Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1893)
ABOUT GEESE. Proflt I Gnoaa Ralalng If It I Rightly Mr. William Ilaukiu, writing In Tli6 American Atrriculturist, says: There re only tlire varieties of geese) which need be consMored the African. Tot louse and Etiilxleu, or Bremen. The two TiU'LOCSK OOOSC Tarietiee of China. Brown nod White, although hiinly, are not large enongh and do not make ponmls enough of fleeh for the early market The writer baa been juite successful with two crosses. those made by mating an African gan- Whora Frank R. tocMoa LWa. Follow the Morristown rod, punt one country seat after another, for a quarter of a mile, and yon come to Kitchell ave nue. You are in Morriiitown now, but lu reality nearer Madison. Turn to the left, and the first place you come to is surrounded by a low atone wall. Through iron gntoe a graveUM roadway leisurely turns, and passing beneath huge ever greens roadie a yellow and white frame house, with a veranda in front and tower at the further end. Opposite the doorway, beneath the great trees, is a ruHtio sent and a rustic table. Between two of the trees Is swung a hammock, and in pleasant weather Frank R. Stockton lies in the hammock dictating his fanciful talcs to his wife. who sits on the rustic settee. It is an ideal home for an author, situated upon an eminence commanding miles of coun try, removed from the maiu road and surronndod by a grove. Newark Adver tiser. A Ktw Crater la the Moon. In a bulletin of tho A-strouomical so ciety of tho Pacific Professor Weinek. director of the observatory of Prague, who Is a specialist in the study of the moon and to whom have been scut copies of the Lick uegutives of the moon, bus discovered in one of the Lick pho tographs a crater which is not to be fonnd on Schmidt's map. This object. which is estimntetl to be about a quarter of a mile m diameter, is of sufficient sise to have been seen by Schmidt, and it is m P 'fa der and Einbden geese and then crossing ! difficult to imagine that the distinguished seienograjyier overlooked it. the young geese with a pure African gander. The most perfect geese are the pare bred African, as thoy mature ear lier and will lay more eggs while young, and they are very rigorous and hardy. It is usual to raise all of them that are Wed.lin stationery, the latest styles hatched, land finest assortment ever brought to The Toulouse, though a large breed of Oregon City at the Kntkbi-kisk otliee. geese, are not quite as hardy. They are To Trade. Two yoke o( good work nxn for oat or hay. Apply to Glad stone saw mill otliee. fully as good layers as the African, bnt will not take on flesh quite as fast when fattiug for the early market Tbe Euibdeu, sometimes called the Bremen. alf hough not quite as large as either of the other two varieties, have toe advantage of being pure white, with a yellow bill When picked, their flesh is very white and will sell readily, yet they are not as good layers as the others mentioned, seldom laving more than 13 or 13 eggs to a clutch. The African or Toulouse will by from IS to 25. Every gosling may he regarded as worth $1 as soon as it is two days old. Id the cross mentioned alwve an improvement is gained in the number of eggs, a marked improvement m the color of the flesh, and tbe green goose for early market, if well fatted, will sell very readily. Keep the goose laying as long as she will; then she will line her nest and want to sit. Break her up. and in about a week she will lay again. After she finish that clutch allow her to sit and batch. Then let tier and the gander rnn with the young, for both will guard them with care and the goose grow strong again. Captain Sweeney, V. S. A., Sun Diego, ! Cal ,srv: "Sbiioh's Catarrh Remedy j is the first medicine I have ever found I that would d me any food." Price SO 'cts. Stld bv C. U. Huntlev. BRS. ELMIRA HATCH. HEART DISEASE 20 YEARS. Dr. Mil JTmKmvI a MlkAart, 14. Iui 8111 rttrSO yaanl m troubled with heart diartwo. Would frequently hava tailing patla wkI unolheriug al uiilu. lib 10 til up r gel oul of bed lu breaiua. llad pain Id uv left idaand back moX of Hi lima; at lull twain diupatt-al. I ww very uarvoua and navly worn out. lb load eiuwmaul would cauaa n to THOUSANDS- with fluttartng. For the Uat (Iflfen nan 1 eulJ tun tlwp on my Irtuida or Park until (avail (akin yiir Utmrt Vur. 1 had nol taken II very loiuj until I fell much batter, aud I ran now alma on eilhar ltd or back without Uis Icaal dlatvut flirt. I have no pain, mnthrtng. dnipay, no wind on ttoraarh or other dlaagnwahla ymptoma. I am ahla 10 do all mr own hotuawork without auf InmMe and consider myavlf cured, flkhart. lnd., l.v. Mwx Klaus lUtrs. It I now four yaara since I have taken an medicine. Am In hctirr health Uiau I bavt boas In 40 roar. 1 hnnmilr ba . . llora th.l Itr. .W XM ClI 1 R K 11 Hn Cure aavrtl my III VWI1UW and mad ma a wall woman. I an now to yaafl Of an, and am aula to do a od dajr'a work. Uj ttah, IW. Mas. Kutisa UatCX. OLD ON A POSITIVI OUHANTII. TRY OR. MILES' PILLS. 50 DOSES 23 CTS For sale by Cliartnan Jfc Co. FOR ASTORIA-FAST TI MK. Steam' v Telephone EAST AND SOUTH TIIHSilAKTAIIOl'T Of u,,,. . soutiii:kn rAcinc cojhV Kprr. Trains leave l'ortl.,,,1 t! ,l M.MI.Il ft .i r m t mr. in ma Leaves foot of Aldor stroot, Portland. Leavos Portland daily, excopt Sunday, 7 A. M. Loaves Astoria daily, excopt Sunday, 7 r. m. Tun Ilwiu-o from IUuco oomu'ctH ut Astoria with Tcleplu'iii' every night for I'ortlaiul. RMBDPJ GOOSE. The profit of this business is largely dependent on the price of prain, etc Each goose should average 20 goslings per year. Allowing that the goslings average 10 ponnds. the produce from each goose would he 2u0 pounds, and 1 have sold at an average price of 20 cents per pound for several years in the Bos ton market, which woo Id give 10 per goose. There is a great difference in geese, and I only save the best layers. Overhatd florae. We have said that horses should have frequeut drinks of cold water when working bard in the hayfields. It has also been advised in these columns that the polls of the horses should be shaded and kept wet by means of sponges, says The Farmers' Review. These precau tious will do much to prevent overheat ing, but it may bo well to give some ad vice as to what should be done should a horse "give out" during the busy sea son. The symptoms of this trouble are probably well known to most of ourread ers. The sweat suddenly dries, the horse stops or staggers, and if forced to con tinue working commences to pant and blow, with every other evidence of dis tress plainly noticeable. The flanks rise j and fall as seen in a horse with heaves, i and unless something is done speedily ' the poor animal will go down and in I many cases die. The horse should be unharnessed wbeneverthere istheslight est symptom of overheating. Take him to a cool, shady place where the air is felt aud at once give him a stimulant, such us alcohol 2 ounces (or whisky 6 ounces), nitrous ether a ounces, water a pint, at one dose. At the same time he shonld be sponged ull over with cold water and h;.ve cold water dashed on his head continuously. If very bad, it will be well to ng up a barrel on a high shelf, then put a faucet in it, to which attach a piece of hose pipe. Tie the lat ter to the bridle, then fill the barrel with water, turn the faucet and allow the wa ter to run in a steady stream upon the horse's head. The water should be kept running for hours nntil the animal has regained strength, which in some cases is not for a day or more. Where there is a supply of ice at hand this will be found of great service. Creak it up fine, place it in a nick and keep this ice poul tice on the back of the hone's head until he is well. For a lew days afterward give a dram of uiter in each gallon of drinking water. ' Maud S will ba trained with the pneu matic bicycle sulky through the sum mer and until fall. Th.;ii she will be put to the test to find whether she can not break the 2.04 record of N'ancy jpanlfg ' "For Years," Svs CABnii E. Stockwklu of Chester field, JC, )!., ''I &j afllicU'd with all extreme!? levers pain In Uia lower part uf the chest. The leellug was ai It a tun Walfht Hit laid on a spot the Ua of my hand. Dur ing Uie attacks, the perspiration aoulJ suuid lu drops on my (are, aud It aus agony for mo lo m.iko sufficient effort eveu lo whis per. Tbpy came suildt-nly, at any hour of the day or nijitit, litin Ironi thirty minutes ta half a day, tearing as suddenly; but, for several days alter, I Was quits proa trated and sore. Sometimes the attacks wits almost dally, tlien Iras frequent After sbont four years of this suffering, I was taken down with bilious typhoid fcrer, snd when I began to recover, I had Uie worst attack of my old trouble I ever experienced. At the tint of the fever, my mother nave me Ayer'i Tills, my doctor recommend Inn them ss being better than anylhlnf ha eould prppar. I continued taking lheie l'iils, and so great was the benefit derived that during nearly Dirty years I have hrd but one attack of my former trouble, wbn yielded readily to the same remedy." AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayr k Co., Low. II, Uim. Every Dose Effective Ik NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Fml ami Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATE l BETWEEN TH HHIDGE AND PEPOT Double and Single Rip, and mid dle horst always on bund at tbe lowest prices. A corrall connected with the bum for loose stock. Information reuardins' nv kind of stock promptly attended to by person or letter. home Bo ueht and Sold. Society Directory. utEuoN city hoard or tka'dk. Steeta t Cnltlt ll,Uta. nn U..n.l U. I. each month. VUlmr welcome. r. t Donaldson, oko. c. bkow.nki.l Secretary. PreMent. GAVEL LODUE. NO. AS. A O. V. W MeeUteCOIld and fourth Sallln1v nln al KnlKht'at hall. L'.nlir. Vl.lni, I welcome. i E Caslton, a R. Shank Recorder. Muter Workman ST. JOHN'S BRANCH. No. W7, C. K. of A. Meet' every Tuenlay evening at their ball corner Main ami Tenth Street, Matt. jceriN.sec'y renn citr. T. W.Hi-luvak, Proa THE POPULAR BOAT. Steamer Iralda, Is now making round trips daily except Wednesday between OAK POINT, AND PORTLAND And intermediate landings, con necting at Kaninier with STK.-CAKRIE- I K0R KKl.SO. Leaving Oak Point -1:1") a.m. Arriving in .'orthuid. . . lOiot) a. m. Leaving Portland .::() p. m. Arriving at Oak Point. , .7:15 p. m. Wharf foot Washington street S. K. GILHKKT, Agent. Portland-Clatskanie R-O-U-T'E. n-a I . Artutsl Ttirf MI. LTNOMAH M)D(iK, NO. I, A. T A A. M. Holda lot regular communications on Slat and third Saturdays of each month at 7.110 r. . Brethren lugoid Handing are Invited to attend. I. L. I'OK I'KR. W. M. T. V. KYAN.Nvcrelary. Wi TT il n i iA rxjts- SJcts.,and $1.00 per Bottle? One cent a doae. Tms Great Cough ( xhu prutniJtly mtrj whore all nflifrs full, Cc.'ehs, r"roup, Core Throat, Koaraeness, Whoopinv Cough nnd Ait.ima f or Ccnaumption it las no rival; has cured thousanda. nnd will crns vor If tiUtenln t:cie. ."'iki ny In.f(ii-ta no a g-uur-SVte? -. For n L"x'! k ff f.Tx-Kt, iso SH,LOH'8 BELLADONNA PLASTERjJio. SHJL0HVCATAR??H iliivoyiii(.,itiirrli? ThH r"m-dv la cnernii teed to euro you. Ilico. ... Iiijjttor im For sale by C. G. Huntley. Red Cross Tansy Pi'ls Suppressed Manstruallon PAINFUL Manstruutlon And a PREVENTIVE for t'ESIf.E ..a. lllllKOLLAliliil.T. Are Safe and Reliable. Vtfi Perff'tly Hnrrrr'.. The Ladiss Purely Vrjfe taoie I er , Faih.1 PRICE Sl.OO. Sf nt postpaid on receipt price. M'jm-y refunded if not say. aawwdr y. Yin de Cinchona Co., be Aloines, Iowa. For sale by Charman fc Co. .JAPANESE PI lE CURE ""A new and complete treatment, conalating of nuppoaitoriea, oiutineut lu CHpauioa, aiao lu Box aud Pilla; a ponltive euro for External, Internal, Wind or bleeding, Itnhliiif, t'hronlc, Keceut or Ileredilary Hllea, and many dlneaaea aud female weakueMaea; it la alwaya a Ereat benefit U the (teneral health. The flrat dla coveryof a medical cure rendering an operation with the knife uiineceanary hereafter. Thia remedy baa never been known to fail. II per Ijox. for5: aent by mail. Why uffer from thia terrible dlxeaae when a written guarantee la given with alx boxea to refund the money If not cured. Hend atamp for free aample. Guar antee inHued by Woooaru Clarke dt Co, whole aale and retail dni(r(rlBt, aole agent, Portland, Oregon, for aale by ;. ti. Uuutley, Oregon City, Oregon. CLACKAMAS CHAPTEK. Clackamaa Chapter No. Z R. A. M. Regular Conrocatiou third Monday ol the month al l.i i U.S. P. O L Gray, Sec'r. OREtiON LOIifJE, No. 3, I. O. o. E. Meeta every Thumday even. ..a at 7 .(Oo'cUwk r. M. in the 0d Eellowa' Hall, Main afreet. nemoera 01 me onierare invited to attend. GEO C. ELY, N. O. Thoa, Ryan, Secretary OSWE'K) LDLI.K .Mi B3. I o n Meeta at Odd Kellow'a hall, Oawego, every Saturday evening. Vlaltlug brethren made welcome. o. w. PKOSSKK, N. O J. F. Rii.r.v. Sec. FALLS ENCAMPMENT. No. 4, I. O O. E. Meeta flrat and third Tueadayaof each month, at Odd rellowa hall. Membera and vialU'ig pnirinn-nn, r.iroiaiiy inVUCO to atleno J.A.STEWART, W. II HOWELL. Scribe. Chief Patriarch. WACHE.NO TRIME, NO U Meeta WedneMlav cvenlu at Armorv Kail Via. mug meuiuvra inviteri. ciias. Kr.i.LY, ... . . Sachem. J. IlAZAHn. O.of K. WOODMEN OE THE WOULD. Willamette Falla Camn No. 14. meeta M ami tth Wednesday lilhta In each month In K. of P. hall. Vlaltlug neighbor! made welcome. E. E, Martin, Clerk. E. M. Ra.ndh.C. 0. SUNRISK LOtHIE, NO. 4.1, A. O. U. W , Meeta every aecondand fourth Haturday of each mouth al Wllkouvllle, Oregon. IIKNHY Mll.RY M. W, C. T. Toozs, Recorder. Plli IRON LODliK NO. l.t'i, A. O. If. W. Meeta everv Thuradnv evetilnir at Odd fellnir. hall, Oawego. VIMtlug brethren alwava wel come. J. It. CAMeiir.i.i. R. Straum, Recorder. M. W. MOf.ALLA LODIJE No. 40, A. O. IT. w. Meeta flrat and third Saturday In muh m,,i.ih at achool houe Vlaltlug membera made wel come. T. H. Htii'P. M. W J. W. Thomah. Rec. ' Sundny Services.' ST. PAI'L'H ( III III H-rp,.c.,.l-ltc J. A Ki k.tiirm paalor. Servlcea al II o clock a m aud ) p. m. 1'rajer aervlca very Vcdueilay evening. FIRST CONtiREUATIONALCIirRCII-Rn Pator mpplled. Sorncea at II a. m. and 7 M) r. M. Sundav Si-hocd allxr n,..ri,m. aervlie. Player meeting evening al 7:30o,elock. Prayer meellug of Voung people i Society of Chrlailau Endeavor everv Sun.Uv evening aid a, prampt. FIRST HAPTIST ( lll'Hl'll u. n... Paaaia Paator Morulna Servlca II .i,'.,i.. School at IJ-lik; Evening Service aO; Regular rayrr meeting nr. inc.. lay erelllng. Monthly oveuaul Meeting everv WmlnrnUv .i... nrereilliig the nr. I Sundav lu tlm t,i..i,ih I Corulal Invitation to all. HT. lOIIN'S CIICItCH CATIKil li-n.. a HiLl.xaaANp, Paa:or. Uu Sunday maaaalS and lu M a. at. Everraecond and fourth rinnM.w German aermon afier llie a n clock ma.a Al all other maaaea EnallHh a..rmina u l. Sehiad al l m r. M. Veaira.,,,oU( al uitjrt i.. null liroeuiciion at 7 iW P. M. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHI'RCII Rgv O. Svgga. paatnr. Morning aervlca al II Sunday School al 10 uu. ( Waa meeting after morning aervlce. Evening aervlce al 7 no. hiworin league mo-tina Numlav .iiIh. -i :, Prayer Meeting Thuraday evening at 3a atrangera cordially Invited. FIRST PRESIIYTERIAN CI1I RC1.-Rgv. O w.Oirokry. Paator. Servieea al II a. h and 7-.SU r. at. Sabbath School al III a. at. Young People'a S.icdety Chrl.llau Endeavor inert! every Sunday evening al SO. Wednea.Uy eveulug prayer meeting al 7 30. Seata free. EVANOM.ICALCIirRCII-OEHMAN - At o F.Rnar. Paator. Preaclung aervlrea every Sundav al II A. M and 7 ;w p. M Sabbath every Holiday at 10 A. M (John Harrlalierger. Hupt l Wergly prayer Meeting every Wedueaday evening L'NITEI) IIRETIIREN IN fllKIHT.-I'reach log every Sunday, except third Sunday of each monin. al 11 uo a. m. and 7.:) p m.-W II n Laik. Paator. Sunday achool al 10 a. m.- I. D Hi arca, Suierliitendeul, Prayer meuliug every STR. SARAH DIXON, UY.O. M SilAVKIt. Ma.Ur, Will leave Portland Iatlv, except Sunday, at t :.'( p m., for I'lalskanio t way landings. Returning, arrie at Portluud nt 10 a. in., Daily vxeet Monday. Tho rotniniiy reserves tho right to ehting!' tune without notice. For freight or pai'nger rates apply to dock clerk at Portland, foot Washington St., r on hoard teainer. This is the nearest and tuost di- j reet route to the Nehalein valley i" is.rtwrTr- I . Dragon i ly , , Ar s. Kranc.r I. 'li, NNINO cVlVuN noliKM iT,',,:..-' Pullman DuffotSlecp J a ii Ki,-a Soconil-Clnnn Slooplnr, r AllAi IllSl III Mil o . It' - t" ralm HoMKiii iKi mam. (r,,nr) kia a i l.v" " l'ori,u, ' At SUA M l.v Or.,..,,, ,,, ,' , a.air at I Ar Ro.ehiir , j'. i. side iimTi"a ' IIKTVir.:N PORTLAND A Ml roKVl Mall Traill. Dally, E,f, g,,,,,,,,' 7 ,ua I l v Porllai ir I n Hiss I I li I'muliii I,, Al Allii and l'"rvelH.c,L",,. ul imgoii and I'aeinn Railroad w K.nre.a Train, , I twr H I l.v PortUud Ar " i.. Ar MeMliia.lil. I., Iljj' THROUCH TICKETS TO Al l. POIMS li Tllg EASirilN StAtM. CANADA AXI) rw Can U ol.ialiied at loo.M ralM f,1Hi t . M.ana., Or.,, , -j, HKOKHI.KM, K I. Rmirkg ' Manager. A.. 0 F a4 Vu, 4 THROUGH TICKETS TO Salt Lake, Denver Omaha, Kansas Citv Chicago, St. Lou: AMD All Eastern Cities, ft 1 DAYS TO IJ2 CHICAGO I ' 1 1 P I 4iVl A valley. .1 . , , ' UnnHHtlif (hlickct toC bin Portland-Cowlitzl u a,,;I,,,0,:" UH I aiii-ttp rMnn,,UUUlp ami Kansas Citv. fllLLMITltl IL OLUUUJ1 PlI.I.MAN.t TOl'RIST HUE.' Joneph Kellogg Trans. Co. KKS, FKKK KKCI.IMNGai jSTR. J0SKP1I KKI.I.OflC-leaves 1 l'mn 1 nr' Kelso Monday, Wednesday audi For rates nnd cnieral inform Friday, nt tl A. M. Leaves Port-1 li-n call on or n-bfress, land, lu.H.lay, Thursday audi W. II. HURI.IU'RT, L C .aturuay at , A. M. Agt.. '..'. I Waahington 9Lt: ,,... ,- - Jlnrd, Portland. Or. iv. .MMiiu v r.M , eaves Tort land Momlii lay, imIucs, lny and Friday for Kel.-oand l'ps-r Cow liti river points, returning the following days. This is tho only direct rotitn to reach all Cowliti river joints. WM. R.IKtl.MAV, Agent. Taylor Street I.M-k. l'ortland, Or. -Tin:- IADIIH rOCNTAIS IIOsv CO.. No. I. Kegular mfi'llug acrond Wrdnraday In earli iiioiuii ai rugiua finuio., faal alilo Main alr.'l't between Suvunth and Klglith. J. W.SiswART Sr. II. Stsakiiit, F'rm M. f. QI'ISS, Foreman. MO I, A I.I. A UIIANOK, NO. 40, f. nl II. Mi-ela at their hall at W right' llrldgo on the no natiirnaj in earn lanulli at lu a. in Fellow memliera made welr-otue. JAa. Ngi.aoM, Maatnr. E II. Cnoi-gK. Hep, WAItNKII (illANOK, No. H7,F.of II Meet fourth Saturday of ear-h their hall In New Kra. C. C. William", Mauler Mra. May Waldrun. Hec'j ACIIII.I.KH LOIKiE, NO. 3S, K OK P. Meeta every Friday night at the K. of P, hall, Vlaltlug Knight Invited lIIA. AI.I1RIIIKT, Jr., c C. J. K. Itimnga, K. nl It. and 8 COI.UMIIIA HOOK AND LAIiDKK CO. Meeta flrat Frldav of aa,.h .. Puuiilaln engine hriuao. Ciua. ATlirv I'm. C. B Pillow, See'y. Ciia IIitzkr, f'rin FAI.I.S CITY I,')l)fiK OF A. O C. W. Meet everv aecond and fr.nrih KrMuv even. Irjir of eaeh inonth In A o ir w i,Bir7ii,L All aojourniiig brethren cordially Invlied In at 'rid. 1). CAL'KIKl.l). M. W. OS') Cai.ifp, Kennrder. CLACKAMAS LOIlOE, No. f,7, A. O. V W Meet flrat and third Mnndar in eai h nmnih at Htraight'a Hull. Vlaltlug bretheru welromc. C. K, i'KAHK H. llll.(.OJ(B. Ken. M. w. MEADE POST, No 2.(1 A. K DKI'AKTMKNT OK OltKiiON. Meet flrat Mnndav of ear-h mnmh. ir nl P. Hall, Oregon City. Vlaltlug comrades made welcome. DAVID McARTIICK, Commander. . P. Shaw, Ad. GEN. CKOOK POST, No, 21 O. A. H., I)e art- meiit of Oregon. Meet In aehool home at Needy on flrat Hat- uroay in eaen monin at 'i o'eloek p. m. All cornraoea mane weieome. 1. y. Hii.lino. H. ThoMpwon, Adju Commander. CATAKACT IIOHK CO. No. 2. Meet remind Tueadav of eaeh in. mil, r-.,. aract EiiKlne home. W. II. Howieii, I'rea O. II. iktow, Heo'y. 1. W, 0'( ohnkix, F rn. IICTTK CKKKK OIUN(lirNra,pT7i7 "T Meet at their hall lu Maniuam, ai-cond Mal nrday In eaeh month at .. . vi.nii. 1. It. WIIITK. MiiNler, nietnlieraalway welcome. J. t. JACK, Secretary F COMPANY, FIKST ItKOIMKNT, O. N, 0. Armnry, Third and Main. Regular drill night Monday. Itegular bualnea ineetlnga. Iri,t Monday of each mouth. ' 1 om, uu. MS? K,,e;i '' Plckem, - - Second l.leuicnHiit J. F. FORD, Evangelist, Ol Dc Molue. low, wrlle tinder data nl MEADE KEMKF CORPS, No. Is. DEPART MENT OF OREGON. Mr. M. M. Charman, - . Prealdent Mr. F. L. Cochrane, - . Treaaurer. Mra. J. H. Harding, - Secretary. Meet on flrat and third Friday of each month In K. of P. Hall. Member of Corp from abroad, cordially welcomed. HONS OF VETERANS. E. D. Baker Camp, No. IS, meet every flral and tnlrd Thnraday evening of each month, nt K. of P. hall. K.8. CAT.IFF Capt, B. 8. Br.i,Loaty, I at Mem. Q. O. Wool, 3d Lieut. De Molue, low, wrlle tinder March Zl, IH'j.l: 8. li. Mki. Mko. Co., Dtiftir, Oreon. Gentlemen : On arriving homo luHt week, I foiiiiil Hll well and anxiously awultlng. Our llnle Kjr ei(,'lit and oiie-liulf years old, who Imrj waated away to .'18 poiimls In now well strong and viKoroug, and well lleslied up. h.' II. CoiikIi Cure has done its work wr. Ii(,nJ of the children like It. Your H. II. Oouirh Cure has cured and kept away all lionrHe ness from me. Bo give it to every one, with Knittings for all. Wishing you prosperity we are yours, Ma. A Ms. J. F. Kohd. tf you wish to feel freah and cheerful, and ready far the Spring' work, cleanae your y tem with the Headache A l.lver Cure by taking two or three doaea each week. Adeem per but tie by all drugilat. Hold under a nnaliU,.,... antee by L. M. ANDREWS. If you nro iutorestcd in 4 AdvortlHttiir ym ought to bo a sub- seriber ot Printers' Ink; 4 a journal for advertiser. $ PriiiterH' Ink is issued weekly and is filled with contributions ""(I helpful Hllgge-tioHH from tho brightest minds in tho advertising biiHi. ness. I Via tern Ink costs only two dollars 11 vim i A 1 ... k i niiinple copy will ne sent on receipt f fjvo cents. A DliRKHH I'KINTK.UH'INK Cooke's Stables! I at a ' COOKE, Managor. flnrn.f t.,,...-ii. .... 1 ' m"ul 'i"l Main Streets, "liKCJON CITY. The I.KAIUNO UXKllY mmi. r 1 J'i "I- .H,.tio nl"iri notice. n-VtIv-rl''-ryniis.- .l.!e0,T;fri; on reason- Oregon Pacific Kailroal K. W. 1IADLKY, Kwiw. Direct Line (iuiek di'i!oH M)W freight ntto between lniiietto Valley imints snd & Frnneisco. OCKAX KTKAMKU SAILING? S. S. Willamette Valfc Id'iives Sun Frnneisco Octob.T ! nnd '27, nnd Nov. IS. I.criVcH YllUitlll Oelobef 12 : 22, nnd Nov. S. This Coinpiiny reserve l' right to chiiiigo suiling Jut ,;" out notice. mVHUBTEAMHIW. Steamer "Hong" leiivcs Port!' Wediiesdiiy's and Saturday1" ! A. M. II. C. DAY, fien. Ag't. folc Street Wharf, Portland, I). It. VAU(ilIN. Cell. Ag t Francisco, Cal. 0. 1 1 0(1 UK, (1. F. A " ' Corvallis, Oregon. MM ri'KKUc AMI1, H. OK V. Wo-iayeveiilngl'JJ-'-indand ,,,un MjMNogBA CR,",rrW-He'e'.yJ(J'INH(m' KflKhChallc, ,1,."''; '..'""'"y ve, g M "l: welcome. '"lii.r, alway. TIIAI.ITIN OltAN, u , - ' Waaler, 'rJgUAHMAHr,8eo.y, ASolentlflo America Agency f4 IaW- a a if ATI. ,nt aaAg(l) mama aTIST' na.aiflHTI. or Information and trtm HandhoiJ r"'"t MCNN A COj, ltd IIhoai.WAT, N fl.liait liurnail for (Murine- i'"'ul"K Kverr n.l.u.t laken nut j na la Uia putno by a uutioa given rra ol tbvi' aelnllScP,',!!l World. SiilMiillilly llluatratwl. N" "iiuio man ahoul.l ba Willi, ,ul II- WfX!l ti& tnari ll.nialg ninnth. Addre"" Mfiflia tuui(iiiiia, aui llroahay;Aii FR A N KN E LD0N, GUNSMITH AND LOCKSlfii' t FullStockofGunsAnifflunj itopslrsnn nil klTof small wt'l promptly made. Duplt'ttt ny lock iimnnfantiirml. "HOP" Main Htrnet, nl w Moblllt'i UtolilM'