Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1893)
irr (oriuu. m. rtntit Miill'r I'rnwml Urn Allen Him f I'll OIJ !!. ..I... ....I -It II yof, i" mMi ' " 1 w 1 "out iillllMl yllloii ol 0. . T. Wllllmtm. m ., II , dt tit tint mrnur o( l'Vnirtooiitli ami i,tiut"i lrwli rt'lnrnxl l tomtiill- .'tl"tl,,k,'llkll" 'r"m ' )'"" !, un '111' rw,i )flll l' l'ri jlili'h t-Mtiltot I itoil liml Ih'KII ,mi,,rr.l In lr"l Uroiiuliton irty. "''"K lit U luiilil im( ,llt si 'ril ordinary illrt. Nu ,l0nwai Uknii. igiiimiil''l"" 'n,m l.y Mkhig , Hnin ' '"r roiiipli'tlng Jngml Krvoll FUlh ulrn-t, rl I ,,ioiilm icrnkil, jirtvl..l Hi Jimii fll "'I41" CUIInllt to ... ilili J- IVtillun (kih rrilliiili ol (irmri fulfil ,lllit lin no'tll eml M Ationii'tliy tvttw to cmiiiilltrv on fir iul Kroriler rrixiMnl four roar ul "ilrimk iJidmU'rly," otm iJ which lorfriirl 0, iimI iu llmi of fli H oilier throe Hi to JH. fl rrtx.rt ol K. H. Krltv, illy trM - uf tli" tirlr ninlinu (MuW nirft rrtoriwl tu Dm flnam-arutn-j,. It lnwm! : fi.l III K""l '"' It.-TH 1ft ,nnl rt'lH'inol 31 wt U 5-r,u M ,m Imi'l rwflfl I.-1"" M miila ii-ili'i'inixl W-1 17 :!n'e ' m(iwt iiiii'l. rH" J tfltllU fflllTllltxl , . Wime 'Jiilri-rl liiiul, tWd ;U1iic In Mcniiirlitm. liKi.-At Cam, OdolMir W, of tyj.1,.,1,1 'iiiMiiii"iil, tHtl( Wi orim,!,, , Ml ymira, Mr. (iillllili vug imtlvool Wales. Un mum l AtiMTlra wlii.ii twelve mul ()lm, ,, mm Ww,)llh liu lived till ulu,r IiIh iimrrlunH l"l lint ttlfo Willi HtlrvlvitM llllll. AIIit imiiiiii lima spent In Karma and CnlllciniU in hh;i ,0 vnw 0ri.Kn with tho icitloiioloiia year spent In Itonlyn, Wash., ,a ImnlivH,! t cliiiiiiiil umkiim lniiroviMiiiiU on llio rlKlity which li IiouiiihI,.,,!,,,!, HM.' li. wlli, Im ,.tVM c-ittld, Mr.. Mury Kllnij llodton. ri'iiilinii in Ulllurnlft. Mr. (iriftUli't diftth iu iinlliin it tlie lt IIkmiIi ),, ,c in f,.,,tt f,,r ti,p t yi-iir. It wmi l,wk t vomit of Im filimUttlio hal not even Wrtiml of lila llliiimii, lln iiaam-il uar without aln, roiiM'lum to tha timt. Tim funural wirvl. ia W(-r Imlil at lU Klrat I'nal.y liriau iliiin h, Much aympathy la full lor tlm loiifly wliluw ao early bereaved. Illfd. (Irt'iUr 14, IH'.CI, niter a painful lllnwu. of ltir yeaia, Mi Martha Jarl, at the rmldi'iiro ol her mother near Handy, Or., iti'd 111 yi-ara and II inontha. IVs'iiawd a naliva ol Norwuy and had Wn hliiid for inorii than two yi-ura prior to licr death. Klin waa hurii'd at I'ainiU'ilii I'flini'tnry. ... 4,ol IH1 . . . bt:i 02 . .. a.r.'d mi .,, ,.H.'7 in ... '.'.ICtl 41 1 . gl . I t ..... I ttrwlv iill Ihv Tlilloli ol citlirna of . M I ghia. Tim r iirt waa adopt.Hl. rmuiliiltiHi alo rifoliiinpiulnl that itrwt (uimiilixli'iirr fix Hilrani-ca to .iMliaMR ao a lo rinit ray pii vtand rait. lv adplrd tl puiniiiltt'Hi on atrw'la ami pul.llr (rrtv, fMKirt"i havlnit h't Hie on wt for hulldiiig the appri'a h to tin. Ip art.ui the AMrnrihy mi Main wlliiT, t. ljiwrtiut', who had com t lila i-otitrai t. Unxir1 adotpd. P lal conililltU ndalive to u4iic-iil on Seventh lrii-t aked for ihrr llintrm-tlolia relative lo the n.lliv ao anw-wiiifnl It aa deriilnl In WiUme with the clldm of the rlly i.. ll. h.-li,.n fkf lli ii fruit wury vi ii iv ! ahii h ronvrm rirxt Monday, ordrrtnl acnt to the rounly rmrt flld and lo Ihe l aM hide Hallway lny for IiX), their part of the it .Hiding Ihe appn h to llio Aliernelliy Umirder orderrd to k'lve notire of rlly vtwn on IVi-einln-r 4lh, and Jildgea ifleiku ap"ilntd m followa: Hal I, T. K. llyan, J M. liraham and A. Willonuhhy Judi;-. and J. K. and Walli t'ole clerk. S.h lrd. S S Walker, II. Straight and nlA.KlyfjuditiHi, and A. Milieu and -V t alilf rhuka. The council delg rxi Ilia l alMra"l engine iiihiiv a mr n .lre III the rinl ward, and he inuiii engine hoime for the Second The fnli iriK hllla were nad, allowed, 1 warrMittn ordered drawn : cir.NK!.!. VIMI. Knimhy, rmmling plat I JW H) Pur.liiin, police 80 00 rprine, iirinting Mitt A Solile, iMinrding naoner. . H W) "'t llioughton, IiiihImt 61 71 wn UIhIoii 2 00 Kelly, troaanrer. &0 " "myili, surveyor 8 Ol) I'uimell A (llftM -0(K lUiul(ien,l Kleftrlc I'o. lighla I71 4'' lloberg, atreet coiiiininnioner. . 174 M illi A WhIhoii, Iron work 8 W) 'Uwrencc, tirhlge 10 lia Cochrane 2 00 VKelU i,.,lle 2 SO lACo i: H Howell 10 50 Allmlgann " ) N' Oreeiuimn 65 ; Williutna 3 00 4n I.yuna 320 00 neyiiian Co 1" 08 Dulug lb Hsild'a W Ith Comfort. Coluiiid William It. Nelaun, proprietor of tha Kanua Cttr HUr. cam to town 8.U74 UK ; W Wednmday luoriiliitf and urocoediHl at oao to du tlta World't fair. Lie haa very dUUmt and, w will add, Tory proper notloiii aa to prinal couifort tlienrlaa juntilled lu Im rime by an avoir dapoU tliat dninamla and ejacta cotiaid- ration. The 11 rut ohji-ct that raught tha Cilonel'a eye and awakened lila euthuid aiu ojxni entering Jacluon park waaono of thoae miniature ateaiu launchea which At lb Worlil'a Fair, Tlia M'Kin, liu Turk., wild man wllb dlrka llirn uliiiw tUlr ountiiiiii our lout. Tli JaimnrMi and folk Ilka tliM Wr kiilvv that ur lujurloua. Hern uro IiiiII'mmii and furaltfii tunea 1 1ml nklrl If illi rant and t urloua. And Culm folk a bruwn aa oak And .ulua true or npiirluiia. Tli" dnneliiK girl make utartlliif whirl I Id careful how yuu liHik at thaio. All lumxxnt and all r 1 want Aud-wll-a peep I took at tha in. Un from Orion you'll n anon, from mtka aad from Tuklo. for lliU no rara you evurywhrr Fm ui man whit or iwokr owa. liar mnaqtir 700. M and Japan toa. And ouuiia Ihnyv roiuantleally, And !ldlh( care aad frlra Jar, lor whlau tlMyrliarg lnUtallr. Tti Farrl wumI, wltk arm of at!. High a a lowar will wlad foil up. It you almuld fart, for food and all TliadurUmthay would bind you op. -KiiKn Kleld la Chicago lUcord. ply a piratical triwl" iitxin tha ineauider- lug w aters then-abouU, and down into that particular cruft w-ent the colonel, and upon a comfortable cuahlon aaUi he him down, Mid unto tha merry mariner he quoth; "Waft me, oh, gentle boat man, o'er the In milling billow and keep well lu the ulnide, fr my porva are open, tny collur drooia and I fuiu would bo rrfreh.-dr Tlie bout III which Colonel Kelaon em UrkM waa the llirdlo. having an official draft, aa her licenao lndicutixl, of two (- l, but for the aix hours during which tha colotiul fomprenwd that cushion tha Illntia for tha fimt time In her m afaring car-r drew a draft of seven feet and ran the rk of ahlpjiing water every tlmo a tack or a tuni wa tniule. From this point ct rie tlie colonel did tha fucturea, the Fine Art, tho Mining and the Tnumportiitlon tiiiildliiK. Knbee (uenlly he viewed Midway phiiwinra from a wMiin chair iHirne ny lour awen Human Natura I Quaar. Ksxt to the first pronounced boopsklrt on Droadway tha first straw hat of tha season, creates tha largest Attention. When man has confidence enough in tha weather to start out for a two days' trip with a straw hat, ha is planning a great responsibility upon the weather bureau, which stands for our modern providence. 1 saw such a man at the Fifth Avcn" hotel one day, and his wiis the first struw hut of tho season. To say that he att cUdI much attention and wimtlieiubj. i t of a greut many pleas. kiitries is ptKtlug it very mildly. There are aome people, however, who are either liidilferent to crittclHin or tK obtuse to otxwrve it, who bedn things without con sulting other jxHiplo. Somebody has to I Kin, you know, but the large majority of mankind lin k the nerve of woman kind and ilr-ad to lie conspicuous in any particular a' to drew. Men are awful cowards when it comes to dross. They wult for thoso of butter nerve and then follow liko a flock of sheep. Scarcely a man of all those who smiled and sneered ami laughed at the man with thi fimt straw hat but will be wearing a at raw bat himself this sum mer. Yet if all men were like tlieso no such thing as tlie comfortable straw would liave ever lieeu worn, beouuse no mun would have bad tho courage to be gin it. Them is a certain humor in the incongruity of things, it is true, and if a mun appear on Iiroadwsy in straw hat and tiUtvr hu is likely to lie a sensation at this eunou of tho year. A mouth or two Inter and the man with the over coat and straw may lie seen at ony sum mer resort. New York Herald. Specula, loll KungeioiM. Scarcely a day passes without the the news of some larrue failure Hushing over the wires tho usual result of sjh illation In stock or some equally danger ous venture. The same electric current curries to dear distant friend the sad tid ings of death of loved ones too often the result ol speculation in patent nos trums. Moore Revealed Keinedv Is no speculation but Is sold on positive guarantee. Du not fail to go to your druggist and ask for your money if not sutislled. We know you will go and huy another bottle. For sale by all druggists Estray Ketlce. To who It may concern : The under signed, has taken op At the Hutchinson Farm neur Hubbard, Oregon, a gray horse, about twelve years old, and about fifteen hands high. No marks; aald borne Is very breaoliy And dangeroua to tie at largo. Owner can have same by paying charge. James McUill, Hubbard, Oregon. 2t. JOHN YOUNGER, JEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drujj Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEAKSlmRIENCE IX Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. THE RED FRONT COFFEES. MokaHka and Arbuckleu advanced to 27J icr jxmnd. Good Eoairt CofTee, 25 cents per pound. Dry Granulated Sugar, 15 and 16 pounds, $1. TEAS. gxk1 8reen tea' 30 ccnt8 w pund ch"ice unco,orc1 37J centa per pound. FLOUR. Be8t Flour 13,10 Ir Uml 16 yards India Blue Print, II. 15 yards Cabot W, $1. House-lining, 2jc yard up. Winter stock Dry Goods, Underwear, Etc.r Now ready. Prices as low as Portland. SHOES I CeBt G(Kxl8' LoweHt Pricc8' Quick Sale8 pro(luce HAMILTON - &- ALLEN, Cash Dealers, OREGON CITV. OREGON. Champion of lh. Ilrltl.h Slonarrh. NOIICH UK KINAI, BKTTI.EMENT. I lirlr (! colli that I ha( fll.d thladate will) lb Oiiintr ;mrt ol CUriama coiitujr. irei(iiii, my accoiiuli ud vouelirr lor Rnl rt' llrnienl ol theenlatrol l.uinnn rrau il. and (lie C'ourt hai appiiliiled Mnuday. iKTnnlxT III). lnv., al lUii rlm k a. m. lortlieci smluilliru ud etlltraeii( f Ihe aald emale. OKU II. UMliiY, Admtnlxralnrof the eiUle ol Luuau H. Clk- I lift, diiwiwd. ii.tid thi tiov. I 1HU3. 11-8 12-1 Niillr of Appllratlon fur Uquor Llcenie. To ill whom II mar Concern: Take notice that the underairned will apply In the County Court ol Clackamu county, biate ol Oircm, no Wednculny, tlieiilh day ol lwem Ix'r. vj3, r a lUcu. to acll lrlluiu. malt lid luou lliii"ra In le iiuiltiei than one (iilioti In t'aarade prcclut. lu .aid county ol I Lekamaa, lor the period of alz montha. and herein anncie lila pHllion which be will pre ariit to the County Court at laid time. Railroad Nursery To the Honorable Couuly Court ol Clackamai poiiuiy. atale ol Orcjon : We. Iheiiiideraiiriird Imal roicri and bouae hohlera ol Caaraile pre( luct. Clackamaa comity and aiate ol lreon, moat reapectlully petition J i ii r honorable body to (rant a hcenne lo T A. IhIiiik to aril aplrltuoiia, malt, and vtnou Qmell Victuriu lllia liwt her chlllllliion. H'M'ora lu le. cuianiltle than one ft-allon lor H .. . , ,. j , , . ' ihr term ol alx montba; and your peillloneri nv uh-u uiuj nw ui"" will ever pray, aiu't'ittla to the ofllro. It la his duty to j Namea. atauJ ready at nil timet totlufend ai;iiitiat j r ,j,MIj"h all comer tlie nifht of the aoveretkH to i : Arduacr her crow n. But ha only aieAra in pub lic. iH'rwiiiur.y or by duty, on coronation gauntlet and defy her euemlt. If the .l.nt.t.i.iTi rniluiti ttiindntv. he forfeitalii u ilave. when he Rut ready to ro-, r, KlV)n 10 flimily liy WilliHin tho II B ( !) A'lnni KoKinaa K W llohb day, when, uiileiw the aovereifcTi dispenses j V ! n,ei,',, with tha ceremony, he must doclura ( J t'riale t.... ..r,i,11v .-rnu-ntnl llirfkW Hnvn th 1 Mel "r . ' . T I Olllwrlaoa Wm Kchlee II KlddcrhuM'h (' M Hallry turn to the Wlndcmero hotel he did no in a wheel chair. YeaterdaV Colonel Nelaun reMllluxl op- eraliona, and lat evetiliiK ho wait wm- llcnry Heirner Jninc Cllue K K Andre H I) Coalman (.'owiui'rer, nud aliika Into middle ciims olnx'tiritv, for the queen's chnmpion is ....I. I.., .nit, Vauiiiihi iiiiiI amiirau'na . K A I. von , '" Joaeph Hanlnall 11.. u.kI .in MftrtiivitTi u-Mi,n illliim ton deriiiK why o many jfoplo compliiii.ea . Co1,.,l,,r,.r llmj0 i,im his champion and M L Kwim of U-Hik t.rr I. Hu. Fia-rienro convniceii ; hjm ())0 ninm)r of s,.,.,, on.j Mmau Bruna him thut tie- worms lair can iw none, hu-iom-endiiiit. who haaiuHt surrendered ;Tu Jo.i.rud . . ..A I wliiiotu rati,:;ie.proviue.i i'-k'-''-"o tlie ,)m,.0 j,y m.uti,, wiw a simple justica It In a aennihlo wny. Chlcnico News- lf the yne,,n victoria did not llecord. I caj ujMin her champion at her corona- tiuo. vt K.i.d in suniiii.r. j tion. iiordid Williaui IV. OvorgelV was Th.-rw U neither nel fur nor aenaa in the lout kniK at whoae coronation the Uklnif Kin or rifle Into the woods at a j ceremony waa observed, but the simple seamm when the hiw forbids Its no ion country siuire who succeeds now to the birds and animals certain to be seen, championship i not at all likely to be Vauran otherwise honest cumper haa bo- called upon to perform the duty of his . I hrriiker s urn v because a olllce - . . ., . r, 1 11 IM?T111 lllllTHIl. for Albert Edward. Springfield irun or rifle was within easy reach at the wrong moment. Take all the fishing tackle you may desire, but leave the fire anus at home until the proper time for them arrives. "Uut wo might see a beurl" 1 I It. .11 tttiA VMM a camper '' f(ir a considerable time U watched care do see a bear? It wont nun you, anu ,,, t . . ai... J K tiloiie Menry Htuckjr Henry Koch (iiiltlrl?d Hturkty (He Mikkvlatiu J J A Tlrii II T FUcher (inttlU'h Mullo J C Cnekelrece ( W Black A Hhulil J II hcvi'iiue John s tillihon I'lrlch Sirubel II Klwlier KxrlmrnU With InfecUd Cattl. Interesting experiments are now being tried iu England by a royal commission on tuberculosis. A cow is selected and Total tUH7 411 MAIN STKKKT INI). Manl A Johnson 3 60 M Miller HI! f)0 Siiiyih "R 00 MMotxIy iai IE Cross 0-w) nliaw A. ISohm WW 8H ItoUl 7,174 1 KIKTII STKKKT fUND. Smyth MW ' . . . . so 00 Walker 4f (X) Km llroa ' 333 37 Vr. I.yum &,VM (5 j Total 5,8! 32 'i. tutul 14,-W 04 ! Utter IM. iT' following Is tho list of letters reniiiln ' the poHt otllee at Oregon City, Oregon, r'Unlwr il, iwfl: Viriniii, 11 .... 1 t . 1. ....... W M Jtllllini'i'i " Nygnrd, H H Hoed, Thus 11-2 Ward, Carl H Ward, MIns Binlio Wells, W T '1 fur llj'iilinur '"I, Mrs K K Walv I f Mm Alllo f '"'K0 Jim J "", Drill i in, ii n you won't see it long after It ses you. ?. , ..a. U H....I1. In l,ll. Nor Is there giory 01 mum ... . Ing summer bear in poor coat and of no arthlr use. "Hut we might see a . Yes.xaa-tlyl I'll finish it for yeu. Tlie word waa stopped Just In time. Tho fact is, you might see a mooso or a caribou, or a deer or grouse, or duck or any one of the animals or birds which the law of the laud, of honor and of com mon sense forbids you to meddle with for a reasonable time. And, further more my friend. If you should see one of these' creatures you'd promptly try to "plug it," and that is precisely what you hive no business to do. "Lead us not Into temptation" is Rood, and "Don t lead yourself into temptation" has also merit of it own, so why not make a euro thing of it by leaving the tempters behind so they can't tempt your Outing. An Knlll Observer In Chloaa-o. It Is only in the far west probably that the old race of spittcre keep up the best practice. 1 the cities at any rate. ,ou seldom see men who tilt back In their chairs, put their heels on the dinner IbVe and take the fire iron, at 40 paces. Civilisation is progressing when you mst not talk about spittoons, but de mand that utensil under tho name of pidor." Still the moHt P''"" notice in the Woman's building is "Do So spit on tho floor." A man stood b- mo as I read this. He wore a s ouch hat, to which Buffalo Bill's would be .im p v a fashionable bonnet In 1 size, ti ck le. of rich tobacco juice wattled his Z. ,,, like a barbel', hit boot wore models for a coffin maker. Noticing, I owe say. twinkle In the fully to see that it is free from disease, it is then fed for some days on food in fected with the bacteria and tuberculosis, and afterward time is allowed for the development of the infection. The commission is to report whether meat and milk from such animals are in fective, and If so the degree to which the nse of them is likely to affoct publio health. Tho experiments, which are necossarily slow, have consumed much time. The commission met recently to consider the results so far arrived at, but the final re port will probably not be made before the autumn. In view of the care with which this work haa been done, the results will be of considerable value and may cause changes in the laws respecting the un portation of cattle Now York Sun. Th Caliph In a Fix. The caliph of Khartoom is in a bad way. He owns 700 watches, and not one of them goes. Iu 1885, when the Mahdists Invaded tho town.all tho European watctt makers left the plnco, and none of the natives understand watchmaking. To have 700 ticket s Rnd not know the time awkward, very. The caliph has sent a special messenger to Suakin to engage a watchmaker, but he has been received very coolly. The ruler of Khartoom is said to be rather quick tempered and ca pable of cutting off your head if all his watches don't keep time to the second. Petit Journal. Name. Thomaa I'hclan T II Andvraon Jnarph A Wllllg Win W-a Fred V McAdara 8 Halor John I. Krl Paul Dunn Foil Ktraua John HoHholm J H Wewer (iiHirire Hbebe V Payne Conrad Btraucr A Kaurr I'lrlch Olllwrt Eeperwn Theo Km-niiechke Jamea Psith Kiiud Paxil II II Wl.lincr W F Urayam K F.lliiKiy Jonn Epperson II Krey rlarck Harding !r P HenultiiEcr Julliia Wendlaud X Pecker M Kclaeeker K K HtMlt Oeo A Lealle T V SUtterly John Cotlce Charlca Cottee John Tavilll A Andre J Andre E fi Kelly A LARGE STOCK OF FINE TREES, FREE FROM PESTS, For fall and spring trade, 1893-94. Nursery located on Hawthorne Ave., 2 J miles from Portland. TAKE THE ELECTRIC CARS, On First and Madison, West bide, lor m. lauor, wmcn will take you to Nursery. Come and Examine Stock netore placing your orw. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Send for Catalogue and Price List. W. S. FAILING Station A., Portland Or. MENTION ENTERPRISE. OREGON CITY FENCE WORKS, Manufacturer of and dealer In all ityle of dOMBlTlof WlE AMD pU FENCE, Both rough and dressed for lawn and division fence, also Hartman Steel Picket Fence, And Wire Tanel Farm Fence, also Expanded Metal Fence Call and see Samples and get Prices. Shop over Bestows Sash & Door factory, Oregon City, Or. it v, , vi' 2 MS? Unload Your Liver Three Doses of Moore's Revealed Remedy Will Make You Feel Better. Does your back ache? Does every step seem a burden? You aoe billions. Moore's Revealed Remedy Will give you relief. Try it. For sale by all druggists. ' KARL'S How An mnThle larative and N EH V E TON la Bold liy DniirtrliM or lent by mall. 25c., 6Uc and $1.00 per package. Samplaa free. fTf flf Tbe Favorite TOOTS P0T3II IkU iiUfortbeTeeUiaDdUreaU.6o. For sale by C. G. Huntley. inn Nnt Plimh tho Hill f UM liu. WIMIIU w STOP AT George C. Ely's POSTOFFICE STORE, Elyville, - Oregon, Where you can get the highest cash price for Butter, Eggs and Other Farm Produce. 11 billed fur tilvnae ay when ndvorliwil. K. M. HANDS, V. M. "i8' "... i; ,.U alowlv and Sk BCt'at tlnn.U-turcHr There is Uh. y a -uHVic'lon of local option .ug Itod in that Utrnce. Better to have Ce on the prlndplo of some other j to ? . I-.M-h withdtit waste of printers Ink laud comuosition), meet your oye er-1 Welgh It u ot WeUh rvwhere: "No a.lmitunce. Go outl -1 w frQm jierloneUhire mines. CUicaaoCor.LondouNewi. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court ol the 8late of Oregon (or Die County n( Cliicknmaa. Jamei II. Bokkw. 1'UinlllV, V. Sl'MXONS. ItlchxrdW O'Brien, Pefendant.J To Klrhard W. O'Hrien, delvntant: In the imne of the State ol Oreuon: You are hereby required to appear and aiiBwer the com plaint Died k'Rlnt vmi In Ihe aliore named court In theahove entitled mlt. on or before Ihe first day ol the next reniilur term of aald court, Ihe nine bi'liin on MiuulHy, the 6th day of No vember, l.isiS; and If yon (all no to apper or an wer, (or want thereof the plalntllf will take judument airaliiKt you fortheaiim of three hun dred dollnra (;ui0) and lutbrent thereon at the rateol ten per rent per unniiin alneetheSlh day of December, lsWi and (or the (urther aum of fifty dollar 'n). attorney' feca In llm iiiit. and fr coau and (Unlium-menta herein; and American Hay In Europe. The first full cargo of hay ever sent from this country to Europe will be shipped to Havre in a few days per the Oormttn stouiiior Freiburr. Hay is worth . mui i-r iTtiPiJi Him tiiniii from $10 to f0 a ton in many sections Ot i ,i,.cree that the following dcscrl'ied leal estale r.n. of tliia timo. and the froicht I be auld to pnv aald uni: Allot lot 8, 4, 6,6, charge of $2.50 ier ton cuts but a slight figure in the account. Bangor Commer cial. , The wedding ring which was used at the marriage ceremony of the Duke of York and the rrmcesa Alay was given oy 7 anil 8 In block numbered !i' In the Oreifou Iron A Steel Company' first Addition to the town of Oiiweiio, iu Clackama county, itate of Oregon. Thin mimmnns I published by order of Hon. I.oval H .Steam. Judge o! the Circuit Court of the itate ol Orugon for the 4th Judicial dtitrlct. Dated September lHlh, A. D. lS!t. Jinlco T. A. McHrldenlthe Mb Judicial dis trict being absent from ('Inrkiinv county. MII.LKK i Mll.l.KK, -2!:U-8 Attorney lor PlaiutlfT. S. F. SCRIPTURE, Practical BIac?!ift AND GEN'L WORKMAN. AH kinds of Repair Work and Horse Shoeing, Executed on short notice in a work man like manner. Prices Reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop near Albright & Warner's meat market on 5th Btreet. Full line of new goods at prices lower than Oregon City. r. r. WHITK. W. A. WHIM. 8UMMOKS. In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon for the County of Clackamaa. Alice C. Hlcki, Plaintiff,) v. I G. W. Hlcki, Defendant.) To O W. Hick. Mid defendant: In the name of the State of Oreeon: You afe hereby required to be and appear In the above entitled court on or belore the (it h day ol November, ls'JS, and answer the eomplalnt filed against you In the above entitled mil. or tor want thereof the plalntllf will tnk.e a decree aualimt you for relief demanded In the com plaint, to wit: For a decree dlMolving the bondsol matrimony now existing belweeu you and the plaintiff; for thecurtodyot the minor childreu ol naid marriage, aud for cost and disbuisementa. Thi summon I made by publication In the Oreeont'lty Knterprlse by order ol Judite Loyal B Stearns, made at chamber. In Multnomah county, Oregon, MWI. -22:ll-3 on tho JOth day ol September, H. K. CKtlMS. Attorney lor flaiutlu. WHITE BROTHERS, Practical Architects & Builders. Will prepare plan, elevations, working de t .ill, and specification for all kind of build ing. Special attention given to modern eo taage. Estimate lu.rnlsb.ed on application Call on or addres WHITK B KOS . , Oregon City. Ogn JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER Corner of Front and Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a per. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him 1 EnUbliNhfd 1N6S. i; I. (hm, PIONEER Transfer1 and Ef e$, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE,