUNKY ASH nH'SXK.UH AT LAW omro.r vmo cur hau. on utT. otnoon rrieeathi. lowed to bo had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. !J. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. IK. JA.NNKY. ia UwrKH.KOTAHV IM Ill.lC A ISHIKANCK. Ol!U wllli W. Carry Julmnon. JJU C. KMITII. I'HYSICIAN AND Sl'KOKON, llnrrwk, - tin-noil. q n n. c. LATofidtna. ATTXIUNKYS AND COUNSK1.01W AT UW HiiM iraikT, ohkuuii cur, ouo!. tSrnl.h A.atrarn of Till.. Ian M'nT. eliwa) Muri(ii.. ul iramaol li.urru La lluiln'U. GRASS AND CLOVER E E D Quality First Class. Trices Reasonable. WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF TREES Portland Seed Co., 171 Second Street. Portland, Or. Jl T.. CltOHK, ATTOUNKY AT LAW. IU rTU 1 I A IX CillKT Of TMi HTTi Ural KaUU r4 Inanrwif. 0i cm Main HlrtTiwI Hlxlh l Snlh, UMUUH I'lTf . ' 11 U. KAN PH. Ja NOTARY rUlll.It KKAL KSTATK A 1NSUKANCK. omro In Iho l'""l orllr Biilldlni. oipg.iu :uy. Orri(in. OtO. C. RNOWIIKl.U llllOWNKM. IHlKHHKK It A. I. " ATTUUNKYH AT LAW, OmtcwH Cur, - On"""1 . ..... f .latA. 01 w III prarl re III all incrci iri. 7." drui Hi-. ..1 1.. I'.nrtol.l A Iluntloy orug .lorn. rpilK L'OMMRKCIAL BANK, ......... . ,lin,ooo TKAN.A. T a OBHRHAL IIANIIISU m'IN. Ix.ana ma.l. Illlla ("l. MkM ' 1 ...11. .,.hi.o nu U i... 1... ...... ... o v.,,a ami 1I"I Knlll ... uiu ( iiiir.i nuir", 1 .... . 1. 1.. 1.. i.i..i k liiliiri'Kt ,. .... . . .. 7 K-. Iron. 9A. M.lo4r. u. M.tur.l.y ovet.lna (rum A lo 7 I'. H. 0. C. ATOtIKKm.BPr.;t.)!joNi c(lilor OREGON CITY JOBBING SHOP. All kinds of Timiin" Plumbing and General Jobbing DONE TO ORDER O.N snum wiiw. .nirnrlrMP M A nC SEWER AND WATbK uurirMc i iuiio At tho most reasonable raws. rff-All work is done with a view to luat and satisfy all concerned. f, V. OVlllinM. J. JONES & SON, PKAI.HR in Doors, Windows, Mouldings, nnnn AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up Stores and Repairing of all kinds. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. l'HK I H THK I.OWKNT. .sll0 corner Fourth and Water streets, back of Fope & Co'a, Oregon City JJANK UY OltKdCN CITY, Oldest Bankim Bsnse In the Cltr. rl.l up CaiHl. .'O.0"0. mnillRHT - - TIIOi.CMHAII IIIK, " ' ,., It ANAUKR. C..A1..M H. CAOrilLB. A immml l.ankln, bu.l"" trncted. Deponlli roonlvod iiililont " oheck. Approve.! till), and n.itM dlaenniited. uwnty auit oltr warrant. boht. Loan, mvle on avlUble aeourlty. KiohaiiK IioiikIiI and luld. Colldotloni promi'tlr- . mltt,i. Dralta .ol.l Avallanl. In nr Pt ' 1 " " Tfeirmphla eiol.ange. mid on PortUnd, Ban 'ranolaoo, flhloagotnd Kew York. Intornat paU on tlm dopoalU. iubArent. ol THK LONDON ClIKQDB BANK. SEVENTH STREET DRUG STORE. nD 1 M ANDREWS, Prop. a Full Line of Fresh Drugs and Medicines. .. .. 1 r A Patent Fino Lead MoH,Hna3 0f all Makes, Notions, ohumi Med1( "f V, u-rhln. Oil.. Be.t and Cheapest. Beloctionofrorfumeryand Toilet Soaps. And ins Brands of Cigars. ..v 1 ahi 1 1 1 1 v nixm ... OmtonCity.Or. Shively'a Block, GEORGEBROUGHTON, manufaci uttutt v y . . m r- r FIR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER. rTAnnTVn PFTLINO, RUSTIC AU fusion s32 speclaTil". Cut jo Order Tlie ailditional election return re celvtij yHtenly carry outttie prediction. mvle Tuesday niKlit of a clean republi can iwecp In all Htatea, except Virginia, and even there the democratic majority wa cut down. In Ohio, New York and Pennyalvania the majorities for the re publican candidate were fully aa great .. ... .... an the mot enUiumaHiic "au noieu. The following table allow the pluralities for I lie head of the republican ticket In the Mutes mentioned: Pennsylvania 130,000 New York (over Maynard) 10,000 Ohio W),000 Iowa 35,000 Massachusetts 30,000 VI.KIM.KV AND THK TARIFF . CoU'imrs, O., Nov. 7 -With a plura lity of 60,000 and two-thirds of both branches of the legialalure, McKinley has won the most decisive victory re corded in Ohio since the civil war. It has been won on national issues. It would not have been a surprise two weeks no. but after the action of con gress there seems to have been such a reaction ihat the overwhelming vote is a surprise. Democrats did not allow the contest to go by default, hut made a most viworous fight wilb harmonious working forces. Ex-Governor Campbell canvassed the stale for Lawrence T Neal all last week, and .he democratic committee was hoiful after congress bed a decisive action. The weather was plearatit all over the state, and there was a full vole of over 800,000. In former years there have been small voles, thoce of one party or other not turning out, but the voters were out to day all over the state, and Mckinley has a majority over all, with the demo cratic, prohibition and populists tickets opposed to him. This is the 6rst nujority over all any state candidate has ever had since Foster's election, just after Garfield's death in 1881. The muublicana are apprehensive on one part of their victory. The legislature elected today does not select a United states Benator, and il is over two-thirds republi canstrongest since the war. With such a large working majority thev ler such legislation by city members aa may lead to defeat two years hence, when another legislature is to be selected that will choose Senator Brice's successor. No more doubt being held., at mid night headauarters are being abandoned and meetings held nominating McKinley for president in speeches by Boutelle, Dolliver Horr, Chairman uic ana others. IOWA SOLIDLY REPUBLICAN. Dks Moinks, la., Nov. 7 The story of the election todaj can be told in a few words. It whs a Bweeping republi can victory, giving to that party the governor, state otficera and the general asseuiby, with the power to elect a United States senator to succeed J. F. Wilson. The day was quiet throughout the state, and the vote small. The first returns showed how the contest had progressed. They told of republican gains of from four to six to the precinct. This gain was kept, and added to the 22,0000 republican plurality last year will make up the plurality ot 0,000 or more for Jackson. The prohibition and populist vote according to present mdi cation will reach ?0.0OO and 25,000 re spectively. Chairman Blythe, of the republican state central committee, said : "Jackson will have 35,000 plurality and the eeneral assembly will be re publican by fifteen to twenty on joint ballot. The remiblicn victory was won entirely on the economic issue. Prohibi tion was without any influence except 1 nrobibition votes. The verdict at the polls today is a plain refusal of the people of Iowa to endorse the Cleveland administration.' THK IKON STAT K SPEAKS. PiiiLAPKM-iiiA, Nov. 7. Keturna from 49 of the 07 countiea, including 1 lala dolphia and Alleghany, of the vote for state treasurer, show a not republican ffftin of 4H.553. indicating a majority in the state of considerably above 100,000. CHICAGO SHOWS REPUBLICAN GAINS. Ciiicaoo. Nov. 7. The elections today were hotly contested, and the republi cans seem to have at a late hour tonight the best ot it. The Times, the senior flnmnrrnt.ic naDor. concedes the election of the entire republican judicial ticket, with one possible exception, and claims no mnm than five of the county commia sioners inside the city. Outside of the city, of course, it ia republican. The judicial ticket heretofore has been on a non-partisan basis, butlthis year the dem ocrats broke away and nominated a ticket of their own, and the republicans seemed to have elected every Judicial candidate. The great fight has been over the elec tion of Judge Gary who presided at tne trial of the anarchist. At the lime Governor Allgeld pardoned the anarchists he made a severe attack upon Gary, and the fight has been between the latter against the state machine, with the re sult that Garr seem not only to have polled the full republican strenirth, but to have secured a portion ol tbe demo cratic vote as well. General results show decisive republican gain over the presidential election of a year ago. THK HAY STATS SAFE. Borrow. Nov. 7. The result of the election in Massachusetts today can only be described as a huge political land slide. For the first time in three years the state will have a republican governor and his plurality is 30,000 at least. The whole ticket is elected with him and tne legislature ia solidly republican in both branches. Boston complete gives: Banks, pro.. 1237: Greenhalge, rep., 29,- 3'0: Russell, dem.. 39.085. Russell's, plurality is 9704. One hundred and eighty-one cities and towns, including Boston, gives Bank S923; Greenhalge, 91,313: Kussell, 80,303, a republican uluralitv of 11.010. The same cities and towns in 1891 gave Allen, rep., 72,- 957; Russell, dem., 80 350, a democratic plurality of 0041, showing a republican gain of 17,411. In 1891 Governor Russell carried the 28 cities outoide of Boston by 30,000. Up to this hour there are few figures a ye from those citiea, but the general drill of the returns received indicate that they will be carried by Greenhalge stroniflv. The percentage of gain and loss shows that Mr. Greenhake will have in towns alone 16,000 votes more than the plurality in Boston, with 29 outside citie to hear from. One of these citiea, New Bedford, gives him 1364 plurality, wbere in 1891 Russell and Allen were about even. The indications are that the other outside cities will increase Greenhalge' lead to 25,000 or 30,000. KENTUCKY DEMOCRATIC A CSUAL. LoiisviLLK, Ky., Nov. 7. The demo crat had things their own way in Ken tucky today, and according to reports re ceived up to 9 o'clock the next legisla ture will be made np of 110 democrats, 25 republican and 3 populist. VIHG1MA GONE DEMOCRATIC. Richmond. Va.. Nov. Revised figure of election returns, as made up by dis patches from two-thirds of the state at 2 a. m., show that the democrat have carried Virginia by a majority of not less than 25,000, and O'Farrell run be hind his ticket several thousand votes. NEW YORK TOO IN LINE. New York, Nov. 7. One of the most peculiar campaigns in the history of the Btate closed at sundown this evening, and it is safe to say the democratic man agers are not more surprised at the re sult than the republicans. The domi nant issue in all portions of the state has been rina rule, and the republicans in New York City, Brooklyn, Albany and Buffalo have been greatly assisted by the oiganired efforts of independent democrat. Isaac H. Maynard, candi date on the democratic ticket forjudge of the court of appeals, against whom the independent democrats waged war, was overwhelmingly defeated. Practi cally complete returns indicate that the republicans elected their entire Btate ticket, and they will have a good work ing majority in the legislature. Returns at 1 :30 A. M. indicate the election ot re publican senators, 18 ; democratic sena tors, 14; republican assemblymen, 74; democratic assemblymen, 64. This gives a republican majority in the sen ate of 5. in the house 20, and an joint ballot 24. HAD ENOUGH Ol" THK POPULISTS. AWFUL ACCIDENT. Ship Load ofDynamlte Explodes Wrecking a tlty. FIUE, BUS.1 ASD DEATH. More Than 1000 Killed Destruction and HunVrlng- Thousand Homeless. Topkka. Kan.. Nov. 8. Dispatches up to 2 o'clock from all parts of Kansas show republican trains. Twenty-seven counties heard from are all republican, including the most populous counties oi the state, many of which were populist the past two years. It looks like a clean sweep of the state for the republicans. Additional returns show republican gains in nearly every county. Fusion seems to have proved a failure. In Sedgwick county, for instance, where it was tried again, there were tremen dous republican gains. mckinley'8 90,000. Column. O.. Nov. 9. The republi can victory is completo and unpreced ented. McKinley's plurality will pos sible reach 90.000. the greatest ever given any governor except John Brough, ami a more remarkable political reyolu tion than eyen the enormous plurality of the war governor. The republicans have elected 25 or 26 of 31 senators, and from 85 lo 95 representatives; also three-fonrths of the county officala. All the congressional districts, except two n hav cone republican, ine "i ,v"' - Madrid, Nov. 4. From Boo, a village near Hantander, the capital of th province by that name comi a fright ful story of explosion, fire, havoc and death. Tbe British steamer Volo, with a cargo of dynamite, arrived at Hantander. Tbe fact of the explo sive being aboard was unknown to the authorities. Laet evening the ves sel took fire and the fire department hurried to the scene to prevent th spread of the flame to the other ship ping, to the docks and to adjoining bouse. The governor of the province, chiet municipal oflicere and many lead ing citizen were superintending the work of subduing the flames. Just aa the new waa spread that the vessel con tained dynamite, and the people started panic-stricken from the scene, the flames I reached the terrible cargo and with a deafening roar it exploded, scattering death, fire and destruction on every side. The wharves shipping and neighboring houses were lorn to fragments. ine whole city wa shaken aa if by aa earthquake, and windows were shattered for miles around. Among tbe prominent people missing is the governor of the province, who was last seen on the deck fighting the flames in the front raok. Others supposed to be dead include sev eral representative of the mnnicipal and provincial government, besides many cit izens. Fire at once broke out in the ruins of the shattered buildings, and spread to those still standing with great rapidity. The inhabitants were so dazed by the shock ol tbe explosion that tbey were for a 1 mg timej unable to do any thing to stay thespre-ul of the fire, which, a thbdispatch waa sent was fcating its way from house to bouse, threatening the destruction of tbe whole city. The ex plosion threw down all the wires, cutting off telegraphic communication with the city, hence the first news came from Boo. Finally communication was opened with the adjacent country, and all the villages in the neiahbordood sent fire apparatus to the scene, and a strong combined ef fort is being made to save the city. All sort of reports are current as to loss of life, ranging from hundreds down to fifty. The rapid spread of the fire pre vented anv svstematic attempt at recov ering the bodies-or learning the number of tbe dead. Private telegrams say that over 1,000 people met their death by the fire and explosion at Santander. In addition a trans-Atlantic steamer waa burued, and forty of her crew perished. It is reportea that in addition to the killed already mentioned, the president of the provin cial council, the colonel and chief offi cials of the civic guard are seriously wounded. It is also said the whole city will likely be destroyd and the popula tion of 80,000 rendered homeless. A dreadful panic prevails on all sides. Engines from many points have arrived and are making a determined stand against the flames. Armed Rebellion Beit. Ran Francisco. Nov. 4. Dispatches were received yesterday with information, concerning the acta of tramps on the lines of the Southern Pacific company. A gang of forty-eight tramps boarded a train outside of the city limits of h Pasco. An attempt was made (o persuade them to leave the train at Lordsburg, but they refused to do this and said that tbey had jobs in Sau Francisco and that they were on tbe way to this city. They were armed and demanded to be carried free" westward. Four dispatches were received, of which one was as follows : The tramps are organized and travel in gangs of thirty to 100, with a captain and lieutenants. All parties joining them on the road are required to put up what money they have, and a tieKet ia issued to each member, which entitles him to travel with the gang and eat with them when provisions are furnished . Other dispatches have lately been re ceived, indicating that the tramps are determined to ride free. Concluded on 7th page. A Prominent Lady Arrested much attention at a Washington ball by her remarkable appearance of health. The glow of health, and tne cnarm oi beauty need not depart trom ao many women, when a certain remeuy exiin iu. Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription tor functional and organic diseases. It prop erly cures nausea, indigestion, bloating. weak back, nervous prostration, deDiiiiy. and sleeplessness. Strength is renewed, energy returns, and beauty again blooms. It is purely vegetable and pertectiy harmlesa. Druggists have it. Krausb's Headachb Capsules-Waa anted.